Transcripts For CURRENT Liberally Stephanie Miller 20130213

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[ theme ] stephanie oh im sorry. Are we on . Glug glug, glug. Stephanie good morning Jacki Schechner. Is she there . Hold on. I just had to sip some water. Stephanie were you also drinking . Totally parched. Stephanie wow. Dry as a desert in here. [ laughter ] sean hannity said that was the best response to a state of the union hes ever seen. Stephanie awkward he was going along fairly well. Compared to jindal and some of the others in the past. He looked like he was running for a fraternity president. Stephanie he didnt get the Chris Matthews oh, god until that point. Always look so young too dont they . I dont know if it is the background or the setting. Stephanie nervous much . I think im pretty sure boehner was drinking bourbon. Well talk about that in a bit. In the meantime, Jacki Schechner in the current news center. Good morning, everybody. President obama heads to asheville, North Carolina, today, where he takes his state of the Union Proposals directly to the people hes going to tour a factory then give remarks about boosting manufacturing in the United States. The president covered all of the expected domestic issues last night or most of them including jobs in the economy. Climate change, education social benefit programs, immigration and voting rights. One of the most emotional moments of the night came when he finally talked about gun safety legislation and said that no matter how lawmakers want to vote on it, the matter has got to get to the floor. Obama Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of newtown deserve a vote. And the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. As weve been discussing, florida senator marco rubio gave the g. O. P. Response, a speech clearly written well in advance of the president s state of the union because it was like he didnt hear a word the president said. His solution to virtually every problem we face is for washington to tax more, borrow more and spend more. Now, rubios delivery was arguably better than responses in the past. But as weve been joking, there is this moment which stole the show. Nothing has frustrated me more than false choices like the one the president laid out tonight. The choice isnt just between Big Government or big business. Oh, so unsmooth and awkward. Rubio did speak out this morning on Good Morning America and said i needed water what was i going to do . Were back after the break. Going to do the young turks. I think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Stop looking at car interiors. Get inspired by other stuff. Yep. Yep. Ok. Sure. Why not . Woah. Touchscreens. Put that in your dash. Now, luxury stuff. Make your seats like that. That thing has wifi, why doesnt your car . You cant do that. Ignore that guy. Give it wifi. Yes make it fit 5 people. No, 5 actual sized people. Give them leg room, good. Destroy boring car interiors forever. And thats how you do it. Easy. People with sore throats have something new to say. Ahh mmm ahh finally, theres cepacol sensations. Serious sore throat medicine seriously great taste. Plus the medicine lasts long after the lozenge is gone. Ahh mmm cepacol sensations. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. Im walkin on sunshine im walkin on sunshine and its time to feel good hey, all right now and its time to feel good stephanie glug, glug, glug glug. All right. Let the mocking begin oh, come on, yall are being mean on the twitter machine. Marco rubio may have sucked but at least he swallowed. Stephanie come on, kids [ circus ] he became his own drinking game last night. Stephanie i swear to god where was i . Oh, yeah. Stephanie the Stephanie Miller players present a meeting between john boehner and marco rubio. What was wrong with your speech was glug, glug, glug, glug. Stephanie okay. [ applause ] stephanie boehner was drinking bourbon and coke. That was a little cocktail shaker set right in front of him. Did you see that silver set . Stephanie ill bet you that was vodka in that poland springs bottle. Theyre just not winning in the arena of ideas . You know what they make in poland . Vodka. Stephanie just sayin. It was like glug, glug, glug, glug glug, all night long [ applause ] ive never seen that. Have you ever seen the speaker or Vice President drink brown colored liquid . Hmm. Okay. Interesting. Maybe it was just reflecting his skin off of the glass. Stephanie maybe. Maybe it was water and it just appeared brown. Stephanie is he drinking tang . I see, it is reflecting. Drinking cheeto juice. Stephanie hes drinking bronzer. He sweated it into his glass because hes so nervous because the president s ideas are so popular and his arent. Hi, mama, wow i havent seen anyone reach for a drink of water like that since tom cruise in a few good men. Rand paul, what was that . They are just not strong speakers really. That weird high school tea party response. Rebuttal to the response of the speech stephanie the rebuttal to the Republican Party. He was lit terribly. Is there a good way to light . Perhaps he had some bad turkey. Stephanie turkey . Whats happened to you . Okay. We are guested up on the oh, what . On the poststate of the union show. Representative Maxine Waters, representative turkey . Senator Debbie Stabenow, representative debbie chu and sexy liberal hal sparks in our number three. Hump days with hal. Wow, how does that happen . Stephanie travis burning the midnight oil apparently. Although he did say he snuck in and spooned with me because we did a story about hollywood personal assistants. Some force their assistants to sleep with them because theyre lonely. Stephanie i ordered travis to my house to spoon. Do you remember it . Does midnight oil go well with flirtinis . Stephanie i had to give him enough flirtinis to sleep with me. If youre going to work in the blue sky mine, you need some flirtinis. You didnt get it. Stephanie right over my head. Glug, glug glug, glug. 90s college rock reference. Stephanie i didnt get it so i just started drinking. You know what it was . Not only how long it took but just that he was nervously looking like it was like no one would notice. I love this that he thought if he kept eye contact with the camera, no one would notice. Michele bachmann thing off the to the side. What . Thats how you do it. The camera awkwardly followed him as he went down and came back up again. Probably like what the hell are you doing . This is live. There are no cuts here stephanie i think im going to do that all morning and see if i can freak out kelby in the current room. Try to follow me. Here i go. Okay. I cant watch. Somebody did it on a loop. You can see it on an endless loop. We can fix it in post, right . Live . So huge majority loved the president s speech. [ world news tonight ] i watch it. It is a home run. Then all of the pundits. Missed opportunities and reach out enough and blah, blah. He reached out. He didnt reach out. Stephanie right. Okay. So yeah, huge majority that were polled thought the speech was it is hard to top for emotional content, the gun that whole segment with the whole victims when he was talking about gun violence and by the way i didnt see ted nugent, did you . Ted nugent was there. I saw a screen cap of him. Stephanie really . He looked completely stephanie was he wearing the doofy hat . No, he wasnt wearing a hat. He actually had on a blazer and a shirt that didnt have a tie on. It was unbuttoned. Stephanie why would you wear a tie in it is only the president of the United States. Why should you show any respect, decorum, anything like that . You want decorum . I just crapped my pants for once. Stephanie as far as we know. [farting sounds] did we check his seat afterwards . Stephanie he did make a doody in his pants. For him that, passes for respect. I went in the toity before i came. Jim, what did you think of the speech . It was great. Stephanie i thought like it had all of the obama moments. Humor. I know you like going to the Ribbon Cuttings. He even got a Little Orange chuckle from boehner behind him. You didnt see that. Stephanie im always struck though by all of the stuff the president talks about by large majority, the American People are for all of them. Just hard to decipher the look on boehners face when you go and we cant have that because of you because of you and your stupid, uncontrollable caucus. He doesnt youre going to block that what are you talking about . Oh, yes, thats a good idea. We cant do that. No. Glug glug, glug, glug. It is a great idea. Glug glug, glug, glug. Where was i . Oh, yeah. Stephanie it was perfect. It was its own drinking game. All of them. Boehner and rubio. That tells you where theyre at. It made me feel better about my drinking solution. I was at home watching. Texting with your frufel, im sure. Who were also drinking . Fitzgerald emailed jacki and i really late last night. You know my insystem nia. I was like awesome. Who wants to talk about rubio. So she talked until midnight or something. We got to do a poststate of the union. I was like whos up . So glad you didnt text me. Stephanie well, i know better [ laughter ] jacki was sleeping like a normal person. I did get up at 2 00 this morning to get sound bytes. Stephanie you know which are your political geek friends. They cant wait until [ bleep ] to talk about rubio. Someone texted me. Stephanie whats going on . All right. Smoke alarm trying to go off . Do i need to change the batteries . Stephanie oh, speaking of which. That was the other huge breaking story. Oh, good lord. Stephanie they havent identified whether it was dorner or not in the cabin. Cnn went with it up until about ten minutes before the state of the union. Stephanie i think everybody did. I think it was colonel mustard in the pantry. Stephanie if its not him it is like the fugitive or something. It must be be him they were interviewing the guy who rented the cabin. Said thats my cabin. Its burning. Thats not important right now. Stephanie so what. Listen was it rented out at the time . No, it wasnt rented out. Stephanie we dont think there was any hostage or anybody else. No, there were two hostages that got away. Stephanie that he tied up. But they got away. Stephanie took their car. A friend of mine has a cabin in big bear. I said you have any houseguests . Stephanie last time it was a big fire. Hear, hear. I was close enough to my house that i was watching tv going what . Thats almost to my house [ applause ] all right. So yeah, lots to talk about. Some crunchy audio goodness from last night. Obama already, weve brought home 33,000 of our brave servicemen and women. This spring, our forces will move into a support role. While Afghan Security forces take the lead. Tonight, i can announce that over the next year, another 34,000 american troops will come home from afghanistan. This drawdown will continue and by the end of next year, our war in afghanistan will be over. Wow. Stephanie hooray. You say that like its a good thing. Stephanie that will be popular. Glug, glug glug, glug. Josh in memphis. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Poor marco. Hello, josh. Caller how you doing miss stephanie . I would like to say i dont think it is fair we make fun of paul ryan or marco rubio for the water thing. I mean how are they supposed to keep their souls from catching on fire . Stephanie you are a scamp. That was very funny. Stephanie i forgot about paul ryan was drinky, too during the debates. Very drinky. Very nervous. Did you see eddie sitting there . Hes in a permanent snit during the state of the unions. Isnt that wonderful eddie . I wont go i wont, i wont i wont you cant make me you cant, you cant im not im not, im not stephanie all right. So much to talk about. Your reviews and ours of the state of the union last night. 17 minutes after the hour. Kind of funny. I was thinking about how we do marco rubio. As a pool game. A water game. Glug glug, glug, glug. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer finally, talk radio you can dance to. Its the Stephanie Miller show. The Natural Energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. To fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. Payday. Fill up and go vo always outspoken, now unleashed. Joy behar. On my next show, fashion savant Carson Kressley goes from dancing with the stars to dishing with moi, on say anything. I dont know how im gonna survive stephanie i see what youre going to do all morning. Subtly mocking marco rubio. Subtly our strong suit here. 22 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 toll free from anywhere. Instapoll, 73 approval of the president s speech in the cnn poll. [ world news tonight ] what is this . 83 of viewers approved of the president s remarks. One of the funniest lines ive seen, marco rubio most illadvised drink since socrates. Thinking maybe i should have waited just a skosh. That speech was less than ten minutes. But he started rubbing his mouth. Stephanie he was sweaty. He was nervous. It was hilarious. And then and glug, glug glug, glug. I gotta go to the bathroom. Glug, glug glug. That would have been funny if he would have left to go to the bathroom. Christine lahti moment. Stephanie excuse me. Ive drank too much water. Can you wait a minute. They just put color bars up. [ jeopardy theme ] hell be right back. Test pattern. Stephanie the ideas in the speech were pretty much a test pattern. Pretty much nothing. Got nothing there. The president meanwhile i thought, knocking it out of the park. Obama defending our freedom though is not just the job of our military alone. We must all do our part to make sure our godgiven rights are protected here at home. That includes one of the most fundamental rights of a democracy. The right to vote. [ applause ] stephanie okay. Tara in california. Hi tara, welcome. Caller hi. I called you last week but we got cut off in the middle because my phone dropped the call. Stephanie all right. Go ahead. Caller last night i was watching viewpoint with John Fuglesang and somebody came on and offered a definition of fascism that strikes me as where the Republican Party is currently today in which they dont care so much about representing people. They care about representing business. Business should be able to make our political decisions for us. According to what stephanie theyre closer to fascism than we are to socialism. Caller exactly. Exactly. Stephanie yeah. All right. Go ahead. Caller oh, i just i just wanted to say that as i said, i agree with you entirely. Theyre way closer to fascism than we are to socialism. Stephanie thats the thing. Literally, it is bob doles Healthcare Plan when his idea on nukes is not as radical as reagans when the president s position on immigration, not as radical as reagans. Hes a centrist republican, essentially, if you look historically. Eisenhower. Stephanie i was going to go to the eisenhower, too. I collided with you. George in miami. Hello, george. Caller hello, stephanie. Stephanie hello. Caller when are you coming back to miami . Stephanie i would love to come back to miami. Caller rubio is in my state. I watch him last night and it is like he stood behind a donkey. Reaching for a glass of water they wont see me. I mean, idiot republican. I love america. America is a great country but i didnt know you people have so much stupid republicans here. Stephanie it was a ventriloquist act. He didnt want us to notice it was actually rush limbaughs voice coming out. Just saying. Why was the water so far away from him . Stephanie thats what i dont get. Simple things. It is okay if you take a drink but why did you put it way over there . Do you want a leader like that . Not very much planning. Oh, just a minute. Stephanie hes going to be president . Oh, its time to hit the nuclear but oh, where did i put it . Let me walk across the room. [ explosion ] stephanie too late. The u. S. A. Is blown up because i forgot where is my water. Stephanie where the hell paul in omaha. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hello, paul. Caller good morning mama, good morning mooks. I saw marco rubio taking that poland springs and it occurred to me. You know who else wanted poland springs . Hitler. I came here for the water. There are no waters here. I was misinformed so he takes Stephanie Marco rubio misplace poland spring. Poland misplaced for weapons of mass that they didnt have. [ whatever ] that was funky. [ laughter ] Stephanie Brian in charlotte. Hello, brian. Caller i havent listened live in a long time. I wanted to let you guys know youre great as usual. Stephanie thank you. Caller the reason why rubio and before him paul ryan both had to drink that water nervously is because they know theyre getting fact checked into oblivion. Stephanie its true. Your congressman you senators, you speak for a living. Youre right. If you lack confidence in what youre saying or your ideas they see the same polls we do, brian. Theyre on the wrong side of every issue. Exactly. And paul ryan was afraid he was going to get fact checked in real time by joe biden. Now, this guy because hes a rising star, hes thinking about every word hes saying. He knows everything hes saying is going to get fact checked in the media the very next day. Thats why theyre so nervous about their ideas. Stephanie exactly. Right wing pundits are blaming hes under the lights. Were under these lights for three solid hours. Hes in florida. Hes used to heat. He spoke for ten minutes. He couldnt speak for ten minutes without drinking a glass of water . Stephanie every other please. Leave him alone. You bastards are lucky he even performs for you. Performs and performs. Leave him alone. Youre lucky she even performed for you bastard. Stephanie somebody in kentuckys who name is not on the screen now. Hello . Caller hey, this is mike. Stephanie go ahead. Caller i liked the president s speech for the most part but he mentioned im in the pipe fitters union. We were the first union to ever endorse barack obama. And you know, it is just like were just as much under attack as womens vaginas. Stephanie we are in this together, you and i. Caller yes, we are. I got five sisters. Im a baby brother. I believe in womens rights. Equal pay and everything. Stephanie thank you. Caller my mom was a beautiful woman. Stephanie if you protect my vagina, ill protect your pipe fittings. Caller okay stephanie deal. 29 minutes after the hour. Representative Maxine Waters next on the Stephanie Miller show. Oh, boy. Compelling true stories. Jack, how old are you . Nine. This is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. vo from the underworld, to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. When many soles pass through the most trodden areas of your home your vacuum doesnt always pick up whats left behind. Only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. It penetrates deep within your carpet removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. Leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. The resolve easy clean system. Dont just vacuum clean. Resolve clean. Im. Stephanie miller. I have a work knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. 34 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Not the manhunt for the cop killer not the state of the union, the big story look who won westminster, banana joe. An affenpinscher. A what . Stephanie hes so handsome though. Is that a thing stephanie little black dog with a big puffy face. S affenpinscher. Monkey. Perfect. What does pincher mean in german . That im not sure about. Stephanie 1800steph12, toll free from anywhere. The president from last night. Obama when any american, no matter where they live or what their party are denied that right because they cant afford to wait for five or six or seven hours just to cast their ballot, we are betraying our ideals. [ applause ] so tonight im announcing a nonpartisan commission to improve the voting experience in america. And it definitely needs improvement. Stephanie any camera shots of marco rubio talking about the voting lines in florida . Glug, glug glug, glug, glug. Give me another case of water. Stephanie daniel in atlanta. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, dan. Caller good morning. Stephanie good morning. Caller i just watched marco rubios performance last night. Stephanie yes . Caller the entire time i watched him he looked like a combination of herman cain and mitt romney. [ laughter ] all i could hear was Charlie Browns schoolteacher. Stephanie exactly. Yeah. Apparently they had a there was a meeting of republicans. He stopped it. They were talking about immigration. And i guess he stopped in and they asked him if he was nervous about last night. He said no. Why, do i look nervous . This is crazy. Youre nervous. Youre the one whos defensive. Its not him. Its me. I dont know what im saying. Stephanie karla in ann arbor, youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, stephanie. Good morning. Stephanie good morning. Caller i thought the president nailed it but you know, i love the part about the voting but the end was just brought tears to my eyes. How much enough is enough of this gun violence, my god. But being from michigan, let me first apologize for ted nugent because i realize hes from michigan. And i am so sorry for that. But i want to thank current tv for not giving him one photo opportunity last night. I was so glad that we didnt see not one photo. Stephanie i think all of the networks, i was watching didnt really ignored it. I thought there was going to be a lot of press. I think youre right. People decided to ignore him. Caller yeah. The president nailed it. He just hit it out of the park. He did. Stephanie absolutely. Thank you, honey. It was interesting. We had some different takes yesterday on people saying whether it was appropriate or not for him to be there. The director of