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Infected with the corona virus. You cant always tell if someones got it. And thats the focus of our show this week. What percentage of cove 19 cases are asymptomatic . But 1st, lets hear moses miss sherrys covert story. Oh for it was scattered and the fact that i had to wait from 7 am to 3 am. Then at the corridor hotel boxes and must see someone who has died for you to get a space going to the same bed. Oh, scared the lord. So not make it almost this machinery. I live in a row. Be a head cook 19. It does june in 2020. I realize i was not feeling when i thought it was just the normal flu. Had difficulty in breathing. Could note it. My wife suggested the good to of in the hospital and they did the coffee, the death of the test. Also did not get a bit unfortunately the soon someone died. I was there though, i moved all of the switch deal and i got a space i was put on my selection room. Realizes coffee, who had the mass in charge, head to the foot actually before covered dickon, 20 years vote. That being to hospital that was my 1st time to actually to be admitted. Untreated of serious i didnt have any other complication. But of the treatment i realized because my logic too cold, called and called me from there. Once i was discharged, i was told to isolate for 10 days everything that im using only me so i could only communicate through the phone. Everyone of care not home done good on those infect. My wife had to start walking to pick of me because i was not there, but it, it took like 5 weeks, i was declared coffee, free must still be what told you can get infected, but i believe i will not. And its, im in, im in public list, do my mosque. I have to sanitize those vaccine attends the 1st and the 2nd book submission. I had done insurance cover, but when i was discharged they said they will not cover. So it was a shock for me to have a huge bill. I had to take a loan. Im here to recover from their financials. I went through in care. Now the government has put in places where you have to do mosque in public places. And if any position, honestly the helping, but i dont think theyre enough because theyre not followed strictly, especially with the, the people who, who never got the coffee. They dont know the way to faith. They assume theyre not followed to the let me or i time now system coded 900 studies that have been hitting the headlines today. I want to look at another one of those studies where you read the title and go what impaired kito genesis ties metabolism to t cell dysfunction encoded 19 just stick with me for a 2nd though, because the research is at the university of bon, where the work took place, also published in easy to understand article on what its all about. Its titled covered 19 new energy for flagging immune cells. Immune cells do not receive sufficient suitable Energy Carriers in infected individuals. Oh, much better, right . The research is hope the results can help. So one of the many mysteries surrounding cove it 19, why do some people get much sicker than others . But 1st things 1st. When you catch other bucks like the flu, it changes your metabolism. Because when you get sick, you often lose your appetite. And if you dont eat enough, your body starts burning, its fat reserves. That process produces molecules called ketone bodies which are rich in energy. They fill the gap left when carbohydrates run out. One ketone body is called Beta Hydroxybutyrate or li edge b for short. B h b act as an alternative carbon source and can compensate for amino acid deficiencies promoting t cell survival in humans and mice that wed from one of the studies authors hints at another purpose, ketone bodies half. They play an extremely Important Role in immune system function. Both t helper cells and t killer cells need the energy rich molecules to perform the key tasks. And there lies the wrap. The research is found that people with moderate to severe cases of coven 19 didnt seem to be pumping up ketone production. In them, the vital immune system cells might be starved of energy and less able to attack the virus effectively. So maybe thats at least part of the reason they develop a more serious case of the disease. The good news is that this kind of immune deficit can potentially be addressed by eating the right foods. A kito genic, diet, one thats heavy on fats and light on carbohydrates, helped improve immune response and kept the virus and check, at least in lab mice, where the research has found a correlation between diet and disease progression. Ah, ah, in the last 20 years, a child and Maternal Mortality rates have been steadily falling. At one International Study shows that the Global Pandemic may have reversed these gains. Ah my downs and curfews have been a hallmark of the coven 19 pandemic. That has stamp worker is going to work. It is also kept people from urgently seeking health care. Scientists wanted to find out how changes in the usage of Health Care Facilities likely impacted the number of deaths of women due to child birth and of children. Under age 5. Their research took in data for more than 800000 Health Care Centers in 18, low and lower middle income countries. So the authors found that in these 18 countries, on the whole, the use of Healthcare Services related to maternal and child care declined. And they estimated that this has repercussions of mortality. So there are estimating that child Maternal Mortality would have risen ah, as result. Another factor behind this rise is Economic Hardship after job losses caused by the pandemic. Not being able to afford transport means not being able to get to the hospital, but the nature of maternal complications during childhood can be such that if you dont access scare within an hour or 2 window, you might die from his babies and children can be similarly vulnerable the Research Published in p l. O. S. Medicine estimated between march 2020 and june 2021. The number of children dying aged under 5 could have risen by 3. 6 percent. Oh, wow. Scientists say that such a loss of life can be avoided if the lessons are learned from the coven 19 pandemic. In my mind, i keep asking how is it possible that people on the committees deciding about lock downs, forgot best. Women give birth . 