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Driver. Tribes in cigna for that im more coming up in the public phone really as welcome to the program. We start with breaking news because a long awaited prisoner swap between around and the United States is underway. 5 do us rainy and citizens have arrived and though hind katara after leaving t, ron, they are being exchanged for 5 or radians held in the United States to ryan agreed to release the prisoners including c amok. And im a z and a rainy, an american businessman sentence to prison for espionage, a charge his family rejects around is getting access to 6000000000. 00. An oil revenue that was frozen, bite sized korea. Irans Foreign Ministry confirmed the money would be transferred to a bank account in katara, where the agreement allows it to be used for 2 monetary and purposes. Lets get more on the story from dw special correspondent to abraham, who joins us now from washington, dc. And you go to c, u, so the 5 us citizens appear to have arrived in katara. What more can you tell us . Well, we know that they will 1st to be processed in doha and then theyre expected to board another flight and make their way to the washington dc area where they are expected to re unite with their families. We saw the images of them coming out of the plane on the tarmac. You know, these are emotional moments that their families are, you know, have been waiting for, for as long as 8 years. One of the prisoners that was released today has been in evan prison since october of 2015. And so this is really a moment of relief for the families. And thats really what the bite and administration is going to emphasize onto the emphasize today, i think that they are committed to bringing americans back home despite the Harsh Criticism that this particular agreement has faced. The, you know, the flip side, the bright side is that these people are now back home and that, that will be their focus moving forward. Well, lets talk about that criticism a, because that video has been heavily criticized in the United States. Why is that . Right, so republicans have criticized the steel saying that it shows that the United States is weak on the global stage. Theres also that issue of the 6000000000. 00 of funds that have been on a frozen and, and now itd be running and wishing will have access to them. But the, by the administration has been very clear that there are only 3 things that you know, this money is for, thats food medicine and Agricultural Products. And that they have reached some kind of mechanism agreement with the guitar is because the money will be transferred 1st to the 30 central bank of been dispensed from. There that they have reached an agreement with the categories that if theres any sign that, that money is being used for anything else that you know of that, that on freezing process can be reversed. American iranians. Some have also criticized this deal. Seeing that this puts them in jeopardy of the us does advise it citizens against travel to iran, but some still have to go for, you know, to visit families or some business and run doesnt recognize dual citizenship. And so they feel that you running americans. Ive spoken to, they feel that this makes them all a target and that if the swan because he wants something out of the us, they would just pulled them uh hostages. And that this indeed makes the world a less safe place for american citizens around the world. If they are in a country, you know where they can just be grabbed and then used as blackmail to get something out of the us government. Could this need to any tolts between the United States and around of the and a briefing. Us officials have made it very clear that this doesnt change anything when it comes to their very strict policy towards but youre wrong and regime. They still consider the runyan regime of the state sponsor of terrorism, and the in the anniversary of the death of you know, mazda, i mean, you the 22 year old woman who died last year in Police Custody allegedly for not wearing her mandatory subject properly, a president ial bite and made a statement of supporting the protests. And in addition to that, as you know, at the same time in the same breath of these, the disagreement or dis swap, indeed the implementation of the agreement was announced a new section. So ive actually been, you know, announced on iran and former president medina, jet and also on iranian intelligence. So its, its difficult to see how this move might actually far relations between the us and they run or lead to, or restarting, of anything around the nuclear. Do thanks. A dw special correspondent to abraham reporting from washington dc. World leaders are gathering in new york for the 70 United Nations General Assembly countries are being urged to help the worlds poorest people and the address major challenges. Top of the agenda are Climate Change and the so called Sustainable Development goals. There and im bishop said of agreements that were designed to eliminate poverty and improve the health and wellbeing of people around the world, but progress towards improving the environment and health are far off track and, and in some cases are even going backwards. And the un secretary general urge leaders to fulfill their commitments. You made a solemn promise. The problem is to build a world of Health Progress and the opportunity for all the problem is to leave no one behind. And the problem is to pay for its this was not the problem is made whether or not that is the plummets from the coal fonts of these gym. But it was always a problem is to people what, what countries around the world falling behind on 85 percent of their agreed Sustainable Development goals come the agreement to be called a failure. I asked Laurel Patterson, the Spokes Person for the United Nations development program. Thats like list. Thank you for having me. In the progress is as youre seeing across the board is, is certainly not were, we expected it to be in many cases diamond enrolling backwards. And yet the a, c, d. s remain the best opportunity for us as a Global Community to move forward. And this is precisely where you, n d p has put the emphasis in work with 95 countries. Not only to bring that level of ambition and evidence, a credible set of pathways moving forward not only into the sun, which is taking place as we speak, but also moving from it into the 2nd half. That many of the experts weve spoken to say the resources are there to change course, but theres a lack of political will have you see it is indeed the resources are there. It is a complex picture, particularly when you look across 95 countries. And sometimes this is math, when we only consider the, the average is that a global level . But what we do find is that the forest countries in the world whos been 2. 