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Medical experts to concerned that if not enough people get vaccinated worldwide, the greater the risk that new variance will emerge. But 1st to germany, one side effects. Can coven vaccinations, hawes and where can those affected find help . Hello. Hello, dr. Glisten picking how you. Oh, pretty good. So far it went. My elements, my lymph nodes under my arm pits are always swollen in the evening, which is new. And ive got fluid retention in my legs. But ive had that for a while and by now let us have you hear something off. This is gone smoothly, twice a week, mark guild marker goes for oxygen therapy. The 45 year old from beulah felt is seriously ill. Since his 2nd corona vaccination in june last year, hes developed a range of symptoms. Some of them life threatening. The so called post vaccine syndrome is a newly identified, multifaceted condition for which there are no studies or treatment guidelines in germany. The treatment here is marx own personal attempt to ease his suffering. It wont cure him, but it promises to improve his resilience and ability to recuperate. You see the gold some as the impact on mr. Goldman is huge, but its not as easy to diagnose as known diseases. Are we not experts in epidemiology the at 1st we had to learn how to handle the pandemic is in find the right meshes as discover whats appropriate and whats not the mass, and its the same again. Now. Miss leslie hill canals is as yet al mark guild markers condition makes it hard for him to climb stairs. He used to be passionate about sports and played soccer at a local club. Went running and did Mountain Bike tours until his symptoms made it impossible. The far 8th natalia was really a great her own. The weather was super. It was really fun. And as he can see how happy i looked, he understood a cooker in my condition. Now i cant do any of that. I, man, i dont even know if it will be possible again from the office. Im just hoping for the backyard. It offered us ester, that mark guild markers. Condition has been caused by the vaccination, has been medically attested to and as long list of ailments speaks for itself, his blood vessels are damaged. So as his heart, hes in severe pain has concentration and circulation problems. The list goes on and on. Hes been on sick leave since october last year. I a good ha, that hair foot call a fema donna John Phillips is it. Mark receives a lot of support, both in his private life as well as from work colleagues. His friends are shocked by what has happened to him, yada ilan feared the pep is missing craft. Thea, dr. Is missing the now hes not, not going any more. The halls when we invite him for a drink after practice we like not to have a beer or even a soda. Its gonna be its, he doesnt want to would he just doesnt have the energy any more. A ha yard in the coffee mahatma be so full of until 14 or 15 months ago he was still always active. Im so sorry that Something Like this has happened to him, but he it was he, it isnt what we want you back to how you were before in the to how we loved and valued. You go to, im a vehicle. Does my mom really good that i have the guys that i can have a chat about things and get support equal because otherwise ill be very, very alone with my problems on probably there are currently only a few places in germany where patients can turn to for help like at the University Hospital and marburg, cardiologist been hot, chiva is one of the leading physicians treating this condition blue get the complexity of the symptoms is actually similar to that found in long covered patients in that is a symptom. Atalla g changes over time. Thats a huge but it side that makes it difficult to establish a diagnosis. The ac gnostic also stand behind the inter glanton infect, so we treat the associated infections and we put them on a histamine free diet to boost immune system. Was actually the microwave. I am at the center of the immune system and bonded and we treat co morbidities home of white Blood Pressure and diabetes. And all the things that are unknown and each patient up to that point alice. But in puts, in best to do some type of contract. Ah, the fundamental lack of information means doctors often research covered related symptoms for themselves and develop their own methods for treatment. This is exactly what on a couch. Clean boogeyman did. Together with a colleague from berlin and other doctors from german speaking countries, she has put together a medical handbook. Ah, this is anna corsica from abbey. Are a large group of physicians and scientists from other fields, ian who have ideas about this problem once. And we brought those ideas together in one document where we also made sure, however, that we could give as much evidence as possible for everything that we wrote in lucas finn and even can. So that is easy for every one. He reads it to understand how we came up with the ideas. Yeah. And that the treatment we suggest it is evidence based. Oh, this is if i had boogeyman speaks from experi. Shes also living with post vaccine syndrome. The 46 euros has been unable to work since last fall. She suffered from severe exhaustion for weeks and could hardly get out of bed. In the beginning, she found it hard to manage your symptoms, but now shes feeling better. Would she get the could maxine again when seen her . If i could see that there was now develop and dealing with the problem off to the vaccination, i think i could imagine getting vaccinated again, washed for level act. But right now, to be honest, because i havent really had any help except of