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Bricks of protesters have moved up and this is a group of people who have been out here in front of westminster for around a year we talked to them yesterday and they explained what theyre trying to do they said what they want is a second referendum and so these people are protesting here every time every day and they have specialized in coming out the kind correspondent talk to their local t. V. Stations and sort of bringing across their message they want no Mission Accomplished were talking about them max want to go to you and i brussels if i may youve also a listened well thats the sort of by sunday. Well it appears that on the front between on the front line between the e. U. And theresa may and her government its largely sorted out because its recently acknowledged that this political agreement which is different from the Withdrawal Agreement is now has now been negotiated the use basically saying the same thing the problems the e. U. Still has are within their own ranks the one country that has threatened not to sign the Withdrawal Agreement is spain because of gibraltar spain wants to negotiate bilaterally the status of gibraltar in the future and not having to go she added by the entire European Union so they want to have basically a veto on gibraltar but so far its not in the Withdrawal Agreement the rest of the Member States say were not going to open this up any more and there is some aid today also in her short press conference in front of downing street said that this would be part of the whole e. U. With their all agreements on the bilateral uli with spain and that spells trouble because we dont know how this is going to be sorted out barbara want to go to you travolta also came up briefly did you hear that. When she spoke about that yes i mean she said that give raul to is firmly within the reale mafia the british the British Union and that nothing is going to change in its status so she puts her foot down on that because if she would be seen to waver the least little bit then of course the opponents of her deal and her opponents particularly within her own party would sort of jump up again and say this cannot be done and you have to go so she really cannot afford any further movement and we have seen within the last few hours how how difficult already the whole issue of fishery is for her because she mentioned that too and that is will be within the future negotiations and to resume a promise that it would be the way britain wants it that is a promise she most certainly will not be able to keep our world that makes it really difficult max i mean really to real the process of both sides are sticking to their guns. Ill tell you the truth here were still debating that with you diplomats here in brussels its quite unclear how this is going to unfold some even claiming that a qualified majority would be enough for this on sunday so they wouldnt even need spains voice spains vote to get on with the Withdrawal Agreement is also with the political agreement but i can tell you this for for a decision of this scope about the future of the European Union an anemone unanimity would be absolutely prefer able thats what everybody has told me so even if technically its possible to pass this with a qualified majority so without spain i dont think anybody wants to do that so the goal now in the big question is how do you get spain back from that three its climbed up on in the last days and like i said ive heard the idea play that there would be a protocol an additional protocols an additional document that would avoid opening up the Withdrawal Agreement but that would sort of bring some order to the question of gibraltar it might be play out like that at this moment we dont know but i can tell you that the diplomats were talking to about this dont seem to be too worried about it they think there will be a solution im just wondering max briefly if you can how much goodwill is there left how much sympathy is there for theresa may enough to give her some more ground before sunday. I think this is it the Withdrawal Agreement most likely wont be touched any more the political agreement is what it is any case its not binding so i think the documents are there those are going to be most likely the documents that the leaders will say yea or nay on on sunday about so i think theyll be way has been giving has been given and now what they can do is a you know friendly atmosphere is something for the gallery something to show everybody back home thats the reason may really fought like a lion and that she brought home everything she could from brussels all right and i just want to remind our viewers actually showing you live pictures of the ongoing debate in the house of commons bob i want to give you the last word if i may if it does indeed sign off on the briggss deal then what what happens next thats very simple and very dangerous for treason may next stop the house of parliament again westminster rumor has it around the eleventh of december could be the day of days and as we stand here today shes not likely on this basis of what she has presented today to get her a deal through parliament there is just too many people against it the opposition it seems at the moment to discuss the story and the scottish tory m. P. s do you see the Northern Irish unionists plus people in her own rose heartbreaks in cheers who dont like the deal so it will be a very fraught time for the british Prime Minister and this will go on for a while. Thank you so much above or evasive