24 hour 7, and there are some sections of society that really cannot wait even one hour to get to essential healthcare. But some countries showed more positive ways to deal with Difficulty Accessing Health Care during the pandemic. One of the very nice examples was that when, when the a Strict Lockdown was put in place in uganda and hospitals were starting to see the effects of this lockdown in both ways. The staff and the patients not being able to get there on time. They communicated directly with the ministry of health and with the National Authorities to gain exceptions and to and to get information out there to enable midwives, nurses, doctors, as well as pregnant and, and pregnant women and Sick Children to be able to access care on time without delay good communication can boost health care. Attendance midwives could make use of the fact that they have pregnant womens Contact Details during pregnancy and call them on the phone to explain any necessary changes to care o. Changes at government level may also help prevent excess deaths due to a lack of access to health care. A centralized approach from a Health Agency to give the same guidelines to the hospitals, all at once about how to deal with women in labor right from the start of an outbreak would also encourage trust and attendance. Some positive outcomes from the pandemic. Running water and hand washing facilities and maternity wards have increased a number. There is no one quick fix to prevent a repeat of the excess and preventable deaths during the covered 19 pandemic. But planning for the next emergency should at least try oh, its the Worlds Largest fear festival and lasts over 2 weeks. Organizes of this years oktoberfest are expecting millions of visitors from around the world. And none of them will be required to wear a mouse. The risks of catching cove it are high, but its not pitching any one. 0, these munich residents arent afraid of cove it. Theyve known each other since kindergarden and enjoy being together during the oktoberfest. Joking, talking and drinking friends who figured out life together from exams and broken hearts to corona virus unlocked, else is everyone here. Bucks and i did wearable box and i did the wind turbine. Its fine. We just want to have fun wrong just like everyone else here. After a 2 year corona virus breaks some 6000000 people from around the world are expected in munich to celebrate the worlds most famous festival. Like this group, theyd come all the way from california. Yes. I bring los angeles and i come every year in waco, they did, i was devastated. So im, im happy that im back. Are you break that with . No, no, no, no. Theres worse events that have that feel like this is fine. I feel safe. I dont feel weird. I dont feel like i have to put my mask on. I feel ok. I hope its not regardless who you ask away there from most people here feel the same. The risk is relatively low. Despite the crowds, as long as they attested, vaccinated all recovered people here, feel safe retested before we came out and were real expensive negative because i would have to have a good time. Everyone already that the cornell, we have a super super amy doesnt with papa. We have oral antibodies, no can care clod shores, probably a super spring or event. You never know, but are we supposed to stay in ball . Was it that we still want to go out and celebrate . Well, no, not. I dont got any my flyer again. No, im not afraid. I am very happy with the high and joy. I laugh. I love at the hotel the fest. Some 2 in 100 randomly selected these and visitors tested positive for cove at 19. So those planning to visit the bees and we will have to accept a high risk of infection. Ah. But the risk of catching coven 19 with serious complications is very low. According to freedom and gephardt from the Technical University of munich, hes already looking forward to visiting the visa. This is, its not a motto as im going the october 1st and im not worried at all. For 3 reasons. One very im the only crime variant is a virus that rarely causes serious illness. And on the other hand, we have a population thats mostly been vaccinated, one place at the same time, a large part of the population has already had contact with a virus. So theres a lot of immunity out there already. For those who dont have any risk of serious infection, they can go to the diesel and not worry. So there isnt can come. That includes the more than 13000. 00 people keeping the festival running. People like stephanie spend, shes making a traditional dish called kaiser smiling. How worried is she about catching cove at 19 me on my midday, but i amazed somewhere in the middle we are. I hope we all stay healthy and we dont lose any business. And that everything runs well until october, 4th, it knocked over with an inside or outside. Nobodys wearing a mask. Covert tests are recommended, but theyre not mandatory. Its also been recommended that people who belong to various high risk groups get a booster. But some people have their own take on ema posted, the boys have a positive attitude made thats the most important things of sky. Dont worry about the flu, or corona virus tells me its impossible to eradicate off. Just look ahead and drink a nice glass of beer, sal, and some liquor to oysters, pure nature in it. You cant tell if someone is sick just by looking at them. Doctors are expecting higher infection rates, but without the serious consequences that plug up hospital base, at least thats how it was at other festivals, like the ones in the bavarian towns of horse and hind and starving. Its not the same at this. He is of 12 of his name. Do you have any questions about k, the 19 ah, science correspondence, Derek Williams is here to answer them. Just send your questions to covey producer at g w dot com on this week. He answers the question, what does the later stages say about how many asymptomatic cases there are . Oh, this question was real conundrum. Earlier in the pandemic, and a lot of scientists spend a lot of time trying to figure out percentages of asymptomatic cases back during 2020. And also during the alpha and the delta days, the estimates they came up with varied pretty widely. But some of the most convincing studies hypothesized that somewhere around a 3rd of all people who tested positive for the disease developed either very mild symptoms or none at all. A symptomatic patients were an interesting path of research to pursue back that because most of us were still on the same page in immunological terms. We hadnt been exposed and, and learning why some people didnt manifest any symptoms after exposure. It was thought could spur new treatments and therapies. But theres a big difference between then and now of the world is moved on. We now have going on 2 years of vaccination programs and almost a year of alma chron waive behind us, over 12 and a half 1000000 doses of vaccines have been given. And over 600000000 cases of the disease have been confirmed with a whole lot more unconfirmed. In many places on