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Duramax channel. Going to buy the story. With exclusive. And of course see concerning our claims culture to europe. To be full curious minds. Do it yourself networkers. Subscribe dont miss out. Yet i just got a should feel a read on television covering the National Primary election of israels conservative liquid. About One Hundred Twenty Party Members on choosing candidates for the list that liquid will run in the countrys parliamentary election on april ninth. The party. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is likud top candidates and he also has a good chance of winning the parliamentary election. But im inspired music is something to give him but in a time young he was facing tough competition. Also dealing with several Corruption Investigations highest this election and the Coalition Negotiations afterwards promised to be dramatic extreme of wanting to be out for the next tough how well be talking with several guests about the election and what it means to them and i was just let him historians motion or similar muslim im on the security expert. Imagine all the dots have a money family and our of his racing mariam to kind of. Israels Fragmented Society as reflected in the large number of Political Parties in the knesset or National Parliament Prime Minister netanyahu is likud party has been in power for years and now holds thirty out of One Hundred Twenty seats. The current government coalition is led by likud it includes several parties whose primary goal is to preserve their religious and social traditions another member of the coalition is the Jewish Home Party which favors israeli settlements in the Palestinian Territories the Party Leaders include the current Education Minister naftali bennett. There are four position parties that represent Israeli Arabs who make up about twenty percent of the population taken together these four parties are one of the largest groups in the opposition. To support for the Opposition Labor Party has collapsed in recent years they lost the twenty fifteen election to likud despite joining a short lived coalition with a party led by former foreign minister tzipi livni. A centrist party headed by former finance minister pete has now joined forces with the israel resilience party which is led by benny gantz the former Chief Of Staff of the Israeli Armed forces against is trying to bridge the political gap between left and right and could pose a serious challenge to netanyahu senior Military Officers are widely respected in israel some have even become Prime Minister as. A number of smaller parties have teamed up to try to get around the Election Threshold law which requires them to win at least a three point two five percent share of the vote to qualify for seats in parliament. Some of these parties could end up in the next government coalition. The same as hard as weve seen the Campaign Leading up to the april ninth election has been a dramatic one to find out more about the current political mood in israel im joined by professor moshe zimmerman. Hes well. Known in germany hes been a Visiting Professor at several german universities and his Academic Research work has won him several german awards. In Two Thousand And Five Professor Silliman was appointed to a Government Commission that investigated the role of the German Foreign office in the holocaust. Professor silliman the Political Landscape in israel has changed substantially in the past several years why did that happen and what will it mean for the election. Political ideologies are no longer relevant in israel. It all boils down to the battle between netanyahu and his opponents. Voters are either on one side or the other. You either support the Prime Minister or you dont. And those factors are shaping the political environment right now. You would like israel to the right. In the class true for a majority of israelis. Of course there are Political Parties on the left and in the center but the left is rather weak in israel right now. They usually win only five or ten percent of the vote. The centrist parties are actually center right. So in the final analysis it all comes down to how much netanyahu and the parties that support him will win by. Well i think you have israelis moved to the right. Side. In many countries today right wing nationalist or semi fascist parties on the rise. Thats the case in israel as well. Theres a sort of Siege Mentality here israel is defending itself against the palestinians and iran. And if thats the way you think thats the way youll vote a lot of people arent thinking about peace. They say israel campaign billboards Benyamin Netanyahu with donald trump the president has expressed support for the Prime Ministers reelection in december twenty seven teen the u. S. Announced that it would move its embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. It was a controversial decision. And it prompted fineman demonstrations in the palestinian terror trains the. Palestinians want to make East Jerusalem the capital of a future state. But at this Point Netanyahu appears to have abandoned his commitment to a two State Solution. And he supports new settlements in the Israeli Occupied west bank. This is apparently a concession to the nationalist and ultraorthodox parties that netanyahu will need to build a coalition government. And israeli arab