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The truck will be here but for the soft and heavy about that stuff the eyes of. The project is based in the town of heine borgen central germany just a stones throw away from an old power plant africa green tech is promoting innovative technology. Engineer lauren spurlocks will become pulling a container to africa. The custom built device can supply electricity to hundreds of families who are not connected to the power grid tribe or hopes that within ten years hell be able to supply green solar power to three Million People his ultimate goal is to revolutionize africas Energy Supply but not with the neverland interventions from affluent europe the traditional model of German Development aid right now in his Business Model even the poorest people customers not recipients. Driver wants to sell the electricity rather than giving it to them he believes that both sides will benefit from the arrangement. And thats why the startup finance the First Containers with crowd funding raising small amounts of money from a large number of people via the internet. For a First Container was fast we had the funding within just three days now we can take up to six or eight weeks for a moment in a high tech unit like this cost two hundred thousand euros a month it supplies electricity and Internet Access. I mean you think then i wasnt going i brought you something to drink are we making progress. Ada schreiber is thorstens wife. Shes originally from mali and helped found Africa Greentech the project has become their lifes work the two cofounders are a well practiced team. Africa and shes africa im greentech you know. So. Everyone knows germans build at machines and we africans we have the sun. So the two of us on repairing those two good things together most of. Thorsten first got to know and love africa and visits to mali with aida the couple have three children and enjoy travelling. In two thousand and fourteen they were invited to visit malis largest diesel power plant it helped supply electricity to the capital bamako the sixty year old plant is inefficient and produces high levels of pollution. For thorsten tribe or it was a life changing experience. When the lot of unsourced both of you were so proud of the Power Generator which had maybe a ten percent efficiency rate it used one hundred seventy thousand liters of diesel a day just imagine thats how our project. Thorsten and aidas idea has become an Award Winning startup with thirty five employees. Its the first time the company has ventured into niger which is one of the worlds poorest countries. The village of is to be their local Pilot Project in niger but theyre hoping it will be just the beginning. Its a risky and expensive venture for greentech to the company had hoped to receive some German Development aid. Things which he plays or we receive so many awards but when it comes to funding for a country like michael for example we get turned down. One rejection after the next its upsetting. Were cool project we have a great project and we want to create change we want to help make it possible for people in niger to stay there rather than flee. Weve developed a great solution. We hope that German Development aid would support that. But no such luck. So. After a filming was completely taken received some good news a funding application was approved. It. Theres just one thing left to do. We baptize you know me. They put six months of hard work into this moment. The team earns just a modest wage Africa Greentech is social business and profit is not the only motive. Each forty foot container supply is more than just electricity it offers hope for a Better Future. Is the village of im a little is already waiting. Cause. It takes three weeks on board a ship for the container to reach west africa this is the easiest part of the journey. The way over land is far more difficult niger is situated at the southern edge of the sahara and many of the roads give way to sand. Lies in a small always this between to dos. Finally the truck arrives a long anticipated moment and everyone is relieved its finally here. Through including aida and the africa green tech team. Or not even. Half the village has come to welcome the solar pioneers. The local womens cooperative is also here in force despite the warm welcome soldiers are here to provide security kidnappings of foreigners for ransom are not uncommon in this desperately poor region. Thats another reason the shrivers wanted to come here. He goes to. Niger is the least developed country in the world system works there. Under the most difficult conditions it would also work in places where things are pretty easy. But first there are a few hurdles to overcome. The main road into the village is too narrow. It takes some careful maneuvering to get the truck into position. Before. The beauty of the outcome you said to fix all. The deep sand is another obstacle. Nothing they try seems to work. The tires continue to spin uselessly. Hours later they havent made much progress. They still havent managed to get the truck to level ground where the container can be offloaded. Toward evening it becomes clear theyll have to come up with another plan. They drive one hundred metres further to a better spot but this land isnt publicly owned. By the green tech team has to wait while the village chief helps determine who owns this stretch of land. And there is another problem. With the office but i believe just prepared to cut down the trees which have to be sacrificed because the solar installation wouldnt work in the shade for me to argument if i were not in miami but we dont want that. So our project doesnt want to cut down any trace they suggested it but we turned it down. And well cut down in the other direction none. Of them. In this direction they can cut down bushs rather than trees its quick work ten minutes later the spot is free. The first victim of unintended land grab is a chameleon. Whos moved to safer quarters. Finally its all falling into place the spirit of improvisation is alive and well here its nothing to us and shriver has a scene before. Her so i figure. Im a little desperately needs a clean Energy Supply engineer lawrence blocks examines the diesel motor its