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Welcomed. Your federal spokesman york miten says the f. T. Completely rejects any form of rightwing radicalism thats right thats what he said he was right this is blatantly untrue that was and because last summer in various protest rallies your supporters marched happily alongside members of the anti immigrant group as well as nazi activist neo nazi activists giving the nazi salute you want to choose either about who you are associating with you know this is not true because if you kill it is not true that you didnt lodge with no audio giving yeah but but nancy says you give me you should give me a chance just once or this means no what happened in heaven its what the case said obviously the organizers of the march did look very deeply into it how to organize a march and this means that certain groups which were not part of the march joined the march but on the other hand its very clear there is no police in the alternative doctrine for right right wing extremists or nazis or what you ever call we are very clear we are very strong lobby of the very strong very strict on that yeah we have the toughest. Procedures chust to get new members so for instance you have to tell if you have been member of the party before you are joining the f. T. Of which party if you have been for instance with the National Democrats in germany not knowing that i was not to become a member and not become a member of the f. T. But you walk to the next to pick either whose leader as you yourself has pointed out has a criminal record including for inciting hatred hes called migrants cattle and scum you were happy walking your people were happy no we are not have expected him we are not happy that this happened which is only in any advance he could have and i have been there others. Been there yeah well you know i would have expected that i would have expected that they should have said very clearly that this you are talking about a lot sparkman doesnt belong to this demonstration and i made it very clear and also of the i think that the the board of the party makes very clear that money is no partner for the f. T. Certainly mistakes have been made but we have to learn from this is sort of used or was it it was a mistake your sanity also justified of the violence in august when mobs chased and attacked people who looked like foreigners was this the most asleep in all of this is because im so now we well know this is fake news and if youre looking really to the reports so you can be this is this was not something that there was a chase it was a burrito made by people who have been joining or have joined or joined the march and this was announced by our government that there was a chasing of people but this chasing never happened one of you and for this means this means this means that fake news are spread by people who are trying to bring the the f. T. In a right wing corner what if this is a news knife migration isnt it after one incident one is not only no no its not only one life incidents its a lot of how many i cannot kind of number it out of the no go zone maybe its a lot meanwhile and you can trust you know. For instance for instance i think if you want to talk to each other and you want to have an eye on this and you should give me the chance to answer and this means certainly we have an increase in crime rate and we have an increasing rate of knife attacks in germany yeah this is this is pure statistics and we see it and its by microns its done and this means that people have the feeling that german. It becomes more and more unsecure. But it is something only in the part in the part of the third part of germany also in the western part of. The posters the fact is you go to any lengths to turn the german public against muslim migrants wont you know one of your post on one of your post the campaigns featured a smiling girl in a chat dress right arm raised leading a group of happy light skinned teenagers down a School Corridor or underneath is the slogan islam free schools the poster was condemned by the varian Teachers Union as very dangerous never kill in this our countrys history ive never been in this post and im not aware of that post are you have been on the other is not i think i think the prosecution of the f. T. Is very clear with say. The islam doesnt belong to germany but certainly muslims belong to germany and although the position of the f. T. Is that we certainly want to help people young who are looking for asylum because we think yes we have to help people but there must be a reason for southern religious reasons political reasons other reasons but more to me i expect or what we are seeing in germany and in europe is that we have migration because of of economic reasons mr president islam orders we opened we open suborder us with out control issues in every family could join us everybody could join germany without being in control and this led to a situation this led to a situation that we have people in germany which are three fifteen or twenty identities are not around so this means little of this serene schools do you remember the nazis so free we never we never. Said that we want to have islam free schools what we sent you did you put it on your do is let me know islam we say school we say nothing else but what the us. Three and say you like i won our six hour. Three our country our rules you like dont dont think i dont dont slogans to i dont know if youre aware about that i dont know if youre we will go once or they are. I dont know if youre aware of my background my father was polish and he was brought to germany in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine for forced labor so just to say yvette i mean a party where nazis are this is nonsense because i would never accept this in this party but your and it but there are certainly there are people and i dont know if they belong to the party who certainly