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A European Capital of culture but will the outbreak of far right violence after the stabbing of a german nip that in the part. This is the bad can it. Be and this is the good chemists. Scenes of violent mobs hunting down immigrants. Scenes of sixty five thousand people at a concert against racism but if you look at the. Candidates as making a bid to be European Capital of culture in twenty twenty five given the recent unrest it seems like a few tarnish it on the country says egmont from the cultural advisory council. Getting good bids become more important than ever we need to make the city more open to be a capital of culture to reach out to europe and have europe reach out to us as we want to show what were proud of. The last of your last side. That includes the outstanding art collections for example on permanent display here works by the Twentieth Century expressionist painter cashman total of one of the citys most famous sons. The museum is also hosting a retrospective of another kennetts native. She explores subjects such as fear what its like to be different and death. But the new director of the museum mourns against forcing art into public debate. Isnt with side with were not the police or the Public Prosecutor were not teachers or social workers but an art museum can shed light on social issues at the root of it all is fear i think its important to examine fear not from the viewpoint of the police or Justice System but to ask because its why do you feel this fear of why do you fear foreigners of false and. Fear and aggression are much in evidence and candidates these days by and demonstrations were triggered by the fatal stabbing of a local man allegedly by two refugees. Peter first man and his colleagues at the look im off and alternative Cultural Center have also been the target of local fury in october two thousand and sixteen an explosive device was set off at the center. Bussmann believes theres still a totalitarian mentality in kennett left over from the days of communist east germany. Because of the power of this top down strategy and centralization is at odds with what the capital of culture process is all about culture should start at the grassroots. The footsteps are on the outskirts of kennetts proves that when arts and culture tackle social problems head on they can pack quite a punch. These Young High School students are performing a play about a school massacre. That hit as director isabelle of a. I think that a lot more could be done on the cultural front to fight prejudice here. I feel like we should be inviting more artists from outside we need a wider range of theatre to help people process new ideas that come from outside that might seem foreign. And. The prospect of becoming a capital of culture could be a catalyst for change in cabinets. But in the light of Current Events how likely is it that the city can win the bid. Go on thats exactly why we need to forge ahead with a bid as of and then yes we need it now more than ever id say but we cant let you feed us we have to rise above it mcconnells force because we should see whats happening as an opportunity we know there are problems with right wing extremists and nationalism and saxony because we know kevin its was a stronghold of the far right in su cell so we need to launch an offensive against that often as you find you know. The world is watching whats going on and cant its future is at stake it could become a European Capital of culture in twenty twenty five or it could become a byword for racism in germany. This year of a joint European Capital of culture is valencia in malta but some now regret the selection even members of the e. U. Jury that made it a boycotting the celebrations. Malta one of europes most corrupt countries the investigation into the murder of an anticorruption reporter has stagnated the capital of culture status was supposed to help boost bullet his image but thats backfired all right folks ran linson marsay is capital of culture programs and chair the jury that selected valetta now hes boycotting it why. The scandal with the letter is that the whole project has lost sight of the original idea. That. Its been extra mineralize for political purposes. Those nice milk parts and culture and european ideals are no longer the First Priority but rather the protection of national interest. The accusations are mainly levelled against Jason Mcauliffe chairman of the letter eighteen and the former press box meant for the labor party maltas governing party since two thousand and thirteen it won the general election in june twenty seventeen despite allegations of corruption. Shortly after the last round of e. U. Subsidies cancelled International Projects and withdrew invitations to a number of artists. Whose actions triggered outrage with Pen International and members of malta Creative Community signing a petition calling for him to be removed from his post. One of them is actress and activist piazon that. Shes one of the few critics of mcauliffe who is willing to talk to us on camera you know all the artists a number of the artists are involved directly with the twenty eighteen and now there is this culture of fear but people are afraid to speak up no matter what they think people depend on the government grants people depend on government connections for the work that they have so people are afraid to show to show that to show their faces to make their voices heard tensions have been running high in malta since the assassination of journalist Stephanie Cutter wanted to leave in october twenty seventh her killers have yet to be brought to justice. And other activists hold regular vigils in her memory. Theyd hope that the city status as capital of culture would step up the pressure on the authorities to solve the case. Nine times. Memorial has been right. Generally. It has been done to coincide with either the left or twenty eighteen event it has been the chairman of that has come out publicly and let me say that this memorial should not be here and that its the cleaned up and that it should be removed. There are crooks everywhere you look now the situation is desperate the last written words of the murdered journalist who fearlessly investigated high level political and economic corruption in march. The chairman of the eighteen put something up on his facebook account when there were crowds of people out drinking and he paraphrased daphnes last quote. He said the situation is desperate no happy people lives and he was directly insulting. To member of a of a world renowned journalist. Zammit loopy is daphnes cousin. He often returns to the scene of the crime a professional photographer he documents Jason Lee Carlos efforts to silence his critics such as removing antigovernment protest banners that undermine the image he wants to promote of. Whoever killed her in such a spectacular fashion. Did its not only to