reporting from outside westminster and our Brussels Bureau chief max hoffman thank you both for your continued coverage. All right now while we move on to yemen peace talks between that countrys warring parties looks set to take place in sweden in early december thats at least according to the u. S. Secretary of defense for the people here in the talks cant come soon enough aid agencies estimate that more than eighty thousand children may have died from extreme hunger in the past three years of yemen civil war and the u. N. Says half the countrys population is now on the brink of famine. This is one year old new side when this footage was taken on the twenty third of october hes mother said hed been diagnosed with money tradition twice in the last six months because the might of. He keeps having a high fever during the night so i dont know how to get his temperature down when its high. Not at all we dont know what condition musayyib is in at present but his story resonates today as an Aid Group Warns eighty five thousand children in yemen may have died of hunger since the civil war broke out in two thousand and fifteen its a country literally on the brink of famine haul from million young lives immediately to risk we need to focus on this crisis because it is the single greatest humanitarian crisis facing us as an international community. As the world learned of the probable extent of the countrys humanitarian crisis the u. N. Envoy to yemen Martin Griffiths arrived in the rebel held kept us also now for talks with who the rebels he said both sides in yemen have agreed to attend peace talks soon to in the countrys civil war. But the fighting is still raging in her data and other areas making life a daily struggle for people in yemen. Well i added that is that i thought about it when i make breakfast i pray that well be able to have lunch and when lunch comes i wonder what well have to supper. And when you go to sleep you start thinking gods whats my going to feed them to morrow the heart of. Peace talks have been scheduled for early december in sweden but similar if its in the past have failed to produce any agreement to stop the violence. Or lets bring up to speed now some of the other stories making news around the world. According to israel has sentenced in an american israeli man to ten years in jail after he was convicted of a string of hoax bomb threats against Jewish Community centers in the United States the court said he had threatened some two thousand institutions before his arrest last year. Eight employees of a french drilling firm have been killed in southeastern share their companys gunmen attacked the crew while they arrested in the village of two more and Officials Say the attackers may be members of the jihad is Boko Haram Group from neighboring nigeria. The un says the amount of Greenhouse Gases in the earths atmosphere hit a new record in twenty seventeen officials warrant that the increase means the opportunity to limit Global Warming is almost closed while data shows levels of c o two and other gases that trap heat rising at a steady rate. Now its been a Long Time Coming can now be come digital time travelers and step back into the days of the roman empire or rome reborn is the largest computer simulation in the world so far and for years u. S. Researchers have been digitizing all existing information and now theyve recreated the entire city as it stood about seven hundred years ago take a look. Cutting edge Computer Technology that takes us back in time a birds eye view of engine room around the year three twenty at this point in history the eternal city was at its zenith there were about one million inhabitants almost fifty thousand homes to amphitheaters twenty eight Public Libraries and thirty six triumphal arches. It was the cultural and Political Center of a vast empire here power and might were not just wielded they were chiseled into stone. Romes opulence economy was at the time financed by the spoils of war but the wind of change was blowing constance in the great was the first emperor to tolerate christianity a new currency was introduced society was reorganized. This digital project was twenty years in the making. But im going to show a slide today which has over fifty people we think of accurate list would be at least one hundred people who have contributed in one way or another rome reborn cost three Million Dollars to develop it was created with the forty million tourists in mind who visit the eternal city every year and also for those who stay at home. The beautiful eternal city and just before i go i want to remind you of our main story thats our. The u. K. Prime minister to resign made has told parliament and that brings that negotiations are at a critical moments ahead of an e. U. Summit on sunday may it was outlining the terms of a draft deal on post brags that relations between london and brussels but she failed to convince opposition a labor a party leader germy koren who called the deal coach of the worst of all worlds and youre watching live images were going to leave it there and three hope to see you again at the top of the hour for more on this ongoing story im liable for roxy that. Every year in this spanish town three hundred twenty five Community Rooms changes homes. In the living its quick and easy money. The goods trucks from morocco. To witness the mafia. The news and the police and the local people. Next on g. W. Much of it can be. Sure linked to news from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of easy town without with safety deputed comes to much traffic to join us on facebook t w africa. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t. V. Shadow and a few newspapers with official information as a journalist i have worked all of the. Then you can trust and. Point to social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. Who can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. Paris and i arent. Alone a very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me peter craven and we begin in Southern Spain which is one of the largest gateways for Illegal Drugs and during the European Union every day traffic has smuggled tons of hashish across the mediterranean from morocco its an uneven battle between the local police and the gangs transporting the drugs in high powered speedboats all the more remarkable than the recent arrest of drug Baron Francisco take home his gang is believed to control eighty percent of the hashish that passes through the town of la linea telecoms have c. O. But despite thats arrest linea remains a key hub for the narcotics business not surprising given that the straits of gibraltar is a very narrow channel at this point out so that fact that youth unemployment in the area is up to around eighty percent while young men can earn a thousand euros a day through traffic for their parts the people of the town say the situation is getting worse by the day. The african coastline is just barely visible on the horizon yet morocco one of the biggest cash producers worldwide is just thirty kilometers away more trucks than ever before are passing through la linea dellec concepcion spain people are worried that in a lot of them theres never been this battle for the empty the rigors been the rocks here but not on the scale the most real reality everyone is talking about is that they might probably mess with their town seems to be getting more and more dangerous over time. The police are stretched beyond their means in the fight against drug smugglers both on land and at sea sometimes after a spectacular chase they can catch the speedboats the smugglers used to carry the drugs over to spain but this Police Officer who wants to remain anonymous says they mostly fail the id. Scam with the drugs from over there up to the beach. With people that i dont like about that i found four wheel drive vehicles drive down from the road load of the packets and take off all in record so im. Alright that means theres no time to intervene a little bit of. The officer shows us where they take the hashish for safety reasons we only film from inside the car. Were going all of these big gates and high walls are supposed to block the view. And the look the drugs the tractors and the boats. Hashish passes through this region into europe by the time thirty mafia gangs share the business hundreds of them pounded boats and vehicles have ended up in this compound but thats just a small fraction the officer says the police need more tip offs from the locals to catch more smugglers but theyre not very cooperative. Tyler got to feel when problem is that the drug trade has become part of the society. Many people support the smuggling because they live from it its so they dont want to stop and give it to. Nobody. With unemployment at some thirty five percent and low incomes people are being lured into the lucrative drug trade. As we defeat its easy money with this us person so these peoples kids are likely to know for a steady job but if they just follow in their fathers footsteps. Too isnt it a fact. Violence is on the rise here too in early spring twenty eighteen twenty armed persons forced their way into the local hospital and freed a drug dealer the patient was under police guard. Many residents are taking to the streets theyre afraid and theyre demanding a harder line against the drug gangs among them is linnaeus mayor. He feels the government is doing nothing and his city has become the cesspit of the entire coast. Of Africa South America if you get the impression that they would like to concentrate the problem in one area rather vengeance they claim. Im not saying its a couch in a germ line. Of im not paranoid or you know but the government simply has to do more for this region to look in your career. For. The authorities have a quip to the police with faster boats and are now trying to gain control of the situation. But this Police Officer says thats just not enough the problem is already far too large the authorities no longer rule alinea the drug gangs to Police Officers have even been assaulted. By you know. The fellow officers are seriously consider. In applying for a transfer. We dont have the proper means to protect ourselves how are we going to ensure safety for a whole community. Where. The drug trade in the name yet brings in those involved over three hundred Million Euros every year and the police are finding it difficult to change that. The United Kingdom might be on the verge of breaking away from the rest of europe but consolation is that hand for british citizens wanting to drown their sorrows because english wine is booming thats right english wine enthusiastic wine makers like ben and kristina taking advantage of Climate Change to step up production been to tjs and to competing with europes best. These grapes could give french wine makers a headache. On this particular part of the shop near the back that we can get from quite tropical kind of roy. Stone fifty five is coming through. Tropical in this kind of weather. Here in east sussex and southeastern england the organic grapes take more time to ripen