A mass bleaching event underway. Right now, the bank visible and welcome chinese president changing ping says china and germany should say common ground. He made the comments in a meeting with the german chancellor. Well, im sure it is on a 3 day visit to china. It has met with president she and by jake j. Here is his 1st trip to the countrys instrument. He launched a strategy to avoid over dependence on china. She says, relations between the 2 will continue to grow as long as both sides respect each other or the entire time that you all do shows only the 2 countries should view and develop bilateral relations from a long term and strategic perspective. And they should Work Together to inject more stability and certainty into the world of being seen. But should you see the w chief Political Editor miss alex, is engaging. She says a lot schultz has one major request of teaching pay. The souls had won the big us to the time these president s see here in beijing, he wants to see an end to the exports of circle dual use goods towards the rocks. Thats an open secret that those very export, thats an able russet to conduct the kind of roof that is conducting against train, present teaching, ping pulls of better cooperation between leading nations, including germany and china. His focus is more on the economy. He wants to see more trade and he wants to see more development of high tech, not meaning intellectual property sifting from europe, germany from the west, towards china, to collapsing interests here in beijing with both saying they want to work towards stability. Lets talk about that with the dont use Richard Walcott our chief International Editor of poppy and chris about also joins us from aging. Ill start with you 5 a and how that meeting go between the chinese and german latest yeah. First of all, it is quite a remarkable that well have show. Its secure, rather expensive, a talks with both seating thing and to be tongue. But they last for several hours lead send. Its a Prime Minister of china and the rhetoric that he was greeted with by seating thing was quite friendly and that was also to be expected. But if you look at the really, the interest between those 2 countries, theyre really diverging politically. Its very obvious with um, china leaning towards russia but also leaving as close at ties towards north korea and even a run. So they are some friction then in terms of traits. China wants to keep the germany as an invest and also as a market into a trading pot. Now, however, at the same time seating thing right now, its doubling down on manufacturing, on, on, on excessive industrial policy and, and subsidies that basically threaten germans. It con me, so this also some a friction so i would say really those structural issues are really very hot to overcome. And that is really the main topic of the meeting. Okay, richard, what is going to be top of filters list . Yeah, well i think picking up on some of the points, the 5 the and just made that, i mean, he mentioned sign this relationship with russia. This is certainly a major concern for the germans. And in that they see china very much is kind of enabling russs war against ukraine, which of course it is, is dragging on and on. And last time sholtes went to china. I was with him on that trip and he extracted the statement from a wedding pharmacy, jim paint, which hes or something of a, a positive and saying that you called makes rights with nuclear weapons. So this was interpreted just very much, it kind of criticism of vladimir putin, whos used Nuclear Threats in the ukraine will quite a bit recently. Those threats very much back. So i think the germans would be looking for some wording from she, jim ping on that. Again, but also the shelves, this message to cj and ping is going to be, you know, youre helping russia. You may not be providing them with the drugs the, the iran is giving them all the missiles that north korea is giving the russians. But youre giving a lot of economic support, diplomatic support, and what they call kind of basic lease or enabling dual use technologies. The kind of technologies that could potentially be, be used in some way in this conflict and saying that this really homes, germanys into europe cooler interests that theres a major war in europe. And china is playing what they see as an, as a disruptive policy. And that he also wants talk about it. Rodney is really upset and he wants to talk about trade, the issues that 5 you just mentioned that we just had the time just Economic Growth is bouncing back will the west seas. This is being built on excessive manufacturing of cheap electric vehicles, wind turbines. All sorts of technology is the very important in the, in the development to the economies agreed upon me in future years. And these are major threats also to germanys economy. European union is doing investigations into these things to look at whether it needs to start imposing restrictions. What of shots will be hoping to find some way to avoid that . Probably, and do think we will get clear statements from the chinese this time on this trip. As far as those topics go. Yeah. So maybe 1st time you do, creighton. I mean i think it will be not youth to expect anything that goes beyond usually a rhetoric because just one week ago, 2nd off, real for the rest and 40 minutes that was here. He was also greeted by seating thing with a very frenzy rhetoric and the probably paving the way for a very soon visit by uploading and putting hit to china that has not been confirmed yet. But that is what is expected and. And if you will also look at what is talked and background talks, for example, when i talk to diploma c a, im that also its not very helpful that um, right, china will actually use its influence over russia to help pressure the country to end the war. I dont think that is going to happen for the trait, uh frictions. Yes, i expect that it would be small concessions, for example, small opening ups, but not the structural