At that point, he then pressed the panic button. Delete delete, i didnt mean to send that. Did i say that in public . Yes, you did. It fake . Is it real . I dont know ive got to bring in my panel. Ive got Ana Kasparian legendary host of the point on you tube. Com legendary host of the young turks on t. Y. T. Bring it down, Jayar Jackson producer of the young turksen you tube. Com. Wait a minute, another Website Media democrat ite, noah rothman and andrew kirell. Is andrew senior to noah . Not really. It does. Bureaucratic stuff. Noah and i are compatriots same level. Cenk fair enough. Casper the rest of the story. It turns out that the guardian has released its second installment of their interview with Edward Snowden. In this next video, he makes a prediction as to how the u. S. Government will respond to his leaks. I think the governments going to launch an investigation. I think theyre going to say ive commit grave crimes, ive violated the espionage act. Theyre going to say ive aided our enemies in making them aware of these systems but that argument can be made against anybody who reveals information that points out mass Surveillance Systems because fundamentally, they apply equally to ourselves as they do to our enemy. Cenk two important things here, im jumping in ana. You are interrupting, but thats ok. Cenk one he said that on june 6 right . He predicted completely accurately what the United States government would do. You know, andrew, let me start with you on this. Well, he makes a really interesting point, where if you release anything to the public, including a United States citizen, you want to be a whistle blower like snowden thinks he is and i agree with him. Youre also releases it to everybody and the government says aha, you have aided our enemies by giving them information. If youre a whistle blower, you by definition help out. Youre immediately fodder for the grandstanding of peter king and others. Same thing happened to manning. Its not clear how he put anybody in danger with his leak. He revealed some pretty good stuff, actually, but automatically, he is somebody who is treated like he put peoples lives because the terrorists have access to information that he meant to release to the American Public. Cenk noah, how do you get beyond that . Andrews right. Today in Bradley Mannings trial, theyre talking about if you put it on the internet, alqaeda has the internet, so by definition, you are aiding the enemy. If you are a whistle blower, are you by definition guilty of the espionage act . Probably legally, but i think we have to make a distinction between the n. S. A. Leaks for example that were targeting americans and the other leaks that have to do with american intelligence gathering tactics or targets. There was one episode in which one of the reports was about collecting information and communications intercepting communications between president of moscow in which we revealed they were using new signal intelligence. That has nothing to do with what the American Public should be aware of. For him to predict that he was going to be violating the law by giving away this information its not like he was some sort of wizard. This was obvious. Cenk i dont think thats a vyings of the espionage act either. I think the distinction is a very good one and on this show, jayar and i have been saying dont say things about what were doing to other countries dont do it, its a bad idea. Its not like he gave it to the russians or chinese and said heres our guys and what we were doing to you and here are the specifics behind it. In fact, hong kong basically kicked him out and said get the hell out. Now russia is saying get out of here. Its whistle blowing in the first place. Its the way that our country or secrecy part of our country can approach this saying the nature of whistle blowing and now he has to republican because of it and now we are going to punish you for it is going to lead you to give up other secrets that are damaging to say negotiations in some countries or them just being angry at us. You need somewhere to lay your head or at least to sit your behind down somewhere while youre running from cenk partly our fault because we are so draconian on them, theyve got to run. I think caspers got that later on. I do have that later on. I do have one quick clip from snowden talking about how he doesnt see himself at 2001 whos trying to destroy the United States. He loves the country. America is a fundamentally good country. We have good people with good values who want to do the right thing, but the structures of power that exist are working to their own ends to extend their capability at the expense of the freedom of all public. So, i think that he says a really interesting thing there. The polls would indicate otherwise. I think americans are kind of complacent with what the government is doing when it comes to secret spying. The most maddening part of the story is the fact that he leaked this information and it essentially did nothing. Cenk if you remember, the original part of the guardian interview that was released earlier, he said that that was his biggest fear. He goes through this lifechanging thing, on the run forever, could face a life sentence if america ever captures him and largely but look, ill put it this way i think its the medias fault. I think fox news took a couple of potshots, but overall theyre author tarian and loves when the government clamps down on whistle blowers. Msnbc