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And underwater salvage teams surveying the seabed in the bay of mars say in two thousand and four what the divers found was nothing short of spectacular the remains of the aircraft flown by and. Twenty dentist presumed dead in nine hundred forty four. Of the five it had been over half a century since the disappearance of center right her aviator war hero and a legend in his own lifetime the underwater discovery was made by a diver in two thousand. So. How can you go right here and the landscaper i grew up in years where the big hero of my use came down the order for this. Never forget the day that i held the proof in my own hands. The wreckage belonging to the plain of twined assigned x. You pair with them. There was a Supreme Leader motional for me. On july thirty first nine hundred forty four the law key to pete thirty eight lightning belonging to a free french Reconnaissance Squadron took off from borgo airfield in corsica. The pilots mission to take photos of Southern France in preparation for the upcoming allied invasion there at forty four the aviator was old for the sophisticated and unfamiliar american built lightning the chances of his making it back were put at one in three. But it was a chance and one descent exhibit leave was determined to take. It hard to trust me there was something mysterious about him in his doggedness and complexity and that reputation was reinforced by his disappearance how you put in basically he was larger than life larger than his own disappearance sign him again and for. Centex a palays mission was a dangerous one taking aerial photographs off the coast of palls meant soaring at seven hundred Kilometers Per Hour to an altitude of Twelve Thousand meters and becoming a target for german fighters. Its all equal. Cars. In two thousand and three the team of divers located major sections of scientific superior use p. Thirty eight some distance away from the pilots scheduled route. This was part of the landing gear. The salvaging of the turbo charger and part of the tail and the serial number of centex appeared on his plane left no doubt as to the aircrafts identity. Today those relics are housed in a hangar belonging to the museum of air and space in the bush on the outskirts of paris. The discovery put an end to the decades long speculation over where precisely the plane had crashed but the circumstances under which it banished remain a mystery. The various people later tried to exploit his fame for personal profit. But super early was the only hero here he lost his life a battle. Writing for his ideas and the future of his country he loved. This bronze bust is one of countless monuments to Center Exhibit any across france he remains a hero to this day although how he reached those heights is a story in itself. Antwan descended superiorly was born the son of a viking in one thousand nine hundred. His Early Childhood was spent in comfortable circumstances but when im twenty was three his father died transforming the Family Status to an impoverished aristocracy they were taken in by various relatives he would later repeatedly revisit that lost land of his childhood most notably in his dream like book the Little Prince you know you know they were in a music box for the love of music for his grandfather was a musician and his mother my aunt marie who was also very gifted musically and her work a lot with her father the composer. There was a basis for this. Modern form he had violin lessons at School Violin was his favorite instrument. If we never played the piano but he would sometimes again provides by rolling an orange across the black key and. Like a passage in the fly out george b. Flat minor by claude debussy. The chateau de la molle near santo pay the residence of maternal grandfather and where he and his family lived for a time. In. Its bamboo forest and expansive park grounds provided the boy with evolve could have memories he would later bring back to life in the Little Prince. As a kid and. Now hes still a child. But hes dressed like a prince on on with a suit and a sort. Of long hair was short blond hair. And. Sound. And trying to subtext really was very well known in france because of his books. On ever he was also a trained pilot. And the main protagonists in his books tended to be pilots as well as women. In a sign of things to come and one attached to sales to his bicycle. He attended a series of just weird boarding schools and at the age of twelve was treated to his maiden flight in this adventurous looking model plane. It was the age of pioneering aviators and antwan to be dreamt of conquering the skies among his personal heroes the daring french pilots louis plenty old the first person to fly a plane across the English Channel and jewel of a train another daring superstar of the era. The youngsters interest in the airmen and their aerial adventures came at a time a from mantic fascination with the marvels of engineering that interest in new technology would shape the rest of centex life. Unsure of what to do after graduating from high school anton enrolled in architecture at the prestigious they called a bulls eye in paris. However his heart was not in it