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Man turns peoples thinking upside down, his profession philosopher, his name and my new account, his motto, dare to know that was pretty bold for back then. Count was born 300 years ago in what was then called clinic static. But what he thought is, at least as relevant today as it was in his day, he was not just a c rover, old armchair philosopher. He was very curious about the world call. It was the 1st person to really work out of you say we should be connected with each other content. So in the sense that in justice happening in one place on the planet is felt every way. And thats exactly why contests so important today. And model accounts developed his ideas into europe, dominated by absolutist rulers in that atmosphere. He demanded, we should think for ourselves. And thats one message that conscious sending be less afraid, have some courage that was easier said than done one wrong word said against those and power could have drastic consequences. The nothing in comes early life would suggest that he would become one of the most important thinkers in history, or that his ideas would change philosophy forever. He had humble beginnings, born to a craftsman father and the mother who never attended school. And model was the force of 11 children soon demonstrated how intelligent he was, which was his opportunity to get ahead of the game. Interestingly, social advancement through talent was always possible. But you had to be brilliant in one bedroom, but the, the countries through both school and university for a while he paid for his education that has, among other things, a successful billiards player. But he was especially interested in philosophy, metaphysics, mathematics, natural history, and astronomy. A real poly mass in his studies, comfortable light on the power of thought and reason. He firmly believed this different people can enlighten themselves together as a society and couldnt and come stay. Critics back was part of the kingdom of prussia with berlin. Thats the capital. Today its cold coming in god, and its in the Russian Federation come to rarely left his hometown, but as a Baltic Trading port, it was well connected with the wide world beyond con, smitty, york rise to intellectual start and begin late at the age of 57 he published his magnum, opus the critique of pure reason. It was followed by one best seller after another, making him quite rich and allowing him to move in the highest circles of society. Or probably no other philosopher has shapes modern thought as much as he has standing only 1. 57 meters tall. This little man from clinics back is an intellectual giant to many philosophers. Today. Ill be content into the rest of my life. Incidentally, some of his contemporaries, but con, was kind of quirky. He was someone who woke every morning at a quarter to 5 drink 2 cups of tea and smoked a pipe. Todd from 7 to 9 and thought from 9 to a quarter to one. Then he wrote and went for a walk in the afternoon, all at precisely the same time. Every day. During comes lifetime, people were surrounded by authorities, the king, the military, the church. Most people did what they were told, partially out of fear. People were threatened with execution, people was threatened with exile, the people was thrown into prison. I mean this, this happened over france in many places in germany and many places in england. They were just many things that were a lot worse than a twitter storm. So then come to came along a mis authoritarian world and turned human thinking on its head. What he demanded is actually simple but courageous and productive. He said people should use their own minds instead of following instructions separate out a day or 2. No, does the same thing thinking for ourselves is also supposed to get us out of certain comfort zones. We were not allowed to make things easier for ourselves. Is nice and many things require us to be discrimination for self critical and for and tumble to teach for the demo. The that according to con, thinking for one self also means debate, discussion and confrontation with other opinions. Good. Now i can tell him, does this, im to be taking a closer look at what it actually means to think for ourselves is um and it means examining along with others, whether what we think is right is also tenable. And that is what he means by intel comes, says enlightenment is mans emergence from his self imposed, immature take it maturity, sure. The lie self imposed is partly our own fault. But the howard is, is certainly furthered by the ruling powers. Also the church, of course, um and he says the so called guardians treat the people like the house fee, dumb animals. Ok, and dumb animals are tame and theyre much easier to control. And thats because a really radical message the come to observe the starry sky and made a fascinating discovery. No, not a new planet. Not even extra terrestrials who he firmly believes exist. Looking into the infinite, into what he called the starry heavens con cents a 2nd to infinity, one within himself. Something that distinguishes him, the human being from the animals, his moral law. He puts this into a formula that most people may have heard of. The famous categorical imperative act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time, will that it should become a universal law. Another revolutionary demand. Sure, the concept of considering what our actions mean for other people is not entirely new. What is, is that comp manages without a higher moral authority, and therefore, without god this mention of them, we want people to recognize what is wrong and what is wrong on the basis of reason. They should question themselves and not just rely on divine authorities whom be the option. And since then, nothings been the same. A whole system of thought now rests on human reason and thats a huge responsibility. Kind of gives 3 formulations of the counter core pull imperative. And i think the most important one is to act as if every one is an end in themselves. And that just means never use anybody as a means never instrumental laws, people. Okay. Which is it actually much harder to follow the new that it sounds, accounts, affirmation of Human Dignity, was a very political spin on philosophy. The, the world cons, lived in was deeply shaken in 1789 by the french revolution in paris. Some 1700 kilometers away from clinics, that the best steve was stormed and heads rolled, literally in a quest for liberty and a better length. What did come to make of it all . Kinds of tight conscious ideals, the fuel, the french revolution, the idea of equality of equal freedoms. The idea of republicanism, the people should also be politically mature and capable of governing