Lead journey this week on d. W. The die is ca finland has applied to join nato, a 20 year old. Really no me and his fellow pacifists believe this is a mistake and a dangerous one of that. Know me is a conscientious objector. And cant understand why the country has dropped its longstanding neutrality while a 1000 but the finland cannot join nato. Not we should be a peaceful power also. And ambassador of non, by marketable at the motor lab, delana ill pope, aquila has a completely different point of view. The president of the finish Reservist Association is a staunch supporter of natal accession. He believes russia cannot be trusted and that its high time finland abandoned its military neutrality. Securing peace through militarism all through non violence. Villanova is way a question that dividing the country ah, yes. Elbow partially from the Reservists Association is on his way to a place that brings the importance of finlands accession bit into shop. Focus. Maam, avoid that . No. Bizarre to a galactic. We cant just stop here and stretch our legs in the forest. And he got dial up, this is the boy design, but who at the electron even get out of the car without a special permit talk available. Hello, miss them. You sound robot gabriella . Yeah. Mel m, and then oh, sorry about to reach your its easternmost point. I said, if that were further east than st. Petersburg, a damn hadnt been appoint bethany this viewing platform box, the e use eastern most point, 500 kilometers ne of helsinki. Russia is just a stones throw away. With finlands border with russia is 1340 kilometers long. For 80 years, finland has maintained military neutrality. Sweden has been neutral for even longer. But now fear of russia has prompted both countries to apply for nato membership. Paula paula on that is him on to my side of the border and there is democracy, freedom of expression, landsey mind, and we uphold the values of the western world. We believe in them. Yeah, we defend them earlier. That you might go to a significant at that finland is a country with its own culture, mama, our coach of the mail hour, swarming him out, that this is where our families are focused on miss home to everything we hold dear or the law might embedded head dialogue guide is em tomatoes at diet, summer 2022. More than half of nato countries have already agree to finland and sweden joining the alliance. Dawning of a new era. Among the general public this sudden about ton has divided opinion. Really know me is Deputy President of finlands union of conscientious objectors. Helsinki is an extensive city and he lives a long way from the center. This is the fred stuff shown, which translates as the peace station, a disused train station thats been renovated and will be home normally is meeting up with his friend, whittier. Jacqueline. For the past 2 years, the young activists have been organizing regular demonstrations concerts and awareness raising campaigns. The next big event is a protest against nato. Exceptional and bought can use to buy early will pass on to the wire, as on its own. Agree with us up on facebook of 600. 00 or so were interested at the thought the all facebook suddenly grabanko shabba, i will get a little bit more than half of them will probably coffee. The thrill is on north lasalle if door. Meanwhile, ill popo, sheila has organized a day trip, the honorary members of the finish Reservists Association to an Artillery Museum near the town of hammond lena north of the capital, russias annexation of crimea in 2014, sent off alarm bells in finland. Ever since the country has been hoping for the best, but expecting the worst father aggression from moscow. In the event of an attack, finland yacht, mobilize of almost as i was half a. And thats a 10 percent of the population. But hunter has 900000 reservists. The older generation seen themselves as role models, mailer have indicate that and if will i, its very important for us to honor all traditions and to remember where our strength and our determination come from a bully, a mistake. I feel ye have with us today some senior guests at savannah on 8th, and its important that we benefit from their experienced. I hate and, and also that we share with them how things are done today. I think the bed. Is it elizabeth, yesterday, a history of ami tags from 1919 to the present day. Yeah. Hello. The Museum Showcases finlands checkered military passed in 1939. The country was invaded by russia. Its never trusted moscow again. Former soldiers are especially skeptical a oh, yeah. Oh no, no, no one day russia says one thing, the next day it says something else. Ive never trusted the russian. Im gonna come in and look what i do not have met. Young men in this country have to do military service out of may and we have a very good army and good military training and with further training for reservists and after military service. Okay. So my law on over or may of course inland, has a good army because we never abandoned conscription. Michelle white hill above vintage artillery from the winter wall. The fast soviet finish. Wall and a brand new simulator. A direct hit. Well done with good, isnt it . The they are in the flu. I came in and i think it makes training fun in the bus at that in my young people thought that hunting is a popular pursuit among fans, and many enjoy recreational shooting with as soft guns a hobby thats not without its risks. With some situations can feel very realistic. I think youre gonna, most of would be the about us like if weve been doing this a long time ago. Ive been doing it for 15 years ago. Its always tell me that you never know what might come at you in your mac. You have to consider your every move. Everybody hoggard saw me that they care next on the day shadel around of recreation or shooting. Its fair to say that by european standards, this is popular in finland. There are over 1500000. 