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Give the police a heloc and be very deep. With it do monsieur how can a country permit such a thing in one. Six hundred when i was young to go into full support and corning to the owner of this pit was intended to hold six bodies if the police said they found one hundred fifty bodies here it will drop me excavated one hundred seventeen bodies from this pit and discover the remains of more than thirteen people in sacks you know simple tossed in here is if they were a waste of whats. To. Go quickly only for commuters to preschool would bring in a sense this entire country is a mass grave so when we citizens living to exist on top of them scrape through the. List we have no security when anyone could come at any time seems to me that the cuban disappearance are careless but its coming from what the government would do nothing or the absolute of them to the. Pub here so soon he is a writer but he stopped writing on the day his son along with six other young people were killed the killers remain unpunished. Morning. Weve gathered today to discuss the communication that i th along with more than one hundred mexican organizations will be submitting to the International Criminal Court Tomorrow since two thousand and six we have over two hundred thousand murders and thirty thousand disappearances their military methods sold out be on Drug Trafficking to set up a form of control over the Population Based on terror and we have solid and precise evidence collected from among the victims who managed to escape with them. They were messed up but its reports that it is essential as a first step that does state of mexico record. Why is the existence of crimes against humanity in mexico he says quote we laugh these mexican activists have spent years gathering facts on the atrocities that have been committed in their country the report being submitted by the International Federation for human rights or f. Id h. Has the backing of some one hundred mexican n. G. O. S their goal is to persuade the International Criminal court to open an investigation that will force the Mexican Government to respond. One of the first accounts by a witness contained in the report sent by the mexican in geos to the i. C. C. In the hague describes the disappearance of jorge for us to gaze brother and nephew. Were on the road to paris to a city in the northern mexican state of quote. The numbers hold that us through so yes im on the my name is jorge russ turkey im the brother of antoni brought us to gun sonorous and the uncle of antonio de his source for us to be escobedo. Was that they both disappeared on january twenty fourth two thousand and nine in this very place it was eleven thirty at night when the they were in their car when they were arrested by a convoy of four point friends and recent models a few of the vans had their Police Lights flashing. On the consulate course and the men were wearing bulletproof vests with the air fire logo on them a special organized crime unit. Those men told them to step out of the vehicle put handcuffs on them and told them the climb into a van. That i dont know when theyre headed toward part us out of us. So you havent been there they also took my brother and nephews car. They were never seen again so it would be obvious. This was a process so they looked into it and received the report saying that there must have been a mistake. Beaten but there were alive. There was no connection with organized crime and we needed to stop kicking up a fuss. So they would probably be freed shortly scanned the locals who lament dylan the good idea but that never happened so. I you know martin so without anybody in the classroom specially outside mexico many people believe that different criminal gangs are killing each other here. Theyre making. Thats also the line the Mexican Government has been taking but im not going to intervene in order to avoid intervening and facing up to its responsibility because of this response i believe. In equal store look at what i want to do. Show everyone including the International Criminal court. That this doesnt just involve criminal gangs. And it will be theres also a connection between the government and organized crime thats what he says staining these criminal activities as well as the disappearances killings torture and forced displacement the president of course. The world that. What a joy it is to see you my son the only one alive we still dont know anymore they tell us nothing you know but well keep trying. You know when you know youre just like a horse at the top where they go just because we have really went to a meeting with the governor. No said you i dont know i only know. What if they tell you when you went to say. What did they say at the meeting here. That i know you. Look at it head on for they said that. Its always the same thing but so long as most years no investigation no research being done that was always the same always promises from the government yeah thats what we want is an investigation they look interested in how can we find them if theyre not even looking for us when the its terrible this is been going on for eight years our children. After the disappearance of his brother and cousin jorge for us to gay decided to join the struggle for human rights in mexico he left medical school and became a lawyer for us to get he is working with a group of legal experts for the past ten years these human rights activists and geo members have been fighting the mass crimes being committed in mexico. Working on the ground they collect witness statements to bring to the i. C. C. The new stadium which is here. With law for legal institutions to walk arrayed here like they do in other democratic countries raise them a graphical but a common often strike that isnt the case. We need an International Bodies to intervene to control this problem. Against dancers internationalists kilometer and also an examination by the International Criminal court would undoubtedly help open a debate on the ability and willingness of our National Institutions to bring those who are responsible for this to justice for so. The International