For the plant ah, Everybody Knows that children are a big commitment in Financial Times to the waltz, not common knowledge. Is that making babies or effectively freezing the desire to have children can be a profitable undertaking . In 2014 a story about Big Tech Companies paying females stopped freeze the exiles make global headlines. Tech giant, apple and facebook say they will bail for employees from one place, britain who pay for their female employees to freely race, to pay for women who elect to freeze their eggs. Less than 5 years later, a major American Fertility Services firm called progeny celebrated its floatation on the stock market. The fertility sector was officially open a big and lucrative business. When i got a bill for the their race that 1st 100 miliano need when very well i was on the cover of fortune magazine. When we raised that money, health care is a Growth Business and everybody will always need health care. And as we get older, we probably will get any more healthcare. But of course, the futility world is very commercialized, already online and promoting the baby making industry now seem omnipresent. Well do everything we can to make your choice. Well kill some money, also plays around. Of course, each puncture cause in between 2 and a half to 3000. 00 euros. Thinks he, i think private equity money is interested in still at the industry for a number of reasons. When people want to have children, they prioritize their expenses in relation to be productive treatments, even if there is, if at session number one, colonial will as an over bang. I want to offer our services in countries around the world to provide it. Its legal, theres yeah, legality in the future. Sex will just be sags and childrens will be made by a i v have ended up what i read. I met Technology Entrepreneur focused on ah, health care and focus specifically on for daily d. I started getting involved with the field of for the lead, the when my wife and i had difficulties having a baby. So we enter the field though for the lead the us patients. We then successfully had 3 children. And while being a patient in the us, because this was happening in the u. S. In miami, while at the waiting room of the for the, the clinic, i felt i thought like a tech entrepreneur, this is just so poorly organized. Like i, i felt i felt for dvd could be greatly improved, a growing number of people a cane to postpone having children. And when they do want them, it often turns out to be a very difficult process. An experienced at martin vos, ascii knows 1st hand, but being an entrepreneur, he also saw a business opportunity. He became a major market. Theyre offering a technological solution to a biological problem. I think having a biological glock made a lot of sense when people died at 35, which is only a 150 years ago. We now have the 1st generation of women whos, who will spend more time in men of boss that they spend fertile. So, why should women pack all their children very early in such a long life . I think we will be able to get rid of the biological globe. By what prelude offers. Now, my kleenex, im many other clinics by. Were the Number One Group of kleenex in the u. S. O for in these, which is like freezing. We were the leader scenic freesin in the u. S. An egg freezing, he said, very good way to stop the biological clock. If you think offered the lead, the us a bread and an oven, meaning the embryo, the bread and the uterus is the oven, the problem 95 percent of him for did he the gazes of women, arb with their bread and 5 percent with the all of in the oven worse, of course, it doesnt work well. If you dont have enough eggs, people want to party and party and i have a good dime on work. Spain has the low was fertility of europe together with eat the li. So by the time spaniards want to have babies, they need to go to an i v f clinic. Many of them to give you a sense that the United States has 330000000 people. And he has 200000 ivy if cycles and spain has 45 medium people and has 800000 ivy of cycles. So spanish are due for daily di what german, sorry, the gars, i dont know its, its something that we are there for dd. The science has grown very well in spain. Spain has developed into the hot, bad fertility treatment in europe, offering lots of private clinics fall in vitro fertilization, or i the ap, when, as vos epsky puts it, theres nothing wrong with the womans oven, but the ingredients youre working with a past that sell by date theres a solution for that to exiles stored in a bank and in the middle of next year in 2012, there were no over banks in europe. I see what youre in in this house when i came from the United States. After having worked there and in italy, but then this nickel hillock, i had a number of patents related to freezing exiles devotee. And then we came up with the idea of setting up an over bank. American camera, which we opened together with our 1st fertility clinic in marcia, wouldnt be, it seemed interesting because while there were a sperm bank, there was no equivalent for exiles that are navea uncle builders in carmel audio. Therefore, man, all locals develop