use the party just to to to to to spread their hatred and other things and we have to do with something again it gets very clear in your campaign against migrants and muslims have mazed you which campaign im going to have to be contrary im going to give you example im going to give you example if you let me ask the question yeah and do it its made use of somehow hugely exaggerated slogans like europe in the crosshairs huge islamist attack forty eight education impossible some problems schools have a hundred percent migrant intake our teachers are being beaten to a pulp. Yeah but but as the others simply isnt true this doesnt if this is true reality lead only i dont know if youre reading german newspapers but if youre reading through the million seat which will you stop whos but if youre reading a german newspaper send you see that we really have a problem how many t. We have is absolutely we have also we have also schools in berlin where you have about ninety percent my microns yeah which means ten percent of the pupils german and something is going chromatically wrong when there are many teachers have been beaten to a pulp miss the pose the ski i dont wanna see it i dont i dont have the statistics if this happened but what you are doing is you are quoting some things and quotes from your Propaganda Campaign you know this is not know my business this is not my Propaganda Campaign its your party and its certainly all its certainly not the a of the campaign im pretty sure about this you are your pick you are you know i really do know you have to read your ass you are getting out picking out some of i would say. Posts in social media and then you are saying its the opinion of the f. T. And this is wrong yeah certainly you have it you have. Goes oh no certainly not what you are doing is you are saying something you say this was posted by you and i have but you have no evidence tell me if something is posted then there must be somebody who did post it and i want to have the name you know i want you i want to have a name from you just to your europe can you give me the why you are calling is asia what islam free school mean in your opinion. If theyre in islam then islamic rules is that islam is not educated in a German School where we have a christian heritage is this what you mean then i say yes because islam doesnt belong to germany and we are Christian Country you christian cultural country and by should be islam educated in german tools in schools why we even have no religious education in our schools why should we teach islam in our schools mr constant process has some names for you but if you are talking about the rhetoric and the migrant rhetoric one of your leaders alice vital yeah described girls who wore headscarves as useless she was formally censured by the parliament for doing this and very vente member of parliament in saxony inquired about the cost for the state of sterilizing unaccompanied refugee minors think about it you talk about your Judeo Christian heritage and forcibly sterilizing children what you are doing this is really unfair you are saying something i dont know youre saying you were saying this is why dont you said michelle is vital and then you are going to have a totally different post and you are trying to make a connection to alice white by that and this is wrong tell me maybe ellis vital has said something in the parliament i know exactly the situation is that headscarf girls Young College something cops to have made him a lesson she said and she said it really said it in the parliament and she must say i was never and and i was not happy with that yeah but on the other hand sometimes you have also to make very sharp statements just to describe what is going on where you happy when your leader alexander garland said about a black member of Germanys National Football Team Jerome Boateng that he might be appreciated for his role on the pitch but people wouldnt want to someone like him as a neighbor were you happy with that no i was not happy with that because i think its nonsense what was said and i. I dont know why liberals mr garner since your leaders to invent i mean in that case he talk nonsense because i think this is not true because i think. What you are trying to do is to put us in a racist corner to put us in the us arsenal you are so no no no scholar you are your recent comment you are doing the races what you are doing is exactly what the other parties in germany trying to do and also the media in germany trying to do for years and years here just to put or little sammy only been around five and a half five this means since for five and a half years the the other parties and over the media trying to push in a nutty corner in a right wing corner because this was in the past always a good means just to get rid of a new party they did with the republicans clearly loaded with other known later when alexander garland described the nazi period as a speck of bird droppings in over a thousand years of successful german history did you not think how deeply insulting must be to the families of six million holocaust so then you have freely to see how he meant it i talked to him and i said oh you happy with that come now im not im not happy but on the other hand dont see very not to you theres no what you want or not going to be no matter what you do what you know youre not happy when you dont really know what you want you need to know if the point that he meant it in a different way he said these where only twelve years yeah bad he is evil years but it was only twelve years and there is a history of almost eleven hundred years and we have also to consider this if we are talking about german so no more on the other hand both thought it was a bet it was a very bad expression but he did because it it has you can interpret it in a differently i talk to him and i also. We had also. I think a very intense discussion in our board and we made it