In order to protect the backbones. Court issues a restraining order against the reset will be honest. These prevented from contacting the play of jenny, most of former spanish global boss. That denies fact is that an invite suitcase with sexual assault, the time, feel good. Youre welcome to the program. Maybe a, a struggling to deal with a thousands of bodies being be covered in the aftermath of devastating floods. Overwhelmed the officials of registered nearly 4000 deaths. The number thats expected to rise as more bodies offend. Corpse is a washing up on the coast. After being a let swept out to see when torrential rains, it cost to dance to boast, causing a flash floods that destroyed large parts of the city of data will help the organization has its libyan all sorts used to stop burying victims in mass graves to avert future, legal and emotional problems. Meanwhile, the red cross is warning that the floods may have uprooted land mines and explosives. A leftover from the countrys use of conflict. Despite the many dangerous help us off scouting, the wreckage. Keeping the hope alive. Rescue team such buildings and scale piles of rubble on the streets of done looking for signs of life. We may get into our places that are difficult to reach. And there are survivors stuck under the rubble and we still receive messages from them. Thank god, thats more biased. One networks are working again. Some of the messages say that they are in a specific place and are asking for somebody to risk them. But the rubble prevents team from reaching them, their emergency work because theyve been collaborating with Libyan Military and volunteers around the clock in the areas west effected by the flood. But finding survivors is getting less likely by the de libby as parliament to prove the crisis fund equivalent to 2000000000 euros to help citizens affected. And to rebuild shafted infrastructure the m p for done to emphasize the need for me do it. However, i might have seen if you couldnt look on us before, these are scattered everywhere and the beach is, are now littered with these corpses that you know, were still an urgent need of another technical crew to help recover them and prepare suitable places for their pro per barrio cleanup efforts along the coastline underway and dive as a, searching every with the bodies and does the see continues to return human remains to show which is still too soon to measure the scale of human last name, l bracket is editor in chief of at the bottom abs, 24. 00, shes just being to dana and told us what she so everything in the city is completely destroyed in this so many volunteers from oh well it be a doing great job to, to, to help people in the talk to help people in governor in working, but the few hours is like july did inform me boy, inspection we 1st of all were trying to, to, to, to looking for shift survives and the survived and help them in the 2nd, boyd is a gauging or feeding, feeding to those who are with alter, without trump tours, with a human to you and its, and we are trying, as well as, as a search point to, to, to say top like as a healthy shelter for, for, for, for the, for the, for those people. And we are trying as well to, to get in contact with who is still alive and who is, or basically, it could be still alive. This is, this is the situation in done, uh, and this is this, this moment. Well, to be honest with you. Uh, they need everything, everything from promoter, from electricity. Uh, it could be silly, but they need internet to not a connection to connect with all the pests outside the city to, to connect with their families outside data to connect with best buy and site data. So uh you, you know that someone in chrome uh, he needs to be connected. He needs to be if you need to speak with everyone to just know if his friend has family by the mother. If theyre still alive, know they need medicine, they need tutors and which is like this is, this is for me, one of the most basic things that they need right now. Those who survive, they need to be charged as soon as possible in by c charters. Im not seeing it putting them inside the schools. For example, i like sold invest poplin by creating a healthy shouldnt filters for them as soon as possible. A stream l. Bracky from hack by libya. 24. Lets get more on the possible causes of this disaster from stuff i wouldnt broke. The thought to of hydrology with the will be true, a Logical Organization enjoys us from the geneva. Welcome to dw, im the one eyed chief mazda in griffin fest blame this catastrophe on what he called climate and capacity. Just talk us through what that means. Thanks good evening. Thanks for having me. Oh, um, good capacity to deal with the subsidies also. Is it absolutely critical received most coffee said its very limited and the same is true. Plenty of. Yeah. Well, what is a very key investment for countries is investing in Warning Systems so that their society can do preventive action can happen to other warnings of each time for the event. And they also can, can either be lock, wait or, or make sure that certain infrastructure stays a stays intact, and to really minimize the damage all the, all the studies that these essentially sized at the moment show that the Warning Systems have very good return on investment and investments and really wanting and so the countries having the capacity to also act upon is critical, are due to minimizing the damage of such events. And so that one of the Warning Systems and the infrastructure was effectively broken. Yeah. Its, its a whole chain. And i just, for this specific event, the Mutual Energy go service, they did issue 72 hours before the event. A warning, well, the state of emergency was the care. But its, its, um, it was uncertain and its one thing. Its unique measurements, but you also need an american models to make the predictions and then also to the governance structure of the country that functions that birds that is able to do to direct the population to population need to act. And then they need to be information dissemination. So theres a whole chain of things that need to happen any well, but really wanting issues. One system was there and