mayors against illegal guns said if theres better evidence that the nras washington lobbies have lost their way, i cant think of it. They keep finding new ways to alienate their members which is a strange way to run a membership organization. Gun advocates were saying good, this is the best news weve had all week. Another said youre going to have a guy who recently threatened the life of the president opposite the people who have lost loved ones. Some people were saying that yesterday. Good. Let them put his face out there as their representative. Right. Heres the thing. Marco rubio dropped by the meeting of House Republicans yesterday. Said i didnt mean to interrupt as he looked for a cup of coffee. He was nervous all day. Looking for liquids. Stephanie when asked if he was feeling pressure, he gave a big smile and said no. Ha, ha, ha. Stephanie wheres the coffee . Glug glug, glug, glug. You dont hydrate with coffee. It sucks the water right out of you. Stephanie you might want to try like a camelback. A little tube. Im reading about banana joe. It is an affenpinscher. Charming monkeylike face and a habit of barking so powerfully, he almost knocks himself over. He was recognized for his humor and spirit. Stephanie manhood is quite large. Just saying. Comparatively. Why are you looking at that . Stephanie it is a very small dog. Hes well hung for a little tiny dog. Youre weird. Stephanie look at the picture. Oh, my god. Stephanie im just saying for a tiny dog hes all [ bleep ] stephanie cindy, good morning. Caller hi, stephanie. It has been a long time since ive called. Stephanie see cindy handsome and romantic. I point out the romantic part of him. [ laughter ] caller i think about you every day. Ive had a lot of stuff i have to do in boston. I always pass by the wilburn. When will stephanie come back. Stephanie are you saying please come to boston . Caller that was my idea for that. Anyway, i was when i was listening to marco rubio, i was i started to flash by back to the progressive i think it is the progressive ad with flo where the guy from the other competing insurance agency, his pants catch on fire. And then he says. [ speaking Foreign Language ] then he took a drink of water which was the killer after that image in my head. That was brad mcdonald. Very nice guy. Stephanie did marco rubio say that in spanish . It is like a sauna in here. Stephanie did anyone watch the spanish version . Agua. Okay. Lets go to gina in massachusetts. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, gina. Hello, gina. Hello, gina. Oh, shes missed her big chance. Sue in rockford, youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi sue. Caller hi. Sorry, i need a sip of water. Hold on. I dont understand why you guys dont get it. Theyre drinking koolaid. Oh stephanie it is the clear koolaid. Okay. All right. It is poland flavored. Stephanie greg in minneapolis, youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, there. Am i talking loud enough . Stephanie yes. Caller okay, good. I just heard on the fox network a new name for people that are my age. Im going to be 64 in march. And were now the entitlement generation. Stephanie see what you did there . Youre a taker. I know. Ive only been putting money into the treasury for 40 years. Which is why youre a taker. Caller i dont deserve anything back. How dare you pay your way stephanie now you feel entitled to it back. Moocher jen in the u. K. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi jen. Caller hi, steph. Calling from london. Stephanie london calling. Go ahead. Caller i watch you on stream. Im half irish half cube on. I was born and raised in miami. Rubio doesnt represent all latinos or cubans. Theyre now voting democrat. He was just a lot of the things he said yesterday was so stephanie he does represent people who are really thirsty. People that are dehydrated. Yes. Yeah. Stephanie thank you honey. A lot of hollywood celebrities may support him because every other day lindsay lohan. Stephanie okay. Marco rubio to the rescue. You sweat a lot in miami. You need to replenish. Stephanie mike in brooklyn. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, ive been trying to get through to you for about a month. Stephanie im playing hard to get. I knew you would fall for it. Caller what can i tell you . I was really curious about the nra not wanting this universal this list of universal registrations. Because the nra has it. And the nra thats the way they bug us to join them. I used to be a gun owner when i was in san francisco. Left my gun in california. And your heart. S. Caller ive been getting so much stuff from them it is incredible. They know each and every one of the gun owners in this country. I dont see what theyre against. Stephanie they wouldnt want us to know thats exactly what we would be expecting. All right. The president last night. Obama we should follow the example of north miami woman named dezilene victor. When she arrived to vote, she was told the wait might be six hours. As time ticked by, her concern was not with her tired body or aching feet but whether folks like her would get to have their say. Hour after hour, a throng of people stayed in line to support her because she is 102 years old. She erupted in cheers when she finally put on a sticker that read i voted. I love that she was right there. Stephanie that is an incredible story. Donna in naples. Hello, donna. Caller hi, stephanie. I just have to bring up one thing. Our president gets up there and gives a very positive speech and hes just so wonderful. And then you get marco rubio up there like every other republican blaming the president , blaming the democrats. And making the most negative speech ive ever seen. Sweating like a pig. Drymouthed. Then he did that little dance. It was hilarious. Stephanie it really was. Donna, i almost like the punditry you can almost like you dont even have to wait for it. It was the liberal laundry it was the most divisive speech since his inaugural address. These are the ideas he ran and won on. So sad. I mean really. Stephanie and he was reaching out. He said lets do this together. I dont know how else you can make it any clearer. He used humor. I thought it was powerful. All right. 45 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer call the Political Party line now, 1800steph12. Billy zane stars in barabbas. Coming in march to reelz. To find reelz in your area, go to reelz. Com he opened his mind and let the music flow but in his attempt to break on through, he found the end. Of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones youll never forget. Stephanie miller. Stephanie trotting marco rubio out on all of the morning shows with the humor. Make fun of it. Make fun of it. Make sure you have a sense of humor about the disaster. All right. 50 minutes after the hour. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Damian in johnstown pennsylvania, says steph ironic isnt it for a person in the party so antiimmigrant, marco rubio could have used the girl from ipanema song. Please stand by. Stephanie all right. Susan in knoxville tennessee. Technical dufusness. Stephanie susan in knoxville about the big gulp. Poor howard dean was mocked endlessly. Can we call this the marcos waterloo. They do have a dehydrating effect. Stephanie okay. Lets go to terrell in south dakota. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi terrell. Caller hi. Stephanie go ahead. Caller why was boehner looking so mad last night . He looked like he wanted to slap him behind the neck and say shut up. Stephanie he always looks dissatisfied. Thats why he was drinking. Stephanie prove to me it wasnt bourbon and coke. Julie in seattle said it looked like tavern takeout. You know what . If you cant be in the tavern, bring the tavern to you. He brought the taf ton the state of the union and why not. We were saying jacki was asking yesterday, whats our drinking game . They were the drinking they were a drinking game. They drank for us. Stephanie exactly. Lets dive into the rightwing world. Marco rubio krauthammer. So much of it is upsetting as you said. Rnc, youve got a crowd who is behind you. Lifts you. President at the podium. Hes and here you are in a hot room with the cameras looking for a glass of water. It doesnt work. It works against everybody. It is a hard job. I think it was an excellent speech. He can have an audience if he wants. Stephanie with the president , there were no lights or cameras on his speech. A Million People looking at him. Looked like such a dufus. Everyone looks like such a dufus compared to the president. Stephanie boy oh, boy. Compare and contrast. Stephanie hes not a strong speaker or swimmer. He almost drown himself in that glass of water. Marco. Rubio. Stephanie sean hannity who i think writes his response before the speeches. You can totally tell that. I think the big story of the night is going to be marco rubios response. I thought it was the best response to the state of the union that ive ever seen. Very different competing visions that people like overwhelmingly marco rubios vision for the future of the country versus Barack Obamas vision. What . Stephanie you gotta give it to him. It is hard to be that wrong without dick morris by your side. Hes continuing the tradition. I think it will be the big story. Oh, youre right the big story of the night. He totally wrote that line before. Stephanie best speech ever. Okay. I did pause it perhaps it was a ventriloquist act so you wouldnt know it was rush limbaughs voice coming out. Youve got a fake presidency, a fake regime, built on fake promises, fake results. That created all of the millions of jobs. Thats fake. Theyre faking everything here. Nothing is real. At some point that kind of fakery yeah, you should know. Stephanie are we still with that . Theyre just baking the job numbers . Every month he says that. He was entertaining your dodge dart starting up in winter. Stephanie every once in awhile, the real characters do us an impression of doing jims impression of him. The the the house the the stephanie they become the steve carell character in bruce almighty. I was saying if you listen to rush as much as you do, he starts to sound like that. Stephanie mark levin. What the hell does the Democrat Party stand for today . The destruction of america . And what the hell does the Republican Party stand for . Sit there with their thumbs in their mouths while it is going on . An ounce of common sense should be getting on any soapbox imaginable. And screaming from the tops of their lungs. You got that covered. That these policies are destroying america. That this president is destroying america. Instead, the republicans cower. Stephanie does he really talk at that volume for three hours . For three hours. Giving me a mike rephone. We can hear him all the way from new york. Stephanie ill bet he makes a fortune in lozenge endorsements. I dont know why im so hoarse. Stephanie miller. Shes sarcastic and loud stephanie he agrees with hal sparks on that. Theyre a bunch of thumb suckers [ crying ] nook, nook, nook. Well have hal do that in hour three when hes here. Stephanie amy kremer from the tea party express. Theyre from the fast tea party. He said he will be respectful. I think we have to leave it at that. It is his all of them represent us there in washington and so i think he has every right to be there as long as hes respectful. You dont agree with everybody thats there. None of us do. So i mean any of us could go were not going to agree with everybody thats there. So the tea party express, you can get from broadway to albany with no stops. Stephanie right. It is speed tea party. Okay. Lets go to rx aj in los angeles. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, stephanie. Saying the country california goals. California economically, culturally. Now politically california is completely democrat. So thats led the country. This is just the beginning for the country to go like california. Stephanie there you go. So goes the nation. As goes california. Okay. Rich in illinois. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi rich. Caller hello. Just wanted to say that i tuned in a little late last night. I noticed a bunch of green ribbons on everybodys chest. I say oh, no propaganda for the gun control crowd. Stephanie thats what you want to do is call support for the grieving families in newtown. Caller right away, i googled it. It was stephanie sure enough, it was human compassion. Thats hard for you republicans to understand. Caller im pushing for a green and white ribbon. I will email the nra and ask them to make green and white i guess because you own a gun you dont care about the deaths of people to gun violence. It is ridiculous. Stephanie what does a green and white ribbon mean . Caller it means innocent people gun owners are innocent people stephanie it is for sympathy for gun owners. Gun owners have no sympathy. Stephanie the real victims. So many onerous regulations on them. Hardly anyone has a gun in america. So difficult. Got the money . Okay here. Stephanie that guy is kind of a douche. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Senator Debbie Stabenow. [ theme ] stephanie all right. Hour number two. Senator Debbie Stabenow coming up. Lots of poststate of the union reaction. Jacki schechner. Yes. Stephanie does the puntiry bother you . 820 of the American People thought the speech was great. The pundits have to go i thought he missed an opportunity to lead. I thought there were missed opportunities, missed opportunities. They create conflict. Because they think thats what people want to hear. It would be nice if we had the facts and people discussed the facts and thats where we came from. But theres such a predetermined amount of division and divisiveness that thats where they have to go. They feel compelled to go that way. Stephanie the only punditry i love is Chris Matthews, the later and later it gets, he starts blurting out more and more incomprehensible things. I cant get enough of it. What does that even mean . Isnt it fun . It is their sport. Stephanie here she is, political geek news goddess Jacki Schechner. Partisanship is one thing but poor manners and poor choices are entirely another. Cameras caught some telling moments during last nights state of the union address. First, president obama called on congress to pass the paycheck fairness act which means that women will earn the same amount of money for the same amount of work as men do, some women chose to stay seated. Obama and finally pass the paycheck fairness act this year. [ applause ] yeah, because thats controversial. Then theres the president telling the story of 102yearold haitian immigrant dez lean victor who waited an unreasonable amount of time to vote this past november. As the chamber stood to honor this woman who at one point herself, even tried to stand up, the cameras showed the room and the emotional tribute but when it cut back to Speaker Boehner take a look. Not only was he seated . But there was a considerable delay when he finally decided to applaud. So those are the theatrics of last night. As for the substance, the the Washington Post has factchecked the president s speech and says that he did seem to cherry pick some of his proposals or his examples to make them sound more favorable. For example, he says weve added 500,000 new manufacturing jobs in the past three years after hemorrhaging them. That is true. But what he doesnt say is we still need 1. 8 million new jobs to catch up to where we were before he took office. That would have been in december of 2007 when the recession started. Were back after the break. That viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. Im walkin on sunshine im walkin on sunshine and its time to feel good hey, all right now and its time to feel good stephanie happy poststate of the union. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Not only is she fabulous senator, shes done many interviews with us and never once needed a water break senator Debbie Stabenow of the great state of michigan joins us now. Good morning senator. How are you . Stephanie weve missed you. I saw you on the tv last night. I thought it was a great speech. What did you think . It was wonderful. It was very exciting to be there. A lot of energy in the room. Of course, hes talking about making things in america. Manufacturing. Hes singing my song here about innovation and american manufacturing. So i love that part of it. But i thought it was very hopeful. A very visionary speech. Stephanie and honestly, you could even see it on tv. But i cant imagine being in the hall. All of the stuff about gun violence and the victims. It was so powerful. I can only imagine the energy in the room. It was so powerful. Both obviously that is something we have to tackle. We have to come together and get something done on. I also thought the other the piece that was so powerful was talking about voting and you know having the 102yearold woman who spent so much time in line trying to vote and having her there and the room was so powerful. What i thought was actually shocking to those of us who were there is that we had our the leadership on the republican side in the senate did not stand up during the provision about making changes to make sure everybody can vote. And so i dont know if you could see that on tv but that was quite shocking. Stephanie to say the least. I also thought you know, you speak about american jobs as you do so eloquently. When he talked about infrastructure and about our crumbling bridges i mean, it just seems like such a nobrainer and yet you know half of the things the republicans are clapping politely for they arent going to vote for, right . The unfortunate thing is were having this debate in country thats not being done anywhere else in the world about whether or not it is legitimate to have a Public Sector and whether or not we should Work Together and you know, it should be all hands on deck time doing the things that are appropriate for the Public Sector. Education, innovation. Rebuilding america. Unleashing the private sector entrepreneurialship to create jobs. Every other country is using every resource, every tool that they have to beat us on the world stage. And were stuck trying to debate whether or not its in our interest to create jobs through modernizing our countrys infrastructure. Everybody else around the world looks at us and goes you guys are really kind of crazy here. That youre having this debate. While theyre running out and trying to china is building 20 new airports. Big airports. And weve got these other things going on to build infrastructure including technology. Stephanie we hear the same refrain. We have a spending problem. Thats all they ever talk about. Entitlements, entitlements. Stephanie right. I know who is it . Cantor is on tv today this morning, saying the president didnt put forth any plan on the sequester. Yes, he did. Hes been very clear. He has been very clear. Stephanie, what we have is a governing problem in our country. We need we need people willing to sit down and work things out and make tough decisions. When we pass our fiveyear farm bill in the senate last year, we looked at every page, decided what works what doesnt. We actually eliminated 100 Different Things that either hadnt been used well, didnt work. Eliminated a Big Government subsidies for ag. And saved 23 billion. At the same time, we refocused on the future with local food systems and farmers markets and you know, the kinds of things we need to do in schools as well as supporting ag. But we did it by being very strategic, asking the right decisions then making some smart decisions. Thats what we need to do. I also need to say this because it needs to be said every single day. The economists have told us we need to have 4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years to really turn the page. We have already agreed to 2. 5 trillion in deficit reduction. 80 of that is on the spending side. The only thing thats been on the side of lefts make the wealthy and the wellconnected do their fair share was what we did at the end of the year. 80 has been spending. When we go forward to the rest that needs to be done, weve gotta make sure that the vulnerable families, seniors middle class arent the ones asked to pay and to sacrifice one more time. Stephanie theres john boehner yesterday accusing the president of not having the guts to cut spending, not having the courage to stand up to blah, blah blah, his base or whatever. As we all know, it is boehner thats walked away from any of these grand bargains because he couldnt sell it to his own base. Right. And theres been an unwillingness to work across the aisle which you have to do. If he puts together a coalition of democrats and republicans, he can get done whatever he needs to get done. It is only when he lets the very very extreme wing of his Party Control things that everything stops. Because theyre on a mission. Theyre on a mission to destroy government services. They believe that they want to shut things down. They believe there is no role for the Public Sector in a Civilized Society in a democracy which of course, makes no sense. Every other country in the world wants to be like us. In terms of our economy, what we are doing. The rule of law that we have so businesses can conduct business. You know, the air that we breathe. The water we drink. The food that we eat is all safer than other countries because we invest in basic things that affect the quality of our lives. And thats what we do together because its tough to do by yourself. So thats the whole point right, in a democracy. You want to unleash the private sector, go do what they do best and then theres things that we do together. Law enforcement protecting air water, education something we do together because everybody benefits and it is tough to do by yourself. Stephanie senator stabenow