and he dropped out. He did various odd jobs to make ends meet including as an extra in the theater. Job. Absolutely he was the absolute opposite of bushwa was planning ahead and saving money was a foreign concept to him and he basically always did what ever he wanted to at that moment. Got to avoid that. Paris he lived in tiny attic apartments before taking a modest room in the auto louisiana in the sunshine and district. In the years to come he made his home in a long series of hotels. He was certainly no superman. He was a man who loved life and women. And one failed his entrance exams for the Naval Academy not once but twice so what did he do nothing really he doubled in art school but that was it he never passed any final exams and never completed a degree. In nine hundred twenty one center began his mandatory military service then took private flying lessons transferred to the air force and made his civilian and military pilots wings look or say airport was a special place for him it was here that he first took over the controls for catarrh clean monali former World Champion aerobatic pilot. Was the epitome of a maverick pilot. Just get on a plane and take off without authorization. It was totally and disciplined like a child. Thats how he. Once. His series of accidents began here. Yeah but it never stopped him flying. By to. Catch. Something super re was a writer but not a very good pilot he made a lot of mistakes and wrecked a lot of planes. I know sure of every day of the quarter for the idea that he was a poor pilot needs to be revised it was a decent pilot in fact with over seven thousand flying hours under his belt planes were pretty unreliable back then which explains is a frequent crashes as he was famously any difficulties he had became public. But that you really couldnt he might have been a little absent minded mind which can be a problem in the air to want to afford them produced but he was a pretty adept pilot on the you want to know what may or june prospects a template for. All the first editions of his later works issued by the galley my Publishing House would be adorned with a propeller southern mail flight wind sand and stars became bestsellers winning their creator major literary awards flying and writing the twenty engines that now powered scented superiorly his life is often more he was the first to recognize the aircraft as a means for people to reshape their vision of the world and of humanity. A plane may just be a machine but what an analytical instrument it is. It has unveiled the true face of the earth but a cruel light has blazed and our sight has been sharpened the plane has told us to travel as the crow flies. We have now been transformed into physicists biologists students of the civilizations that beautified the depths of valleys now and again by some miracle bloom like gardens where the climate allows. We can now judge man in cosmic terms scrutinize him through our port holes through instruments of the bar a tree. Of. Sand tax as his comrades called him was eager to capture the world of the aviator what he saw were challenges to be overcome. In one nine hundred twenty seven he had joined the new air mail service between to lose and dakar senegal after spain the route took intention here in northern morocco before passing along the edge of the sun hard desert. Later that year he was appointed director of the caption airfield in the Western Sahara region. In the late one nine hundred twenty s. Was a stronghold of the spanish occupiers facing a Pro Independence rebellion in this outpost of europe centered superiorly proved to be a shriek negotiator securing the release of downed pilots who had been held captive by Software Raid rebels. He personally headed a number of successful rescue operations winning the respect of the locals and his mechanics. In the process. Of degree betty. Just sent exupery had all the prerequisites to make a good pilot and a lot more designs. He had outstanding skills as a communicator does he have to do as a chief of the cap to be airbases he was a skillful negotiated between the natives and the fort. Vaguely moving forwards but your he was a good diplomat. Diplomat and he succeeded perfectly. Eight years after the publication of southern male a film adaptation of the novel was shot in morocco. The stunt double for the lead characters flying scenes was none other than centric superiorly himself. Southern male and later the novel night flight incorporated experiences from the authors own adventures. If you look at the. Speculation for us he may not have been the first to introduce this guy to literature but he did introduce the socalled panoptic view the view from the sky the unique perspective pilots have of the earth. Sure that theyre on. Strong verna if theyre more than they do more. And that view is reflected in his writing style as one rolls will do. So for b. O. C. Things about the relations between human beings and the importance of body. The norm. It also shows for example and think how a knight flyer makes contact with all the individual dots of light on the earth of the fish from continent to continent from one country to the east road. In one thousand nine hundred thirty the aviator