I. Think. That. The marriage of maria deval was going to vote on a fast and does nineteenth movie filmed nine hundred Seventy Eight. Played by homicide good luck german officer during a right when the war ended on the ninth of may nine hundred forty five the husband was posted missing while she waited for his return she got behind washington and. Germany was in ruins but from maria it was the beginning of an unstoppable search percent. By the time her husband return ten years later she become a rich businesswoman from high nevada fassbender by here brown also embodied the young west german republic which pursued its reconstruction with determination and without remorse but without coming to terms with its nazi past century three hundred morgan told you recommend it at the conclusion of the war germany should be changed into a farm. Other words the german nation should be broken. His visit to germany. Is proof. Enough. Is not the spin on the ship. Of. The it. Is that in the. Midst. Of a man on the. Line of the now fast been there was born in the rulings on the thirty first of may nine hundred forty five just three weeks after the capitulation of the third wife in the wake of this event a defeated and hungry germany was divided into a capitalist west and a communist east the start of the cold war in the west the Marshall Plan came into force in one nine hundred forty eight with the purpose of rebuilding the shattered continent this special chapter of german history coincided with fast been dissed childhood and became the fundamental theme of his films. Everything you do is a compilation of experiences you. My experience i had as a child a teenager in school and at home ole somehow in my films as well. Even if there arent any children in the films ive made that doesnt mean the experiences of my childhood arent in those films. Maybe you could interpret as saying that my childhood wasnt a childhood in the normal sense. That it. Made me have to learn seven make up and get it. And hide in touch the. Film was very successful in germany because on the one hand this woman embodied a turning point in german history but on the other hand she was also a popular character a selfmade woman who gets to the top under her own steam. That woman the film is a message of hope but also showed how hard life was in postwar germany you know that scene just got instructed built in and then the playoffs begin. Isnt it thats when you see six. Shots out thats how i own a. House so i was just busier shake shake it was not actually visual i want to compliment that takes a take on the give a tough time. And the turkish lets you see. Us with that scene here playing a black Market Dealer met hamish a gorilla acting school in one nine hundred sixty five in one thousand nine hundred seven they joined the action theater in munich a protest there to that fassbinder soon took over he wrote directed and acted in critical plays that confronted German Society and on. The list unseemly emain scene of it but he was very sensitive and although he didnt see himself as a teacher he censors sized people in a provocative way that really touched them and you can feel how connected he was to society as outsiders there was a lot of rebel and a lost soul in him one who identified with the outsiders in this world and in German Society siegel to feel. Any pull made as we see the animal. And its i know he wasnt respected for his work because he was so provocative he made films that didnt have anything to do with the mainstream films like fear eats the soul which is about immigration and fox and his friends which is about homosexuality. Homosexuality kids. After his first feature film love is colder than death which was produced in one nine hundred sixty nine and gave her her first leading role fassbender made more than thirty films in the following ten years including the bitter tears of paper farm cant alley fear its the soul and fox and his friends. What drives you to make so many films and thats the question. It must be a form of mental illness. I dont know. Its. See it then he was the arturo on both of cinema a tortured soul someone who couldnt bear life but needed it at the same time. Been there there. Were so. Fast been his films are provocative bellicose and often autobiographical he surrounded himself with a group of technicians and actors of diverse talents they made up his clan. Punisher gulo became one of his most important muses. Usually called evil of a student cool in his face the flat he already had a vision of acting school live. By even then he recognized me as he later wrote his driving force so his support in the star of his films because he always knew he was going to make films. To show that it did feel. Serious and star she was his star she got her own lighting he always treated her better than all the other actresses him up as of a hundred guys are the underdogs to live in and hannah was always somehow in viable she had this aura of dont touch dont hurt me and always the best lighting was. Where most posters on the most joins the list. Wanted only schneider for the role of money ya boned not me. See every week. Night it gets that the two of them didnt have any chemistry i never found out why he would just sit on this ship or. A new sun was that fair the two of us it was a very strong new beginning because we hadnt worked together for four years posed look at all. After this break i was very interested in