youre working on another important issue because once again you know, whenever we have these gun debates they, you know, literally say it is Mental Health. We shouldnt touch guns. Theres nothing we can do on guns yet theyre the ones who want to cut funding for Mental Health services. So you are part of a Bipartisan Group of senators. Yes. Stephanie go ahead. This is an issue ive worked on for a long time. Actually, when i was in the State Government chairing the Mental Health committee. I think this is a real moment to get something done in a bipartisan basis. We need to treat Mental Health services as we do physical health. In other words we need a continuum of care. We do that in Health Reform starting in january. I made sure that in Health Reform now Going Forward that Mental Health services, Substance Abuse services will be covered the same under insurance as physical health. And there is a very good reason for that because when you look at where we are you know, if someone is a diabetic, nobody questions what happens if theyre checking their sugar or theyre taking insulin but if youre bipolar and you have a chemical imbalance in the brain and you could take medication to be able to even out the chemicals and receive the therapy that you need, suddenly that becomes something very different that we dont understand. There is a stigma attached to it and so on. What were doing is working very hard to do away with the stigma. To have quality Mental Health services in the community that are funded. Have the same access to Funding Sources as health centers. Im so thrilled that folks from Silver Linings playbook have gotten involved. Bradley cooper did something with me. David owe russell whose son is bipolar. Did something with us as well. Stephanie the director of Silver Linings playbook. We want to bring this out of the shadows. This is something that touches every family. Whether it is physiological and it is in the brain or whether it is your heart or kidneys or youre diabetic, we ought to be looking at all of these things as to how we can treat them so that people can manage it and go on and live healthy successful lives. Stephanie senator as the president said, we cannot cut our way to prosperity. This is where the republicans run into their own hypocrisy. Oh its not guns. It is Mental Health. Yet theyre the ones always cutting funding for Mental Health. They screamed about benghazi. They voted to cut funding for security. Thats the problem. The cutting is not always the answer. It is about smart investments. In our own families, you know, when were in tough financial time you cut back where you can. Then you also say well, this is too important. Sending the kids away to college is too important. Well take out College Loans or you know, we really need a roof over our head. A house. Well have a mortgage or were going to put some money on a credit card because we have to make sure we can eat while were going through this. You make decisions and businesses make decisions. They dont just cut. They cut back. But they dont cut everything otherwise they would lose their business. You make strategic cuts in spending then you make strategic investments. You go get a loan. Expand or to create the new product. You know in the long run that you will be more successful. So when they say one government like a business, i would love to run government like a business. No business would survive the way theyre running this government so lets this is about common sense, balance you know, making tough decisions a whole lot of things we can do in the tax code to take away special deals for the wealthy and the wellconnected. There is a whole lot of on the spending side, theres things we can continue to do. But lets be smart about it. Lets have the right values when were doing it. Stephanie absolutely. Senator stabenow, great stuff as always. Thanks for joining us on such an important day. Wonderful to be with you. Take care and keep up the great work. Stephanie senator Debbie Stabenow from the great state of michigan. [ applause ] this is the perfect headline. What the president s up against. G. O. P. Backs path to citizenship unless obama supports it. The president needs to stay out of this. Because literally when he says it why would the president stay out of something huh . Stephanie new Washington Post poll finds 70 of americans say they support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. When the same question is asked this time with obamas name attached to it, the support drops to just 39 among republicans. Obama path to citizenship. Thats crazy. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] stephanie unbelievable. All right. 18 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer theres something funny going on in talk radio. Its the the Stephanie Miller show. Irene, drop the itch. We dropped the itch, you can too. Maximum strength scalpicinĀ® is not a shampoo so you can stop intense itch fast, wherever you are. I dropped the itch. Drop the itch with scalpicinĀ®. Surprise your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises . Now you can get all the online Trading Tools you need without any surprise fees. Its not rocket science. Its just common sense. From td ameritrade. vo always outspoken, now unleashed. Joy behar. On my next show, fashion dancing with the stars to dishing with moi, on say anything. Want a little bit of Stephanie Miller and a little bit of Stephanie Miller. Its getting hot in here so take off all your clothes im getting so hot i want to take my clothes off glug, glug, glug. Stephanie awkward drink of poland springs. 22 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Jim [ jeopardy theme ] who said im more concerned about Steve Stockman being here than ted nugent. Ted nugent will leave. Steve stockman will still be here. Who said that . Nancy pelosi. Stockmans lovely and talented guest ted nugent. Stephanie okay. Tommy. Things to do rather than watch morning joe. Masturbate with sandpaper. Clean the lint trap on the dryer and spread it on toast and eat it. Morning joe, barack obama was not ready to be president unlike bill clinton. , who as you recalled, he tried to get impeached. I highly recommend bill press if youre on the east coast. If youre on the west coast why then theres announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie hi charles welcome. Caller good morning. You guys make my morning i tell you that. Stephanie thank you. Caller one thing ive noticed from being a youngster to this fullblown adulthood republicans cant handle heat. Nixon, he was sweating. Stephanie i totally had forgotten how drinky paul ryan was during his ass kicking by joe biden. Caller from now on in any major speech where they get frustrated with the lies, instead of little bottles of water, they should just have a bucket and a ladle. I gotta have a drink of water. Just do it from there. Stephanie i suggest a wine hat. You could fill it with water or a camelback like runners use. You just have a tube going in all the time. Rumers do it, too. Stephanie talking about how literally theres polling the president is for a path to citizenship. Republicans arent for it. Whatever it is, im against it. Stephanie in general theyre for it unless obama says anything. Boehner said yesterday the thing im most concerned about Immigration Reform is the president getting in the way. I hope the president will play a constructive role. As youll recall, Senate Republicans filibustered the dream act. We couldnt get that part done. Okay. Just fyi. Wow. Stephanie lets go to linda in cincinnati. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi. I just i want to put all of your audience on notice that im here in ohio. Boehner, we cant touch him because unfortunately we cant vote his ass out. But kasich and we set on our hands here in ohio in 2010. Thats how the stephanie she dropped an f bomb. Stephanie best of luck to you. Ryan in chicago. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller it has been a long time since i called in. I want to thank you. Ive been at home with the baby for the last year so current tv was on every morning. Ive been enjoying you guys. Now im back to work stuck in traffic in chicago. Anyways, i think whats kind of funny last night how hypocritical rubio was about government funding things and then he goes on to talk about how his dad died with dignity because of medicare and his mom is getting care from medicare. And how he was able to go to college. So it just speaks volumes to what the party is all about. Stephanie good point. Ive heard a lot of people point that out. Absolutely. [ scoobydoos huh . ] stephanie you said government is huh . But you that seems like a giant wheel of wheel of right wing hypocrites. Stephanie drinking so much to drown his hypocrisy. Aww. Nook, nook, nook. Stephanie lets jump to some marco rubio audio goodness, the part where he was not drinking. Here he is talking about government bad. All government isnt going to help you get ahead. Its going to hold you back. More government isnt going to create more opportunities. It is going to limit them. Stephanie no except for the government kind that help me and my family. Then he went on to say i believe in federal financial aid. I couldnt have gone to College Without it. One of these programs is medicare. It is especially important to me. What a moocher. It provided my father the care he needed to battle cancer and ultimately to die with dignity. And it pays for the care my mother receives right now. But government doesnt do anything. Stephanie i hope you bought that bottle of poland springs yourself. You big moocher. Stephanie lets relive the moment. The short time ive been here in washington, nothing has frustrated me more than the false choice the president laid out tonight. Glug glug, glug, glug. Did he go on to elaborate what the false choices are . I love at the beginning of that, you can hear his cotton mouth. Let me play that again. Stephanie i was wondering if you would like to go to the prom with me. Short time that ive been here in washington, nothing has frustrated mow more than false choices the president laid out tonight. [ laughter ] stephanie i havent been this thirsty since i was in tel aviv. Excuse me. All right. Scott mclennan. Stephanie mclellan. Stephanie dave in miami. Caller we have a new name for him. It is the water boy. Stephanie could do a remaining. It was an adam sandler film, right . Caller miami, most people dont like him at all. We know who he is. Hes a fraud. I think water boy my friend joe ramirez came up with that. Thats the perfect name for him. Knock me out. Had to call you. Stephanie thank you, baby. Appreciate it. Representative judy chu of the great state of california next on the Stephanie Miller show. Compelling true stories. Jack, how old are you . Nine. This is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. vo from the underworld, to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Sorry. In