practically a museum piece diesel is very expensive in Subsaharan Africa where fuel has to be transported long distances. A kilowatt hour of electricity cost the equivalent of one euro its a major obstacle to development here. There are very few jobs in the village which also contributes to high levels of migration time seems to have stood still. The women especially spend many hours performing backbreaking work its time that could be better spent elsewhere and electricity could help and its electricity is often the first step to many other things. You can operate small machinery with that a pump maybe one kind or lights or ventilation or cooling which can help in the development of Agricultural Products electricity is the foundation of the also from. The next day the schreibers pay a visit to the market its a good place to find customers the electricity is sold not given away for free. Im a little is home to six hundred families eight thousand people who make do with no electricity in the scorching heat. The rattle of diesel motors is everywhere the improvised electrical connections can be extremely dangerous for. The barber finds it hard to imagine what solar energy might do but hes very open to the idea. Into. The blacksmith is also keen he wants an electric powered grindstone. Just a short walk in the market and weve already got a few customers. Of course its not quite that easy for most people here the solar unit is something of a mystery. The project success will depend on whether the residents of a little are won over by the technology and if the community assumes responsibility for maintaining it. All weve got out of. More and more of it a little goldfish in the desert a snack from a nearby pond whatever your. Home is on the green tech engineer is still struggling to get the forty foot container into position it needs to be perfectly level. It will take hours more work before they finally win the battle against the dunes. But they still have an audience. For. The local clinic was built in two thousand and ten with funding from the german k F W Development bank thats also why the team from germany is welcomed here you. Must learn to is the only doctor most everything he needs for his work is in desperately short supply. Of malaria and parasitical worms are widespread but the nearest medicine to be had is in the city two hours away and without electricity its hard to provide medical care at night in an emergency. Little mohammad was born two weeks ago with the help of a flashlight. So that on the bus without my flashlight i wouldnt have been able to see anything at all. The birth took a long time you know. You get tired and you have to move the flashlight from your Left Shoulder to the right and back again your hands have to be free and i was exhausted by the time the little one arrived fortunately it all went well. The clinic has an old refrigerator its gas powered and often breaks down with just a few functioning cooling elements it doesnt stay cold enough. What few medicines they have here are now spoiled and shouldnt be used. To see. The kid if w. Bankhead funded a large rooftop solar installation it stopped working three years ago and no one repaired it its a common problem in this remote regional. Course and schreiber takes a look. At the contracts or maybe. The clinic here has eight panels from the shop so the company. Theyre still fine but company bird feces from the pigeons that roost here. Thats why they dont provide enough power down in the clinic. The panels need to be kept clean and they might want to install some nails or something to keep the pigeons from being here. Then the panels will provide more energy. To take care of the technology downstairs. The container can finally be unloaded. Once again its perception work. For people in remote regions of africa solar units like this could be a godsend poor countries dont have the resources to connect remote regions to the energy grid. With only one percent of villages in niger have electricity and the Development Opportunities it brings. To the diesel engines now in use each solar container also cut c o two emissions by fifty tonnes a year. Schreibers and green tech shareholders are financing im a little solar installation over the next ten years theyll try to recover the cost by selling the electricity. According to green text calculations the solar energy will cost half as much as the diesel generated power. Each solar container must bring in about forty thousand euros a year to be Cost Effective its a very tight margin. And the system needs at least twenty five containers to earn a profit so the project is not without risk. But first comes the topping out ceremony with the help of a gold horn. And im a new plan. For each of their three children the shrivers hope to provide one Million People with electricity. I dont know that. There is time to get down to business again greentech is conducting interviews to find a technician. I read that you did an internship in goods and house and i think it was. Very. Unlike traditional Development Aid projects Africa Greentech needs to ensure the long term viability of its project they cant afford mishaps like what happened at the clinic. Roof i have to quit there seems like a good fit for the chart. Niger has a critical shortage of skilled workers thats also evident in a nearby industrial installation thats going to ruin. A lovely relic. This installation used to supply im a little with electricity the diesel generator was a real fuel guzzler. Targets for two hundred liters in three days so sixty five liters a day four hundred sixty households. Forty maintenance was to blame for the generators demise even him the village electrician made a mistake with a short circuit. With clients ones that happened on a sunday night at about ten pm. He poured water on it and the electrical components were ruined and critics and. Now even him will take over maintenance of the new system hes the only one here with training. In any event the village of im a little is used to paying for their power its another reason green tech chose to come here. Most people here still work in Traditional Industries like brick manufacturing. At the end of the rainy season the local pond has enough water but