playing. After weeks of waiting my dear gives up hope that shell see her husband again she takes a job as a hostess in a bar to entertain american soldiers thats where she meets belle a short while later one of how many as friends returns from imprisonment and tells her husband is dead. Yes its a and. Then theres the scene in which she insists on going to the bar. Biancas has been getting that i remember how fast address the many extras on set. The sixth found up its our senior. He said you have to consider that this woman has just had a very shattering experience and now she is dividing the dont sing crowd like moses divided the red sea more says so at sea then. Its just. I am. The one she wanted clicking the soundtrack is very american theres a lot of jazz it transports you to a different world and culture in which the german aspect is almost lost in the first part moviegoers i definitely need to understand english otherwise they wont follow the story so. Many times because i thought one day. If you could manage to make films that are as beautiful and lovely as these American Films that i love you can see that scene but that also tell prop a story and its not would be the ultimate. Proper stories have to be sorry to reality to the country where you live for me because im snooze you lose on the facilities and for me they have to be german films and i try to make these german films as if we had hollywood as if the actors i was working with were hollywood actors or even saw you know. And like the hollywood films fassbender gave his leading ladies a lot of space they were intelligent seductive independent and sometimes victims to women fassbender says a more complex personalities they seem to be able to fall out of their roles and do things you never thought them capable of. Me i think. My phone lives he was a womans director he knew and understood womens minds the litter fall on my hands and if you could force them first time on you for looked after with him as a director of course. This was not just how to hold my sign for bird doctor starts a true argument that was also down to his role model douglas sirk and with American Cinema the cinema of the stars where the women were already big heroines in the fiftys or you move on. The german director douglas sirk whose career started with you for went into exile in hollywood in one nine hundred fifty seven where he rose to become the king of melodrama encounter with cirque was a turning point in fasb and as work the two became friends for brown he was inspired by circus a time to love and a time to die fassbinder took on the language the warm colors and stylized backdrops of his mentor he even took inspiration from the story its about a missing soldier returning from the front to a germany in ruins. She. Says. In my geek yeah. He said your own moral in the scene you dont have a bad conscience when you see him youre just full of joy. Maybe if it doesnt even occur to you that youre doing something that could hurt him a key piece to see orchy need that juiced piece that you were doing something bad. Because you always kept the most important part of yourself back for tomorrow in the event that your husband returns. And then you cannot be smug as if in a trance at home all false. You take the bottle and kill him as if in the trunk of a p. Two hundred two dont pass. For. The bells murder how many takes the blame and is sentenced in marions place she promises to wait for him until his release maria continues to love her husband but she wholeheartedly throws herself into a new life. But get back many times and. Stand lengthy helpful. To the office and. Eventually to snake sixty six getting nothing. From abuse you should. Hear from the station. So. To fry your month there she was a person who took matters into her own hands and im determined things for herself and for others. It was the exciting aspect of this character your months there she wasnt a victim she was a leader she drove things for her heart or a smile take a trip out to confirm. This woman would never say if maybe in those circumstances. To say. She was unwavering on her part. Of any morning i find us both very little about my being a brown and the bastard henri but he told me once and this was the only thing he told me that this was the story of his mother. His mother was his Reference Point she lived in modest circumstances but she had worked for all that herself she didnt take anything that came to her by inheritance nish Foster Norman bust. Jewish. Make these are things that are coupled to that generation doesnt it being a do not commit is again whats wrong to try not born on such violence she was born in one thousand twenty two and he took some of my view brown from her. Coke bottle as i type gently and hannah she doesnt indeed resemble these a lot ada and outward appearance is a lot. Their mission right if you were to move beyond ahmads i was twenty two when i worked as editor on that film i saw maria brown as my idol my mind it was a very emancipate or a film for me and a real example of everything that was possible result was by screen last month a list. Mom can knock down to under. A stone after i study up on. The body of god if its out. Of order to be can be shouted for speech you. Still like to think its make us to take it out. Like that if they asked me. But i just see it as making it if you think the most empowered is the character isnt necessarily always likeable