and theyre harvested later than in most of continental europe. We dont have a lot of sun we dont have a lot of heat so its kind of growing a lovely delicious product. In a considering days second stances. Kristen celtic used to work as a p. R. Advisor now shes a wine growers in part thanks to Climate Change. It does rain a lot here in east sussex but temperatures are rising steadily making conditions ideal for the british sparkling wine which could give frances champagne region some competition. Champaign used to be a relatively marginal climate it was colder growing grapes and making wine now its warmer there and its i had a chap here who visited the vineyard from champagne and he was from a champagne growing making family and he said that the climate in the u. K. Is similar to what he grew up in champagne forty years ago grower ben smith is confident that the english grapes can take on french champagne theres a lot of tastings out there that have happened blind tastings pitching the best english talking points against champagnes in a blind tasting so nobody can see the label and english once coming. Competed with the best. Does this mean that britain might one day be selfsufficient in Wine Production and independent of the rest of europe. An unofficial taste test shows that this is no understatement at least when it comes to bubbly britain can free itself from the continent writes it does happen we have champagne so were not too worried compared with germany and france and italy cool so we dont produce anywhere near the quantity but this does to know this we can produce some really tasty stuff off. The wine growers have big plans for the upcoming years. Kristin has already bought some more land to further her wine growing ambitions. And choose to the u. K. In the difficult weeks and months that inevitably lie. Now the republic of tatarstan is located in russias volga district with its capitol cuz its home to the tall tall people who are very proud of their culture and just as proud of their language but that makes them suspicious in moscows eyes and the russian authorities have now ruled that the tata language should no longer be mandatory teaching in the republic schools prompting fears that culture is endangered but there is resistance. These are the sounds of touch are learning the language to song is how the ethnic tata are lay sankar you have a teacher said to her Primary School students that these touch our children can still learn their native language is thanks to the School Principal pavel schmeichel of he has refused to let go of his touch our teachers in defiance of the Central Education authority in moscow last year it had ordered an end to tar intact are stand as a required subject prompting teachers to be fired. That which implore the doctor could look into it if the decision was bad for the touch our culture with the toilets and riders is very interesting he could do little good will be learned about of the languages removed as a required subject that would be the beginning of the end of the tar culture but i think diversity is important to have nifty that. The qataris are majority muslim ethnic group they have lived in touch our stand of republic within russia for centuries peacefully coexisting with russians and many other ethnicities. Within the walls of the citadel in castle on the republics capital a mosque and church side by side symbolize a long history of balancing local custom with the majority culture. Although there were public lost and special status the tars have always been viewed as autonomy as in russia and that independent. Streak has not gone unnoticed in moscow a year ago president Vladimir Putin demanded that schools in tatarstan only teach russian as a required language no more tatar the decree came as a shock to the tars michel your shake love is the chairman of the society of the russian culture of tatarstan he thinks the touch ours have too many rights and there republic which could lead them to split off from russia tar is a useless language he says because the tars all speak russian anyway. The guy will store useful look at the stone the republic of tatarstan is not an independent state but the stone it is always and forever a part of russia. That it puts all the symbols of state on nothing more than decoration its an imitation so ta ta as some kind of state language is best to be abolished. Because its. Found us sufi a former deputy in russias parliament disagrees and tirelessly. Hes concerned russian ethno nationalism is undermining the stability of the vast multiethnic country. He thinks russia will only remain a strong country when its many different ethnic groups and nations enjoy cultural autonomy. And im not worried that our target our language and culture will vanish i think theyll survive this but it can end up with measure but smaller ethnic groups could end up losing their identity of these new regulations arent scrapped using their will now there will be a catastrophe. At the with. The School Principal part of an ethnic russian concurs hes convinced the countrys many different cultures and languages are a treasure worth protecting which is why hes refusing to heed moscows decree to stop teaching the tard language. That gives you shouldnt label people as either clever russians or stupid tatars or vice versa that just crosses nationalist conflict which some people are keen to provoke that could end badly someday. But badly in debt. Who all in losses that by teaching her students the touch our language. Is helping them discover their tartaric