Transcripts For DW Close Up - Yemen The World Looks Away 20180508 01:15:00

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And there challengers. This seventy seven percent. Platform after such. A blessing. And a curse. Force of nature and in this scheme three. Monsoons the tropical force that she feels. Theres a song to sort of come to the. Source of life. Because of this destruction. Long seen starting may twenty third double. She beat us all cause she put it up to get what we give an aussie since my first visit to yemen two years ago i think that the International Community has significantly underestimated the degree of destabilization of pain and suffering caused by the war in yemen and theyve tried to relegate the situation to the second dont throw it rankles International Conflict serious so thats why ive returned here determined to try and redress the imbalance to some extent between the lack of International Attention and the huge humanitarian needs that the aussie one did not see and that is a close one money to. Pay him our it is one of the few people today who is able to talk with all the protagonists in the conflict from the recognised political leaders down to the militias of all. Spectrums. During this journey from the south to the north the war will go silent as if holder suspended. Six hectic days with no respite travelling to the heart of a conflict that we know so little about. It all started on september twenty first two thousand and fourteen. To the surprise of observers there who think hes a shia led religious Political Armed Movement took control of the capital sanaa. Their declared aim was to lead a revolution against what they called Government Corruption and in justice. The battle lines were clear who fees were supported by forces who stayed loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh he found allies to help him eventually soften all those who had ousted him during the arab spring of two thousand and eleven. A one. Million in the newly elected president lost control of the situation he was forced to flee to the south of the country the rebels gained ground throughout the rest of the country. A march twenty fifth Two Thousand And Fifteen following a request from president saudi arabia put together a Military Coalition and launched Operation Decisive storm its objective was to reinstate the president and quell the insurgency. Yemen is now divided into at least two territories the first held by rebel who is situated in the north and along a large part of the red sea coast to the west. And the second controlled by a loyalist forces in the Saudi Coalition is in the south and east of the country the front line between the two is in the highlands of. O. And other militant Islamist Groups have taken advantage of the political turmoil to reinforce their own positions. Baden has officially become the provisional capital of the government in exile. Fierce fighting between the who fees and the Saudi Coalition has left deep scars on the city. But because of. The defeated rebels have had to retreat to the north of the countrys sea. In aden the war has been on standby for months but the citys basic facilities are to die but that was good but if. You have i think oh boy but yet it was my eyes that. Hes the. One that i love these exactly that patient he was patients coming by we believe that but i think its you know maybe. I. Would say. This but its a lot yeah. Groups of Popular Resistance sprang up at the onset of the war fighting alongside the armed forces against those who think rebels. Know if. If thats the beginning we lead an attack against the who feeds we have tacked them. When the car hit a mine and i broke my leg and my comrades were injured but. Ive been fighting the who through since twenty fifteen and god willing to fight them to my last drop of blood. The shias for the honor of our religion and me but the loss of. Not been. In the past yemen has kept itself away from religious conflicts. But this war has changed everything the Sunni Muslims of saudi arabia suspect iran their sworn enemy of supporting the shia who the rebels. And so yemen has become the battleground for these two regional powers and the conflict has taken a totally unexpected religious twist. Soviet. As you know i visited it in two years ago so i have mixed feelings returning here the signs of war still extremely visible extent you can tell so when you listen to the patients that the wrist a lot happening on the front line that is getting closer to a point and that each day the hospital is no shock not just injured soldiers but injured civilians too and people from both sides of the conflict turn up at this hospital so were very close to the fighting yet is that best said in the fall. Of zero p. Doc called it a polish. All free. Away from the hospital the sights and sounds of the frontline are less present. In many ways aden seems like a ghost town. The internationally recognized government prefers to operate from the safety of saudi arabia. Under the control of their powerful ally the yemeni authorities are trying to manage whats left of the country. Meanwhile people go about their lives as best they can. No longer wish were certainly not saying that things have gotten one hundred percent better as long as weapons are easily accessible there will be problems but some effort is being made by the heads of security local authorities ministers theyre all trying very hard to improve the situation here so that we can feel safe again but thanks to god even if were still lacking many things our situation is infinitely better here than elsewhere. Tazes less than two hundred kilometers north of aden. The pulse tumbles balkans all the while bad i strongly believe that its important for me to see for myself the complexities on the ground these include the difficulties encountered by different tactics on the frontlines like Negotiating Access To Thai East and around thai east and with all the different groups involved in the conflict good decent all jack stuff. I suddenly the convoy comes to a halt. I was. There for the Security Space i mean i dont recall for over thirty years it. Was nice because everyone who controls the city both officially and unofficially is here so yeah it was a given. But a. J. I really think thats really the message of. All humans different combatants red berets and black scarves its surreal. Crowding around this public figure whos come to witness the conflict for himself there are members of al qaeda and of the socalled Islamic State as well as cell office trollish women. A few other soldiers complete the picture. This is the state of yemen today and Unnatural Alliance of fighters and jihadists who all have one enemy in common who feeds would i. Be. Together their risk. Adding the convoy towards the center of the city. It took weeks of negotiations to prepare for this visit nobody knows whether this ceasefire will last several hours or several days theres still an element of risk. All it takes is a snipers bullet or some rocket fire. The silence of the frontline could be broken at any moment. To use has been under heavy fire for two and a half years and been by both aerial strikes from the Saudi Coalition and street fighting. To meller is