silence her but to silence anybody who wanted to speak out. Jason mccullochs office didnt respond to our request for comment hes played down the accusations against him. And while public protests against political financial n. G. Dishes corruption remain ongoing the festivities continue. With the project is distracting from the need for critical debate to. Have clicked on the list in this respect. Valetta twenty eighteen program cannot be reconciled with the goals of the European Capital of culture status. In contrast to the letter says syrian capital palermo doesnt deny that it has problems with migration the maffia and Climate Change and by any of our tech submission manifesto is focusing on that fact. Palermos Botanical Gardens are famous for their diversity exotic plants which have taken root here contribute to the character of sicilys vegetation a metaphor for migration. The global garden is the theme of the current manifesto which is held in a different place every two years. But what influence can art have here in palermo even every day life is a challenge. Police are stationed at the town hall due to mafia threats against mayor orlando its the seventy one year olds fifth term in office. Anyone asks me as the mayor how many migrants have come to palermo i dont say eighty thousand or one hundred thousand i say. Everyone who comes to palermo is a palermo. The mayor sees mobility as a human right a rare view especially here especially in europe migration is a big issue of this manifesto the collective forensic oceanography displayed ship disasters in the mediterranean which prove that the humanitarian crisis was already apparent in two thousand and eleven. These porcelain pieces are both kitschy and bitterly cynical a critical. At the refugee policy of the new italian government. Show me where you saw the interior minister salvini is a populist of intolerance on monday hell say that he doesnt want the migrants on the ngo ship aquarius and his support. But on tuesday hes welcoming refugees from another ship. Theres no strategy behind this his inconsistency is contaminating the atmosphere and perverting the classic culture of italian hospitality this is how it started with Benito Mussolini was. Europes political power struggle is being carried out at the migrants cost orlando doesnt see the refugees as criminals whats criminal is how europe is treating them what about the mafia it is even making money now with refugee homes the mayor wants to fight this which is why hes been on the hit list for years this is also an issue at the art show in palermo. Forty years ago behind where i sit today sat mares who were friendly with a mafia one of the mares was himself a mafia boss today we are the italian capital of culture. And until november its the host of the manifesto fifty artists are displaying their work throughout the city. There are performances sculptures and numerous video installations like this one by oscar winner laura portress she shows cicelys role in communications for u. S. Military Drone Operations the manifesto is very diverse yet the host location is of central importance. Look at how can the money to help me transform the city of mafia into the city of culture so this is where we decided to see the world through the lens of. The curatorial concept comes from rem koolhaas Architecture Office oma and extends across the entire city even out into the problem suburbs of the zone a sponsor on a nord zen for short around eighteen thousand people live here surrounded by. Trash crime and desolation. Residents should be included where the city has failed and n. G. O. S here aims to have a garden for all even after the manifesto is over. The internet without any money the problem isnt the trash its much more that before we had the garden project there was no communal space at all and except for the public playground built a few years back. We need to have neighborhood meeting points for social contact. So often you dont know where to look first at the art or the decaying splendor. Arts patron muslim of our seche has revitalized the pub lots of terror by the port now part of the manifesto its soon to be a Museum Culture is breathing new life into the city she can show. You all thought that some people say that im not really the mayor of palermo but a watchmaker who has repaired time in the city ive reset the clock and at last we once more have a past the present and the future of the church. Palermo is undergoing radical change. It strives to be the gateway to europe not a mafia stronghold or a barricade which means that the manifesto fits perfectly in the city of contrasts which sometimes quite charmingly steals the show. From italy to taiwan german author chef on term a has long made taipei his home his latest novel is about a nearly forgotten civil war in imperial china. Mid Nineteenth Century china was mired in poverty and ruled by corrupt incompetent leaders the typing rebellion that broke out an eight hundred fifty one is the bloodiest civil war in Human History fighting lasted for thirteen years claiming between twenty and facing million lives french and british. Troops who are also involved. The selfproclaimed christian mystic hunk she was one of the rebellions leaders he claimed to be a second son of god and took advantage of the ethnic conflicts raging in china to establish what was called the typing heavenly kingdom of heaven thomas new novel god of the barbarians explores a chapter in history unknown to many the author has lived in the taiwanese capital taipei for thirteen years. He came across a book about the rebellion by chance and instantly decided to write about it. My list goes on for its of plots no when you read it youre immediately reminded of the cultural revolution in china. Well equipped with the red guards the revolutionaries who willfully destroyed any Cultural Property they came across ancient temples and so on from to walk but it also reminds you of Islamic State murders plundering religious fanatics. And. The protagonist in god of the berrien theres a young missionary from germany he was fascinated by the far east and empire readers might be tempted to see something of stefan to me and as main character. He went to china in one thousand nine hundred six to study philosophy later moving to taiwan. But i lived in a Student Residence in china because when fellow students came to visit me there they had to hand in their id cards at the entrance it wasnt all that long after tiananmen and it had left its mark it was all still very tense whereas taiwan felt very free and exciting but still chinese still exotic for me so i decided to spend a year studying in taiwan which would create. A new area was dawning in taiwan in the one nine hundred ninety s. As it successfully transition to democracy. But its politically isolated china. Sees taiwan as part of its territory a stance that has considerable international support. Definite only came