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A country where total surveillance is rapidly becoming the norm. First though we go to iran where some determined women accosting off their headscarves impossible or maybe not. Living in a free country is not something many people can take for granted almost sixty Countries Worldwide are designated partly free and forty nine is not free income persists a third of the worlds population such countries tend to have also retiree and governments but what does that mean. Power is concentrated in the hands of just a few usually a head of state and his inner circle and theyre not subject to the constraints of the law there is no such thing as free elections nor is there any real opposition Citizens Rights are often systematically cattails including freedom of speech and of the press. Iran is one such also retiring in state particularly since the Islamic Revolution of one nine hundred seventy nine the state requires religious b. D. Instrument citizens women must wear a headscarf in public but not everyones prepared to conform. Nargus or seine is apologizing to her mother im sorry i made you worry she says but you must have known what i was doing. Did you think i didnt mind her mother responds it almost seems as though you enjoyed being in prison. Today mother and daughter can joke about it a few months ago it didnt feel like a laughing matter nargus have protested publicly against the obligatory islamic headscarf but out of here to me having to wear the hijab means that other people are deciding what i should and shouldnt do. That weve been stripped of so many rights because apparently we women can decide for ourselves. But i want to decide for myself that im from a conservative religious family. At home i also protested when my parents tried telling me what i was allowed to wear. Until two years ago i wore the full body child or i love my family and i didnt want to fight with them its a long time to persuade them and it was hard work. And i achieved my goal to. Better the leftover so that. One day she came across a website called the girls of revolution street launched in late two thousand and seventeen they brought together women from across iran who were taking to the streets to protest at the compulsory his job law they waved white head scarves tied to sticks the idea of a peaceful protest appealed to nargis. I felt that if i was going to do something to further womens rights then i needed to do it now it was such a peaceful protest it wasnt something that felt frightening the main thing i was worried about was if i could climb on top of an electrical enclosure quite an ass and. She managed it on january the twenty ninth she waved her headscarf into run as you want as overdone b. And i stood there expecting to be moved along in five minutes. I was so nervous i was shaking i was just wait. Eating for a voice to say ok get down from there and eventually thats what happened. Friends and acquaintances rallied round in support while she was in detention she was given a preliminary sentence which shes now appealing follow is a hushed me wheres the job because she wants to even so she doesnt believe that women like naga should be thrown into jail for years shes been campaigning for equal rights for women roughage and when i go. The government thinks the republic of iran will collapse of the new policy is introduced in the compulsory job laws overturned but iran is no different from other dynamics societies in the state of flux. If the leadership cant adjust change it will become obsolete in my view in the. Fall as a her chemise says women should be allowed to choose for themselves if they want to wear the hijab. Recent statistics show that seventy five percent of women in iran oppose the compulsory hit job law. And if. Peaceful protesters are a good thing its a Grassroots Movement theyre expressing their opinion without resorting to violence and i support the girls of revolution street. Shop or actually jar is a day i felt the full force of the regimes anger she doesnt want to wear a headscarf either she says a rainy and women are forced to leave double line its a public one and a private one we meet her in a cafe in toronto she has a husband and a ten year old son she too took part in the protest and likewise ended up in jail he. After bad. Sent me to a court to the court but didnt didnt ask me about my bruises the judge didnt ask me what happened to your face. She was held in solitary confinement and went on Hunger Strike her parents didnt supporter they told her she had acted irresponsibly but then her father came to see her he was crying and i told you he he kissed that there in the glass. And told me that im proud of you and when the. Prison guard lady. Told him. To congress me to stop the Hunger Strike my father just told me be strong stand up and be as strong as you are. It was released on bail and is awaiting sentencing she and the other girls of revolution street will continue their peaceful protest their fight for the freedom to decide if they wear a headscarf like their country as a whole the fate of their campaign is uncertain. Another also a tarion state is the peoples republic of china its communist party has governed for almost seventy years and over that time has entered into an unwritten pact with its one point four billion citizens the state is in charge of Economic Growth which has sought luxury goods are produced and imported for an ever expanding middle class. In return the population accept some serious infringements like a Justice System thats far from independent and widespread internet censorship now its just a stones throw from becoming a total surveillance state. The town hall a flagpole and a Bulletin Board displaying photos of exemplary citizens one of whom happens to be passing by me shane is such a good role model that she first has to talk to the Party Secretary before she can answer a few questions it takes a moment. But then its ok. Here this is me. Why are you so proud of this. Your so it says that i was respectful and obedient to my parents house i have a harmonious family and ive helped other people all the people here are considered role models. Says of course shes proud to have been chosen and to have been given so many points for exemplary behavior why its worth it to get a bank loan a good school for the children or a trip everything is easier when you have a lot of points the village where michelle lives is part of a Pilot Project a gigantic social experiment that will change china this Bulletin Board shows the rules of the game you dont just get points for Good Behavior you get ranked people who get into fights or visit too many foreign websites lose points those who dont have enough points are not allowed to join