m. P. s are upset about the new Nation State Law which they say discriminates against them. Many israelis are deeply concerned about security right now and netanyahu has promised to address their concerns he has even taken on the additional post of Defense Minister and has promised to end hunger cybersecurity. The Prime Minister says that iran poses the greatest threat to peace in the middle east and President Trump agrees with him. If he is reigning military has recently launched a number of ass strikes against Iranian Forces and their allies deployed in syria. And tensions are still running high in the gaza strip there have been frequent clashes in the last few months between palestinians and israeli troops along the border fence. Still netanyahu can take credit for a growing economy under one employment but critics say that the gap between rich and poor in israel continues to grow. My nerves that is why you hear it by a lake square in central tel aviv to me to my next guest. Is an author. Political scientist and spokesman for the Israeli Intelligence ministry on a show you wouldnt he was born in germany and raised in berlin his parents are jewish immigrants from iran he studied Political Science at university and emigrated to israel in two thousand and one. Quarter. Israelis are concerned about National Security and Prime Minister netanyahu has identified iran is a major threat and clashes continue in gaza how would you assess the current situation. Its extremely complicated israel is stronger than ever and we have discovered and destroyed a number of hezbollah tunnels along the border with lebanon. The situation in gaza remains tense. But weve managed to push back the iranians in syria. Says im not so its the one hand israel continues to provide a Deterrent Force in the region and that helps us to keep these threats under control to explode but at the same time iran and its hizbollah allies continue to cause trouble. Especially in syria. So theres a very real possibility that we could be drawn into a multi front conflict the primary threat right now comes from the codes force. Unit of Irans Revolutionary Guards and report directly to irans supreme leader. So we could be placed in a situation where israel a small country is attacked from lebanon syria gaza and possibly elsewhere. It was just this effect the elections the hope to be a major factor in what the politicians have to address the Security Concerns is the Team Question and a lot of the talk ended it does have held senior posts in the military. Benny gantz certainly has and so has netanyahu. The Prime Minister is friends with some of the worlds most powerful leaders. Donald trump and bolton are all in brazil. So a lot of israelis believe that netanyahu is the best person to lead israel right now so far as. The right wing candidates who are running in this Election Position themselves by saying they are even tougher than he is on security and domestic policy. Will work. But its netanyahu is also facing three different Corruption Investigations in the first the Prime Minister and his wife are accused of accepting expensive gifts in return for political favors as. In the second investigators say that netanyahu tried to influence the publisher of a newspaper that runs stories critical of the government. The Prime Minister is said to have promised to support legislation that would cripple the circulation of israels most popular newspaper. In the third case netanyahu is accused of backing regulations that would have benefited a Major Telecom corporation a Company Executive was recently detained in the Investigation Police say netanyahu wanted the companys news website to provide more favorable coverage of his government. Netanyahu has categorically denied any wrongdoing and says that even if he is indicted on these charges he will not resign. In january the Prime Minister went on national t. V. To criticize the investigation which he called a witch hunt carried out by the media police and prosecutors. Attorney general having. A full minute on young. Cabinet secretary and Military Prosecutor has recommended that charges be filed but has not yet actually done so. The officer from a. Guy at work told me that people just arent worried about corruption anymore. Its not new for politicians to take bribes. It happens all the time. We had a famous politicians who took bribes of Five Hundred Thousand euros. Yes thats sad. That the accusations against netanyahu arent all that serious and weve known about them for some time people have made up their minds are there they say thats terrible like we do or they say the politicians are always taking bribes. With armed to the city of run and not far from tel aviv to meet with a Modern Orthodox family jenny until you have a man and the three Children Levi Arians Rosa Turney how many have a man is active in the Israeli Liberal Party and is using social media to try to get more young people interested in politics. A lawyer to. Save the founder and c. E. O. Of an organization that brings together young entrepreneurs from germany and israel yeah. And yeah and you know half a man is the son of sabella i have a man and the german Singer Songwriter both be a man so he was born in east germany and moved to the west in Nine Hundred Seventy Seven have a better and converted to judaism and emigrated to israel in twenty ten he now works as an i. T. Experts