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The haunch of europe a region in change from a country that took a long time tonight for. People who only started regarding themselves as german as the centuries progressed mahu rather. Odd where did they come from. Questions about the history of the german people. For the revolution. For democracy. For the republic. Model the king. And the rebel stand facing each other irreconcilable there are no germans yet just friends and saxons. When v. To kill the saxon leader finally has himself baptized the frankish king chose is one step closer to his great goal a christian empire in the west which would make him chose the great all charlemagne. Hammer and. A sacred place somewhere in the saxon forests a holy place of the old gym anik religion. For the pagan saxons humans so it is the column that connects heaven and earth the gods with humankind. Its the place where the saxon priests communicate with voters and sex not the priests know the ancient spells that can heal people and animals. And there for the gods wish it the healing is a success. They sell germanic world is threatened on a summers day in seven hundred seventy two from this day on nothing will be the same again and that includes the lives of the saxon noble reader who cant meaning first child and his friend anil. Quite those are also hoops. A Young Frankenstein invade saxony with a large cohort of mounted warriors. Great. Drunks are attacking the village white. The children the women white. The attack takes the saxons by complete surprise they are defenseless. Is it just an ambush shimoga ording expedition like many others the frankish king himself is leading his troops. On. The fronts of christians in their view the saxons are nothing but faithless worshippers of idols barbarian he. Ahd run them out. Burn down the village. Charles twenty four year old king of the franks is confident of his cause he wants to increase the size of his realm and ten the pagans into christians with fire and so if need be. I. On this day the frankish warriors bring death and destruction to many sects and villages. It was a period full of rampaging conquests where the fight is believed they had a right to kill for the face. Helpless. This turned into hatred the sex and noble vidocq and swayze revenge. They paid for this i swear. You will avenge this transfer. Challenge that young frankish king sent to defeat and subjugate the saxons his father and grandfather before him have steadily expanded the frankish empire through conquest. But here at the sacred location of your moon so much more was at stake chose wanted to stamp out the competing culture he wanted there to be just one face wherever he wrote his face. God god is on the side of the franks that just see it with that own eyes. Ted down the idle. What happens to a people whose religious feelings of violated in such a way. These blows cools turmoil all across the saxon territory with villages on the visa and the between theory and the north sea going up in flames. The saxon priests were convinced that the guns would prevent this outbreak just sacrilege if this column came down the sky would fall on their heads. But the gods a silent. God is with us. The saxon resistance wasnt broken yet we took in calls upon his fellow saxons to fight the frankish occupiers bad men take up your soul its. For the faith of all fathers and forefathers. Because it resists the frankish aggressors. The humiliation forced on the sanctions by the friends turns betokened into a rebel into the leader of the saxons who feels a calling to defy the frankish power in the name of the gods. Track for your freedom. Vote john is with us. We will win brothers freedom or death. Freedom or death. I am. Young charless realm was huge his grandfather Charles Mateo and his father king pepin had expanded it greatly by waging constant wars in stretch from the ring to put on us from the mediterranean to the atlantic. In the eighth century in a realm without a fixed capital sun janine near paris was an important center of this empire. Charles came from an old ruling family his ancestors however managed to overthrow the merovingians the old frankish to misty and make themselves rufus jones motel the grandfather founded a powerful dentistry of his own one with which the pope to to enter into an alliance eighteen yes before the attack on the saxons the Young Charles barely six years old has an encounter that will become a key experience for him. And pope stephen the second has come from rome to talk to charless fun at the frankish king pepin to forge an alliance was the first to suggest. The pontiff was in urgent need of an armed guard in order to defend his position in italy and the franks wanted the pope to recognize the kingdom. Young chose greets him ceremoniously. Am i a spot of hats in the combat pops. I dont and. I am an actress factors in the past because i dont and now unless part of clintons peepin. Is done katie and mike allen. Attack can see a shot selfish. Now magnified asking if pippin increased f. I have to come. What the six year old could not understand just yet would determine his whole life the alliance between his family and the pope in atlanta the oath Young Charles was allowed to make will have influenced him in that he wanted to spread gods commandments and this laid the groundwork for him going to war against the pagan saxons to wage missionary wars and wars of conquest and to get into sections of you and miss your own security get googles clear. Conquest and conversion disorder and the cross the weapon was used to assert the faith it was only the soul that made a young frank a man and a worry and if the friend was of noble blood the blade would likely have come from spent the most famous armor in the round. The inscription marked it out as a state of the arts blade there were no better swords to be found any. Around four hundred of these blades have been found usually in the graves of significant men a warrior was given his weapons to take with him to the afterlife even though they would have cost a fortune his apps spear shield and sword the weapons of the frankish warriors. By the