Transcripts For CURRENT Liberally Stephanie Miller 20130807

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I didnt teach it but the instructor is injured and she asked me to ride for her yesterday. Stephanie i could not be prouder of our little girl. [ magic wand ] it is a lot of pressure to be up on that platform. Did you tell her that was weakness leaving the body . My weakness leaving the body. Stephanie very proud of you. Here she is, noted spinning instructor, Jacki Schechner. Stop it. Please. Good morning, everybody. If you were early to bed and early to rise like we are, you may have missed the president s appearance on the tonight show last night. Jay leno got pretty serious with president obama asking him questions about everything from his lunch with Hillary Clinton and his thoughts on Edward Snowden to his stance on the antigay legislation in russia. As for the current Terror Threat that has the u. S. And western allies on high alert and closing diplomatic facilities in muslim countries, president obama says no ones overreacting that this is a genuine concern. He says that weve already done a lot to bolster security at embassies around the world, especially in the middle east and Northern Africa and whenever we see a threat stream we think is specific, he says, we take some specific precautions within that certain timeframe. He does what he can or we do what we can. Today, the president s going to shift the conversation back to the economy and specifically homeownership and the middle class. Yesterday, he toured a Home Construction facility in arizona and spoke about his ongoing plans to help firsttime homebuyers and people still struggling in the wake of the financial meltdown. Today, he will spend time answering questions online about the Housing Market. The forum is hosted and moderated by zillow, the online home and real estate marketplace. You can submit your questions for the president using the hashtag ask obama housing on twitter, white house. Gov or zillow itself. Later, the president s going to travel to Camp Pendleton here in california and thank Service Members and their families who also give some remarks while hes there. Were back after the break. Stay with us. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. Its a Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie yes, it is the the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Dean obeidallah, comedian extraordinaire, my cnn buddy. Hal sparks in studio with hump days with hal. The president has canceled his meeting with putin. And i said i am over because of the nsa stuff. Snowden. And snowden and the gay stuff, im disappointed in russia. So i support the president. Disappointed stephanie disappointed, russia. You can see why putin would be so antigay because hes famous for lifting up little boys shirts and kissing them on the belly. Stephanie must be a cultural thing. Sure, yeah, yeah. Stephanie hes just been offered the head coaching job at penn state. [ nbc nightly news ] [ buzzer ] Catholic Priest joke. And this portion of the Stephanie Miller show sponsored by unity. Org. Unity for spiritual living. Are you more spiritual than religious. They offer spiritual teachings that empower meaningful living. Go to unity. Org and click on unity near you. Stephanie yea, thank you, jim. [ applause ] so, i was saying this is what its like in here in captain americas underpants before we start the show. Jim walks in and the first thing he says, chris is . I wonder what our cellmates will be like when were arrested by the nsa for thought crimes. Im sure well have some very interesting cellmates. Carry on a conversation. Maybe a little political debate. Stephanie can i have some we have to post this on our Facebook Page. One of my personal favorites. Bob in the daily banter, you have read this, jim . The Conspiracy Theory nexus of glenn beck, Glen Greenwald and alex jones. I believe Charlie Pierce made this point about the boston bomber. It is a little marinade of left and right wing Conspiracy Theory stuff. Absolutely. Gun nut stuff mixed with 911 stuff mixed with whatever. A lot of right wing things in there, though, that he was reading. Tsarnaev. Tamerlan. People from the caucuses. Stephanie thats where the word caucasian came from. White supremacist stuff, gun nut stuff, also Oklahoma City government Conspiracy Theory. Well put this up from the daily banter. A lot of people i think somethings happening where the left and right are coming you know what i mean when Glen Greenwald, alex jones and glenn beck all say the same thing. The fringes have had this chewy center. Stephanie nugget. They meet at quite a bit. I thought bob made some good points. He writes, blah, blah, blah, blah. Great points, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stephanie hold on. I may have put these out of order. Maybe i read this during cocktail hour. Here we go. He says if you see any remaining daylight between rapidly converging spears of the Glen Greenwald left and the alex jones right, not only have those two began to nerge but theyre locked together in what could be a zen die diagram. The government issued a travel alert. Belly rub for the u. S. A. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] he was like cuckoo bird. I will be arrested pretty soon. You just sealed your fate. He has the power. Stephanie the u. S. Government and he lives he can see you. He can see me right now. Stephanie this is how you know we get up at stupid oclock. Stephanie and go to bed at insane oclock. Stephanie because i just saw the president leaving the tonight show. Nbc, right there. This is early. This is like crack of ass. I dont think he spent the night. Stephanie we have some audio. I think he has nicer digs than that. Stephanie we get up at ass oclock because i havent seen the tonight show in Johnny Carson is still the host, right . Jack paar. Stephanie hes talking about the Embassy Closings. On right before bernie covax. Stephanie section 702 powers contained with the fisa amendments act in 2008. The section that spawned the controversial prism database. See . Jim will be in prison for what he just thought about that right now. So the state pulled the trigger and close upwards of 25 diplomatic facilities. Here is another thing where i will get called an obama apologist. He cant do anything right. It has been benghazi, benghazi, benefit benghazi, now hes trying to prevent another one and now theyre like scaredycat stephanie he cant do anything right for the left or the right. Stand up for him now. Okay. Anyway, bob rights ive been hesitant to pay too much attention to officials who abuse the terrorist threat panic button. We had ptsd from the bush cheney years. Remember that . Every day, were at orange. Its red it is chartreuse. Stephanie what does it mean . I dont know [ scoobydoos huh . ] [ screaming ] everyone should panic right now they created the bottom two colors as if we were ever going to use them. Beige. When were we going to think about that . Stephanie what does that mean . Bring a sweater . The threat level is bone. Stephanie i think Marcus Bachmann designed the colorcoded, almost positive. No one pays that much attention to colors. Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Stephanie all right. Thank you, marcus. Anyway, he said however it is not a matter of denying existence of terrorist but more of what i consider to be a rational view rather than remaining permanently on alert when it is not always necessary. He points out the difference. Nevertheless, this administration hasnt bombarded us with the same fearmongering with terrorism. No nowhere near the same drama of the previous gang. Because yeah, in fact, tom ridge admitted this in his book that several times, for political reasons was told to boost the threat level. Anyway, thats not what the guardians Glen Greenwald want you to believe. He not only attributed the actions of the state department to a nefarious wag the dog scenario as conventional real world means of tamping down the antisurveillance debate. He also exploited the Embassy Closures and travel alert as a means of scolding democrats during the bush years, criticized Homeland Security orange alerts, blah, blah, blah, blah. Again, you can music can stop now. Thats exactly what im saying when people said you trust this administration more . Yes. Im not saying we shouldnt have a debate about all of it but Bush Administration you know, abused it. You cant compare the two. Remember, literally, every time bushs poll numbers went down. We were in political season. So anyway, i think different. This is the first time the president s closed embassies, done anything like that. All right. [ battle hymn of republic ] im going to change my own music. I touched my own box. There was nothing you could do about it. Okay. Stephanie in other words i aint gonna touch your box. Stephanie im no sidney leathers. He talks about what greenwald said. This has been my point about him. Im not saying he hasnt done good work. He makes it about him though. He does. Hes a bit of a narcissist. Stephanie basically, he said because of me, the administration he says what kind of ego does that take . They close 25 embassies around the world because of you. He made snowden take the fall while he took the credit. Thats awful. Stephanie what greenwald said, in other words, now that everyone is talking about the heroic deeds, all of a sudden, there is a massive terrorism alert as a means of undermining greenwald and snowden, zipping right on by the tremendously narcissistic ego required to make an assumption like this, it is an absurdly speculative claim that represents another lurch in alex jones implements. He posted a video on youtube in which he appeared to be hiding under his sheets, seriously. It has become like this thing with a flashlight now. The story under the sheets. Like hes reading a comic book under the covers. Stephanie while describing the Embassy Closing is a psychological false flag. It was intended to distract from the latest benghazi bombshell. One mans benghazi derangement syndrome is another mans nsa derangement syndrome. It think is a great piece. It is same thing. Anyway, i would argue greenwalds claim is more off the rails than jones video due to the fact that greenwald looped the consequences of his own reporting into the theory suggesting the government was targeting his efforts personally. That the government decided to rub Glen Greenwalds nose in as theyve done so by staging a fake terrorism alert shouted by the mountain dops while initiating the closure of two dozen embassies, remarkable and pathetic. Any democrats who believe it is genuine are clearly obamabot hypocrites. That would be me, im guessing. All right. [ battle hymn of republic ] anyway. Okay. Ill send it to you. Well post it up on facebook. [ applause ] i understand theatrics in order to get attention. I understand that. But greenwalds theatrics are so hamhanded and so about himself that theyre just turning everybody against him. Stephanie exactly. Oh, wait, theres more. [ battle hymn of republic ] but he brings it full circle. Not surprising glenn beck, he said not greenwald, said the same thing on monday. I mean, come on. When youre finding yourself agreeing regularly with glenn beck, come on speaking of cuckoo birds maybe he said something right for a change. Stephanie this must be scare tactics. Because thats what they said about the last president. So theyre saying because they must. Were the hypocrites, yeah. Of course, catch of difference between what happened in the bush years and the obama years. Thank you, thats my point. The Bush Administration used colorcoded terrorism to the point where the nation was perpetually locked into a yellow alert status. Remember . Yellow was significant risk. Were now at periwinkle. And burnt umbrage. Stephanie he points out about tom ridge admitting it, he raised it for political reasons because he would told to. This is the first time the Obama Administration has closed embassies with details about a threat but it is easier to use false equivalents to scold democrats who dont share greenwalds world view. I dont mind repeating the observation that the far right thinks the president is an alqaeda sleeper cell who is racist against white people while the neolibertarian left thinks hes a bloodthirsty racist who is determined to kill or detain as many muslims as he can. What unites these two factions is the unwavering assumption the president and the government each possess dark intentions for universal domination while sculpting events to form the motives no matter how ridiculous they might sound. Greenwald, beck and jones will continue instead of sticking with a reasonable to less pulse pounding debate based on empirical reality. Thank you, bob and the daily banter. [ applause ] there is another great piece in the daily beast. This will be interesting. They were talking about hillarys main challenge is going to come from the left. I can see that. Stephanie so can i. This will be our best chance to keep the white house ever. Who do you think would run . Stephanie andrew cuomo, omalley. Who is it . Peter of the daily beast that youre talking about because you know, well, it is a whole debate. The party has moved to the left. I think in a good way. But hillary is obviously known as centrist. Hes talking about on gay rights and other stuff, andrew cuomo has been very progressive. So i dont know. Well see. That was obviously the reason a lot of us went with obama the last time. He was seen as more to the left, right . Not that way. Not to be a republican. Not to be an obama basher. Stephanie right. Its okay. Were all about balance here. Thats why im a happy clappy obama apologist. It is all about balance. [ applause ] stephanie you had to agree with me. What would you two do . For gods sakes. Have you disappear into a cornfield. [ magic wand ] he wants to know if you knew that your shirt said im an ahole in japanese. Stephanie really . I dont know if hes joking or not. Stephanie it looks like im doing the show in my sports bra. That was his point, i think. Stephanie where is my yes man . Ill need my yes man for balance today, right . Yes, stephanie. Mamas right. Right again. Thanks, dennis. As usual. Absolutely, stephanie. Youre absolutely right. Stephanie i know. Youre right. Theyre wrong. Stephanie thats right. Thank you. All right. Thank you, yes man. 19 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer join the party, 1800steph12. c] current tv is the place for true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. My name is Stephanie Miller. My name is Stephanie Miller. Thats not my name. Stephanie 24 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Kids, sodastream, what does it make you think . Fun wow stephanie okay. Actually, the only noise it makes is shunk but then it is pure fun. There is no cleanup. All you do is you can fizz up all of your favorite summertime flavors, theyve got koolaid, country time lemonade, crystal light. Sparkling lemonade is awesome. Stephanie it transforms water actually, it was russian vodka. Stephanie no russian vodka you can use it as a mixer. Stephanie it makes fizzy soda. Thats less lugging, storing and disposing of bottles and cans. Fill up the bottle with cold water and carbonate and add your choice of soda flavor. You have fresh soda. It is environmentally friendly, not lugging the bottles and cans and all that there stuff. You can find the sodastream at over 15,000 retail stores. Go to sodastream. Com to find stephanie soda scream . Stephanie everywhere you shop for your kitchen, do it, sodastream. Com. I thought you were going to have screaming goats. Soda scream is what happens when you try to fizz up some wine. Stephanie carbonated wine, not so much. Computer says no. Didnt roland try to do that . Stephanie mmhmm. That went awry. As we say in the beverage business. You had a soda scream. Stephanie okay. All right. We were talking about the difference in tear irthreat to the bush and Obama Administrations and the big difference is dick cheney, a wellknown liar. [ ding ding ] [ applause ] of it. Stephanie it is genetic according to mamie in wyoming. Caller good morning. I thought i would let you know about dizzy liz cheney. Stephanie this is Serious Business in wyoming. She lied on her Fishing License. [ dramatic ] caller shes blaming the game and fish clerk that wrote her up. Stephanie he must have made some sort of error. Caller well, see, she bought a mansion, 1. 6 million in jackson hole. Daddys got a big multimillion dollar mansion on the snake river. And she thought she would pull a fast one, i guess with all of her money and her law degree so shes under investigation which tickles the heck out of me. Stephanie it is highlayerious. She has been a tenyear resident and it was only 72 days. Close enough. State law requires you to live there a year before you can become elgible for the license. Caller thats right. It is four to one republicans and enzi wasnt running, they would elect the old witch. Stephanie now, now because they take this serious out there, they should have a sign liz cheney, poacher, dont you think . Well, im sure the old man gets plenty of fish that he shouldnt get. Im sure. Thats beside the point. I tell ya, it is quite the family. I just dont understand. Stephanie thats the least of his war crimes, unfortunately, i guess. Caller i just thought i would let you know that dizzy liz is out here and shes trying to charm the people. Stephanie oh, boy. Shes nothing but charm. Thats a Charm Offensive there. Of course, cheney just shoots them in the face. Stephanie they apologize for getting in the way of the bullets. Stephanie liz cheney, poacher [ dramatic ] you make me dizzy lizy. Stephanie lets go to nikki in pensacola, florida. Hi, nikki. Caller hello. Stephanie go ahead. Caller okay. I read the article, too, from bob cesta. I agree absolutely completely 100 with that. The thing that bothers me with people like the two guys that you work with or work with you, is that theyre waiting on something to happen. You cant convince me unless something happens so when something happens and we didnt do or react to it the way we could have, then what . Stephanie yeah. Thats what i was saying. Im not saying theyre not issues we should look at. But thats exactly right. What has to happen. We have to have an actual attack. What wrote that piece about then watch where our Civil Liberties go. If there is another large scale attack here. So theres got to be some balance is all im saying between, you know, security and Civil Liberties. Okay. Then hes going to do the ben franklin. Dean obeidallah next on the Stephanie Miller show. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. How are you enjoying those sausage butts i gave you . Sausage flavored rubber. Stephanie overlooked a little bit. Im not making enough saliva. I had to spit it out. Stephanie im not making enough saliva to eat this. A compliment to my cooking. Heres the problem is cooking time coincides with cocktail hour and mama sometimes is not paying attention. Why do you foist the remnants on us . Stephanie you ate them. Youre like dogs, youll eat anything. I assumed it was somewhat edible. Stephanie you assumed wrong. I didnt eat the whole thing. Stephanie all right. That was gross. Stephanie all right. 34 minutes after the hour. You know, kids, mama is on cnn most days during my cocktail hour. Im not sure if i make sense but i know that Dean Obeidallah does who is often on with me. Comedian extraordinaire, Dean Obeidallah. Good morning, how are you . Stephanie im sober which is different. Sober . This time of the morning. I lost my bet. Okay. Stephanie we were talking about this yesterday. But Reince Priebus, jim Reince Priebus stephanie really is kind of unbelievable. You wrote a great piece at cnn. Com. The head of the rnc tries to bully the media. Is this all theyve got . This is it. I honestly theres some game Reince Priebus, whatever his name is trying to play. I dont know what it is. Because his letter gave your listeners, you said you discussed it yesterday. Nbc and cnn are developing projects about Hillary Clinton and he sent a letter to nbc and cnn saying if you dont pull these by august 14th which is a week from now, if you dont pull these, youre out of the republican debate. He doesnt really think theyre going to pull them by then. So the game is not that the game is to rally against the Mainstream Media and say look. Hes standing up to the liberals in the media. Thats what it is really about. It comes across as bullying to me or does he think stephanie by the way, by the way, some no name. Who is this hillary kid . I heard shes an upandcomer. Stephanie they might make her a household name as you write. That would be horrible. That would be horrible. I think shes i have to see a special. About that. Stephanie nbc and cnn have called his bluff. Your move, little man Reince Priebus. But i think, you know, youre right. It is such a ridiculous thing to even like sort of threaten like oh, were not going to were not going to give you any of our debates. Really . Who carries, right . I agree. To me, one of the most ridiculous but candid things he said was on our buddy Sean Hannitys show on monday night. He loves us both. So he said to hannity, these are his exact words. Said its time the rnc stands up to networks, not in the business of promoting our party and our candidates. Thats what he wants the media to be, promotion of their agenda. Like fox news, he wants everyone to be fox news. He said that on air. That should be the bigger story. Hes saying look, if youre going to be difficult to our candidates and ask duff questions and pit them against each other and do the gotcha questions, were not going to let our candidates be on the tv networks for the debates. But he should be above this. We should be picking the best person the republican and democrat. Stephanie you cant have people like Candy Crowley that are biased about things that are true or not. That would be bad. You cant be pro facts. You have to be pro republican. God forbid youre pro objectivity, journalism. Stephanie you opened the piece perfectly saying how can the leered of the Republican Party, the party that claims to be concerned about our freedom wants to limit freedom of the press. The other point you make, i guess he thinks theyll be gaudy infomercials for hillary. Nobody has even written them yet. Theyre, of course, going to be bad and good. The year before the election. Stephanie by the way, if theyre covering everything about the clintons, im sure hillary wont be thrilled with the whole monica section, right . Right. It is funny, the head of media matters, david brock is a big hillary supporter and came out saying i support Reince Priebus but for the opposite reasons, the reasons youre saying because theres no control by the Clinton Campaign over this for the mini series or special and it might show negative things they dont want to emphasize and the republicans will use those clips from the documentaries. Afraid that they might remind voters of troopergate, of whitewater and all of that just before the election. Yeah. So thats so it goes both ways. For nbc entertainment, it is purely for ratings. It is in the entertainment division. Diane lane is going to play Hillary Clinton and that kind of stuff and you know, kind of cool. For hillary, i think. Who would play you, stephanie . Thats the question. A movie about you . Stephanie i guess monica. Monica lewinsky could clearly play me. Im hoping John Fuglesang would play me. I would be goodlooking. Oh, look at that. Hes goodlooking. Stephanie you make a good point. We allow our freedom of media to be politicized. The dmc issued a similar threat to any network saying theyre going to air a Chris Christie documentary, you say i would be opposed to that, too. The point is it is ridiculous to send letters threatening Major Networks from airing something, right . It is. And of course, the article my article got a lot of comments because it is polarizing but why republicans and i try to make it when i attacked Reince Priebus at the top, i knew i was opening the door to this. We shouldnt politicize this because if the dnc said if you put that show on, were not going to let you sponsor our debates. That is a clear chewing effect on the free press. And the idea that the media should not put content they want on. We should be outraged. When i pitched the article, i really wanted to be called for everyone on the media to say this is outrageous, youve overspent stepped your bounds. Instead, immediately, the right defends him and then it becomes instantly partisan. It shouldnt be. This really should be freedom of the press, apart from anything else. Stephanie i love your advice. You say nbc and cnn should not buckle to the rncs attempt to silence content. They should produce another Hillary Clinton programs, maybe a reality show or a series simply called hillary. And you say fox news is free to air dancing with the marco rubios so there is all balance. You know what i love . Republicans sending me hate mail. Why dont you like it . Thats not what this is about. I said thats what it is. Of course, i usually get emails from republicans all in caps for some reason. Im not sure why theyre always capitalized. Stephanie caps are always stuck on rightwingers keyboards. Im impressed they have a computer. It might be dialup or atari you can have a keyboard connected to. Stephanie the biggest affront from Reince Priebus is we were bumped from cnn last night because of Erin Burnetts interview from Reince Priebus. So right there [ buzzer ] ive been mad about getting bumped. I was pro democracy in greece until that Democracy Movement not greece, in turkey when the people were protesting then we get bumped from the show. You know what . Im not for the freedom anymore. Im against it. Stephanie screw them. Theyre affecting our airtime. Screw them. Ive become antitornado. I wasnt pro tornado. Stephanie were antinews because it is news to bump us. Thats a good point. Stephanie why cant the world settle down . Settle down we dont need any sort of breaking news. We need our own tv show where we bump any news stuff. Just like me and you talking and we can have john on and hal. Stephanie there you go. Our own little bubble. All right, honey, see you in the tv machine. Hopefully. Thanks for having me. [ applause ] must have been Reince Priebus. Stephanie im surprised he didnt call with that authoritative voice of his instead of writing a letter. They probably promised not to do it to stop having to hear that voice. Oh, god, please it is like a dentist drill. Okay well cancel the hillary thing nick in new york on the troll line. Hello, nick. Caller how you doing . Stephanie good. Caller i was just you know, i turned you on and i saw that you were doing a little comparison between bush and cheney and bush and obama. But look, theyre both liars. Unfortunately, you dont want to admit that obama is a liar. Stephanie what has obama lied about . Caller number one, he swore the largest legislation or the most important legislation of the modern era, healthcare, he said that cspan was going to be in the rooms was going to be total transparency so that the people can understand whats going on with the bill. That did not happen. Eight times at least, he said to the media that he was going to ask cspan and you have cspan on. Stephanie so we didnt debate the healthcare law. Caller it never happened. Stephanie we werent debating about that. Caller the democrats who even voted for the bill, nobody even knows whats going on. Clyburn even said read the bill . Im not reading the bill. It was 1200 pages. Stephanie so whats your main no transparency. Stephanie so the Bush Administration lied us into an unnecessary war that killed thousands and thousands of people. Caller well, let me get into that. So youre telling me stephanie lets get into that. Caller tony blair who is left of the bushes and obama Stephanie George bushs putin. Caller Tony Blair Stephanie im glad we flushed out the troll line so that the king of the trolls, billy from texas can call in now. Gol, ive missed him since i dont know when, yesterday. Hi, billy in texas. I dont know if you hate yourself or not. Phones to get his pants in a wad smokes funny cigarettes two hours, hes been on hold because his right wing is getting old hes a man who means to troll king of the trolls traitor stephanie all right, thank you, Rocky Mountain mike. All right. That was like throwing chum in the water for billy to call now. Stop giving him jingles. The lines are open, billy. Stephanie 45 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer theres a tea party in her pants and youre invited. Call now, 1800steph12. This show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. Are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night . Is this personal or is it political . A lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them, right . Vo the war room tonight at 6 eastern current tv is the place for true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Note they call me her they call me her they call me jane thats not my name thats not my name thats not my name thats not my name stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. 