what universe is Stephanie Miller. Blond . Relax. No one is going to be looking at her hair. Stephanie i bet hillary was sweating watching that marco rubio speech last night. Hello. Turkey . Water . Stephanie president of water world. Keep it up on Climate Change. Perfect. Turkey . Stephanie sorry. Thats what she thought when she was watching rand paul because his response was shes like oh, there he is again. Turkey. Stephanie 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Representative judy chu of the great state of california was there. She joins us now. Good morning congresswoman. Good morning. Stephanie i thought it was a great speech. Im looking at the lets see. Cbs poll. I havent seen one like this in quite some time. 91 of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals the president put forth in his remarks. That was incredible. I was truly inspired. I thought his emphasis on a thriving middle class is what we need right now. Stephanie cbs poll was the one i just looked at. I thought the punditry, you can almost predict in advance. Someone was saying missed opportunities, didnt specify blah blah, blah. I often think were they watching a different speech . You were there. You felt the same way. I guess 91 of the American People that watched it. I thought there were many new ideas that he presented. For instance, the 9 an hour minimum wage. That was incredible. And yet very important step forward so that people who are working hard arent living in poverty. Stephanie well and i also when they talk about this constant the president doesnt reach out. Hes not leading. And then they literally say the president needs to stay out of the immigration debate, for instance. A listener wrote because the greg way for p. O. T. U. S. To lead is to stay out of the immigration. Which is it . Is he not leading or is he too involved in these issues . I was so happy that he did emphasize comprehensive Immigration Reform. I think it is important for people in this country to hear from our highest ranking leader that Immigration Reform is important for this country to move forward. Stephanie yep. I loved the infrastructure part. I know you all love going to those Ribbon Cuttings. Here is an idea, right . It is through fixing our infrastructure that we get those good, middle class jobs plus our infrastructure needs it. Stephanie absolutely. Lets take a listen to that. When you listen to this and you go in the United States of america, listen to this. Obama the ceo of siemens america, a company that brought hundreds of new jobs to North Carolina said that if we upgrade our infrastructure, theyll bring ine more jobs. Thats the attitude of a lot of companies around the world. I know you want these job creating project nurse district. Ive seen the Ribbon Cuttings. [ laughter ] so tonight i propose a fix it First Program to put people to work as soon as possible on our most urgent repairs. Like the nearly 70,000 structurally deficient bridges across the country. [ applause ] stephanie in america. Stephanie in america representative. Yet you know the republicans will en masse vote against that. Theyll say we have a spending problem, blah, blah, blah. We cannot do that. We have cut tremendously over the last couple of years. And weve done it responsibly. We need a balanced budget. We need to make sure that there is revenue coming in as well. Stephanie i think it bears repeating again. I was look at some statistics before the speech. Under president obama Government Spending has grown at its slowest pace since the eisenhower administration. The nations deficits have shrunk by trillions of dollars. The debt is close to being stabilized. Spending cuts are holding back the economic recovery as you alluded to, congresswoman. And again he said as paul krugman and others have said, austerity is the worst thing we can do right now isnt it . Well, we dont want to be like greece. We dont want to have our economy grind to a halt. In fact, thats what this sequester would do. These automatic spending cuts and yet the republicans are stubbornly holding on to that. Even might let it pass. Stephanie obviously it is still favoring cuts. He once again said we need a balanced approach to doing this. Thats right. It is very, very important now. Especially with this looming automatic cut. Stephanie right. With the sequester. How do you feel thats going to play out now . Here we are. It is upon us again. March 1st. Im very alarmed. It looks like the republicans are going to let it pass. And this would mean 30 drop in our gdp. Thats how drastic it would be. Stephanie yep. Obviously the emotional highlight of the evening was that you know, he really was a very powerful statement on gun violence, not just the people that were there but the way the president framed that issue. What do you think . I was there on the floor. I couldnt believe the response. People were chanting vote, vote, vote. We want to vote on these very Common Sense Solutions to the terrible gun violence that is taking away the lives of our loved ones. Stephanie i thought it was such a powerful way really of calling out the republicans because i think that you know, like you say it is one of those things where the conventional wisdom is already we cant get this gun. Lets listen to that again. Obama malias parents are in this chamber along with more than two dozen americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. They deserve a vote. [ applause ] they deserve a vote. They deserve a vote. [ applause ] Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of newtown deserve a vote. [ applause ] the families of aurora deserve a vote. [ applause ] the families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities affected by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. The gun nuts who are the real victims here according to that earlier caller. Stephanie at the same time, we have this breaking breaking news competing almost with the state of the union another gun violence story out here in our own state right . Exactly. What better argument for some Common Sense Solutions than to look at whats happening with dorner. Stephanie somebody made the point, representative that every as the nra would say good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun until they become a bad guy with a gun. Exactly. Are we going to let unstable people have guns and shoot our young kids . 20 Young Children gunned down. This has to end. Stephanie i think that it couldnt have been worse timing. You heard the story of the nra lobbyist. This audio surfaced of him saying the gun stuff is going to pass. We just have to get over this connecticut effect. Thats how you refer 206yearolds shot to death at close range . An outbreak of compassion. It must be stopped. Wasnt that just doesnt that sum everything up . The effect the gun lobby has had . Just to pass it off with a phrase like that is just a fleeting fancy. That is horrible. Stephanie just another bad day politically for them. You know, they dont realize those parents will never have a good day again compared to them. Thats the thing thats why it was so powerful last night. To see your former colleague Gabby Giffords. It is hard to get more powerful than that. Well, we were there on the floor. We were surrounded up in the gallery by victims of gun violence. Not just Gabby Giffords which we all know was so tragic. But people from newtown. People from aurora. People from all across this country. Who have been tragic victims of gun violence. Stephanie yeah. Do you have hope that anything is going to change particularly after last night . Yes i do believe that on that issue that we can come to some resolution on this. Look. Nra members support a universal background check. And you dont need 30 rounds of bullets in a magazine in order to shoot a deer. Stephanie yep. Absolutely or perhaps hunting is not your thing. Yeah. Stephanie representative chu, thanks for joining us. Great to have your take as someone who was there. We appreciate talking to you. Thank you so much. Stephanie talk to you again soon. There she goes. Representative chu of the great state of california. The president once again last night. Obama tonight, ill lay out additional prop proposals that are fully paid for and fully consistent with the budget framework both parties agreed to just 18 months ago. Let me repeat. Nothing im proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It is not a bigger government we need. But a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broadbased growth. The president s not doing too much not enough stephanie hes leading too much and also concurrently, not enough at the same time. Also too, in addition. Michelle in baton rouge youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi michelle. Caller good morning. I just want to say im going to go slow. Please if you have to play this over and over. The g. O. P. Is not stupid. As obama said with the blue Ribbon Cutting they benefited off government. His signature is on it because he is the president. Lets just say for the sake of argument mitt romney would have won and he had a change of heart. If he had to go behind closed doors and tell john boehner get with the democrats because i realize that everybody should have the proper amount of healthcare. I see poor kids looking into the situation. They deserve to eat. Romney had a change of heart they would vote for it. Stephanie i agree. I thought that we were on the air during the clinton i thought clinton derangement syndrome. It was not like this. It was not this kind of obstructionism. 45 minutes after the hour. Right back. More poststate of the Union Commentary on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer i got her number off the mens room stall. 1800steph12. That im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. vo always outspoken, now unleashed. Joy behar. On my next show, fashion savant Carson Kressley goes from dancing with the stars to dishing with moi, on say anything. Stephanie miller. Lets kick it ice ice baby steph steph baby stephanie ice in your water, mr. Rubio . 