but if the times shes really under likable i mean the way she treats all bald is sometimes beyond the pale in dollars all incompetent use moves she uses capitalism to be a success but otherwise shes just small guns climate would. She wants to be successful but her happiness is no lucian and i think the film shows that just for me the film you can see for certain expenses and its not going to listen touched it was crap its come out of. That action my state officiated a big tax cut that is cutting tights and initially in a bad tasting class. But hard to snatch its own. It does seem to match up with a lot of the much a hurry scene fast been grabbed me by the shoulder oh never forget this in the game for cash to be skittish he said i have to tell you something. I think this will be a really good film. If you. Dont. Live that long and. I was. Taught. By the early fifties the defeated germany was recovering and on the way to becoming one of europes most powerful States Maria Brown success was a metaphor of this economic miracle. By starting the film with a picture of hitler and finishing it with portraits of the west german chancellor since adenauer first been to criticize their silence regarding naziism and the methods that governments abused to achieve economic success. Let. Me see on disk you definitely sell no if you spoke to germans about the economic miracle at the time the nazis were basically barbarians who came from heaven knows where occupied germany and caused a huge amount of chaos and then they were thrown out by the allies that was it it wasnt the germans or the dean not if occasion process took place and then the people said weve changed we had nothing to do with that what happened no i did ask my neighbor. I you can assure us if im on the end of words i want you to first spend rebelled against this very conservative germany he revealed its contradiction in slys and hypocrisy that its all seem all so much its easy to see. It said the lead man yes it anybody like said geminis a history book with pages torn out. But then you had the joy. Generation that included Fassbender Kluger then then does my getting to from tata learned off and how and they filled in these missing pages that. These young filmmakers reinvented german cinema and also embodied the rebellion of the postwar generation against their parents in the seventys their films question German Society at a time when it was being confronted with the Student Movement and feminist demands at the same time west germany had to deal with a much more radical form of violence the terrorism of the Red Army Faction in the bottom i hope groups or itself as urban guerrilla as fighting american interests in the german state. Nine hundred seventy seven they abducted and killed hans Martin Schreier the president of the confederation of the german employees associations and a former nazi this plunged the country into a state of emergency. In that south as the euro did i mean for its own good if indulged in the outlook time that the Red Army Faction was active in germany with its attacks and bombings. He said i dont throw bombs through films. Where for food an italian. Many of us went abroad at that time and then vendors went to america then they say to. Allow me migrated to italy and then in front. Of all those i was in france and fassbinder i wanted to live elsewhere to. Have a year of a service to visit. We didnt want to be forced to identify with something that was too overpowering all the time issues. To torino. To protest against allegedly suspicious suicides of imprisoned members of the Red Army Faction a group of german filmmakers in one nine hundred seventy seven made the movie germany in autumn. Fassbinder who was about to start filming the marriage of my dear brown decided to get involved using a documentary style he filmed an argument with his mother about democracy and the treatment of the terrorists. I see pretty much. In mogadishu and i just walked us through exactly whats going to speak. Yeah. I think i was in style i thought yes ill. Just have a cottage just a few more conscious self cottage just such a sad get shes met often even to let me see said yes let me start with this defendant dynamite i think its a question of my not my folks e o o o times up michelle enbom of its up sadly and as i can see trying to. Kinds i feel if you meet me im coming to my high pitched a fit you go in there a sham that anyone who deviated in any way from the norm was immediately a Red Army Faction sympathizer. Thats why shouldnt go off and the others made that film to highlight that climate it wasnt just the Red Army Faction that was frightening it was German Society and the german state as well before i dont know what do you mean its not us its not just us two that almihdhar. Thats just helpless yes you got this you know maybe thats another discussion its out is it. Because of poverty. And yes again being faced. And economists searched and i doubt night. I know from legal. German character bad. Then carter distortion it reveals a lot when she says she wants to have the terrorists shot on this everyone said. Nobody cared. My mother and i and thats a special matter. Because i didnt see her as a mother until fairly late. So we have a lot to come to terms with. Thats one way of putting that the other is weve tried to build Something Like a normal friendship. Maybe thats because shes in the films which you know so. You can. Take us. To