00 registered firearms in the country, among the highest number of registered firearms per capita in the world. Now its the gas mask town that dogs at the target is the red dot. Take a look back your lab. Theyll be shooting with colored pallets rather than actual bullets. Well, red dot will not be exactly. Oh, okay, there it is. The integral. Yeah. Well i moon, the cost boy buried. Im bali on it. Ive been asleep. Rise in sales of military equipment, especially at the start of the ukraine war cruiser and up to boston, obamacare leg aguilar, demand for combat and protective equipment has grown considerably. Im the last the better to long love, i gotta say, and this has significantly strengthened or mainland operational readiness. Octavius wouldnt boss for me saying o m a philosophy celibacy. Louis asked, soft guns are more realistic, but potentially more dangerous variation on paintball guns. If the combatants arent wearing helmets and protective gear, a direct hit can cause injurious its a game. But one that could quickly turn serious about inner mit as a guide in finland as prepared. As long as were not afraid that were reading of alameda invest in people not weapons states this poster. Having refused to do military service, which is compulsory for men in finland, really nor me, does civilian Services Stand at the peace station in helsinki, the headquarters of finished pacifists, they believe in disarmament, and opposed nato. And like new me, theyre conscientious objectors. Today the team is meeting an international aghast. Easy here to report on his experiences with russia. Wow. Finlands bid to join nato. His deeply shocked billy normie. People with the its on the military finance in as an, as an anti military slant, but i dont believe in security based on weapon silva, oregon. Though my mission is to build a weapons free society where people live inequality and freedom manon. We should remain militarily independent, august boston, returning there hasnt even been a public debate about nato and finland. The disadvantages havent been discussed at the most nichol nato was made to look like a savior. All our biggest and got them and thats not what it is. But a div is, and i, and galena, youre the say, doesnt go from russia, has left the teams. Visitor is alexander bailey, a russian lawyer. And they, he was forced to leave his homeland because of his criticism of Human Rights Violations in russia. Many others like him and now in prison. Why we need to, every next step for is like her step down new really you like deep down. So its hard to to believe that the, all of that stuff is happening now. I, in my country it, we should, people should go from the green russians should say yes. And he securing peace without weapons. Here in finland, pacifists have always been a minority. The community has come under increasing pressure since the russian invasion of ukraine on our social media. Us reader grip quite hostile comments. Ah, i think it has been less. There was quite a shock shock when the when the war in ukraine started. And then when, when finland declared that its applying for nato, so those were like spikes. But, but we do get out. So we get like the normal amount hospital, were not very popular amongst everyone in the protest is underway. What do we want, john . The demonstrators nuclear disarmament. When do we want it now to the peace activists nato members, the u. S. And turkey are not much better than russia. But here in finland, few share their viewpoint. Overlooked by the Cathedral Senate Square is in the heart of helsinki. America. So awesome, because we shouldnt join nato because we shouldnt be associated with countries that legitimize war. And if that was a double up we should remain non alliance. No, probably welcome at a bit upper get all m o. We must remain keyson, pursue an anti militarist policy, full a big guy, and demonstrate the power of non violence to the rest of the world. Bother about them. What a boy ma marianna. The same place, a few days later. Ill po, popular and his wife are on the steps of the cathedral, celebrating the annual flag day of the finished defense forces. What about the law . Oh wow. It is anyway, its an eye to boise president sali minister is here to pay his respects to the army. His speech is eagerly awaited this is the 1st flag day since the war began in ukraine. Ah mac like is sold is about we are responsible for defending our country, whatever the circumstances, why this will remain the case in the future side when we are supported by our allies as a member of a defense alliance. It was by what matters above all is that the public is ready to defend the country. So nude this readiness is stronger than ever. There is an increased interest in military exercises. Involuntary National Defense, both on own boss compared to other European Countries in finland. The army enjoys a positive image. Its job is to