50 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number. Toll free from anywhere. Michael tomasky and the daily beast said as i mentioned earlier, that was the more illadvised drink of liquid since socrates took hemlock. It deserves to bush league and the way he kept looking nervously at the camera. He comes across like the proverbial substitute teacher. You know you can throw spitballs in his class and he wont have the authority to make you stop. Rubio was one of 22 senators to vote against reauthorizing the violence against women act. He has a long ways to go. In the daily beast. Stephanie speak of pundits. Our good friend, David Shuster. Stephanie as if tuesdays arent exciting enough. Shuster. Hes the most interesting man in the world. Stephanie good morning most interesting. Good morning, stephanie. Great to be with you. Stephanie how are you David Shuster . Once again youve done many, many interviews. Ive never heard gulping never heard you furiously drinking water. This is a record setting interview for me because im on the train from new york to d. C. , im actually in the bathroom because i figured this would be the quietest place to talk to you and we could have a little bit of private time. Stephanie very sexy. Yeah, i mean it literally theres always one moment like that. Last time it was Michele Bachmann looking off camera. The marco rubio thing. You just feel like it is emblematic of a party thats not confident in its ideas right . Yeah. The guy looked like he was sweating so much. I havent seen anybody that nervous for a major speech in a long time. It was just you know, you get the sense that the guy that this really is a show. They dont necessarily believe what theyre saying because you cant believe some of this stuff. That they could really be the powerbroker of the Republican Party. Stephanie again, you know, the president not to sound partisan, i just thought it was a magnificent speech. It is hard to top kind of the emotional power of the whole section about guns, dont you think . Yeah. Thats one of the things i liked about his speech. Progress lives enjoy. This was the first speech where i felt like the president said i tried the bipartisan and it hasnt gotten me anything. Im going to go over the heads of the pundits and the media and spoke right to the American People. Im going to reinforce to the American People that congress are a bunch of know nothings. They have the record low Approval Rating. At times mock the congress. And it seemed like it was a reasonable person in the room. Simple vote on gun control. Remarkable strategy by the president. An effective one as well. Stephanie no i think thats absolutely right. Youre right. Thats what makes me the craziest is punditry about oh, this was just a liberal laundry list. It is like no all of the issues he talked about, the American People are largely on his side. There is the face of john boehner just right behind him going you know, were not going to do any of that. Even though it literally is what he ran on. What he won on, right . Yeah. The president you know the president won. Republicans have to acknowledge that okay, the American People have spoken. They can pick their battles here and there. When you have the family in the room. And republicans think this is politics. I would say that nut job ted nugent into the chamber, ted nugent called the president of piece of, rhymes with spit, thats about as coarse as it gets. If they felt the president bringing victims of gun violence, more of them speaking out about ted nugent having the honored invitation to go to the state of the union. This is a political event. I think everybody is welcome to bring whoever they want. It was smart move by the president to bring the real victims of gun violence into the chamber. Look at the members of congress and say hey, here are the victims. These people deserve a vote. I dont know how anybody can deny that. Stephanie i would say versus ted nugent, the president won that debate. I heard people say in some ways, politically, you go good, make ted nugent the face of your party then. Yeah, i think that there are some political benefits to democrats but i believe there should be a certain decorum. I think when members of congress are going the ted nugent path, being so extreme. I think it diminishes the process. At a certain point, you know we all have to be able to have vigorous debates without the namecalling. Thats where republicans have gone off the deep end. They cant have a debate on the facts. Challenge the republicans to be able to disagree with anything the president said about Climate Change. Because the republicans cant have a debate about facts and science, they have to go to the namecalling. Thats where the American People are realizing that you know, he can bring up conservative points. You still want Accurate Information about the world around you. Thats why the Republican Party and conservative media continue to suffer. Stephanie imagine how much water marco rubio will need if Global Warming continues. Youre absolutely right. Just the ted nugent thing alone you think this literally can you imagine all of the screams, david of liberal media. Can you imagine what fox news would have done, for instance if someone had invited a left wing equivalent to a george bush speech . Someone who literally had threatened his life . They would have gone absolutely crazy. I think look, i think people are justified in being really angry but it gets to the hypocrisy. Another reason democrats tend to be be as a result, democrats cower. We may disagree with ted nugent, hes a nut job but he has a First Amendment right to say whats wants. It a member of Congress Wants to bring him in there so be it. They complain about the decorum. The republicans would threaten the guys life if somebody had threatened their president. Thats how it goes. Stephanie do you think last night will change the results, you know or change the debate about guns at all . I think it puts an enormous amount of pressure not only directed at republicans but the number of democrats. By harry reid who i think will rather not bring up a vote on the assault weapons ban. The president was able to move the needle and say look, youre going to vote against something thats fine. But at least be on the record. Tell the American People why you have a straight upordown vote. I do think the chances of gun control are much better. They dont have to require to have a vote in the senate. If they can get a straight up or down bill, assault weapon ban passage, john boehner suggested he may not approve some of the proposals to the floor unless they have majority support. Assault weapons ban wont have majority ban. If people support gun control can get the upordown vote, they may find some success. Thats where it is smart for the president last night. We all talked about the merits of gun control and what not. The process needs to allow the American People to keep members of congress on record on this issue. Stephanie thank you for calling me from the train bathroom to have this incredible conversation. I would call from you anywhere, my friend. Stephanie prevalentines day conversation. I appreciate it. Exactly. Take care, steph. Stephanie love you dave shuster. Bye, honey. Hump days with sexy liberal hal sparks next on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme ] stephanie hello hour number three. Sexy liberal hal sparks coming up. Jacki schechner. Yes . Stephanie you didnt give us your brief review of the state of the union in general. I thought the president did a really good job. I liked it. I liked it a lot. I thought it was really good and really strong. I thought it was a good speech. Stephanie thats the thing jim was saying, is it just they suffer so much in comparison to him as speakers or is it their ideas or is it both . Its hard to say. I thought it was pretty obvious that the rubio speech was written far in advance. Same g. O. P. Talking points over and over again. It wasnt actually in reaction to anything the president said. Stephanie maybe thats why he was doubly nervous. They didnt understand the word response. Be. Stephanie i sense him improvising on the spurofthemoment would also not go well for him. I suspect the waterboarding moment wasnt scripted. Stephanie sheer she is. Completely unscripted. The Senate Finance committee is holding a hearing this morning for treasury secretary nominee jack lew. The white house chief of staff. He used opening remarks this morning to emphasize his experience with bipartisan cooperation and collaboration and to Warn Congress that letting the march 1st automatic spending cutting kick in would be dangerous for our economy. Thats why we cannot allow the series of harmful automatic spending cuts known as the sequester to go into effect. These cuts would impose selfinflicted wounds to the recovery and will put far too many jobs and businesses at risk. Once confirmed and hes expected to be, lews first task will be trying to bridge the gap between white house and congress when it comes out to working out a deal to avoid the sequester. President obama mentioned the sequester early in last nights state of the union. Pointing out like lew did, it is a really bad idea. These studden harsh arbitrary cuts would jeopardize our military readiness devastate priorities like education and energy and medical research. They would certainly slow our recovery. And cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs. President obama goes on to say that saving defense by cutting social programs like medicare and Social Security also cutting education things like that is unacceptable. And we can reduce the deficit through a combination of smart spending and reasonable tax reform. That would be reforms like closing loopholes and deductions for the wealthiest americans. Were going to be back with more show after the break. Stay with us. vo next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. Jack, how old are you . Nine. This is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. vo from the underworld, to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. The Natural Energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. To fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. Payday. Fill up and go announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. Im walkin on sunshine im walkin on sunshine and its time to feel good hey, all right now and its time to feel good glug, glug glug, glug. Stephanie six minutes after the hour. Im nervous. Im always nervous on wednesdays. Because it gets hot in here. Whats that heavy breathing i hear . Why, could it be . The humpty dance hump days with hal sparks. Yes, yes stephanie is there enough water in the world . Im parched. S. Stephanie you said the funniest thing. It wasnt just the drinking. It looked like he was shoplifting. It looked like it was someone elses water. Stephanie like a security camera. Looked like somebody escaping from prison movie. [ sirens ] stephanie deer in the headlights. Huh . Like hes running back and forth. Like lets get outta here stephanie he looks like that scared squirrel what . Interestingly enough, i think weve all learned a valuable lesson which is joining a group of crusty, old white men to vote against the violence against women act makes you just as dry and parched on the inside as they are on the outside. Chuck grassleys skin growing inside his throat. Stephanie put out the fire in your soul. Glug glug. Im going it burns. Somewhere there is a witchs coven going ill show you violence against women act i find your lack of faith disturbing what . Stephanie speaking of hot, sexy liberals. Hal sparks. Hi, how are ya . Stephanie chris is coming to chicago sexy liberal. Our sons 12th birthday. Well be bringing him to the sexy liberal show april 