naturally in the to ovaries. And was thus, they receive growth stimulation from a hormone called f. S. H o. Ramona get an ace will shut. As im, eliasis yet is fully grown. Could is, the follicle grows and grows it, and when the egg inside it is mature and reaches the size of 18 millimeters, mitchell, it bursts open, and the egg separates itself from the ovary, then alive, ah, equal in that follicle is discharged during ministrations in renew. Follicles are created, they are stimulated by the f as h hormones, and while many follicles are created laws, the f s age is deficient for just one single follicle willow which continues to grow while the rest of the mast shall have disappear. Yes, if that follicle keeps on growing and the egg detaches itself and migrate along the fallopian tubes and leaves the body naturally via ministration on them as well. Ah. The format, if you look into ther that most, we artificially administer the f. S. H hormone solo, fully glucose, so that not just one follicle grows, but all of them total of legal. Once the follicles are 18 millimeters wide ammonia, we take the patient in the surgery books. Hm. And im in there. I isnt, it didnt. We then puncture the follicles to remove the fluid, and the, i will know this was fully gross, extra. And then in the lab, will we extract the exiles even throw in a low on i thought you go ahead closer social brush. Ah, de la solos q anomaly, gather all the eggs that the woman would otherwise have discharged . Yes, but so in that sense, its a harmless process. It is older than a woman will lose 4050. 00 or 60 eggs every single month. Miss is quite enough in gwinnett, that is in dollars that is going to and they see it by her late thirties and a womans egg cell count is low, is stuffy, which is sad, but thats why were here or not. But this is what we do is icicle mid motion. That if you rep legal at that hes fit, but his law is natalie. I leave out on the hopper her, were now going to puncture the follicles you see in black us sin. Lucky. So in order to extract the egg cells of that, i have no soul of by the fi novels, were bringing the needle into position angels, he loss, and then well puncture the follicle unfold equal in the 1990 is the dutch government launched a campaign complete with tv commercials, gold smart girls prepare for the future. The idea was doing courage, young women to become economically independent by planning ahead and making a career for themselves. I was yellowstone own sale of the 1st thing in the family told me to phone good to him. So you kind of, nathan, think me who just measured, elevated goodness, down in human life is what i do. Ghost for the day these days. Women who wish to postpone having children can have that eggs frozen and stored for the future. This cafe in the netherlands was set up specifically to in on women about this option. Evidently, the new motto is smart girls prepared to freeze time. Well formed welcome to kind of ends cafe for women who want to freeze naked our faces. It kept in please. Darcy, black. I added pictures to the presentation all to make the magic easier to appreciate. Vernon expert here design now for estates mirror weighs. Its like a growing number of women are seeing the fertility decrease with age and a sticky. The elder you were out of the low, your chances of getting pregnant would you been meet . Youre not fertile forever. Earlier than a duke mentor. All out Sex Education in secondary school is mainly focused on how not to get pregnant me to a her mood, florida. We dont, nobody talks to aunt is about. Uh, without me much it may. Yeah. I know. We spend so much time trying to prevent unwanted pregnancy that weve forgotten the other side of Family Planning and actually telling and educating women about the impact of time on their biological options. And if you look at the strategies in the campaigns to reduce unwanted pregnancies and teenagers, they be hugely successful. But have we failed a generation of women that have now got into their forties and decide they now want to have children and realized that the biology has been against them. Stewart ivory is a london based fertility specialist. Many women have come to him seeking ivy f treatment, only to discover that they had left things too late. Love re started his own private clinic offering his climes the technology for freezing the egg sounds. The huge thing that women of had to deal with for generations is the age related. Biological clock that has been ticking and the science is currently available to allow those women the options storing the eggs potentially to use them in the future. And i think probably the clue is to sing to this is what happened in the 19 sixties and early 19 seventies. With the advent of the oral contraceptive pill that gave women power, he gave women choice and autonomy over their own reproductive lives. About deciding when maybe they didnt want to have a baby. This Technology May be the flip side of that coin. And it may be the ultimate in Family Planning to allow you to have a baby at the time of your choice. Or hell, how would you, a lot of women i know, dont want to