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They are digital mauriers. For women for internet activists one mission. The battle for freedom and dignity. Courageous and determined they campaign for womens rights and for peace. They mobilize against femicide. Or compulsory veils. Their messages are spreading like wildfire. Social media is quite critical of them and thousands of others are joining because ahmad that the streets they are women are changing the world to live in. Digital. Starts november twenty fifth on w. Right now a soldier is in this tank but soon a Weapons Company employee might be sitting here and. Military operations are growing ever more expensive and specialized. Private Defense Contractors have taken over many Military Task but development some regard with dismay once and sometimes theyre like marionettes youre dancing to the tune of the Weapons Industry but in topic like a wall or a war laugh the more these companies are a bit higher thats diametrically opposed to the entrance of our Heads Of State and government whose duty it normally is to bring wars to a swift and super freak. In france and germany private Defense Contractors own just supplying equipment there also providing expertise and personnel. In more and more areas the German Armed Forces rely on the assistance of private contractors. The eastern german state of Saxony Unhide it is home to the g. Use it one of europes largest and most modern combat Training Facilities its all operated by heinemann germanys largest Weapons Manufacturer and one of the bone disappears main suppliers so just train here for military operations. Here. In the control room employees of a tiny little subsidiary sit side by side with soldiers there recording every action every movement and. Munich ation. This is one of the bundeswehr as most important Training Centers Military Strategy is on show here. And yet a private contractor is playing a crucial role. The german born disappear benefits from the companys Technical Expertise for the company the contract is worth some twenty Million Euros a year. Soon this Training Center will also be equipped to handle other kinds of military exercises the bundeswehr has expanded the Training Ground and built a modern urban Training Center up to One Thousand Five Hundred soldiers at a time will train and house to house combat here soon there will be more than five hundred buildings including an Industrial Area a school and even a prison. In the future every german soldier will receive training here. Heineman tile is being paid twenty four Million Euros to modernize the facilities i. T. System so that the new urban Training Center will be able to use the private contractors own Simulation Technology the Training Center itself is slated to cost some one hundred forty Million Euros but will remain state property. Climate science has a contract to operate the g. You said Training Center through september twenty nine thousand. For the Defense Contractor its a lucrative operation from twenty fourteen to twenty nineteen the deal will have been worth some ninety six Million Euros and im a time i can use the buildings and the soldiers to acquire new clients. For the private contractor the board. Training center is also a marketing and sales opportunity. Foreign representatives come here to be shown the military maneuvers technology and expertise on display and line metallic wires new deals worth millions. Journalist g. Fleet leaks has found out that the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates have already paid for visits to the combat Training Center. Some like dot net see it doesnt apply to mr nichols of a cultural soldiers told us that the combat Training Center is a Big Trade Fair and a successful one there is now a center in the arab middle east and others are interested to the fight of it to say what a surprise thought on the us all this again raises the question of boundaries. To the to what extent should the boy industry or support climate are in selling advanced technology with a call particularly when we dont know what role this market where you know yemen or syria or in the conflict between iran and saudi arabia who should be like this outside. The United Arab Emirates purchased a combat Training Center in twenty ten. Russian delegations have also paid a visit afterwords Heineman Time i received an order worth One Hundred Million Euro is russia wanted to build a combat Training Center like the one here in germany in the volga region with german help. In twenty fourteen the ukrainian conflict part of all time its all of the deal with russia. The German Government rescinded the export license according to Russian Media moscow completed the Training Center without german help. Kleinman child then demanded compensation from the German Government for pulling the plug on the deal the claim has yet to be settled the of. Any Damage Payments would be the taxpayers expense the German Government has confirmed that the claim is under consideration. From twenty fourteen to twenty eighteen Cutline Sudar served as State Secretary in charge of Military Procurement at the German Defense ministry. She believes its possible to maintain a proper bond ring between the bundeswehr. The Defense Industry. Doesnt always indians in the. Most that ms has all but its ok as long as you maintain clear boundaries and remain at arms length with industry not too close but not too far either because the market isnt that large for me yet you also have to stay informed for example if theres a manufacturer where things didnt go well. But then you have to be clear about whats a sales event