course the fantastic help of my family doctor. And my allergist, senator, i would steer clear of it at the moment, minus i level that is actually a fan of some him. The polish institute is responsible for the safety of vaccines in germany. It recently announced it was conducting a study on vaccine side effect together with the hanover medical school. Its an important step for post vaccination sufferers like mock go maha and annette. Katrina berman who hoped that researchers might discover the cause of their problem so that they and others can finally get help. And for 118000000 vaccine doses have been administered in germany. How many recipients have suffered from complications . The poll Alice Institute mentioned in the previous reports is responsible for monitoring the safety of vaccines in germany. I reported stephanie, so will close to its president. Klaus see who tech to find out more liberal by. How does the polish institute respond to reports of suspect to cases of side effects . D, bohannon oliver dot father. We handle all reports of suspected cases of vaccine sacrifice, war complications in the same way here. A fast via the data is anonymized as an evaluator. Slimy, the suspected cases are reported like doctors all the Drug Commission that seen manufacturers and effective people in the, on the firstly we check if these are identifiable cases are rare. Are very rare side effects, or whether its a coincidence that the reactions is taking place after getting a particular vaccine covered system and to reduce the risk of time. This is the aim of this exercise. If we take measures or have measures taken by the risks of fun lawson muslim. So if you call little told me, felix, how many a suspected cases have been reported to the sentinel told hundreds of thousands relating to various vaccines. But fundamentally, i can see that we are lucky that the coven vaccines that have been approved for use in germany in europe are very safe lessons and says he has. That means that we are fewer than 10 recognized cases of some of your side effect or 100000 vaccinations in a toast. Thats a very good ratio funds it would have it on and we know on the basis of the many vaccinations meant that have now taken place globally, is not just in germany or europe that we have a very good overview of even the most minor side effects are linked to certain vaccines and stuff and problems and, and we have acted very quickly like this either with the power early instituted self or in conjunction with a Standing Committee on vaccination, the, or the European Medicines Agency to take no measures to further reduce the risk signaling off, but thats already can dizzy healthy is its i its can you already put a figure on it so that when so many a suspected cases of already been reported when more may be reported and require investigation of katrina van miss cynthia in schism for many of these vaccinations up to billions of vaccinations have already taken place globally public on. They have also now been taking place over a considerable length of time over years and. And we have learned an awful lot about the vaccines and about very rare, sag effects, which purely statistically cannot be collected even in very big Clinical Trials of. So just so we can specify agree or read of certain side effects being reported to clar. Hm. Metadata outside and there explained and described in detail casino or periodic safety reports under w, w, w dot p e i dot d, i a clear told him to tell the dog he gave him a sentence. Class watch of the typical side effects reported t n. An event to summit up a typical severe side effects identified up to now are my car died us and perry car davis, in the case of young men under 30 after m r in a vaccination are not in the case of the adenovirus factored vaccines. We have seen sign of venus thrombosis and from bosis, with, from both sides of peny syndrome. Nice. And you can react to these accordingly. Warden of Human Knowledge placement here young then there are very minimal reactions which are all recorded in the polish Institute Safety report. As for lily to for me now senior tech cloud t shirt, i can president of the pool ellis institute. I thank you, but i thank you. Oh, do you have questions about coven 19 . How science correspondence . Derrick williams is up to date with the latest research and analysis. Just send your questions to covey. Produce that d, w dot com. This week he answers the question from ken. If new variants are of aiding immunity, how does getting another booster help with Different Health care authorities all over the world, making a range of different recommendations. The whole question of, of who should get a 2nd booster and which one they should get and, and when they should get it, thats really so a lot of confusion. So lets just look at some of the questions and the answers. And the speculation. First, its clear that getting a booster shot doesnt act as an iron clad barrier that prevents you from getting the disease completely. In most of us though, it does seem to act as a pretty good deterrent for at least a while, by pumping up antibody numbers. But that effect doesnt last forever. Ive talked to an awful lot of people who thought that they were up to date on their shots. But then came down with cove at 19 anyway. But on the bright side, evidence from study shows that when they do get the disease booster, people are less likely to have a severe case. Even if they got the booster shot many months ago. That indicates that at least some of the long term effects that original vaccines have on the immune system, that they