problem. I think this will not be resolved. Okay. And as far as germany trying to de risk from china with the same time that were hearing for the chinese leadership that they want to grow this relationship. How, how does that work . Yeah. What, well, i felt as people are saying that, you know, they are trying to do the work of diversifying them these kind of economic contexts that theyve had. Lots of meetings with leaders from South East Asian countries recently themselves as being looking for alternative sources of the kind of rule materials that the jump businesses get from china. But if you look at the delegation, this traveling results of this trip, youve got leaders of big companies, chemical companies, a lot of them be really massive sort of core of the gem and economy. And a lot of these pulses that increasing their investments in china last year, in fact, was of record year for investment by German Companies in china. So. So the notice will clear that this strategy is really being pursued with full clarity by everyone. Interesting, richard volk, thank you very much for the analysis, says fabi and christ. Bob, thank you for checking in from paycheck. Of russia has been intensifying a tax on Energy Infrastructure across you guys. Seems like much this all strikes of life, some major power plants and druids. The Energy Minister is told ukrainians to be prepared for even more Power Outages in the coming weeks. The eastern hockey region is especially vulnerable electricians and engineers risk their lives to make repairs. Dw xian for the schultz makes some of them as they keep the lights on near the front lines. A small village and ukraines done net screeching the battlefield as only a stones throw away this as the workplace of the access left and his colleagues, the electricians. I called the front of a power line i hit along the front line. The men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sound of a tillery strikes during the repair work. Yeah, and my family is against this job. They dont like me coming here to him, but we have a very dedicated to work. Its something we have to do it, but i dont want to do. But as soon to the front line village has been, the target of Many Russians attacks, most houses and its Primary School have been destroyed. Never the less, more than 100 people the live here for them. The technicians curos at the state 0 last link to civilization without electricity were completely cut off. Theres no water has no gas to nothing works in the upcoming system. So that way from the federal field, the city outside, cuz electrically the repair work also feels more and more like a frontline job ever since the restaurant intensified. Its effects from ukraines energy. And the rest of the substation has recently been fits and constants. Airlines to make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time, todays warning announcements ask a pause. Staff member to take shows immediately at a safe location. We get to a quick moment to speak to the engineer in charge of life and life. Its all very, very difficult. Every time we start to embed something doesnt alarm it and we come back. And so we have to start all over again. Large of power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian attacks the devastation at this thermal electric plant. Yeah, 5 cuz its been north 6th russian cruise and decides to strike the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down budget that just look around. And you can see the extent of the damage, or were talking about kilometers or pipelines, killing me is of cables that are destroyed as a community saying this is not going to take months since. And this is going to take years to fix it, loading. And so on, so low blood before its destruction, the plants supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. The engineer tells us its last will be almost impossible to compensate. One small hope the west might be able to provide parts and to equipment for the plants, reconstruction with the smoking, boomers, we are really doing all that is humanly possible. Here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially Technical Support from other countries, we will be very grateful that you mean by the rest are continuous with daily attacks on the pallet and the people of tar kiff and many of the ukrainian cities almost certainly have many more dark nights heads. Lets turn through some of the other stories, making headlights. The 1st day of donald trump tash money trial, ended with the dismissal of thousands of jurors. Who said they couldnt be impossible to accused of falsifying business. My goal is to cover up payments to be adult. Film stuffs going, daniels is one and for criminal cases against before us president a fire in copenhagen has to own through the old stock exchange. The flames destroyed the 17th Century Building expire. The Historic Site is the headquarters of the Danish Chamber of commerce and was being renovated. The cause of the fire is not on. The clouds in pakistan has claimed 50 lives and inflicted injuries. The torrential rains destroyed thousands of houses, land slides blocked several roads. Scientists say Climate Change is causing extreme weather in pakistan. The 2022 floods, about 2 thirds of the country rescue is an invitation. I have found the bodies of 20 People Killed by land slides triggered by torrential rains on the weekend. Thousands of rescue workers and volunteers were involved in a search. This writing and president abraham, right, easy has warranty as well. Of a painful response is battelle yates, against irans attack at the weekend is where the ball cabinet met again. On monday, it has been no announcement of any concrete response, but military chief, etc. How the navy says ron will face consequences. The media report suggest is by the command as a seeking a response that will hold around without triggering a wide a war is a look at some of their options. A long shadow war that has come out into the