have made a commitment at a certain age shane to leave, to be in my career. I want to Career Education options for further development and to travel others, but theyre held back by biology here and i couldnt be in that. I was here on the tunic, but when i was in my early thirtys, i wasnt thinking about having children with me. I thought there was still time for prince charming to turn up until you get older and then you realize things all evades. Welded again, neurons. I know i want children, but not until i grew up to code van scott. Clover, sometimes i realized that i am already pretty grown up colburn. Think that yeah it is. I think its weird. Everybody knows it in there, but its just like you said, i wasnt thinking about it when i was 30. The other took the only to over. Now, whats really attracted me to this field of egg freezing has been my experience in looking after women coming in at age 42, trying for their 1st baby. And their reality of us being able to help those women and help them have a baby at age 42, its really low. And its not unusual for women to say to me, i wish i to froze my eggs at 28. And i could use them now and have a really high chance of having a baby. Oh, no, sir. Almost all the follicles are empty to storing your eggs for the future is a relatively new option. In the netherlands, for example, its been legal for only a decade. Women for whom it was too late to have the eggs frozen can still turn to enrique crowder, a spanish embry ologist who had the clever idea of establishing a dont a bank. They say a lady, this is the shipping department, me where the containers are prepared, open about a law continuity. It made the laws say all or didnt we put the egg cells in the containers, it case and make sure theyre sent to the right clinic skills and merciless over meaning which she map which is in with math. We have a lot of patients outside spain, looking for an egg, cell donation, deeply dahlia from the likes of italy, britain, france. Lemme germany and the netherlands. Forget and gathered by those countries all have different laws in which a pe he says let his la fiona opera e bay. In many countries, exile donations are illegal or rendered extremely difficult by law or noise which has not an or there arent enough donors. Athena is this asked, so patients from those countries come to spain, because we do have enough. Were going to the street, the name on which ive been. Im. Why is that yuckiness pena love . Ive been doing this here in spain for years. Lasagna. E. Oh yeah. Well, im in there these days, you wont find a woman around the age of 20 who doesnt know what an exiled donation is. It, you know, shape. I look is love enough numbers. And its been yes and the bane youre allowed to use ads to find donors kind of an m mm. Ah, well, an opening, the oval bunk was like opening pandoras box. We had no idea what the repercussions would be about a matter of a yeah, even nobody ever do that. My debate has a great geno topic diversity. I lucels vivian don, norway was vivian we have russians. Norwegians, he does spaniards italians, austria french, and austrians over 150 nationalities here. Dad esteemed us in the financial terrace. Look for professional. So when assigning donors, we make sure there is a similar to the patient as possible. I shop if a patient is blonde with blue eyes and we wont give her a brunette donor lent him audi, none of us needed. Mm hm. Mm hm. What can you tell us about the value . Do exiles have a specific value . No fiddle. It well fiddle in legal terms, they have 0 value as well, or exiles dont cost anything and you cant buy or sell them without me been there. But here i am nowhere well, in europe, at least i can in order, but it totally isnt which much its more commercial and the u. S. A low exiles cost money. There may be 5000. 00 for example. Think i mean though, that is brian gemelli that bordeaux know, how do you determine the value of an egg . So in this 1000 me up in the us eggs from an intelligent blond woman with blue eyes from california cost more than those of a brunette from miami. Morena call home at on a one donor costs more than the other. Go to moscow, and why . Its a question of supply and demand. The debt by myself in allocate years, le leave elevations, will pay 20. 00 or 30000. 00 for a blonde donor from california. I mean, but only 5000 for a donor from miami because of the lower appeal to them. That is parties to the miami. Not because men are separate a feeler. Its a different world and envisioning johnny me now from cambridge in the u. K. As dr. Lucy van to will a Research Associate at the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at Cambridge University and author of freezing fertility. Lucy, thank you so much for your time. So with this new research should we start regarding the age of 35 as a fertility cliff . The question of 35, those are very much and not just the biological question, but the social question. Its linked to a history of being out of concern around the biological clock. And that issue provided lucy, font of you is conducting a study on how our ideas and actions concerning