00 times more servicing their day, then the new one on, on social assistance. And this is a real challenge because whats coming through over and over again and our reports, is it the reason ambition to create pathways and choices for people that offer them more dignity that are more sustainable and protecting of our planet . But indeed that fiscal sleep space is incredibly constrained and when toys are so constrained is not the choices for the planet, the ones that were seeing, we now, and what comes across all of our report 72 out of the 95 countries, is it carpet images are moving in the wrong direction. Theyve actually increased since 2019 and these are in deep trouble in potters. What will tell us what needs to actually happen to a lot of the world to reach its goals by 2030 so just 7 years from now. One of the most powerful things about the s t g is in the 2030 again, that the cities integrated. It was designed as the systems agenda, with the full understanding, the challenges of crises intersect in our choices of implications beyond the immediate purview. So what we see to not work with 95. 00 countries is if theres an opportunity to identify areas that can have multiplier effects. Countries are seeing those and making choices in decent jobs for all that also promotes opportunities for women and effective institutions that provides a very strong and more fear. Foundation for economic pro to resilience. Infrastructure as a driver of innovation, but also as a driver of choices for the planet and also sustainable cities. Of course, the urban and the language are such a important drivers. Are you hopeful that progress can be made this week . And i am hopeful that progress can be made. I get into the earlier points, its really, its not impossible for us to make progress. Its a combination of choices, leadership, political will and investment. And thats when doing our hands to do. Those are choices that are possible for us, so im hopeful Laurel Patterson spokesperson for the United Nations development program. Thank you for being a dw and use today. Thank you for having me. Poverty and hunger, our big contributors to Child Mortality and to combine both are among the u. Ns, Top Priorities of the General Assembly in the i. C, a dropping rates of infant on charles mortality in the past few years. Apart from the National Government of grassroots workers have been instrumental and improved child health. The dont use veneer child re met one such Health Worker in denny. 45 or community health. Well plug please. No books is visiting a new mother in her neighborhood today. The mother so rich have just given birth to her 2nd daughter for 6 months. Make sure that youre just especially the baby know of the food a 100 are gonna disable these visits, of course. And of course, the risk of pushing a headstart with the essential medicines, items, nutritional needs, 400. 00 through goods, had made me, but that every month when i was pregnant, she would visit regularly. Tell me when to go see the doctor. She would also provide basic medicines and advice me on the right diet, but she also make sure that my kids get their vaccinations on time. Fish not as one of the thousands of wash all the codes or actually did it for she has active is in the country employed by the government to cater to the Health Care Needs of their communities. Women like color have played a key role over the box can with yours and bringing down the Child Mortality. Read in the country. The Government Data statistics like the new one item insight and under 5 mortality think its have seen a significant drop the sunday boil a Public Health specialist also things thatd be also woke up program. Please unimportant shows. We have seen a 30 percent dropping infant mortality from 2015 to 20. 00 go to the t, the governmental cuz india has many schemes which has focused on improving the child and america letterhead and which has led to consistent decline in the child. As well as make the mortality in india, educating people about the various governments schemes is one of the many responsibilities of fish not involving another. I shall go from the same area to get the both of them have ensured that every child in the neighborhood is healthy. Like theater, one of my the here was born under reed, but with bush smells and rubies hes weekly republic. I say was a gosh, where theres like, uh, strange places where the doctors can we work in the area where we let people know us earlier. People would not take correct medical advice and we havent educated them on the right steps to follow to raise a child and get them important vaccinations on time for us just not as committed to her book and knows that what she does is crucial as she believes only strong and healthy children who be able to build a Better Future for themselves and the country. So lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. The chechen leader runs on to darrows has appeared in a new video on social media. I made speculation. He was in a Critical Condition in hospital. Its not certain when the video was filmed, ukrainian intelligence had reported he was in a coma, due to a serious illness. There is one of russia staunchest supporters of war in ukraine. Really, the ukraine plans to suit your opinion, neighbors, poland, hungry, and slovakia over their decision to bind ukrainian brain in ports. Ukraine has been unable to use its favorite roots via the black sea since the russian invasion, and is dependent on deck on exporting its Agricultural Products through these neighboring countries. Germany has launched its origin Vaccination Campaign targeting high risk groups. 