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And the world. Your link to it simpson stories and discussions continue and welcome to the new country Clean Program tonight from for an examination from a news of easy now i would say d. Debited close match africa join us on facebook at g. W. Africa. Time for an upgrade. How about funded sure that grows all buy. A house with. Poor design highlights you can make yourself. Tips and tricks that will turn your home to something special. Upgrade yourself with d ws interior design channel on you tube. Just that love them nothing is there for the nothing of a first out then the fashion. Theres a whole system out there that we havent explored as the stuff. On your Ology Body Perception Force Transmission Elasticity wound healing there is scarcely a field in which fashion does not play a major role and seen from todays perspective an often surprising you know what if. Its a new buzzword. But what exactly is it. Found throughout the body to reckon on to the skin deep. Its a hidden whitish colored fiber spanned of Connective Tissue that accounts for roughly twenty percent of our body weight like clingfilm Flashy Enveloping Muscles Tendons and organs and provide a link to our. For centuries the physiological importance of the fashion was overlooked or underestimated but now is considered to be key to our health is at the onset to relieving one of the most common of all let a back pain. A search for answers takes us across the diamond in maine in the northeast of the United States Thomas Meyers trains physiotherapists hes written a pioneering book on fashion and that he trains. As has long believed that the fashion is in dick an egghead throughout the human body. Is something comes to me with Plantar Fasciitis i very seldom get the best results from treating their Plantar Fasciitis i get the best long term and talking about back handles the weight as the body goes forward just keep rolling forward in a tight loop because we want to see whether the spine is processes are going away from each other if theyre fashionably locked in some area probably hard to see on the camera but she is locked between l two and l three here if im trying to resolve a low back situation i cant afford not to look everywhere because i dont know where the source of that is going to be because the tense i gree of the Fashion System will make it maybe show up in the lower back which is a very weak point for all of us but that doesnt mean that its sourced in the low back half to look at the whole pattern i have to address the whole pattern if i have any hope of taking the pain away in any kind of permanent way. And thats only trains as a bible for therapists worldwide but what is the Science Behind my eyes or anatomy of connection here and then where is the girl. In front for the german Sports Medicine specialist young very is trying to find out hes conducting research into whether such anatomical Chains Really exist. In a series of experiments that has looked for evidence of the back line that might describes. Him leaving the angle should trigger a movement of the fashion at the back of the eye to find. And in fact the ultrasound indicates a gliding of the flash of their. Ministers of. At least in the initial findings of our pilot type results it appears. That when i move something down there is as a divide and if i stretch the lower thought in our souls that it seems i can detect a Strain Transfer to the area of muscles at the back of the upper thigh it now and so thats. The second experiment is more revealing proving the functional connection between the subtle spine and the length separated by the entire length of the back. First of the protests this article spawns mobility then the subject stretches his lank. Wants to know what effects the stretching has on the Cervical Spine. So so lets look at the results as we see here the mean value of the five repetitions that we just undertook One Hundred Eight degrees is the total Mobility Value averaged through the five repetitions four degrees more than the previous test so mobility is improved following the stretching the leg muscles it weve seen an improved ability to bend and stretch the head in the area of the Cervical Spine. And that again seems to indicate a mechanical force transmission across the Muscle Fashion Connections in this case from the legs to appear to the Cervical Spine so that you. Even if for centuries hadnt been pointed at all Muscle Fashion Lines working with the fashion rolled on the up a fine certainly affects more distant body parts such as the neck. Philcon suspects that force is transmitted not only vertically but horizontally as well. As the of that of a how is this relevant to practice if thats because ultimately the goal of research is to make it application oriented to see if it provides an alternative for physicians or physical therapists or patients i dont stay in the as a so do patients really need to work on the Cervical Spine to relieve neck tension more they can lay if they dont want to do. That maybe also work on the torso or the legs and achieve release through a force transmission effect physician. Who was the first to render the fascinating full body network of fashion a visible to the naked eye. In his long professional life the hand surgeon from bordeaux in france has performed countless operations. In surgery you see every day how the land is of Connective Tissue slide to and fro but how does this Connective Tissue function. Its a question that so far no one has answered. It covers a wall i want to know how it functional so that i could reconstruct tendons better i say because tendons do a Connective Tissue all. At the institute of hand and foot surgery in bordeaux governor to makes the world of the fashion visible with a special camera. The films the tissue inside the living body. His pictures have changed the way medical specialists view the fashion. You see those are the organizing fibers. It