50 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12. Hello. Oh, mike writes hey, troll, the healthcare bill has been online for four years. Any idiot could read it if they wanted to. Jacki tweeted the president i somehow did not the revolution was televised as it happened. Stephanie i did not feel the need to argue with the troll. Im not arguing arguing withu about that. Im not argue with you about that. Stephanie all right. Okay. I was never going to live that down. Joe versus the volcano. Stephanie because we started the show, we were talking about, you know, do i even need to say there is a huge difference between the Bush Administration and Obama Administration in terms of fearmongering and exaggerating threats or whatever. The president , of course, was on leno last night. Obama it is significant enough that were taking every precaution. We had already done a lot to bolster Embassy Security around the world but especially in the middle east, north africa where the threats tend to be highest. Whenever we see a threat stream that we think is specific enough that we can take some specific precautions within a certain timeframe, we do so. It doesnt sound as much fun as sodastream. It doesnt go shunk. Well, it might but then before something blows up. Put the thing in the tube. The grenade in the tube as it launches. Stephanie you mean like they used to put like a bazooka. Stephanie right, okay. All right. Thats not fun. Wow, at all. A different kind of wow entirely. Im sure sodastream does not want to be associated with that. Well fix it in post. So before you call and go, because obama said it, not bush. Yes, yes, yes okay . Bill in pennsylvania, youre on the the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, bill. Caller hi. First time caller, love the show. Et cetera, et cetera. Stephanie blah, blah, blah. Go ahead. Caller i heard your conversation earlier in the show about the terror alerts. And i just find it hard to believe with the timing of these that it cant be somehow political decision theyve made. I mean if this is not political stephanie if we were in the Bush Administration, i would say why yes, they just did that last week. We were in an orange terror alert. The fact is the Obama Administration has not im just saying look at what happened have happened if something happened at one of the embassies, the right has taken a brief pause in screaming about benghazi, they would start all over again. Wouldnt that be the time to say okay, these are the precautions we took and we did everything we could to make sure that Something Like this didnt happen and it still happened. Stephanie how do you win when youve got a Rick Santorum on meet the press this weekend, ready to say oh, well, we had to do this because the president is so weak on terror. Hes so weak on alqaeda. This is whats happened. You cant win, right . Which is it . Caller let me make my final point. I dont disagree with you. In that regard. But i just feel the Bigger Picture is that every time we have a terror alert, every time we publicize that we are closing embassies because of this or that or the other thing which i dont think first of all has to be publicized. Stephanie this is the first time under the Obama Administration. Caller i understand. And recently with this. I just feel as though every time Something Like that happens, the terrorists are winning. Theyre putting a fear in our hearts and a fiche in our government. A fear in our government. Stephanie i take your point on that. My point, when you have the director of Homeland Security, tom ridge, admitting in his book that he exaggerated Homeland Security terror ratings for political reasons because he was asked to, you know, to me, that says everything you need to know. But i get what youre saying. Once again, where is the line between security and the terrorists winning if you want to put it that way. Lisa in houston. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hey, stephanie, how are you doing . Im kind of piggybacking on what you said. I also want to make a point that we need to stop doing. People need to stop comparing barack obama to george bush. And leave it there. Lets take it on over to the clinton administration. We dont want to touch bill. But lets not forget we had more embassies blown up during his administration because they did not take it seriously. Remember, bin laden started and alqaeda started in of africa, there were 4,000 people injured and over 200 killed and nobody paid any attention. We had the u. S. S. Cole and people ignored it. Now, remember, september 11th stephanie thats the other thing is ive said is you cannot tell me things have been politicized as much as they are now for exactly the reason youre saying. Weve said it before. The number of People Killed in embassies while george bush was in office. Was this ever a news story . Benghazi has been on 24 7. Caller youre right. See, the thing that i get angry about, nobody gives barack obama as much credit as he should get for getting rid of bin laden. Look what he did 4,000 people injured, 3,000 plus People Killed over here. We still have 1100 families cannot go and kneel down and pray to their loved ones or they cant put them on a they cant find them. So when you look at that stuff, you said look, mr. President , this is your first time. It is not like hes done it 100 times. If you need to close the embassies to save one life, do you that and we ought to be saying bravo. Because it doesnt make any sense. I want stephanie it also goes against their narrative. The president has tried to obviously they have tried to find out what went wrong in benghazi and address it for the future. They do obviously instead of politicizing it, they want to figure i think try to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. We need to just kind of sit back and say you know what . We are in a country not just in drone time but all time that people always come at us. And we need to just be safe. So those people who dont believe it, go on the benghazi and go on to egypt but if you get captured, dont ask us to spend money to come and get you. Stephanie call me. You can talk to the hand. Talk to the hand when you get captured and wherever. The president last night. Broome it is a re broome it is a reminder getting bin laden, putting afghanistan and pakistan back on its heels that, this radical, violent extremism is still out there. And weve got to stay on top of it. Stephanie if i had any kind of prank sense of humor, i would ask travis to get lisas number and i would call her and collect call, help, ive been captured. [ whatever ] stephanie never mind. Computer says no. Stephanie what did i tell her last week, travis . I said no, do not call me. All right. 58 minutes after the hour. Hal sparks is on his way in. Hump days with hal in hour number two today. He has a thing with a guy later. So we will see him in a couple of minutes as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme ] stephanie okay, hour number two. Hump days with sexy liberal hal sparks who will be in a moment. Jacki schechner. Yes . Stephanie this is the time during the show when we take care of our personal business. Okay. Stephanie you emailed me i didnt call you back. I called you back. Ity not call me back. Stephanie when did you call me . You were making lamb or Something Like that on the grill and then you said you would call me back and i never heard from you again. Stephanie oh, god, okay. That must be why she left the sausages on the grill too long. She gave us the dry ends. Stephanie you win that round. Ill call you right after the show. I curled up in the fetal position. It was very traumatic. Stephanie waiting until just this top of the hour. [ magic wand ] im just saying public apology goes a long way. Stephanie still my bff, here she is in the current news center. Good morning, everybody. As stephanie mentioned, the big news this hour is that president obama has canceled his plans to meet with russian president Vladimir Putin next month. He will still travel to st. Petersburg for the g20 economic summit but will not be heading to moscow for the planned one on one. The if the will add a stop in sweden instead. Already frustrated with russias stance on Missile Defense and on human rights issues, the president also not pleased with its recent decision to grant asylum to nsa leaker Edward Snowden, something he explained to jay leno last night. Obama there have been times where they slip back into the cold war thinking and cold war mentality. What i consistently say to them and what i say to president putin is thats the past. That was them in happier times apparently. We havent covered this story much but the Cleveland House where ariel castro held three young women captive for a decade has now been destroyed. A contractor tore down that structure this morning at no cost. Castro who has been sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years had to sign over the deed to the Cleveland House as part of his plea deal. One of the three women she abducted, Michelle Knight watched it come down this morning holding yellow balloons in honor of other missing children. Cnn is reporting this morning that federal officials have filed the first criminal charges in the case of who attacked our consulate in benghazi last year. But the u. S. Has not yet made any official announcement and no one has yet been detained. The only named suspect cnn reveals is libyan militant abu and he admits to being at the consulate on september 11th, he denies involvement in the attack. Were back with more show after the break. Stay with us. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. Its a Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Six minutes after the hour. Prepare to be jingled. Stephy. Stephanie whats that heavy breathing i hear . The humpty dance, do the hump stephanie hump days with hal sparks. Yes, yes hal feels so good to be here for sausage fest 2013. Yes, sausage butts available for a limited time only. Stephanie would you like one . No. Stephanie who would like a singed sausage butt. I seriously was not making enough saliva. You could break the window with one of these. Stephanie good morning, hal sparks. I think your discussion of it stopped people from producing saliva all over the country. You could hear the sound of mouths drying up. Stephanie i apologize to the entire country for my cooking. Can we move on . Hal no, we cannot. The stars remain. Stephanie we opened the show, we were talking about this whole bob cesta wrote a piece in the daily banter about how the fringes of the right and left are meeting in terms of greenwald, beck, alex jones saying all of the same i was saying this there is a big difference to me between the bush and Obama Administration. The Bush Administration fearmongerred and used politically tried to scare us over and over and over and particularly iraq is a huge thing we have to remember. This is the first time hes closed embassies. He didnt close the embassies before. Hal the ones in the danger zones he opened quicker than the ones in the safer zones. They have bigger security details. They can handling the security threats sooner and they have the actual facility and the equipment and the personnel to do it whereas the place stephanie my point is im sorry you about of but Glen Greenwald, it is like oh yes, the president did it just because of you. Just to show you. Really . I dare say the president has access to more information than even Glen Greenwald. Hal i would beg to differ. I think Glen Greenwald has a lot of facts in his head that none of us have access to. [ laughter ] it is kind of amazing. My thing about especially when it comes to, you know, nsa, c. I. A. Or even to some degree, some fbi stuff is that especially in ongoing investigations, there is a reasonable expectation of secrecy. You want to talk about reasonable doubt, there is a reasonable expectation of secrecy within when