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Now virtual ghost town its all for the last two years little has been done to change that despite the one and a half billion euros already paid out by brussels and aid and the hundreds of millions by rome that has yet to appear former camerino residents like elder and the army can do little more than look on while what was once home alls ever more deeply into disrepair. You know what we used to cool camerino the candy parks we didnt even realize how beautiful the place was and now that its gone. And under a nice stands in front of the place she called home for more than fifty years until the adequate two years ago made her entire city uninhabitable now its too dangerous to go beyond this point. On the doorstep of her old house memories come flooding back. Through we were at the center of everything there was so much life in the evening so many students it was difficult to fall asleep because the streets were so busy now its difficult to sleep because i dont hear anything everything has changed before there was too much noise now theres too much silence. Once full of life come airiness historic santa has turned into a ghost town elder lost her home and what used to be her pride and joy her familys Clothing Store this is all thats left of it. How much time i spent here inside this shop. Most of the buildings are not completely in ruins but uninhabitable and in danger of collapse despite the promises made by italys politicians the reconstruction of camerino has been on hold for the past two years at ninety one years old elder fears she will never be able to return home. Makes me sad i have no hope of ever coming back i am its not possible it would take too long and im running out of time. The going to love love of you jan look up past the mayor of camerino understands his citizens desperation he feels forgotten by rome as well. Talk with them the people of camerino are suffering were all suffering the mayor is suffering too i only have five people in the public Technical Office for reconstruction thats not acceptable for a city thats been destroyed as much as this. Plague most former residents elder and her husband bruno were moved into provisional housing a few kilometers outside camerino this is the kitchen. The couple has tried to turn the valley forty square meter flat into something resembling a home but life here still feels unsettled and somewhere to stay its not a new home. We cant get anything better than that unfortunately or. To keep some of the spirit of camerino alive the community has build a new makeshift city center. These are new shops of camerino. Elder feels less lonely coming here where she spends time with her son gianluca who runs her shop now in the jungle. The European Union supported the country with a total of one point two billion euros for emergency relief and the reconstructions of shops like this one but the citizens of camerino say they have barely seen any of that money. Its a shared tragedy. That it wanted to sions dont care about us they dont care they dont think about those who suffer theyre fine so one if the man responsible is look at it he surely the president of the region however insists that his office is doing everything it can. With. Were doing our best to stay on track and take responsibility for the delay and reconstruction of what we continue to work every day in our reach we have a lot of people who are more than one hundred years old and we hope the senora reaches that age as well and can go back home but the Historic Center will inevitably take the longest to rebuild inevitably meant if you. Back in camerino. Goes to the tach as often as possible everyone here has lost their home they are all hope that city will be rebuilt in the coming years but al there fears it might be too late for high. End of my strength is starting to come to an end. Now that prays that had children and grandchildren will be able to return to their home. Russia has the highest rate of incarceration of any european country four hundred two people per one hundred thousand are behind bars there compared to seventy five in germany or sixty one in the netherlands and the conditions in those prisons are reported to be hell on earth most International Rights groups are denied access to them and even russian journalists have difficulty getting an accurate picture of life inside a reporter talked with yevgeny marker off a man who was tortured by his guards who filmed the vicious abuse. Dance in a russian penal colony abusing and beating an inmate until he is unconscious. It was recorded by another guard. After his release the former inmate told of his ordeal. With the Community Get together in the garden and watch it drink beer and have snacks and laugh it up. Eighteen Prison Guards were implicated russians was shocked the video was shared millions of times. Now some of the guards are under investigation. The public pressure eventually led to have game a car of gaining his freedom. With support from his friends hes trying to build a new life not easy for x. Cons in russia even without such traumatic experiences he also lives in fear of retaliation the accused guards feel humiliated. At the same ground and the system crossed the line long ago they shot that video for their own amusement for their bosses its part of their job its a war for that what they really read only one of the guards says to the camera its a war here every day like they were playing war games to him its normal to beat inmates until they cant answer. Any more the pity after the video came out even his lawyer karina better you began to fear for her life she received Death Threats causing her to take her daughter leave the country in july twenty eighth seen. Now shes back in russia. More poignant story at us is up there on yet we realized this video would put a lot of penal system officials under pressure. Couldnt have escaped the notice of the prison directors and higher level of authority as. We assume they knew what was going on so we knew they would be after us but that they would do it so directly and viciously that was a whole new level. But at the book that much at the. Center violent images were made public so many people have called on irina for help that she can hardly handle the case load help is also provided by the Civil Rights Organization jailed russia its director journalist or go to man of a currently runs operations from berlin over skype rational thought is had repeatedly searched her office and try to intimidate her so she fled to safety in germany. In the past five years people have been tortured and imprisoned just for expressing their views. Or for reposed. Or just for explaining their ideas. She speaks from personal experience her own husband Alexei Kozlov once a successful businessman was sentenced to several years in prison but had committed no crime she was