and when actual content is involved wall the first such as are difficult and shut and thats the core of the business relationship and you need to be able to have that exchange have to start about also told. Its a fish so. Does this proximity between the German Defense ministry the bundeswehr and German Military contract just really only serve as a way to exchange information. Or is a German Government subsidizing the Business Deals of private industry. Young from africa from the German Left Party says the sale of german combat Training Technology is also problematic for security reasons. For export get a problem with arms exports is the Boomerang Effect you sell weapons to a friendly country and ten or twenty years later those weapons are turned on german soldiers and little thats happening in afghanistan today. Palin may twenty seventeen heineman held its annual meeting in a Hotel Directly across from the Defense Ministry the meeting was closed to the press and security missed tight. Quote put in front of the Hotel Activists held a demonstration to protest against mine many times activity particularly its export deals with the middle east and turkey. But i but i think how anyone who buys a crime or stock for profit is complicit in arms exports and in death all over the world. Will happen is among the activists she owns one share of One More Time and this participating is whats called a critical shareholder as a shareholder shes allowed to attend the annual meeting in a big. Rally tied to thats what we try and mattel admits that it profits from the many crises and wars around the world and act all kinds of who and they admit they seek out governments that are willing to spend large sums on weapons to also be. Banned as a shareholder shes allowed to pose questions to the board at the meeting. Today she plans to ask about the combat Training Center. Heineman time has very good contacts in german political circles thats also apparent in the ranks of shareholders. Former German Defense minister france youll see if young is standing for election to the Supervisory Board even though hes still a Member Of Parliament and on its Defense Committee where he helps make decisions about homs deals. Young is indeed elected to nine matal Supervisory Board hell be promoting the companys controversial deals with turkey. But he wont retire from parliament until the autumn which critics denounce as a Conflict Of Interest more. Than dont exist on the courts arent going to go in. One good thing he got young. And didnt reply to our inquiry those three Government Ministers are subject to a cooling off period. After leaving office when theres any hint of a potential Conflict Of Interest but that doesnt apply to ordinary members of parliament. At the end of the annual meeting up a gives her report she asked the Supervisory Board how many combat Training Centers was so and where and the extent of the bone despairs involvement. The fact that the five hundred to one they said the Trade Secrets prevented them from answering my questions but im the only admitted that a number of exports were made to various region is what i want to achieve if. One maternal didnt respond to all requests for an interview regarding its sale of combat Training Centers and its dealings with turkey. In Turkey Reject Type and once government has confirmed that it used german made tanks against the kurdish y p g militia in syria but that didnt stop germany from selling more arms to Turkey Millions of euros worth. According to the german investigative Newsroom Kovac chief Heineman Time now plans to build a tank factory in turkey a claim that one matal and the German Government deny. In germany the Economics Ministry and the federal Security Council have so Decision Making or thirty over Arms Export Licenses Parliament has a new set. Of campaigns to change that have gone nowhere good. Stock investments become the zero stock of whistles and our Weapons Industry is very powerful victim of this thats intentional or else it would have been abolished long ago if the topic of intense Public Debate but not political debate to put it on this parliament and to our government and lawmakers arent willing to. Critically examine the issue and explain how it affects our Security Policy on a decline my view is that its put off to. That lack of transparency is an issue in france as well. Decisions about toms exports a bit by a committee that headed by the Prime Minister and includes members of the foreign defense and finance Ministry Parliament only finds out after the fact and has news say. Germany prefers to leave its relationship to the arms industry ambiguous in fronts by contrast many Weapons Manufacturers are owned by the state the french president is also the commander in chief of the armed forces. The french government has a close relationship to the arms industry the state also promotes privately owned Arms Manufacturers weapons are an important domestic industry. Is exposed the fuel the new arms exports are a very important industrial sector for us your false says will produce will mean the Defense Industry employs more than Two Hundred Thousand people in france so we have more than Four Thousand companies both large and small to take on took place all the economic sector is important and its growing up a little it will cost us. The International Aviation Industry Needs every two years at the paris air show. To trade fair brings together more than Two Thousand Three Hundred exhibitors who present their latest technology on an area the size of seventeen soccer fields. The French Ministry of defense is also exhibiting here. So just