youre carrying out covert operations. So this idea that somehow while these bills like the patriot act and element of what the nsa is doing needs oversight, the idea well have open hearings about it or that there was a big report in i want to say it was the Washington Post but there was this it was an article saying that the certain congressmen are being rebuffed from their requests about information on certain programs like well, theyre not on the intelligence committee. They havent been vetted. They dont do the process. There is a reason why there is a hierarchical way. You cant be just like a one term and learn everything and get out because of redistricting. It is just not going to hand out information. You cant get all of it without going through proper channels so this idea that youre going to walk in and go i need do know everything the nsa is doing. Ive been here six weeks. It is just absurd. Stephanie al franken, no rightwinger made this point. He said if everyone sees everything i see, then guess what, the terrorists see it, too. Hal exactly. There is an element of there is a balance of free press and how much information you give out and at a certain point where youre giving out where troop position are and who your covert agents in the field are. Stephanie here is geraldo to draw our true positions in the sand. Heres where our guys are. Oops, i probably shouldnt have done that. Stephanie by the way, here is anotherselfy of me. Hi, camilla. Caller i have a friend stationed in qatar, i want him to be overly cautious. When it comes to these peoples lives, be overly cautious. Close those embassies. These countries that are supposed to stephanie camilla, can you believe the same people screaming about benghazi endlessly are going oh see, the president s weak so he had to close the embassy. What . Caller i know. Louis gohmert should be the one to stand guard at the embassies. Hes so quick to be like you know what . We look like wimps. You go and stand guard. When the rockets are raining down on us. Stephanie because you know, youre right, we want you on that wall, louis. We should give him one of the funny Buckingham Palace hats. Deep down in places you dont talk about parties. You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. Stephanie all right. The president last night. Obama private capital should take a bigger role in the mortgage market. Stephanie wait a minute. Nine. The president talking about the nsa. Obama we dont have a domestic spying program. What we do have are some mechanisms where we can track a phone number or an email address that we know is connected to some sort of terrorist threat and that information is useful. But there is that big facility in utah that will be sucking up everything. Again, all of the things the nsa is sucking up in this big hard drive that theyre talking about, this enormous filtering system is the only difference between it and yahoo , google, dotmac, the twitter server, the facebook servers is that it does all of them at once instead of each individual corporation doing them all because they all store them, they all store them forever so they can search them later. They do it so that you can recover and anybody who works there, anybody who works there doesnt have to do anything even the stuff that snowden had to do to get access to it. To get access to it. Anybody who works at facebook can gaze freely upon anything in the server. Stephanie plus, i love our caller was talking about people like louie gohmert. I love the whole like oh, i thought we had defeated alqaeda. It is a little complicated there are gray areas. State department spokesman. Afghanistan and pakistan is on the path to defeat but we have consistently expressed a concern about affiliates and this is an example of that. Heres a great example. If one of the ways that these guys recruit and gain ground as far as legitimacy in their fight against the u. S. And in western powers in general is successful attacks. And so if you dont if theres even the lowlying players managed to pull off Something Like benghazi because security wasnt up, then they use it as a recruitment tool. They use it to show theyre off the groundment to lower recruitment to keep them back to make them not have the little victories, do you these draw lines to protect yourself. Now, you know, im one of the people who thinks that the nsa came out puffing their feathers really big on this one. So while i think it was legitimate, i also think the nsa, because theyve been underfire lately, used it as kind of a a p. R. Puff piece to come out. This is what the nsa does. We protect the American People from the dangers of blah, blah, blah. What it looked like was me thinks my lady does protest too much. It looks like they were using it as a tool. That raises everybodys belief it might have been constructed. Stephanie chris . Dont suggest that to representative adam schiff because youll get smacked down. We had him on earlier this weekend. Stephanie his eyes got bigger than usual. He said how dare you suggest a conspiracy like that. Hal the nsa makes people think conspiracy. Stephanie the truth is somewhere in between. Trisha in spokane, youre on with hal. Hi, trisha. Caller hi, stephanie. Im just kind of disgusted right now because when the Bush Administration was telling everybody were on this alert or orange alert or whatever color they were coming up with, they never gave us any instruction on what we were supposed to do. All they said was be afraid. Now, the Obama Administration is taking action on intelligence that theyve gotten. I dont know if i agree with it or not but at least theyre taking action and not just telling us to be frightened. Stephanie exactly. I think we got numb to it during the bush years. You know when the country is openly joking about stuff. Are we orange today . Hal yeah, thats the issue is that these are simple, mechanical things that a large government without posts and a lot of Different Countries where theyve people in the field, especially after Something Like benghazi goes these are our new stepped up rules. Maybe before, we wouldnt have said this qualifies as a reason to shut down these embassies or these bases. And in this case, it does. Because it is lesson learned. Stephanie senator mccain. We now know that alqaeda isnt nearly as splintered as we had believed in the past. They can still take orders from leadership and theyre awfully smart people. Stephanie hes on his honeymoon with Lindsey Graham in egypt. We wish them well. [ applause ] stephanie how many bugs john mccain has had to kill for southern bell Lindsey Graham . Ooh, eek hal when hes talking about how smart they are and how splintered they arent, you dont have to be that together to carry out the level or kind of attacks that alqaeda is known forker that these splinter groups it really isnt a Hannibal Lecterish great criminal mindset that is required to put guy in car, strapped with bombs, trunk full of gasoline, drive at the biggest open hole in town. And eat his liver. Stephanie right. Hal thats the issue. As much as they want to again, i think thats more like the scare tactic they use for justification. It always comes across like that. The reality is yes, there are consistent dangers but they arent this isnt like crashing the stock market which is or electronic attacks that the chinese have been doing. Thats highend stephanie domestic sabotage, the republicans are pretty much on that. All right. 17 minutes after the hour. We continue hump days with hal on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer call stephanie now, shes easy 1800steph12 the war room. Compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws, our death toll is just staggering. The young turks. The top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. Theres just no justice in that. Viewpoint. Carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. Hes garunteeing it. Joy behar say anything. Is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the n word . Yes only on current tv. Current tv is the place for true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Pleased to meet you oh, yeah stephanie oh, yeah. 22 minutes after the hour. Jim ward on air guitar. Someone sent me a picture of the old homeland advisory system. Looks exactly like the gay pride flag. Just saying. Tom ridge. Im just thinking if things are calm, it is like periwinkle, are you guys with me . [ magic wand ] when it is a severe warning, maybe there is like ooh, candy cane red. Barbarian are you suggesting tom rim is a homo . Stephanie no. Someone sent me both of them. Level of chartreuse. Barbarians at the gate who need disciplining. Burnt sienna. Wonderful burnt umber is when you know it is serious. Stephanie or when you know what color bone white is. Look at you, marcus. Hello, chris in phoenix. Caller good morning. Just wanted to point out one difference between the nsa database and google, so forth. Google cant come to my door with information and throw me in prison. The u. S. Government can. Stephanie unless youre buying a pressure cooker. Caller very funny. Hal to some degree, if there is knowledge of a crime or whatever, it is an easily discoverable thing through them. And everybody whos working there, while they cant, for example, come to your door with their own guns, can easily make a phone call that directly leads to that act fairly quickly. Can they not . I agree with that. Hal whats the difference between arguably, right now, if you look at it in sort of as a metaphor, google, yahoo , all of the main hotmail, all of the big Server Companies are effectively nonoathtaking you know, contractors of the nsa right now. Because essentially, if youre busing all of that stuff through one conduit and bottlenecking it through the nsa, it is still in that open space, controlled in exactly the same way by people who dont take an oath who have no direct protection that you have. By the way, while they cant send cops to your door, they can absolutely link your accounts to other place without your knowledge or just using the fine print in your agreement that youve typed into to send it to Credit Companies that can eliminate your ability to get a loan. They can tie it to the way they do with advertising, you know. Anything you mention in your email starts showing up in ads on every site you go to. So there is an element of you know, it is like the government is putting people on the roofs with telescopes to look at people in parks. Like the people are in the park. There is a slight difference with the media that way versus a letter written. Stephanie weve been talking about the difference between terror alerts and the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration. I had seen this in awhile. Everybody forgot this is the Homeland Security advisory system was red. Severe risk of terrorist attacks. Orange was high. We never know of knew what it meant or what we were supposed to do. Dreamsicle. Cream single. Oh, no, were on cream sickle. Stephanie yellow was be afraid. Frozen banana. Run. Stephanie blue was guarded. Meaning general risk. Elevated to yellow was significant risk. Guarded was a general risk and green was the low. Heres the thing. In a country this size with as many outposts as we have and as many countries as we have, when would it ever get below blue . I asked that earlier. Hal exactly. Stephanie we were just like the no color. Could that be . Was there ever a time . Were in beige. Hal are we talking about white in the paint version, lack of pigment or the light version of white which includes all of them. The white spectrum of light including all of the elements. Stephanie was orange the new black then or is only who knows. Hal isnt that the name of a sean hannity book about the Obama Presidency . Stephanie ron in chicago, youre on with hal. Caller good morning, stephanie. I wanted to give you guys some praise because ive gone back and forth about being a liberal, conservative and whatever but i give you guys a lot of credit because when i listen to you guys, especially when you talk about the war on terror, counterinsurgencies and stuff like that, you guys really stephanie uhoh. I think he was going to Say Something good about us. Go ahead, ron. Hes gone. Hal call back, ron. The nsa intercepted that phone call. Stephanie because hes a veteran and im right about everything. Thank you, ron. Someone will call me a neocon on twitter. I just know it. Hal there just seems to be when you do hear the polarized sides of this conversation is that theres either no threat whatsoever and everything the government does is an absolute lie or hide in your house and tin tinfoil up the windows because theyre everywhere. Any time you have a conversation that balances the two, youre a traitor to one side or the other. Stephanie thats why im glad youre here today because not only were we talking about the bob piece about this far left and far right coming together, i think it will be interesting in 2016, i want your take on this. Peter barnhart wrote a piece in the daily beast. Hillary clintons challenge will come from the left. Im curious what you think is going to happen. Alan grayson . No. Hal i disagree. I think arguably, obama will look to the right of her as shes coming in to office to some degree. If she has anything theyre going to the secretary of state aspect and how well she did as secretary of state will actually stephanie she is a centrist is what people are saying. Our party has moved his point is to the left. Theyre saying although few would are predicted it in 1992, shes become the symbol of centrism. Obama was perceived to the left of her which is why a lot of us supported him over her in the primary. Shes going to have to navigate political winds because, as usual, a lot on the left, we could hurt her chances of, you know, of taking the white house. Theyre saying that because people are going to run to the left of her whether it is andrew cuomo or Elizabeth Warren and other names being tossed around. Throw a couple of points out at you. Get your take of whats going to happen in 2016. 