Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20221017

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Who created it. But we start off with a Young Musician whos shaking up the pop music scene. Calvin jones has written numerous hits in recent years and has millions of fans on the internet. But is this man behind the music that makes you want to get up and dance . Well, kelvin jones was born in them bob way. He grew up near london and then he moved to berlin and thats where we caught up with them to hear more of his moving story. With his b, its get right under your skin. Zimbabwe, a musician kelvin jones has a cheap world wide stardom. Now people recognize him on the street. Just like here in berlin. But that wasnt always the case. As a child, he felt like he didnt belong to the the times where i felt really like alone. Osgood was actually, it was moments at school. I was the only black kid in school like in the whole school was know, are the black kid and my english wasnt so good. It was a crazy, difficult time. The 1st i think, 3 years or something. I that his real name is to nash him a pony. He was born in zimbabwe in 1995. His family moved to a london suburb when he was 9. His new life was anything but easy and he changed school several times. But this was also the time when he discovered music, as a way of expressing his emotions and fears. Your being ah, i just wanna, you know, oh, in my mind i, paul, when i play music, i sort of understand the colors within the sound. I dont know how to explain that, but i understand thats way better than i do words. And i feel like i can express myself. This chord means more to me than any word that i could find. Got those eyes around. So my, so with his 2014 song call you home, coven jones, achieved something. Amateur musicians worldwide can only dream of a friend, posted the song online, and it went viral. Yeah. Reaching the ears of millions of people, i think will forever be the craziest night of my life. It completely changed my life. And i couldnt. I couldnt take it in. You know, it was too big of moment to really understand my phone was non stop, just going crazy for about the whole week. From that moment on, jones focused on music full time. He gave up his engineering degree and signed a record deal. Instead, he moved to berlin in 2016 since then. Hes released 2 albums with highly personal tracks like cry, a little less. You know, the actual nowadays, the musician feels pretty settled in the german capital. Berlin that so crazy that i dont stand out. And thats maybe why i feel at home here as i feel like i can most of the time, walk around, looking the crazy way that i choose to look be myself. And there is no judgement anywhere because everyone else is young and lost and artistic. And when he feels homesick for the old homeland, he goes to the barbershop in zimbabwe. Barbers arent just for haircuts. Theyre also places to make friends and exchange all the news and gossip. Luckily, hes managed to find such a place right here in berlin. Is one of the very few places where i kind of feel my roots and i feel kind of a little bit back at home because as a black person, you cut your hair like every 2 weeks. It becomes quite often. So you end up knowing each of the and up chatting all the time and it just, yeah it, it is, is the one thing we can just sit back and reconnect with him. But when it comes to national identity, zimbabwe, the only country for kelvin jones, thats where his roots are. His single carry you as an homage to his homeland. The video features his friends and family carriers. The 1st time that i got zimbabwe into a song like i tried so many times and it was never organic, it never made sense. It was fake. And i had my guitar want and i was like, not on suddenly darlin, when your love is running low and there was something about this darling that felt really like i could hear these harmonies already. I was like, all this is got something very zimbabwe about it. So i chased it. Things to his music kelvin jones is now able to feel at home wherever he is, to the delight of his fans around the world. Ah, ah, beale, in view to your ha up again. See, it really does make you want to get up and dance. All right, well, in the west african country of senegal, solely c. C is a celebrated artist. But in france, where he moved in 2010, hes perhaps somewhat less or known. However, he is trying to change that with a new exhibition in the town of ever in normandy. While his latest work works, bring together a lifetime of influence, reflecting both his time in france as well as his roots in africa. Vibrant, multi faceted, and always aware of the viewers perception. These are the hallmarks of works by so least he say. Now for the 1st time, the artist is exhibiting in his adoptive home of normandy, france, and all the pieces on display have. One thing in common dont is gibberish halsy. Though theyre old french babies. They were rural, born here. Good miss. I feel so. And they mirrored the influences of my french surroundings. So for whether these be human material or natural aspects, as the emma less than the period last is not true. So least he say, who has been living in france since 2010 is a master of many disciplines. Alongside