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With his family. But he never showed up. Ten days went by without word, then we learned what had happened. Roger and jose had gotten lost and run out of water. Approaching death they turned themselves in to the border patrol. Roger was deported back to mexico where he called to say he was getting ready to try the crossing again. We havent heard from him since. [ theme music ] michael youre in the war room. Im michael shure. The idea was once floated that Congress Send up black smoke every time they couldnt reach an agreement. However, the cost of fuel being what it is, the suggestion was quickly withdrawn. [ theme music ] michael right now as we meet a bunch of injury attic atticjeriati character men are meeting behind closed doors. Adhering to arcane conventions to arrive at a decision that will impact millions of people. Even though the majority of those people dont actually support this small groups policies, things like antichoice measures and discriminatory hiring practices the group holds much power and has such an enormous budget that it will just push their policies through any way. Who is this group of cloisterd fanatics . Well it certainly describe the Catholic Church as it letses meet in rome to elect the next pope. 62 of americans say congressional americans are out of touch with reality. And theyre right. Just look at the latest republican madness. Today paul ryan proposed his budget which looks a whole lot like the budget he proposed last year, you know the one that the American People roundly ejected when they voted to elect the president. Ryan has been trotting out the same version of the tax plan for six years. It was called road map for americas future. Then he changed it to paths of prosperity. Thats the one he stuck with today. Well to paraphrase Shakespeare A Ryan budget by any other name would still smell unsweet. It would eliminate most of obamacare, it would repeal financial regulation, and it would make major cuts to medicare. Sounds great. Here he is trying to convince americans that they want this tired ol lemon of a plan. Its a path to prosperity, a responsible balanced budget. We believe we owe the American People a balanced budget. For the Third Straight year weve delivered. Michael congressman, what you owe the American People is respect. Theyre smart enough to understand that you introduced the exact same budget during the election and you lost. Jay carney today said that the president wants to trim medicare but with a scalpel not an axe. And ryan let slip his real plan for medicare system. This to us is something that were not going to give up on because were not going to give up on destroying the Healthcare System for the American People. Michael that was bushan it was so man. Was it a freudian slip or is young blue eyes cracking under the weight of his own lies. That was the most truthful statement weve heard from paul ryan maybe ever. Mitch mcconnell announced today its very First Amendment to the continuing resolution that is keeping the government afloat is to delay the implementation of obamacare, here we go again. Its not just obamacare that republicans are going after mcdonnell is vowing to dismantle the president s new financial regulation. Hes leading a group of 43 republican senators to block the nomination of the head of financial protection bureau. Yet today here the republicans were nothing but nice. I will compliment you. You have done a wonderful job in carrying out your duties. Michael sweet words dripping with absolute insincerity. Republicans have been fighting against the agency since Elizabeth Warren first created it. Even so the agency has made huge strides like levying 70 million in fines for abusive financial practices. But thats exactly why republicans backed by big banks oppose it, and why they oppose liz warren. The 43 senators blocking the nomination has received 143 million in Campaign Contributions from the finance insurance and real estate sector. Today Elizabeth Warren took those senators to task. I see nothing here but a filibuster threat against director core dry as an attempt to delay the consumer. Its bad for consumers mall banks, its bad for credit unions. Its bad for anyone trying to offer an honest product in an honest market. Michael passion, smart gutsy, warren is light years ahead of her predecessor scott brown. Wouldnt you know it, after he left the senate the Financial Sector embraced him with open arms. The boston globe reported yesterday that hes taking a job as counsel for a firm that represents goldman sachs. Brown received 10,000 and more than 100,000 from its employees. For more on todays hearings im joined by patrick r exich. Welcome to the war room. Thank you for having me on. Michael will they block kordray. Yes, others have promised not to vote cordray through as well. What theyre asking for in exchange is the way that the agency is structured. They Want Congress to have more oversight of its budget. They Want Congress to predict how much it makes per year and what it can and cannot spend money on. They want to exchange the directership with a board. So far the republicans have shown no willingness to give up on that here so you have a stalemate. Michael is it the same ol song for the republicans in the senate or does it have something to do with the sour grapes that cordray was appointed as a recess appointment. I dont think their opposition cant be said to stem from the recess appointment. Their decision was the reason for the recess appointment. Since the birth of the doddfrank reform law they vowed not to approve any director. Weve seen where that ended up. Republicans generally admire and like