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In gonna one womens successfully led her company through the hard times and managed to save more than just her own job. And also one new Scientific Study suggests that coven 19 vaccines can affect menstruation, should pregnant women still get the shelter ah, the 1st to columbia, where one Young College graduates cant find any work. And shes not the only one. Amanda liber todd walks the streets of bogota like she used to as a student because she currently has little else to do. Shes among the 30 percent of young colombians who havent been able to find work since the pandemic. Amanda scans, the internet and social media looking for job offers. Shes exhausted pretty much every avenue places cuz we defeat is hard because you guys do the application process and i, and i dont tell you why you didnt get the job. Im even applying for jobs. Im not qualified for because i dont know what else to do with the general theories when 2 years experience, and i only have 6 months. Your thing was, you never looked back because now columbia is economy is still reeling from the pandemic unemployment to settle 11. 3 percent. Well, 58 percent of those working only have a short Term Contract or casual labor. Experts say young people on the worst affected coin must raleigh can no longer for years yet because it was almost cal 1st time job seekers with no work experience, its really tough numbers and those who do have some experience already have a network of colleagues. Lower alabama, so thats why young people dont have that. I mean, theyre just starting to develop contracts in a whole in north order, some bizarre. Okay, so the situation is really hard for them. Whether we go with them. The crisis is also starting to take a mental and emotional toll on columbias unemployed youth. C s can stand figure like if what is it a boy you might have constant insomnia. Now, cousin, which is not just a few bad night. Duncan had your i go to bed at 10, the only sleep 23 a n lennon came when i get up to say it was a lemon yanna. If bed and on the molest. When i go to bed, im thinking, what am i going to do for what can i do . I have my money jaw, bowden, and all i can think is whats in store for me. Um, okay, so when am i going to start my career . But i was at how will i earn an income . I had a physical moriello it out if he didnt even get a. So experts are alarmed by growing levels of insomnia and anxiety among young people. They say its an emergency that requires urgent action. A study conducted by the World Health Organization and local psychologists showed that 70 percent of young colombians now have difficulties sleeping. And if you look at studies while hes and or, or as young people feel desperate and deeply insecure, when they think about their future museum, they have no way of knowing with any reasonable amount of certainty. What the immediate future holds. Randall is that and they feel i have no power to change that wrangle, they wrestle nobliss at this, i look it up what they need and, and so that again, truly worried and disappointed with their lives is he said to him. But if you dont put a fund or malice that it will not get on this a song, most young colombians feel theyre facing bigger challenges than those experienced by their parents generation. That mean could a ill go ahead i got i think i look back on my youth with Great Sadness when nicholas b twenties is supposed to be so fantastic. Oh yeah. I mean, but i think i just remember how sad i was in the yard. I remembered me crying and being anxious and all thought my twenties would be awesome when, when are you joseph . That mean it isnt. We my moment is a very bad times. We have just finished studying columbia and have no work experiences along via things are especially tough for young people who dont get any support from their family. The pen makers presented columbia with a whole new set of challenges. In mexico, Anxiety Disorders and depression became more widespread during the pandemic. Sandra vargas wanted to help and founded a po cuz its the initiative provides Mental Health care that everyone can access for free online. At the end of march 2020, prior to any lockdown measures in mexico, Sandra Vargas already predicted, the emotional stress upon them. It would bring in its weight. The psychoanalyst responded by creating a po, covered all covered support. An Online Platform providing free therapy. Just fill out a form and get a list of professionals available 24 hours a day. The immediacy and anonymity of the platform are key to people, overcoming inhibitions about seeking Psychological Health in la accessibility that yeah, the accessibility was important for the different wiley. But if we have to talk to someone on the phone to make an appointment, we tend to push it out and look it up because its embarrassing and scary it the lifeline was there it is that bobby does work. Estella, i in mexico, the number of people experiencing Mental Health problems tripled during the pandemic. A cell phone, Anxiety Disorders affected up to half of the population and almost a quarter of all mexicans developed signs, depression model, then it will. Pablo saver who is in the program is one such case level. Often it was the pandemic that triggered or worse and existing Mental Health issues. A you grew up with him, unaccustomed, manifested itself in the form of anxiety. I started eating war and i gained more weight. I suffer from chronic depression and had a major breakdown. And i didnt feel like doing anything, not even going to the supermarket. I normally, i spoke with a ppo coby to