is obama loyalists through and through cnn does whatever the government tells them to do. Its the a combination of things. The media has done a terrible job, making him out to be this horrible threat to national security. But at the same time, americans are so, you know, preoccupied with their video games and their movies and their pot and whatever it is. You think Americans Care . Like were so cenk no i were so distracted, come on, there isnt any political activism on any level. We had the occupy movement, that was years ago. No one cares and thats a big problem. Cenk i hear you and those all seem to be legitimate points, given that that is what is happening right here. In the 1970s, even in the middle of the vietnam war, we had a huge protest but everyone was complains at the time that everybody was com place september. The pentagon papers, its not all of a sudden that everybody stopped smoking possibility and said oh, my god elseburg, its the that the rest of the media flipped out and said look at the government lying to us. Andrew, let me get over to you. To me, the difference between oh my god the governments doing something wrong, its amazing what this whistle blower told us his character its little problems snowden look away. N. S. A. Program obviously legal but its not legal. To me, thats the gigantic difference. Its almost like a snowball happened like one outlet. I dont remember who the first outlet started picking on his being a narcissist. How long was Bradley Manning given no lawyer, he knows what hes in for when he comes here. Thats his only option now is to go there. Its not because he likes venezuela and hates america. Its the only place that will take him in. It gives the media more fodder to say this guy hates america straight forward. The other issue is i personally wish he would come home and be martyred that way. It almost feels like the media and people would be just as complacent about his trial as mannings. Manning will face trial and become a martyr, be a hero, well get to see this and here about it, nobodys cared so far. Cenk im going over the top. The establishment media has become a propaganda outlet for the government. They just have, en massse. Its a snowball effect. Remember how there used to be talking points . Same talking points, now the media, same to go points, delivering the talking about points. Bradley manning, what are you talking about . The media hates him. They dont theyre not giving him any coverage. By the way, heres what the government does, right . The government says super top secret. As long as theres no cameras heres the number of t. V. Cameras that will cover it, one. And what, were out of business in about a month. If theres no cameras theres no t. V. People say snowden should come back here. Snowden, i got a message for you, run run as far as you can. Dont come here, weve become a police state. Theyll lock you up forever and the media will help them do it. One last thing elseburg, the guy we mentioned a guy who revealed the pentagon papers, great op ed cenk i love the rest of the op ed where he said its not the same country. I was at public rallies and giving speeches for two straight years. Snowden would immediately be locked up in a cell, probably solitaire confinement wed never see him again. What the hell have we become . What have we become . I got to end it there. All right. When we come back, Eliot Spitzer, one of the guys who actually fought against the power establishment, but he once had sex so hows it going to numb here come the media attacks on him. We will sus that out when we come back. Dont give me a pat answer. How are you different than you were five, six years ago . What that changed personally. A lot of things. A lot of pain. With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. Up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. Cenk were back on the young turks. Eliot spitzers back let me just preface this saying im the most biased man in america on this story. I really like Eliot Spitzer i think he was terrific when he was in office. Cant wait to have him back. Flat out hope he wins. Im sure there are other lovely people in the race, but of course not a lot of people in the media share my sentiment. Instead of worrying about what he did with wall street and kept them in check theyre like oho we have scandal sex. Not only do we have these headlines behind us where all the different papers come out with this like ha ha, we got you, the media is all over him. Hes been making his rounds with the media trying to ask for forgiveness and trying to get 36,000 signatures so he can get on the ballot to run for new york city comptroller. One interview he did, he was interviewed with tough questions. As personally as you can answer this question, dont give me a pat answer, dont give me one that you prepare in your mind, how are you different than you were five or six years ago . What that changed personally. A lot of pain, a lot of pain. Thats it. Yeah, you go through that pain, you change. All right. Former governor Eliot Spitzer thank you very much for coming on the show. Thank you. Cenk all right. Couple questions here. Was he crying . He got weepy and it kind of made me weepy for some reason, because i know that hes a good guy at heart. Look what he did to his wife, whatever thats a personal issue. I do think that it was wrong. It goes against my personal morality but when it comes to how he did his job he did a good