age of fifteen charles has completed his warrior training in a solemn ceremony he repeats the oath he swore once before as a young. Boy. Its still over ive always to use my royal power to protect christianity and to spread the divine truth right. Now that he is an adult he is given his own sword. Industrial take the sword it will be with you your whole life both in war and in peace as often flee. The heathens will learn to fear this fool. Just like the sun since the other pagan peoples in the east also worship their own gods in the eighth century over trying the soaps in the bahamian also of the divine in nature. Of the saxons the ex down china knee a modern day debt mortgage were a sacred site. Charles was convinced he had already dealt the final blow to the heathen saxons. A first step in and seeing their territory for the good and active submission of the saxons all to acknowledge his rule and pledge their fail to. They cant yet still you men of the saxon people now agree that you wish to submit to the mighty Christian King of the franks for all eternity through all its side. A loyalty gained by force. What choice did the defeated have submission or death either they betray their culture or they lose their life. Without let there be peace between you and us. Jones believes the saxons were defeated was he was taken. Down that the saxons were not a united front there was a whole number of sub tribes the westphalian was the angry ins and the east valiums are the best known so that they were not under Central Command from the military perspective either these wars are waged by these different tribes meaning that one victory by charlemagne definitely doesnt mean that all the saxon tribes have been defeated. One year after the war against the saxons Charles Cross the outs with his army in order to conquer the lumber kingdom he hoped to annex the ancient roman province of italia into his frankish empire even though the long bods were christians. He besieged a capital for many months he stuffed the population into surrender in pursuit of his vision to become the equal of the Roman Emperor in the east in constant. No he wanted to resurrect the western roman empire. He wanted to combine the unparalleled luster of ancient rome with his own frankish rant one empire one faith one role. In seven hundred seventy four cellos becomes the rex from courtroom at an angle bod all the king of the franks and the lamb box. In the treasury of the cathedral in months are still holds the old lumbered crown for more than a thousand years into the Nineteenth Century it was worn by the many successes of chalk. It is called the i am crowned but it is made of pure gold and is adorned with twenty two precious gems its reinforced on the inside by an iron ring hence the name. There was another side to the young and often cruel warrior king who struggled to read and write one that longed for knowledge and education for the beauty of the us. Colored clothes of the year charmayne like every frankish noble was trained as a warrior does not need to creation the way we understand it akal hard to but because he wanted to rule this empire because he was fascinated by the mediterranean world and ancient culture he very. Rapidly developed the idea of gathering experts at his court that he tasked with educational reform health. Reform we were told. These experts were monks and clerics they came from ireland england spain and italy they were great scholars the best minds of their time charlemagne wanted to listen to them and learn from them. The holy scripture the bible was to be the Sacred Foundation of his kingdom even in every day matters. Then sheepishly is it not written in the holy scripture that even god rested on the seventh day and god blessed the seventh day because he rested from all his works on that day and he got shot you say sunday should be a day free from work hard so far as im on is here because it would be gods will i like all christians should dedicate this day to the lord and to their family. Serby it. More and oppression scholarly ness and beauty these were no contradictions in chalices mind the tradition he and his Court Scholars introduce is not just a fundamental educational reform it amounts to the rebirth of a classical latin world. Since the decline of rome in the chaos of the Great Migrations this ancient culture had with it the latin spoken by the months and priests was corrupted their writings were barely legible charlemagne sense that his unified empire needed one language and one script. C. D. C. The has to be a clear order when writing clear rules everyone has to write the same so everyone can read it. As was and i will everyone must learn that including you. Writing and copying a strict croft performed largely by monks in monasteries all of the knowledge of the west was to be preserved in this way. Shifting the horten of them gives the lettering we used today goes back to this educational reform to the carolingian minuscule with word divisions and clearly legible letters which meant that the most important ancient and religious texts could be disseminated and read in the whole frankish empire and youre right about i at least count. Charlemagne promoted the establishment of monasteries latin schools and libraries all across his empire and to this day there are many precious collections of manuscripts from the time. Charlemagne all over europe such as in the benedictine melkor monastery overlooking the danube in austria they are outstanding witnesses to the scholarly knows of a time now known as the carolingian renee since. It was a development in almost all areas of knowledge and life one that is also reflected in the carolingian buildings in the gatehouse of the last monastery just north of hyderabad. The other face of his reign war and people oppression and violence were still raging in saxony. Charlemagne had pounced a law that threatened anyone who refused to be baptized with death. If you truly wish to convert to the christian god then throw your idols on to this cleansing fire as a sign of your new faith in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost then. The saxons were to renounce