richard cordray. They think hes doing a good job. Their issue is not with cordray himself but the structure of the agency. Theyve stuck with thorough guns. Michael shocking to no one. If they change structurally this agency, how will it affect the work that the agency does . With, that depends on whom you ask. For the proponents of these changes they say it will give it a checks and balances system. Some other financial regulators the Security Exchange system, thethey both work with the board. The argument is it will dechange watchdogs and well look out for consumers whereas other agencies are supposed to keep an eye on banks are done by a single director. So republicans claim that these are sort of modest changes that bring the agency in line. People who really think that this agency was necessary and people who went to the mat to get it pushed through theyve been adamant that a single director and sort of a budget coming straight from the Federal Reserve is the way that theyll return this into a powerhouse and curb some of the abuses of the financial christ and mortgage crisis. Michael how many times die here comptroller of the currency. I love that. Lets go to a report by mary jo wright. Will the republicans give her trouble as well . If there is any trouble it will come from the left from the democratic party. Sherrod brown, the ohio democrat, and sort of an un unabashed liberal. Hes concerned about some of the tie to wall street. She worked at a firm in which she represented a lot of wall street clients. Hes concerned these will correct conflicts of interest and have her recused in cases. Its a fivemember commission. Right now there will be three democrats and two republicans. If Mary Jo White had to recuse herself, it changes the power a little bit. Thats their concern. Tom coburn and forgive me if i get the quote wrong but it was something close to the more i learn about you the more i like you. He promised to aggressively support her nomination. Michael he was fawning over everyone on cap pal hill. Before we let you go patrick i want to talk about Elizabeth Warren. How much of an impact is senator ratherwarren having just two months in her tenure. So far she has had success bringing attention to issues that she cares about. She went off on banking regulators and demanded answers. She went to the ted cruz style of questioning where she drilled again and again. It became a youtube sensation and people have been locked in on that. In terms of legislative success its too early to tell. Were just two months into the senate that may be enough time to hang up your coat and clear your throat. Michael warren and cruz, where will the similarities end. Patrick reis, thank you so much for coming into the war room. Lets turn to another lobby backing republicans. The gun industry. The gun Safety Measures that congress is debating has the overwhelming support of the American People. 91 the percent want universal background checks. 91 . 86 want to prevent mentally ill people from christianing guns. And 57 support an assault weapons ban and 47 support database to track gun sales. The only one with the chance of passing seems to be background checks. Today the Senate Judiciary Committee Still passed a bill, but it still has to be passed on the senate floor and that could be tough. Unfortunately, Gun Legislation will fail because the gun lobby is too big. If you think the senate is bad now, imagine if democrats lost seat. Democrat levin announced he wont seek reelection. Lets start with the bad. Crazy Tea Party Justin Amash is pulling 11 . Scott romney is rumored to making a run and hes leading the republican pac with 26 . And then Jennifer Granholm is leading with a whooping 59 . Go jen. If she becomes senator i will replace her as senator. So i become a senator from michigan one day. I like that idea. And then we turn to movie stars. Ashley judd is rumored to be running for senator, Mitch Mcconnells seat and republicans are sharpening their clause. Today the season toral committee called her a faded hollywood star. Speaking of weak candidates, and president s, george p. Bush, nephew of george w. Is running for texas land commissioner. You know the guy in charge of practicing the poor oil field from greedy environmentalists and he would be charge of programs for veterans which his family has created a lot. There is an announcement he has singled out one member of his family in particular. You probably know her as former first lady barbara bush. To me shes just ganny. The lesson that ganny taught me the importance of public service. Michael if only he had taken up the Family Tradition of doing dog portraits. Then we wouldnt have another bush with an ego too big to succeed. Coming up, the president is just continuing his Charm Offensive. How lovely. Donnie fowler and bill press will bring us the latest from the political front. Plus well meet one of the activists cycling from newtown to washington to draw attention to gun reform, a necessity owning itself because of congress failure to discuss issues on its merit alone. The backlog of cases has gotten so bad theyre worried about the Structural Integrity of the buildingoiy. Well be right back. vo brought to you by expedia. Expedia helps 30 million travellers a month find what they are looking for one traveller at a time. A closer shave in a single stroke for less irritation, even on sensitive skin. Gillette mach3 sensitive. Gillette. The best a man can get. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. [ theme music ] michael president obama took his congressional Charm Offensive to friendly territory today. He waltzed into a meeting with Democratic Senators to promote his secondterm agenda getting the countrys fiscal house in order. Immigration reform, and gun safety legislation. At the top of that list is the budget battle. Senate democrats led by washingtons patty murray are pushing a nonbinding budget that would increase federal spending, seek new revenues and spare social programs. But across the Hill House Budget Committee chair paul ryan has a dead on arrival plan that would theoretically, and i mean theoretically balance the budge. Balancing the budget is not just arithmetic. Its not just getting expenditures and revenues to add up. It means a healthy economy and progrowth society. Michael included in that pro growth saturday is swapping out obamacare for Market Based Health wear. We all know how well thats worked out. With us is the well spoken bill press. The author of the boom hate machine the lies, distortions and personal attacks on the president and who is behind them, and bill joins us from washington, d. C. Here in studio is veteran democratic strategist donnie fowler. Why does ryan insist on killing obamacare if we know its a poison pill . Because he hasnt had a new idea in the last six years i think. Thats the quick answer. Seriously. We had an election last november. I thought ryan was even part of it right . Obviously not. Either he wasnt there or he didnt learn anything from this budget. This is the exact same budget he has put forward over the last three years. Its not a budget, its a bad joke. Obamacare is not going away. The American People dont want it repealed. Its been there two years. The Supreme Court has upheld it. Nine republican governs like it and theyre taking the Medicaid Expansion part of it. Who is ryan fooling to think that theyre going to repeal obamacare and the entire budget is based on that premise . Michael what bill says is right, donnie. Who is he fooling. It has taken this dog and pony show out on the road before, and its failed before. The cuts that he ran against when he was running for vice president. Hes taking credit for all the new revenue ratings under the obama tax cuts that he opposed, that so many republicans opposed. He has the same budget, but he wants to take credit for the savings from the obamacare and healthcare. Who is he fooling . Hes fooling himself. Michael asked and answered there. The poll out today shows that Congress Job Approval has dropped 26 and democrats are down 31 . How is this being perceived by the voters, you would think that the republicans would change their tune. Why dont they hear what we know . Well, idonnie i think theyre on a suicidal machine mission. You hear talk the party now has the approval of older white malesnot me but people like me. Thats all they got. The party hasnt changed. Yet given the opportunity to show that theyve changed, grown and that they have new ideas they got nothing. Its groundhog day for these guys. I dont get it. I dont know who they appeal to. They certainly dont appeal to the American People. This budget will not get to the senate. Obama would never sign it. The American People dont want it, its going nowhere. They realized they dont have any room to grow. Theyre not able to grow with the demographics in the u. S. Changing, even my own state of south carolina, georgia and texas, theyre being talked about as being battleground states . They dont have anywhere this grow. Theyre desperately trying oh hold on to what theyve got the tea party right wing. Michael thats a great point. Were sitting here, bill is sitting here, were baffled by them going back to the same old tricks. But in fact, thats what wins them everything that they do have. Theyre saying that it may not get better. Lets just hope that it doesnt get worse. We have to hold on tight to what we have, lets recycle the same stuff and maybe the sky will open, the stars will fall and the world will change for us. Michael does that make sense . Let me tell you something no, when paul ryan appears at cpac this week, hell be the messiah, the second coming. Hell appeal to that audience, but only to that audience. Michael right, and there is some delight in that. It keeps them doing it. We can sit back and criticize and question it. Lets be clear, the democrats in the house and senate are not doing a whole lot better than the republicans. To some degree this is a bipartisan disappointment. Thats a nice word for what the American People think. Michael i understand that, but the democratsthe republicans are doing something that has been proven to be unsuccessful for them. The democrats are just doing nothing right now. There is a huge difference there. Bill ill ask this question of you. Do no harm. Exactly. Michael some, the president will meet with house republicans. Is there any way that meeting can go well . No, in a word. Look im of the school that thinks meeting with any republican for any reason is a total waste of time. At the same time, we do live in a city where we need some republican votes to get anything done. The hope is that hell be able to peel some republicans away from boehner and cantor in the house and from Mitch Mcconnell and the senate, and get enough votes to get a decent balanced plan passed. Thats a long, uphill climb. I give the president for trying, at least. Michael there has been talk of movies, dinner, lunch, he visits the house. What is the plan here for the president if nothing happens . Well look, this is a real way of saying i tried. Speaker john boehner has done something that republicans have not allowed in a long time. He has allowed some things to go to the house floor for a vote even though most republicans do not support it. First there is the pr play. The president is also getting hurt by these budget battles. He needs to say to the