fertility are changing. Thanks to these new technologies builders enabling women to turn back their biological clocks. Whats really interesting about a craving has that has changed our idea and our feeling around fertility. So, and there is the sense that we kind of become infertile earlier because the decision about and should you treat yourself. Now in order to avoid infidelity in the future, is something that has become relevant that increasingly early ages. And at the same time, the idea that when increasing wasnt available, the idea that at some point, you lose your fertility and thats over, is now also changing in character because it can become something that only i trees frozen my eggs. Or i could have conceived a child now, or im trying to get pregnant and it doesnt work if only id frozen my eggs 10 or 5 years earlier. So there is this kind of dynamic that there is a, there is more agency around it and a different experience of fertility or something that, in fertility becomes more relevant early around, but also fertility stays relevant later on in life as well. And the anal whos acre, the only certain de youre buying is having a chance later in life that you normally have now to help. So thats the only certainty youre buying, you called in fit and mm, what happens with ex raising is that, that more uncertain idea around shifted to you, or the idea that you have to manage it. Rather than that, its just a given is something that comes with an increased sense of risk and, but also in order to mitigate that risk, you become dependence. You become dependent on technology, you become dependent on companies, you become dependent on doctors. And so i think while sometimes its presented as a way of being empowered, you also become more dependent. And it also means that you have to then invest in and undergo a particular medical risks and also Financial Risks in that respect. So yeah, its definitely a double edged sword. Its a, its an old. Well, the only thing that brings up my next concern. May you decide to have exiles frozen, otherwise no happen and said, no, it doesnt really impact your life. Her. I always thought i frozen my eggs and now well see what happens. And as he madell and but at some point i realized i did it for a reason maam. You happen to have to put them to become a mother the like milk mother that makes it more real and it might as im a ville, you get the feeling i said a so now i should perhaps also say b and b gave me reassurance, but not as long as i had hoped in rosemary, my niece, her long article hope from i was just a new blog. I come over one of the reasons that i almost didnt do a shot at this dog. Was that having the option of getting pregnant up until i was 49 unsettled me . Didnt new car. Ok, thank you. You live here, which by near, because either its meant to be, or its not a federal each. Melanie, to a lot of boxes on my way to having the option was a luxury problem mobile from joseph. It made it difficult to make the right decision. And so i made him look, i couldnt stop thinking about it if need to go might that if and to be honest, i still cant even now and say to the source i forwarded, dr. Dang d at. And we have big essentially, youll postponing a decision in order to have more time to think about it. Last anchor. Yeah. Am happy youre creating a see if times a year are new or to think about it, which is what bothers may. I also thought it might calm my mind to decide not to do it and close that chapter. I think it does bring extra pressure and extra choices on women and a low usually i think having choices a good thing, theres no doubt that sometimes choice brings more anxiety. But there is a concern around the commercialization of fish because many women that are freezing will not need the eggs. They will get pregnant, the Old Fashioned way with a partner. And so we have to be very careful about persuading women to do this. When most women probably wont need it, and i do have concerns where organizations run purely as commercial businesses where the drive may be to advertise based on fear. And thats certainly not the right way we should be handling this. Hes known as the with glossy online commercials target hip millennials wanted to be sure that everyone knew that they can freeze their egg, just like everyone know that they can get their boobs, that the marketing promise is guaranteed fertility in the future. While binding about catch words like Self Determination and empowerment. All with an appealing veneer of viable success. In the u. S. They have some companies that really try to shift the focus from the group that currently freezes their eggs to a Younger Group of women. And so the idea is that they would convince women say even in their twenties to freeze their eggs, sometimes this is explained with an idea of peak fertility. So rather than freezing facility in general, they say you should treat your facility when youre at your peak. And then they would use marketing techniques, like for example, one company has a facility fans that like little bus that drives through city centers in new york and San Francisco for example. And