paintings, he also makes sculptures and collages and experiments with forms and materials. Hes been working consistently on his painting style for 3 decades. At this stage in his career, hes already worked in and exhibited on 4 continents and but you cant tell with him what was done in a blue or else word because he so multicultural. He goes inspiration from africa, from europe, from his travels abroad. And the fact that you cant guess is his strong point wiggle, no bothered with me. For 4 years now, the small french town of f, who has been home to salise, he said, his relocation to northern france was a totally conscious decision. The senegalese painter love the light and the changing seasons. This also i knew the aquifers whether its follow winter, the landscape always looks different as equipment, i found it wonderful and thought to myself, this is how the impressionists must have felt. Normandy is regarded as the cradle of impressionism. It was here in the 19th century that august. Hon was captured the landscapes on canvas, just like alfred sicily. Most applaud monets work was also created in normandy so you say process is impressions from nature indirectly. He calls his style spontaneous eloquence sweep. Oh my, my painting arises in the moment. Everything happens at the same time at the thought, the act, the gesture, the movement of the colors and the composition. So least he says, paintings, undergo organic development. An idea may be inspired by a color, dis, gives rise to a figure that may then trigger another idea. Some take several hours. Others several weeks painting has become ever more important to him since he 1st began in the 19 ninetys against the will of his parents. He chose to study art in his home city to car. Before long he was making a name for himself nationally and beyond. Or nickel minimum. But because we artist select no mad sir. Were not connected to a single place. Woo though we bring places together, but were not bound to places. Whats good . Because we absorb everything on that that we come from nowhere and always from somewhere else. And so lucy said, calls this store room and eval, his treasure trove. Its where he brings his paintings, as soon as the paint is dry and its here that they wait to be put on, show a crucial step for the artist. A little got between the eyes of others, a more important than your own eyes, often enough. And once youve completed a work, it no longer belongs to you to the you become a spectator again, specter see, feel, paint, and then see again for the lease he said, a picture on the wall is both and ending and a new beginning for the 1st time African Fashion is being honored on a grand scale here in europe. B, victoria and Albert Museum in london is featuring african designers in a major exhibition of art, photographs and textiles. The goal of the show is to reflect the diversity of the continent. Now more and more african designers working and living in europe are drawing on their routes for their creations. And one of them is really mcdonald from tanzania. More than just vibrant patterns, fashions by london based design, arena mcdonald have a clear message. If you think about applicable fatal civilization and thats the origin function in many ways. In my soul, you know, i am very african. And so i grew up seeing a loss of color. I grew up seeing a loss of praise and its a really common thing for us to clash colors. And you know that, that there are no rules really, if you want a way to con this together, just one of them together renew. Mcdonald was born in tanzania, she came to britain as a child and was always fascinated by fashion. Her mother sewed everything herself. After completing her studies and working as a fashioned stylist mcdonald realized a dream, setting up her own label, the sioux, and 2000 a team. Ive been asked before sort of words that define the brand, and i would say bold, unique, colorful, and happy is actually proven by psychologists. That color makes us feel better say its about, you know, spreading the love, enjoy who design, successfully combine, african and european culture. And are hugely popular. Friends include hollywood stars and celebrities like british t. V presenter ha. Due to now me was when of patrol helen mirren, tent and d way newton m. So much focus on black lives matter during the pan that make when no one has anything else to do. So they really have to focus on the issue. Ah, which is still a huge issue. Theres a long way to go. But i think that really in terms of timing was great for me. And i would imagine most african designers would say the fame, because hey, we are 2020 t and the v in a holding and exhibition of african designs, the Africa Fashion exhibition at the praetorian Albert Museum and london charts. The development of African Fashion, since mid 20th century. The work of 45 active designers from 20 african nations is on display here. Im just thrilled that theres finally a moment to celebrate the creativity of a continent which is so rich and culture from prince to pattons t, the history and the meaning of fabrics. The timing is right for a celebration in many ways. What is the most comprehensive exhibition on African Fashion ever to be held in britain was curated under