driving through the heart of the destroyed areas but Mustnt Go Off The Beaten Track landmines can still be found inside roads and small mounds of earth. Hes not here to make promises hes just here to observe and listen. I. Was ok we want. To go. Find my son was killed in the bombardments were under siege we have to stay at home day and night. Its a bit better now neither god nor the prophet can accept whats going on i swear we have no water to drink only rainwater. So if i were trapped inside now thank god thanks to god the situation is getting a bit better when i was fortunate in girl spoke recently on the dish that i would i think of them. It isnt that nothing and i havent been out at all nor have my daughters get it and we havent been outside since the beginning of the war. A bomb fell on our house and killed my son. That. Just may call it bless you and be with you a little bit i think i think. This is what its like for yemens third city partly cut off from the outside world. The delegation didnt get much sleep theyve only spent a few hours on the frontline under escort with strict instructions to stay inside. In the early hours of day three of the trip the red cross president and his delegation set out for sun up The Rebel Stronghold and their final stop i. After crossing several checkpoints and in order to avoid the active front line the delegation has to skirt around the south of to ease then continue up into the mountains on narrow winding roads. Its good. To see if youve got to go because if you talk about a guide leads the way. I. Told them that the delegation leaves the government controlled zone. And if. They get through with no alarms and drive past the green and red slogans of the rebels god is great death to america death to israel. Who things are on their guard weapons at the ready they have tight control of the north of the country. The city of sendai is not far away now. So here we are entering one of yemens capital. Everybody knows that they are the official and unofficial capitals in yemen. And also political capitals that. It shouldnt be that is on the is still a very important capital in the country. As president of the c. R. C. Also have to be very careful not to give the impression of recognizing one or the other of the capitals as the main one. Because last time i came i started my trip in the last day and finished in aids she called this time im doing it the other way about it so she sees a. Should definitely not sign up for the sake of impartiality. For impartiality and the sort of logistics but especially for humanitarian reasons. Beneficial if you. Say hey. This is where the war started in this city perched Two Thousand Three Hundred meters up in the mountains. After lightning quick strikes the rebels took control of all the government departments. In the eyes of the elected regime this was purely and simply a coup detat. For the rebels it was an armed revolt against Government Corruption. Baba yemen the thousand year old gate at the center of the old town of sanaa is festooned with who the slogans. Pictures of those who helped form the Unlikely Alliance to overthrow the elected president can be found on the market stalls like a collection of relics. Of. The rebel chief and Ali Abdullah Saleh the expresident ousted by the revolution in twenty eleven. They both made a claim for power but refused to share it and the alliance fell apart. Thank the former president s body was found with a fractured skull in the back of a pickup truck on december fourth twenty seventeen. Hes carried on and far from wavering they went from strength to strength seizing control of nearly thirty percent of the northern part of the country i. See the head of the rebellion is loved and hated in equal measure but beyond the eternal debates over a revolution or coup detat what everyone fears most is the same thing being shelled by the coalition. That have. Been more water bottle. Its the. Way. I think any. More im on time. Very very short of the lot of. Look at all thats been destroyed over here but i got a lot they bombed us at a quarter to ten in the morning just when everyone was going to work. The whole. Market everyone who was down there those who were over there those who were working on the Building Site and even of the workers who were on the roof they all died. As i was doing here. People were running in all directions he was sick with fear. Why did they show here on the shot of how should i know there are women and children here thats all. How much how. Armed rebels or civilians aerial strikes or indiscriminate civilians make up the victims of this war. But i felt. Sure and what are you hoping the International Community is going to do. I want them to wake up to the plight of the yemeni people and to look at us with humanity for a start. But along with many other yemenis i dont feel that the eyes of the world are upon us its as if we dont exist but if you look at it you should just get out of. I. I. Pulled us out and All Thats Good To Yemen Didnt Last Us yemen is not going to be Headline News anytime soon. Its just the political reality. The only crises that make the headlines are the ones that affect the worlds powerful nations and whats happening in yemen only partially affects those well countless pieces to malls and thats why theres only partial coverage in the International Community but you dont see the city coming up here to see something. I. And so the war grinds on there seems no end to this merciless conflict. And on top of the endless noise a fighter jets overhead a silent but deadly enemy which the yemenis thought had been eradicated long ago has returned. I. Think. This is really put off yesterday or is it looked as wasnt safe for that sort of positive security had to shift ok says another yes followed up with that Photos Finish this only forty us. A Million People have been infected with cholera its the Worlds Largest epidemic. They didnt have anything for the scale. In this edition of the show so i want to text are going to send it to Lieutenant House because i know nobody supports us all so much as soon as today or so we dont have any support. On the extreme tip of the Arabian Peninsula as the world looks away yemen is being destroyed its facing one of the biggest humanitarian crises since the end of the second world war. The yemen by those points dont take sadly every square meter of yemen bears witness to what happens when the systematic violation on all sides of human rights takes place. Civilians are the first to suffer. Infrastructure is all destroyed as well as Health Systems and Social Care Systems systems source he said when all these things break down chords everyone suddenly seemed surprised that theres a Cholera Epidemic and then a global migration problem. To make us see all the causes of these things are very simply a violation of the basic principles of International Human rights and the unchecked violence which destroys societies in its wake as the war lingers on. Six o. C. A. It means that i should say on the issues like get novels. As paid him our prepared to leave yemen so now was hit by at least four Coalition Air strikes the fragile peace had already started to crumble

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