open with a rons attack on israel over the weekend is we have Government Faces pressure from within the country to strike back at or on forcefully to maintain deterrence. The highest risk and most drastic step is real could take would be to strike at a run to Nuclear Program that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. Israel suspected to have attacked around uranium enrichment facilities before including in 2010 with a computer virus program. Thats set it runs Nuclear Program back years. But never officially acknowledge that. A step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. Attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. And attacks on irans military could force tear on to feel like they had to respond. Again. Tit for tat attacks that could lead to a regional more in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. Ballistic missiles as low as the fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. Raising the risk, the israel even further as a 3rd option is no official public reaction. But to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. Is real suspected to have as fascinated multiple iranian officials and Nuclear Researchers over the past decade. It also regularly strikes at a rainy and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area without attacking a rainy and soil would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation its allies. Like the u. S. Had been trying hard to contain. Youll see mixes back is an associate fellow of the middle east and north Africa Program at chatham house, british base think tank. I asked him if this could lead to tit for tat escalation. Good morning, hopefully not. But yes, the is a committed. It says to, to expose the way that you are making it says to respond. Its always on the document you must as in there, those to see it all says a of a slippery slope or false peaceful dots. But we need to Pay Attention to the where the, the loading doesnt say the test will be immediately. It doesnt seem that you know, the scope of rates. So the re, please enough for call the monthly careful, at least for now. But is it i is to lee issue is a well fix because we felt the need to evaluate at least look to evaluate him away. Thats really it is that theyve been released into, into the original. This is the danger. But the database as every country in a situation of the world that hes been cool, all style goods, weve the assessment of whats might lead to, to a low intensity of his thoughts and what your to my actual major response. And this is a calculation that these are, the governments needs to take into account, but actually its in a box much negative. So thats the situation today that it was 3 days ago. Or georges parliament is debasing another controversial bill that targets organizations receiving foreign funding. A similar lower exist and roger critics sites on democratic and aimed at silencing political opponents. The legislation is also adults with georges ambitions of joining the European Union at different draft of the little boys withdrawn last year off to mass protest. A thousands of protesters with georgiana and European Union flags gather outside parliament into play. See they oppose the government sales. That would force non profit organizations and Media Companies that get funding from abroad to register as being on the foreign influence. Many here want georgia to join the European Union and they think the proposal would be used to cab to cents a month to mind democracy. This is really bad for all or youre all parents future and we have to fight now or well just move its bunk. Been tending independence and also mentoring meaning maintaining the loss so we can integrate with your, you know, union better. Police arrest is 14 people, as the crowds hope to force the government to scrap the bill to metalli or in the day in the Parliament Building tension. So well running high, you know, whats on, you know, a position politician punched the leader of the ruling, georgia dream policy leading to a brood in the chamber. The routing policy maintains the draw floor is necessary to fight pseudo liberal values imposed by Foreign Countries and say it promotes accountability. The policy is to own between deepening its relationship with neighboring russia, while also wanting to join the European Union. Part of europe packed to this will be out in force when the debate resumes in paul im and pressing the case for georgia to become part of the you. I spoke about the new draft flow with d, w. s. Maria, cuts them up into police a o as it was mentioned in the report, the government wants to restrict the work of n g o is of the Civil Society he enjoys to the Civil Society, which is very, very diverse. And its kind of a moving force of the, of the georgia and aspirations towards the you here. So the government says that it wants to increase the transparency over the overseas fundings. However, the critics here and the protest since they dont really believe the claims that they call them and they say that the government is trying to set the ground for the election instead of going to happen in october and to you know, correct down. And the a positional media and on the pro european georges because they feel like they can be threatened and their grief from Power Company threatened was also should be considered here. Last here, the government really failed a bit. I would say a humanly a to because it was a forced to remove this little under the pressure of lesson allies under the pressure from the streets. So this time around there saying that we will not stop and then we will adopt this law. What sort of a threat do these protesters pose for the government . Well, its quite a still a developing picture here on the ground because we say how dangerous it can be. However, weve seen that the protest this, i really agree because there are these things out there, you are, p and future is being who is being stolen away from, from them and