the leadership of dr. Christine hutchins sca. One of the reasons why were stating Africa Fashion now is that we recognize the Global Impact of african creators. Whether that sin arts, music, or fashion, i think this, there is this sense of self definition and Self Determination that the rest of the well can learn from. Renee mcdonalds sense is a particular connection with the exhibits. And in particular, the congos, the symbolic fabrics with printed slogans from her homeland, tanzania. Across the continent, textiles are incredibly important and they have so much meaning. And i think when youre not of African Heritage is very easy to just have to think, well thats a pretty path and all that. But actually those things when you mean something. So if you think about every individual country and then break that down into tribes within those countries, barrow fabrics that symbolize will signify that somebody is royal or someone is of a certain status. The designer feels fortunate to have grown up between 2 continents. And although she is clearly at home in london, she feels the need to return to her african home on a regular basis. Because its a place i still very much had a connection with, you know, i had debate notwithstanding, again i get home to tans near at least once a year. The client is to go even more often and because i just find that it nourishes myself. Really mcdonalds big dream is to have her fashions made in tanzania to create jobs there, and support local craftsmanship. I time now for something to eat and to understand the true art of pizza making. You have to be born in the land of pizza makers, at least that is what some italian say, but it were him. Sonia from burkina, faso runs one of the most successful p 3 is in italy. Now in the beginning, it wasnt easy for him. But perseverance and a unique pizza dough were the keys to his success. Ah deborah him. Sonya once had a dream. He aspired to bake the Perfect Pizza for katya and pizza on the go. And sometimes dreams come true. For 4 years, hes been a pizza baker, running his own pizzeria, ken weaver and sonya, when were looking at my name is zebra, heem, sonia, im 30 years old as from burkina faso at nist sooner. No one believed in my project at 1st was that though, but i finally made my dream come true. I always added my song and my joint was even named one of the top 50. Take away pizzeria in italy, thought besedia thus far thought battalion. His restaurant is right next to the main square of the northern italian city of toronto. Theres always something going on and a little take away pizzeria. The boss serves customers himself too. But funnily enough, the pizza is an acquired taste for him. Love he said in a still or if its at 1st i didnt like pizza and stuff. Well, i just didnt enjoy the taste. I thought i thought it was new to me because im from burkina. Faso and pizza wasnt a thing there yet. Thank god. But with time he took a liking to it. Sonya puts zucchini blossoms. Basil cream. Oh pistachios on the pizza base to make his go may take away creations. And he comes up with a new type every week. Just an oil leak over i like odd combinations. Fanatical is specially with intense flavors, little aromas and colors that remind me of africa thought about africa. When abraham sonia came to italy as a 12 year old, he was the only black child in his class. And when he opened his pizzeria in 2018, he hardly had any customers. At 1st, many people were skeptical of a black pizza baker. Only once he had hired white employees, did his business take off new spirit a thin out. Im ya, she, this discrimination often angered me in 20 more mean, but when you get up in the morning to do something you enjoy, you can do anything you put your mind to death while cause i could talk. Yeah, because your work doesnt feel like a burden, la santana, and its just wonderful either. At abolition august the father and customers gradually warm to him and they love is pizzas. In the meantime, his now famous pizzeria is even featured in many travel guides. His secret recipe is sour dough made with top quality flour. He lets it rise for at least 24 hours, making his pizzas extra aromatic and easy on the stomach. He even has his own special baking method, then also present or not. Ok. Ok. What do we make our petes us twice . Look to the 1st. We do just the doe who sang then an toppings and bake it all again, boss like him, and you end up with an extra crunchy dough thats fluffy and light at the same time with it. You can really see it here on these nice air bubbles that form during baking. If you could, i. I know he tried pizzas from all of italy to figure out what he liked best. Abraham. Sonya only uses high Quality Ingredients in his takeaway paces. And yet he still keeps the starting price that 2 years and 0. 