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While we now loses its license for the android operating system and for popular google apps such as google play g. Mail and you tube there is dismay in europe at the news that many Google Services will no longer be available on who i was smartphones in rome businessman argue oprah phillie has lost faith in the chinese manufacturer. You know i was very much get angry at huawei who sold me something that doogal doesnt recognize anymore i will send it back via registered mail. With. The Us Government has added the Chinese Company to a trade blacklist which munich resident he finds hard to accept. Any chance of us would move clear no this sort of thing is unacceptable its again the customer that has to suffer because of some argument the americans have with Chinese Companies i think its totally unjustified and they staged back in beijing Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman lou kang said the Chinese Government would defend chinese interests in the face of the decision. China will confirm this and will look into it and Pay Attention to it at the same time china supports Chinese Companies to use legal weapons to defend their legitimate rights to. Washington is also blocking u. S. Technology firms from providing microchips to while away but the company says it has many supplies in stock the u. S. Government considers who are way a National Security threat that has already been to our way parts in the build out of americas 5 g. Internet data network and is stepping up pressure on several european allies to do the same. And lets go to also our financial correspondent in new york jose luis to hot oh jose the markets have taken this wow it is pretty hard havent they. It is a i mean its important since investors see the Current Situation not only as a wake up call for who a way but also the start of a Technology Call cold war will have consequences for both the chinese and u. S. Tech companies but also for all the cheap makers providers is the case of being fenian technologies especially consumers that worldwide as the u. S. Department of commerce reviews the entities least at risk to choose a new or way most a companys and not only cheap manufacturers are feeling to heed. So does it have probability of rich and googles and all the recent decision good heat hard on who always is smartphone business so does the not having 2 regular providers something that could Delay Development of 5 g. Networks but it does seem to asian escalates all the companies such as uppal whod have a very hard time in the chinese market. It has they have to ask you about shares in the german lender hitting an all time low on monday after an analyst for u. B. S. Downgraded profit projections meanwhile the New York Times reported that the bank ignored employee alerts on past transactions connected to entities controlled by donald trump and his son in law are raising more concerns about the banks safeguards against Money Laundering the lender denies the reports. Back to jose does this mean. I should ask is running out of time to turn things around basically shares falling once again. So stephen theyre the reason urgent need for a turnaround either by a merger deep or cost cuts or as some point point out Investment Bank operations the commerzbank negotiations collapse a few names they could make sense that to pursue a merger we need to keep in mind that Deutsche Bank is already too big to fail entity with a Systemic Risk also the reason reputed ational problems related to some of situations and for now it seems that their plan is to achieve a cost cutting targets and take some measures to protect a downgrade of its Credit Rating or it was a looser horo keeping an eye on things in the u. S. Thank you jose and staying in the u. S. Automaker ford is cutting some 7000. 00 white collar jobs roughly 10 percent of its Global Workforce the move is part of a major restructuring that the company says will save 600000000. 00 annually and streamline its operations about of a 3rd of the layoffs will will be in the u. S. Forces also cutting jobs across europe as part of a separate plan to turn around its business there including 5000. 00 positions in germany. And lets look at some of the other business stories making news. The chairman of the Us Federal Communications Commission Said bill backed the 26000000000. 00 merger of sprint and germanys t. Mobile sending shares of both firms upward pis said the merger would approve build out of 5 g. Wireless networks across the country the f. C. C. Will give its formal verdict to the merger next month the Us Justice Department also has to approve the deal. Ryanair has posted a 29 percent drop in annual profit Budget Airline blames higher fuel costs cabin crew strikes and fears competition is its also affected by the grounding of boeing 737. 00 max which is considered a very fuel efficient plane. One in 5 International Companies is being forced into Technology Transfers in exchange for access to Chinese Markets thats according to a survey by the e. U. Chamber of commerce in beijing cutting edge European Companies are strongly affected carmakers pharmaceuticals and chemical firms all saying theyve had to pass on Data Software and construction plants. In the morning shave is big business for the razor blade industry consumers worldwide forked out 3 and a half 1000000000. 00 on blades last year but the Traditional Market giants gillette and wilkinson are now facing new rivals including u. S. Based harrys that offer competitive quality blades at a reasonable price harrys has bought a 100 year old razor blade maker in eastern germany. Razor blades are touring in speciality still very much a question of manual work even as machines turn out thousands of blades a day some of the people here belong to a 4th generation of workers and theyve mastered the cathedral finish barely visible to the naked eye it makes the blade exceptionally sharp as managing director michel explains. Its a very old grinding technique which means a lot of people know it the art however is in repeating it mechanically millions of times a day in consistently high quality few manufacturers can do that word of that spread in 2014 u. S. Startup parries bought the small ice filled based company for 100000000. 00 its pumped another 50000000. 00 into new Production Machinery since their jobs were created offices modernized all with the aim of taking market share from the established brands. A short Video Conference with harrys new york team Andy Katz Mayfield is one of the 2 u. S. Bosses. He was convinced he could break into the u. S. Market with his high quality but low priced blades from eastern germany. That sure. Process you know theyre the fundamental product is somewhat similar we buy it on our factory its been doing this for a 100 years the competition watched uneasily for a few years as harrys advice failed cut into its business. Then the owner of the ship and wilkinson sold browns edge will stroke buying up paris at the beginning of may for almost one point full 1000000000. 00. Over age and now bangladesh wants them out but now a court has ruled that factory inspectors from abroad will stay in the country another year its been 6 years since the runup plaza collapse one of the worlds worst industrial disasters inspectors say they need more time to get safety up to scratch at the countrys 4 and a half 1000 factories the majority of them making clothing for the west. Nella for a begum was inside the runup plaza factory when it collapsed in 2013 she was left with a crushed force which still causes her pain. She received less than 4000. 00 in compensation a sum she says wasnt even enough to cover her medical bills along with many other victims she believes the government response to the disaster has been a failure. Or a group for her i want the government to compensate me none of the workers were adequately compensated they fucked us all for small change what happened to all the money from abroad we need that money we want ronald to be brought to justice but compensation was only one issue to arise after the disaster the accident also put a spotlight on poor safety conditions in garment factories across the country under an agreement known simply as the accord a team of International Safety inspectors were brought in to monitor standards in bangladeshi garment factories when their 5 year term was up last year the government asked them to leave that sparked an outcry with critics maintaining that the government was not equipped to carry out its own inspections accord does not think that this government is fully prepared at this time. To adequately regulate safety and were working intensively with and in support of them so that they can achieve that in the quickest time possible the ruling from bangladeshs top court means the accord that inspections will continue for another year the hope is that this will help avoid another disaster like that which turned for becomes life upside down. And thats it for me in the Business Team you know find out more about these and other stories on line it dot com slash business on facebook and twitter as always thanks for watching. Sometimes books more exciting than real life. Too. What if theres no escape. List. German must treat. Shifting powers the old order is history the world is religion izing itself and the medias role is keep the topic in focus the Global Media Forum 2019 today one out of 2 people is online who are we following do we trust to beijing and shape the future at the georgia dome and global media for 29. Cents a that is. From the 2nd we come into this world were in it together. In gemmas can leave a mark. And then we can make a real difference as well you really miss all of. Naps and i leave. This is state of the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes its a 3 horse race thats too close to call but now we head to the polls in an election that pits the president against his own deputy the readings have been young and while most voters all below 30 will hear from them and the president who spoke exclusively to the deputy process for a while forgot

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