very clear that to him that he has to apologize for that yeah that this was wrong what he said and went to the ideal of john. Directly after and while youre telling everyone that youve no connection with rightwing radicalism and extremism youve allowed your youth organizations to get seriously out of control havent you know because we have no connections to right wing parties or writing movements or what so else certainly we have currently a problem with our Youth Organisation with parts only with certain people of our Youth Organisation but we are currently looking you late and what youre doing and what were currently doing is we are trying to get a picture what is going on and then we will have a meeting with our board the party board and then we will take certainly decisions on our Youth Organisation dividend history and you may. Know and present really hasnt said and we said yeah are absolutely and we said i am part of this press of the release because i was one of the of the creators i wanted to leave let it get so bad in your party before you suddenly said oh we need to do something about this why did you let it get so bad you have to get knowledge of it and then you can react and if you have no knowledge these are for instance so quite governments all over the laws as they were operating under surveillance and you cause them and youve accused them of abuse of power if you look my part in the under surveillance to to lower saxony for instance we separate the use of invasion of lawyers sexily were looking into blame and that may be the use of going to say its a humiliating separated would you be looking at you need are you going to expel them or not you have to make a situation analysts here just before your coming to a decision you have to know what was going on. What has been going on and then you need to make a decision on a sound basis you knew what was going on offer you knew what was going on it didnt go on for years we get we got knowledge one months ago for instance and then the we gave an order to our group which is now investigating on that and if we have the investigation closed then we will make a decision if you have all of your mission a woman called for this is because schreiber who quits the board of the youth wing said that as far back as twenty fourteen half of all f. T. Used members sympathized with the far right. Movement this this this woman was you but i know now shes afraid without a body but that thats nonsense because. I was not its because i know her and i know that she was. An admirer of mr a for instance before she left the party she was by herself very right wing and then she didnt make any career in the party and she left the party and now she is talking about how evil the party is we have always the same the same procedure people who cannot make career in the party leaving the party and then they are just basically. Just because you criticized you you know she couldnt make a career she did very well she got onto the board of the Youth Movement no this is not not really a career what but this meant by a career just to get the men date just to go into politics and she was not able because nobody wanted to have her you have because of her behavior of her background because of. Proximity to to to to certain people in the party and this is exactly what is happening in this party that people who who have a problem here and who cannot make any korean the party they are leaving the party and then they are announcing and then you flatten and then when they do lets talk about the manifesto that you put out last year and some of the rich want the one before the election. Which manifest so true so youre twenty youre talking about yourself in writing and yes young youre twenty or so the Election Programme yes your Party Complained bitterly about the state of political funding called for a redefined and transparent system but those calls the sheer hypocrisy arent they because the fact is youre in the middle of a huge financial scandal with york only the other is vital under what prosecutors have called initial suspicion of breaching germanys Party Spending laws ironic isnt it oh no its not a big scandal because we paid back all the money to those who spend some money not so in not according to investigation i. O. W. They are in india are organized as you can read the newspapers all the money was paid back the investigation of it six thousand euros was not. What is six thousand euros out of a gallon thirty thousand out of no i think its even more its one hundred thirty thousand and one hundred something its more than two hundred fifty thousand euros a sweat and two hundred a suitor yeah come their way also it was one hundred thirty hours and theres also something from from from the netherlands a single belgian was paid so it wasnt everything but it was paid back and lost and it was paid back by ours which is going to be really we havent been asked to pay it back but we did by ourself this means certainly you can you can say ok we could have paid it back earlier but on the other hand there is usually done out there in circling and there is really no doubt about it and she reacted by ourselves on a credit and i can tell you i can tell you nothing will be will be happening here you are banging the drum about how evil the system is a party fund raiser for you break the real no we did you read the rules we didnt break the rules we publish all that now been said about it should have been paid back earlier we are and then he says i dont believe she should be blamed for anything ms vital really. You got there in paris to your people who knows all there there was no under says there was a look there was no rule broken because for instance the the government or those who are responsible for it they didnt have any any. Periods in which the money has to be paid back yeah this means we acted in a way its totally legal what we did and we paid some money back so