seem to be holding up pretty well. In other words, vaccinated and booster people are getting sick because theyre immune response isnt really sinks to the new were fast spreading. Alma chron sub variance that now dominate the coven landscape. But as a rule, they arent getting really sick because their immune system reacts faster than if it had to learn about the pathogen from scratch. So thats certainly an argument for getting at least the 1st booster, but Expert Opinion is still pretty divided on whether a 2nd booster shot makes sense for everyone. At least its a question thats complicated by the fact that so many people have been infected this year. As on the chron sub variance swept across the globe. And, and what makes things more complicated still is the issue of what are called by valence shots, which are slated to arrive in some places this fall. And they include a component that specifically targets those arm across sub barion. So many people are choosing to wait for them, but because we still dont really have any wide scale data on how well those tweaked vaccines will actually work on healthcare authorities in many places are trying to strike what seems to me to be a safe balance. Um, they recommend a 2nd booster with current vaccines for seniors and vulnerable groups. If its been several months since the 1st booster, because especially for those people, every extra bed of immune protection helps, particularly with winter looming in the northern hemisphere. Ah, another campaign to get people vaccinated is dancing insane. This full around half the bull spaniards have already received their 1st please to shelter. Vaccination rates are high in the country. 85 percent of people have been vaccinated at least twice. With one of europes highest vaccination rates, spain east, its covered 19 restrictions. Last march. Those are tested positive no longer had to self isolate. Masks became mandatory only in Health Care Settings and on public transport. Only the over sixtys, the immunocompromised, pregnant women, and Health Workers are monitored. After 2 years, people in spain returned to everyday life. Some welcome that he was not mentality the yankees had her. Suddenly im happy that the situation has been normalized transpose us because this disease is going to be staying with us for life. Im yes with hey miss. Lucky that you are able to be. Of course we have to be careful. Oh, but its time for us to return to our daily lives. Normal. Yes, yes, no, its fun to treat kobe like another flu, a the law or model. Others remain more cautious, difficulty and if you go can you. I think we are all aware that the disease is natural, that it hasnt gone away completely well. So we have to be careful when we mix with others like another glass ah, the relaxation of restrictions in spain took place when the less aggressive b a to omicron sub variant was predominant. This didnt put pressure on the Health System, but was it too soon . Or after it either yes or model, it was risky in way an argued olivia ah, nobody in europe had done it yard. Im it, im a close out of a mosque. But with hindsight, kiara, if we look at the data now, we see acceptable results in terms of hospitalization, rates and no one has severe cases in intensive care, universals and there was no increase in the fatality rates that i literally that however, in june the new omicron sub variance be a for, and be a 5 more transmissible than the previous ones. Unleashed another wave of infections. The new sub variants are immune to the anti bodies produced by natural infection or vaccination. So people who have already been infected can be reinfected. As a result, the number of covered cases increased and more than 11000 people were hospitalized at the beginning of july, latin that admitted as the relaxation of measures together with the emergence of new some variance has made it easier for the virus to spread. Again, has been a spike of cases among the general population and in the health care sector, versus who in the middle and not to put a strain on the Health System wasnt there. So unfortunately, its held up quite well. Im in this at 1000 davian. Spain is currently undergoing its 8th covered wave, but incidents in the over sixtys has now dropped to 400. 00 cases per 100000 people. The same rate as before, the lifting of restriction hospitalizations have also significantly decreased. The Spanish Government has announced that the 4th Vaccination Campaign will start in autumn. However, the new vaccines have to be adapted to the latest variance of the virus. Experts are also warning that the global vaccination rate will play an Important Role in how the pandemic develops. And that a close, i should be kept on new mutations ever grew up on the future of the coven. 