the party are unable to get loans all social welfare those who do tow the party line however are richly rewarded this woman is in charge of giving out the all important points in the village the social control accountant no one knows more about the People Living here than she does and perhaps no one is is feared as she is now that it will i doubt were the points we go to every family ask them questions and gather information everyone should tell us his or her opinion of everyone else. Then we have a discussion in the village amity and choose the wrong models. Lynn says everything in the village has improved its much cleaner and more peaceful many People Volunteer to help each other out or do they just do it to get points. Well that the war from the party says that we should create a Harmonious Society and thats why we have the social Credit System now everyone pays close attention to their behavior and what they say take a look at our village inboard in that there is almost no in that news everyone is very careful with him in the the hands of the other theres a gay out here out of. A few kilometers away in wrong ching there is an integrity square and its here inside a cold glass palace that the bureau of social credit is located at some point Everyone Needs a certificate of their school so they can buy a house register a child at School Without a certificate nothing is possible in the model city of wrong chan laws and the rules of coexistence are in place elsewhere but for chinas Almighty Party thats not enough they want to control all their people and bring them in line. The regime is in secure. They always think there are people in society who want to bring down those in power. For sure theyre very afraid of losing their power. No leaders since mouth has been as powerful as chinese president and party leader. He wants to build a social credit and surveillance state in china like never seen before a type of digital dictatorship one that shows no mercy even for those who have done nothing wrong when sued for example just wants to know where her husband is a human rights lawyer arrested and missing for over a thousand days became a problem and was herself placed under house arrest her children were no longer allowed to go to kindergarten jeering neighbors gathered in front of her home and verbal abuse and her friends. No matter where you are in wrong chin no one dares speak out openly against the social Credit System which will soon encompass the entire country everyone divided into good and bad citizens. There must be a reason to do this i can explain it i just think that its rational you just have to do it. Everyones just hoping that their own social credit account will be all right and that nothing bad will happen to them. Now its time for global ideas this week its all about water which is a big issue in colombia. Is in short supply as so often the case children. Travel to. Colombia he ends does it as far as the eye can see in such an hour a dream when to get. One well for four hundred people many of them come from distant why your communities. Are colombias largest indigenous ethnic group. Recently the well its been clocking up increasingly often a man has to be lowered down into the eighteen need to deep to clean it. Is the only source of water we have so we have to keep it clean the whole Community Comes together to do that work. Theres not much work for the man in this impoverished region the women crocheted a traditional box that they will sell later. Probably any water. It hasnt rained properly for six or seven years. And thats why it looks so dry batteries. You know highlight we only have a few goats left. The animals are all dying. Theres nothing green for them to eat and i cant get any water. From my yard when i say well what do you and then it. Can be our trees marcuse could shina is the head of the village that owns the well. She serves coffee to the men who do the maintenance. We wound. Up. But her main job is as a teacher and not in a sign the closest town but one of the largest indigenous boarding schools in south america. It houses around Thirteen Hundred pupils aged between six and eighteen. Most of them are why you. Many of them have been brought here because their families are suffering from poverty and drought and on able to feed the children. The school was set up by a catholic religious order. Here the children can get food clean water and a place to sleep for free. Water is an important subject here even for these first greatest. Most of the children dont have Running Water at home instead short from one of the old wells. Why is water so important the teacher asks. That she gets the child to give her a reason to be. There that whether it was for the well water in our community is somewhat salty but weve gotten used to it but the water here in the school is very salty there now with many of the children got kidney disorders from it. Have been better now. The schools own water tank is full of dirt and pathogens. Wind and solar energy harnessed to generate electricity to run a Desalination Plant. The project was set up by all of a culture from the cologne based company n f t together with come on from the colombian for. The right. So what theyve done that check the water is pumped through several finally poured membranes to extract the salt and also to filter out the bacteria viruses and tiny impurities. The result is Drinking Water that is cleaner than the tap water in berlin. I keyed up using we found a solution thats tailor made for this environment and wed like to expand it to other places and not what he does but. We have unlimited amounts of salty water and unlimited amounts of solar power and wind energy and we have the technology for purifying water and for supplying energy so we can bring the energy side and the water side together to supply water to people in specific places in this region. The Desalination Plant cost twenty thousand euros partially funded by the german government. Ronald garcia martinas the caretaker at the boarding school is responsible for maintaining the purification plant and distributing the water today some class representatives have come to see the plant for the first time they want to understand how it works. How many trees of water does that hold. Up the plant has a capacity of fifteen hundred liters of clean water a day one thousand for you and five hundred for sale. And the proceeds go towards the upkeep of the plant right yes the money goes toward necessary or. Piers. That even considering that it tends salt water into Drinking Water its pretty small. To the infirmary in the town can only dream of this kind of clean water. The doctors obliged to use the contaminated groundwater from the courtyard. Thats the only way they can wash the