only. Crashed over a frozen plateau in the andes his friend centex appear they came to find him in a dramatic search and rescue operation. The story was retold incented to pelleas autobiographical book ten days on published in english as wind sand and stars. He wrote the manuscript several times. A day a little for you because you will get. It because of the film if you want to go back. To new york. Review. The earth teaches us more about ourselves than all the books in the world because its resistant to us self discovery comes when man measures himself against an obstacle to attain it he needs an implement the airplane the implement of the Airline Companies brings man face to face with the old problems. Since right. He did here to escape to the skies. But his writings also include that very particular perspective of being rooted to the earth. The pilot flying in his air corridor is him thinking about his mother and his friends and all the strangers as he sees the little specks of lights down below i see him when hes in the air before you he reaffirms his connection to the earth. So gestural voter suppression. Is keep. So imo its not just about adventure and. He said by theres also the question of domestic police. In valan and those two worlds clash on the one hand the urge to go beyond your limits and sees the world. From very different after. Thats and on the other you have the domestic factor looking for blease through limitations. Of. Who. Sent it simply experienced that notion of bliss. And comfort in his childhood at the chateau de la mole the trees in the palace grounds became his friends and confidantes. Those images would later resurface in his famous drawings for the Little Prince. If you want to stab us in the pilot is tinkering away at his playing his only worry is taking off again quickly and suddenly he hears a voice and thinks no way im alone and nobody lives in the desert. And. Then he turns around and sees the Little Prince and prince on there and the prince asks him to draw a sheep for him so first he gets a bit confused i. Seem to play this in. This in more im. Sure to show maybe come she separated. J b f l to me as you should be i got a. Gun and took the had to stop it in a. Course he did i got from. The hudson he. Should use the sky to literature but a sky with stars and planets traveling in orbit so. His Outstanding Achievement in my opinion is that the Little Prince is the first fairy tale in which the cosmos is presented with a scientific background of course most. People. Possibly the most important inspiration behind the creation of the Little Prince and his meeting with the pilot in the desert was subject to peonies own dramatic crash in the sahara in one nine hundred thirty five in his call to all sea moon mail plane he and his navigator were stranded for days before being rescued by local bedouins. So but its a very good was the cold on seymour is the most intense memento we have of him crash twice in it. In one nine hundred thirty five while attempting to set a new record time for a cross desert route and the other time on his way to tierra del fuego. Centex ago he felt a kind of urge considering himself on a mission to accomplish something more important he wrote and he reflected. That. He loved this plane because it was the first that had a real profile and could do three hundred Kilometers Per Hour. This cold on the sea moon one of just two still surviving is also on display at the aviation museum. I once asked him how he came to encounter the Little Prince i was sitting in front of an empty page he replied and he said. Only popped up and introduced himself and the Little Prince shoot the previous. Sentence to pennys drawings of the Little Prince i know rudimentary illustrations together with the text they comprise a multi dimensional work of arent. Something that little man is what people know best about centex you barely know. Hundreds of millions of terrestrials know him. You know the Little Prince as the most widely translated book in the world after the bible that you pass. Hes easily recognizable here. This is not a drawing from the book its a watercolor made later. For centex supervenience would you post of the Little Prince as a kind of communicator. He assumed that role in the real world that using it to charm beautiful women for example. He fell in love frequently. Like this while the Little Prince was his intermediary to the rest of the world. Has to do more into. Things. He would a Little Princess a phenomenon that has six million fast on the internet and hundreds of millions of readers and were very far from reaching its full potential so deep us a little press takes the book to a whole other dimension its become an icon its been felt its everywhere you know threw off huge you know. This is absolute kind of so west its absolutely no said Childrens Book they just take take theres simply too much in it is east is its a book for grown up studies also suitable for children. And in my house you people read the story as a child but then again as an adult he went on but behind the adults well do you now discover a new childrens welterweight. Least when you first read it as a fairy tale you feel like an adult and if you