quickly gained momentum. Marco garcia is among its 90 volunteers. He feels the project is a Good Opportunity to overcome preventing taboos and mexico concerning Mental Health. The uncle stood element this if you wish, deeply, culturally ingrained that if you ask for emotional support, you obviously can take care of your own problems in those as esl in the am. Thank. Selective stigmatization stops us from asking for help. It seem as a weakness in some of and effect the case from that of either one so far the projects webinars of help from 2000 people. Theyve given individual sessions to more than 600 patients from across mexico and also from other countries. Most of them contacted upper jacobi during a time of crisis. Like Monica Savannah did when she called from the mexican state of war haka, the pandemic triggered the separation from her husband. Yes, i dont mean to say b, i is in crisis that day. I couldnt stop crying and i locked myself in my room and my children were in the living room. Yeah, yeah. It helped me a lot at the time on a per year cove. It really saved me because i felt so lost and earlier, despite the increasing demand in the last decade, the Mexican Government has allocated only 2 percent of its total Health Budget to the treatment of Mental Health issues. And most of it goes into the maintenance of psychiatric hospitals. See, have been as, as dumb alone on the what is it for the most scholars, there were barely managing to deal with diarrhea and flu. Was we still have a long way to go with mental disorders. Theyre not priorities. Beauty that is the, the la they last any that right after her training at the mexican psychoanalytic association, Sandra Vargas, specialized in crisis management. She offered psychological support to those affected by the 2017 earthquake in mexico city, but phillys gladly loving life is finally returned to normal in mexico. And the appoint covered platform is receiving fewer requests. But it serves to strengthen the network of therapists who are interested in reaching out to a population in need. Equal con, compromised focus on them. And im waiting amendment in the house to come about in a very organic way. So enough is referring people to us who need low cost Mental Health care at this young equal luca. Aha, coastal always has been homeless. Good, good. Sometimes we think does no one lie to hell them, us eco, cuz listening to some one can really save lives. So boys on about to be that bill coming in on sunday, august on the point could have helped to improve Mental Health in mexico, june upon demick and will continue their work going forward. And now to a question that concerns roughly half of the worlds adult population, does the cova vaccination have an effect on menstruation . According to a new study . The answer is yes. D w reporter hangs when lee talks to one of the studies or says stop to Catherine Lee of Washington University in saint louis. I totally so according to your study, how did cove it vaccination affect peoples menstruation . What were the major findings . Our study took place as an online survey. And what we found in our survey, which i should point out, is not representative of the general population because people could opt into our survey. But what we found was of round 40 percent of people experienced a heavier period after one or both of their coven vaccines. Around 40 percent, i had no difference in the heaviness of their bleeding. And the remainder of people were about the same or maybe slightly lighter. How about people who do not usually menstruate, for example, post menopausal women, or people on gender affirming homes. We also asked me, well, who normally wouldnt have a period for any number of reasons, including line acting, reversible contraceptives like i, u. D. s that suppressed bleeding. And people who are on gender affirming hormones. A lot of those folks noticed that they had breakthrough bleeding. And the 3rd group that we really focus on in this paper is the experiences of post menopausal people. So people who are at least 12 months past, normally having a period who noticed that they had breakthrough bleeding after getting their covet vaccine. So what is the mechanism causing these changes . Of course, we have our hypotheses and we, what we think is happening is that the vaccine is making this big immune response. Thats why the vaccine is so incredibly effective. This is involving a lot of inflammatory processes as well. And we know that the uterus is already an important unit, oregon. It uses these inflammatory processes as part of the signaling for growing and shedding every month. And so its not unreasonable to think that an immune response that involves a lot of inflammatory processes might disturb, in some people, these inflammatory processes for a, you know, a couple of cycles after the vaccine. And what a change is temporary ongoing. So we have just closed a follow up survey that actually asks about this. That asks how many periods are for how many months people noticed any changes. We have not start to analyze that data yet. But anecdotally, but we suspect is that for most people, its just 2 or 3 periods that theyre noticing this. I would suggest if anyone is very worried there bleeding a lot or its going on for much longer, that they see their doctor. Because theres probably Something Else going on that is not just inflammatory response that we think is happening for some people at the back. Same thanks a lot. What would you like to know about caving of science correspondent Derek Williams has been low down on the latest research and analysis. Just right. See covey