demonstrate the latest Weapon Systems and do p. R. For the countrys Defense Industry. Like his predecessor as president Emmanuel Mccool visited the fan. C. E. O. Of dust so evie ation showed him the fire fighter jet. Fighter jet was developed almost entirely by france france had withdrawn from a Multinational European project the euro fight a typhoon in one nine hundred eighty five. Just to c. E. O. Top he is also president of the French Aerospace Industry Lobbying Group she fasts. It was a. It was a lot of the support of the president of the republic is important because in france the president is the head of the armed forces the for him to go to those he determines what the future needs will be. Bodies will be out he decides on the missions and he observes how the material or Military Technology operates in conflict zones its important to show him the products made by the manufacturers so that we can respond to his needs to sit. He always home to one of the few french institutions its taken a critical look at the governments lobbying on behalf of the Defense Industry. Tony fulton a researcher at all says this lobby is and is part of a larger initiative. Theres almost a kind of familial relationship between the arms industry and the state. The expansion of arms exports is given absolute priority because of well you know some time before Two Thousand And Ten france ramped up its Weapons Exports says explicit really was a new Economic Strategy and just particularly with respect to the middle east and of the rupee hosses you know them are. More you know. Full turn deal with india is emblematic of the problematic nature of State Support for the arms industry. During a visit to new delhi then president francois alone to praise dsouza fun as the best fighter jet in the world. Some time later a deal came to fruition india purchased thirty six Fire Fighter Jets for nearly seven point Eight Billion Euro news. That deal was sharply criticized by fall term among others not least because the five jets a Nuclear Capable. Command and the Teachers Union expires was about an article in the Indian Express makes it clear that india purchased the rafal largely because of its Nuclear Capability and so the decision is clear you know his not us who said that morning news it was actually Indian Defense minister model hard power a car who stated that india was interested in the rafal because of its Nuclear Capabilities to. Come to a decision on your queries. The sale stoked regional tensions pakistan embroiled in a decades long conflict with india worried that the Nuclear Capable have found would embolden india to launch an attack. But when it comes to making money such considerations dont seem to trouble french Weapons Exporters we inquired about the deal a french Government Spokesperson referred us to the Ministry Of Defense which didnt respond at all. Theres been little Public Debate in france about this deal with india. Vault with these out over the three need to share more with our lives the sale of arms is not just a means to the arms industry which of them were to boost the unit tire french Manufacturing Industry said over here are the Arms Industry Larky by such an Important Role that weapon sales have become a matter of survival or even sales to dictators if need be able. To examine the fact its effects. France has grown dependent on its Defense Industry in recent years the countrys economy stagnated and unemployment rose but the Defense Industry flourished in Twenty Sixteen French arms exports totaled some Sixteen Billion europeans. With support from then president or long island does so also sold its fighter jets to egypt and qatar. The Current French government is also not ging things along shortly after taking Office President marc home agreed that france would deliver weapons worth some Twelve Billion euros to qatar the deal includes twelve a Fire Fighter Jets political and economic gain seem to go hand in hand. That backing by frances government and military is the envy of the german finance the federation of German Security and Defense Industries is headquartered in central berlin its a Lobbying Group for the countrys arms industry. The associations director Hunts Christoph at sport dean is a former board member of Tousen Corp He also wishes germany would model itself on frogs. In the seams. We also see this when the german and french enter strays are competing abroad. For the who feel that happens quite a lot of shows the french government is far more engaged once and that includes Government Ministers theyre more willing to meet with customers than the German Government is. From the booms that you will. The official position of the German Defense ministry is clear Military Procurement must follow rigorous standards and the Defense Industry must follow the rules Defense Minister was going to fund a lie and since the state doesnt provide sales support to the Weapons Industry. This is kind of to been dismissed is not a task that our armed forces should be involved in into steam six pole to guns the Economics Ministry has authority over arms exports you can see we follow an overriding principle which is that we adhere to our political guidelines on and despair itself is just a customer who could and while she was State Secretary in charge of Military Procurement kathleen sued us sounded a different note. As to Carter Unflagging with at the vet were seeking inquiries and International Competitions for the boxer its an Armored Vehicle thats really very good sets of three in the middle were very satisfied with it tenders are in process and there are competitions underway in australia