seems totally chaotic but it isnt its what makes life possible in the first place a perfectly efficient system. If you still spot that glass the more we research it over the more we understand the fashion and its structure north shore all of this will open the door to new therapies the operative word. The italian city of power to our posts one of the oldest universities in europe it was here that Galileo Galilei proclaimed that the sun and planets do not revolve around the earth and it was here in sixteen Seventy Eight that the first woman in the world received her ph d. Degree. Today the universitys revolutionary tradition lives on in anatomy a grapefruit. Nicholson what they did that it limited and in this great free it helps us to understand what the fashion is and how its connected to the muscles. And i thought if i cut through the great phrase we see not only the flesh of the fruits and the few little certifiers components that divide the grapefruit into individual sections and support the tissue of the fruit. In the course of the Destruction Of Human Second shows her students have a fashion is found throughout the body. Waste that a quick look at more this is the fashion with the Connective Tissue which allows me to slide from one level to the next you know it is better like the piano with if they call me and you see how extremely fluid its trying to become a fluid how it can be moved with ease more of it filled me with a look at all i can get into as its all made up of rows that hers had likeness and to share and its so beautiful. Cause tech is research on fashion has helped reveal what we know today fashion exists everywhere in the body and many shapes and consistency lives. Directly beneath the skin as the surface fashion. The deep fashion enveloped our muscles and also are almost fibers like the skin around a sausage. The fashion also invalids. Organs and i whiter skin even the brain as protected by the station. While there are only we can even view them in injuries as a special fashion because ultimately it shares the same characteristics as fashions that we know from other parts of the body they caught. With the help of numerous anatomical analyses cast teka has produced an atlas of fashion. The findings are a reason eighty percent of people suffer back pain. The large back Fashion Researchers havent yet been able to unlock all its secrets but evidence points to its significance for many types of Back Problems. With that is somewhat of an isolated the thorough Colomba Fashion the most important day fashion and the human body before more like it may be on when it got a pro it is now being studied by so many researchers because it appears to be the cause of unspecified back pain because if the my skin as bit if you call. The fashion of the back are among the most important fashion in the body but. How can fashion cause pain why do these layers of tissue in particular cause so much trouble. Like as one of germanys best known research on fashion ever since he discovered how fashion is connected within the human body and how Important Movement is for our Connective Tissue hes exercised every day with a skipping rope. As a trained psychologist and physiotherapist who like many involved in Fashion Research came to the field seeking answers to problems he saw daily in his practice to discover what he was feeling with his hands he did a sabbatical and devoted his energies to scientific study. He did his post doctoral thesis on Fascial Tissue at only universitys Institute Of Applied Physiology his findings have won awards. I might this is an amazing gift its a bit like a fairy tale because the facia really was a kind of cinderellas or Something Like that plump spotty kid at school who gets laughed at but then suddenly gains recognition that yes i have for me it is a deeply moving story and one that is also true that in the past the fashion was seen as a disposable organ or not only classical anatomists were happy when they had removed this colorless sticky tissue to expose the actual muscles and organs and mousqueton are gonna for this to our or and that in recent years this Structureless Organ has attracted so much attention and thats to me is a really Exciting Development in the c. S. F. Spawning vehicle. Wants to determine the diverse functions of the long underestimated fashion and find out what this fibrous white tissue actually consists of. Is comprised of fiber blasts and a surrounding structure known as a matrix. Fiber blasts of the sounds of the Connective Tissue. Among other things they produce the college in five years that the matrix largely consists of effectively the fresh a build up a home out of college an. Interest otherwise about and interestingly the cells in the fashola Connective Tissue only account for very little of the tissues volume picture and the left shows healthy undamaged tissue before the arm was put in plaster. Pictionary was taken three weeks later and. The change in the tissue is unmistakable it has become matters a structure fickle and chaotic. But. The data weve obtained show quite clearly that a lack of Exercise Results in over proliferation of the Connective Tissue structures and thus in a loss of function so that this is the decisive discovery or it means that exercise is essential for maintaining our fashion its no ones with us it was out of the. Too little exercise and bad posture can cause fasher to become so rigid it can even compress nerves and muscles. Exercise were told is a key to good Health Movement is also vital to maintain healthy fashion which needs regular stimulation otherwise it a gluten it so become staff. People with desk jobs who do not do sports to a cause of back pain the studies are normal are they theres no indication as to what would be causing the pain conversed a lot of people have terrible of king m. R. Eyes you know degenerative disks but they dont have any pain so we thought well what about that right along our fashion because