afraid he might be killed and paid huge sums of money to protect him she says many of the guards bleed the Business People behind bars for all theyre worth. While we got there i watched whole towns have grown up around prisons and prison camps because there arent any other jobs there in siberia there was none. Some of the camps have existed for seventy years whole generations have grown up with them there are farmers who dont keep any cows anymore because its easier to milk the prisoners everyone profits from the camps. She explains that todays penal colonies are a legacy of the soviet gulags torture is commonplace as are blackmail and right its hardly feasible to reform the system it would have to be totally rebuilt walk oh actually the gulags were founded in the one nine hundred thirty s. Russia hasnt had a Prison Reform for a hundred years but even by any other name its still a good luck. Russias penal colonies are a world isolated behind high fences a state within a state they function according to their own rules often the many ns of the state are more like criminals and the inmates themselves and the prisoners are at their mercy entire distance of guns rule over them. This is their system ever get him a cut off has taken on but he doesnt feel brave on the contrary. They dont all but im afraid for my life because i can expect anything to happen. They have no sense of guilt and they feel theyre above the law. But he wont be intimidated the public spotlight may well be his best protection at least the videos of brutality have set an investigation of the penal system in motion that has never happened like that in russia before. Southwestern france is seeing a battle to preserve one of the nations most treasured sites in the dirt donya a valley one long recognized as remarkable for its well preserved nature and the exceptional Cultural Heritage there in the form of medieval castles and renaissance palaces but regional planners did not take them into consideration when laying out a massive Infrastructure Project that cuts through the very heart of the donga and that has led to some unusual alliances and places like they knock. Dont massacre the door dont you valley thats what this huge sign says it was put up by chateau owner klaver also known to protest a new highway now under construction right underneath his window in this beautiful part of france. And something more the im angry because the road will ruin this landscape also this entire region where i grew up and that is so dear to me the sooner. The landscape has remained untouched since the middle ages nicholas to stem the pneumonia nice to play this year. It looks to be an uphill battle but in his fight against the highway clipper is joined by someone whose path youd otherwise probably never cross a bricklayer and radical environmentalist cost he too grew up in this region and hes vowed to protect this valley no matter what form within a few. Im a fuck up. This is a massacre. Crime its up about cost is my life on the line with little to fight this and the others will join our fight or would have only about the construction work and bring everything to a stop. The activists face a formidable adversary the door dont your local council which has so far dismissed their objections. And although the valley is a designated unesco by a sphere reserve authorities insist on building the road which will be the Political Editor for that we called certainly have traffic jams that pollute the am busy and trucks traveling through the area are a safety hazard public with them so we need to do something. Very many shops and restaurants along the main thoroughfare in bay knock so we really need to bypass that oh it is all good the most important thing to do with not. But building the bypass wont be so simple for several months now cost and other like minded activists have camped out in this stable here theyre plotting the resistance they want to establish a defense zone an area they intend to occupy to block the construction project more and more initiatives like this are popping up across france some targeting factories others Budget Hotels the protest initiatives to bring together activists from all walks of life the most famous blockade was set up near known for many years environmentalists occupied a site earmarked for a new airport ultimately the french government caved in and shelved the project. Society is slowly realizing just how important the environment is. Stress theyve conducted thorough Environmental Research ahead of the project the plan is to line the road with thousands of newly planted trees the lead engineer ants that the two new bridges across the door dont your river crucial for reducing traffic in the town of a knock will go down in architectural history this is the new was that with it was it will be like a piece of art like the eiffel tower or the glass pyramid or the loo of a building something modern can have its appeal. Could you feel he pulled it all travel here to admire two wonderful new bridges report on the long been taken for his. But clear bellicosity on and cost have valid to prevent this at all costs by joining forces the two over time have even grown to appreciate each other every day ridiculous the. Trust that but what youve got to give the class struggle a rest once in a while. Then the evil mother one of my friends dont want to hear that. But after all a chateau not takes care of his assets circuit television. Is not an ideological argument think. Hes very pragmatic and thats what i like about him if it up i think you know. Youre an equal part in the united in this fight ive never experienced anything like this. The two wont go so far as to call each other friends but thats secondary what matters to them now is their joint struggle to preserve their beloved daughter dont your family. In our just in time production and distribution world most of us have become happily accustomed to following our packages online as they wind their way to our doorstep thats thanks to a tracking chip or similar to the one thousands of swedes have decided to inject under their skin these personal chips can be scanned in stores or used to board the train or bus alou of a ticket no more worries about losing your wallet plenty though about losing your privacy but for people like eric frisk privacy cant be can be its. Design a eric frisk doesnt need a key to unlock his door it opens and. In fact he doesnt even need a key card or a fingerprint he just swipes a digital reader with the back of his hand. Or a invisible door unlocked it is hidden between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand a microchip that frist had implanted under his skin. With his girlfriend recently had herself chipped as well. It has many other uses besides unlocking the door it may be a winner. They can also store iti kates for the train for example. And thats just the