Criminal court was established in one thousand nine hundred eight the court was created by treaty their own statute and this was as a result of the International Community saying that we want to have an independent and a permanent Judicial Institution that will have jurisdiction over war crimes crimes against humanity and genocide. The league of nations had already proposed the creation of the International Criminal court the people of the day what this plan was impeded for decades due to the cold war what changed was a recognition of the atrocities that had been committed in rwanda and yugoslavia which led to the establishment of ad hoc tribunals to address those situations indices interest so. Easily International Community realized it can set up an ad hoc tribunal for each new case it was a moment ok decided to create a Permanent Institution that would be ready to act as soon as such crimes were committed to the. Court you said. You cannot know for sure that the reason for creating this court is for the victims. That they deserve the accountability they deserve justice just says that in most cases if you look at it if the i. C. C. Is not there nobody else is doing justice. To mom cannot. She should we have. To know. If there is information coming to us about all these crimes that you said have allegedly been committed in mexico we will obviously look at it mexico is a state but it is it owns that it and we have that obligation so we will look at it and we will make a determination following assessment. Behind this barbed wire fence lies the office of army on a garcia she is part of the group of legal experts preparing the report for the i. C. C. Eight bodyguards watch over her around the clock. Foremost ok though. Because we are persecuted by the state itself we do object to our defense of human rights is the most were the target of attacks by the police so we have to have Security Missions the or the miami that. Ariana garcia is accusing local and federal authorities of complicity in the crimes being committed but these very same authorities are supposed to be protecting her a recent more requires the state to provide protection to any human rights defenders who are under threat. Responsibly or than as a somebody so thats what we blame lies not only with the people who directly participated in the disappearances inquire we like people who are still going missing even though we know this is been happening for a long time before nicholas state and federal government are not to blame for not investigating this and theyre doing nothing to prevent it that. Ariana garcia represents the families of the victims and the disappeared in the region of p. A. Tourist negras one focus is the city of our young day a place that is key to the report the activists are placed there in twenty eleven. Established that more than three hundred missing their disappeared. And it was also the law that went to the drug traffickers are said to have stolen money from their own cartel and fled to the United States. That former accomplices went looking for their family to find them and to settle scores. But the investigation in twenty sixteen and the witness statements in the san antonio trial describe what really happened all the years all this one of the dealers provided information should be d. N. A. The u. S. Drug Enforcement Administration the d. E. A. s and passed on that information to mexico and mexico. Lost the information on to the organized crime groups so you go to sites where they came here to search for the people who had betrayed them who had provided information about their criminal activities so that and so. I gave three hundred people were abducted their homes were destroyed by drug traffickers right under the nose of the police the authorities and i young they watched and did nothing. And also let us also in the eye it wasnt just the man who was responsible. The responsibility extends to the highest level of government which was aware of what was happening here. Even yawned that the investigation yielded nothing no results at all so you can see a little less will i. Let us what else is the cause if there was it because kind of the disappearances that we recorded not a Single Person has come home like yeah im going to sow the absolutely seal is the fetch us. Food this about is. Whole disappear because the law set us cartel it has introduced a form of terror. We know those of us. But i believe control thats how they control the population. Law center has invented a new type of criminality dont arrest if you see and they will no longer satisfied with smuggling drugs into the United States. Have a massive persona controlling also started getting involved in local business and selling drugs locally imposing their conditions on the Small Businesses and families in these neighborhoods because there are some graves. And this for me they started making people pay for protection and controlling the local police. And besides going through our last police years when you see by this that allowed them to monitor people they considered their enemies and going to the game can see that only me you know the abductions reform of tara a way to spread fear but it could up over last year no where this year. In two thousand and six mexican president Felipe Calderon declared war on drug cartels in the decade that followed more than two hundred thousand people fell victim to violence at least thirty two thousand are among the disappeared the indiscriminate violence has affected the entire civilian population because the services isnt going to save for what i go to a different political than the toughest gun in the ring but to the level these young ones but. You get a regular gig on your way to play you know you cant win you mean in the what is pretty serious problem but did they really mean to accept it or that it wasnt pleasant as it is the way. Mikail chumbley lives and the capital of the state of quote wheeler he heads the Human Rights Organization fund. Them of whats right just so hard not to buy for four years ive been working in the north of the country with the families of the disappeared then you leave you. Out its the