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Nigeria this week youll learn why a German Company is going vegetables indoors but thats all we have on the show here the other things you have lined up for you. With of mozambique where german scientists sign a partnership with a National Park. Will explain why sharks in both here need better protection to survive. And we find out how one man in cameroon is making money. While at the same time helping. The african wild dog is viewed as one of the most endangered species in africa once covering almost the end continent in numbers half a million strong they are only a few pockets of them left in eastern and Southern Africa but the commie performs an essential role in maintaining the biodiversity on the continent. To the regulation. Of phrase machines and the contribute to hell the ecosystem as the largest is now come painting for the wild dog survival in south africas Kruger National park. Its not the bones that ends when marco has come to see all the larger animals that are always the big draw for the tourists theres a lot is this fighting for the survival of the african wild dog he sets of early in the morning in south africas Kruger National governments are so markel is hoping to track him down the sun is busy its quite high already and its going to get hot its one of these summer days so whenever it gets out there were dogs are not on the move anymore so we must try to find them as theyre busy moving but despite trying for three hours marco can pick up a signal hes starting to feel concerned. He shows us the enclosure where he held a number of dogs before releasing them into the wild. All that remains is the carcasses they left behind. Programs like this one are designed to stop the dogs from becoming extinct. The biggest challenge was getting the animals used to each other as they were brought from different parts of the country while they were sedated we rubbed them on to each other. Like that when they walk up very slowly the could smell their their scent on the other ducks and then they believe that they were part of the same park they are only one hundred and thirty african wild dogs left in the park over the past twenty years the population has shrunk to one third of its previous size markel has yet to ascertain why it can be disease many carried by domestic dogs or chose rabies and kind ninetys tampa it can be the fact that there is too many competition with other carnivals like lions and but it i not it can be the fact that there is not enough praise and it can be or saw some sneering so inference from the people who are outside the park onto the dogs in clear. Two days later its another Early Morning start theres still no sign of the african wild dogs. And two on marco has been scanning the bush each day and then suddenly becoming a hopeful sign. Ive got a quarter strong still not full though about five hundred metre i want to make the right on the matter approach he drives towards the signal and then keeps his eye spilt. The sense of anticipation is palpable you know hes on. The rest of the pack appears colt an antelope wild dogs hunt as a pack they dont kill their prey immediately they eat it alive ripping apart stuff less with their teeth yes and theyre looking good and its nice to see that theyre actually feeding so if. An impala man and thats an information that is very important to recall because we want to know what all the what is the person action. Amazingly a hyena is looking right nearby with an eye on the antelope meat but the pot does not be to treat on the contrary to get that big Strong Enough to keep the hyena in check. They drive it into a ditch only wants to dogs have eaten their field and move on does the high not dare to come out again for once its the african wild dogs that have won in the battle for survival. And now its in europe and from dry land to the Mediterranean Sea here are an increasing number of shots but shes on the threat of extinction. But child knows more about that i was yes now to have that drop in population numbers seem surprising given that you know. The regulations on shipping but i have to believe that many other not adhering to the rules. They out in the galley often boarding or needing a back up into the sea one biologist in bosnia has a go b. That has begun examining some of the brave ab sats found dead in the reason with a view of finding out what is causing of this population decline. Marine biologist under a guy is shown his Research Team are gearing up for their next dive. Theyve come to observe the shark and ray populations which have seen an eighty five percent decline in the region. What theyre learning is disturbing. Where we go first samples weve got going to get sharks problems caused all for all that this part of the brothers who have recovered all the organs over the ability to find anything suspicious but there was there were all certain. On an ordinary dive they descend about fifty meters theres been relatively Little Research on the sea life here and virtually no other studies on diseases affecting creatures like the leopard shark or the short fin mako shark or. This is part of the pathological collection at the university of sarajevo scientists here study fish such as rays or skates which end up as bycatch in fishing nets. As the research is x. Ray then take c. T. Scans and study tissue samples under the microscope. Around ninety percent of the samples showed evidence of disease. This is normal to have up to fifty percent of the firth we can deliver. They have far more than the fifty percent. You can see the whole of. The cell theyve also found hepatitis and to generative tissue changes the researchers have yet to uncover the cause and rick guy says it could take up to a decade to identify the environmental factors that contribute to these diseases. The town of know im is on the edge reality coast its a popular holiday destination for bosnia and herzegovina. All of the towns sewage flows directly into the sea some of it unfiltered. Water. And. Theres also for. One cause for the decline of some species is overfishing the biologists see sustainable fish farms as a possible solution. To. This one is owned by even comic his family fished here for generations until open water catches declined. Really. Our forefathers fish but it was different then they fished for themselves and even they did not have an hour to certify the market and. Thats why weve started this fish farmers. Today we can supply all of bosnia and