29 minutes after the hour. Were in the midst of in the hump of hump days with hal. Well continue humping after this. It is a fat sized hump. Made of fat and baby wipes. Stephanie it is made of sexiness and brain cells. Hal thank you. Stephanie back with hal on the Stephanie Miller show. To the fire. Are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night . Is this personal, or is it political . A lot of my work happens by doing the things that im given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. In reality its not like they actually care. This is purely about political grandstanding. Ive worn lots of hats, but ive always kept this going. Ive been doing politics now for a dozen years. vo hes been called the epic politics man. Hes Michael Shure and his arena is the war room. These republicans in congress that think the world ends at the Atlantic Ocean border and Pacific Ocean border. The bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. I do a lot of looking at those people as well. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them right . Cenk off air alright in 15 minutes were going to do the young turks i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv vo current tv is the place for compelling true stories. kaj jack, how old are you . Nine. adam this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Way inside. christoff were patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. adam were going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. Lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. This crop to me is my livelihood. Im being violated by the health care system. christoff we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. vo from the underworld, to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Occupy we will have class warfare. vo true stories, current perspective. Documentaries. On current tv. Smart idea considering how trampy you get when youve had a few. Stephanie it is the the Stephanie Miller show. 3 had minutes after the hour. 34 minutes after the hour. This hour brought to you by carbonite. Carbonite online backup what i use to keep things safe at home. I have carbonite business, right . It is the perfect backup for all of the computers in your Small Business. If you run a Small Business or work for one, you know how important your computer files are for your business. That is carbonite business. Check it out. Unlike the old way of backing up external hard drives, cds, dvds zip drives. Stephanie thats old. Carbonite business gives you automatic and continual backup. It is easy, quick to set up and affordable for the cost of a nice business lunch, you can back up all of your Business Computers for the entire year. Dont wait, get started right now. Go to carbonite. Com and type in my offer code stephanie. No credit card required. You bet two free bonus months. Do it now. Before you have a computer virus and an accidental deletion, whatever. You drop your zip drive in the toilet. Stephanie splash. Carbonite. Com, offer code is stephanie. In the midst of hump days with hal, getting your take on this whole we were just saying that obviously a lot of leftright debate over nsa. Peter barnhart wrote a piece in the daily beast i was asking you about Hillary Clintons big challenge in 2016 will come from the left. Im to the left of hillary on some things but im going if we screw up our chances of keeping the white house, when the Republican Party is a mess right now, dont you think . Really, im going to be pissed. Hal you know, i think the group on the left, she would have a real problem with is the same group that ironically folds over on the right as far as what they are willing to do, ideologically to get certain results. And i think a good example is when were talking about the when the president was dealing with Unemployment Insurance and the extension, the 13month extension and trying to keep people afloat during that time and people were saying it is not worth it if we do the 2 2 Social Security the 2 Social Security drawback or a Corporate Tax benefit or any of the things that were happening as a compromise, they were saying dont do it no matter what. The people on the right were saying we dont want the 13month extension. We dont think people deserve unemployment. To hell with them. We want to get what we want to get. On the far left, you ended up having this thing, we dont want them to get what they want so badly that to hell with the people who need the 13month extension. Both groups are logical to sacrifice the same people for a different ideological end but the result is ultimately the same. Stephanie it was interesting. We all did a lot of antiwar stuff during the bush years. They just invited me to speak at veterans for peace. I thought i wonder if some people will call me a neocon because i dont think snowden is a hero and yada, yada. Interesting, just some stuff on the daily beast, he talks about on iraq, which proved disaster for hillary in 2008. Democratic tempers have cooled. Every other major issue from gun control to immigration to gay rights to financial regulation, the debate has shifted left. I would argue that. Although i think we were right on those issues. It is true the Republican Party has clearly gone far right. But the Democratic Party hes pointing out is also shifted to the left since clinton was in office last time. Hal i think shy of the back story of the iraq war, she wont have a problem running on any of those even to the left of where shes perceived to be now. I dont think it will be a problem including financial regulations and stephanie he says it is likely to keep shifting left. One reason is the end, at least politically of the war on terror which embowdenned democrats to emboldened democrats. It talks about Younger Voters critical of government snooping. Hillary will start the process saddled with votes on the patriot act harder to defend than they were a decade ago and opponents will try to make her pay. He makes larger point, the second reason the democratic debate is moving left is that democrats no longer fear republicans. Hillary came of age in the 70s and 80s when nixon taught an entire generation about the perils of appearing too liberal. Appearing too weak on terror. Todays democrats see the g. O. P. As clinging to a shrinking and aging white anglo base less able to win national elections. Theyre no longer concerned about hugging the center. Which i think is true. The debate has changed. His point is he says potential hillary rivals like andrew cuomo, Martin Omalley are pushing the boldest pro gun control agendas they can dream up. In doing so, they hope their aggressive lib berallism will make the baby boomers look timid and calculating, the same contrast obama managed to paint in 2008. Hal interestingly enough, i think if you look at the if youre going to talk about straight up polarization, no one on the left youre talking about who believes deeply in these bills and in these concepts that theyre attempting to push would shut down the government to do them. They would find legitimate legislative avenues, would find legitimate legal avenues, would work the bully pulpit because the public has shifted that way. The republican side right now is lock arms and hold a wall and never none shall pass is the essential black knight. None shall pass. Stephanie we brought up Elizabeth Warren. Were obviously Elizabeth Warren fans as well. Theyre talking about the democratic debate moving left because the deficit is going down. Thats whats like when the republicans keep screaming about the deficit, youre like that is untrue. Going down and down and down. Hal it was on two days ago talking about it. Stephanie theyre main talking point is it says uber liberals like cuomo and warren will find it easier to offer big ambitious spending proposals and budget balancing may be less in demand. He finishes by saying in 2016, hillarys left wing challenger may prove stronger if her name is Elizabeth Warren. Then again, hill i have a better politician than gore. Theyre talking about the whole gore bradley thing. Then again, hill i have a better politician than gore with a more loyal team. At this ridiculously early juncture, it seems like hillary would be able to ride out her partys lurch to the left. More dangerous would be to force her into an election against Chris Christie. Somebody said if ted cruz is the nominee, hillary carries georgia. Of. [ laughter ] hal thats absolutely true. Or rand paul for that matter. Stephanie it will depend on the lurch of the Democratic Party. Hal a lot of people think the salvaging of the Republican Party leans in it being a libertarian party. Rand paul is betting on that. Hes making it a libertarian party. Stephanie between the g. O. P. Establishment and neocons and the Libertarian Tea Party contingent now. Until they figure out the libertarians dont believe in fire departments. Hal or governing period. There are people who dont believe in government who want to get into the government. Stephanie theres a fire. Theres fire. Never mind. Shut it down. Meanwhile, im supposed to trust you to run it. That part boggles the mind. Yet thats what theyre really running on this time. The secure districts, you know, are getting more and more extreme unfortunately. Stephanie bill clinton will not touch the weiner as you can imagine. [ nbc nightly news ] the big dog is not biting on the new york city mayoral race. Former president bill clinton said he has five friends runnerring for new york mayor. There are six people running. Stephanie the feelings i have all are personal and since they are, i shouldnt talk about them. Stephanie im guessing privately, hes had some thoughts about anthony weiner. Lively dinnertime conversation at the clinton house. I look pretty good compared to him. Stephanie hillary has found it a laugh riot. Shes like this is just fabulous [ laughter ] not so much. Stephanie no. By the way, would you like the fun facts, mediaite, anthony weiner. Sidney leathers has published a guide to seducing politicians. Just in time. Hal it is easier than you think. Ordinary politicians can be so complicated but now with the stephanie dying to text your sext your first politician but dont know how to get started . Anthony weiners sexting partner sidney leathers has entered the advice industry publishing ten secrets to seducing politicians. By the way, she had thoughts. Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or doing porn make someone a bad person . Give me a break. Im not a war criminal. I enjoy my sexuality. That doesnt make me anything other than what i am. A young woman who is enjoying her life to the fullest and going on plenty of adventures with willing partners. Hal adventures. Stephanie youre not a war criminal but i would say slut. Hes married what . Shes a slut look at her slut hal i think there is a difference between sex positive feminism and open sexuality and then just kind of yeah, with married men and being very obvious about it. To some degree, it is like okay, if you cant be overt about it then you cant claim that overt act is your mainstay. You cant pat yourself on the back. Stephanie here are some highlights of her guide to seducing a politician. Number one, keep a straight face like anthony would thank me every time he had an orgasm. At least hes polite. Did she go youre welcome. Oh, my god. Stephanie who thanks someone after an orgasm . That makes me like him a little more. Did he make her she got her conclusion as well . Stephanie i dont think he cares. Of course not. Hes a pig. Stephanie but he did thank her. Thanks. Hal how do you say that . Thank you. Stephanie youre welcome. Heres a mint. Thank you. After you. Stephanie polite chipmunk in bed. After you. Oh, no. You first. Thank you stephanie with a politician, you have to remember, she writes, youre probably not going to get money. Youre in it for the thrill of it. Because in congress, theyre used to asking for money. It is all just for the thrill of having sex with anthony weiner. Okay. The thrill of victory. Stephanie dont be too proud for selfies. The best way to compliment on a penis shot, ive been waiting for this advice my whole life. Be really specific. Not just length but girth and everything, really be specific. Huh . Wow. Stephanie oh, thats so wow. That reminds me of my favorite balloon animal i saw once what . What . That reminds me of something stephanie tried to force upon us this morning. Hal in tupperware. Stephanie wow. That vein is great. That part of it. Okay. Make sure you keep up with his career. Set up a google alert on his name then when you talk or sext, mention tidbits about what theyve done because politicians love that. He was really having an orgasm over himself. Hal i notice youve been in the press a lot. Stephanie that thing i said on fox. Thank you. I was thinking of you when i said it. Stephanie say it again that thing i said on fox. Thank you. And actually have a life. Although to be quite honest when we were talking and sexting multiple times a day, i did end up planning my days around him. Pathetic but at least he never knew this. Shes deactivated her Facebook Page since meeting weiner through the social media site. It is trouble. I could have told her that source of all evil. [ applause ] hal spinal tap. Stephanie how specific can you be about penises . Pretty specific. You can be pretty specific. Stephanie theyre like snowflakes. Theyre all unique and special. [ magic wand ] stephanie theyre all unique and magical. They melt. When things get cold stephanie wow, that is magical. [ hypnotic ] ive never seen hold still, im sketching. Like the titanic only weirder. 