their old facts they were to stop being the people they were. Mentioning he did not see all the people who are used over generations to existing in the polytheistic world and to view it as the natural order of things will always struggle to renounce the familiar even under military pressure under threat of force. Pull close leashed in for totton ups of the saxons had to do that in the first phase of frankish expansion and they did it because they had no alternatives but that didnt make them faithful christians about it since that is kind of globing because of. The two cant did not want to be baptized despite the death threat. He wanted the saxons to be the rulers over their own territory again to pray to their own guns not to this foreign god who came by fire and sword. The saxons fought back attacking frank aisha villages. No mercy for their enemies no for the saxons whod already converted. The documents rebellion claimed innocent victims a spiral of violence. I had hoped i would never have to hear anything like it these damned heathens these damn saxons wild animals a faithless pack resort to subjugate them with a sword but we failed to win their hearts they broke their oath they betrayed me they came. But our gold is also a god of love one empire one faith we have to assert that this. It is nowhere written that gods word must be spread by the sort of oh my jesus christ silence. Is real forgotten i swear before god and in your presence that i will wage war on the faithless traitorous saxons i will not rest until they are either defeated and have converted to christianity or until they are completely annihilated from theres a if thats what they want. Its a fight that knows no rules and has no mercy a dirty war between an equal powers with attacks retaliation tara and counterterror. I. Didnt escapes capture. The list where are you. Where. Charles decides to set an example in the town of fed and on the river its an orgy of revenge. Never again would it saxon dead to go against him the king of the franks. On charless orders thousands of captives saxons are executed frankish chroniclers would later claim that more than four and a half thousand men died by the silt on this day. The water in the run red with the victims blood. It was an act that cost a shadow over the reputation of the great frankish king for centuries. There are four thousand five hundred stones in fadden to commemorate the event they were put there in one thousand nine hundred thirty five in the spirit of the times. Brute bought from the album like a bloodbath of faired and drew criticism even among contemporaries patani tired to call it also for it was very brutal if you put yourself in charlemagnes shoes you see he was desperate because of the ongoing saxon resistance op this is long and maybe this was his last resort to force victory lest the smiting to be used and used in a forked out swing. Not even women and children was spared the incredible rage of the frankish king. And. His own Court Scribes report shows had all the saxons living on the other side of the ever including women and children brought to the land of the franks. Did not get going and nobody stays behind her and move. It was a full screen location to allow charlemagne to secure his room. Tens of thousands of saxons were robbed of their homes and deported to the frankish heartland and. Charlemagne distributed the land stolen from the saxons to his frankish followers. Despite all the brutality the saxon resistance cannot be broken both sides are prisoners of their pride their goals and their oaths. Freedom or death. God is with us. The saxons didnt have the strength to drive the frankish power from their land but there was a bitter insight for video kings enemies to military force alone would not produce lasting peace. Charlemagnes learned advisors tried to convince their king of this so weve been waging war against the saxons for thirteen years now i know theyre waging war against us and weve not been able to break their resistance despite our best efforts im telling you we wont find peace with the saxons if we dont negotiate its actually been finished one hundred five negotiate tell me how you negotiate with troublemakers who break their word who wont be bound by any oath all rule you can kind of is it soft and he will offer video candy and honorable capitulation and that allows him to save face that way he can avoid a war down to the last man but in exchange hell have to end the rebellion for good im on the mot. He has to be the tiniest. For the sake of peace to. The in the Pax Christiana israel it would be agreeable to gold. Color also have to charlemagne invested a huge amount in the saxon wars and that shows us how much they meant to him how important his mission was one of a mission he first understood with the oath he made to pope stephen its and its. Thirteen years old to the destruction of him in seward the saxon rebel leader rides to the frankish heartland to see charlemagne. The frankish chronicles would later claim that the saxon had become a devout christian thanks to a divine miracle but in truth he took and just wanted peace. You cant have you come out of your own free will yes my lord has me for peace. When charlemagne embraced his former enemy on Christmas Day seven hundred eighty five he fulfilled the promise he gave to the pope as a young boy to spread christianity. Betokens baptism was a significant event in the history of the german people the saxon territory became part of an empire from which germany and france would later image. The always to mean got out i must be gone. Yes cannot. Allow this to interest got a tsunami and told. You. He loved. The stool in the log on going east is kilo. So tells reached by baptize you as a video kinda of the saxons. And ominous fox and the name of the father. The son. And the holy ghost. In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost. Tovey the reader can see baptism in seven eighty five was an incredible success for charmayne because this chronicle is wrote that all of saxony was now subjugated but in reality it took almost twenty more years until that was the case basis ovide our pasta nevertheless