60 year old Health Minister carlo top box has received an updated cobit 19 booster shots. Germanys Public Health agency recommends annual jobs only for people over 60 or those with underlined diseases. Heavy rains have flooded parts of central and western india at the water level. In the nearby, the river has risen, submerging the low line areas in the Western State of boucher route. Sizes of people have been evacuated from the region. Weve gone from the devastating floods in libya. The u. N. Is sending the alarm over 2 more times and they had fears. They also could collapse massive flash loads and goals. The port city of durn when 2 dimes broke in the mountains following a powerful storm large areas of during that were washed away and thousands killed. Now, further west, closer to by guys its fear, the why the judge and why the tar at times are at risk of suffering the same site. Local authorities insist theyre both functioning well, but the un says its concerned about the reports. The dams are dealing with huge amounts of pressure as well for more on the situation in libya, we can have till to run our syfy assistant chief of Mission Protection for the Un Refugee Agency in libya, and joins us from the Northern City of bang ghazi, welcome to dw news, so you just returned from during the describe to us what you witness there. Thank you. Hello. Hello. The were, im in the just junk return from there and i was there with my colleagues. I was there also a part of the you and inter Agency Mission to conduct a preliminary assessment. I have, i mean, i was very rare 16. We saw complete destruction and theyre not even on the way to their knowledge. So road east of that were splits and have ive seen one or 2, many homes and shops that were submerged entire of, of mines and have been submerged under water. And there, there seems to be an incredible sat and heavy moved on the city, obviously because of all of the individuals love passed away as a result of this disaster. But its been over a week now since the dams burst. Tell us whats needed right now in the affected region or so when we were there this past friday, the one of the main needs continues the search and rescue. There were stories of youre welcome to events of families or an individual. So being down to life under the rebels. So the government and the local authorities were saying that they need more search and rescue teams and more supports with either extracting the purchases from the sea. Because a lot of the courses have been washed over to the sea or risk and individuals were under the rebels. So that was the immediate need. Weve also is unique, provided for items like mattresses and solar laps and other nonce which items as well as hygiene chips to almost a 1500. 00 individuals. And this was last week at the aftermath of the store at the moment of the needs continues to be search and rescue. I know that the, at this point in time, the hope of finding more survivors is decreasing. But theres still some help. However, the continued needs right now is really to focus on the displacement. This is a disaster that has called new displacements and also a secondary displacement to, to those who were already displaced. It has completely demolished and destroyed the infrastructure, power cards, very good coverage in terms of network, but also in terms of what we call the protection response, meaning focusing on children. Those have been separated from their families, ensuring that they are hosted by individuals who are related to them or can provide them proper support. Also in terms of survivors of ginger, be filing. And lastly, but not least, of course, Mental Health supports the everybody mentioned this. All of the government officials that we met with and the hosts, communities that we met with, mentions a need for psycho social supports as a long term assistance to be provided to the survivors. Sounds like a truly terrible situation there and that the un is also warning that 2 times nearly be a 2nd citibank guys, which is where you are now. Also at risk of bursting at what more can you tell us about that . So i am not an engineers like has mentioned much in terms of the technicalities of these down. Indeed they are. The one is east of the house. Its about 60 kilometers away. I mean, dalton has called jackie and good. Theyre not is one on top of it. And i, i dont have any, some confirmed, or concrete information on the risk of these, the potential of these damn being destroyed. But i do know that the, the, the engineers are conducting assessments. And of course it would be were all hoping that this is not something that will be recurring because theres already a disaster that needs to leave. Yeah. And you know, it would be a disaster. Ill come to a disaster if this happens work again. I dont have any information, so i cannot tell you that is indeed the case moment. Well, libya has experienced a years of civil war and have the countries run by 2 rival governments. Has that been problematic for the you when in trying to get aid to those who need it most . I think the governments in, on both in the west and in the east have, have made it very clear that a is their receipts of age and a provision, aid and assistance to their citizen is the priority uniques times. You know, its a humanitarian agency and we work through providing the humanitarian aid to those affected all kinds of disasters. Seller focus here in libya is to provide this humanitarian aid to ensure it arrives to the survivors as soon as possible and what are closely with the local authorities and our local partners like live a free example in ensuring that this is not just an Immediate Response but then we are also looking at the mid to long term. The doctor is not going to go away any time when were talking about the keys to years from now for reconstruction. We havent refused