47 minutes after the hour. That was a hillary laugh. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ laughter ] announcer join the party. 1800steph12. Youve heard stephanies views. No bs, authentic, the real thing. Now, lets hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to Stephanie Miller. The only thing that can save america now current television. Join the debate now. You know who is coming on to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. Laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the Ten Commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Youre a fine girl my life, my lover, my lady wow, really . Thats it. All right. Hey, whatever floats your boat. Oh, god. Stephanie 52 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number. Hump day with sexy liberal hal sparks continues. Jay in virginia, youre on with hal. Hello, jay. Caller hello. Stephanie how are you enjoying that governors race there . Caller in virginia . Yeah. Caller oh, man, it is a joke. Stephanie i assume youve stopped having oral and anal sex. Based on his instructions. Hal for safety sake in case he sends cops to your door. What are you doing in there . Are there two separate Police Forces there . Anal and oral . Caller i dont think so. Stephanie you have to quickly switch positions. Go ahead, jay. I apologize. Hal let jay talk. Caller you know, were talking about a man that spent millions of our tax dollars to go after the university of virginia because they think that we might have climate warming, Global Climate warming. Virginia is like north carolina. North carolina is reverting back to a i dont know. A state of idiots. And it is a shame. Stephanie by the way, is transvaginal bob your current governor, is he going in the hole . What are you hearing . This may turn into ironically, for Ken Cuccinelli being his lieutenantgovernor. This investigation may turn criminal, right . Right. You know, hes another one. He came from Pat Robertsons university, wasnts graduate of one of those . That dont believe in science once again . It is a whole our state, you know, unfortunately, our state stephanie i heard Ken Cuccinelli ironically could get caught up in the bob odonnell Bob Mcdonnell gave the money back last week. Stephanie he can talk to people in prison about how bad anal sex is. Hal right. Once you walk lets say you rob a bank at gunpoint and walk the money back in last week saying the cops are on my trail, here, you can have your money back. It doesnt undo the crime before. You still you might get a pat on the back from the Community Going that was nice of you to return the funds once you realized you were in trouble. Sort of. Stephanie here is the rolex. Sorry. By the way, i mentioned john mccain and Lindsey Graham on their honeymoon and each very excited, very happy for them both. [ magic wand ] very, very magical. They arrived in egypt together. Aww. Did they tour the pyramids . Ride together on a camel . Stephanie they had giddyup stephanie one hump or two, john . Okay. Kids, they had too many messages, the removal of president morsi was a military coup. Morsi was egyptian leader . Weird. Stephanie they want an enclusive process to play out. Here is grasp grampy. We also urge the release of political prisoners. We also urge a National Dialogue that is inclusive of parties including the Muslim Brotherhood and at the same time, we expect the Muslim Brotherhood to refrain from violence. Stephanie okay. This was not a military coup. It was a Peoples Movement that military aided. Okay. I love lindsey wellknown Southern Belle Lindsey Graham said in a democracy, you have to sit down and talk to each other. How you skedaddle back here and try that here hal actually talking. It wont happen. Stephanie traipse, whatever you do lindsey. Look at me, im riding a camel stephanie by the way, i love this. After a few minutes, much of the question and answer session appeared lost in translation as they pressed the Senior Citizens on their definition of a coup. Heres john mccain. Im not here to go through the dictionary. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck. Or a coup. Hal or if the illegal ramifications of using that word extend to a very specific result from the governmental body that youre actually participating in as a senator who has say over that particular action, you have to use more of a definition than i dont know, kind of, as your justification. Theyre just there to be aholes. Stephanie exactly. Hes there to kill bugs for lindsey with a tissue. Hal it is funny, half the time he cant wait to do a gun dump in practically any country that we have an issue with or that theres anything going on like essentially the mccain plan is dump weapons in there as fast as you can to as much of a scattered group as you can with as little scrutiny as possible and then be shocked six years later when some of the bullets and missiles start coming back your way. Stephanie where can we see hal sparks . In new york this weekend thursday through sunday. Yeah. Whole weekend. Thats right. Stephanie halsparks. Com. Hal and at hal sparks on twitter. Stephanie right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme ] stephanie hour number three. Jacki schechner. Mitt romney has jumped into the debate over the warning the g. O. P. Not to shut down the government over obamacare. Which maybe hes finally admitted is romney care. Did we elect him president and i missed that . Stephanie im sure the republicans will listen to him. Theyre so well organized. The g. O. P. Is just flailing for some kind of leader. Romney said all right, ill Say Something stephanie okay. Theyre like whatever, mittens. Go back to pumping your own gas and looking like a hobo in la jolla. Nobody cares what he has to say at this point, i dont think. Stephanie exactly. At least i dont. I dont care what he has to say. Maybe he should have eastwood talk to an empty chair again. Stephanie what does the empty chair think . Here she is, nurse jacki in the current news center. Good morning, everybody. The Justice Department has filed two civil suits against bank of america over 850 million of residential mortgagebacked securities. The d. O. J. Says the institution committed investor fraud dating back to january 2008 which coincides with the start of the Global Financial crisis. Bank of america defending itself saying it sold prime mortgages to sophisticated investors who had ample access to the underlying data. And it is not to blame for the Housing Market crash. But b of a has agreed to several settlements with both investors and the government to the tune of more than 10 billion. Two drone strikes in yemen this morning killed at least six suspected alqaeda militants and a spokesman for the Prime Minister says the nation has stopped an alqaeda plan to capture oil and gas facilities and two key ports. The news comes at the same time the u. S. And other western allies have closed diplomatic facilities and evacuated citizens. Yemen is home to alqaeda on the arabian peninsula. The Terror Networks most active affiliate. And the white house is offering a proposal to allow hill staffers to keep getting Subsidized Health insurance premiums won the Affordable Care act kicks in. The law says that personal offers staffers have to shop on the exchanges but in doing so, they could lose the coverage help they get because exchanged subsidies are based on how much money you make. The new rule says the government would keep paying up to 75 of the staffers premiums but there is still a lot of details that have to be worked out including who would join what exchange, whether it be a d. C. Exchange, home state exchange, et cetera. The office of Personnel Management is proposing leaving some of the Decision Making up to the members offices themselves. Were back after the break. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. If you believe in states rights but still support the drug war, you must be high. I think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Youre putting out there something that youre proud of. Journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. You can say anything here. I spent a couple of hours with a hooker. Your mistake was writing a check. She never cashed it the war room. Compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws, our death toll is just staggering. The young turks. The top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. Theres just no justice in that. Viewpoint. Carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. Hes garunteeing it. Joy behar say anything. Is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the n word . Yes only on current tv. Itss Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. I just startled to be here suddenly, startled to see both of you. Six minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Speak of being startled, can i have some calming music . Everybody calm down. Everybody, please remain calm. [ hypnotic ] people have heard the news. Lets see. Calming music . Stephanie current tv, our last day for current tv, the entire network will be next thursday. So i have just a stack of emails help. Where will you be going . So used to the a. M. Craziness. When are you announcing everybody, everybody calm down. Were still on the radio. Stephanie were still on the radio. Next thursday, august 15th is the day last day for current tv. Al jazeera will be launching august 20th. I dont know if it is a soft launch or before that or what but we urge you to watch them because there will be lots of great people on there. We will be going somewhere else for television. I cant announce yet or i would have to kill you. Well let you know by facebook if not by next thursday. Okay. So there. Everybody settle down. All right. We have a love letter from guess who. The gal that does our closed captioning. Really . Stephanie yes, wait, anissa. Is her name. Steph and the marks, i had the pleasure of writing every word you and the mooks say on mondays and wednesdays nor the last year. Im stenographer and i also do the closed captioning for your show. She does did on monse which means she does it when the rude pundit is on. Stephanie shes got to be scarred for life. That poor thing. Stephanie i had to remind myself i was working while laughing at you, hal, rude, eric, chris and jim throwing up captions at words of 260 words per minute. Jim, dont talk really fast. Shes doing did right now when you read articles. She said you talk much faster when reading informative articles. You do. Stephanie i apologize, anissa. I will be reassigned to another show now that current is going away. Ill miss you providing closed captioning for the Stephanie Miller show. Anissa. [factor sounds] how do you spell anybody who is watching closed captioning. Tell us what anissa is writing. Stephanie or the other we have gastrointestinal distress. Does she write thats what i ask you for. I go whop which is that. Stephanie which means salad fart from olive garden. The other one i have is gurgle. Stephanie someones got to call and tell us what anissa just wrote for [gurgling sounds] stephanie everybody come on, look alive. Some of the stuff has to be so closed captioned. How do you do the poopy pants thing. Stephanie she had to write every line of that . I have to think of more things to do. We say at the close of our calculations that the square root of four is two. Oh, no oh boy oh, thats going to be bad. [gurgling sounds] holy cow oh my. Okay. Stephanie all right. Reminds me of gave a graduation speech and i messed with the girl that was signing for me. Yes, you did. Because they have to do whatever you say. And its funny. [ nbc nightly news ] stephanie by the way, dont you love it when drunk stack meets future husband stack. Drunk driving charges have been filed against a southern new jersey man who was driving a box truck on fire and missing its front tires. Missing its tires . And you didnt notice . Stephanie apparently not. Glug, glug, glug, glug. Thats every wednesday for you. Stephanie Michael Newman was hanging partially out of the cab window because of a shattered windshield when he was stopped around 3 00 a. M. Nothing good ever happens at 23 00 a. M. The truck had tree branches caught in it with fire and smoke coming out of it. The tires. Okay. Wow thats some party [ nbc nightly news ] stephanie man allegedly tried to sell girlfriends baby on craigslist for 100. He could get 250 easily stephanie i did once for my friends baby. Irritated plea. Crying during cocktail hour. Fine, 250. A case of good wine. Stephanie thats awful. What kind of judgment . 