for an Israeli Company or genuinely trying to find out what you both think of the political situation right now in israel. Well first of all The Cost Of Living in israel is very high compared to europe. By the way we consider ourselves europeans and certainly most israelis. Yeah but food is really expensive and there are political reasons for that. We cant trade with neighboring countries we dont believe that should go in the hype thats one of the things that makes living here expensive. The signs are going to be stones and their taxes are very high and the politicians havent done enough to cut and whats more the business monopolies are much too strong the state should do more to regulate them. So this election is about both domestic policy and including the high cost of living and Foreign Policy for the sake of this Assault Alkie its got invited was the theme out. Meeting on Foreign Policy it certainly seems a special middle east Peace Process is dead in the water and talks on a two State Solution are on hold. But you told me that some Israeli Arabs work in your company and everyone gets along fine on both of those five almost never mind well netanyahu supports this new law. Whats it called the Nation State Law thats a no you do. Or both and discriminates against Israeli Arabs. Im going to one of my arab colleagues told me that the law hasnt affected him at all park and his friends are still his friends and his job is still his job so hes exactly the same guy he was before. This law has caused a lot of emotional pain. Or the actual wording of the law doesnt seem so bad. But the worst thing about that law is what it doesnt say. Much good what do you mean exactly. These really Declaration Of Independence says that we are all citizens should you had. After the knesset approved the law Prime Minister netanyahu said that this was a defining moment in the history of the israeli state. Legislation sans that the jewish people have the right to exercise national selfdetermination in israel and it also states that hebrew is the countrys official language and downgrades arabic to me a special status and it says that the state will continue to promote jewish settlement as a national value. Im talking about discrimination in many. Ways that. Arabs and women and minorities are experiencing and its getting more and more. When there are we are seeing the control of the right phonetic right wings in the country and if im talking about the daily life im talking about discrimination in the right places often School Students will structure many things like we have less sources most funds less. That we can take and improve our daily normal life this seemed to become. To the town of abilene a haifa to me to sing out whose voice has captured the hearts of israelis mariam to can she was the first person to sing in arabic on the israeli t. V. Some competition show a star is born. Because the mariam is an Arab Christian and now shes devoted her vocal talents to an Organization Called Women Wage Peace A crew that brings together people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds to create a mutually binding political agreement to end the Israeli Palestinian conflict. On campus. The organization was founded shortly after the end of the gaza war in twenty fourteen. Its also supports a Un Resolution that reaffirms the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts. Only this year the group organized a peace festival in the port city of Jaffa Women Wayne Peace has Twenty Four Thousand registered members and Tens Of Thousands of followers on Facebook The Festival Features Performances by mariam to cannes and the israeli canadian singer el deck about how. They perform around the world and use their music to inspire positive change and to support nonviolent efforts to resolve conflicts. Thatll. Get else best known song is prayer of the mother as about the womens peace movement. I wrote this song because i felt the heart of the mothers who put together the movement of women which base i met with them and then i felt their yearning and i wrote this. Thing in hebrew and in arabic about mothers who hang out the noon train in the shadow of an Israeli Security wall and about a mother who sends her child off to school as war rages nearby. The song ends with a call for peace. Its. Everyone still waiting for the middle east peace plan said President Trump promised no details have been released yet. What are the prospects for this Peace Proposal to. Improve im not going to get my hopes up. He will certainly side with netanyahu. There may be some proposals in the plan that the right wing parties will complain about. Implementing certainly wont be implemented before the israeli elections or after the elections for that matter. So i. Describe it as a lot of hot air and it probably wont be very practical. Poxy. Well most of them truly understand it by the time its done and this hasnt held parliamentary elections for more than a decade and then theres the ongoing palace struggle between hamas in gaza and fatah in the west bank. So israel may be right in saying that even if a peace plan were proposed theyd have no one to negotiate with. So i didnt plan this way a lot of here because all israel has made sure that theres no one to negotiate with. The divisions between fatah and hamas were caused to a certain extent by israeli policy. And the government wants