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The artist is present was the title of the performance that made Marina Abramovich a legend. Autumn two thousand and sixteen we need her again in new york for her seventieth birthday a woman who knows the effect she has a bit of a diva cool and very intense. Mother. Forgiveness. Longing. Known in the. Uk abortion. Arena abramovich turned her life into a radical and ruthlessly frank. Million is a body since the nineteen seventies shes been exposing herself to her fears to pain to danger. Mrs abramowitz i think our first saw you in ninety six and you became fifty and you didnt really like it as far as i remember at that time so what about you know you were facing the seven. Did it change you know its actually so great time do you need time to the stuff you need time to to actually learn things you know you have to time to to kind of understand to visit them of being auld and seventy is a big number so you know that you reach seventy and you know that you know that youre going to the last part of your life and you have to really concentrate on most important things and i decide to be happy this is my main you know kind of say. This isnt about that is seventy. Abramovich grew up after World War Two in belgrade which was the capital of communist yugoslavia parents had for the nazis as protestant father was a high ranking officer a mother story and it was a strict term discipline was more important than love. The child that was you know painting my dreams and then i was writing poetry then ever to art a car then me and then i start painting and then from the painting somehow come this old idea of making a performance. I really was thinking to be in the studio in pain something which is two dimensional sort of actually restricted what about going outdoor what about using fire the water using the elements using the on body using your own blood and your own emotions and creating art with that and this was really my beginning and of course doing this in x. It was slavia which had been the early access to the other ideas similar in that time internationally i was like a black sheep in the middle of nowhere and everybody was thinking im completely crazy this work is nothing this is not you cant call this argument professors the shame of me my parents was criticize and Party Meetings and i just continued the only thing i had in that time it was my intuition somehow somewhat i was right i must be. As beautiful. As the. Coast the pain to myself in order to free myself from pain than pain is a play that this was exactly youre not youre afraid of pain confronted with pain get free of pain thats exactly what i have to be done and is in my life to become something that i do with everything you know if im afraid of something or you ever or i am panicking or im going to unknown i would do it to see what other side when i was child when i was six years old i stay one hour year in hospital because the people think that theyre him ophelia when i took my baby to i believe three months i have to sit of the bed not to suffocate so the fear of bleeding was better because of the feel of pain of cutting the star because for me bleeding was like going to a liquid is leaving your body for it to dart. If you hate the commune style so much that you had to burn it. You know if you live as a child in that kind of comments or restricted situation you dont like restrictions kids thats why things are forbidden and i think i have a not just the problem with the with the system but also the problem internal with my own family and and restrictions i had so felt like i cant breathe im in prison i made a really important work which is really not many people know which school. The three before rise and which are literally two postcards so belgrade streets and i removed the buildings and they just have this empty spaces where the carson people walking in the free horizon. Were such important kind of conceptual work was important symbolically and metaphorically that actually im removing all this and im getting this free space for myself which is interesting about this work which i made in the early seventys become almost strange kind of traditional because some of these buildings been bombed to recently even in a balcony war and they dont exist so i was always prediction of some of this free in the horizon situation in one thousand nine hundred eighty five abramovich met Performance Artist where lies even better known as only. A couple to the world in a van like nomads they lived with aborigines restring in outback with Buddhist Monks in tibet. I mean you met and you really had a right strong not only were but relation and you have first to struggle ation their way of the work. First was absolutely a love story and then become more if you look back to that now are all important was it for you or i would never change for the world this was a very important spears but this was a really credibly full of radical time but also unbelievably romantic i mean its almost romantic like im. Movie romantic you know two people get together the same but theyre born they get the car the travel around the world they go to deserts they experience the different cultures and make the work and not and being a lot of it you can have better than that without compromise to that any art market because they have any money but just believe in what were doing. You know its like after every sunny day there is rain so are alicia fall apart and fall apart more and more and i was even completely apart but its the process you know you have to look at this from outside you know and see now i am not angry im not disappointed and not you know i just see this that was you know that would happen and it was worth every minute. That you made you not just decided to separate like other couples do you met a performance out of this you know the will of the fourth you said to me ok you have to walk to and after i was a kilometer each to say goodbye can you just make phone call i cut the humans. We didnt we didnt because we never give up anything and you know took us eight years the permission to the chinese give to us finally we got permission we was under for a ship and then instead of cant get in to gether and mariel the chinese will always say goodbye. You