American People im trying. Second, if Speaker Boehner allows legislation to go to the floor, wide open, maybe the president has hope for 10, 20, 30 house republicans. With all the democrats he can pass something. Michael that is hopeful. Well leave with our own bipartisan moment. Take a look at this, guys. Mitt romneys sontag posted this photo of his fathers Birthday Celebration on instagram. Hes celebrating celebrating with a cupcake and a diet coke. What would you give romney, putting you on the spot, for his birthday . Well, first of all i hope he has a wilder celebration later in the day than a cupcake and a diet coke. I would give him a tshirt with the numbers 47 emblazoned on it because he called the 47 moochers during the campaign, and he ended up getting 47 of the vote. He is mr. 47. Michael lieutenantly. Lieutenant absolute lieutenantabsolute absolutely thats 100 the right answer. Maybe he would join the democratic party. Michael he would return it. The republicans dont want him any more. Michael donnie fowler, our friend here in the war room, bill press. You can wake up with bill in the morning. Thank you so much for being on the show tonight, bill. Up next, 26 cyclists, one for each of the victims of newtown are riding to washington to make a point. The point that most americans agree with and the point that most politicians wish would go away. Youre in the war room. Well be right back. Out for us. Why . Because selling their funds makes them more money. Which makes you wonder isnt that a conflict . Search proprietary mutual funds. Yikes then go to etrade. 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Universal background checks and a School Safety measure. The bill will now move to a full senate vote. One of the organizations demanding Congress Pass common sense Gun Legislation is a mixed group of professional, amateur and every day cyclists who road from newtown connecticut, to washington, d. C. There are 26 riders in total one for every child and staff member killed at the Elementary School and they call themselves team 26. Imagine if we had a rider for every person killed since newtown, we would have to close off freeways. One of the children who attended Sandy Hook School joins us tonight. Monte frank is the organizer and one of the riders of team 26, and he joins us from washington, d. C. I heard that when you pulled out that it was raining. What is it like to do this ride in the middle of winter . The conditions were horrific. We left baltimore in a torrential downpour and it was 45 degrees. So wethe skies can be clear a little bit. Just before we started the event with the congressional delegation but it was pretty cold and nasty coming in. Buti talked to him every night on the way down and he said its great to be on your wheels. They kept saying, weve got 26 angels guiding me along. We were also very inspired by representative Gabby Giffords when she tweeted to us when your legs get tired keep pedaling. And we did that and we arrived. Michael those pieces of inspiration are amazing. Its a somber journey youre taking but there is a great deal of energy that took you to washington and a great deal of resolve. Tell me about the mood of the riders. Well, we had riders, four of us are from newtown of. Two of us had children who went to sandy hook Elementary School. We have riders who are teachers. We had a Newtown Police officer riding with us. We had a vietnam veteran who was my daughters guest veteran at the Sandy Hook School on veterans Day Breakfast for three years including one of the years where my daughter had vickie soto as a teacher. Were moms, were dads. We strongly believe there needs to be change in place to prevent another tragedy such as occurred at my kids Elementary School. Michael its clear why you decided to organize this ride. You know, did you have trouble even limiting it to 26 people or did you find the community so many people wanted to join you in this effort, and where does it go from here . There was a tremendous outpouring, people wanting to join the ride, but help in all sorts of ways. We had 26 riders, and we had six people who were supporting us. Logistically getting us meals all the arrangements and logistics that you need to get from sandy hook. My older daughter was is in the support group. Where do we go from here . Im also on the board of a wonderful Grassroots Organization called Newtown Action alliance. Weve been working very closely with Coalition Groups throughout the country. So this effort is going to continue. The connecticut affect is not fading away. Its clearly growing. When were riding down were talking with americans throughout people who in pickup trucks who would roll down their window and shout encouragement to us. Its clear to us that most americans agree with us, that we need to have reasonable common sense measures such as the bills pending put in place in order to reduce the scourge of gun violence in our towns and in our cities. Michael what a way to do after your inspiring ride is the often less than inspiring washington power structure. Today iowa senator grassley voted in opposition to pass the Senate Committee today. I want to you take a listen to senator grassley. Mass shootings will continue to occur despite universal background checks. Criminals will continue to steal guns and buy them illegally to circumvent requirements. When that happens well be back again debateing whether gun registration is needed. Michael we should point out grassley is the only republican to vote with the democrats on another part of legislation which is the gun trafficking and straw purchasing of guns. So when you have opposition like this, what do you say to them, monte frank as you