those divisions to continue. All. Of the life that will give them the opportunity to say theres no one on the palestinian side they can talk to. This kind of. Moment. So until hamas and fatah are able to resolve their differences and present something that resembles a united front all israel wont be able to negotiate with them. And also harm can be. Calling their. In their moment at the same time even if the two sides settle their dispute as long as hamas continues to reject israels right to exist israel wont negotiate with them. Lloyd to go by it so either way israel can say that it cant talk to the palestinians of the wall and that will be just fine with netanyahu and put it in terms of. People who think one of the you know. This is the out run t. V. Hospital in gaza city. The facility has been hit times by the Israeli Blockade Of The Gaza Strip and also by hamas mismanagement. The conditions here are miserable for the patients punished for the medical staff like dr fayyad el masri. The room is a river crowded and the and conditioning doesnt work. Theres a deep sense of frustration. You see the air conditioned set of. We try tourists as you note it gets off. Today the hospital laundry come provide fresh bed sheets this woman has Stomach Cancer and cant get the medicine she needs. Fulfilled village we were. Running out of morphine and all kinds of other painkillers for the foolish. This is the hospitals Pediatric Ward many of the children here suffer from leukemia but they cant be properly treated thats enormously frustrating for the parents. More than you would be as concept was approved by both of these fires the disease would be to successfully what would do to a shortage of being supplied from any we have a. Close fear in the sea of that if its right there and they respond to something. Or interfere with something. The collapse of the Health Care System in gaza is just one of the many unfortunate consequences. You see towards the only palestinian asked the israeli elections approach the politicians are not paying attention to the problems of palestinians in the west bank and gaza the breakdown of the Peace Process the Political Parties have turned to social media to get their message to the voters. Father gallos likud first emerged. Recently launched its own t. V. Channel on Facebook Facebook but as the political establishment turns away from traditional media there are concerns that Digital Sources of information could be manipulated by crackheads. Those such as food. Israels Domestic Intelligence agency that recently just such a warning. Director. Said that an identified foreign country intends to intervene in the upcoming elections. The Prime Minister and Security Officials trying to reassure the public netanyahu said that israel definitely has the technological capability to prevent such cyber attacks. Russia said it would never intervene in a foreign election. Got Internet Data can also be manipulated in other ways. A Google Search will turn up different results for different uses that content may also be accompanied by advertising but theres no way to tell how the google algorithms choose which content will be shown. Who provided the advertisement. Experts saying that the internet must become more transparent and not just when it comes to Election Campaigns. The game to your election forecast. This is almost like a hollywood movie. You want to keep up with Election Campaign news every day to see what one candidate or another has done. Its a close race and there are actually top candidates not just two. So the main question as who will be able to put together a coalition government. A centrist or center left parties dont join forces i think that netanyahu will be reelected. Hes going to win. I dont like the poster people of historic im a historian so i always take the long view in situations like this go and i think about what effects this election might have on my grandchildren and thats a cause for concern if youre born being at the time i was born there were no Military Conflicts between jews and the palestinians and other arabs and you sleep on things on the book you spend all day long you know but in the seven decades that ive lived in israel obviously ive seen one war after another and now the Peace Process has collapsed. At some point something really terrible is going to happen i think the most when theyve been there for three or four things are going to be more fanatic and more negative and then people can be more aware. Of the desire to change. Things for change so. This is what we are doing now. The women. Women makes peace many women association. From palestine from israel pretty. Hard to. Do we see today therefore making. Another reality. Bites teach them weve heard a number of different voices in this report but what unites these people is the how and then now for the state of israel. Wants. But unity cost from the top spot. And many Money Managers are drawn against five blocks and drops to second spot on the tape. On victory on storm and ahead maybe one spoke with two goals in stoppage time. Because. I see minutes on the doubles. With him had to be done because ugly as well lions i know if i had known the boat would be that small i never would have gone on a trip but i would not have put myself and my parents in that dangerous part of the game but

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