job. He was one of the few people in the country that wanted to hold wall street accountable and thats the reason why he got targeted for his involvement in prostitution. So seeing him get emotional made me emotional because he worked hard, and at the end of the day it didnt matter, because people tore him down. No matter which side of the aisle, i never think it works. I never think tearing up, getting weepy eyed actually works. Im not going to go down the road of was it real for fake. It doesnt matter to me. If someone cries it does not make me cry. It doesnt make me feel more sorry for them or vote for them. I would want him to come back because of the work he did. Its a wash for me, i miss that point, i forget about it. Cenk thats because you have a stone cold heart. Do you feel he wad pandering to the female audience . Thats the difference between the two of us, it worked on me. I dont think in particular the female audience. I dont think it was a planned im almost as biased as cenk is. I think there was reality but hes like we can get past this. When is the last time she asked my tough questions. That interview annoyed me because of the fact that she was so serious and tough on him and just the look on her face was annoying. How about you actually stand up to joe whenever youre doing the show with him and he says something ridiculous. You just sit there. That drives me crazy. Cenk i hear you. But shes got to ask that question. Noah rothman go. Im kind of shocked that weve all determined that hes being martyred here, put up on a cross. He committed a crime. As the governor of the state of new york. This isnt just normal adultery. This is something that you and i would be prosecuted for. He was never charged. Secondly hes running a campaign that he jumped into the race saying he bragged about hes never done any polling. He has to get 3,000 signatures by thursday and theyre kind of not sure whether hes going to make it. Hes doing the media rounds. Do you see him talking to voters . This something that i consider a serious move into the political scene as the comptroller of new york city. Cenk i disagree in parts. He did break the law. I think the worst part was the hipocracy of prosecuting other people on it. Its his sex life. Everybody lies about their sex life especially if theyre male. No care, i dont care. John mccain, i voted against the guy in 2008 although i voted for him in the primaries against bush. I think hes great on Campaign Finance reform. I definitely dont care what kind of sex hes having. I dont care what kind of laws hes breaking. As long as hes doing something positive on an issue i care about, thats the most important thing. Andrew, of course, massse, how many guys in politics are actually trying to hoed anyone in power accountable . Were in a desert, so thats partly why i see spitzer as a bit of on oasis. Am i wrong about that . You know, its interesting josh bauer wrote an interesting piece yesterday. I thought he is making an interesting point, like it or not, spitzer has a lot of enemies that are the wrong people in that they are people that we want government to take on especially in new york, teachers units have a strong hold over charters. Spitzer tried to take that on. Also wall street holds an enormous amount of power and in bed with government. If he can take that on, great. I do want to take on your position on his adultery. I agree i think its stupid that we ever care with politicians having sex but it goes deeper than just hypocrisy. He pushed for punishment for johns and purposely withheld his finances to not have to report them and he got off on both charges, using expensive lawyers, basically that doesnt come off as like the man for the little people. He is doing what a lot of people do, they get off on charges if they happen to be wealthy and hes done literally nothing since he left office to fight for the people that committed those victimless crimes. Nobody should go after you for having consensual sex with a prostitute new thats a unique criticism, he should have stuck up for other people busted for prostitution charges. I agree that would have been ballsy. Consider reverse course instead of im still going to go hard after the johns. Cenk two other things. Noah said hey listen, you know, you and i would have been in jail over this. Thats not true. They almost never prosecute this charge against the johns. The fact that it even came up is absurd. They did a federal investigation . Look, i dont know if you guys know the story behind this, but ken langoon, one of the founders of home depot these guys hired private detectives to get dirt on spitzer. They wanted dirt on him. Cenk they got a prosecutor to play ball and dug up dirt on him. You can dig up dirt on almost anybody like this. Noah, i feel like if you let those corrupt financial power establishment, et cetera, get away with going after spitzer like this, youre basically saying open season, any politician you dont like, anyone who challenges the banks finance, corporations, dirty politics, whatever it might be, just look into their sex life, hire a private detective get a crooked politician to go along and youll get your guy. I feel like were regarding them for doing this. Yeah, i want to quibble with that slightly, because a federal prosecutor is at liberty obliged to go after the governor of the state of new york whos breaking the law. Thats something that i dont have a problem with. Secondly, this does