one was issued, the whole follow up, the whole chain didnt, didnt effectively function now. So this has happened a couple of months ahead of libyas actual rainy season. This has been things that are going to get worse to normally be expect based on the north africa, that part of the world in the, in the Northern Hemisphere winter time. So its a period november to february, but now we have this absolutely unprecedented rainfall already in early september, which is very, very typical in this is also a different rate for the mechanism that was generating this plots. It was more like a topic asylum, which means you dont expect in this part of the boat so much thats very, very rare me to the logic of intervene. But what we observe, and unfortunately due to climate change, theres the likelihood quite high that we increasingly see such and such events happening. And then the, the, uh, uh, before the tax will be there. Yes. Thank you so much for. I landed on 684 as us, different food and brook from the world meet your Logical Organization. Well take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. Now. The mainland crossing on the border between afghanistan and pakistan has reopened doctor enclosure of 9 days. Thousands of trumpets and trucks laden with goods was stranded at the tool come for the crossing of the gods on both sides, shots with each other. Chapman, foreign minister and delana bab walk on to us cons, bumped onto the plank and his research of best support for ukraine following talks in washington. The comments come some republican members of congress of coal for funding cuts for ukrainian system, but you should contribute to Company Tribute more at the case defense efforts around the world to your regulations. If it take talk with a 345000000, your fines are fighting to protect childrens previously. And the investigation found the sign up process with teenage uses left on accounts public by default, chinese on social media platforms have defined success if it had already fixed the privacy issues that we showed on these moving between European Union countries of ukrainian drain exports on friday that you were being Commission Said it would end a restriction on ukrainian grain being sold in several e u countries about has provided the im of hungry, poland, romania im so back to that, what are the cheaper in cranium . Products will flood them, markets and this advantage that farms. Some of these countries saying they will not impose their own restrictions on ukrainian frontier. C. W correspondent, rosie butch, odd in brussels, can tell us small welcome of rosie. Why, why is brussels doings the wire . There was a deadline. I just the ending these restrictions. I see how we get here. Lets Member States asked me to this stuff in the wake of. Lets just do scaling based on the export task by allowing you to expect 40 screens, rails rivers, 2 lines across the European Union thought there were earlier this year. Some links from several members, 6 neighboring you freight lots of green into their markets, a close prices. And the farmers were complaining about their situation. There was a couple of months ago, a country level crew been closed and in order to try and harmonize those bonds, your King Commission imposed a measure under which there would be a bond of the sale of several euphrates grades including wheat and corn in 5 Member States near ukraine, including a poland and so back yet romania know what your Team Commission has said is that those meet at that particular bond has not been lifted. If we say states that is something that you great and has well comes thought looks like theres more come from controversy on the horizon here. Right. So yeah, as youre heading to that, that mixed reactions then to this decision. Absolutely. So we have president s wednesday, oh ukraine saying this is the site. But actually what im seeing here brussel signs is lot more like disunity because weve already had reactions from some of the countries which were covered by the band, particularly poland. For example, thing they are no going to re impose their own unilateral restrictions, no less than that, throws up a whole post of legal questions with that will those kind of restrictions actually hold up in a court of law . But i think what a lot of commentators will tell you, is it beyond the legal implications . There is a big question about political unity here, of course, because all of these measures were set up within the context of the full load of rushes, full scale invasion. If you crate in the u as being key to try and show unity in that note, there is a political context here. Im not a said to the Member States covered by these measures, have elections very close coming up, particularly if im feeling sure. As you can imagine, if youre a party is trying to buy for votes, particularly to come to the car seat, a big domestic disruption. Remember, farmers are voters on the election might be some when do you like to hold and see who they are . But certainly, as i can see, what it looks like for the next couple of weeks, we could see more of disagreement among the units Member States between brussels and those members. Thanks effective, particularly at pulling that is being really leading the charge here and see its going to swap its own bands on the she prayed right despite the fact of course the more so in other ways. One of the things that rosie rosie but charged in brussels and apologies for some of the sound quality. There are tens of thousands of climate activists of how much is around the world calling for an end to the beginning of planet warming. Fossil fuels Global Climate strike was organized by the fridays for future movement. Number of participants was lower than in previous years, but demonstrates a set of frequent, extreme weather events show that bad demands are even more relevant say, decline me, guess you know, just gas and co to consume, to remain the same. But the number of participants has dropped. Several 1000 people came to this week. So the cold climate striking violin. You see lots of the cold to march from fridays for future. Clear demos. And were on the thirtys to realize that they