themselves, said phil again. Even though count rejected, uprising send for faults, he now bluntly criticized the privileges of the nobility. The paternalism of the church found colonialism. A center world seemed possible and comp wanted his philosophy to have a practical effect, leading to a better life and freedom. The political consequences can still be observed today. I actually sings the cons. Philosophy is the only basis for a living liberal left the values that we desperately need. Today, were all there in conte on tasks. I believe this is an incredibly demand thing like to see, which if we are honest, maybe also shanes is because in many ways we do not live up to this standard. Do some unfortunately get us to them. Thats especially the case in regard to global justice. When it comes to the visual, just being the global north and it was supposed to be out of injustices the visit or for issues that come from International Financial institutions that ive introduced the notary rosemary, norfolk and in your voicemail of countries, i was led to to breed the line to grab being corruption and so on. So this is, i mean, justice con, told you that this is a violation of this. Got to go to the clean power to the very few people demonstrating for peace today are likely to know they owe a debt to count who was passionate about preventing war. He was over 70 when he formulated his thoughts on the subject in his as a perpetual piece. The ideas and it were radically modern for 1795. A time when war was the order of the day. Yeah. So its all he bets on treaties between sovereign states. We did was very progressive for the time about the, the approved today. We have to recognize that by lateral treaties or not to not at the end substitute, especially at the, aside like russia cancels its own treaties. Overnight, rather, we need international controls on which is what conte also wanted and thats come even also moved the internet sonata control context periods 3 wars in his lifetime and the Russian Occupation of clinics that he knew what war meant. That the couch was most radical about his rising up, the demands of the teacher arise from his ideal of world peace. And from todays point of view, these demands are just as unfulfilled as they were back then that states trust each other to such an extent that they no longer maintain standing armies considered a threat to others. So these are still utopian ideas. Today were probably sure forced in wars have certainly taken place in the years since constance. Yet his ideas sound almost likely how to guide for establishing the United Nations 150 years after his peace proposal. A serious set, at least partially successful, attempt to ensure peace in the world come to may have lived in the age of enlightenment. But as he recognized it was not an enlightened age. And he himself was not an enlightened person either as modern as many of his ideas seemed to us now. He was blatantly wrong on other points. Humanity has its highest degree of perfection in the white race. Especially disturbing is that in his theory of the alleged human races, counseling, external characteristics with intellectual and moral qualities for him, they are mary indias which represent the so called rad raise or in cable culture. That means the, the basically cannot even leave the state of nature, the, and then the black to raise a capable of only call joe slade, slavery them. But they cannot, you know, at the vast to more advanced culture. And thats look, a yellow race represented by east indians and chinese, among others, cannot engage in more advanced the culture cods thinks that only western europeans can have all the talents and drives to keep going as realizing to natalie with respect to, to its more destiny today. That way of thinking is completely unacceptable, and it would seem to totally contradict, comes idea of universalism. The idea that Human Dignity is derived from our ability to reason, do his racist statements erase comes philosophy and his thinking on justice. We will go to see the closest as of the field and according to many conscientious coins. So these are the ideas about 2, this is not quite the better for the waiting because this so the core was, was always for level. So we also assume basically want to core medical assistance, so hes just model yet essex the physics. In fact, in his later work, conte advocated equal rights for all people. So did he recounts his earlier racist statements that hotly debated among cons. Scholars. It is clear that comes opinions in this matter were firmly rooted in thinking of his type that also applies to his anti semitism. And his disregard for when still as an old man come to me to radical demand, calling for a right of world citizenship, a global ride, a visitation for all people above all refugees should not be turned away from tech that most men time contest saw something that unfortunately was no longer accepted as a matter of course in the 20th century. If even namely that every citizen must be allowed to leave their country and seek shelter somewhere else if they are accepted. Don, bin monday, it would be great if the world would remember that these are things that are actually self evident perspective isnt as utopian as cons, ideas of perpetual piece, Global Citizenship and justice found, he was certainly not a dreamer. On the contrary, he looked very soberly at reality, but he did believe in hope. So the question is, how called understood hope. He didnt understand it as a feeling or emotion. He understood it as a moral obligation. Im booked the collection of practical reasons in that. If we want to survive, we need hope, even if sometimes there is nothing to support that. I mean, the worst will happen if we give up hope. Hope is precisely something that you need when you are feeling close to despair. Lets summarize it like this. As long as we dont know that everything is meaningless, like our efforts for justice and peace, we must keep trying according to con cell. That sounds like a pretty good idea. 100 years ago, Josephine Baker found her success towards europe. But the 1st black superstar ulcer folks against nazis and racism. Berlin is grace, a child. Recall josephine bay 2 and head men once have International Career kicked off on new years eve. 1925 at the nelson fee is the input in fake advanced when youre built of plush bananas, sending up the cliche of an exhaust leak. Africa of the bananas from that she uses is on a very interesting level. Very funny. That element of humor always is there what she did at that moment in the 1920s was to present her body without shame and its beauty. In the sense that all of the naked bodies that we see in the museum in sculptures and paintings, Josephine