happen. There are instances when he these highpriced escort places taken down. The john on the street just asking for a random hooker to join him in his car almost never get prosecuted, but where tens of thousands are dollars are changing hands 2005, i think it was new york confidential, that was a big deal. These things do happen. For the case of the governor, the elected head of state its kind of a deal that has to be pursued. Cenk heres what they dont do, unless you want to destroy your political opposition. You dont go look for suspicious activity reports i think it was 14,000 a day they get or something where its under 10,000 bank transaction. They found some that were 5,000 on spitzer. He was targeted for destruction. They fish, they fish, they fish until they found something so, i mean. I think youre right and i think thats appropriate. Cenk i dont think thats appropriate at all. Then we can go on a fishing expedition on all enemies of the government or power establishment. In fact, thats exactly what we do and thats why wall street runs the place as dick durbin said. Right now mark halpert theres nothing more he loves than this establishment. You want to talk about the average guy . Establishment is crushing the average guy. All his faults, warts, et cetera on spitzer when he was the attorney general in new york and governor of new york, he fought for the average guy. Theres maybe three politicians left in the country i can say that about. Id love to make it number four. I got to leave that right there. When we come back, the three women rescued in cleveland have made a tape about their ordeal. Remember, these are the three that were kept in the house by ariel castro. Its moving stuff. Well tell you what it is and the fallout from it, too. I just want everyone to know im doing just fine. I may have been through hell and back but i am Strong Enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. Cenk all right. What youre looking at and hearing there was of course amanda berry, one of the three women kidnapped by ariel castro, the other two girls were held in the home, some for as long as 10 years. Theyve made a videotape. Ana kasparian is going to tell us more. They were freed by a man by the name of charles ramsey. They had been captured and held captive for 10 years and after two months of being freed, they have decided to release a you tube video. Its about three minutes long, explaining how theyre doing and how grateful they are. I want to thank everyone who has helped me and my family through this entire ordeal. Everyone who has been there to support us, its ban blessing to have such an outpouring of love and kindness. I would say thank you for the support. Thank you everyone, for your love, support and donations which helped me build a brand new life. More than a Million Dollars has been donated to the courage fund to help the women heal after a decade of alleged abuse and captivity by ariel castro. He is charged with beating raping and starving them, even forcing the miscarriage of a baby he fathered. In the video made last week, the women seemed upbeat, not bitter. Im getting stronger each day and having my privacy has helped immensely. I ask that everyone continue to respect our privacy and give us time to have a normal life. Such an incredible video especially when you consider what they went through for a decade i mean repeatedly being raped, beaten. They were stuck in the same house for 10 years and amanda berry actually had a child by aerial castro, which its horrifying. Michelle knight got pregnant and as a result, ariel castro beat her to the point she had a miscarriage. They went through horrendous treatment and are so positive and i think thats admirable and inspiring. Cenk not the direction i would have gone. Id be thinking how do i break into that jail cell, et cetera. Man, bless their hearts. It makes you wonder. We were talking earlier about how theyre having a better outlook on life than maybe i would. What if it was the opposite . What if they were coming out speaking about how angry they are, vengeful they are, how much they would want to change what the rest of this guys going to be like. I wonder what the reaction is. We seem to see that theres always a good light ore r. Other hard, not lighthard, but something positive that happens. Does that mean we start looking down on them and say youre free, i cant believe you act like this. I think people would be sympathetic. No matter what, i think we should be on their side. I would be sympathetic if they were angry. Thats how i feel, it didnt happen to me, but thats how i feel. The fact that theyre so optimistic makes me admire them. Cenk you know what, you guys talked me into thinking that look, they were all reading from a state. Its not that it wasnt heart fell, but theyve collected 1 million right and by all means and i love everybody who donated, et cetera, but basically, it plays better if youre optimistic and youre pleasant, et cetera, and you can get more donations. Am i being too cynical . Have i crossed the line. I feel like youre being cynical. I dont know if youve crossed the line. They seem genuine and sincere. Massse, go. Im happy that they did this instead of the whole cable news circuit, facing condescending morning show hosts. This was a perfect tone for them to put out a video like this. Cenk thats a great point by andrew. Two things about that. Number one you get diane sawyer squinting a lot, and weve