if youre looking to other parties that we now have. A head in in the bundestag mr scheuer who had was deeply involved in such fundings with mr cole. We it didnt happen to the to the f. T. If another party had done what you have done this time you did it you would be screen or from the rooftops now knobs or linen you would be certainly not on the roof if they would have acted in our way then we wouldnt have rebuilt scream from the rooftops look at freedom lets lets look at another part of your Program Freedom of worship the pledges that unconditional support for the freedom of faith worship and concerts unconditional. But there are conditions there arent there in schools offering islamic studies the lessons to muslim pupils have to be given in german you say and islamic quran schools should be closed with immediate effect thats unconditional no or that the no its not there are very strong there are share us to very strong know there are two reasons for it why i should not be taught in arab language because young people especially young people have to integrate in our state yet if they dont if they if they dont manage the german language they bill have no chance in the future just to get a job just to be educated and be a seeing it currently for instance with our turkish minority with the young people yeah you gave another reason and youre not alone and you gave a lot only i was not doing it you know so you have this other you have to this is not another reason because we see it that for instance the young many young people are not able to integrate in our society because they have not the Language Skills because they have not the same need to get a job and this is really a problem for germany is the past there is young look and you have the same problems in britain look with our do you know what i mean first those says you. Quran school should be close enough to meet effect as its likely that uncontrolled radical and unconstitutional indoctrination takes place that we see this its likely you dont say there are there arent that its unlikely true what is the number they are its likely no no there are quite a number of koran schools which are yaar. Overwatched or guarded by our first long shots which means because something is going on in your security the our security because something is going on in these schools that people or young people are brought to radicalize you dont and we have how much of this is going and how much of this is a going on i can give you three weeks after if i say. That is not proof since when is there is really there since when is likely proof because there is there is proof and i can give you the numbers and the figures because i want to have the numbers in the figures i have it in my head but i can give it you afterwards thank you yeah you will get it now that would be good to hear only so the government says that your manifesto violates the constitution your religious family criminal and your Bureau Policies are in clear violation of our generals one hundred twenty three of the german lines where you i dont know where you got it but its not true yeah thats what i want to say our many fasts what they said who says it was the former Justice Minister mass. Who is high command really was you know who is nice and i was really nice hes a retard is whether hes a spy he made about and he said no no no that is speaking he is speaking as a member of the social Democrat Party which is currently going down to thirteen thousand per when he said as Mary Landrieu is a Current Governor it it made us very much because they are fearing zeevi because the f. T. Is taking voters from the s. P. D. From the social democrats from the christian democrats and also from other side your buddies afraid of you are that yes certainly they are known for it because because the point is we have actually and you have really no notes we have to really hire a lawyer we have really no no we have really no party which is a concert of Party Germany all the other parties moved during the last two years constantly to the left side and there was a vacuum right on the right side besides a christian democrat and your failing and your feeling that space x. Sect leader we are filling that space lots of and propaganda are against the not going to the no no its not its not a brought about propaganda its about telling the troops yeah we we need to say people that what is going on and we have same people what is going on because we had a situation in germany set for years and years people were not told the truth ok mr president. Thanks very much for being euro zone thank you. Jail your face. Covering your feet. It is frightening to steal a. Car all to meet your to snatch it from a moral center. Faffed the criminal trade. In fifteen minutes totally. Hear whats coming up on the bonus we know how flimsy to talk about it here for the w. Now its come up about all that means for the table of course. The phone to sleep every weekend here on ws. I am the rain forest i watched them grow up. They have left but theyve always come back. Yes they always come back. For my trees there. My plants their medicine. For my beauty their escape. And. Ive always been. And i. Am. Sometimes i give it. Up gone for ever. Push humans are so smart so smart and such big brains and opposable thumb. They know how to make things Amazing Things now why would they need an old forest like me. Chunk treen. Well they do breathe the air. And i make. If there is a little bit of that. Sure. So. Theyll figure it. Human making a pair that will be fun to watch. The body of former u. S. President george h. W. Bush has arrived in a Houston Church where he will lay in repose overnight earlier Friends Family and foreign dignitaries packed the Washington National cathedral for the state funeral former president george w. Bush was among those who delivered eulogies in on of his father

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