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About environmental degradation. First in nigeria in the country around just to be precise its a wetland area where they also used to be mined say now and the governments and local organizations are trying to create new jobs by helping people set up face fox lets go take a. Chill my okafor does what she loves the most nature watch him she runs a Conservation Organization in a former mining area near the city of just one of the projects of the even Creation Care Initiative is a fish from commercial business includes a vision ism is a perfect fit for careful the site has an old team Mine Insights Alice Transform into a fish farm in One Thousand Nine Hundred Six to produce fish for commercial purposes there was a change in management and left to deteriorate but we have come into management and aim is to raise fish and because of the. The fish farm breeds primarily catfish until last year the fish right on organic feed this wet mud for example attracts insects they lay their eggs in it. Bred in small prawns the fish will later be transferred to these larger food. Monitoring the mole is michael dunn jima. Today is checking the water levels if you also make sure the fish are not full free to local coaches. In the. Us you know all their farms different inside. Well we doesnt have anything to do with them. So enjoying in the habitat is good for the eden Creation Care Initiative also includes the plants nursery the seedlings will be planted around the pond and in a nearby forest the aim is to restore a landscape destroyed by hundred years of Mining Students regularly participate in Data Collection and bird ring game to discover new species sure mocha four is grateful for every helping hand some of the data we have collected are from birds plant and insects for the insects we identify the insects found in the farm and all the data being in the lice and reports to be made from it and hopefully will make scientific reports pay pass that could be plugged published in journals as well okafor has always had an interest in nature and wildlife and interest shes eager to pass on to her son she firmly believes that a healthy environment is vital for Healthy Living conditions driven by i believe that good place humans on earth to take you of the environment she sees our work as simply doing her duty. We hope that our Project Concept of us Aparna Project true which we can get a template i went through train all the fish from those who could go into conservation apple culture as. After six months the fishes saw at the local market in joss its an organic and affordable protein rich food for charm okafor this is just the first step she hopes to one day find the funds to expand the project to the neighboring community. No smell no no ice no days no admissions i mean ferry has gone into service on the rebound with sally connecting germany on one side i love the other one special about the ferry. Is that it is by electricity. You know that ferries can go green. Ships are responsible for almost four percent of Global Climate change emissions german company. Is doing something about it. It manufactures electric ferries. Such as the santa maria ferry that traverses the mosul river. It doesnt need any petrol it doesnt emit smelly fumes and its silent. Electric batteries as well as Solar Energy Keep the ferry going the whole day. Forty five passengers and several cars fit on the santa maria. Its slightly more expensive than the usual ferry but its worth it. The electric drive saves fourteen thousand liters of petrol every year. And above all it keeps the air clean. If youre also do you a bit tell us about it. This is our website or send us a tweet. Tag doing your bit here your stories. Not cuts used to be a Fishing Village and home to a few hundred since it became the capsule of. The population of. A minute. And he faces so many environmental problems sea level is rising the cost is eroding a lots of sand hasnt removed from the june for use in Construction Weakening defenses against the ocean sharon is a whole city going to be washed away i fervently hope not environmentally is that doing that best to protect the city theyre getting young people involved and walking to stabilize the coast on the dunes lets take a look. Alone palm tree among rows of Dusty Buildings Trees and plants in general a rare here making shade a luxury in the mauritanian capital. Those seeking respite from the beating sun have no choice but to huddle in the Thin Shadows Cast by buildings. But thats all about to change at least in this street. A group of local young people are set on completely redesigning it. Theyve developed a model for the street as they foresee it. That. Make the city green is a project run by the citys Cultural Center together with a German Development agency. That nearly suggested planting trees in the streets. Theyll provide shade but if we put benches around them that also provide a place where skilled pupils to hang out together so i do also discussing a possible ban on cars driving down the roll out in your corner when i come up with how i did that if they are what you thought he wanted their carry on and worth and. The problem is that people here chop down trees for their animals which isnt good. Here so that. Theres a lack of understanding here that trees and plants are important for the climate and when i love that were going to ask is the city council needs to start doing its bit to clearing away the rubbish and spreading awareness about the issue is that to be. A new uk shot has many other problems to deal with the city is built on a salt flood large parts of it are below sea level and when it rains here it pours turning the dusty ground into a huge lake and streets into rivers not look problem. Im not sure that our main concerns used to be siltation but since Two Thousand And Nine because of Climate Change the water itself has become an issue weve had flooding here thats covered eighty percent of the city water is now our biggest problem and the people of the cut you want to impact the policing. Of the young activists have collected photos documenting the flooding mixed up with trash and sewage its a Breeding Ground for disease. Heavy rains are becoming more common here and pushing up Groundwater Levels the water literally gushes up from below into the city. And theres another threat to new york shot along the Atlantic Coast close to the city. For years the German Development agency g. I said has been working with local n. G. O. S to try and curb this homegrown problem with. Large amounts of sand have been removed for use in Construction Work toward a newer chart has expanded massively