hear senator grassley say this . I mean, first, i would say that i respectfully disagree. Background checks has got to be the center peace to an effective strategy to reduce gun violence in our cities and states. Its not the only piece. There are four pieces to it, and those are the four bills being currently discussed. When you put it together with the trafficking bill, which i was pleased that senator grassley supported that. You saw the weapons ban on eliminating the high capacity magazines. When you put all that together we think and i think most americans think that it wont eliminate the possibility of future shootings but it certainly would make it more difficult. By making it more difficult we believe it will reduce the likelihood or the frequency that we have seen over the last since years. Michael yes, thats the real point, the likelihood, the frequency, the barrage to use a word that is appropriate there. Its what everybody is fighting against, and monte frank with team 26 trying to lift spirits in the country and in newtown. We appreciate your time here. Up next we are different than most other Media Outlets here in the war room because we provide regular coverage of the Veterans Benefits prices. Thats not just to toot our own horn at all. The stories are heartbreaking. The numbers are staggering. After the break evidence that its all getting worse not better. Stay with us. For true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Stop looking at car interiors. Get inspired by other stuff. Yep. Yep. Ok. Sure. Why not . Woah. Touchscreens. Put that in your dash. Now, luxury stuff. Make your seats like that. That thing has wifi, why doesnt your car . You cant do that. Ignore that guy. Give it wifi. Yes make it fit 5 people. No, 5 actual sized people. Give them leg room, good. Destroy boring car interiors forever. And thats how you do it. Easy. Michael the number of folders containing disabilities claim at the Veterans Affair office is so huge that the building has been deemed structurally unsound. You heard me right. According to a report issued by the va the inadequate storms created an unsafe workspace and appeared to have the potential to compromise the integrity of the building. The files, as currently stored, exceeded the capacity of the floor by 39 pounds persquarefoot. The image of the va office collapsing under its caseload is a perfect image. The number of veterans waiting to get benefits is expected to hit 1 million by the end of this month. Joining me again tonight is the reporter who exhausttively poured through the thousands of pages of Veterans Affairs records aaron glantz. President obama pledged to solve this president bush. Congress has given him half a Million Dollars to move this on computers, yet more files, and to the point that some of these buildings are on the verge of structural damage. Michael its amazing. When you think about what the president was given and what has not happened, its disappointing, embarrassing that thats the state were in. Lets look at some of them. The study showed some of the five slowest areas for veterans here. Of how long it takes to get a file claimed. Lets go the absolute slowest which i believe is los angeles. You come home from iraq or afghanistan, and you say i have post Traumatic Stress disorder. I have nightmares flashbacks, a brain injury from being blown up. Welcome home, 506 days is the average wait that all veterans face. But for the newly returning veterans filing their first claim is over 600 days. Michael what is the difference between iraq and afghanistan, the difference between what theyre claiming and filing for. The va will just say theyre overwhelmed. Theyve had a 50 increase of veterans filing claims just just 2010. They are allowing Vietnam Veterans to file claims for agent orange. There are aspects to it but at the end of the day if you have to wait two years to get your benefits thats why people end up homeless and that is why we have a huge rate of suicide among the veterans in the united states. Michael is that depression, ptsd, all these horrible conditions waiting for checks and not being able to make ends meet. Its not quite that simple but ive come across plenty of cases where peoplein fact, one of the recent stories i just did, a guy had to wait so long for his disability check in indiana that his electricity was cut off three times. He just got back from iraq. He said, i thought of killing myself during this period of time. I reported on another veteran in florida, scott after he was denied his disability claim despite being diagnosed with ptsd by a v. A. Doctor, he took his own life. Why is there such a problem for veteran suicide where veterans commit suicide every day and almost 1 million veterans are waiting for benefits. You do the math. Michael its not just math. You connect the dots and were not responding to a severe problem all over. This mountain seems too big to get through. Lets look at these numbers here. When eric came in the former secretary of the army, when he comes in, he said the biggest efforts theyre going to make is processing of claims. And they decideed to computize efforts. By 2013 537 million were spent and we have buildings falling down . Its a bureaucratic dysfunction. The important thing is its not like the president didnt say the right thing. Its not like he didnt start doing the right thing. But where is the oversight . Where is the executive branch looking and making sure that this stuff actually gets done . So thats the problem that we have. The number of workers who work at the v. A. They have hired 3,000 new claims adjustors since 2000 to deal with the backlog. What we found in their own internal documents theyve