density. And her pupils want to keep the tartar language as a School Subject for practical reasons to. Me its really helpful to know the tartar language when you live here many shopkeepers only speak. Good at that thats because that is. Knowing the language of your ancestors helps you better understand the culture and it makes for a more peaceful life force in the streets. As it stands these students will keep learning tar because everybody here is eager to preserve their unique cultural heritage. Well if you want to generate electricity irrigate your fields or collect Drinking Water then build a dam which is precisely what they are for it is in bold garia been doing creating a vast network of as many as three hundred and hydroelectric plants with many more planned but environmentalists are raising the alarm saying the dams are having an irreversible impact on book areas countries. Crystal clear and it would appear untouched the gush gary has rolled over mountains along with other mountain revers it is a natural paradise with a unique flora and fauna sunniest of young used to love to come fishing here now he says there are hardly any fish left. But its been going on like this for years that the water level is sinking and there are less and less fish. Some structures dont have anything left at all with all their net worth im up thirty one. This concrete dam is the reason why it stores water to generate electricity pumping nearly all of it to a power plant nearby. Whats left of the gushing ya is just a feeble trickle. The conservationist Demeter Coleman of has been examining these fatal side effects for years. Well be floated by the north of the body but any living creature comfort by doing. This pipeline diverts the gushing as water to a small power station. Built by private investors and subsidized by the e. U. Its a lucrative business at the cost of the environment says. The state did nothing against the developer to force him to fall below. Book we feel here hes on the political problem. Because they take your side killed with the European Union money. He wants to show us just how devastating it can get. Were heading to a neighboring valley. Severe storms made the chair cosco river swell to a raging torrent that swept up tons of debris. Since then the debris has blocked the dam and the river bet is drying up. If you do the fish pop vocal block sure it makes me angry i reckon if break i it would be called people but if i actually im now one is getting profit i got fucked up and. Thanks to the primitive dam the storms also ravaged the nearby village of my high call they relied on the dam for protection and on the promises made by the Energy Producers but they had to stand by and watch the floods sweep away entire houses. The people producing the electricity are getting all the money. And what do we get that absolutely nothing. Today there are over two hundred seventy power stations in bulgaria one of them the giant sun kind of coming down but environmental organizations say its electricity production is modest with only a small portion of the countrys electricity coming from hydro power. Nevertheless sophias government has just approved three hundred more plants we asked the deputy minister responsible why. We inherited this issue from the previous government and were trying to find a solution. And thats very important when construction has already been authorized. The spanish. So responsibility is passed from one to the next while construction continues. But with each dam built nature dwindles along with the chance of attracting tourists to bulgarias pristine rivers like here in the balkan range. Cod and Dimitar Monaghan have a small canoe shop here by the iscar river. Now they fear for their future. I recently got up the river gets too slow theres no point in kayaking anymore. Im. Not far away what he dreads has already come true the procope hunted down his held by a Shareholding Company its one of forty three power stations in its portfolio and there are more planned that reservoir is filled with muddy water gas bubbles burst at the surface pointing to a decay process below. The corporate speaker claims its all part of the natural cycle. And. We inspect the riverbed very closely physically and chemically what we see here is a completely normal seasonal process that would happen with or without us. Its a lame excuse in the eyes of environmental activist demeter command of this moment that this is already a blow to top that weve had temperatures out on close oxygen. Use such kind of water. And yet they keep laying more concrete. Beyond the dams bulgaria still has many untouched and Wild Mountain rivers the question is for how long. On a different note how would you fancy going on the Treasure Hunt it sounds exciting and its an increasingly popular hobby all you really need is a metal detector and you can set out to look for finds like a whole lot of old gold coins i say hobby which is not quite true because the internet has turned this pastime into big business here in germany alone the number of artifacts sold on e bay has risen to something in the range of ten thousand a year traditional archaeologists like marianne brigalow say our heritage is at risk. They called Treasure Hunters detectorists or just plain looters plundered archaeological sites are a growing problem in germany imagine parkland is in charge of excavations at a two thousand year old roman Burial Ground whenever possible she and her team dig in secrecy for fear of illegal Treasure Hunters. Then done things at twenty but when this