its a huge structure in the back it really essentially connects the shoulders with the eps its a big sheet of Connective Tissue. As we can see from an Ultrasound Picture of an arm the fashion is arranged in layers when we move they slide back and forth. This also applies to the fashion in the back and how research compare. During the tissue of people who suffer from back pain with out of people who dont most of them has discovered that the difference lies in the Connective Tissues ability to slight. In normal people we have two layers like this and they can they should be able to move by about seventy five percent of their of their legs. When you went back most and then we know that in people with back pain is reduced to about fifty percent of the of the of the of all of their legs and so we know that theres a reduction in the amount of of striding that occurs between layers things like a german colleague. Going from believes the cells of the Connective Tissue are responsible for this. Whenever they produce too much college and the sliding becomes more difficult and experiments with drops hes proved that exercise can counter this overproduction. We do experiments where we have we induce a little injury in an experimental animal very very small injury and then we randomized and want to either stretching or no stretching and the the the animal this stretches twice a day and this is a very kind of nice very calm gentle way of Making Animals Stretch and then we find that the animals that stretch have decreased amounts of inflammation they heal faster theyre their injuries go away. Lose heal faster through movement and stretching under the microscope lose fungus covered wiring the fiberglass to expand by up to two hundred percent and no certainty that the stretch cells also transmit chemical signals which cause the tissue to relax. This was a new thing what we found is in fact that this stiffness of the Connective Tissue is actively regulated from minute to minute by the fiber blasts so this is a dynamic active ah. Cellular regulation of Connective Tissue tension and that could be important because what were finding is that when you when you do acupuncture for example on the tissue the fiberglass actually respond in x. And that helps the tissue l. Relax the same thing with stretching. Because active stretching and ak the added messenger substances. It really does react independently of any muscular or nerve stimuli and not only that bothers you what is really exciting is that we have also found messengers substances that affect fashion which are not only linked to inflammation but also to emotional stress it was a breakthrough for us to learn that the fashion also reacts to that very very slowly and sustainably with this slight has provided a possible explanation for something that has long been clear to many people with Back Problems but a motional stress can cause physical tension and pain. The culprit is known as t. G. At a Signaling Molecule its release is triggered by stress a groundbreaking finding. Thank you bottom line if im ten stop for weeks even in my sleep it is not mainly the red Muscle Fibers that attends they relax fairly quickly but it is the white Fashion Tissue such as the sheet around the muscle. As manual therapists we can feel that it is not the contents of the sausage if we see the muscle as a sausage but its the surrounding membranes that is hard at the f. B. I. How its sometimes the mechanism were now investigating some mechanisms in the forces. And main thomas miles Office Training for Physiotherapists Massage Therapists and yoga teachers from all over the world. His goal is to boost their awareness of the Financial Network in a un body and share his years of experience. Im an autodidact so i went and educated myself on this with the help of many of my students my back up the a lot of good people along the way willing. Others but really i went i wanted to learn all that i could about myself and theres very little but back in the early seventys there was very little written about it. Miles is fascinated by the organization of Connective Tissue as a whole body network. The fashion ensures that we have a feeling for a body that everything in it is in the right place and keeps us in shape. Fashion research is cool that ten secretary a combination of the words tension and integrity. Tensegrity engineering is an example of. A different kind of engineering which comes closer to how you see the Fashion System working as a whole system so as you can see this is just sticks and rubber bands and the piece is constructed in such a way that none of the sticks are touching each other theyre all held in place by the rubber bells now if you take a skeleton standard classrooms gotten the bones are wired together and you make the presumption oh theres a skeletal frame inside me and the individua. Your muscles move around. You you know the wires on a crane move a crane around thats not true your bones are floating inside your Connective Tissue if i could go and disappear all the soft tissue on your body your bones would flatten the floor. Just as im hallock is this is a super counter model to our classic concept of the spine the soil of the model with the skeleton as a supporting structure stitched walked to work when dusty vobis or it was spine is a tent pole carrying the tent which is softer and. Recently that was how we imagine the spine and here you see a nice ten Secretary Counter model. These are the vertebrae. But they dont rest on each other impressed down on each other no they are hanging for hours long as the Fashion Elements the rubber bands have Good Elastic Retention Last issue for spinal both of fiber blasts but they have taken a different function its the same that the good lord in the method said that its you know that if this cell probably pretty is cut it and let me say it because its in there. Every other cell we see these tiny dots on the arm of it we magnify it we see the