then they also offer free facility testing. So women can then have their hormones checked to see how far its out there i am. And so thats, thats one way in which its presented. And then one of the things that they say, for example, in that context would be, youll never be more for hotel than you are today. So theres really that sense of, you have to capture your fertility now before its too late. And if you are never more fertile than you, id stay and every day youre virtually losing your facility. So there, its kind of instilling the sense of urgency and its often combined with a sense of empowerment like. And we are empowering you to take control of your biological clock. But theres also the instilling of concern about it. Maybe there wasnt any concern before if you talk about a company that would like to have more patience then at this would be a way of recruiting more people and making more people into patients. Making babies used to be cheap and still is, but most people in the bedroom at no cost. But were now may to think that we need to invest in our fertility for later. Its a market that plays on our fears about the future. A kind of insecurity capitalism. I think private equity money is interested in a facility and history for a number of reasons. And one of them would be ag, freezing. And, but also because fertility treatments in general are becoming more popular across the world. Some more people are using all signs, all sorts of a productive technologies. And its also something thats called an, with resistant to the recession. And if a, if a key goal of a fertility clinic or Fertility Group is to grow than increasing off as an opportunity to do that because he can and have more patients coming in for increasing. Specifically, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service or be pass is a Charity Organization aiming to offer an alternative to the growing commercial fertility industry that makes so much money from peoples hopes and fears. For over 50 years, be passed helped women to terminate unwanted pregnancies. But today it is literally building a non profit Fertility Service for ivy f treatment and freezing excellence. Well have 3 beds here and then the nurses station. They are 7 looking after the patient. And then we will at collect and the tips with the fluid will be passed into the lab. Here for us to look for the ado off. Yes, this is going to be a door for this. The, this is going to be the case 1st. Not for profit i be of service. This is the, this is the hub. Its very exciting. I had the bit of a problem with the issue that the private patients were paying in and then a chest setting. The prices that are being asked for in the private sector and a lot of the financial gain that the hospital was making was being used to supplement other departments and often, atheist, the doctors that oh, the medical doctors that own the Fertility Services or that get the financial gain out of it. And in my view, you know that, that, that, thats something that im very uncomfortable with. Yeah. Mm hm. Once youve started the treatment, its impossible to get out of it. You are in a conveyor belt. So if people are offering you things that might help, its basically impossible to say no. And those often come with an extra cause. So its difficult for patients to budget for their fertility treatment and you know, wave thing that, that these parts of the challenge that people go through or swell the financial burden and the financial implications of not knowing how much money theyll have to pay one fertility specialist in britain times to have an even better solution for freezing eggs and an alternative to the painful procedures otherwise involved on professor. So im official. I come from a background in i v f in vitro fertilization. Being around at the very beginning over 40 years ago. And part of the worlds 1st ivy clinic, in fact, when louise brown became the worlds 1st ivy at baby in 1978, it was wide spread outrage a baby conceived in a test tube or to be more precise in a petri dish. But that opposition never deterred that. Then young doctor, simon vishal, hes now planning to market a treatment originally used to help female Cancer Patients retain their fertility of which is now commercially available for any young woman we live in a world. This is how fast the world is changing. We live in a world where we can freeze eggs. But it was only about 10 years ago that you couldnt really freeze eggs. You could do it, but was unsuccessful. It wasnt, it wasnt efficient enough for you to offer it as a proper medical procedure. So there was no option to freeze x. So what people were doing years before that they were taking a bit of ovarian tissue because we know that where the eggs are and a woman is born with all the eggs that shell ever have. In fact, shes born with a lot more than she needs may be about 2000000 and over time they start to deteriorate. She gets to the men are poor, shes got none left. So a woman has this pool of eggs that we call it. Now when she got a pool of eggs, it was believed that you could take that full of eggs and you could take some of