hardest job ive ever had in my life. Force the number of missing people is staggering so over a quarter of. A this could be much much were spending a lot of time talking to the families before we press charges yes i love public. The mother said participate motivate our work study may tell us weve lost everything and if we have nothing more to lose look them with me oh ive got another mess. Ill. Be. The mexican authorities claim that they helped Fund Programs to help the families of victims but theres little sign of that here abandoned by the state the families have no choice but to seek help from the human rights activists. But although the Government Program for examining and identifying bodies has no money. Theres nothing we can do to move it forward is. What i want from the serious we cant even start to the bottom of the no we cant even start we have a serious problem you were right next week at a hearing with the governor our question will be where is the money to start these exhumations. But ive decided dollars as the thought of yes if you should its been seven years seven years and its still the same i go there and they dont have the documents you know i go back they see this so that is missing here its been seven years and they havent done any investigating us all your ive been very frustrated from the start why because in my case the Municipal Police are involved thats not even mentioned in my file and its been seven years and nothings changed if you want me even more. That only because im and tries to downplay the situation despite the huge number of victims. They constantly say that we dont really know whether these people have disappeared not that the story presented is that maybe they just got lost or left voluntarily this person is because if we dont pursue what they say many are probably migrants this discussion is going to sort of were working on a large number of cases here in the states are quite sixty three investigations were launched this year so you have to but only three trials have been held by this process was just so limited that its going to those three cases they identified the culprit and theres all three cases they were Police Officers. It doubled or less im asking this to get soon as you have on all of the other investigations theyve been open for five six seven years we cant locate the suspect or the missing person its impunity on an enormous scale in order for. The report being compiled has a long history in the past two years there have been several meetings between the f. B. I. D. H. Mexican n. G. O. S and the International Criminal court to move forward the activists have to go to the hague or. Yeah. Im going to the hague to present information to the International Community on the situation in mexico as you all get called up what we believe these are crimes against humanity even as they saw me that. We had amassed an almost but weve also arranged to meet with members of the International Criminal court to sound the alarm. A place last a lot of. The visit to the hague is intended to sound out the i. C. C. The activists want to know whether their report stands a chance of opening a preliminary examination the first stage in any action undertaken by the i. C. C. And as you know in the city stands for justice in this time its home to the International Courts and that the International Court of justice of the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia the International Criminal court that youre. Supposed to spend on soft on which hague represents hope for many people. Less fortunate look its not fair that justice doesnt apply equally to everyone what the show has to show most anyone else but i mean that those who deprive their citizens of justice in their own countries receive better treatment here. As you want to hope they should be prosecuted in their own country its place is going to see. Right away this is what the International Community offers us that when you think that i mean i should not reject it definitely not. In the hague the ngos are meeting with a close chief analyst at the office of the prosecutor at the i. C. C. He is one of the most influential people at the court he receives the requests for preliminary examinations and he assesses whether the case meets the criteria of the rome statute. The second most folks cannot put an exam up to be there it starts with what we call a preliminary examination the aim of which is to decide whether an investigation should be opened for the situation in question and the preliminary examination is a phase during which we dont collect evidence. We collect and gather information from the. Sources written for schools. And we attempt to determine whether crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal court have been committed since it came from a dont tell and in accordance with the principle of complementarity we determine whether these crimes are being investigated or prosecuted at the national level. And finally we examine whether there is substantive reason to believe that opening an investigation would not serve the interest of justice when the policeman our examination is complete we make a recommendation to the chief prosecutor who decides whether or not an investigation should be opened it with without. The complexity of the i. C. C. Statute is yet another hurdle for the ngos jimeno this the director of the americas at f i d h is advice in the n. G. O. S on how to present their arguments and it is up there with a way to go yeah i. Think ive read that. Representatives from the ngos are finally meeting with the head of Situation Analysis theyre asking for an evaluation of the evidence theyve collected in mexico they hope to assess their chances that the office of the prosecutor will hear their argument. And mail because she listens and promises them a response is are in jail part is a book with our poor n. G. O. S produce many reports and supply us with a great deal of information but in many cases the n. G. O. S arent fully aware of the criteria required to open an investigation. And the parties or these criteria are not determined by the prosecutor alls but the rome statute. And so the