there was certain trees there was now a christian empire full of christians under a Christian King out of kristen college to tend to. The oldest plants of the church in anger a village near how thought date back to around eight hundred the duke and was born here and this is where legend says he is buried the chroniclers have reinterpreted the rebel was a pious christian. A later pope even beatified him. In the nationalist Nineteenth Century the saxon vidocq and was portrayed as a german hero fighting against the french enemy. The french meanwhile turned charlemagne into one of their own hence his name in french and english. Charlemagne as the frenchmen and vidocq and the german kneeling in the dust in front of him historical misrepresentation by both sides rooted in ancestral enmity. After the baptism of the saxon rebel solomon could finally focus on his other projects again. Although the monica owned a number of magnificent palaces the huge empire still didnt have a fixed seat of government. Charlemagne chose a hymn in order to turn it into the most beautiful city in his empire a hundred was to combine the splendor of rome with the scholarly ness of athens in. The new royal palace was a large and perfectly planned complex it contained the. As the seat of government along with a residence for the royal family a garrison for elite troops a courtroom and a study center with an archive and a library. The Spiritual Center was the palace chapel consecrated to the virgin mary today its on cathedral. Which was already considered a masterpiece by charlemagnes contemporaries it was the most magnificent chuch north of the house. Have. For centuries the churches interior was the highest dont space in Northern Europe with marble from carra and columns from rome and advena thirty three german kings invoked the name of charlemagne and had themselves crowned on this throne in our one cathedral over the course of six hundred years. Before their press cards often was charlemagnes preferred house probably because it was in the heartland of carolingian rule the one who goes out to get it was surrounded by extensive forests suitable for hunting and hot springs which charlemagne enjoyed every year because of course like it was you who are. In the eight hundred charlemagne and a large rectum you moved south. He had reached a special agreement with the pope. In rome formally the center of the ancient world was an insignificant room in charlemagnes day but even the ruins bore witness to its former grand. Western europe havent had an emperor for more than three hundred yes in the year eight hundred the frankish king charlemagne revived the old title of the emperors he wanted the arena of impairing the you bring new of the roman empire as the empire of the franks. Have. When charlemagne was crowned emperor on Christmas Day in eight hundred it was a historic moment for contemporaries a sensation that resonated across europe. It was the first time a pope had crowned an emperor and the first time this emperor had come from an empire that was not roman. Only a successor of some peter could award the title of emperor in the name of god thats why charlemagne had recognized the supremes pontiff as his spiritual head. In return charlemagne liberated the papacy from by zan time domination and placed it under its military protection. Thats why the pope had to pay homage to the new emperor as his wont leave room. Almost half a century after the popes visit to. The political vision of the carolyn. Gnc had come true a long sting coalition between the worldly and the spiritual powers a union between the sword and the cross it was a long road and a ruthless brutal one neighboring peoples was subjugated those with a different face were violently converted to christianity. When charlemagne was crowned in the eight hundred it marked the beginning of the mediaval empire known as the Holy Roman Empire that would last for more than a thousand deannas. For centuries german kings would be crowned emperor in rome in the tradition of the great carolingian ruler it would later become known as the Holy Roman Empire of the german nation whose last emperor would rule until eighteen zero six. And even napoleon who put an end to this roman german tradition put himself on a par with charlemagne in not a damn cathedral in paris. In the daughter because his course influenced the significance of charlemagne for us today is that he united the different peoples and traditions of these large parts of europe for account of its fuel and goals are tied and that he rules this union under the idea of peace even though he was constantly at war these are for being dome under the light in the in his feet and he wanted to create a realm of peace over finished and he to go through it but then sleep so intently than sorry. Charlemagne died in a town hundred fourteen and was buried in his chechen a when he was a frank and the fust european a sentry and a huff after charlemagne a man from the subjugated saxons otto the first would be crowned king in a hot. Body match last. Od at the battle of les fared in nine hundred fifty five the saxons defeated the heathen magyar. In the fight against the external enemy he united the tribes of the east front his round. It month to new chapter in the history of the germans. Half. This weeks highlights. Sensationally tasty. These days foodies are cooking with flowers. Forget hawaii surfing hot spot cold denmark. Youre known three walls stylish living in a triangle. Your romance in thirty minutes long w. You can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. The few smugglers for the rich but for many poor people it all first their chance of survival. And i could be lunch for today just like the. Reporters traveling to nairobi and. You know the true value of courage. It has created a surprising parallel economy. What does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class walking the response to that statement should be yes we all starting class walking because retiring. And actually disrupt an economy the rich the truth exclusive report starting june eleventh on d w. 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