the planet, healthcare Authorities Say most of the population has now been exposed. Were still, i think, a long way away from any declarations that the corona virus can be considered endemic, rather than pandemic. But experts now say that broader immunity, due to repeated encounters with the disease, and immune protection from vaccines, that theyve helped lower the number of deaths and people with serious disease from highs last winter. And although its almost impossible to nail down really firm data at this point, a lot of doctors believe that those factors have also pretty dramatically increased the number of asymptomatic cases out there. Um, in other words, after recovering from the disease, when people get it again, experts think theyll in general be somewhat less likely to develop noticeable symptoms, especially if theyve been vaccinated as well. Um the problem is the om across very, it is incredibly infectious. So asymptomatic people can still transmit the disease even if they dont notice having it themselves. Um, studies now indicate that in the current co, valid paradigm, asymptomatic people are seeding half or even more of all new cases. So even if plenty of people are now shaking off infection quickly, theyre still often passing it on to others, which will continue to prolong the pandemic in the near future. Ah, donated blood is essential for patients whose lives depend on blood transfusions. But it can only be stored for up to 42. 00 days, and artificial blad continues to be hot to make in many parts of the world that is now a serious blood supply shortage. On the east african country of uganda is particularly hard hit uganda and hospitals are experiencing an unprecedented blood shortage. Many patients are waiting in vain for urgently needed transfusions. I see persons who puckett leukemia. I see persons who have been bleeding underneath that particular product, unaccompanied. It is hot breaking. You have griffins child hood bags because the amendment is not up with experience at the National Blood bank. Authorities blamed the blood scarcity on the coven 19 locked downs. I mean impulsion to really knew that everyones it was supposed be uganda had a blood shortfall before the pandemic. I repeat the ones for the latest b where us, which i, you see like the shortage was worse. And when schools and universities had to close for almost 2 years, 17 is the minimum age from blood donors. Uganda and students make up over 85 percent of voluntary donors, donating blood at centralized school clubs and medical camps at universities. With these close during locked downs, mobilizing the public to donate blood became a challenge would readily meet our target and we were advised was be does reserve only blood for you, my guess is only and to leave the operations. So the vicious, though neither the operation said to wait lockdown extended to public transport, which added to the problem says began like a go see, says that he had to use his special privileges as a senior Government Official to enter a donation center. Was even if youre your own covered or locked down, that doesnt so we will from getting sick. Oh my resident ever doing but whered they get it . If ever would it cannot come off. So for us, a few of us will go to more than we heard the option of moving to this place. Donated a little recon well mobile as ever. So with this im getting the sometime to as a little tricky but with hospitals struggling to catch up with medical procedures that had been postponed during the pandemic. Blood remains scarce. Even now that lock downs have been lifted with less than 450000. 00 units of safe blood collected annually. Uganda is below the World Health Organization recommendation, which requires at least one percent of a countrys population to donate blood. We need to know now yesterday you said the bad one. We came to day not only to hello there to wait for the city i was said to be here and wait for the blood. You come expecting you may be on the city of but the ratio and the that missed that was peters doing in the blood. And those in the lab, how many amazing that each of you actually have, what tech, where does people according to the w h o, the pandemic lead to a 30 percent drop in blood supply globally. Blood banks are trying to encourage more people to become donors and also appealing to people who already do so to give more blood even more frequently. Aah dash will be back next week with another my cove. It story. Justice leah bo, yes. From dana tells us how doctors wrongly diagnosed him with typhus. Back in february 2021. After they finally diagnosed him with k v 19. It took him another month to recover. Fortunately, hes not suffered any Long Term Health problems. See you next week and until then good bye and stay healthy ah ah. With into conflict with sebastian sham referendums in the occupied regions of you and more Russian Troops and drafted into battle. I guess this week had his own unique protest. Very spun very off, a Foreign Service veteran resigned in shame of the war in ukraine. What are the chances of hooting, surviving the conflict . He started conflict zone in 30 minutes on d. W to the point in strong opinion, clear positions, international perspectives, job referendums, annexation. So the large conscription, dr. Vladimir putin, is trying to salvage his special military operation. But protests are increasing and thousands of russians are fleeing on to the point we discuss. Is russia finally turning to the point with on d. W different . Were all set with the to go beyond a as we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to whatever it takes belief, man, following dfw on fire made for mines. These places in europe are smashing all the records, stepped into a bold adventure. Its the treasure map for modern globetrotters. Discover. Some of you are record breaking sites on your back. Youtube and now also in book form. People in trucks injured when trying to flee the city center and more refugees are being turned away at the board. Familys plains on the tanks in syria, the credit going infinity against them is trade people fleeing screen around a rough getting 200. 00 people has sunk in. Ah, well, the world more than 300000000 people are seeking refuge. We ask why . Because no one should have to flee. Make up your own mind. D. W. For mines. Ah, ah. Ah, this is dw news live from berlin, russia prepared to formerly annex for regions of ukraine. Fridays grand ceremony and moscow is the culmination of a series of discredited folks. U. S. President joe biden says his country will never recognize any

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