preliminary examination consists pacifically of determining whether these criteria have been met or exam a preliminary this is a lawyer this is a true test solved in august i was going though nobody expects interNational Institutions to do what a country isnt capable of doing itself we just wrong these bodies to help us resolve the problems before you can bring any of these crimes anybody before the i. C. C. You really have to be very sure you know that you have got the concrete evidence substantiated and brought before the court and again you also find out that most of the time we investigate in situations of ongoing conflict. This is so critical to the security of the witnesses the security of the staff to be able to gather the evidence to collect it and to bring it before the judges. Are aeonic r. C. I. Is trying to compile this concrete evidence for submission to the International Criminal court a report on ph first negress prison will also be included. During the tenure of former state governor on bare tamara who stands accused of corruption this prison was at the center of some disturbing events. But before she can talk to us Ariana Garcia has to take precautions she leaves the building and make sure the security guards cant listen in. Actually there for them. Over there you can see white inclusion in the entire area is the quote we are Piedras Negras penitentiary. Contacts found in seven hundred prisoners. Before twenty eleven this prison was entirely under the control of the real c. Ters can order little polly. Just be also according to the statements of witnesses they used to manufacture things here that were used for Drug Trafficking but at the prison also served to protect them from federal forces. It said one hundred fifty people were smuggled into the prison and burnt in barrels. I say was reduced to ashes. But really if i dont. Get out. Then they were removed from the prison and their ashes were thrown into the sun the road to be her river. I want to be ok because i will be because of. This affair you know. Just how i go on almost a week almost with the completion of this mission. Ok. Ok ill. Be up in a little less than a bus can you let me jump in if i think im using. One another doesnt it was a while after the film for a look at the end i want about most representative sample then you. Read up on that i. Understand that the government. Is this a person having. A secret oh. Yeah he came out i would at the time of that inquest report that nobody you know Marlon Brando was going to pick up. To give up on him. It becomes. What i look back up on a couple. Of them but. Then what about some other im a boy or a little girl im a. Little. If there was a novel about the boy in the photo you know that but suppose we look for your sister palace like a woman if you see how government can you look at that so i know if im sort of going to just one last its been unlucky that theyre. You know so one of those three other forms of what we. See in england what they were. Very critical to her over the work of the birth of your birth for a very long hurdle for. The set also dont think its going to get into because you see. Your doctor with your normal report but. Also. Oh. Yeah i feel thats the sort of thing and to be left alone i just wonder whether an ordinary citizen caught up in the same situation as we were just now would be just as lucky and also escape unscathed is that the new i mean thats what. They this i mean a lot of the time unless you. Leave the International Criminal court promised a response theyve reached a decision for the office of the prosecutor the evidence submitted by the n. G. O. S at the meeting in the hague wasnt enough as things stand they would not order a preliminary investigation. For good reason. Again exam the examined everything carefully but the information we submitted largely exceeds their jurisdiction laws they were third us to the entire american system because they recognized the severity of the situation in mexico often so badly that they said these are not crimes against humanity but merely serious violations of human rights in a rather astonishing statement they also said that the lack of criminal prosecution in mexico makes it difficult to analyze the facts but this impunity is in fact one of the elements that should make this case fall under the jurisdiction of the court. So our problem is youre a dick legally speaking this is a form of modern war with property but the war on drugs when we hear the word war we think of armed conflict. Armed conflict involves resorting to force between a state and at least one organized group. Or between two states in which case it is an International Armed conflict and the news from to the notion of a war on drugs for us that the office of the prosecutor we have no Legal Framework for that it does not correspond to any legal criteria. In mexico the legal experts are meeting to prepare a response. We have Civil Servants and private individuals who are committing crimes against humanity committed to the rhythm and of course we wont give up we need to see what can be damn well continue preparing reports and presenting more evidence until we manage to convince the chief prosecutor as it is with us to go for it must come as a its clear that. The Team Continues to investigate they interview more witnesses for the report one of the witnesses is a Police Officer he testifies anonymously hes risking his life but his testimony might one day be heard at the i. C. C. Straight up police you know a person that i lost to me the other is lets me that is that we can do personas the. Persona us comptroller window. Opened their own ways into the most information portis you can hit us with if they dont they we need. Men to let us you know. Well i went on until says would use our morse technique as they talked with. The p. C. Purely. As a mother though it is at least more stressful when young us. Love an immediate i meant the your truth cannot without somebody. On those i must carry on this do you want to say a plea entered into the good most risky of our most recent problems. Into ramos salif i was the last without the drama see a similar use if