got to avoid that, oh, are you ok . I know, i know, we all know you care diane just calm down. Second of all the people in the news democrats all across the country must be in a cold sweat today, because now we can put on you tube. You dont need the today show, you dont need good morning america, anymore, just put it on you tube. Ooh, that put them in trouble. It does. Ana, more updates. I want to talk about what Michelle Knight has said to say. She was one of the women that was captured when she was 20 years old and just like everyone else, was there for 10 years, and she got pregnant, she got beaten as a result of getting pregnant and suffered a miscarriage, but even though she seemed to get beaten the most and as you have the brunt of Ariel Castros horrible behavior, she seems to be the most optimistic. Lets take a look. I just want everyone to know im doing just fine. I may have been through hell and back, but i am Strong Enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. And with my head held high, and my feet firmly on the ground. I will not let the situation define who i am. I will define the situation. So what do you think cenk, do you think that was insincere . Wow . Cenk yeah. Now look, look, look. I love her, i believe that she helped put together that statement. I believe that they wrote it down so that they didnt get any of the lines wrong but i also believe that some p. R. Folks probably helped them to write that statement in a way that would be most appealing to the broadest amount of people, but i dont think she wouldnt have said it if she didnt mean it generally speaking, right . In seeing i guess reciting the letter, the one thing i thought was i really hope thats true because those are good words. When i see her recite it, im thinking i hope she didnt say this because its more palatable for us, because i hope thats true for her. I hope thats the route she is going through, not the route i would do. Cenk noah rothman my republican trait says i would want vengeance. What say you . Vengeance is nice and that will be dealt out in due course and there probably wont be a whole lot of cameras so we arent going to get the jodi arias treatment of car yell castro, going back to the money god bless people who donated to these girls not just because their john ross city, clearly, but these girls can deal with their trauma in private and dont have to go out and seek a book advance. They dont have to do the morning shows. They dont have to go out and fight for money from the media. This allows them to put out you tube videos like this where they are maybe sincere maybe not who knows, but dealing with their trauma in private. God bless the donators. Lets hope it keeps coming in. Cenk thats a great point. It helps them keep a certain amount of dignity without the book deal or movie deal, where do i sign. Theyre going to have trouble putting together a career when you were three put in a house for 10 years. Im glad at least that the kindness of others has helped in this situation. All right. Now, when we come back, you know, gay marriage and Supreme Court rulings, you think its over rye . Yeah, not really. Theres a whole new layer to that fight. Were going to discuss that and Jason Collins first out nba player. Is he able to get a job anywhere . Is it because hes gay . I dont know. Were going to discuss. Drug war you must be high. Viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. Do you think that there is any chance well see this president even say the words carbon tax . With an open mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter . Watch the show. Only on current tv. We have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. vo current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. Im a slutty bob hope. You are. The troops love me. vo tv and radio talk show host Stephanie Miller rounds out currents morning news block. Youre welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. Just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. The sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. vo only on current tv. Theme cenk welcome back to the young turks. You might have thought that after the Supreme Court decisions well, gay rights, we solved that thing its already over. Well, not quite. You are telling me things are not solid. Weve got issues with Jason Collins. Obviously the Biggest Issue we are going to talk about todayen oh the entire show. Jason collins is an nba player, the first male athlete in a major sport in the u. S. To come out when he did a Sports Illustrated cover story in april. Now that Nba Free Agency has started, he still does not have a job, which i am not the biggest nba follower at this time in my life, but i dont think thats surprising, right . Cenk no, its not. Hes old. I remember when he came out, i said. Be nice about that, cenk, hes old. Cenk im older. Jayar, no bias here. I dont think it gets painted that way. I dont think thats really the case. Three points, six points, 3. 