theres britain and were providing Support Wasnt Us and these are nato or nato equivalent countries and we want to do business with them and can support them with a clear conscience shop display ive given talks and written letters were trying to help the company and so i have some kind Metalheads Sit so Two Hundred Eleven boxes to australia much to the delight of shareholders. The support the German Defense Ministry Provides to the arms industry is also evident at the Dustoff Palace Just Outside Berlin every year military attache said Military Offices meet here with representatives of major defense companies. The meeting. So organized by the German Association for Defense Technology also a lobby group. From its Executive Board includes german parliamentarians who sit on the Defense Committee as well as representatives of Major Military contractors such as tireless house my five aikman and Alignment Time and. Indeed host off Defense Industry representatives can take part in a kind of Speed Dating Event with aspiring German Military attache hes initially for a fee. The company is arrange meetings with lawmakers critics say that events such as these are where Military Contractors need the ground work for State Support of their arms export deals. Its coming its not the job of our federal government or Ministry Of Defense or of individual soldiers to devote time or money into helping the german Weapons Industry sell their wares but it details dollars palace thats exactly what seems to be happening is its by high ranking officers lent for the credibility to the meeting. In twenty seventeen Brigadier General yogen put skaven welcoming address the year before Major General van advising boga who was then head of the armed forces office in bonn gave an address Foreign Military attaches are also invited journalists are not permitted to attend. This is the i me for this is a sales of the germans arms industry advertise of its products and military attaches bring that back home to their own countries its not transparent in france but if thats the case with all Weapons Exports of course nobody wants to talk publicly about the fact that the federal government is promoting Weapons Exports here. Some projects are also receiving Concrete Support as a directorate titian Cork Hunts Kristoff at spur dean was responsible for a frigate deal with india. He asked Defense Minister also to fund a lion for help. She gave a prompt reply. During my talks with Defense Minister. I expressed the fundamental willingness on the part of the German Government to provide support. For. In the summer of Twenty Sixteen the indian Navy Commission to some cloak to overhaul two submarines after the deal went through at spurgeons thank the Defense Minister. This was perceived as very positive in india and has significantly strengthened our Competitive Position and our project i would like to thank you for that. Soon after words she again asked the defenseman. For assistance in a sale this time he was negotiating a billion dollar deal for twelve submarines with australia. With this letter i again take the liberty of asking your personal support for our Submarine Project in australia. Or. Whether the German Defense minister actually helps to some corp is unknown the deal never materialized. Contrary to her claim the German Defense minister appears to at least occasionally provide backing for arms deals a Ministry Spokesman commented the German Government will support an export activities with our Foreign Trade and other instruments on a case by case basis the federal Ministry Of Defense will offer its special expertise in the areas of Development Procurement training and utilise ation. The extent of that support is reflected in a deal with algeria chancellor Angela Merkel visited the country in Two Thousand And Eight among the topics on her agenda during her meeting with president Abdelaziz Bouteflika with Human Rights And Freedom Of Religion in twenty fourteen algeria bought two of these huge frigates from Tucson Corp On closer examination it became apparent that here too the German Government had provided backing to the arms industry in this case turning the german navy into a marketing tool. Following an inquiry from the left party the government confirmed that twenty naval instructors provided training to algerian soldiers at german naval academys and on german frigates the program ran for two and a half years. For algeria the Training Provided by the German Armed Forces was a decisive factor in the deal without the promise of training from the bundestag. It might well not have gone through a set of Wellness Farragut just probably emits a minister my father wonders for how this is a problem just a bit when you ask around going area mixed career that these extra missions are a burden that highly trained german officers and then c. E. O. s are being assigned to train foreign soldiers in their yard available to train their own recruits who. Paid more than ten Million Euros for the training of its soldiers eighty percent of that field went to the Defense Budget the rest to the finance ministry. For tyshan hope the frigate deal was worth two point One Billion Euro news. At the time industry Lobbyist Tons Clist of us but dean was head of to marine systems. Many customers had difficulties assembling Operating Crews for the devices providing them adequate training and maintaining the necessary level of expertise. That is not to lose of course a partnership with the blondest fair which has the necessary Training Academies and the staff to carry out the training is an enormous benefit and one that i believe must absolutely