discovered the passion for you also after the separation or in the fortys it was kind of new are you and you didnt allow it before to yourself if you look at the funny performance fashion of the of the Performance Artists it was make it ugly black or dirty white this is it with any other thing to wear and leave stickum a polish you know fashion was totally disregard its like a family feeling something that is ridiculous that is like you know its just you know kind of completely borger idea that artists not look like that and then you know i got i was forty i fell as a say i glee i believe i wanted and fat you know and then sold the work and this first time i had some money i was in paris so the next day i went to the motor shop i bought my first first professional clothes i remember coming out of the shop i feel great this is why i should not feel in this was the wrong with it and. I dont want to be like a kind of a bonded to pneumonia miserable i want to feel good. And this and this really works with the with the sun with the you know just for just about fashion is about i do meditation with the retreats im going to wear you away the places in india i have the all system of actually how i work with my body or my work a splendid thousand twenty five to space to breathe for the shows touring europe your performances and trying to do different projects collaboration works so all this mess and then comes this island of quietness which is the performance itself which is one direction. Performance and moment was really longest you ever did how did this idea. Come to life when ive been invited to or to spectate in mamma the clothes visible told me the title he would like to have for the show will be artists present when you say art is present and the proof and that and this is three months mama i think i didnt have any other choice than being present at the time and i also i know it was very difficult i know that was huge the man the process but they also know that it was my huge chance to learn to short to the public transformative force of performance and with the absolute supreme nothing. But ive done this artist is present with thinking that this chair will be empty because its new york nobody have time to sit and have several scrapes it was weird to sit in front of you chair was never never empty and people slept in the front of the museum. Curator of the new the new york has no marine abramovich for over two decades. I remember when i look back at our first encounter. So i go to amsterdam and shes surprised i came to amsterdam because she is like so open to everybody and she is so generous with her attention and i remember i was upstairs and there was a plumber coming ring ring ring the doorbell rings and the plumber comes into been country anyone and she is so generous with so much attention and the plumber goes and i said marino. You would seduce a chair if you are all with the chair because whoever is in funder if youre giving us attention generosity but thats literally who she is she cant do differently is thats where she is and that is something that is best placed in her work because this is incredible generosity that the artist as president sitting in the atrium gives to everybody who sits where cern everybody around her. And i was thinking why this important performance gets a true credible you know attention i think because the public right now is so much ready for this kind of spirit was twenty years ago will not be read that there was will be Something Else going on to try to not we are so tired of looking things when so tide over of god just sort of knowledge you know noncommunication on the completely not the ability to have emotions to to have relationships always things to set the right now so the public want to be part of something that they can back their own experience which will give to them i think it was definitely a groundbreaking moment that her exhibition also was so present and so popular and so strong that i think it encouraged as a curators and other museums to revaluate a history of Performance Art and it encouraged and inspired lots of yellow artist to bring forward Performance Art as a viable practice as an option in her in her upcoming. For some time now Marina Abramovic has worked closely with Young Artists. In spring two thousand and sixteen they developed a joint performance project in athens. To me that this was one of the most fantastic experience or building a new community you know via arriving artists with a huge refugee crisis with the economic and political crisis with the countries in stable which binoculars sam had the seventy people that week. And recreate completely Something Else we had in this period fifty three thousand people which is like even the biggest audience to ever had in greece was thirty thousand for the for the going to show that this is fifty three thousand people coming from islands from anywhere to experience so the blithely say we occupied we made opera call and we had more than three hundred twenty i think applications and which was twenty six and this twenty six artists we you know we made washed up clean the house of the mountains oh my god this was snowing and ice cold water there to swim and all that not to eat and all the rest just to kind of create the stamina and willpower and then they came to museum and to perform the absolutely you racial performances eight hours a day the time of the museum four to four months. Into your work i mire the way she has used her body all these years like without any words she was making very strong statements but the way she was using her body and with the way she used as well the way she expands die as expands her experience as a performer for the audience as well. The last thing i like the marina was like when i was in the exhibition the way she was moving in the museum always had the feeling like shes at home and sometimes when i was performing i could feel her energy like i knew our floor just look at our performances because you could feel. The first thing that i see. I want you to be my friend because were here to talk about everything about our stuff about. People about. This i mean thing experience because she was talking to us. More awareness about her life about about everything that. How shes watching and everything