read it as a grown ups book it holds up a mirror to see you as a child. It revolves inside itself the Little Prince is like a star circling in our minds. It was signed a cost something you can see through it sent it to perry was a poet and a moralist but never a poet in a straightforward sense he used a fiction and fairy tales as a unique form of narration instead of simply duplicating the world he wanted to create something new something that went beyond his own personal experiences something bigger and more universal. Production in prison yessir. He loved all children not just our. Uncle and one was a very keen swimmer so that was the only sport he liked to me on this photo you can see him with me and my little brother. Move their son take superior has his hand on my brothers head looking at him in silence. As if hes trying to read his little mind it was all the idea of. Those in the deep that. In one thousand thirty one cent x. Apparently married a writer and artist from el salvador his relationship with consolo would remain childless. Alan moore the same time he was surrounded by a thousand frozen sylvia. And many more simultaneously it was. That took a lot of organisation of the practical details you know the office really needed this feminine presence at christmas and each woman offered ten discomfort. That he had a crazy need for affection as you know it was wonderfully good to talk. Meanwhile he and cons waylon had a very healthy social life in paris among their favorite haunts where the paso they live and across the land lived a muggle for lack of oil. The couple enjoyed a sophisticated lifestyle except santa was living beyond his means. To keep feeling fortress off woman you know the wide smile you can see on a lot of photos was part of his set. Octave charm. He had a sense of humor and was an excellent entertainer know. How. To sign off because throughout his life card tricks were a speciality of hans. Blix peter welcome want to do. How can i describe him he had a heavy gait but he wasnt. He was imposing. I thought all the all season you had the same protruding i. Z. s my hand and my father. Not. Protruding. But these you know see that. For you make it its a tell it was a real charmer. The ladies were quite taken with their. Takes you barely also showed his lighter side in his swiftly drawn depictions of himself. All of his pilots uniform looks like a suit of armor that makes him look a bit dumpy home. Where he drew himself in turquoise ink all wrapped up to protect himself from the cold at High Altitude youd. See something it reminds me of a text describing sent exupery as a bear and as a pilot in a bear skin but. Because. Im too common oops. I think drawing was a way for him to escape from his melancholy and emptiness. So i explained. Whenever he was feeling downcast he stares he would seek refuge in drawing. You know i really like the way said to be true this little person on a meadow with flowers and a little hill going. To he loved hills you know you see them frequently in the Little Prince. He added a Speech Bubble with the words im so very perplexed appliques. Sentence of pain was a restless soul. Together with and at times without consolo he lived in a range of apartments and Luxury Hotels in paris. He drove a book. All the time struggling financially. We all. Know but he was a nomad. Constantly changing hotels and apartments and he never owned his own library never. Me. You know he had only a handful of books and even those five or six books had been given to him so i was relieved he never had any books. You know remove the evil. Of those centex apparently suffered constant pain as a result of various injuries from his crash and he was always on the move in marsay he worked for a while as a test pilot for sea planes the port city would soon become the port of except for people seeking to escape from europe. Following the nazi invasion of france in one nine hundred forty centered superiorly joined the thousands fleeing the continent although in his case it was also to have his old injuries treated he spent two years in wartime new york city an exile he never felt comfortable with. I thought to myself i like being a traveler but i should hate to be an immigrant. In one thousand nine hundred forty three despite his advancing age and poor Health Center resolve to return to europe determined to help his country in its hour of need he joined the Free French Air force in algiers promoted to major he again served in air reconnaissance reunited with his former flyers in arms. One of his comrades from the army said he was not only intelligent. A writer and pilot who was good at mathematics and physics as well. But his companion said he was above all one thing. Look at a true friend it if you look too. Good to others. When i bend over to tighten stubborn straps or my joints crack or my old fractures hurt. So the ceremony of putting on my uniform takes a long time elaborately putting on my harness to allow myself to be fried alive on yet another Desperate Mission John Phillips an american photographer working for life magazine published a gripping report about the by now legendary aviator. I dont think he had any faith in the future. He wondered what