19 pandemic. But also depend very much on the Overall Development in the world and the sense that the entire World Population has to be vaccinated at any better. Yeah. Okay. If the virus continues to reproduce and other parts of the world, theyll always be the possibility of variance that escaped the immunity thats been generated up here that i entered. You ended up alley monia canada, to mino said cannot america, it is the virus the dictates, the route we have to take and how we have to react at mass mutual. And if the virus becomes more infectious again, boyer, we may have to resort to more drastic measures on limiting a Free Movement math and setting capacity limits or curfews or florida. Okay, okay. The experts see the situation in spain is under control for now. And that prevention remains the best weapon to combat the unpredictable virus. And now our science updates the coven studies making headlines. So you had covet 19 and have felt fatigued or short of breath ever since 4 weeks, maybe even month. Its probably already occurred to you that those are classic signs of long cove. It but maybe you noticed other symptoms as well, like that youre losing a lot of hair or that your sex life is suffering according to this study. Those can also be symptoms of long cove it and they occur a lot more often than you might think. For this study, the research is mind a huge british database. They compared information provided by around half a 1000000 people who tested positive for cove at 19. But werent hospitalized with data from close to 2000000 people who had no prior indications of infection. The studies to big goals were a, to determine the most common lunk of its symptoms and be to pin down who is most in danger of ending up a long hauler. The research is identified a total of 62. 00 symptoms that were linked to an infection with sas, covey, 2 among them. Once that regularly occurred, and some patients even 12 weeks later, this long list includes a couple of symptoms that grab your attention. Things like reported hairless difficulty jackie, lading and reduced libido. The research is also looked at who was most at risk of having one or more of the listed symptoms, 12 weeks or longer after the initial infection. The results showed that women are effectively often than men. And that effect is considered younger people appear to be more likely to develop long covered than elderly patients. Socioeconomic status also had an impact, as did of course, the Patients Health before the infection. The study has helped clarify the confusion surrounding the wide range of long term symptoms reported by people who suffer from long covet that in turn, can help medical professionals diagnose the condition with more confidence and in the long run, hopefully develop better treatments for coping with its many different debilitating effects doctors worldwide are still working out how best to treat the symptoms of long cove it. In taiwan, people are increasingly turning t traditional chinese medicine when the symptoms of a cove infection wont go away. Herbal preparations can help one way contract it covered 191 month ago, and he still has difficulty breathing. It on the i recovered from the initial illness after about 7 days. But now when i ride my bike, its hard to breathe and i can barely get going. Caraway keanna, one is still suffering from the after effects of the infection. He had to change his lifestyle to help cope with the symptoms. He yourself and martha and john pito. He for me, modern medicine is more for urgent treatment squawk your mind for eye disease or cut yall. Can i take chinese medicine for chronic illnesses and to relieve my symptoms . And i know a martin leah, one of ones been symptoms was a fever and he helped himself using traditional chinese medicine, the traditional herbal remedy called taiwan. Ching, one ye, how was developed by the National Research institute. It was approved by the authorities in april when taiwan was confronted with a new wave of infections on the did you tentatively endure taiwan has been doing research into the effect of chinese medicine corona viruses for a long time. Is this the gun now . Its also doing Clinical Research and i dont, yeah, you didnt thought it was found that chinese medicine can be effective, useful, and this attracted world wide interests. Are, you know, the enduring, you can already find a lot of articles about chinese medicine in prestigious journals like a new england journal of medicine or the lancet. To didnt tell though he was on the other, the good ones. They saw me patients in taiwan need, a prescription from a doctor of chinese medicine to get ching one he how and the cost is covered by state Health Insurance chance you see, a local epidemiologist sees the integration of western and traditional chinese medicine as a positive development of you, uncle, i send these come the complimentary alternative medicines help so much and particularly they can div simkins and they can boost the immunizations. So during the t t m an equity fund, pie one, these p is a, they already become all a national guy, ny to hell. The people are facility, a recovery in combination weights. The a and i got a saw a piece awe from the us without medicine. More than 60 percent of taiwanese people believe that traditional chinese medicine helps to boost immunity and reduces the likelihood of contracting coven 19 according to one survey. However, herbal medicine has only been used in taiwan for mild covered 19th symptoms, and doctors continued to use modern medicine to treat severe cases. One way appreciates the ways traditional chinese medicine has helped to alleviate his symptoms. The pandemic, he says, has fundamentally changed his mind about traditional therapies. Ah and thats all for this week. Thanks for tuning in and see you next time. I ah, with who to the point to the strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. Ukraine says its forces had broken through moscows frontline defenses at several points in the Southern Region near tough thought ukraine counter offensive, kind of push the russians back. Find out on to the point to the point in 30 minutes on d. W. Sick caught red handed, massive ships, dumb, poisonous waste water into the world ocean accused. And n g o is investigating 1500 cases in you waters alone. But were there consequences, deceitful cover up tactics . 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