sector spin. To new titles for all this to make you think is just off speed on the top isnt it if you. Think i dont tell us what. It. Was until now has been there to. Filming with fans been there was always like a human lebar a tree. But. He didnt treat everyone equally it was the carrot for salmon the stick for others. Info with others again he mixed it up. He treated some with deep respect while confronting others with their own black hole and been. Contacted. He could be a dictator he could hurt people a lot and they didnt all put up with it. Normally it takes two to tango thats why so and with their guns and spears that i know the one who puts up with the bullying and im the one who bullies thats who got the votes by. A condom on my sons or he could be so cruel that people ran off the set screaming and him from didnt come back and went off me to either come that was a speciality he had this was an expense or looted from the. Natural steady stream it was awful i knew i had some producers here in berlin and when i said i was going to make this film with him they said heavens you cant work with fast indian and sony became fast banaba obscene whether you were treated well or badly and you never knew where you were with them well one could be someone he currently hated or someone he currently liked and appears on t. V. Carter. Not knowing keeps people tents particularly those who were dependent on him but no. Funny i was in the fortunate situation of not being dependent on a. Opinion and then di always made sure not state the case twenty mopping its been. Like. That and its yeah yeah yeah but its like you. Have a few come out and. Dances. And stuff and more done than any other course and he thought for a while and had a better idea he was very competitive he always wanted to be better and most of the time he was. Put out was a great pleasure to me because that made me back to two hours i learned a lot of it was afforded a mark for the next time i suggested i was seen could be i was back and he was matter how it is im going to vice from here on this investment and all eyes of first class been there was like a madman on set. We. Knew where the camera should be he even if the cameraman thought it would be better elsewhere. For good he would say no i want the camera here. And he was famous for always filming scenes in one take to be given to. Go. With them across the country. Yeah i guess youre somewhat anxious to. Do for who wants to do a second take if the first one is good. That created tension too because we never knew whether wed get a Second Chance just like life you get no repeats then life just goes on if we only. This i know. So and like and. And it was human unsung. And of leaving that they had their own style and i was. There other led me here in kent who did. In my innocence divide us all because most of the ski talk on each told us exactly what other does this is. The business is played the part. That says its time for us out. Here brown success is complete shes become the advisor to the french industrialist oswald and his lover also about terminally ill decides to visit mari as husband how much in prison to propose a deal is how men declares himself willing to lend his wife mother here too as well until his death hell inherit half his fortune. Just bought herself a large house continues to wait for how moms return he shows up on the day oswalds will is read out in the final scene all the truths and disappointments come to might. Or have done i asked and talk for. Just one day before the end of filming before the famous last scene he had the idea of having that zimmerman commentary of the one nine hundred fifty four germany hungary soccer game playing in the background see my mom from spokeswoman tough announcer he realized a couple of days beforehand that he wanted that does my words my talk before her british clock of yours and those of us mom he changed the final scene of course in fact he said he would shoot it differently because of the honest but. Not legal force but the best buy out what i did was nothing. Right now because it is night pick it up how does he survive what. Does that outfit outrun filings was obvious how he got that. Mattress was a house and a place get it so that she turns into an excited young girl shes constantly changing outfits stupidity to play all its a show. Shes all over the place because she senses the moment of truth has come to my mother the very day that when she will find out that the love she put on this high pedestal cannot be real. Even if they are under the next day out so this is how were going to get my son was got a wife i know how close you nicole and she had to say no no no you see in india i can see he had this lesson of thinking hawks fired him on why how am i not how on to me im fine give the same is also an act of like you feel you have to be. The manpower not after i know him food for thought he signed. Me as hard on me and gave me up. Then surprises lead. When two people love each other and one person loves the other more for then the person who loves more has lost right from the start. You know im faster thats a leading motif fassbinder explores in almost all of his films this is this exploitation of emotions. That was. All going to tell. Mankind. All the dusty and shy i think the decision was made very late for this film to end with an explosion shorter its what he wanted because as a result of trees down he