must not just talk, but asked to fulfill their the goals. No new oil and gas licenses, right, less important as well. We should probably phase out cars at some point, at least private car ownership, invest in Public Infrastructure and public transportation. Was there a difference from earlier years . In september 2019 moving 200000 people demonstrated in berlin alone, over a 1000000 and across germany. Banks and the government had set off a climate cabinet and portfolio with a climate protection law. So the proposals felt sure to expectations these days, the radical activists of the lowest Generation Movement tend to grab more of peoples attention how the day goes by, when they are not taking direct action somewhere in the country. Then fridays to future believes is still relevant. Its need is say they were the ones who brought about a change in consciousness in germany. Hines come to to test, but we can be really proud of the fact that one and full people in germany say there attitude towards clement protection has been strongly or very strongly influenced by fridays for future. This is a huge success, which no one go to expect to get the money to achieve me much. So well talk some get more headlines. Others create more change. Most protest is on the streets of berlin. Would say the latter is the more important thing. Of course in spain has issued a restraining order against her former spanish of football federation. Chief, louisa will be honest. Hes been forbidden from contacting jennifer most so they play a he kissed after spring world cup when would be honest, appeared in court in madrid and denied sexually assaulting that above. So a saying that the case was going centrals and also has repeatedly associated that it was not deal. So with that, just to be honest and hes team oppression and her relatives the site. She consented with several hunter is a sports journalist and present to ad spains league a tv. Welcome to date of the whats likely to happen, to be honest, if hes found guilty of sexual assault. If hes found, go see there could be various severe consequences and it ranges anywhere between paying a fine or going to prison up to 5 years. And i usually, whenever these kinds of things happen and these kinds of cases as it relates to section aggression as a crime, the more severe cases are reserved for a 3 to 5 years as a, as a result, as a consequence. So in his case, its probably more likely that well see if found guilty, a sentence of 2 years or less. And in spain as a law that actually says that its in fact, youre a 1st time offender. You dont have a criminal record which appears to be the case of abuse and to be honest, then you dont actually have to serve any child time for the 1st time. So its very likely that in that scenario we would only see him have to pay a fine. And that probably would be, its beyond that, we would have to see if the fault wants to suspend him or they want to find him even further from the sport overall. And the same is to as well in spain, in the administrative courts, if they also want to bind him for anywhere up to 2 years, in the case of a fee for a maximum, it could be 15. 00. So there could be further consequences beyond just whatever the outcome could be in their criminal ports as well. So even though he has step down from his position with a spanish of football federation, we have 39 play of saying today the bank will not play for the National Team because they feel unsafe. So this sounds like the problem is bigger than just ruby honest. As it is, and it always has been much bigger than just village regardless. Its just a symbol of a much bigger issue as it relates to the federation and this toxic environment that has been in place on the top down for a very, very long time. Which is why they have started so strongly for so long that they do want more changes. Its not just about removing the top guy. Its not even just about removing the head coach the button. The changes need to run much deeper than not, which is why and the statement that youre referring to that they put out they put into mind saying we want restructuring of the organization of the womens Football Team as it relates to the federation we want restructuring as well, as it relates to the president ial cabinets and the secretary general, which by the way is someone whos very much on video comes as a specific person. Theyre referring to. Hes very much being a right hand on an ally, elusive, or be honest and shares very much the same mindset as well. They want him gone. They also want the president at to step down, which obviously in this case has already been removed. Theyve asked for further changes as it relates to the communications and marketing department, because lets not forget, they also released the statement on her behalf saying that it was her trying to pass it off as though she made no big deal of the case when she clearly afterward said, i never said any of those words, so falsifying statements as well. And the last thing they asked for was a restructuring of the integrity area as it relates to the federation. So they clearly see, and theres so much more have to change more people have to go in order for them to feel as though they can come back and work in an environment in which they can not only just feel safe, but really flourish. Thats very clear. Thank you for outlining that to for us. Generalist samara hunter and bustling. Thank you. So saturday mouth, so yeah, since the death of a rainy lumen gina box, im meaning attacked in Police Custody spots massive protests across iran on the world. So late hours able to protest has remained strong. Now one local Football Club in germany is showing its support for the reigning women and the ongoing fight for freedom of this class dedicated to do a v tomorrow. So i mean a hard time, a se, support the Women Life Freedom Movement in a ron todd, fish for this item. Yeah, but the idea goes back to the 2022 will come up and catch up. We realize people off the rainy a National Team to take a stand, but that didnt really work. Like its a site and uh yeah, but studies and we sit in our team, shouldnt we do something . Shouldnt we start to movement . So im going to show, as long as im going to, its not through, im starting the coach is the only uranian on the team. But the support has been massive. Welcome to say say, who do this thing. I knew that that whole time has always put social issues at the full front. Many spectators also showed this, so thats our t with the radians by wearing womens t shirts for team involved. The yeah, you dont for the my, the fitness heart. I dont sessions, is it, but i think that today its very beautiful to see thats a regular gym and Football Team is taking such a strong stones for this important issue is the contact for many iranians. The political situation back home is a very emotional affair. Many still have strong ties to the country and despite all the, to a more, they feel that nothing can break that bond. This the again, i would like to say to the audience, especially in iran, like even though we were born in iran but grew up in broad and by myself, ive been here for 30 years. Well, we all see our selves as people out there on the show until the day of the revolution we are with, you know, massa way we are all in radiance. Think this way. Have this feeling one on time while you have to come out. I thank you for supporting our team and i hope we will reach our goal soon. Is will be the definitely i want to make a group of ukrainian disabled wolf. Veterans gets together for football practice and a small pitch in keith. Fall from the front lines where they remained, they feel that sports has given them a new lease of life as they come to terms with their injuries. And they all have different stories, but they share the same pain and the same passion, football again. So a lot small then it doesnt the ukrainian war and to tease get together once or twice a week and kids to play the game. They love football role. Im playing football almost from the moment i learn to walk. Its my favorite game will not have the most here play to regularly be full of injuries. Now prosthetic legs are popped up on the side of the page. All the x under mile chips sky had his right leg amputated after he was wounded by a shelling and ne, in ukraine. Football is teaching him to adjust to his injury. I live this even though im left handed and i still have my main leg. Sometimes you use your right leg to receive the bolts and make a move to the right. And now i need to position myself in a different way that i can. Okay, because i only fall from the front line. These men a fighting another battle. Ukrainian office o like was twice wounded, but to return to the battle each time at this last returned, he paid a heavy price. Yep. And i remember the 1st time i came out of morphing, i lifted the thermal blanket and looked and there was no leg. And i was like to think of it hasnt any, but i felt my life was over because im very energetic just and its hard to be without it. He bought the store. Its not easy to withstand it a little bit of thoughts. Im still here for the and who knows the european m 2 t football championships will take place next year and friends. So all stories from the world of sports springs taught Womens League have cooled off a strike after reaching an agreement for the next 3 seasons. Plaza, now guarantee the minimum salary is 21000. 00 yours. The strike was unrelated to the National Teams on going boil demanding reforms at the top level. And throughout the world come from. So if it came stairs, it ordered wide to win 2712. 00 in front of the town crowd in leo, a 2nd victory. And as many games that move the hostile step closer to the quarter finals funds will next take a may be on thursday womens bundles vegas. The season got underway with an unusual opening goal. It all started with a by and mistaken ended in fryeburg meeting. 3 consecutive shots to finally put the bowl past by munich. The writing. Tompkins picked back twice. Ive got 3 of them. Im not a national bank. I put by and i had late in the match. And just when they thought they once uh, 5 of spend your phone, me a fully scored an equalizer in stuff which sucks on school to every now and colombian system scope to up and under. But tana is died aged 91 had all the south. Americas answer to picasso is depictions of people and objects, a pump exaggerated phones, became emblems of columbia. And us is works of features and exhibitions across the world, some setting for them to many and us dollars age. Despite the playfulness of his creation, secretary, who never shied away from serious subject matter, including vitus and politics. These doses, as he died on friday morning in monica due to complications from pneumonia. So this is the w news. Why from bell in his reminder, that top stone at this hour is struggling to deal with for thousands of bodies being covered in the absence of devastating floods. The World Health Organization as a rescue is to stop varying victims in mass graves to have a future problems move. Well, heres at the top of our eco africa is next for the look at the house, because cities both sustained a good, the respect is all about what can we have on fixing nature . Thats why sandra, respecting nature, studying aids, or not being up to date with caring tardies technologies, training for the eco way of life, the environment magazine, the co op next on dw, the used on a couple days in the news question about life, the universe and every thing using answer, well then give it here to the answer to almost everything. Were documentary series with carver and the Ground Breaking questions are going to be after life for a series of saving the world. 2 2 questions for the present future heads filled with the ideas. 2 and when we learn something, the hardware and software of our brain changes. So get ready for the brain up there for the to the answer to almost everything this week on the i have you have a one thats what exactly mix of green and sustainable city. Well, lots of these question on the north one, we can also in 25 minutes, not on this weeks edition of africa will be exploring as many aspects of the question as possible. So welcome to the show i um, sandra holmes, the tween of you right to

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