herzegovina with fish. The findings of under his team have raised International Concern now to open an Ocean Research institute in his home country and he hopes that one day biodiversity will return to. So that it will be as rich in species as this marine aquarium. Found remarkable story on. You know not to waste the environment a story from kenya where secondhand jeans and colorful african fabrics are being conned into a new bag and wallet its a simple idea mohamed has turned into a. Business here. Because doing your bit. Can you go entrepreneur. Founded the company. Jeans a second life. Here in nairobi market he finds used. To create stylish bags and excess or. Every article is unique and reflects its origin. Being sold over the internet. The business has a staff of ten employees. And. If you are also doing your bit tell us about it. Visit our website or send us a tweet. Hash tag doing your bit we share your stories. Ever dream of growing your own visitable if so you probably think that. Well. Company grows indoors using up to light rather than sunlight and. Oil but is this method sustainable doesnt its going to. Use it. In the produce good for you we went to find out. Fresh lettuce seedlings needing just some light and sufficient heat to get growing and they get both as well as plenty of space in this vertical farm. Eighteen hours of light per day and a constant temperature of twenty two degrees celsius. Meanwhile it should lettices being harvested at the other end of the farmhouse. To twenty one days its going. To miss some pretty good check the key parameters light intensity nutrient density and the quantity of water plus the time they spend in the sun at the farm that. The company harvests one hundred twenty kilos of lettuce per day in its converted warehouse in central hamburg all year round regardless of the weather where he does it isnt really an issue of the cheerio farmer is outdated its all industrialized today companies have been growing lettuces in greenhouses for forty years now and theres no alternative when it comes to supplying the mass market at low prices. This company goes a step or two further than conventional greenhouses nothing is left to chance here the seeds a disinfected before being planted to exterminate any your fungus. Because it sucks all the nutrients from plants and eventually to the plunge. Strictly controlled artificial lighting its a complicated and expensive set up. The space light quantity and nutrients have to be calculated precisely. Because. We decided to go for baby leaf lettuce instead of butter had let us because it grows faster and requires less energy. Cress grows in just six or seven days depending on the bribee its a question of finding the right balance economically and ecologically. Ten canteens in restaurants in hamburg now there lettuce from the indoor it costs between nine and twelve euros per kilo a third more than produce from Southern Spain or morocco customers were initially skeptical says restaurant chef benyamin pluming but theyre paying for a superior product hands with no refrigerated transportation the plants retain then that trophy flavor and form. At first it was really hard for us to get people to try the lettuce. But we told them this is a pretty far out concept and genuinely different. Its a system youve not seen before says. The Company Grants only limited access to production also because its come under criticism for the High Energy Consumption involved the l. E. D. Lighting means a kilo of lettuce needs six or seven kilo watts of power until ready for harvest but the management defends its emissions record. Means you have to start like we compare this to a greenhouse when the sun may be free of charge but you also need a cooling system for the roots on the water so the overall Energy Consumption for greenhouse production is also very high but the critics overlook that. Energy factor is obvious because the l. E. D. Lighting is so conspicuous. A number of countries in the middle east have also shown interest the regions climate is particularly unfavorable for growing lettice pushing up costs for water. And cooling so indoor vegetables could have a very big future in these climate zones. We can also do small vegetables such as peppers and chiles will be trying strawberry soon and basically it could work with any plant although not yet the major crops like wheat maize its not feasible with our system but lettuce. Herbs and small vegetables are all doable. Uses so that the company is currently experimenting with eighty different crop varieties although not all of them have proved worthwhile i mean. Have become marketable. Lots of these are. Based in an africa people who rely on firewood. To firewood so we have to because all to often. Coveted sources of fuel where the attorneys is. Quite expensive a company has found a way to tackle the problem guess what its encouraging Small Businesses and even schools to switch to buy a gas by helping them install bio gas plants and even more importantly teaching them how to make the most of the technology. Has to be modified by hand. To. Establish the nonprofit entrepreneur. Common room. Three years ago. I teach workshop in the capital the ill be there modifying a portable gas stove and start of a gas bottle issued one on bio gas some families in the countryside are already using the system you are doing everything most family dont use file to get into your house if you go by the your guy system or your rubbish in the house and it in a can get out of the police i didnt just come out that would resort to how the cooking gas you have the instead is that ill come off for it and then you are organic manual and theirs is a bio gas digester woman hammett and his team i visited a Village North of you are wanting to show farmers how to build and operate a bio gas system when a production of decomposition took place it doesnt our ice and be added up they have school about three hundred people over the past few months demand for devices and training is rising still it is sometimes hard to convince people of the advantages of this new technology we need that space where can we practice a shortage of people because people want to see but we dont want to listen listen a lot of nothing has been happening so they want to see our many mass practitioners is to carry out a lot of experiments that the short of the people that this thing works. Is installing its biggest facility to date in a corner a small town outside the hour day with a large septic tank for