returned to the beginning and said this is the end and now something new will begin its. On his finger trust noise thats how it developed in his head and bickered and so he decided it should and i would start to boil. This under fire out. Why starved for that. Was. So much love that there was no clear. Ive. Been in and i lay in bed. Man your fate forces sought to events or processes help germany free itself from its history even more the economic miracle with the strong german currency and the victory in the soccer world cup that made germany big again i mentioned i think well there could be more. Accept that. Germany was accepted by the world again because it had won in ben unfairly by the way because hungary was the better team. Seems to say dear it was a big success for germany even though several players like the volta brothers were former nazis but that didnt matter. C. C. Mentioned the good news from c it was a victory for germany over communism that was the cold war when the country had got back on its feet thats what it was about. To come. In spring nine hundred Seventy Eight suspended completed the final editing of the marriage of money a bone and then travel to the Film Festival in cannes where his earlier film despair with bogart and their family oil was playing in the official competition fassbinder used the opportunity for an internal prescreening of the marriage of maria brown. We had a private showing all the german journalists were there and they gave us a standing ovation at the end. Of course was it simply the traditionalist of under the when the Standing Ovations didnt exist in germany at the time in the ovation this it was a special honor especially that the whole press was saying that this was one of the most important german films ever so this is im glad you would have does this i think that was good for him to move to hope this does have to go vision said would get on. Before the film was released in a cinema as an unprecedented Marketing Campaign kicked off the weekly magazine down serialized a book adaptation of the film so when the marriage of mouth opened in german cinemas on the twenty third of march nine hundred seventy nine the storyline was already known. The entire film team won silver barrel boards at the berlin olive Film Festival but it didnt win the oscar for best Foreign Language film that went to his friend focus learned off with the tin drum the marriage of maria brown became one of the key films of german postwar cinema and it was fast and does greater success one daily paper wrote the marriage of maria brown is the film that brought people back to the cinema. City supersonics a few securities thing about this film is that there are so many people who have a positive image of my own and they push everything that doesnt fit that narrative out of their minds. As spirit said family allow you to do all the they use this woman as a role model who just takes she knows how to reach our goals and make miracles happen yeah. Maybe. They ignore her dont side. To this day people particularly women come to me and say you dont know how much you influenced my life with money are bone. Sick because theres a victim a spirit on levy i think said. In one thousand nine hundred two fassbinder finally received the golden bath in his film the monica fast. Filming for kill file started right afterwards it was based on a novel by genre name and shooting was confined to the studio. At the movies actors both wisdom he always said he would die young some people who dont die young say that but he said it all the time as a botched gun owner. He was a candle burning at both ends and. Right once he said it was true actually he made me lead deal with he said love is colder than death and cinema is warmer than life life am meant making films to be seen in the. Last spend a died of a Drug Overdose on the tenth of june one thousand nine hundred two while killfile was being edited he was thirty seven the constant cocktail of alcohol and cocaine and his relentless work with a proved too much for him. The scale of his work is impressive in a fifteen year career he had made forty films in as many plays fast and like to say about malleable and when you come so far theres no going back anymore and that was how it was for him. Even if i think he was more like my own than i was. In some ways. Shipments. Reduce waste and make more money. And knows how the nigerian social entrepreneur is promoting cold hubs to see used to scold them still as the pushable flute from. Market vendors are pleased as can see against them must be about buying the things hes meeting and watching the go ahead to africa in thirty minutes on t w. Leg of the looms barely feel. The scars on. The pain still tangible. For her go. Through cities and. They have survived but do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. New beginning in peace time who are the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance of. Darkness cities after a war. Starting march tenth on d w. This is do w. News live from berlin at long last the wait is over germanys new government gets the green light on the american urges lawmakers to get to work right away she says europe needs germany a strong voice says the bloc comes from school trade and security threats also coming up more than sixty percent of italian voters abandon the center throwing their support behind bars

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