he would be able to write about once his job was over. My impression is that he wasnt planning any new projects for when the war was over if his world had ceased to exist. One time he crouched down by an answer nest moved in and to another hill and watch the disaster unfold. This is the world of tomorrow he said. When the sun thanks to be said you didnt some tax you pay you were once referred to himself as the oldest pilot in the second world war. Probably correct. But his participation was not a pacifist. His works are a testimony to his humanist nature that is what he refused to drop bombs on his country on civilians thats what led to what he did do was a highly Dangerous Mission aerial reconnaissance. If thats a true solution i never said he had died all i said was that he disappeared and. Just disappeared like a Little Prince thanks. To Weather Forecast for Southern France on july thirty first nine hundred forty four was clear skies ideal conditions as centex apparently embarked on what would be his final flight. The first clue as to his fate came by sheer accident more than fifty years later in one thousand nine hundred eight a fisherman working off the coast of tar say found something entangled in his net. And on eight feet it sat on the bracelet. Suntech super heavy and parentheses consuello share of hitchcock three hundred eighty six Fourth Avenue in new york city. The usa. This bracelet has the address of his new york publisher and grave but it was unclear why exactly it would bear his own name that of his wife consuelo and his publishers address. We now have an explanation. Do fer the bracelet was a present from him to consuello. If she got lost in new york she would at least be able to find her way to the publishers address or. Consuelo arrange for an identical bracelet to be made in gold or that one still exists but nobody knew about this one at all and so by the two college that. The bracelet was found by a fisherman not far from here in those days they still used to trolling nets you but he was a rich and thats what the bracelet got caught in it if you. Got the end up with down there and if it was an extremely unlikely find it was but it was the trolling net that turned up the bracelet of. The up weight of the then they examined the bracelet and realized it was genuine if it would and had belonged to most your descent takes a very. Real stroke of luck was that a fisherman kept the bracelet instead of throwing it back into the sea. He once said he might even have caught the bracelet on a previous occasion and thrown out back. But the reason for centex appearance disappearance off the island if you and the circumstances under which he died remain a mystery schalke goober it was a shock and very painful. His disappearance did have a profound impact. Oh but we told ourselves he had really been in the war and then fifty four years of knowing nothing until that bracelet showed up. With no clear evidence from the wreckage the question remains was and twenty percent accidentally shot down over the bay of mar say did his plane malfunction or did the pilot get distracted and make a fatal error. I cant. See oh no forget the series. Of one and youre going to be no. I dont want the numbers here but their priest it could be in my village you know. He has the clan a prince of the at its here that the Little Prince appeared on earth and disappeared look at the landscape carefully so that youll be sure to recognise it in case you travel some day to the african desert and if you should come upon the spot please do not hurry on i dont set him straight for a time exactly under the star and then if a little man appears who laughs who has golden hair and refuses to answer questions you will know who he is if this should happen please comfort me send me word that he has come back. Her. Its always about passion and rarely about business trends. Creative entrepreneurs in the german capital. Thomas between Self Determination and self exploitation. Passion and profit berlin creatives made in germany for thirty minutes d w. D w true diversity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. The audition for thought of programming but im doing to be fair he can tell us that our innovations magazine for each of us from every week and always looking to the future on t w dot com science and research for asia. When i was young i dreamed about changing the world. But i was a woman in egypt some things turned out differently forced marriage genital mutilation humiliation. So i know all else. We rebel are using the written word to stand up for womens rights. No one answered our three boys a future story you played on t w. The leading British Military lab says he cannot prove the nerve agent used to time former double agent script ball and his daughter came from russia that undermines the u. K. Foreign minister who told the w. C. Last month the evidence was in the spirit of all they were absolutely categorical and i also the guy was so i said are you sure and he said theres no doubt well i asked what the discrepancy means says the International Chemical weapons watchdog meets to discuss the attack also coming up to draw

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