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Committed to them vironment welcome to the show my name is sharon my money from my robe and joining me is my colleague mel from nigeria. Hi sally and thank you for inviting me in the next half of there about we will be presenting our latest edition of africa both to you by channels t. V. And katie yet and here is what will be coming up on the show today. A sperm bank called kobolds yes indeed using Cyber Technology thats what scientists in durban have set up to protect biodiversity on the reef. And the news for waste both of our german microbiologist mexico guess what from milk. And we need to paula organic a Technology Week on one of the few hybrid car owners in lagos nigeria. Scientists say that coal reserves in south africa seem to be more resilient to Climate Change than weeds in other regions but why a team of mine biologists in durban is researching the complex dynamics of coral production and protection to do so they have set up a cold sperm bank using Cyber Technology the ultimate purpose of their project protects the bad of a city ability lets take. This is how good screw produce and spread for hundreds of millions of years theyve been building bush in briefs ensuring their own survival. Marine biologists collecting the six else called. To study the genetic potential most leaving room to the cool waters. In this part of the ocean Natural Selection has lived only species that can cope with the rough conditions found in the seas around south africa so thats a lot of our research is just trying to figure out. What is the genetic basis of the system for susceptibility to our race all connected on a genetic level how how. What sort of movement of blogging and trail of giving and. How does that inform our. Plans to protect. Reefs out of a virus because systems that produce an important habitat and breeding ground for fish and other marine species in the last period is Global Warming has ghost good reefs to bleach and die around the wild. Animals that live in symbiosis with an alkie. When Ocean Temperatures get to on this relationship breaks down. The expelled turning the color white and effectively stop the eat like here in the sea shells reefs in south africa have mostly been spared at least so far dr pierce and his colleagues believe thats down to a genetic disposition that makes them less vulnerable to change in the environment. Environment is very turbulent and therefore the water mixing is very good so you dont get a layer of water. Sitting at the surface and i think the Shallow Water corals added to this the are called seem to be a bit deeper the tropical waves grow to the surface so this is all assists in the corals to cope better with with Global Warming tongue changing coral bleaching just as important as the special environmental conditions in south africa district protection of the countrys North Eastern coastline the hope is that this area might provide a breeding lift for course that can survive in woman to people regions. Here to be done in d. C. Among the lisa whitman buck james who is in charge of marine protection. One of the thinking mans father scientific basics and that is possible way. Out perils in south africa is among the least predicted in effect the warming that this is the. Water temperatures rise being here to. Try to area for the coral stick stand for the south. But what temperatures arent the only factor affecting could reefs and other major problem in ocean spoil all over the world is marine pollution in dublin one man is thinking ahead. To give out with colleagues from around the world dr peotone is working on kyle preserving coral game gets. Me through odd ways to preserve the diversity that have hard the situation is inside and many here is. That we have to look at. Solutions like. Its a race against time experts say around half of the planets coral reefs could die by twenty fifty taking with them much of the diversity and beauty in the wild beneath the waves. And now lets move from the waters of the indian ocean to the german forest these ecosystems are called green longs of our planet just how much of forests will be left in the future will depend to a large extent on our children. You hit the nail on the head its worth teaching them to appreciate its value in gemini a group of volunteers have joined forces and founded all the aimed at luring kids away from that smartphones and into the woods to explore all play and get as they like sounds like fun. A message to young conservationists play in the forest and preserve it. Every year seventy thousand square kilometers of forest are lost. More children never get a chance to play in the woods. A german group called vandals that swans to change that. The initiative organizers nature trips for kids. They learn to make fun of without a lighter. And how to identify plants and follow animal sports this footprint was left by a wild. Children should take the time to play around and get. Children get to now and have fun in the forest. They might appreciate it and protected later. When. You like them. But. If youre also doing your thing tell us about. Visiting our website or sentencing tweet. And doing your. Share. One of the major probes in zimbabwe is maize but one of those can be especially valuable especially under extreme weather conditions that is something that lots of african farmers are experiencing some community is in zimbabwe are now starting to switch to local but use their often hard up can make do with less strain and can withstand pests and Agricultural Research institute wants to set up a seed bank for this crops. Northern zimbabwes rivers have dried up due to a severe drought in the region. Desperate villagers have dug holes among the dried out river beds to collect water to keep their gardens moist very easy percent of the nations farmers grow maize hard hit by the drawing spell in this region much of the crop has already begun to wilt. Health and bosy is an agronomist with commute tech and in geo that seeks to improve the livelihoods of Rural Communities in the country he is convinced that maize monocultures can provide food and seed security with this Climate Change now may is always feel is maybe five years that plant maize where they grow. Maybe they just appeared to descend deal once out of it was that he saw you. Made a first step to the fleet of drought to stress is caused by a plan which is. Community has helped establish the Community Seed bank to promote the more drought and stress tolerant varieties of small grains like sorghum or