produce at dw dell come. This week we received a question from maria abdulla robledo. Are there any risks for pregnant women who get vaccinated . Its really great for a change to talk about something where experts are in such a broad agreement. To start with, lets maybe approach this question from the flipside, instead of asking whether there are risks to being vaccinated when youre pregnant. Lets ask what the risks are if you arent vaccinated and they are all the evidence is really pretty unequivocal. Many studies have shown that if they catch coven 19 while theyre pregnant, unvaccinated women are a lot more likely to have severe outcomes than vaccinated. Women are at this point, almost everyone agrees that getting the disease and having none of the immunity provided by vaccines. That, that compose a major threat to, to both mother and feed us. Thats why when it comes to coven, 19 most Health Care Authorities now view pregnant women as a vulnerable group. But are there threats lurking in the background adverse effects that may be occur more frequently . Or, or dangers. Thats proven trickier to quantify because pregnancy is an inherently risky proposition, even before the advent of coven vaccines. Miscarriages, for example, occurred about 10 to 20 percent of the time, all on their own. And women who knew that they were pregnant. But all the data that we have so far involving pregnancy and vaccination, and its a lot doesnt show an increase in that metric, like every one pregnant women can and do experience mostly minor side effects after receiving vaccines. But according to the World Health Organization, many pregnant women all over the world have now been vaccinated against stars. Covey too. And there have been no worrisome signs that it has affected either their health or that of their babies. In fact, the opposite could actually be true. There are some studies indicating that the anti bodies that pregnant women produce after vaccination, that they not only help protect the fetus from infection with the corona virus during the pregnancy, but also after birth. And a fairly small one sided on the cdc website, for instance, it tracked levels of anti bodies in infants. 6 months after they were born and it found that the children of women whod been vaccinated against coven 19 during their pregnancy, that they appeared to be even better protected from the disease than the children of women who were infected with covered 19 during their pregnancy. Many questions remain open, of course, but the advice has, has really evolved and its now pretty unanimous among Health Care Authorities. If a pregnant woman hasnt been vaccinated yet, they say, then she should definitely take the step. Am i lack of prospects in their own country is driving people around the world to look for work elsewhere. After some time in chile, a young mother from venezuela has been stranded in a town in north, in spain. But he had to almost a 3rd of the population is threatened by poverty. The sky sandeval never thought she would have to cue to meet her and her babies basic needs. Nevertheless, covered 19, let this venezuelan mother without her job and chilly and forced her to migrate to spain. But now shes one of the beneficiaries of an aide organization there on a month. No, not at all how much i never thought of asking for help of any kind telling. And by if theyre not being upon danica, i wouldnt have had to come into the course. Sheena economic as a help me go, could i do . The casino economic are located in suntan dare in Northern Spain is a Charitable Organization that meets the basic needs of societies most vulnerable in a resident of among their services such as social dining or a hygiene facility. They provide food to more than 1000. 00 families, monthly seed up a naming can a month out antenna, my pitiless giving an economical monroe parishioners. Kids repeat that when they come with us and says the physician that he says was, he guess i hit the kettle real, but theyd up on damien that goes from here to, for salvaging civil into says then she doth young push politically. Add to that more than 1000000 people have fallen into poverty in the mediterranean country. A recent Human Rights Watch report denounces the administrations failure to protect the most vulnerable people, working hospitality industry, single parents, older people on state pensions really suffer during the pandemic. As a result of the economic shock, those people found themselves in a situation where they desperately needed a state assistance to Social Security system. And that assistance was very, very slow and coming. It was very difficult to reach. At the start of the pandemic, the spanish government, like other countries, expanded existing unemployment support programs. But the furlough support left out people working in the informal economy had did not adequately cover those working seasonally or paid in part under the table. Another essential step was fast tracking the introduction of the minimum vital income of social Assistance Program introduced in may 2020 but its only reached 9 percent of the People Living at risk of poverty. Its a basic, very, very basic low level social assistance scheme for people who havent contributed to Social Security systems. And what it does is it gives a very modest, actually a tiny amount of Financial Assistance to people between 450 to a 1000 euros. Among what people found, as they tried to apply for support through the system was a series of difficulties. First, in trying to apply in trying to document their need in the way this system calculated that their level of need. It was a