Baker was born in st. Louis in the United States in 19 o. 6. She danced her way out of prophecy. Just 8 years old, she was washing dishes to support a family for the 1925, they continue to wait to us with the support of, of the patrons. She conquered hans with popular jazz music in charleston dancing. The parents been fun and they told us to achieve fame as an actress in the silent short french film assignments. Hallucinations, the finest buys on dresses with his eyes. Baker marks the situation by pulling faces and even going cross side. She was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of life who unique den style the baker is still in spines. Offices like john re, does that. He lives in berlin and is taking part in a Josephine Baker exhibition at the cities noire. And thats an art gallery, is originally from hazy and studied architecture in new york is a came across vacant in the seminal on the history of architecture. Auto flus, a pioneer of modern architecture designed to house the there was never a unimportant black eye clinic figure in any of this history. So for me, it became a very interesting link. When i discovered that a conceptual arctic texture was created, never built for josephine. And so this gave me a great deal of curiosity. Josephine baker has stayed with him ever since. Dessert shows, its one of his pieces in the exhibition of glass painting a fake. Inspired by his catholic roots in haiti, hes titled as the shrine of the black madonna, number one the this is Josephine Becker and its not just the same vector at the same time. So its, we can say that its this kind of define god is this black, Madonna Baker force in the French Resistance for which she was recognized with the french lead to move on up. She adopted 12 children and was seen as an icon. A few menissi does this piece close on i want to have 12 butterflies here that would, in a religious context, speak about the apostles. And in a, in a historical context, would speak about the 12 children that she adopted from around the world. What we also see here is we see multiple metals that she receives from the call say to force against racism in the United States alongside Martin Luther king. Among others she sole despise as the pinnacle of the personal struggle, one which accompanied her throughout her life. At one of the strategy that she had is that part of racism, whether its in europe or in america, is to and i saw for the idea that black is ugly. And she certainly made a huge effort to expose this as a lie with the way that she presented herself her hair, her clothing, the way she needs the fit things that she would have around her constantly. It was about the beauty Josephine Baker, his life beauty. And once again, making a brand instance based on the noise and thats for now. And then the how do you attract a young audience to connect to cool music . The violinist esta of homie is breaking new ground on social media. Our take talk and Classical Music, a good fit. As to a problem, he says they go together like a hand in glove. The violinist is becoming a class school music sensation on social media. Shes got 418000. 00 followers on tick tock alone the weather in the concert hall or at home as fans of follow her daily musical routine up close and personal and social media. Her mobile is always close at hand, even when shes practicing at home 32. 00, wow. I use it really just as a platform as a way in order to make Classical Music more accessible and, and its also a great way to have the community to build a community of people who have nothing to do with Classical Music and who have kind of festus, sometimes i suppose that the Classical Music abroad me was born in france, but we meet her at her chosen home in manchester. At age 14, a started a Chatham School of music. At 1st she couldnt really speak english even back then she knew she wanted to be a professional violinist. 2 2 2 i knew like, ill send you the what i wanted to do. So i never would you question myself and usually if its scary, actually its a union. John middleton was as to abroad. This piano teacher, mastering just one instrument wasnt enough for her. He was one of the bestest favorite teachers. Esther brought her 3rd album along for todays visit. Its only been 8 years since he left school. And of course, this trip back to of from you its own task is being recorded for fans on social media. But her real passion is music and to get where she wants to be with it. She has to practice, practice, and practice the more the as to share this part of her day online too, or something the todd in you one does because e, as in comfortable, you do have to have to be really confident. You know that to show something that hes not perfect the hard work pays off as just concerts are well received all across europe. A new appearance has happened scheduled soon in conjunction with her new album. Its always so nice, i think when you actually get people and, and you is also with the kids. Oh, ive been following you for that many years and ive seen you grow and, and, and thats really nice. C c after up on me brings 2 oaks together that really overlap. And with that, shes opening up new horizons to her friends on social media. That was all unveiled with mines in motion. Good by and see you next week, the the, the glory days of motor racing. One name stands apart from all the rest solo, from up until 1989. This race tracks near 10, i was just drivers from all over the world. Were meeting legends from indian motor sports, learning about the legendary solar problem. In 30 minutes. On the w, please. Were heading on down into the london underground. The 2 is the oldest subway in the world. Its full of surprises. So everyone on board please. And of course, dental guest in 60 minutes on the big Ocean View Companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. The letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal Capital Funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view and street the illegal letter. The stats may said, dw, were all set with what seemed close to him to bring you the story. Behind the news, we ruled about unbiased information for 3 months. The, this is dw and use live from berlin. The world waits for israels response to the attack. If i run israel says the conflict is not over. Prime minister netanyahu meets with his work cabinet around coles. The wave of me solves and drones, measured, unjustified under us, says 81. 00 joint. Any retaliation also coming up to ahead of the United Nations, warns against a deeper to send into complex antonio. Good tash says neither the region nor the world can afford further escalation between iran and israel

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