interior of the cell and above all of these tiny dots. There precious lichens and in particular highly ironic as it. Is that we see how the two cells produce different extracellular substances. Acid is a lubricant for our Connective Tissue. The substance forms for the molecules of various sizes and degree of branching to develop a sponge like network that can bind large quantities of water. The less highly ironic acid out tissue binds the less mobile we are. Conscious takers by the Antonius Teka conducts research into hi youre on acid at the do York University school of medicine. From the example of an upper fine muscle its clear that higher along i guess it can be detected deep beneath the skin. Here we see the dermis. And here we see this a few ten years tissue the fat the superficial fashion the date of fashion. And the definition there are as you see different layers of Connective Tissue. Between we find highly ironic acid here and in this region here we have more black space which means there is more highly ironic acid present. In sufficient noise to the tissue becomes rough and brittle like terrycloth. Highly ironic as it provides a lubricant for the fashion to glide over the neighboring muscle. In germany. Also carrying out research into highly ironic acid theyre experimenting with therapy is to improve the Moisture Content of the fashion and it sliding across the sea first they measure the Water Content of the tissue and all of that nasty. Behind the mass and were hoping that many will stretching therapy will cause the Water Content to rise again what is turn it on this the great thing is. We believe that through this exchange of tissue water. Inflammatory substances will be removed and the tissue will be cleansed diski because i need. A Measurement Points to a fairly high Moisture Content using a special message technique now presses down firmly on the fashion in the subjects back there i didnt please your old rolfing techniques that target as Connective Tissue and its not the most efficient we have found untested so far with this method powerful pressure is exerted very slowly on the skin in that would you have to imagine it like slowly forcing the water out of the sponge in such a way that every pore is empted which was all this kind that i insert you dont do that. Really slowly this movement really. Guns lungs are. The recorded measurements seem to confirm that through Manual Ferebee the water is absent the fashion can be replenished and the suppleness of the tissue are stored in this for this was prior to treatment but the you can see how we pressed out the water is it from a sponge on who invent havent we stopped with the mechanical treatment for to shew filled up with water again. Please and the dummy to asa here we had an interesting result that if we exerted enough pressure the sponge was even more moist afterwards for me falling off oyster bar i was in other words you press the old water out of the sponge on the four hundred the up and if you do that forcefully enough several times the sponge is even more moist than before which of course is interesting for us. One does not really hit us that food. The idea is that masses realize the college and find us and the fiber blasts produce fresh higher on acid new water replaces old water and they bring the fashion to slide more effectively again. Though to massage it with material out there is no doubt that massage stimulates the Soul Metabolism not to live but active movement brings even more dynamic. Into the tissue and results in a rise in Body Temperature that already stimulates the metabolism and i each rise in temperature of one Degree Celsius Results in roughly ten percent more Enzyme Activity marketed. It appears that with regular exercise the fiber plus can start to produce Fresh College and and free up mascot fashion more than just three days. But it can take up to a year for the agglutinative tissue to regenerate entirely exercise is important at the right dose is crucial. After exercise we find microscopic injuries in the tissue that look like spiders ones. So off to exercising one would be wise to consider resting for one two or three days to assess how much tensile strength should be applied to stimulate regenerative renovation my dog by the builder sells the fiberglass so yes these weaving new more useful and durable college and into my lumber fashion or into my Achilles Tendon so the ideal setup would be in tonight in high doses of ten sound stress with a two to three day break when done by since five i target how was it this way at the. Faster pace to have an important and unsuspected impact on human health and well being International Research on fashion has shown that relaxing and stretching Connective Tissue fibers helps alleviate back pain. But to what extent can Traditional Medicine help. Has studied the role fasher plays an acupuncture. My interest in Connective Tissue and therefore eventually fashion is began when i was studying acupuncture when you need to link the neck a bunch a needle. You have to insert the needle and then rotate it back and forth slightly and what happens then is that dead. Is. Something the academic jurists actually feels that the tissues are tightening around the needle thats what got me interested in well is that is important in the mechanism and i get puncher because that im not in research before. Is that just the acupuncturist subjective feeling that something is tugging at the needle when its inserted and extract it or is there really a reaction in the Connective Tissue from wanted to find out. You first wondered well is that measurable can you measure it can feel it can you measure it so we did experiments where we used to get like a robot that inserted the needle and then rotated the needle back and forth and call the needle out to measure the force that it would take to pull the needle out we way figured well if the tissues are really grabbing the needle for should increase after a