8 rebounds a game. Theres new young talent coming in that can produce more than that. A veteran, theyre going to have a pay him a certain amount. He might still get hired right . Last year he didnt get signed until the end of july, in 2009 until the end of september. Cenk if he didnt get signed until september last year, it might take longer this year. I got one word to settle this issue, tracy mcgradeen. If collins can play any kind of ball popovich will sign him with the spurs. Dont worry if hes got anything left in him, hell be a spur. Then i like that theres a different sport a Soccer Player came out. Rogers has not picked up by the l. A. Galaxy, not the same as a european football club, but i think hell do well here. The biggest thing for a veteran in basketball, they know done it, been to the finals. If you go through the first part of the season you know that the big men arent working out its nice to have a stable veteran. It takes the pressure off a little bit because he was a player who came out toward the end of his career and wasnt a tar player. There wasnt that fight to make sure is he being treated the same even though hes gay. In a sense its like a p. S. A. For the organization, if he can play, hell play, we will see how much he can play. Lets move on to the more substantive stuff. Where does the fight go next . The conversation ive had a lot of times since just over a week ago when i got married what does it mean for me, for others in other states where still marriage is not recognized yet. When we saw the doma decision, we know this is part of the way but not all of the way the aclu are pursuing a lawsuit in pennsylvania. There are seven suits still going forward. Until doma is overturned fully my marriage here in california isnt recognized in a lot of different states across the country. Cenk tell us what that means. What do you mean that its not overturned fully. Right. Cenk what is the current status. Only part of dome in a was overturned, that said if you have a legal marriage, you are entitled to federal benefits, as well. Now as per someone legally married in california, which is still pretty exciting, i still at some point where agency rules shake their way out federally speaking should be treated the same coming to taxes, Social Security rights. The one that kicked in the fastest add sort of the fast track implementation is immigration. If my wife had not already been a citizen, we would have been able to get her a korean card. Thats huge. Thats amazing probably the biggest no qualifications busting that came out of that entire ruling. Cenk noah rothman, you are our designated conservative on the panel. Im going to put you on the spot. Shayna is legally married in california. Should it be recognized . Ideally the process and this is why i think the Supreme Court rulings were actually quite forward thinking is ideally this process wouldnt be handed down sweeping by a court because that never resolves the social issue. Like it or not, there are a bunch of people who do not think this is an appropriate thing that the government should be doing, changing the definition of marriage. Im not among them, but people do think that way. They are coming rapidly with at a pace that defies historic nature toward the conclusion that gay marriage should be legal, and its becoming that way across all 50 tates. The deep Southern States will probably be the last. Should the Government Force them to legally you recognize gay marriages . Im conflicted on that, because i think that would prolong the issue, create and reinforce resentment and make people less accepting of gay marriage rights. Thats where im conflicted on the issue. I want to see the rights, but i want to see it as a pace that is natural and allows people to come to acceptance of it, rather than have it forced on them. One way or the other the government is making these decisions. Whether its coming legislatively, coming through a court, through ballot initiatives, the worst possible way to vote on peoples rights we have a quote from james ethic, the head of the rights project, the issue is going back to the court its just a matter of time. Thats pretty widely held, five years, 10 years, were in a pretty short window before some of these cases going to come back and with he get a full sweet of benefits. Im sorry, i think andrew would agree that the federal government should not be in the business of marriage whatsoever. Theres a social engineer here that they should not be dealing with. Cenk andrew, you are our designated libertarian here. You got a states right issue small government here, but the most fundamental issue the right to live your life the way you want to. Where do you come out on all this . I mean, the constitutional issue, whether the federal government should apply this to all the states, im conflicted, but im also of the opinion that im not terribly worried. I honestly believe within the next 1015 years all states will through the force of federal government, under the 10th amendment or through ballot initiative, i believe that the times are changing and social conservatives need to get out of the way, because its coming. You know, so i think honestly, its going to happen either way and im not terribly worried . Last quick question, if you press a button and its legal everywhere mind you noah is right, there are a lot of people who would be really, really resentful of that. Would you do it today . Yes because real harm is happening to couples who cant have the right to take care of each other take care of their families, every single day that we wait. Cenk were pressing the button, its over. Gay marriage everywhere. Sorry, t. Y. T. Decided. All right, fantastic. When we come back, is msnby losing their ratings and audience because theyre too soft on obama or not soft enough . Noah wrote about it today. Its a fascinating story. Well come back and talk about it. Is theme