you must yes. Yes the most that general but again a serial. Killer get back so nobody ever had a case doctor movie that you have to. Get mammals. If you still. Believe this your most spittle the most one of every knows when i see it this yet to come and then they know no kilos that it was one else. Was another. This Police Officer who was willing to speak out might be a sign that mexico is at a turning point. The activists have spent years working to defend human rights and now it seems their work is finally bearing fruit. More and more ordinary mexicans are beginning to make their voices heard demanding that the International Community of justice intervene. Leading representatives of the Mexican Church are also joining in. On. Several visits by the my sisters and brothers st paul tells us we receive the holy spirit in order to live a good and proper life. And thats what i would like us today to concentrate on a subject of great importance. Its funny because our sisters and brothers yes that i friends and families of missing people if you know men this is this one that are working to get their case heard before an international body. This law called the lash the International Criminal court in the Hague Mundine and the like and then here in this country we have impunity thats about to see that these cases are not being investigated we are not looking for the disappeared that is in this we are not looking to identify the criminals who facilitated these disappearances or where they might be hiding when we had none as in all this is what is happening in some cases in others we know full well who the kidnappers are just yet and many cases it was the police or even the Army Stumbles and that were starting to Pay Attention to the signs of the time and what is happening to our society views and one sign is that many people have been disappeared. Today this is a moment that many people are fighting to convince an influential International Organization to support our country is that so that these disappearances will finally be addressed but this is. Live and you know its not enough to simply listen to the gospel you know what im not content to simply repeat the words of the gospel so that you may memorize it like i did by love it doesnt this get no no that the gospel is asking us about life the life that is happening right before our eyes do not forget this we must begin with ourselves the best and the burdens that will get us. At the f i d h the final details are being prepared before the report is presented to the i. C. C. But as a former is my regret is very clear it explains bit by bit each legal detail that justifies the courts jurisdiction in this case. I hope that the International Criminal court will understand quote wheelers problem will recognize that the situation meets the criteria laid out in the rome statute c c s i just to see corresponding locust operatives thrown in is that true to the rumor mill is not as good a musket is it we believe that this one court case could be the beginning of a trial against the entire system of government in mexico they said which commits these crimes across the country because the people agree minutes. After years of work and effort the report is finally complete it includes ten eyewitness accounts and hundreds of pieces of evidence compiled under dangerous conditions at. The moment has come to submit the report to the chief prosecutor of the i. C. C. Despite the importance on the scale of this report it is only a first step but an International Investigation would provide real leverage to force the mexican state to reform its police and judicial system. It is now up to the prosecutor and the International Criminal court to analyze the facts and respond. With a look at most a trial. After everything weve done it was to buy a dog through the soil of this country over that was made visible what was he hadnt spoken with the president conducted public debate spoken with all the various authorities reassured them in which we have not on a single iota of peace or justice nothing. To face is that you know this the country is full of fields like this filled with hundreds and hundreds of bodies at least. We have to exuma them as weve done here it was if that was cool to seems like to honor them and discover their identities so they can be returned to their how nice this was for me the idea of a country that cannot do that equates can or cannot come to terms with what is done as you know has failed it was galaxies to. Go collect the money they gave to the so if the International Community has not take any measures here and elsewhere so that our country may finally find peace and justice is going to but i complicit in this crime. Thats what we are experiencing here in mexico doesnt only affect mexico its a humanitarian matter which demands a response from people all around the world. Get. More dream Job International talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week can unify result of bitter divisions over migration or will it jettison its longstanding humanitarian principles and turn its back on refugees the time for fortress europe thats our topic on quadriga. Quadriga and thirty minutes on t. W. The body who do you think is going to be moved up to. All the matches for all the scores. Two thousand eight hundred soccer world cup on d w news. We make up oh but we watch as over half of that found out that if we are the Civil Service and. Want to shape the continents future to. Be part of enjoying numbers in youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges of the seventy seven percent of the platform for africa during. This indeed live from berlin. And after talking through the night leaders say that they have reached a deal on migration french president manual makana is hailing the agreement as a victory for european cooperation but will it be enough to diffuse Angela Merkels crisis at home and what will it mean for the migrants themselves. Also coming up and deadly attack on journalists in the United States the gunman kills five people at a marylands newspaper a police have the suspect and cuss

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