all fever takes over they just keep digging and they might make off with crucial fines that would have told us the dates or enabled some other conclusion is that vick discoveries that are forever lost to science its hard to pin a monetary figure on the damage caused by illegal Treasure Hunters but police estimate its in the millions of euros. Treasure hunting with special detectors has evolved into a kind of sport many hunters wear camouflage and carry high tech equipment there after profit and adventure bugs. Its a myth that when you take up this hope you have certain expectations and then one day you might hear that signal somewhere that could indicate something really interesting and you think this is it. Every year Treasure Hunters in germany hold a major event a big rally for digging up metal and gold coins whoever finds the greatest number of the most value is declared the countrys national champion. Gold gold gold the first signal the first corner and its a major five gold coin. Many Treasure Hunters view it as a sport but not archaeologist Marion Barker at the championships she tries to talk to the detectorists as they call themselves and inform them about the damage they can cause and. My worst experience was when we were investigating of aerial sight during the night someone went through it with some kind of trident and dug up everything they call it one for me and you could see the marks it left and a lot of things were ruined this couple both players helped out by her colleague pate ahead of h. He often runs into detectors these days and always tells them that they need a permit and what to do if they find something legally. Pleasure forever though i think it should be labeled put in a finds bag and numbered and perfect. All these are roman coins presumably from the first century. Many detectorists throw stuff like this in the scrap box here its numbered measured and entered into the find report thats how it should be done many Treasure Hunters cooperate willingly with archaeologists but others resent what they see is unwarranted interference there after the adventure like axelle telephone carked he maintains a website called the german detectorists union. Just claim you need a permit in general and that anyone who doesnt have one is considered a looter but that simply not true and for i often heard a blanket statements like that you can go anywhere you want with your metal detector and not have to worry about restrictions thats absolutely false forty five. The two sides are at loggerheads and there are black sheep in every community and some Treasure Hunters go off to bombs munitions and weapons like those found here in the high spot thats dangerous and just as illegal as digging in excavation sites without a permit. Doesnt guns gets you those are looters after a very specific objects theyre organized like mafiosos they target certain burial mounds and dig illegally the whole thing is a commercial enterprise tied to the archaeologists its a disaster when its a thorn before you want to get up in a grave there are bone carvings and burial objects but all the vessels and hoeing sir already gone because someone stolen them back thats a huge loss for us that if then the reason for lost ideally the archaeologists would like to turn the detectorists into partners and in the process help them understand the value the buried treasures have for posterity. And thats all from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if youd like to see any of our reports again just go to our home page on d. W. Dot com forward slash focus on europe whole visit on the Facebook Page for the w stories do come back next time around until then bye bye and trips to the out of the way. The a few hours. The way. Willow and. Move. In good shape. Enhancing performance with drugs. My photo says of l. S. D. To create cannabis to relieve pain. Not always legal but increasingly part of our daily lives. When our drugs harmful and who can they help. To cheat thirty minutes on the job of. Destroying shallow for the story of the First Movement or tone from different perspectives by peter craven from the Eastern European perspective from the african full spectrum from the perspective from turkey. From the arab world. T w dot com slash w w one day that are going to need the limited Technology Digital advances are transforming the world. Is humanity ready for it. The Second Season of our documentary series founders valley. Join german founders in asia as they explore our digital future. Coma sally starts november twenty fourth on the w. This is a fifteen year old girl. Being gang raped. The teacher is beating a boy for talking back and class. For the rest of the class once as. Im sure is told first been hit by his mother. Breaking up last. His trial sleeps in the streets because her family through her. Here. Online bullying. Pushes a teenager over the edge. Just because you can see violence against children doesnt mean others and there are make them visible visible. My violence against children disappear. As. This is you know we use life from girl in a critical moment for the u. K. Springs of negotiations Prime Minister to. The semi tells parliament chill do everything she can to deliver a divorce for a divorce deal from the e. U. But as the next seventy two hours will be crucial european leaders are set to sign off on the deal at a special summit on sunday also coming up hope for a nation ravaged by violence and famine the u. S. Secretary of defense says yemens rule

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