cenk all right, were back on the young turks. Now, were going to talk about msnbc. I used to work there. Thats crazy. [ laughter ] i do have some insight. Noah rothman wrote about their lackluster ratings as of late. Is it because they are going harder after obama or because theyre not going hard enough after obama . Im not sure, noah, tell us your theory and well discuss. Well, the basis of that post was a poll that gallup did surveying American Television news viewing habits and found that kind of no surprise, fox news is at the top, second place cnn, abc news as a Network Broadcaster third and a whole bunch of 1 including msnbc in the end. What was fascinating was they had a partisan breakdown democratic republican, independent. Now what was shocking is that most democrats by a what thatting 10 , you know, said that they would catch cnn over msnbc. Only 1 admitted to catching fox. Now, i can understand having a motive to tell a polester and respond to a pollster and kind of shade the amount of viewing that you actually do, like for example, zero republicans admitted to watching msnbc. I dont believe that for a might be. Im watching msnbc. They have an incentive to support fox news. Democrats, who also have an incentive to support the liberal product of msnby decided not to. They said no, were not going to admit to watching this channel. Only 2 of democrats said they were. Theres a lot of theories behind that. Im curious to hear yours that couple of things. One, when i was there, and i think, look, i have to say that i dont have this written down in front of me, so take it with a grain of salt, but i remember that i once heard that 40 of the country had never even heard of msnbc. I was shocked by that. Thats why it stood out to me, because were so knee deep in news and politics, we assume everybodys heard of msnbc. The reality is a lot of people might not have sampled the channel. That might be part of the reason, but recently, you point out their numbers have been differing. In the second quarter, obviously, april may and june of the year, for whatever reason, news breaks a lot. All right . And so cnn and it happened again, with the boston bombings, cnn does it much, much better. They will take a lead. I remember when i was on there they took a lead, panic panic msnbcs lost it. We get back to politics again and it rises. Theres a little premature panic as to the demise of msnbc. I think thats smart. You apply a Historical Perspective to it. Looking back to 2007, fox was going through the same problem kind of cyclical and they rise and fall with the fortunes of the Political Party in power and the party they ideologically align with. If you go back to the criticism the Editorial Coverage gets, the easy way to go, im not sure if thats the way to criticize them but they get flak for being pro white house but they also interestingly get a lot of flak for being anti white house. The True Progressives who recently wrote that that this is essentially the news network of the obama white house. Thats a vocal view that gets play. What doesnt is the voices that fill up my final line whenever you criticize msnbc and they say were leaving in droves because this network is too critical of the president especially on drone warfare the nsa, the conduct of the war on terror. Its not very well represented in the media. Cenk i dont know which one it is honestly. Andrew you guys cover this 24 7 as far as cable news. Whats your take. Do you get a sense that msnbc might be losing its edge . I think theyre not nearly critical enough of the president. That i dont have a dispute on. I think largely theyre very, very supportive of the president. I dont know if that costs them with audience or helps them. I think probably as the hole scandalpalooza has been happening, i think people are tiring of if there is an obama scandal. Msnbc will defend it. I think thats. Ed True Progressives. Im sure you and the Glenn Greenwald progressives whos msnbc parroting the d. N. C. There is a joke that msdnc. The irony is that on a lot of shows, you will actually find a more robust debate at a d. N. C. Meeting. Cenk im not laughing at that. As i know better than everyone else it comes top down. Theres no question. They say play team ball here. Jayar, whats your sense . I think were missing television on line media, if youre not watching fox news, cnn or msnbc youre not researching anything. People on line, finding out real things so when they are disgruntled with the way msnbc is cow to youing to the white house, they look for other media. I dont think it just hurts msnbc, but fox news as well. The demographic on fox news is very very owed, not to put them down, but when you look at where young people is getting news, it is from nontraditional media new media. Cenk jayar is right they come across as fake just supporting one party or another. All right, one final point when we come back. John thank you, turk. Good evening. Is president obama being rash and impulsive by rapidly withdrawing troops from afghanistan. Over ten years after the war started . Also, Edward Snowden has released a tape showing his vicious dissatisfaction with american Intelligence System and the equality of the moscow airport cinnabon. And it turns out one of rand pauls advisers has a history of successionist racism. It is shock. Only one of them. Oh and one more thing. Rupert murdoch made selfincriminating comments on a tape but for some mysterious reason, none of the