little bit and we were able to demonstrate that. Every time the needle is inserted and removed cogent corals around like spaghetti around a fork a sensation of a tug on the Needle Repair Costs have long observed now has a scientific explanation. What fiber blasts respond to the needle even if s. Several centimeters are wearing this effect is also visible in an ultrasound. But what exactly does the Acupuncture Needle Trigger in the fashion and could this mechanism of fiberglass activation within the fashion also explain the pain reducing effect of acca puncture treatment. The fiber glass that are inside the tissues up just several centimeters away not just only at the needle they expand theyve their response it relaxes the tissue theres another thing that happens which we are interested in is that it releases a substance called a. T. P. So a. T. P. Is a Signaling Molecule and soul of the a. T. P. Is is something that we think may be possible. Related to the ask and ill just go back. And so modern research is providing evidence that validates ancient Healing Techniques until recently the end of our civil desks were viewed as the primary and most frequent source of back pain. But now there is an increasing focus on fashion as the trigger for chronic complaints. Analgesics are such as are also interested in the potential that fashion Tissue Office for new therapeutic applications. And german are such as he for advances from the medical Faculty Mannheim was one of the first to recognize the medical importance of fashion. He began exploring the extent to which fashion itself is pain sensitive. For that to be the case it would need to contain encapsulated Nerve Endings. Thoughts to home via experimental good luck weve conducted experiments in which we try to determine whether there are any nerve fibers and individual Nerve Endings in the large fashion of the back or in the going and what we have here is a relatively Dense Network of nerve fibers that form no from. These point shaped structures a Nerve Endings in which mensah detected the substance p b stands for pain and this move as it will dots of Pain Receptors but how can we know if the pain of originates in the fashion rather than in the muscle after all fashion and muscles are virtually inseparable. Menzi is a pair of delicate watchmakers tweezers to irritate the fashion and measures the subjects pain sensitivity. Then the muscle is ever tasted and sensitivity is measured again. The results can pad is at the fashion of the muscle. Via the. Zinke latest issue is every berkeley line is an electric signal or and here using tweezers Hundred Anesthetized wrapped in the same way that i just demonstrated it we squeezed in fashion. Which. Or and here you see that the frequency of these electric signals increases. With and as if we do inflict winds of of even further so what one can definitely say year is that the effect of an irritation of the fashion on this nerve cell is much more pronounced than the effect on the receptor is in the muscle and it was. Fashion permeated with countless Pain Receptors making Connective Tissue the key organ of Sensory Perception this is being proven without a doubt. Like Secret Manson and his team also believe that stress has a direct impact on Fashion Tissue. And that brings the Sympathetic Nervous System into play. The Sympathetic Nervous System as part of the Autonomic Nervous System from the brain through the spinal cord it leads to almost every organ we cannot control it in stressful situations it triggers whats known as the Fight Or Flight response because that evolved as a Survival Mechanism that causes a quick and post sweaty hands and a quivering voice but how can it influence Fascial Tissue i gather data to answer that question seriously and he pushes this year as a typical image which has confirmed our assumptions that these fibers are indeed present in the fashion. You see here a measure of nerve fibers. And if you were to enlarge it some more. You would see again the small point like enlargements of these fibers which are most probably sympathetic fibers for shine lish which means when these fibers are irritated for instance through stress. Then they release substances that cause the Blood Vessels to contract so a contact saw and that could be one of the mechanisms that could explain why patients say their back pain worsens under stress. International research on fashion has made huge strides in recent years. Its offered hope for progress in many scientific fields including cancer research. If we find that stretching. Its natural to wonder whether it might reduce the growth of cancer. Secondarily to that and thats an area that were. Gonna never expected to field of oncology to suddenly be at the forefront of areas interested in Fashion Research and its yielded an important contribution so i wouldnt like to predict what the future will look like i think this is a field that still has many surprises up its sleeve. The findings of Fashion Research have shown that this body spanning network of Connective Tissue disregarded for so long maybe the place where inexplicable disorders and pain originate and because of that the place where healing can begin. To enter the Conflict Zone with tim sebastian. Turkey is not an easy ally for the west to manage my guess is the tough formulas that member Luther Campbell show you are the differences between turkey and the e. U. Becoming impossible to reconcile. Conflicts of folks in thirty minutes plus. Say sarno just couldnt get this song out of his head. Musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. And found them deep In The Rain Forest in central africa. The bike up people. Hanging. And the like to believe a slow day before. Anyone fitted. My little. He was so fascinated by their culture that he stayed. Only a promise to a son who was a son only of the jungle and return to the concrete and glass john. The result

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