instruments in the clinic which serves patients from the entire region. The ones who come here with diarrhea or gastroenterologists kids from the surrounding area not so much from the boarding school anymore. Any device that can purify the water is a huge help for the population here. Caretaker of Ronald Garcia martinez is getting ready for his weekly rounds. Hes provided the school with enough water kind of status now hes sitting out to sell the remaining five hundred liters in the town. His potential customers have already gotten in touch with them. But the price for a twenty lead to canister is two thousand pairs of around three euro cents a liter. Garcia martinas is already known locally as the. Locals are now dreaming of more Desalination Plants especially in places where children repeatedly for oil due to the contaminated water. Which is no longer the case of the boarding school an arm assigned. And now from colombia to north africa in many arab states anyone with a job can count themselves lucky use unemployment is sky high well over thirty percent in some countries genesee is a case in point especially in its rural areas and these are being increasingly targeted by islamic extremists looking for new recruits. What young people need here is hope for the. Could me say. This desert road trip has an unusual mission to inspire students in remote parts of tunisia with the music of great european composers. The project called tunisia eighty eight is the brainchild of american pianist kimball gallagher. Eighty eight refers to the number of keys on a piano. Surface yet the music projects but really beneath that its a its a whole transformational possible people can kind of realize and grow into their own potential. Both amateur and professional musicians accompany gallagher. Like shabu a well known tunisian cellist hes looking forward to performing. For me the best part of these concerts is seeing the Smiling Faces of all the young listeners because were up to scratch yours. To moxa is a small village at the edge of the sahara desert. Malek is looking forward to the visit. Of the seventeen year old is a real music lover but has few opportunities here in the region to pursue her interest. Cred you know how. To have a very powerful its really great that they go to the concert today because theres no money nothing like it available here for the kids you know conversions and the whole thing. Malik and her friends head out to the school where preparations are underway for the concert. By the thought of going to the us of getting the piano to the stage that is a bit of a challenge. To match up. But when Campbell Gallagher plays the audience gives him their full attention. For many students its the first time theyve ever seen a piano. And when tunisian opera singer Livia Ben Chico performs excerpts from romeo and juliet theyre blown away. At a bed like this is a rare occurrence in southern tunisia a part of the country where theres a heightened terrorist threat the significance isnt lost on these students. Ive never sat there because it was great to see so many different instruments and learn all about these famous composers that i said made up my goodness now. I love them but. In the final is ive been at this school ive never seen anything like this and moved. Me. I everyone happily joins in for a tunisian folk song. Music can be bonding before the schools director welcome the opportunity to host this concert. One of. Our school lawyers in an secure border region where locking many things here Teachers School supplies instruments we can offer our students many opportunities like this. To mark sun has seen better days. Tourists exploring the sahara used to come here. But now the area is considered too dangerous. Middle of love they give me notes of people rely on selling souvenirs to tourists americans and now the having a hard time feeding nationally for years it is such a sad finite if you make it up scene but as you can see. Extremists benefit from this lack of prospects. Thank you. The music project is one way to give the locals hope and broaden their minds. They even get a chance to have fun doing some amateur conducting. And students from a neighboring town get to perform a song they wrote themselves. The. V. C. Did legally leisure eighty eight isnt just a one off concert its also helping the schools set up music clubs for interested students. And. Saying were going to Work Together just trying to get more Musical Instruments said the kids here have more possibilities. And we want to change attitudes and im sure it will be successful but luckily there was no telephone. No idea some instruments and above all personal Initiative Winning combination to bring about positive change under challenging circumstances. And thats all from us this week but wed love to hear from you right to global three thousand d. W. Dot com and check out our Facebook Page Global Society see you next week goodbye. The be. Going to move. Move move move. Move move move move. Move move. Move move. Move. Move. Move move move. Move. Move move move move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Slower. Culture. Hair. Superman the be. Super food. Blog called. Letter. Lifestyle during. The last. Thirty minutes. The fears all moving the be sure link to news from africa and the world move your link to exception stories and descriptions the below some student news actually comes grammy night from funny jimmy from the news of museums and while its a damn good close match. Africa join us on facebook t w africa. Time for an upgrade. Puncher grows on buying. A house with no roof. Design highlights you can make yourself. In stoops and tricks that will turn your home into something special. A brace yourself with d. W. s interior design channel on you tube. You can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. The first six merciless for the rich but for many poor people it offers their chance of survival. And i could be lunch for today just like that. Our reporters travel to nairobi and work ends meet people who know the true value of garbage. That has created a thriving parallel economy. What does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class war the response to that statement should be yes we all start in class wont be because were. Actually destructive he could play. The rich to play the trust loser for starting june eleventh on g. W. This is d. W. News live from berlin with u. S. President donald trump clashes with his allies over trade behind the smiles tends to be canada as the leaders gather for their family photo trump says someone is missing from the picture. Also coming up the suspects in the grave and killing of a german teenager is set to return

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