good system at some level, but it really failed on a number of bureaucratic levels. And in terms of its implementation, spain is a relatively commer among European Countries in having a nation wide social Assistance Program. The experts agree. Its closely linked to the increase of those who live at risk of falling into poverty, called o castilla director of the Human Rights Center clinic at the university of essex. A firms that poor social protection, his spains achilles heel. Theyre gone, i saw seattle eco come, will espanol ah, quite a thigh going on the other load, a son and a blip. And we did say compassionate, can nothing and access wont even that he, that it was the input english us or the employer prestige Financial Sense that 1st financial celeste in clinic said sure. If he and his ballot on a be felony, well let me that equal. I kept on her fina lester, im us would or can i think i like a proportion and i you there and as i said, it will no middle infinity. All that but i want us, you can be bad. Its just that i must have missed that they are seen which are, was typically covered 19, not only brought consequences for peoples health, tend to pressure on the health systems, but also an economic storm that has wreaked havoc on the lives of the most vulnerable. Now, bold government actions are needed to ensure a better and ferrer outcome. In the midst of the pandemic, a woman in garner has set up a Training Program for women living on the poverty line without any Government Support. Task fashion design, as they now have the chance to make their own money. A real Success Story with been to barca, lives in shore court are deprived community in, gone as capital across. Shes a trained Fashion Designer and had been able to earn a good income from the profession. But then the pandemic hit on her livelihood came in the threat. Losing a secure source of income was challenging. She said, though, during the lugs are being homeless, given in income, sure, whether you see these words, you have to use enough that you one assume all was abt, assuming that you and your family wont get anything to eat and you have to eat a big someone to poke little fill out a way of Violet Health issues and ive been and it was, it was not that easy. Barker and other workers were sent home in the middle of the pandemic after their employer and n g o run fashion business. So for the sell slump on a sudden dip in funding. Patricia wilkins is the founder of that in geo, which is called Basics International and promotes childrens and womens welfare. She faced the task of keeping baka and others in the jobs and keeping her organization from shutting down cove. It obviously had every wine on by surprise by a storm. Its not something any of us had maybe lived in a lifetime of we heard about, you know, somebody pandemic that was so many years ago. But for us it was a shock. So nobody knew what to do. Governments also had to rely on studies and we act so far eyes. I think we went to a panic mode like every one. And we shut down despite the financial pressures and great anxiety, Patricia Wilkins was able to reopen the angio after only a short closure. Many women were dependent on her support and urgently needed food and shelter. Pocket work backer and her colleagues expanded their fashion portfolio and began to make face masks. They then ventured to make heat items like cloth bags and pillowcases, sales improved dramatically. Today the business is able to sustain itself on its employees. Im feeling okay. I. So if i think when i find that i lose my job and is still going on, cuz this is way for me. I get my money to take care of myself to peer my range. The other thing by myself, clear then with the i need still take out my health as well. And garner the pandemic hit women particularly hard. 92 percent of women who have a job are in informal work when an economic crisis caused dot sector to collapse, there was limited Government Support to keep people afloat. The angio action aid garner recently conducted research into the impact of covered on the livelihoods of ghana and women. Its finding showed that they remain vulnerable nationally or women fall widia infamous sector. Now this is a sick sad that does not have job security. This is a sect out where happenings within the country can cause a closure to a business. And so if you have a higher percentage of your population and being in that sector in b a women, it clearly shows that was a pandemic shots. There would definitely be the ones to bear the brunt of this epidemic. But Patricia Wilkins is not giving up. Every day she works hard to keep their organization up and running without any Government Support. Been to backer and the other women here can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that for now their income is secure. Sheesh, and thats it for this week. Next week well take a closer look at what side effects coven 19 vaccines can have. And whether in some exceptional cases, they might last longer than expected. There are now years of research and analysis that can be drawn on d. W reporter stephanie. So both spoke with klaus kid to tech, head of the polish institute, to find out more. We look forward to seeing you next time. Stay healthy. Ah ah, with a homeless in the stumble, the numbers have risen in the metropolis of millions, but little comes from the state. Volunteers do their best to actively support the people and its just if i dont do it, you well, i used to not have a home either from the government. The government would want to jim in 15 minutes on d. W to the point. 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