the bricks are made of mud and militarists. Will be put in the sun to bake and become weather proof. The entire village is made of this brick. Thorsten tribe are also need some bricks a wall needs to be built to protect the cables of the container from the goats how many bricks can you make you know we know. You know whats going to. I think you might. Need one two hundred eighty four thousand bricks. And with that ill build a wall thats one meter maybe one meter fifty. How long for four thousand bricks. I dont need about two weeks to finish it. How much does a brick cost. Well today if the c. F. A. Frank and if youre tall and if i take four thousand of them a fixed price. All right the team will discuss it and then well give you the contract. The brick workers are reaping an immediate benefit from green tech survival others will have to invest in equipment first. Like many here because a curry is a vegetable farmer without a means to earn a living there is little to keep him here. But migration would also cost money for people like the current the situation poses a serious dilemma. When there are more than one hundred Vegetable Farmers in the village. But they dont have the money to connect their gardens to the electricity grid. So were happy to pay them back but we need time off because someone made a mom for others a year. Then it would work wonders that. The. More than anything the people here want to provide a secure future for their children. It could probably be milledge chief has similar concerns everyones pleased about the prospect of electricity but theyre not sure how to proceed. And they need to get used to the idea that green tech is not simply a donor but an investor that wants something in return. The village wants to assume responsibility for the solar installation but what does that mean exactly. Because i think im a little supplying all of them a little with electricity would take twelve kilometers of grid and another container. With this first unit can only supply thirty percent of the village. Will have to evaluate how its going. To figure out if everyone is paying for the electricity. If the electricity is arriving in a timely fashion. If the unit is being kept safe and the village is taking care of it and if that trust is upheld well invest in a larger grade and another central unit will fall ready contacted the various micro financing institutions so that we can help people find them speak wittman the machinery then things when they get moving here in the village. Everyone here realizes theyll have to depend on each other in order for both sides to benefit. But much remains uncertain. A small grid is also part of the solar installation its being built by a company from neighboring mali thats been in operation there for twenty years. Companies like this dont exist in niger turning over responsibility for maintenance to the village is a challenging task and one that will remain risky for years to come. The shrivers are aware of these worries but they dont let it show. They want to build bridges and provide encouragement for this daunting undertaking or theyre hoping their conviction and their vision will be contagious for the rest of the green tech team and the people of them a little. This solar unit and satellite installation are state of the art it will allow a little to remain in contact with the German Company and provide the village with Internet Access. For the engineers Internet Access isnt a novelty but how will the men of the village cope with women go online and take on new ideas and attitudes. What will happen when the military escorts safeguarding the installation leave. How will the traditional way of life respond when confronted with other customs and standards of behavior. In the village chief and the mom set the rules here religion holds sway and im a little families are large and theres little education. What would happen if islamist militants from neighboring mali object to the new technology. Or decide to take it for themselves. Because of some in this life we did at least be able to follow a life of jihad has tried to seize our installation but were not expecting that were on a mission of peace and we dont have much to do with religion so we dont think anyone will go off the bus. For the moment your know what east. In this unstable part of the world things can change quickly but green tech has faith that the transformations that will accompany the arrival of green energy will win people over. The top three. Weeks later the installation is finally ready to go some government officials from the distant capital are here for the inauguration. For. The first year that Political Support is vital to the governments goodwill will help determine whether green tech secure is approval for additional solar containers and whether the shrivers come one step closer to their dream of bringing the electricity to three Million People. Messing. With them or somebody looking over the next ten years green tech hopes to bring solar installations to five hundred more villages nigers government wants that to happen but they need additional funding and expertise. So green tech wants to be a part of that. Benefit by making thousands of people happy and they sing and dance for us. On this and hope one day its an incredible feeling with just a few people we can give many people a Better Future and promote development its an incredible feeling you cant put into words and. Come into question. After hours of sun the batteries are charged and ready to go. Tonight most of the children here are seeing artificial light for the first time i think whatever the future might bring for green techs investment this moment is worth it i think my. My mum was. I am wow i. Feel. Complete the. Alamo and. The World Economic forum. In davos switzerland. On the fourth of the Industrial Revolution close the wealth gap. Presents a high Profile Panel discussion. More social problems for the d. W. P. At the World Economic forum. To Business School the. First day of school in the. First clueless. Gores grand moment to run a joint direct attack on her journey to freedom in our interest to touch a torah entering into returns home. Hey listen up. 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