their people that we met here at the square. Theyre telling that they cannot protest until the bill is withdrawn. Theyre very much dedicated as much as the government is dedicated to pass this bill this time around. So well see how its gonna develop its, it can be quite unpredictable. Here. You mentioned they did occasion, but what sort of part of society actually wants to become part of europe in georgia for yes, uh, its actually uh, quite a large number of, of people who wants really to be part of you according to various service, more than 80 percent of the georgians wants to be part of the you. Many protests here are saying that we do not want to go back to russia. We do not want russian style, you know, policy in georgia, and in order to, uh, you know, continue their path to the youth. They believe the professors and the critics here that they should, the government should withdraw the bell because otherwise it would be possible for them to, to, you know, to be a new member of one day. The latest on those protests is that bill and also georges accession and vision. Thank you. Maria cuts about to a quick look at some of the stories making use today. Describing police say they suspect a knife attack at a church service. And sidney was a terrorist act motivated by a religious extremism. And maam, was seen on a live stream repeatedly staffing. A bishop who survived several others were wounded. A teenager has been arrested. China has beaten expectations with Economic Growth of more than 5 percent in the 1st quarter. Expansion is welcome with Business Confidence having slumped, Household Spending is week. So a property value. Tesla is to layoff molden 10 percent of its Global Workforce at the rapid growth around 14000. 00 and stuff will go to the us electric comp, make it. Were struggling with a global slump in sales and an intensifying price for regular braking temperatures. Heating up al oceans creating another major global carl bleaching. Its assigned a vulnerability and spells design stuff of marine life. Experts various strategy is great, barrier reef may not recada. Australias Great Barrier reef is in a fight for survival. The recent sweltering temperatures of uh, the wind, the ocean waters closing mass, bleaching of the coral. The only time weve seen bleaching this bed was in 2016 when just about everything died. The healthy reef coral here is usually brown x, but say the bright pink, some blues are assigned the carl is screaming out. So help bleached carl isnt necessarily dead, but it is a sign that its starved of nutrients and fun. Rubel always brown ones, if theyve turned up at times and on. And thats, yeah, thats these, this is an area that was only just starting to recover these a small carls that a bleaching, you know, who knows, he feels of us. It is a phenomenon that is happening around the world here in the philippines. Marine conservationists are experimenting with new solutions to regenerate the carl. They attach carl skeletons on to a large net, which will act as a base for the different types of carl. They will try to propagate in their cities when theyre created has different kinds of corners. It has a selection of corners, and it is closely monitored. So it will actually help scientists see which scores are more resilient to Climate Change. And therefore, they will be able to create the recommendations to propagate those kinds of require us. It is one of several ways that conservationists around the world of trying to save reeves and drawing off. As Ocean Temperatures continue to rise of the thoughts for the 2024 summer games has been lit as an event in greece. It took place in ancient libya, the 1st place of the games, if they will say, a light throughout the competition which will be held in france during proceedings and olympic. Same dance was before the torch will be carried through several countries, 100 day journey until it arrives in paris for the Opening Ceremony in july. As a reminder of our top stories this hour on the w presidency keeping says china and germany should seek common ground. These families cancel the old schultz, which is 1st trip to the country since coaching a strategy to avoid over dependence on china utility food. So being struggling to restore pallets as russian sets of attacks when the Energy Infrastructure across the price. Nissan strikes of live some age of plants, it ruins the energy. Minnesota has told ukrainians even low Power Outages could be a head. And as well as military tape says around will face consequences for its attacks south, clarifying what form that may take. The bull cabinet made again on monday to way its options coming up, look at how the human brain works. Ive been visible and thanks for watching the using mind power, the drain is paraplegics to walk again. Is this the beginning of a new medical error . The Research Team is just Getting Started tomorrow today. Next on d, w. In good shape. A Childs Health is the most important thing to Parent Support is good and what is bad for our little ones. And when should grown up, stop to worry in good shape. D w, the world of free speech, free access to free information for training and next take action d. Theyll use global media for 2020, for a bunch of any practice to know autism and its from all over the world. Im waiting to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow and join us and register now for the d. W global media for in 2020, for the invasion, which is smell. Do you remember from old hood days . The smell of grass . No, not carrots, mom. My mom is around the fence. Nice smell when you open the window on a summer morning doctor its been raining of good things to the Swimming Pool Swimming Pools and the smell of chlorine phone crew put some smell of bunk food and venice. But allison, i like the air in the mountains with the moisture troubles now quite take a little too much and how do you feel any smell that it feels like home

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