to the university of taipei as a research and two thousand and five a dream job but he had a second tree to write a novel. His two thousand and nine novel boardwalk is certain germany in his hometown of baden called in has which he calls back and start in his book the story is about to disillusion characters he meets at the kind of boardwalk a traditional festival which takes place every seven years. For me it didnt feel strange for me while i was writing it i didnt come here to write about it i wasnt seeking distance it just happened i lived and worked in taiwan and had a story in mind set in my home country. And i could have written it anywhere because i know my home country so well. Out. There that. I did my own different to his first three novels tell very german tales the central characters average middle class people with everyday worries yet all of his books have been translated into chinese no one was most surprised by that and the author himself. Amassed a book with my first book i was concerned because border walk is a very german festival with lots of beer and. I wondered how that would go down here i organize some events at the uni and in bookshops and people do parallel saying yes we have perceptions here to shrines and divine figures are carried through the streets people march along the limits of the city district. With god of the barbarians stefan tome adventures into New Territory setting it in asia its written in the elegant language which has become his trademark and he says hes planning to write more stories he has plenty of material. And we have lots more literature and art for you on facebook just click d. W. Concha. His works are made of space and light james terrelle now the largest european retrospective show of the star artist is on at the freighter Border Museum in baton barton. And god said let there be light and there was light. This ultimate expression of gods Creative Power as found in the book of genesis. Without light we wouldnt see. Without light there would be no life without light there would be no art. Your wife or something hit the important of physically. The relief of the skin the face or for a life produced by remembering what happens when the food. We dont think of it that way. James charles body of work focuses on the perception of light both natural and artificial now seventy five the american as one of the most foremost artists of our time. Has installations that a few things difficult to grasp. Both deeply unsettling and deeply moving us a bathed in light dazzled until a new stick ripped on the material world. No focus no object no thing and you see that when you get the white out while skiing you can see it. Flying when youre after the cloud and after you gauge an instrument flying. Also when you dive there are times when you are aware that you know which way is up this is by watching your bubbles we are entering this new. Landscape which is the landscape with our horizon and were learning to have a good. The works challenge sensory experience. But looks at first glance like a projection turns out to be in a massive lorcan installation which the artist calls a gun fate in it with nothing to focus on the visitors depth perception is confused a sensory white house that leaves you with the questions who am i and when. You do you are literally investigating your your scene and its not so much my seeing that i present to you and then you can go and. With that knowledge put it into your say this is actually its about youre saying correctly as you experience it. One in Los Angeles James trail discovered his fascination with mice in space as a planet all over the world hes created sky scape installations making a large hole in the ceilings of groups which opened directly on to the sky framing the heavens. His magnum opus is the rodent quite say in the others and which he found criss crossing the desert in a plane. A huge land out project perhaps the biggest in the world. Around us transforming me in a kind of an extinct volcano into a massive naked i upset a tree. And all the faces i may have access to the sky and through that above. You know one of things we rarely do is if you are in new york and you watch people from just the second floor of hardly anybody looks up. Its a myth say so part of this is just sort of read and redirect your version and also write you realize theres the whole world those above us and that we have access to it. James grew up in a family of observant crickets they believe that all of us can have a direct experience of the divine and that the loss of god isnt everyone. We are followed by a light we carry it were going to us so there never is no light even worrier. Inside. You know a deprivation cell. Your five there is. Just closing your eyes youre. A life full realm of. Gives us the key to our unconscious has insulations a dreamscapes disorienting maybe but revving the tory to. Give us a hint of infinity the be. Bats all fast twenty one today. Infinity will be speaking with. Special on september twenty second. Next week shirleys devoted to. Germanys most versatile choreographer is a really new up contemporary dance and will be interviewing on twenty one. One thousand and sixty eight the british. People everywhere called crunch just. Now quick over on the way. The student protests reached their peak young people called for peace and freedom but the system struck back hard to summer of love summer of conflict just to keep the. Hundred small thieves in the night clubs. Where i come from roggio remains an important continent soft transmitting kneels and form ish and when i was young my country was crawling home from. The war throb enough to keep most people what god the. Receivers. It was my job to touring one of the not just scott youll say so as not everyone in the column cold listen to those updates. Nothing has been from incident my own copy out in johnstown malls on so long even if its not i caught us i was a twit of. My choice the scottish because given their way toward transmittance patrols. And in the gosh mom mitch and i will. Keep up. Time for an upgrade. Their clothes all buy. A house with no roof. Or design highlights you can make yourself. Against tips and tricks that will turn your home to something special. Upgrade yourself with d ws interior design channel on you tube. Her first day of school in the jungle. Her first camillus of the. Band tour as grand moment arrives. Joined during a tank on her journey back to freedom. In our interactive documentary. To tame returns home on t w dot com. These exit poll shows swedens right wing populists have made strong gains in legislative elections as leader of the far right sweeping democrats Jimmy Ackerson played on voter fears about immigration to punish the ruling social democrats and greens sweetness taken in almost four hundred thousand Asylum Seekers since two thousand and twelve

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