chickpeas. Dorothy to work on the hour is coming to take a delivery of small grain which is expected to pay back in seed interest after harvest this in turn will boost the banks seed stock the seeds are stored under cool and dry conditions and they can last for up to two years in the facility. Being here like you know the good thing about you see bank is that its monitored by different agricultural specialists in addition the seed bank is well secured its different from keeping your seat within the confines of your household in a household set up your seed might be destroyed by fire or even sefton which. So far there are only a few places like harares biggest open market where small Grain Farmers can sell their products but gradually awareness than attitudes are changing. Compared with previous years things have changed demand is now very high among customers. As a result the price of a twenty kilogram unit of small grains is forty percent higher than that for maize. So that has prompted commuter to also create a local company where farmers can now supply their produce and in turn get paid the seed bank in northern. District is already working with over forty villages. Now we need to do. Four miles away not totally. Off the farmers so that they produce. When they are on there was. Very expensive. For farmers in zimbabwes drought stricken rule areas small grain seed banks are welcome opportunity to move away from the high risks of maize farming they provide heat security and cut costs for the farmers and their families so that. Now lets talk about cars i mean in an ecological sense does anyone. Take care of what those exhaust fumes are doing to our climate. Of course theres a Small Community of hybrid car owners here in the city of lagos a hybrid vehicle has both an internal Combustion Engine i mean lets make moto famous watch even greater fuel economy unless youre two emissions and unconventional cars those people are not only fascinated by the Technical Innovations but also want to contribute to protecting the Environment League has almost two million conventional cars you know here this week its training against the top. One who lives in lagos is familiar with this six. So loud gridlock of rush hour in nigerias commercial capital. Every day hes be doing his job talk suggests is that the u. K. And escalate Global Warming. Well theres a solution to this problem and its one was silent. For a start button of a hybrid car. Like the one that belongs to a thirty five year old entrepreneur. Who called browns in both but still an electric energy its one of just a handful in nigeria basically energy comes from the battery or the engine and you have the convents i had to call vox the currents today seem to be stored inside a battery so in this mode of my batteries im well charged. To hold alongside the passengers. So i see cassidy batteries discharge and a yellow arrow. Showing that energy is going outside out on the battery park. So the engine can also buy parts in a wheel i cant see buying a pos they will. Do so because the latest one and patch are a decent both of which b. G. Species the World Bank Says nigerias quality is poor and the danger to Public Health most of those fields you look you see coming out of this also contains Carbon Monoxide now wonderings is packed full of all these things you know the show of extra ten days in the hopes of joining the sister. Of a double is so could be. Hes even become a mechanic of sorts. I started basically by. With my love for invites us and. Renewable energy basically which was where i moved on through a hybrid vehicle use then maintain us over twelve million hybrid vehicles have been sold worldwide but only a few of those have made their way to make us this Small Community has created a dedicated whats a group on the topic is one of its administrators support seen hybrid use us nationwide is not for is not for forty feet boats fall for a stroll encourage us else give ourselves an Exchange Information visit if we have a bite to six members. Apart from fixing his own car he also helps out without us like this twenty ten model. Its proving a bit difficult to fix and so i did a lot is made to the head of the whats approved to get some more guys. Ek a computer engineer has a surprise in store he just bought a twenty sixth in hybrid that hes happy to show off their vehicle bombs in a more Efficient Energy star device leave them on battery. Boards his hybrid second hand it cost two point five million around seven thousand dollars now thats about half a million four hundred dollars more than similar pecial pollard models. Although there is still more expensive he hopes that someday soon all the cars and his since his road will be high grades or even fully electric and now as promised a new development for an old proto male its not just a healthy food its becoming a resource for the textile industry thats because a protein in milk can be turned into organic fiber surprise its a great way to use the waste put up some no production for one reason or the other i no longer fit for human consumption genuine produces chill Million Tonnes of waste milk i know that that could be turned into cloth see for yourself. Accounts give us milk no one ever expected them to influence the fashion world however but now the fashion world needs what they provide. Here you can see milk hanging on a rock milk protein to be exact in dark blue black and gray the new material is soft almost like silk clothes made from milk protein produced and designed by scott whos also a microbiologist lendlease this method can smell that its made from milk its funny but the first thing people do is sniff it. And thats why its theres no way to know that its made out of milk. Its very silky our fiber is made out of protein just like wool or silk and because the surface is so smooth it feels like silk. Produces textile fibers made of waste milk which is not fit for human consumption its an idea that could radically change the textile industry it all began in a kitchen. Muska a rookie microbiologist bought a supermarket blender a big killing thermometer and lots and lots of protein powder pro goal was to create a fiber that she could use to make clothes. Start with the milk let it get sour and then it separates. The white flakes down here are the milk protein and if you scoop it out youll have kurds and that dries into a protein powder and thats our raw material. No damascus is mass producing milk protein fibers the raw material is milk powder thats mixed with water and natural ingredients. Thats made into