the recycling of organic waste. It was commissioned by a catholic seminary there at a cost of about two and a half thousand euros. Human kitchen and garden ways to be fed into the tank the resulting bio gas will be used in the seminary kitchen which feeds the two hundred students. Atallah live it has held the seminary with the project as a consultant she had been looking for the white technology for a long time. Isnt a problem on team while they even sent me to china to see if i could source the equipment there to produce bio gas. That we discovered that there was already an enterprise in cameroon itself that makes what we needed. So we ordered it through cam i mean come on. Recognize already installed a number of bio gas systems both portable and fixed but not many people or institutions and come along our way of bio gas as an eco Friendly Energy source we intend to promote this thing the world but you know were no finals no much you know they need you know support its very very difficult to create our witness the governments Development Plan cameroon vision twenty thirty five games to promote to china to religious but so far the biogas plays a tiny role in the energy mix. For years mozambique was ravaged by civil war and conservation was not top priority but the country hes actually rich in Natural Resources and both of some sizable National Parks a delegation of german scientists is now working with african partners to breathe new life into the National Park in solving was obvious and make it more attractive for the tourists lets see how much of a chipman they made. Ranges of the bahai National Park taking a group of scientists from germany on safari. Its a huge grassland park with wetland areas that are paradise. Stretching eighty seven thousand square kilometers the park is a home for countless pelicans. For which the park is best known for the ostrich there the only ostrich is in mozambique. The group has found Something Else of interest is not because. This is an elephant corridor. When the elephants pass through the area they leave their dung behind. These days the park has no large animals of its own lions buffaloes and rhinos were driven away first by the civil war then by poachers or going or form its not that poachers need food thats not a problem right now people have enough to eat. They set these traps because they want to make money. So the park has been a protected area for more than forty years there are stiff penalties for poachers but illegal killing of animals remains a problem it disrupts the ecosystem in the reserve ranges document their findings and remove the carcasses. While driving to some of the villages situated inside the park it becomes clear there are other problems these the sacks of charcoal made illegally from wood and confiscated by the ranges. As possible when it does the doctors cut down the trees and destroy the natural habitat the animals are forced to flee and end up entering the residential areas which leads to new problems the animals habitat is being destroyed. There are twenty villages in and around the park home to nearly six thousand people many residents cant understand the need for such strict conservation laws. So how can the National Park foster better relations with local residents thats the question that interests the great from germany together with the ranges they want to convey the message that the park is keen to support local residents one mans lights the example of another park nearby one shekel feat one at the end of each year the park gives twenty percent of its income to the local community they can then use the money to buy something for the benefit of the entire village. That would be a good model here and help local people to see tourism as an opportunity to earn money visitors from abroad would also get a taste of the traditional lifestyle of People Living in the park. This family profited from the german group and enjoyed the encounter to ok nothing out clearly out of it ok. But its all early days yet. Its a drop in the ocean obviously were not yet teaching people how to preserve their environment. The volunteers are committed to a Long Term Partnership with the National Park and the local community they want to know what other activities could interest visitors like wading through the wetlands. Its just what we need to preserve this to attract tourists. Wed like to offer something that other reserves dont have so that people say if we want to see that we need to go to buy you know just so for them to do better. But a nighttime safari is one idea the park specializes in small animals here its not the big five that visitors are likely to see that from antelopes on a rich variety of banks. But propped it up for this edition of eco at africa if you have to find out more take a look at our website my name is cheryl mani every good buy from me here in Nairobi Kenya and im now signing up from our border in nigeria dont forget to tune in same time next week for another episode of africa full of brand new ideas for the society and the environment for now and do ticker. Blood. For this part there simply have to be alone. Celebrating for here the music play a gun play. The new german way of the nineteen he displays some stumps explain a complex part special Public School thirty minutes double. Glazing the white house playground its fake you know but the shut up of loser flavor to play. In the gym is the training to bring them to Churchill Europe the culpability of the entire country the chancellor three and fearless love for the last sixteen years dublin for minds. Is real seventy. Two displays two nations at odds over one homeland featured in our program to play when robin and her friends agreed on peace but an assassin put an end to that dream meant to return in the history of the displaced people still funded for their home lives real seventeen years may twelfth on d w all broadcast times online. Play. Play play play. Place. To place. Blame. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Mrs g. W. News live from berlin Russias Vladimir Putin is sworn in for his fourth term as president the k. G. B. Officer turned a world leader holds a total authority in russia hes also thrust the kremlin into a new rivalry with the quest he will look at the watch the world can expect from the next six year also coming up is saving migrants from the sea horowitz or a crime the trial gets underway in greece of a man who says that he is west

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