100 . You can get a lot more for a baby. A 22yearold man from Staten Island was arrested this week for attempting to sell his girlfriends baby on craigslist for 100. He post the following ad with the babies and kids section which is where you purchase babies and kids. He wrote hey, i have i have custom infomercial music. I have a 2monthold baby named redacted. Im guessing the name was actually not redacted. But you never know. Stephanie she loves to play and have her fun. Only one problem, the doctor says she has asthma. If she turns a certain way, she can stop breathing. Shes really getting on my nerves and i dont want her. Please email. Then he posted a second ad the next day. He says he posted the ad to get back at the girlfriend. He also included the womans number in the advertisement and the woman received one call. 100, bargain. A little asthma, how much could a little inhaler be . In the current news center, they monitor the closed captioning. She sent me a screen cap and it just says oh, thats going to be bad. [gurgling sounds] [ laughter ] stephanie oh, dear. Take your organ out for me, please. Dont you hate when this happens, jim. Boston clergyman found with a prostitute behind the cemetery. So . Stephanie so many levels of wrong there. Although when you do, you do get laid in the coffin. Thats an old joke. [ circus ] stephanie how is that, anissa . They generally have a headstone. [ laughter ] massachusetts episcopal vicker arthur coyle, the second of three monsignor ranks, they discovered him with a prostitute behind the cemetery. You know the Catholic Church was like not a boy. Yes with a chick and paying for it whoo nothing but net saw coyle with a woman, the cops waited five minutes and approached the parked car where they quote separated the two suspects. Coyle later admitted he had what did he do . Pry them apart . They pride them apart . They pried them apart . Turned the hose on them. Stephanie it is like a joke. A priest and a prostitute. Coyle later admitted why didnt i think of that . Coyle admitted he offered her 40 for oral sex. Cheaper than a baby on craigslist. Apparently 40 will make you holler stephanie she gets paid to do the wild thing. Of course. In the cemetery. Stephanie coyle had been spotted a dozen times circling a neighborhood known for prostitution. Prior to the quoteunquote incident. Thats suspicious right there if youre circling a neighborhood. Stephanie right just like a priestnado. A priest circling looking for hookers. All right then. Okay. Martha in texas has some thoughts on anissas closed captioning. Hello, martha. Hello, martha. Caller hello. Stephanie yes, go ahead, martha. Caller i cant hear you. Stephanie okay. Caller i wanted to give a real good report on anissa. Shes one of the best. She spells much better than most of them. And she gets most of the words that have three words of a sound the same but have different means. She usually gets the right ones. Homonyms. Stephanie right. How does she spell this . Never mind. [gurgle] whop sound. Stephanie it is not a racial sound of any kind. Stephanie hello ms. Green in atlanta. Arent we formal this morning. No first name . Caller june. Listen, im very angry. I want you to give me a chance to get on the soapbox right now. Stephanie here it is. Caller im very pissed that the republicans, you know they have on the internet, where you can pull up on the screen and slap Hillary Clinton stephanie slap hillary in the face. Caller isnt that inciting violence against a political candidate . There insulting one of the president s wives that was once the president of the United States. Stephanie thats going to help them with women. How is that war on women going for you . Caller exactly. You made a very good point. You know what im angry about . That none of our politicians, democrat politicians are not raising a big stink over it because the republicans do everything if the president sneezed and make a song and a dance and carry on we need to demand our politicians get in congress, raise stink just like the republicans does. Thats inciting violence against women. Somebody do something stephanie ms. Green for president it aint a mans world how about slapping laura bush . Stephanie or any woman . Anyway, ridiculous. Shes right. Thank you for that. Oh by the way, i thought of one other parting gift for anissa, our closed captioner. It was on twitter or facebook . That it was a fun fact. It was a fun fact about have you ever noticed when you sneeze while youre taking a [ bleep ] right. What is that called . Okay. Someone tweeted have you ever sneezed while taking a [ bleep ] and it comes out ten times faster. There has to be a name for that phenomenon, hashtag priebusing. [ circus ] stephanie thats what nbc said. I cant talk to you right now. Im preebsing. Im priebusing. Thats what jim says. Im late because i was priebusing. I had to take a reince. Stephanie you 18 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for a shock announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. Current tv is the place for true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Do it, do it whatever it is do it till youre satisfied there should be some limits just do it. Stephanie 23 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Just dont priebus. Stephanie do not priebus no matter what you do. [farting sounds] stephanie i just would give anything to be a fly in the wall with the president regarding the threatening letter from Reince Priebus. He probably just wadded it up. I do see david brocks point though. I see david brocks point in that. Because theyre assuming it will be some gauzy infomercial. Obviously the Clintons David Brock is right. The electorate does not need to be reminded of the warts right before an election. Stephanie who cares about all of that crap. Im just saying. Thats what well remember is what a load of crap it was in my opinion. Right . What a load of priebus it was. Sure, some people believe it is a load of crap. Some people believe it. We had an animated caller talking about thats the best theyve got is some stupid cartoon web site where you can slap hillary across the face. Thats lovely in your war against women. Sue sent us did we post this on our Facebook Page. We did. Stephanie listener comedy but it is actual because weve been talking about the terror alert system all morning. They used to have it on the Bush Administration. This is the g. O. P. Scale of how raped were you and with different colors bought theyre actual quotes from actual republicans. Emergency rape, legitimate rape. Honest rape, forceable rape, easy rape. Accidental rape. Stephanie easy rape, that was a republican. He said some girls, they rape so easy. Enjoyable rape. That was clayton williams. Said if why not just sit back and enjoy it. Then the lowest one is the gift from god rape. Rick santorum said it is a gift from god. Gift from god. Stephanie okay. Those are the levels. It is kind of a stephanie how raped you were. Stephanie yes, indeed. Heres what theyve got left. [ nbc nightly news ] making sure people dont vote. Rick scott has plans to resume the voter purge effort in florida. How about that. Hes planning a new effort to purge nonu. S. Citizens from the states voter rolls. A lot of of them are citizens, they happen to have too much melanin. Stephanie thats right. By nonwhite. A move last year that prompted a series of legal challenge from critics of his administration was trying to intimidate minority voters. Makes people want to purge. From the department of staff ya think . A republican preparing to run for reelection next year. What might be helpful . Said the aim of any purpose is to protect the integrity of the voters. Protect it from black people. Stephanie right. Youre a lying sack of crap youre a lying sack of crap youre a sack of steaming nasty crap trying to prevent the integration of the not the integrity. Stephanie they call the review of noncitizens attempt to disqualify hispanic and africanamerican voters once again from the department of ya think . Rick scott is priebusing the voter rolls. Stephanie speaking of youre a lying sack of crap stephanie liz cheney as it turns out as we mentioned this earlier comes from a long line of ive simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar. Stephanie a Fishing License application, lose a senate race, maybe. Stephanie think about it, lizzy. This is hilarious. What a sack of reince she is. Stephanie salon has a great piece about this. Fishing is a great deal in wyoming. You know, cheneys secret Service Code Name was . Angler. Who cared about that . Nobody. Not really. Never get those five seconds back. Stephanie it is a big deal in the cheney family so it is a big deal to liz cheney who must overcome accusations of carpet bagging if she hopes to win a senate race. Primarily because she is a you have to lie to live. You have liebettic. Twice a day, you have to take a soft inslie. She lied about the length of her residency in order to get a Fishing License. She purchased her home last year. It is usually dudes who lie about the length. Stephanie in addition, she first first fish she caught was this big. Right, sure stephanie it wont help that cheney received a Fishing License in wyoming before she was eligible and registered as a tenyear resident. She denies it. The clerk must have made a mistake. You lie you lie that clerk was a jerk why must you turn my office into a house of lies . Stephanie she doesnt deny violating the state law that allows residents to apply for a Fishing License after theyve lived in wyoming for a full year. It is a serious misstep said a republican strategist allegedly poaching in a state where being a resident sportsman is by law an earned privilege. Wyoming people take this very seriously. I just said put up a campaign poster, liz cheney. Poacher [ dramatic ] stephanie fishing has already become an issue in cheneys campaign. Republican mike enzi who she is running against is supposedly a longtime furnituring buddy of her fathers. She went on limbaughs show and said they may have only fished together once. I do not believe your lies stephanie do you think they just lie reflexively around the dinner table . Hello, he lied. Pass the gravy. Its not gravy. Stephanie i can see it. Trust me, its not gravy. Stephanie we all know compulsive liars, people who lie when theres no reason to lie. Yes, we do. Youre a boldfaced liar. Stephanie right. Exactly. Okay. And a poacher. Stephanie ill bet it is hard to distinguish what is possibly true. Im a liar. Im a poacher. Stephanie 29 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Young turks i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. Do you think there is any chance well ever hear the president even say the word carbon tax . With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buzz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. Nounce Stephanie Miller. I love it. 3 00 a. M. And you guys are hammered stephanie hmm. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Christine in cleveland. Hi, christine. Caller yes, good morning. Stephanie hello. Caller how is everyone doing . Stephanie good. Go ahead. You were talking about the governor from florida. Stephanie rick scott and his voter purge, yes. Caller well, rachel she had on a woman who was a former Florida State senator and now with the Democratic Party, worked with the Democratic Party and then shes now working with voter issues in the state. And she said that he was particularly interested in the quoteunquote Puerto Ricans that might be voting. Stephanie uhoh. Caller because we know the Puerto Ricans have every right to vote. Because arent they like our 51st state . Yeah, they do vote in president ial elections. And they vote for their governor, of course. Caller thats what i thought. It was like okay, so i know that they have Voting Rights that theyre being suppressed like everyone else. So there is absolutely an issue for them. Rachel, this woman last night, it was really great. I cant think of her name but it was an interesting interview as rachel says. Stephanie dont feel bad about yelling out another liberal womans name while youre talking to me. Thats fine. Caller i stephanie okay. How do they transcribe that . Stephanie those are wounds from my past. [ magic wand ] those are why cant you be more like tracy richards. Who . Stephanie my best friend. Your parents put that kind of pressure on you . [ nbc nightly news ] no wonder youre the way you are today. Hold me. Why cant i be more like keith richards. Stephanie current says why dont you do more heroin. Whats wrong with you . You never amount to anything. Keith richards parents were set for life. Stephanie all right. We mentioned that mitt romney piped up. Took a break from looking like a smelly hobo pumping his own gas in la jolla. I have some thoughts. [ nbc nightly news ] im relevant. Im relevant, my friends. Stephanie he jumped into the debate over the g. O. P. s future. Who better. Warning Congressional Republicans against forcing a Government Shutdown in their quest to stop president obamas healthcare law. Mitt who . Stephanie did he finally admit it was his healthcare law . Romney care is not. After mitt romneys 2012 loss, many Senior Republicans included the party must moderate its image on immigration and reproductive rights. Remember, that was in the autopsy. Some g. O. P. Lawmakers had absolutely the opposite. Nicely done. Good job. Should have taken a left on albuquerque. How is that going for you . They imposed new restrictions on abortion in several states. Theyre resisting a broad immigration bill in the house. Senate republicans vowing to shut down the government if thats what it takes to choke off the healthcare law that congress enacted. They worry Establishment Republicans and a split in the g. O. P. I cant get enough of these stories. A split in the g. O. P. Stories. Stephanie more driven by Campaign Stories than ideology. Talking to hal about Peter Beinarts piece in the daily beast, the Democratic Party has moved to the left. The Republican Party has moved to the right. It will be interesting to see what happens in 2016 with all of that. He said i know i lost. Im probably not the first person you would ask for advice. Computer says no. Said something i agree with. Stephanie exactly. But because we all learn from our mistakes, i may have a thought or two of value. Stephanie he has a lot of thoughts of value. Stephanie that campaign was a mistake a palooza. I never said the 47 . Yeah, did you. Stephanie it is a good analysis. As you mentioned, abortion is another issue that tripped up high profile republican candidates. We posted it on our Facebook Page. It