in recent years its only really existed since One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Eight and back then it had a population of just five hundred today its one million which has meant a lot of sand being removed for Building Work thats created gaps in the dunes and leveled them so those that we still have need to be stabilized. Tamarisk bushs have now been planted on fifty hectares of genes theyre extremely tough and able to cope with the salty water and the lack of nutrients in the sunday ground. Their job is to reinforce the dunes and protect new york chart from the dangers of rising sea levels. But its only a City Of Venice is known for its beauty the renaissance by listeners its rich Cultural Heritage but it is in danger the two million tourists in the historic city every year extremely large cruise ships are a problem if a ship drops anchor the water in the commodes moves about twenty centimeters this has disastrous effect on the wooden bases of venices buildings a local Pressure Group has italy to take action. Every time talk id paolo put up so crosses the Reality Bridge he cant help but wonder where did his Charming City Go One thats now overrun with millions of tourists how can vanish protect itself from the onslaught hes sure this piece of world Cultural Heritage wont survive as a photo backdrop alone. And that of my love for the city makes me seek out places and people who are keeping venice alive. Because there are enough people who are doing the opposite and steering the city into trouble and waters. Because they get up and then go to. But like most Venetians Paolo lives from tourism. He now conducts special tours to draw attention to the citys problems like in his own district where rents are rising as flats are used as Holiday Homes driving venetians out. The cruise ships are also a huge problem activists to follow micheletti is outraged not only did these huge vessels flood the city with day trippers that also threatening the citys very foundations. The movement of the ships propellers has a piston effect. Churned up all the clay and so from the lagoon floor causing it to be gradually washed into the open sea. As a result venice a city built on wooden platform is slowly sinking and could eventually be completely submerged but micheletti isnt giving up his Citizens Initiative has managed to prevent further cruise ships coming into venice. On the bus and on the surface when a ship like that goes by the water level in the nearby canal sinks by around twenty centimeters and then rises again straight away due to displacement this hugely powerful force away at the foundations of all the palaces churches and bridges. But not everyone in fairness is happy about Micheletti Initiatives the paltalk thora ts invested millions of euros in modern cruise terminals now due to the success of the protests only half of them can be used. For four years weve been listening to these fears that our ships could even plow right into venice i can only keep reassuring people even with the biggest ships the chances of that happening are zero. Nevertheless in the future large vessels weighing One Hundred Thousand tons or more will be diverted to a Neighboring Industrial Port leaving the Historic Center and water taxis but it will take years for the port to be ready and there are still issues concerning our pollution. So for now nothings really changed. Every year there are still Thirty Million tourists who swarm fantasist Fifty Five Thousand residents. But of the cemented this paradoxical but the best tourist for venice is the one who stays at home. Were more than full with Thirty Million visitors a year the learn. Something radical has to happen to reduce the number of visitors and the venetians will have to sacrifice some tourist dollars if they want to save their beloved city. Back to africa in kenya santis from a British University have set up a Pilot Project in the countryside the project called song provides energy even far from lads grieve the experts from the university of laugh in central england walk together with the residents to install a local solar greed the people often. Get lighter that does not rely on viral mentally helpful kerosene and electricity from the sun and even cheaper. Is a selftaught electrician. Until recently his only reviews are old bees. Well now he knows a thing or two about lithium ion batteries. Like this one to his abilities are not the problem of the better as i dont know nor do i but when i put the buzzer and the disgust loys. Beeping sound. Williams works the carrier is new Power Station which is swallowed by rooftop solar panels and it is stored in large batteries in a central hub cables transport power to standard cells which provide electricity for the village of smaller batteries. Twenty percent of the households in a career i was gripped with batteries all of us are on the way to invest. The project was launched by two British University. Damon thrusters a battery specialist from oxford explains how to update a battery software. The new batteries are ready for testing and eventually theyll utilise use knocked of batteries which is more Cost Effective and environmentally friendly. And once theyre programmed the batteries will need further updates. These guys are doing hard core repairs where theyre taking chips off and putting new new Electronic Components on when we go to using used batteries more or refurbishment where you can easily take a battery sell out and put a new one in colleagues and Caroline Hansen wants to take a look at the battery years on the site. User feedback is key for further project development. Connect into the National Power grid is too expensive for most of the villages and very one juror couldnt afford the One Hundred Fifty Euro price tag plus another monthly fee for power consumption of. The rooftop solar cell cant even power three. D. He might be in the bulbs that i received a much brighter than the one i had before and the battery is an easy time. In the air now when i love the. Committee meeting in the village provides feedback. People were expecting. He is only half a minute. For most villages the batteries can only power the light bulbs and radius so we are taking and the must be continually reaches. Up now in fact they dont have enough power so we have agreed that they are going to recharge and bring more power to help the community that change from england will develop more powerful batteries in the coming months but first theyll have to solve some technical problems in the system. Then all users will contribute about four euros a month into the village Electricity Community project manager john henry says it takes about five years