defend the country and all it stands full, unparalleled stability, democracy and freedom of the press. And no corruption whatsoever. For the full time in a row, finland currently occupies the top spot in the u ends welled, happiness report with me today, a unit of female volunteers is also taking part in the parade, recognizable by that purple flag. While they train at the hot to the military base, 100 kilometers from helsinki, some 300 women are taking part in a volunteer course run by the Womens National Emergency Preparedness association or master. The training which lasts several days isnt about combat. Its about learning how to survive in emergency situations. And in the while about ortho, suzanna khaki works for the National Board of education. Shes here to learn basic skills such as surviving and a forest without food. No, it is denied, never north and im interested in learning how to make a fire under difficult conditions say they didnt sell hong kong. That is something id like to practice in dennison phenomena with all it. Theres a lot of competition to get on the course. The participants can consider themselves lacking to be here. Theres so much demand for the organizes a struggling to keep pop up with. Oh, i got the gothic gospel before me got up awful nog bell. I had collect the other 2 middle resorts, lazar stretches the corner. Melancholy wealth of this course, for example, i was fully behind just a few hours and more the bashfulness yard mailing but alive, 100 women are on the waiting, listening. Maybe were planning to offer more courses, hardy, or dr. Mark. Also we got that phone on it on hooking outside the foraging for hobbs and mushrooms follow up providing 1st aid. These women are learning how to cope with an emergency. Ok. Oh boy wait. And he said it will kind of deal on it. They. He said this situation ukraine has shown that your own army kind of alive at that, but that you need to be able to turn to other as for how to marita morgan. Yeah. So milan nick out, cook him with the see that, that the fins have experienced the difficulty of fighting alone that on me, thats why we now think initially that nato is a good thing. Go. It took like the voice a lot. If i see any to mobile finlands capital, helsinki, the border to russia is just 160 kilometers away. The threat posed by the countries neighbor looms large here. Along with sweden, finland officially applied to join nato in mid may. Several weeks later, turkey dropped its objections to the 2 countries, accession but until recently, any discussion of an end to finlands neutrality was considered to boot. Over the last few decades, nato membership rarely had the support of more than 25 percent of the population. In the wake of russias invasion of Ukraine Support has risen to 79 percent after 80 years of military neutrality, its a radical change of position. Ill popular from the Reservists Association believes the move is long overdue. He points out that over the course of history, russia has repeatedly proved itself to be an aggressive power. Winter war began with the soviet invasion of finland in 1939. Russia was clearly militarily stronger than finland, but the fins knew their country like the back of the hand. And the challenges of its icy winters snipers in white camouflage were able to hold their own against the lumbering black clad russian attackers. Moscows troops were forced to retreat. So hale luis of finland wasnt ready for the winter war. Man. Mountain want war . Yeah, and it was difficult for us to mobilize, our troops quickly, odom is latanya, was down to luck that we were able to maintain our independence on eczema and bush to miss out the might. However, soviet troops were victorious in the so called continuation wall. Fought from 1941 to 1944. The fighting claimed the lives of some 100000 fins. This chapter in history is seen as a National Trauma mel and the war has utterly an ion. Olette and i have been russias neighbours for saint johns. Male and relations have always been bad. Ah, horn up valley, white with the war ended. The official line was that we had good relations with the soviet union at that valid side of n. I n. In reality though, there was never any trust there. A no leak in outlets. Ah lot the fight. 60 year old, youll popo healer manages the charity association. He has a doctorate in economics and lives on a link near the town of u. N. So you, since the russian invasion of ukraine, the number of new reservists in his association has tripled from 30029000 National Defense has become a very real concern film mental got the wine with him on the record. Does he feel and is my home gender . Taylor home is where you were born in ap hanging, that it means you breathe, finish air sinaloa, that you share finished values and finish culture. In Roswell Molina gold ellie, who, the bohemia, its the ties that exist from birth. Good luck, as the majority of fins are ready to fight for their home, no matter what dilemma and of course wallace. I am too well here, sir. Yeah, murph mina. Really knew me is visiting a fellow pacifist miro pardon, though he is not only refused to do military service, but also civilian service sigma. He believes that even civilian Service Helps prepare finland for war. Like when its an extreme position. Middle has just been sentenced to 6 months of house arrest for his total refusal, youll have to wear an ankle monitor. His