the ovarian tissue out you could cut it up into tiny little pieces. I freeze it. Years later, when she wanted our children, you would take out the ovarian tissue, put it back into the same woman, and it would stop producing eggs. Those eggs could be fertilized and shes fertile. So they have preserved her fertility. Theres another problem out there. Not just preserving fertility. Now heres the interesting thing. If you want to restore your fertility, then you put it back near the reproductive organs. So you can try to conceive naturally. But if you just want it to restore your hormones, you dont need to put it back near the reproductive organs. You can put anywhere where theres a blood supply. And you could actually put under the armpit, for example. And as long as it has a blood supply, it will kick start within about 3 months, and it will stop producing the hormones. One revolution has barely been absorbed, and the next miracle is already being announced. The freezing of ovarian tissue, a development that would make it possible to delay the menopause. Simon official is one of britains leading fertility specialists. According to him, the waiting list all long probably its worth thinking that maybe the best we can do at the moment might be to prevent the men of course, coming on for maybe 20 years. Even though you know, lets say it should have started when you were 50 and youd frozen your tissue. When youre 30, you may get enough opportunity to keep your hormones going to prevent the men or pause, maybe until youre 70 in increasing has revolutionized explanation as well. So thats m moving eggs from one woman into another woman. And so previously you need to have 2 women in the same room around the same time in order to do that procedure. But now that you have frozen eggs and you can move the eggs across time and across space. So technically, a woman can donate her eggs in one country, and a woman can receive those eggs in another country if the exit shipped in liquid nitrogen tanks and from one place to the other. And, but you can also have much greater distance in time. So a woman may donate her eggs and another woman might received of eggs and maybe 10 years later, you get a very different dynamic in terms of what a donation is. And to what extent women and get to know each other and, and how they choose an act down or for example, go on go. Theyll willows as well as an over bank. We want to offer our services in countries around the world, provided its legal barriers. If youre an arab countries, for example, its still illegal, is telling me that im going up in the world. But humbler alimony and germany is one of the countries in of where the situation is unclear. Whip indians this while sperm donation is permitted their rulers exile donation is prohibited him in. Although thats that to change more he mean door, but effect immediately if they were to amend the law to morrow monica, and make exile donation. Legal is if we would definitely open an oval bunk there it would. I mean think yes, thatll work until you find you in 10 years will be operating in every country where exile donation is possible. Then i feel the failure to convert everything went up on them. We have 50 these containers are special. Im when up a they contain patented electronics, which we used to track the ag cells. Once theyve been shipped out, im all of the club. One of our partners can do the same with the help of an app is that it is this full application. No application was for them, better protect the shipment. They can see the conditions where they like the atmospheric pressure and the humidity less gip, and this is interesting to me that the containers dps location something lapaul she few on gps the then the container is them as we export a very large number of exiles data and so your spreading spanish genes across the well as time will give on the left and the biggest sure or that the plan is o bushel bristow. Every new born baby will play the guitar and sing flamenco. Think on you data a. Got done. The flamingo a bit. Oh enough. But a mess up out of it. But seriously, we, it makes us really proud that these patients have been able to become parents with a little help from us. Yes. How bochita and funky took on rest . Are you that . No, ah many people feel a fertility is not a huge pressing problem because for the last 30 years weve been talked about be worried about over population. Limit the number of babies people should be happy. But the reality of the new world is their populations are shrinking. Women are having fewer babies and theyre having babies later. So the populations of italy are shrinking. The population of the u. K. Will level out very soon. Even china, that country that has been so worried about over population and brought in legislation to control how many children you could have. China have realised theyve got a big problem in the future. Their population will be leveling before the end of the century. So china is now the world center of fertility treatment. People may be surprised to hear that there are more ivy f centers in china than in any other country in the world. And