Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181127 23:02:00

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The u. S. Says the outlook is bleak now for this weeks g. Twenty meeting in this and as europe and china seek more Common Ground as free traders u. S. President donald trump says u. S. Import tariffs might soon include chinese made laptops and for also we take a look at the price coal mining communities are paying for chinas efforts to clean up its Air Pollution and the indonesian capital jakarta is trying out a bike sharing in an effort to reduce the nightmare traffic thats clogging up its city rose. Im Christopher Kober welcome to the program could this be the end to the us chinese trade war according to white house economic adviser larry kudlow President Trump is open to a trade deal with china at the same time mr trump is ready to high tariffs on chinese imports should there be no breakthrough Chinese Vice Premier a new hair is warning of consequences during a trade summit in hamburg he said rising tariffs could lead to a recession you said existing problems could be solved without creating additional barriers and he reiterated china stance that there are no winners in the trade. Well for more lets cross over to our correspondent yes quarter in new york donald trump is due to meet chinese president dejan ping on the sidelines of the g. Twenty summit this week what do people on Wall Somebody expect that there will be a deal any time soon the best outcome for the g twenty meeting might be that the United States and china might start formal negotiations so that probably would be the best Case Scenario in an interview here on tuesday u. S. President donald trump said and i happen to be a terrorist person so that doesnt sound too. Friendly at this point and he also said that he is also thinking about putting tariffs for i phones and computers as you mentioned probably in the amount of ten percent if thats going to happen and the u. S. President donald trump has the opinion that ten percent tariff lets say on i phones would be manageable for u. S. Consumers now speaking of an unfriendly sentiment General Motors announced massive layoffs yesterday and now donald trump is threatening the Company Bring us up to date here. Yeah u. S. President on trump is threatening to actually cut all subsidies including subsidies for electric vehicles to General Motors and we did see an effect of the stock of g. M. Traded down by a good to and a half percent so obviously the u. S. Administration not tempi it was the announced layoffs we will see how General Motors responds but the threat of no more subsidies for the biggest u. S. Common youre factor that certainly also had an impact on wall street and yes do automotive sector players see these job cuts as signs of worse things to come. Its certainly to early to tell but there is an easy in a sense we did not just see the stock of General Motors under pressure but also of chrysler of ford also losing quite some valuation so yes that is the big debate here why is General Motors doing those mess of layoffs might it be because g. M. Sees a cooling of the u. S. Car industry for next year so thats one of the big debates here on wall street and scored in new york thank you so much. The chief Economic Advisor of european insurance giant ali and says crypto currencies are here to stay and according to News Agency Bloomberg nast act is moving ahead to list Bitcoin Futures as early as the First Quarter of next year now these news may come somewhat as a surprise a script of currencies like that going have done little but tumbling lately some say they are facing an existential crisis with only the most hardened risk takers staring to touch them. This is why some on twitter have to pick to whats happening behind the scenes during the ongoing bitcoin crash although these images are not actually connected to bitcoin they nonetheless serve to illustrate how dramatic the new day is for some right now. Across the board Digital Currencies are flailing big coin has lost Seventy Eight percent since the beginning of the year ripple has lost even more and to ferry Amant Bitcoin cash have dropped more than ninety percent each. A year ago big corn was the talk of the town people watched excitedly as the value skyrocketed to Twenty Thousand dollars banks started working feverishly to build a Digital Currency infrastructure. But the plunge in value seems to have hopes is it not game over for crypto currencies will they not be an accepted asset class after all some diehard crypto analysts remain confident they believe Digital Currencies will rise like phoenix from the ashes as theyve done many times before others say their value has always been zero making them still overpriced. Some troubling news for the environment the United Nations is sounding the alarm that the gap between Greenhouse Gas emissions and levels needed to achieve the Paris Climate Treaty Temperature Goals is widening after three years of progress in lowering c o two emissions twenty eighteen has seen a jump stemming from the Energy Sector according to the International Energy agency the atmospheric concentration of c o two has increased dramatically now National Carbon cutting pledges from the twenty fifteen Paris Agreement have to be tripled in the coming years according to the u. N. Environment program. Now china has been called the worst polluter in the world but the government is trying desperately to ditch that day even if it means curbing Economic Growth this week the government in beijing promised to step up its war on Climate Change in chinas Northern Coal Heartland dozens of chemical plants have already been closed the people there have been breathing a little easier but the region has paid a high price. The City Of Jin Chiang has a poor reputation in china its one of the most polluted cities in the country its skyline peppered with Mines Coal Processing Facilities and heavy industry plants according to data from the ministry of a college and environment last winter jim chiang failed to meet Government Targets on cutting damaging pollution as a result dozens of mines and factories were forced to shut down. Local shephard mr gao says the measures have improved and quality. For all used to burn and stink everything was polluted really burned day. Closing the mines and factories however has sent shock waves through the local economy unemployment is high here the problem is common across chinas Coal Heartland cities struggle to strike a balance between Environmental Concerns and keeping their economies afloat many here are critical of last winters small crackdown factories were forced to close whether theyd implemented Pollution Controls or not this year beijing has promised to be more business friendly gin chang however is unlikely to enjoy any leniency because of its past failures. So i see that all many cities here in the region rank the lowest in the country when it comes to environmental Law Enforcement and information disclosure that this means the ability to implement loss to regulate these industries is very weak to father to me. Now the local economy is placing its hopes in gas rather than culled the area is rich in me thing which can be used for heating and it will provide jobs to china is determined to reduce its dependence on coal by twenty twenty coal should make up fifty eight percent of total energy use thats down more than ten Percentage Points in a decade. And air quality is also a factor in our next Story Jakarta is getting in gear with its own bike sharing trail transport experts told the emission free service will help combat Air Pollution and Traffic Congestion in the indonesian capital the aim is to support the Public Transport System by solving the issue of the first mile of the last. To cars as National Monument park in the heart of the indonesian capital is offering a new attraction bike sharing during the initial trial period one hundred bikes are available free of charge from seven stations dotted across the park users install an out that shows them the position of the bikes they then scan the q. R. Code on the bike to our lockers again using the app so far the response seems positive. And i dont believe this is good because it could motivate people to stop using private vehicles and become healthier by riding a bike. Would be a good besides to car set the Company Offers the service on the island of bali a popular Tourist Destination its teamed up with hotels and local stores to offer the service for seventy cents an hour bus it says locals make up its main target group. Goal is to provide first and last mile transport and tourism use is only an additional benefit. But its hoped the bikes will encourage people to use public transport by helping them move easily between their homes and the nearest bus or train stop. Air quality analysts are also likely to welcome the new arrivals after all your car is among the top ten most polluted cities in the world. Well im off to get my own bike and get out of here go home if you want more from us in the meantime do go ahead and check out our social media feeds or a website that stede all your dot com slash business you have yourself a successful day see you back here tomorrow. And. More. Bursts of her home she means of species. A home worth saving. For your move those are big changes and most start with small steps a little indios tells stories of creating these people and innovative projects around the world. By using one or two string of shots and resources should. Create interactive Content Teaching the next generation of money until the child should. Be using cheap. Also available to people to get out. And more determined to learn something here for the next generation globally its for the environment series of global Three Thousand on d. W. And online. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They inspire

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