detention begins in a few weeks time. A hollow protest i a so i protesting against the conscription lawsuit which discriminates against men who refused military service on religious or moral grounds. Sorted morality is important level of that under no circumstances do i want to participate in state killing pacifist, in about an ottawa as i list, the thought by ms. Agatha about the i think i need that because i dont think about a guy that from the middle. I say that its good that there are people like miro, who dare to refuse military and civilian service. Old, the soon bar at that not are going to the all settled there showing how to build a weapons free society laws that can how to fight against inequality. So valuable a nickel almost anyhow you of us didnt middle, i really admire people like me, roles on it that i them a summer to be to bottle to local. Theres a high price to pay for total refusal your gaz gazelle so on recourse so and inland. Or total refusal is a criminal offense, and you can go to prison that, that alec out there are only 30. 00 to 50. 00 people a year who do it. But so not many little the last day thought that the authorities can come to my house at any time. With hello, they can take drug tests and urine test was out that i cant leave the house without permission if theyre miles up boist, of course they want to know where i am at all times will be that i lot neglect it at the, at that the me somalia, forget about ill po, popular and instructor timo. Eddie song are on their way to a shooting range. Popular is in his element. Reservists from the helsinki area are practicing their shooting skills. This time with live ammunition here protection is mandatory ah. With we have a long history with russia and we dont have illusions about what has happened before and what can still happen today. So in finish society i would say the main change that ive seen is that people, reservists, and non reservists are more actively seeking these sort of opportunities to either keep up the skills, freshened them up or learn something new because a threat might be real. You never know, ah, [000 00 00;00] a if, if it was not prepared if we had a different system, but i mean technically expertise if we could do it. But honestly, i dont think finland was on their lunch list. But as things are going now, things could escalate and we have to be ready. We just basically this is a turn key in finland. So we are ready. We just have to mobilize it and thats where we are doing now. Reservists and pass it is completely disagree about finlands extension to native name is a he blog. Ah, but can they at least see where one another coming from thought the guy my own mother, a guy. Yes, of course, i understand that some one might refuse to do military service, a male without a lima. Not every one is a soldier valuable. Ahmad, the law allows people to serve the country according to their respective abilities. Esl to was ost tolstoy and david bowie next to an orthodox jesus did a fellow libra. Really know me and meet ya, ya, conan, are talking about want total refusal in town. See if the some are north on a little okay. A little closer alias mother. If i decide to spend the detention at my home where the ankle bracelet doesnt, what does it actually involve in the little girl twice, both thumbs moved on at the fun diagnostics of mutual love. Those romance donna mit only goes off, but youll have to attach a metal bracelet to your lower leg with the will of all of the device records. All your movements is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hold on one second. Ill have you go on, youll be given a 2 week schedule that tells me when you can work and study is where you can be of me when youre allowed to smoke alamba can you cant drink alcohol. And if you live with someone and they cant either gonna to the got a sale of him by the law, me cemetery is the 2nd largest in helsinki now. And then the 2 peace activists come here to visit one of our biggest role models. Finlands 1st, a conscientious objector, armed pecorino, murdered on november the 5th. 1941 with a spec. Ordinarily ali on petronela and rejected all forms of armed violence. Hosta santa walks and i thought i had been out of the key spent many years in prison because the finished state wanted to force him to fight dallas like bon abbas as an in the end he was shot because he refused to pick up a gun personal cost mazda, he was executed by his own people through without trial. I got the section 69 3rd row, 2nd grave, along in as a pacifist pecorino. And was completely isolated in a society that willingly went to wall against russia. In from the point of view of really know me and the Peace Movement in the past. 80 years little has changed in finland. Mm hm. Ah my when you work as an architect like go online or not at all women in architecture. Why are they so invisible . To the larger public we decided to ask them, messes i, what is the poetry, the secret of the house, and im house about their motivations. The real goal of architecture is green habitat for human, about their struggles and dreams are sponsibility of huge. They have so much to lose shattering the Glass Ceiling women in architecture. Does this have to be really, really good . Start september 30th on dw ah, this week on world stories urgently needed women doctors in

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