and it was very special because that day we took all the energy to start our project. Having reached the pinnacle of the young world right now remember chance to share her Life Experience most only with Young Artists but also with a broad audience. That took me fifty years to come to the point where i am now that i know all that actually i can give the tools to the public to experience that on problems that also on pain on things come to the rise to such a simple example of the salty you take a month of rice about the separate after a while you see a music maybe forty five minutes later you go crazy youre bored you get angry while doing this and when hussam oceans pass by you come to the streets of tranquility the two very spins before your heart is be beating there regularly your breathing is regular time dont matter anymore and that could achieve that kind of peace through creativity is just rice is just that i mean youre dealing with that quite a long time already why did you do that or what you know i dont think no one of us actually deal with that nuff because you have to deal with it every day you have to wake up in the morning and all that maybe its your last day if you have this fortitude to life you really can enjoy life much more if we really think we are there forever and you forget that kind of moment to put out it to that because that could come any second and we have to know that to me is to be ready someone who works for permission for this. Oh. I mean you are really are you. In the performance of words there is one sentence i think at the very end you will be alone whatever you do and history. Become that youre not dying in the groups. You know and that kind of think its important to learn and to also accept that you know not to and to be kind of afraid of so many people dont think about that because that simply afraid this culture of you know nobody think about that because that they have to be every young and and i think its wrong you know if you go to india you go to tibet you got to these places i mean that is like everyday life you see it and thats how the deal with this is so healthy i just something that i learned from them what the book just came out. And youre writing a memoir. Part of the purpose is to clean your memory so making now the memoirs it was very important step because theres a trail of skin like youd like a snake you know you just get in your skin and you leave the past behind and the moment you leave the past behind youre free so in this new period i called the cleaner youre clean the past you clean your soul you clean your physical body and youre ready for that last part of your life and this have to be happy and with full of joy. You know i just want to say the book is that the kid to france an enemy is important. Youre sad you have those three parts in yourself like the girl and no way and the warrior of the soldier the fighter and this kind of spiritual person so you think the spiritual takes over now when you get older or i really think when they come time that i feel physically not able to deliver or i suspected from me i would like so much to actually go to monastery and rest leave part last part of my life in there with monks this is really my really wish because really going to this passage of between life between life and that its important you have to kind of get ready and you can go to the only spiritual way you can i think this is horrifying to me to to to live in newark you go to all people houses and just wait for that this is like the not the kind of life i want that kind of preparation i want to have. But im not. Going on. The. Boing boing. I will save some more by buys some more things i think by by list is getting longer which would it be they also already say by by our happiness by by suffering by by. Intensity i actually will bring back i dont want to say bye bye to intensity im intense human. But i will say the byebye bullshit also bullshit. Just. Norina abramovich has lived in new york since to come before and we conducted our interview with her shortly before the u. S. President ial elections what did this free spirit say about the little country. Im really european and im looking with a huge amazement whats happening in this country that regard to the that the kind of level that political took place is just my boy. Violence its. Wigs violence. Stop. Fashion. Pleasure thugs. Joyful chocolate. Oh yes a. Seven year old leg tell me fifteen years bookies apologist but i can go through this is really this is why so good if not through them i didnt put myself in any case at all. The be. The be. Able to. Come. When i was young i dreamed about changing the world. But i was a woman in egypt some things turned out differently forced marriage genital mutilation humiliation so i know all else adar we rebelled i use the written word to stand up for womens rights now while the. Three fourths of egypt. The book every journey begins with the first arab and every morning rachel the first were going to call the cohesive germany to butcher the business so. Why not possibly find. It simple online on your mobile and for. Yourself. W z u. Course. Maybe you see. The battle for images finds women. Sometimes exceptional stories. One calling more photography dramatic pictures from the frontlines capturing faithful moments in time and even risking death. She gave her life to. People who are. Women born photographers starting may third on t. W. Often staying in. Which one for you also. Sits in the fourth. Most studies imply dont want to speak. Of it and if. This. War. Its a steamy. Scene. If you dont. Know much. Of any cut scene of awful bristling. And if theres a lot of in common. I know. You say but i tried to. Please. Please please. Please. This is g w news live from perth in a female future for germanys social democrats the s. P. D. Is electing a new leader today its likely to be rising star andreea now in this shell be the first woman to take charge of germanys old this party but can she stop years of decline to get more and second from our Political Correspondent also on the program a decisive move to protect inducing children Central Government approves a plan to introduce the Death Penalty for child rapists this after a string of

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