is the emergency the level of the color alert system. Stephanie for how raped youve been according to lots of republicans. There are different levels. From actual quotes from actual republicans. Stephanie so actual republicans. Stephanie at the time, they said the aikens and i cant remember all of them they said they didnt speak for the party. This year, as we know, several republicancontrolled state governments have made these egregious the threat level. Different degrees. Stephanie exactly. Thats what we posted on our facebook. One Republican Campaign said Republican Leadership is courting disaster here. Voters are in a mood for this when the country is teetering on economic recovery. It is very dangerous politics. But again women have the right to vote. Maybe that slipped their minds. Stephanie it could have. I know. Exactly. So a party that had trouble with women voters, they picture a cartoon Hillary Clinton getting slapped across the face online. Thats their that will help you. Thats going to go well. Stephanie keep saying shes too old. Really . The last group, old white people will all vote for hillary because, you know, weve got to let them go. All right. And let john bolton talk more because he was always the cooler head during the bush years. At administration for four and a half years has tried to slice and dice by defining alqaedas little sliver that is hanging out along the afghan pakistan border. Thats always been a mischaracterization. Stephanie you know what has always been a mischaracterization . That are you crazy. Lets go crazy secretary building has 38 stories. If you lost ten stories today, it wouldnt make a bit of difference. Lets get nuts mindless creation of the United Nations as Something Different than what is in the United Statess interest to do isnt going to sell here or anywhere else. Lets go the only question, the only question of the United States is whats in our national interest. Im sorry. Thats a fact. Stephanie that was always my favorite, that little horse noise he did. He was talking at the same time. So i think it was someone else in the room. Stephanie remember his crazy mustache would fly up. Remember, they said it would flap up when he got red and animated. He kind of looked like a shmoo. Stephanie whats that from . Dr. Seuss. No. Lil abner . It also made an appearance on some episodes of the flintstones for some reason. Stephanie okay. Now lets move on. People know what a shmoo is. Something you put on your stephanie it looked like a fake mustache. I wanted to say thats not a real sorry, is it . Kind of like natalie wood when she pulled on santas beard on miracle on 34th street. Stephanie crazy train of references this morning. You do know that natalie wood played the child. Stephanie of course i do she does now. She does now. Stephanie all right. Look out, everybody. Tough oprah is here. Sat down with troubled Lindsay Lohan postrehab interview. [ nbc nightly news ] lets see. There is a did she flee the interview . Stephanie no. Bet she wanted to. A tiny teaser arrived on the web. Are you an addict . Asked oprah sternly . I think oprah may not have been paying attention. Maybe she didnt do a lot of prep for this. Oprah might be slacking. [ applause ] shes been busy filming her movie, right . Stephanie lohan is traveling with a sober coach. Dont even think about getting one of those for me. And is asking we would be fired. Im your sober coach. Youre the one who is sober. Stephanie thats counterintuitive. You could make john boehner your sober coach. That would make you sober. Is that what i look like . Im a sober coach. If you start drinking, youre going to turn orange. Glug, glug, glug, glug. Stephanie see . Shes asking that all alcohol be removed removed from whatever hotels shes staying in. Remember when the guy that owns the show did that to us . Right . We get there and theres literally you could see the carpet was the lighter patch of square carpet. Stephanie he had our mini bars removed. Controlling. Did he that in denver, too, when went there for the Democratic National convention. Stephanie cheap bastards, controlling bastards i wonder what was there . Okay. So this can go. Stephanie we dont need that kind of thing. On this trip. Hi, ill be your sober coach. Lucky guy got two mini bars. Stephanie whoo party whats going on in the room next door . Hey, you got my mini bar too many bars equals one maxi bar. Stephanie lindsay will not be going to europe for a threeweek vacation leak she planned because oprah convinced lindsay she would relapse. She called her multiple times over the last 2 it 4 hours, oh, god, thats got to be a little annoying. [phone ringing] stephanie what . If youre on your sobriety tour, france is probably not a good stop. They hand you a bottling of wine when you step off the plane there. [phone ringing] stephanie oprah again okay. Wow, meeting your boyfriends mother can be nerveracking especially if shes diana ross. Call her ms. Ross. She seems warm. [ nbc nightly news ] Ashlee Simpson who is dating evan ross met diana for the first team in l. A. Saturday night were told and is alive so i guess it went fine. Okay. I just report the news out here in hollywood. I cant imagine dating diana rosss offspring. Stephanie stop in the name of love. 45 minutes after the hour. She would be a little bit of controlling. Stephanie you cant hurry love. You cannot hurry love. Im sure she told her that. 45 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Wow i dont believe it. This is too good to be real. Of course this is real. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . John fugelsang if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Cenk uygur i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Michael shure this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Joy behar you can say anything here. Jerry springer i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar your mistake was writing a check Jerry Springer she never cashed it vo the days events. Four very unique points of view. Tonight starting at 6 eastern. Current tv is the place for true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Boogie, woogie, dance Woogie Woogie dance how long have we worked here . Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Look, when the president comes to town and does the tonight show, it is confusing with the traffic. I have to get to spinning class. See, it becomes californians. Californians. What you need to do you Cross Alameda no, you go stephanie right. You turn you go straight past the light and turn left on alameda and it becomes riverside and you take that all the way down stephanie i do not think there is a way to get there without going never go anywhere without the californians gps. I want to get to that place that sells mexican Country Style chairs. Were going to take van vicente to where it curves into wilshire. This time of day . It is going to be jammed. Okay. I can recalculate the route so you can take santa moon ca to sunset and Laurel Canyon to ventura which would take you past the stand that sells fresh tangerines. Dude, i changed my mind. I want to go to that Scented Candle shop. Take pico to the 110 then the 101 but get off at vermont. Im afraid i cant allow you to do that. This route is too important to allow you to recalculate it. Daisy, daisy totally not cool [tires screeching] [crashing sounds] californians gps. Dont let your gps put you on you dont want to end up stephanie thank you. All right. Thank you for that. [ applause ] there are Scented Candles on melrose . I have to find out where that is. I love Scented Candles. Stephanie okay. There is an actual candle store. Stephanie i just heard radio snapping off around the country. Jim in connecticut, youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, jim. Caller steph, can i apply to be the official recovering alcoholic of the Stephanie Miller show . Stephanie every partys got its pooper. Stephanie quitter. Caller 22 years this july. Stephanie congratulations. Caller the reason oprah would ask stephanie Kathleen Madigan said she doesnt like it when people say congratulations on quitting smoking because shes not happy about it. Caller i dont blame her. I would like to go back to smoking. The reason oprah asked lend say about that was getting into recovery and getting over or getting at least to deal with it. Even though it seemed like an obvious and kind of an obvious question, it was for her sake. Stephanie it is oprahs tone. She can make you priebus no matter what shes asking. Just by her tone, you dont think . Caller absolutely. She has magical powers. [farting sounds] stephanie what . All right. Oh, looky here. [ nbc nightly news ] i cannot get enough stories about the ailing today show. I dont know why. Nothing but drama. [ nbc nightly news ] it was great. The first live report that ann curry had to do, thank you, matt that was kind of icy. Stephanie awkward okay. See, Jacki Schechner and i, we reenacted that because were bffs. If it were awkward between us. Embattled today show anchor matt lauer is taking top down approach to issues, issues meaning him. Taking show staffers out to lunch twice a week in an effort to boost morale and encourage a team atmosphere. There is no i in team. We have to eat with matt again. It would be like going out to eat with you. Stephanie can you imagine if i made you guys go to lunch twice a week. You would just say no ive got something to run. [ magic wand ] stephanie more inclusive nurturing environment. What are you guys doing for lunch . Inclusive. Stephanie you would make up you actually wouldnt even bother with excuses. Hell to the no. When you force us to come to your parties on the weekends, i always come up stephanie i try not to do that that often because i know [ laughter ] you better be there the party you will enjoy it stephanie i try to be very judicious. You will have fun stephanie because i understand there is an implied threat. Will you have fun, no thats the german way of having fun. Stephanie it is a trap. Would you like to come to my house . [ magic wand ] no. Would you like a job . Stephanie all right. Well. A source said matt wants to hear from producers and other staff about ideas for stories to cover concerns. Here is our concern. Youre a [ bleep ] hole. Thats our main concern or any other issues. Here is another issue. Youre a [ bleep ] hole. Oh, looks travis says hell go. [ applause ] because i dont pay him enough to afford lunch. Shut up, chris want to go to olive garden . [farting sounds] salad bar, all you can eat you become bottomless from blowing your bottom off. Stephanie al roker [ nbc nightly news ] who once did a doody in his pants in the white house i think he maybe overshared. I dont think he needed to mention that because he had the gastric but i dont know why he mentioned he doodied in his pants at the white house. Left his underwear in the trash can. Stephanie as you do. He couldnt really flush it down the toilet, i guess. Stephanie anything about the today show is awesome. Today show veteran al roker hit the Snooze Button one too many times on tuesday and slept through his 6 00 a. M. Early morning show. Wake up with al. Or snooze with al. Stephanie first time hes ever ive done it a couple of times. Youve called me to say what you done . Im like sleeping. Youre like because its im like [ screaming ] after 39 years, it happened, tweeted roker. I overslept and i missed a show. So they bring in ann curry. The weather channel. Stephanie that would get huge ratings to watch that. Okay. Everybody has advice for the biebs. [ nbc nightly news ] sorry, who . Bieber. Stephanie my advice, dont pee in mop buckets in a restaurant. Dont be a douche. Mark wahlberg has warned Justin Bieber not to be so naughty. He says it was during a web chat. He said justin, dont be so naughty. Be a nice boy, pull your trousers up, make your mom proud and stop smoking weed you little bitch. Did he really say that . Thats kind of funny stephanie he said hes a teenager living in a different day and age. I was in prison before i got a record out and i dont think hes been to prison. Hes a nice enough kid. Youre going to be a teenager but if youre being a teen in the spotlight, you will be criticized for it. This career should be could be shortlived so stop being such a little bitch which ironically is the exact same thing the today show staffers told matt lauer. All right. Thats it for us today. That was just magical. Wasnt it . All right. It was a good show. Stephanie i would like to thank chris lavoie, jim ward. And anissa. Stephanie and anissa. Shell be here next week, right . She will be stephanie well think of more nasty stuff to say to make her closed captioning. Well see you tomorrow on the Stephanie Miller show. c] vo in the great 1974 film godfather ii, theres a scene about halfway through where hyman roth and michael corleone and all the american gangsters are gathered in a patio in havana and its hyman roths 67th birthday, and hes giving a slice of cake to each gangster got louis from chicago you run the copacabana, frankie you get the prostitutes, hes dividing up the island among all the american gangsters and appropriately enough the birthday cake has an outline of cuba on it, hes giving them a slice of cuba. And while hyman roth is doing this he says isnt it great to be in a country with a government that respects private enterprise . And thats how media policies have been done in the United States for the past 50 years and its increasing in the last 20 years. Extraordinarily powerful lobbyists duke it out behind closed doors for the biggest slice of the cake. The public knows nothing about it, it doesnt participate. And thats the problem ac

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