to not to mention stuff. And i think the that the situation for individuals and families who have been separated or has, are still trying to find the middle of the family members. Theyre missing family members, sorry. Veronica syfy with you and the refugee agency. Thank you for joining us today on dw. Thank you for having me. Ukraine says it has recaptured a key village nearby clued in the east of the country from Russian Forces after months of fighting. The village case chief got is south of blackwood, which has been occupied by russia since may after one of the wars longest and costly as to bottles. A Spokes Person for you. Credit and troops says they hope control of the village will help them and circle back around the villages. One of 2 taken by ukraine in recent days during which keeps forces have flowed back several square kilometers of land or well earlier we asked for a brief put the a security on the list and c, e o. At rasmussen, global whether the months long bible around by mood makes strategic sense for ukraine. So i would want to to lift the ukrainians to make that car. Clearly, they have chosen the 1st back me. Whats going to be a potent with some of the Russian Forces . And so going to, i think, a positive rechecking of back fluids in the coming days, a weeks when i have a huge sacrilege. Youve got a fact, a russian for season any from on russian leadership see themselves have made back move almost the mother of the mattress. So, so in that sense, the see many factors from not being the stated as to the tactical sort that you bet you, i think that would be a, for the dates at the end of the war. When we see more clearly what has moved any further in terms of strategy because of this for the ukrainians sports now. And then formerly one for our is couple of science has one the singapore ground, pre empting rebels, 15 race winning streak defending champion max for stoppin, who had won a wreck or 10 races in a row. Only finished 5th after struggling and qualifying on saturday. You know, ras side know rental cars where it to be seen in the front row under the lights of singapore, the robberies posted a couple of signs with a perfect start and didnt even better and useful for robert you his teammate child. So the class over to the mercy, this is george russell. To make it an early february 12. And the race continued to go into rece favor. Logan sergeant cost the 1st safety car to come out and left 16. 00. Allowing an early change of tires for the leaders pots. What worked perfectly for signs didnt spoil it. Clag, the frenchman, had to wait in the pit for passing traffic and dropped from 2nd to 7 extra stuff and didnt pay it and made up some places after starting 11th. But cars refresh, atari is simply braced past in upfront color. Sciences leads began to melt with 10 lips to go, russell made his move on the click to claim a podium spots only to throw it away in the very last left, when he correct is mercedes into the will. The signs never relinquish the lead and cross the line. First head of michel our in slander. Norris and louis hamilton pressed up and finished fitz my 1st the fairies 1st waiting since july 2022. I want to thank everyone for making these here to airport. The turn around 100 minus the waiting to see some of the through the beginning, but now we need the weekend. Hey, we need to raise the rate can prove this wasnt the fluke next weekend. In japan, in full, promoted heightened time had secured their 1st abundance. Niga went beating bremond for to hide behind midfielder errand, didnt she . Who is on loan from, raymond scored twice against his parents club on sunday. As the new comers prevailed in a 6 bo threader frame and came back from 2 goes down to equalize, did she restored ivan himes lead a few minutes later to make sure hiding time secured the victory. But also on sunday. Dom stop looked on their way to april arrived when against mentioned cloud box, but the visitors rodney to secure a 3 old rule with damaged up to up 10 scar ca, scored to give his side a 3 now leave going into half time and the home team spirits were soaring, there was excellent work from scarborough to control the ball of fire into the corner of the next boat. With don shut, amanda, i am glad bus 9 to their come back. And the 77 minutes mark to mash, shavanne charl, 83 or the check international. Strike denying darmstadt a 1st victory of the season or. And finally, a major shock at the Rugby Union World cup in france. C. G defeated twice champions, australia 22 to 15. Its the Pacific Islanders 1st win over the wallabies in 69 years. Leads poosey wide open strategy. A coach, eddie jones is not very much under pressure, but he took full responsibility for the last incentive in saying funds should be throwing the guests and cross arms. There is by energy is up next week, news agent. So stay tuned for that. Ill be back again at the top off the next time. The 50 down. This is. Yeah, i think it was and someone came in the opposite divided the lives of how much freedom east on end is constantly doing with conversations, cooking and music. A van into the double you imagine that youre eating a hamburger and as youre biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. Its made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify. As discussing the w series about our complex relationship with animals need to be watch now on youtube, d. W documentary, how offline rivers created it by a loss of full trying volts of power as it goes into this. B, trees spacing goes up to 1000. 00 leases of low. So in a day, forest fires evaporating large amounts of moist tune in to get the onset and learn more about the heavy and visible rivers flows through the sky starting september 20th on dw this thursday. Dr. Newest aisha coming up to date out china is peddling, an alternative reality. Each and john raging is pushing toward his im in this verse and region as it seeks to portray its most important nation living in harmony and george reporters on the ground fines the reality. These anything but the

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