only added 300 people. Well people left. So there is super fudge that goes in to the math. Michael the numbers are not adding up here. If we had more claim adjustors wouldnt be getting through the claims. It just hasnt actually happened. The government is not telling the whole truth. Michael lets keep going. I mentioned this at the top. The v. A. Expects the backlog to grow and pass 1 million by the end of this month. Tell me what that means . Well, what is depressing about this is when president obama was elected we already had this problem. He referred to it as a broken v. A. Bureaucracy. This is when he was senator obama, and he pledged all the reforms were talking about. At that time there were 400,000 veteran who is had been waiting on their disability claims. Now as you say were up to almost 1 million veterans. Afghanistan, vietnam, world war 2 veterans who were destitute waiting on their pension. Survivors of those who killed themselves waiting for the pension. The v. A. Is piling these claims up instead of getting people to help they promised. Michael what do they say about this . The frustrating thing is we know its unhe acceptable and were going to take care of it. Which is fine as long as it goes, but theyve been saying that for five years. Every year, its unacceptable, well take care of it. Come back a year later and its the same thing. Michael the president , too. You mentioned the president is the president having to answer to this on a regular basis . Shinseki is still there, but hes he not doing the job. I think congress is getting increasingly frustrated. There has been all this money appropriated, and its been approved by congress to hire these extra people but its not happening. People on capitol hill are asking why. Theyre starting to demand answers. Reporter aaron glantz, i wish you could bring better news but you bring it well, and i appreciate you coming in. Mymy pleasure. Michael iran has posted its review of the film argo. In short they felt the score was too bland and there were structure issues and oh, it was also the work of satan. Thats next when we come back. Satirical point of view. If you believe in states rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. Only on current tv. The bar harbor bake is really worth trying. [ male announcer ] get more during red lobsters lobsterfest. With the years Largest Selection of mouthwatering lobster entrees. Like our delicious lobster lovers dream, featuring two kinds of lobster tails. Or our savory, new grilled Maine Lobster and lobster tacos. My favorite entree is the lobster lovers dream. Whats yours . Come celebrate lobsterfest and sea food differently. [ male announcer ] visit redlobster. Com now for an exclusive 10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. Michael now for the best of the rest, progressive insights i dont want you to miss on this tuesday night. First up we like to know everything about our applications were boxers or briefs to their favorite tax havens. Unfortunately Russian Hackers are unearthing mundane information from Michelle Obama joe biden and sarah palin. The site exposed what looked like to be the first ladys Credit Report with her chicago address and. Now its no longer online. Theyre exposing politics and politicians. Next on our list, is iran. Its planning to sue the oscarwinning film argo claiming its antiiranian, unislamic and ahistoric. Iranian authorities decry argo saying awarding the antiiran movie is a propaganda attack against our nation and entire humanity. Easy there iran. The Oscar Campaign season is over. Several news outlets are reporting that french lawyer represented the notorious we knowen terror Ramirez Sanchez otherwise known as carlos the jackal. The state of mississippi were about one in three adults is 30 pounds fatter than the average american want the government out of their high fructose corn syrup. It would prevent any locality from calorie counts like Michael Bloomberg in new york city. Heaven for bid anyone learns that their favorite appetizer from applebees has 1300calories in. And going to the the catholic conclave, no one does it better than brett erlich. Everyone calm down bretts talking now. Greetings, friends, im here live in the vatican city in front of their ancient brick wall of prayer things to cover the pomp and pageantry of papal picking. Lets go now. Well come back to that. One other way to keep abreast of the situation is to check in on the official papal twitter handle. Its boring but has bagillion followers. Lets go back to the chimney. Nothing, oh, what was that . A bird. You can follow my hometown Cardinal Cardinal mahony. Prayers needed. You got those prayers. Youll need them with all the sexual abuse cover up that youve been doing. Theyre going to reframe the chimney shot. Lets see it. Oh oh, lets go back, a little bit too much too fast. Until they get it right lets look at cnn coverage. The 115 voting cardinals those under 80 years old entered the sistine chapel. Why do you have a 3d model of the sistine chapel. Are you going to rob it . Lets go back to the chimney. Its night. Thats all for new. Keep checking in for updates. Black smoke means no pope. White smoke means new pope. Any other pope means send the medics there has been a horrible accident. Im done talking now. Michael as only brett could do it. Someone is always in our war room. Check us out online at current. Com the war room. Thats where you can link up to our twitter and Facebook Page and check out our extra web extras. Stay tune, the young turks the cenk uygur are next. Young turks is that were honest. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us

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