be taken advantage of. To systemise of all it was thought it was to be on the system is designed to benefit the Defense Industry but under this system a German Company reports profits with a subsidy from german taxpayers little or never consulted the spear if we were to consult them the fact of the surveys are clear eighty three percent of germans favor stopping all arms exports or specialties from falling stock that was still six part of. The German Ministry of defense replied in writing to our inquiry. Due to the importance of algeria in terms of Security Policy the federal government has a substantial interest in cooperation the Training Support Group posts were only filled when vacancies were available this means the temporary vacancies were permitted when National Interests had priority. France by contrast except such collaboration is a matter of course like the German Bundeswehr the French Armed Forces also deploy soldiers to train foreign troops in the use of french made weapons and on board french naval vessels for example on board the flame multipurpose frigate which is the product of a french italian collaboration. The family longer duck shown here setting sail from the Military Port of to loom is one of the most modern warships in the world along with naval capabilities its equipped for anti submarine and anti aircraft warfare. Its equipment includes Cruise Missiles which allow Precision Attacks on land targets from a great distance. The frigates were killed designed by the French Company naval group which is more than sixty percent stay turned a single frigate costs more than six hundred Million Euros the commander of the long duk. Is proud that the flame war ship is also being sold abroad of the waterfalls of only that if they get it in the shore france has sold multimission frigates to morocco and egypt. That it did not hold up part of our mission is to support Weapons Exports that help expand french influence and help implement our strategic interests. Its that simple. For people. In june twenty fifth iin a family frigate was officially handed over to egypt the french Minister Of Defense at the time joey revealed attended the ceremony. Yet the deal was worth billions but the french navy had to do without a frigate that had originally been built for its own use. This was a blow to the french navy particularly because the firm frigates have a high failure rate. In just four months the french frigate was revamped to suit the needs of the Egyptian Navy instructors from the d. C. I. Group a Public Private Company Provided training to egyptian crews in handling a high tech warship. Because you need to force a woman just feel for sale or when the french government or french industry sells equipment abroad you know or do we also offer training for the Equipment Orchestra was he afraid that they did a morally live french navy of course supports our industry and. They do take our partners by the hand often and help them make the most of the equipment or supplies but they all knew the limit i had quite a while or for that. The french navy now conducts multi Day Maneuvers with egypt every year the maneuvers look much like this Training Simulation in which the warship is attacked by a foreign fleet. In this way france isnt only exporting weapons but forging permanent relationships with foreign governments. In these Export Decisions questions of human rights in the purchasing country seem to play only a small role saudi arabia has one of frances most important export partnerships. The war raged by saudi arabia and yemen has claimed many thousands of lives millions of people have been displaced saudi arabia is also known as a state in which human rights are often violated but despite this humanitarian disaster the arms exports continue. In Twenty Sixteen the french government approved Weapons Exports to saudi arabia were seven hundred sixty four Million Euros. For Arms Control Research or twenty four turn one deal is especially troublesome. In Twenty Sixteen then saudi interior minister Mohammed Bin Nayef was awarded the prestigious French Legion Of Honor for his support in fighting is the most extremism. As minister of the interior been naive had been responsible for hundreds of executions the french media dubbed the award the legion of dishonor. Truly goes from going to be so good to everyone knows that saudi arabia is not a democracy because its an authoritarian regime under the rule of a clan comprised of several families. Human Rights Violations carried out in saudi arabia are very well documented. To call on the country as waging a brutal war in yemen is a more correct so. The more. Given this the honorary award is truly unlawful and more immediate to me than most of it because from. The french state often sweetens its export deals with political and military favors to foreign governments in late Twenty Sixteen france even sent in a frigate to provide active support to the saudi blockade of yemen. But president michel also maintains a close relationship with the arab royal family one of his first state visits was to riyadh. And the president going to happy so did what but why did president mccone visit saudi arabia hold up of all because saudi arabia is an important country that plays a key role in solving many crises and problems in the middle east six plus one more or push it more you know you. By contrast germany officially prohibits arms exported to countries that are age war and countries with dubious human rights records. Such exports require a special exemption which is granted only when the export serves german interests such as combating terrorism. On