50 his life. His pizzeria has become one of the most popular in the city and has a reputation even outside of trenton. Many of his lunch time, customers are regulars. That can go at freeland lights his feet says, and theyve got great ingredients, honey is moving with you can tell, he puts his heart into his pete says good qualities, home to ever authentic and mate with love abraham. Sonya also helps others with pizza donations with pizza. So space sa, customers pay for an extra pizza, said that a person in need can pick it up later. Up. Some donors write a personal message on the receipt to the initiative is a real hit on line with people expressing their thanks. Annoyed. Yeah, we give people their pizza along with the receipt and a little hello from the donor. No, it puts a smile on their face, the bell, the donations keep coming and the locos, growing appetite for his pizzas has now led Abraham Sonya to open up a 2nd restaurant into money makes the world go round dollars, pounds euros the yen Governments Commission Central Banks to print notes while africa has a large number of currencies, but many of them are linked to the continent dark colonial past. However, one artist from senegal would like to see africa operate on one single currency called the afro. Well, we caught up with mon, sore cease in berlin to find out why he came up with such an idea, his vision, the liberation of africa from its colonial legacy, his vehicle for achieving that, the afro a currency. He created himself through this project. The artist man source is present his utopian demands for the africa of the future. There opera is either of corn flourish over the afro is an artistic currency for africa. Yes, in africa, in 14 african nations that used to be french colonies to this day, people pay for things with money that comes from france if available. Hi, its called the currency of the french colony in africa, africa. I just wanted to put a stop to that spin the afro is the future this. So quote, man source says was born in senegal. Hes been working on the afro project for 20 years. Hes printed so many notes. Hes no idea how many each and every afro is an art object. But at the same time, he wants his currency to challenge ideas of what constitutes art. The hobbins or a mac line of rick for we set up little currency exchanges all over the car in darker it was a hit with the younger generation. Most of all women feed, we almost had the problem that people thought it was a real currency hub, right . But politicians are responsible for money related matters my from best most the political my from look at the dollar. Its made of paper. Its recognized here. Now every dollar appropriate, the offer is also made of paper, but its not been recognized. Yes, miss america. When mon source is moved from de carr to the german capital in 1993, he found himself increasingly drawn to subjects like identity and tradition. Tackling them with a good portion of humor. But berlin has also made his work more political. Whats known as the berlin west africa conference took place here in 1884 and 85. The european colonial powers car, the african continent, up between them without a single african person at the table. Does its own forster . Its unimaginable over confidence. Is the berlin conference was our inspiration for the foundation of the laboratory as a kind of discourse with the wes up our numbers after with the birth. How can we live together . How can we liberate ourselves from this colonialism for these are colon alice morse. In 2000 men, sources and 2 other artists founded what they call the deeper lynn ization laboratory. As well as the afro. The project also created the global pass, granting Free Movement to all citizens of the worlds infant band christor. This is esther. The ivory coast is the biggest producer of coca on free gun cocoa is exported everywhere. Shalon bo this chocolate all over the world. But the fama cantrell, why not, i isnt voluminous. You shall, my global pass, gives the small hold of the chance to move throughout the world who are throughout the world. With his art men, sources aims to highlight injustice and to promote the idea of an emancipated and independent africa. A dream he hopes will eventually become a reality for life. And with that, we wrap up this special edition of your max. Now, just to let you know, we have a new show here on d, w called afro max. If features, culture, fashion, and design from all over africa, now you can find out more information about it on our website with and as always, thanks for tuning in, we will see you again to ah, ah, ah, with in the super rich are destroying the climate and they produce exponentially more Greenhouse Gases than the rest of humanity. And the number of super it is growing. What can be done about these ecological vandals . Can we show them a new way of life, global 3000 . On d w. A vibrant habitat and the listening place of long in the mediterranean sea. Its waters connect people of many cultures. Cold as ice in sicily, siena l, missouri, visits mount aetna, and learns the dramatic history of the island in 45 minutes on d, w. O, ah, in many countries, education is still a privilege. Tardy is one of the main causes. Some Young Children walk in mind troughs. Instead of going to class, others can attend classes only after they finish working with millions of children all over the world cant go to school. We ask why . Because education makes the world more just make up your own mind. D. W. Made for mines. Ah ah ah, welcome to global 3000 global. Well this distributed hugely unequally. We meet someone whos nonetheless managed to lead quite

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