a kind of dough which is pressed through nozzles into a thread thinner than a human hair. Fibers made of no protein have many advantages they are hypoallergenic and have no traces of chemicals. They also turn waste milk into a resource and are easy to compost. And that im a. Fiber breathes regulates temperature is antibacterial and nonflammable that makes it not only interesting for the textiles sector its also interesting in technical terms for example you can make a foam out of it you can spray and you can turn it into for oil or nanomaterials it has unbelievable potential that were just starting to discover. The breakthrough came in the first in world when some hollywood stars like the clothes made of milk do musk and had the idea to send those stars clothing designed especially for them a smart move. If the idea catches on these milk cows will be getting other assignments in the future like producing brawl materials profession labels. Hey sharon will you be the next to present a dress made out of milk potent fibers on our show it will be an awesome idea. Of course. As we always say good ideas walk everywhere and that suddenly holds for our next story is about a german ugandan joint project they have developed a method to tom maze spindles into briquettes a great way to make use of biomass waste they want to see people in uganda use less firewood and more of this natural briquettes for cooking and heating eco report i went out to investigate. Indeed i do university in central uganda provides mills to one thousand eight hundred students every day. And uses huge amounts of wood in the process the university is looking to change that with the help of a german engineer outbred smit is working with the Energy Research center to replace wood with most a synagogue we cant make food court waste. The first new stuff is already in operation. It was a former fire wood stove and we adapted it to to break it already planning to adopt another store for prek. Through briquettes and one by one will be replaced i think the university hates to radically reduce its root consumption uganda has a huge problem with the first ration every yeah ninety thousand hacked is a forest are lost in the country much of the wood is used to cook food most of the institutions talk about schools prisons talk about the universities the use of a lot and a lot of for cooking and many of the fuel that is being used for cooking is the firewood where the car with a new no this is mont south in the mall so we started thinking can you be able to. Play brick its on an institutional level the universe to get from it seriously its be cats from like you farm it grew cool also known as mayes. Take the meds only the cops are just throwing the goodie or just d. V. D. Their approach to the brain when in the people. They are tuesday giving some money and they give they can pay their corpse. Which. Albert smith has translated the farmers to collect the cobs rather than throwing them away. The three large sacks each farmer receives equivalent of one us dollar its a vulcan source of extra income for the sloth co farmers who often struggle financially the cubs are dried at a small factory then place in a carbonized for two days it turns them into charcoal theyre then mix with water and molded into briquettes these are left to draw in the sun for not the five days that theyre ready for use the factory produces a ton of crickets each week thats nowhere near enough they cannot produce much more and. Because collated to replace all the firewood of our University Kitchen and the schools we provide with break it we need around four tonnes perique so we have to build another pico carbonized. Since starting to produce b. Katz the university has massively cut back on if i would use thats not only helping the forests its also saving reinstitution money and the idea is catching on a nearby school of you can this forest. Wow cooking for one thousand five hundred students with eco friendly mayors briquettes that have to protect our forests so many more good ideas out there but youll have to wait until next week before we tell you about some more of them for mao its goodbye from a ceremony in nairobi kenya. By xan yes thats all for today but before we end the show were like to ask you to send us your stories in april will be planning a special about extreme weather as a result of Climate Change extreme weather is on the rise megastore heavy rainfall flooding cold snaps heat waves and drought all impacting ever more on us around the world who would like to know how these issues have affected you please send an email to the email address showing on the screen including text Photos Videos or even audio you can also post on tweet or facebook or instagram using the hash tag extreme weather stories please join us again next week for more eco africa and now its a way goodbye from lagos. To you. Glenn. Hoddle. The. Lead star systems the middle class. And the representatives of the bill ishmael architect of east germanys police state. The big man if i had my way the case germany would still be. The banks but you know the bushwah stirred a fear in fifteen minutes on d. W. They make a commitment. They find. In stronger. Africa and. The stories of both people making a difference in shaping their nation above and their continent koku africa on the move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands the deep w. s new multimedia series folks. D. W. Dot com click on the most. Fighting toxic waste from moscow every night and to protest as i want to mission. Six thousand tons of refuse a day are transported to long now from the russian capital with no sign of proper disposal. The activists are concerned for the health of their children and theyre willing to pay the price of fixing it. Fighting growing garbage heaps in russia. Before sept on d w. One hundred million tons of sad place devastating everything is how to live with deadly consequences. It just stores. Become a global menace. Growing in magnitude and frequency. Once they start there is no stopping. Just store. Starting seven on t. W. It is the number one killer the number one noncommunicable diseases that we are. French police have raided the apartment of the suspected gunman who killed three people in a hostage incident in the southern french city of trade the standoff at a supermarket ended when police shot and killed a man dozens were also going to be including one policeman french president Emanuel Mccollum called it quote an act of islamist terror

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