for the investment to pay for itself and then the local Power Station going on through the community its already been able to acquire an electric incubator and a grain mill that the villages can vent these Business Services create an income stream that Income Stream cannot be used to pay for the costs of the of the Capital Building the having the fast pace of buying all this equipment and for the continual expansion a maintenance of the system when im curing services the million devices its much too small to meet launched unmanned many Sonas Consecrating instead they still drive into the city to have the. Most the project generates more revenue theyll be able to get a larger. When kerry is already thinking about ways to use the Green Electricity they generate in the village for commercial use its. Now we had west a semi go where people are trying to take fate into their own hands when it comes to fighting Climate Change and environmental degradation mt knows them all thats right sharon local organizations called Dimitrov Clubs are being set up in san diego and several other countries in africa where women man and young people come together to work on bringing about change in their communities one example might be developing a project to protect the soil from the erosion lets take a look at how these clubs work. And and sat in and weve been invited to a meeting by the chief of sorry Booboo Village there already for Demitra Clubs here there are two thousand across africa set up and funded by the United Nations food and Agriculture Organization and the Global Environment facility the Discussion Groups help promote participation and initiative within Village Communities. Encourages the women to speak out its still unusual for them to have a say in policy. Today the Young Womens Club is discussing a proposal made by the young men to build stone barriers to stop soil erosion see what i mean well talk about everything that affects the village with younger and older men equally. And even more importantly how we present our Point Of View at the Village Assembly along with other demitra. Where our opinion is taken into consideration for decisions about Adults Community i mean thats the biggest challenge before we had no say at all on matters in the village. I am. Sorry booboo with its One Hundred Sixty residents laws of the distance from the big cities. Many of the crops are ready for harvesting but once again there Wasnt Enough Rain which means not enough corn when it does rain the water rushes over the barren Soil Deforestation has left the soil loose and easily washed away. Thats the topic of discussion at this Village Meeting opened by the chief. One after another the four Demitra Clubs present their opinions and proposals. Not all the villages in the region have been willing to join the project but here the young people like oh not too dim have made a lot of progress. Well im cool wouldnt you. Say you know the environment has become an important issue in the village since the club started. We have to keep everything in and around our homes clean. Without high job and theres no help and theres a community and weve made sure we keep our wells in better condition otherwise we have no water during periods of drought not for us nor for the communal gardens look weve already Found Solutions to these issues he yelled at in your report. The next day they Start Building the stone dikes to contain the rain water that flows through the aim is to make the soil around their village fertile again. One m g o two jello. Supervises the more than sixty Demitra Clubs in the region hes managed to enlist the local Farmers Association to help the villagers set up the system of trenches. Nearly all the small channels that collect rainwater from the surroundings and up here its like a delta and evil at this point the water has enough force to wash away the fertile soil from the cultivated land. And. Soon theyll plant trees here to restore the areas around the village the head of the Dimeter Project in senegal says this is an ideal case the two Biggest Challenges for the villages are getting local authorities to help and sourcing materials. Yeah. And the but died before in the long term there has to be a direct exchange of information between the Village Communities and the authorities so that they can also find out whats happening on the ground. Thats also a challenge for the Dimitrov Clubs and making themselves known to authorities and pushing their ideas and plans without us coordinators. A lot going on this is a pity so. The two Young Demitra club leaders from sorry booboo have been invited to take part in a chat show at a Community Radio station. A mother of four is asked to tell how they cleaned up the village after the rain swept garbage into their homes and connected dam talks about the brief rainy season and his dried up cornfields with. Demitra club leaders hope that local Radio Stations will help spread their ideas and efforts to other villages. So. Thats all for today on eco at africa we hope that you have been inspired to help protect the environment to find out more about the show second at our website my name is sharon the money if buy from me in Nairobi Kenya and if you are involved in not environmental project i would like to share your story getting in touch with mail social media thank you for watching and i look forward to seeing you again next time on court africa. Bye bye from lagos nigeria. The be. The be. The be. The hottest tracks electrifying the and an infectious. The x. Problem show six boys noise six and felix thanks to premier league crime drama teacher. For in thirty minutes on the be. Black be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of. The children who have already been there. And those that will follow are part of a new process. They could be the future of. Granting opportunities global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. Nicky has no children which makes her feel worthless and incomplete. In a society that expects them to be children this is a burden many married yet childless women in niger suffer from. A wife is only fully accepted upon. A very personal film about the suffering of childless women in the rich or the fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on t w. Climate change is affecting us all. Rising sea levels and a magic level join the rising Mountain Line through our streets. Homes. And change grounds. Through entire communities. Follow for good news is our own choices in energy conservation. Recycling. And transport can help all the line find out what you can do today at redraw the lines. This is the w. 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