beginning for this couple but i think the interesting thing is when the chips start getting smarter and start having you know sensors and things like that so instead of just opening a door maybe i can have continuously record my body temperature my blood sugar level etc etc. And actually give me useful information about my body if the stockholm subway system also has plans to modify their turnstiles so they can be opened with implanted chips over thirty five hundred swedes now have microchips under their skin over triple the number from a year ago. Surveys show that young people in particular are open to Digital Innovations very few worry their data could be misused they have great confidence in their government and all far it is. Implanting parties are the latest trend in stockholm sweden as digital elite meet for a couple of glasses of wine and a chip under the skin the operation costs about one hundred fifty euros and its no more painful than having your ears pierced say those already chipped. They see only advantages to it. For nothing to hide im still so so so show on social media. Company i tell every stories down to a story teller. Own kind of trackable already so it doesnt matter. But im not afraid of that i dont im are afraid of and everything become seeing the set of having credit cads and sense that everything is here and basically in my body not everyone takes the idea so casually a European Union study warns that implanted microchips could carry some risks they could be used to form behavioral profiles of their whereas you may well be sacrificing privacy for efficiency swedens Data Protection activists are also calling for caution as an adopter should suppose because even if its in terms of Data Protection there is always risk involved in the handling of personal data depends on what Safety Measures are taken to protect the data for shits and women just fess forensic and to determine that a risk analysis should be conducted before using these chips. For bend it chips santa anas to learned sees no need for risk analyses hes certain the trend cant be stopped a foresees chips implanted not only on hands but in heads to anyone not optimized in this way will be left behind. In thirty years time theres a pretty clean break between. Organic people and nonorganic using or utilizing technology to enhance themselves just like people say no health care today. Eric frisk and his girlfriend have opted to have themselves digitally enhanced they argue that medicine has implanted Electronic Devices in people for decades now. But it makes you know like if you look at a pacemaker thats thats a really invasive thing right. I think well get to a point where were doing similar kinds of things to improve ourselves to make ourselves even better stronger healthier etc. So i mean i would be ready to try quite a lot of things if if the technology was but sure enough for sure a little champ under the skin is just the beginning for this young couple and many others more sweets are getting chipped every day. Are you ever a completely aggravated by some of the problems in your town or city about things like potholes in the streets for example while anton shermans lives in brussels and decided he was going to personally do something about those problems his vision of a Better Community even if it isnt miniature and his unique floral arrangements well theyve garnered plenty of fans. For the. Twenty nine year old anton schumanns works as a project coordinator hes also something of a do gooder. He started out in a brussels summer bus car make his ideas and proposals are here for all to see in a miniature version of his neighborhood that he built himself. He has one main point in general mobility mobility or a brothel sucks sorry to to say it in the way but in the capacity on buses and trams its not safe to travel through the city by bike actually it all started with flowers. They were his Sweet Smelling rebellion against brussels treacherous streets if you travel through these if you drive through these kind of potholes. Theres a very bumper a row specially its quite dangerous for me as a cyclist but also for elderly people there should be a cycling lane but if you come over there you have a lot of speed because its much higher so youre travelling quite fallen and then these things are really dangerous. And john planted his first flowers in april by autumn he planted more than two hundred. They got the message across the city fixed most of the potholes within a few days especially when you have no power here with your buggy. Or a. Kid to see that you did not fall in these things. Local politicians take a positive view of his activism even ask him to get more involved in Community Politics and tom has obliged and hes always ready to give a three d. Presentation of his ideas. Or looks like there are a lot of ways to say it with flowers thats all for this edition of focus on europe im brian thomas for all of us here thanks so much for being with us and until next week so long. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. Blah. Blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah. Blah. Blah blah. Blah almost road rage duramax just fine most popular countries to visit. The many faces some very lovely time. And in winter country by the this is. Another call to europe every day very strange to come on top of the moment some on about thirty minutes on d. F. W. Told. Us we make up over a week or tons of coffee that kind of educators we are the Civil Service and. The want to shape the continents future. Part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. The seventy seven percent of. Platforma africa is charging. Time for an upgrade. How about funded sure that grows on buying. A house with no loot. Or design highlights you can make yourself. In sticks and tricks that will turn your home to special. Upgrade yourself with g. W. Interior design channel on you tube. Germany state by state. The most colorful. The liveliest. The most traditional find it all at any time. Check in with a web special. Take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. Scars cover dont forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression. Violence is normal and russia. Where putin is patriarchy rooms today womens rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. Under the skin of russias women starts nov thirteenth. Doubling. It. Police are investigating suspected explosive devices sent to accept khatri of state Hillary Clinton and to former president barack obama the n. Y. P. D. Also evacuated the time warner building in new york after a suspicious package was found at the c. N. N. Offices in. Saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin style man has described the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as a heinous crime he said everything would

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