its own website the German Government states that it pursues a restrained responsible arms Export Policy. Arms exports are not a tool of economic policy. But germany maintains close ties to saudi arabia and regularly exports weapons to the kingdom. Chancellor Angela Merkels most recent visit to riyadh was in two. And she seventeen when she met king side of. The job to give alms exports was not on the agenda that topic has long been a Hot Button Issue in the german media but so far the German Government hasnt changed its Stunts Arms Exports continue either through exemptions or by reducing the deal through a third party country. Saudi arabia has been one of the German Defense industries best customers. Its repeatedly been ranked number one in the annual the report by the fund was false technically no Weapons Technology that goes to saudi arabia is very wide ranging. For example airbus is joining together with Partner Firms to build a complete Border Security system that uses state of the Art Technology that nearly all saudi aircraft people had in yemen to contain german made components saudi arabia bought german drones and also received instruction in them from german soldiers. G thirty six Assault Rifle which has been the standard issue rifle for the German Armed Forces is also produced under license in saudi arabia. The same goes for the g three Assault Rifle and the m g five machine gun weve got a long tradition of armaments cooperation. In Twenty Sixteen the German Government so nearly five hundred thirty Million Euros worth of arms to saudi arabia the gulf kingdom is the Third Largest purchaser of German Military technology. The images of destruction coming from yemen and saudi arabias role in the many thousands of deaths have so far done little to change german Export Policy to Business Deals take precedence damages the small theres talk of human rights of christianity of our values here a little more than empty words three things are at stake here profitable for profit and profit period of feet poked. The current Governing Coalition has said it will enforce stricter guidelines and that weapons will no longer be exported to countries directly involved in the Human Conflict but the previous government had made a similar announcement little came of it germany so more weapons to non e. U. Countries than ever including to countries with a dubious record when it comes to democratic and human rights. It would seem that official Government Statements play little role in policies on the ground germany continues to allow the boundaries of the military and the private sector to blur. In germany today essential Military Tasks such as providing drones or operating military Training Centers rely on the participation of private Defense Contractors soldiers and civilians have become nearly indistinguishable. Think enough money and i believe that at some point will no longer be able to tell the difference between the bundeswehr and these private contractors would be which has been such a process of symbiosis there are so interwoven that its hard to see where the boundary is anymore a kind of thats without these private Service Providers the bone despair would no longer be operational not only abroad but within germany as well but in our globalized world the German Bundeswehr will be constantly confronted by challenges what if for example alignment was purchased by a Foreign Company lets say from china would they then be involved in our National Defense how will we deal with questions like this in the future and so i can feel. These questions almost pressing in front most French Defense contractors a majority owned by the state but the close proximity of the state to the arms industry poses a risk democratic oversight of the industry is even more difficult in france than in germany. Germany and france are still miles away from the u. S. Where private contractors serve as a kind of mercenary force. But if he can omit considerations increasingly come to govern Defense Policy germany and france could find themselves at a crossroads. Or a get more back here for the party to make the move its a Troubling Development for both political and democratic reasons. Decisions regarding Military Intervention must be made by the state and be subject to democratic rules so fierce. When military activities are outsourced to private companies we risk that wars will be waged in order to increase private profits yes we have failed. And especially if you want to boost profits for shareholders if she for i mean anything citing a war will do that before theyll always be the temptation. To. Germany and france are facing similar challenges to militaries are in transition and both are likely to see their wills and Missions Continue to expand in the future. Both the french and German Armed Forces a struggling with financial im structural problems and some fun there appear to be no easy old since. The age. I. Hear whats coming up on the going to sleep so Much Movement in the sea get this thing. Going to like. This much psycho what all that means for the taking the first Son Dislocate Fish to mr douglas. Was eagerly india and one of the countries of biggest problems. Immediately joined the deal. Is the closest and most often ends up in the bank. Here gardner has turned into a resource. Even makes a profit. On the scale of the unsustainable is the small thing thats why i know the go ahead for a good thirty minutes. If you ever have to cover of a murder the best way is to make an accident raring to. Never read a book like this or i. Missed. The streets. Im

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