this is something we all need to be aware of. That actually it makes economic sense for us to replenish the population that are gonna become taxpayers and gonna look after all of us in our old age and pay our pensions and governments are becoming aware of. Mm hm. So where does this leave governments, lucy, when it comes to encouraging women to have children . Yes, i think thats a very important question because we need to think about it. He has not only a biological or an individual issue, but its also a social and political issue. And he see for example, that x racing has sometimes offered by government who try to increase the birth rate. So certain areas in japan, for example, i have paid for women to freeze their eggs in the hope that they will then have more children in other areas i, b, f is and promoted as a way of increasing the birth rate. And sometimes this is coupled to a nationalist or an anti immigrant rhetoric. So we see that, for example, in hungry where victor or ben has taken to do the, to clinics under government control. And is offering fee of under the rubric of we dont want immigration, human procreation. So we see that fertility and i v f is politicized in many different ways. Me once i was invited by the king of spain and he asked me, what do you think the biggest problem of spain . Nice. And he thought i was going to say the independent movement. So the youth unemployment. And i said, these countries not having babies and youre not going to have a kingdom, theres not going to be people in your kingdom. Theres not going to be people in spain. And indeed, very say, very, the only reason theres people in spain is thanks to immigrants and massive immigration. By the way, im oversee 40 migration. Im a m m immigrant. Everywhere. Ive been any me granting the u. S. And immigrant in spain, but and i speak as an immigrant, but having said these, i dont think this solution to a gun tree can be to have your need, the population disappear and only have immigrants. I mean, i think the solution has to be some combination of more babies and immigrants. The only institutions that have decided the bay for their freesin. Are they state of israel, an apple phase, polk, microsoft, google, all the largest us corporate. The also be for a free scene. So i think its quite interesting that that the large corporate and east road came to the same conclusion that it was a good thing for women to decide when to have a baby bad. Nobody else did. We shouldnt lose sight of the causes of fertility issue. It is lifestyle to some extent, but its also very much environmental to we live in a toxic world. We can avoid the problems of the air we breathe to the food we eat, are having or, and its generally estrogenic competing compounds that we call them. And the crying, bending compounds, tingler crime, changing compounds. Theyre affecting our fertility. Theyre affecting men, sperm counts are affecting toxicity around the, the fluid around womens eggs. So we do live in a, in a world or were you, you combine the age at which a woman wants to start to get it to have a child with a toxic world. And thats one of the big reasons why our fertility is going down. Are you feeling good . Now . We found 14 eggs else, which is a great deal. Know hell soil praising. Thats good news. Right. Definitely good. New store, saker. Yeah. Yeah. The yes. That was my main worry wanting understand. Agree. Hello. Fresh. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. If youre told to neg, 14, yeah. With air. So if its going to get a weird thing the time it goes really have produced 14 eggs and i feel like a chicken mister kip. This is for hotel. Yes. Congratulations. Dont thank you. I guess. Thank you for yall to Great Results to someone of your age and i know how the material someone that only manage one or 2 eggs as well. So youve done very well for them. Im 26. 00 forever to 26. 00 plus. Yes. So my i bought the me ah, veto india all the food you need produced by yourself. Its made possible by aqua panics, a hybrid cultivation system. Small households are already successfully using it. Now an entire community and corolla wants to become self sufficient. So how does actual paintings work . Eco, india. In 30 minutes on d. W for 70 years, she was a great comfort during Turbulent Times for minnie bridge. Queen elizabeth the 2nd, a devoted monarch who gave every thing for her country, and she was love for it. Now her son charles has ascended the throne. I shall strive to follow the inspiring example. I have been since focused on your b 90 minutes on d w. The landscape, a reflection of a turbulent history. The cities, the mosaic of different people and languages. The rons mountains reveal unparalleled beauty. Ah, a special look at a special country he loan from above start september 16th on d, w. Ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, a show of support for ukraines european aspirations. Each chief, also a funder line, arrives in the capital, keep the talks on the close. The integration of ukraine into a new structure. A visit comes a day

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