13th. Wow. Wont be as sexy. Stephanie well tone down a little bit. Well hold up a big like sheet in front of it and it will be a silhouette. Puppet show. Stephanie loves your show. Hes been a big fan since he was 8. He keeps wanting to call in and talk to you about various issues. Hes turned kids from his Montesorri School from republicans to democrats. We unfortunately were unable to get v. I. P. Tickets. Sorry. Those long gone. But it will be well be on the main floor. If you could give him a shout out for his birthday. Happy birthday, alex. It will be the highlight of his young life. The comic book and writer of the Stephanie Miller show. Hurry. Tickets flying out the window for the show on april 13th. Ticket window. Since were calling up old 40s images all morning marco rubio escaping from prison. [phone ringing] hello . Stephanie hal sparks, some media coaching, for instance, why put the water so far away . Again, i dont think it was his. Or it was on the little makeup short table. It was the gaffers. Exactly. What they edited out was the guy going hey stephanie dont backwash in my water you can keep it now its going to be hard for the next republican who has to do the republican it is not even a rebuttal. It is just a denial of the state of the union. I dont know what theyre supposed to do next. After Michele Bachmann and then after marco rubio. The bar has been raised so high now. They will have to break wind. They will have to break wind on the air. Breaking news. Stephanie heres rand paul. With a party that adheres to the constitution, so we wont let the liberals tread on the Second Amendment. We will fight to defend the entire bill of rights from the right to trial by jury to the right to be free from unlawful surges. Well stand up against excessive government power wherever we see it. We cannot and will not allow any president to act as if he were a king. We will make sure if youre a king, youre part of a wellregulated militia. If you hold a gun youre only doing it to guarantee the security of the state. There is nothing in the Second Amendment that says you can use the Second Amendment to be a free person. The only reason the Second Amendment is there is to protect the security of the state. So go pound sand. Thats right. If you believe in the Second Amendment, you believe in the governments ability to transcribe you into service to protect the state. That doesnt mean state that means this governmental state. Hello, communism. Stephanie what was with that backdrop . They have no Media Consultants of any kind. They both looked like they were High School Productions or something. They kind of were. Did you notice that marco rubio lurched to the left to get the water . [ dramatic ] only move to the left. Stephanie all right. The president last night. State of the union. Obama our economy is stronger when we reward an honest days work with honest wages. But today, a fulltime worker making the minimum wage earns 14,500 a year. Even with the tax relief we put in place. A family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. Thats wrong. Thats why since the last time this congress raised the minimum wage, 19 states have chosen to bump theirs even higher. Tonight, lets declare that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty. And raise the federal minimum wage to 9 an hour. [ applause ] 9 . Thats outrageous i wont pay it. If you raise that, it hab will be harder on businesses because theyll have to pay more for their employees. Other businesses will have the baseline raise and raise the amount of money they can spend at that business. Stephanie then they could afford what you make. I hate americans. I want americans to work for me for no benefits and very low wage but i want to sell to foreigners like a guy driving people from the airport to their hotel and overcharging them. Thats my business plan. Stephanie hal sparks, what did you think in general . I thought it was terrific. I think it was you can measure how great it was by the weird shuttering, stammering nonsense that came out of eric cantor and boehner and all of those president hasnt provided any sort of a plan except for the written bills that have been sitting there anonymously blocked. And of course, hes got no ideas. Hes just presenting ideas and he wont lead on any issues. Stephanie thats why the punditry drives me crazy. It is a pretty high bar. Hes a great speaker. Just like clockwork you know people are going to go oh, djokhar Joe Scarborough too many ideas in there. Stephanie hes not leading enough. Too many ideas. No ideas. Well, i mean but thats the plan. This morning on cnn they had somebody they had like kind of two sides of what did you think of certain points in the president s speech . They had two black gentlemen one was strategist for politico who is a democratic strategist and another guy was the guy who used to help george bush who is a little ron christie. I couldnt quite remember. Stephanie the crosseyed pundit. Both of them were both sides of the issue was i thought the president missed the mark. He was like how is that a both sides of the issue . Both of them seem to agree and both of them were wrong. One of the points the guy from either the daily beast or politico made was the president s going to raise the minimum wage, how is he going to pay for it . How do you pay for it . Thats not a tax raise moron. Thats businesses that pay that wage. It is an establishing. You dont take a tax the government doesnt make up for the difference in what youre paying. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. Stephanie mystery science theatre of yelling. He needs to be a part of your quadruple. That was absurd. If youre going to raise the minimum wage, mr. President , how are you going to pay for it . Stephanie will you come snuggle with me . Snuggle with me sunday morning for meet the press. I cant do it because David Gregory needs a mustache. It drives me crazy. He has a lot of space between his lip and his nose. It doesnt have to be the full kind of stephanie he literally said should the president withdraw chuck hagels nomination . Dont you think he should start over . No. He just went through committee. What are you talking about . Yes, he should remove anybody that jim inhoff doesnt like. Thats essentially what it is. Heres what jim inhoff hagel was endorsed by iran. He and cruz both said that yesterday. Stephanie he called out cruz for insinuating hagel may have received funds from extreme groups. I think i wrote down the word he was criticizing our senator for implying hagel was cozy with terrorist type countries. I would say hes endorsed by them. You cant get any cozier than that. Really . Hes a republican chuck hagel and yet the president s not doing enough bipartisan outreach. Chuck hagel is unfortunately does not believe in carpet bombing as a solution to a diplomatic problem. And cruz and inhoff both do because theyre big christians, apparently. They believe that the abject is like all drone striking single target aside, they believe in wiping out miles and miles of city blocks to get stephanie on the offchance someone the poor people they disagree with are there while the other people are trying to work at a shoe shop until this nonsense passes. They get wiped out in the process. Chuck said that it was the tip of the iceberg. Talk about one guy who shot up an orphanage with a 50 caliber machine gun. But thats all right. Stephanie a senate panel approved him yesterday. What hal is referring to. Harry reid said he would move ahead with a full senate vote. He was jamming it through. Stephanie so republican senator jim inhoff insisting any confirmation be based on votes. Several republicans have said that would be an unprecedented effort. When john mccain points that out, you know, seriously. Huh . Stephanie senator carl levin said their demands are beyond the scope of what has been asked traditionally of former nominees. A point echoed by john mccain. Eh . Did i or didnt i . Wait. What day is it . Who am i for and against . Who am i mad at this week so i can choose my position on who i have a grudge against . No, sir one should impugn his character and integrity. They were accusing him of lying. Of colluding with iran against the interests of the American People. I mean dick cheney went on i guess it was a fox interview. Cant go anywhere else. But he was his big thing was that the president s choices including hagel are a specific strategy to endanger the American People and undermine be. Its doing it. Stephanie he can talk because he served so patrioticically in vietnam. No terrorist things happened on cheneys watch though. Youre nothing. Nothing bad happened. No wars of choice. We made sure that our soldiers had everything they needed when they went to war. Thorough investigation. Every piece of evidence they used to start the war has turned out to be true. In dick cheneys defense im sorry. Welcome to the upside down world. Snark snark. I was thinking with my marco rubio brain. I reverse everything i know to be true and say it. Stephanie southern bell Lindsey Graham will block the nomination of chuck hagel if he doesnt get more answers on benghazi. Im insisting the president answer what he did that night. I need more answers. Does Lindsey Graham think benghazi is the guy he met at that bar the other night . What are you saying, hal . Stephanie 19 minutes after the hour. Ben who . Nice to meet you ben ghazi. Heres my card. Im a senator. What do you think of that . 20 minutes after the hour. Announcer she was abandoned by wolves and raised by republicans. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Hersheys Simple Pleasures chocolate. 30 less fat, 100 delicious. He opened his mind and let the music flow but in his attempt to break on through, he found the end. Of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones youll never forget. They call me her s call me stephanie. Thats not my name thats not my name thats not my name stephanie grumpy cats look. 24 minutes after the hour. Grumpy cat dont be so grumpy. Glug, glug, glug, dplug glug. The president last night. Obama most of us agree a plan to reduce the deficit must be part of our agenda. But lets be clear. Deficit reduction alone is not an economic plan. A growing economy that creates good, middle class jobs, that must be the north star that guides our efforts. Stephanie thank you. Think youre so smart. Stephanie yet another poll. Abc Washington Post poll, obamas agenda more favorable than congressional g. O. P. In all fairness though, he actually has one. [ world news tonight ] thats true. An agenda even agendas you cant cut your deficit then just have that be your economic plan. You can also not just deny whatever the president and call it leadership. Stephanie right. You cant just block bills. Stephanie that should be our cycle. Republicans, theyre why we cant have nice things. That would work. You mean like bridges that dont collapse under you. Stephanie right. Rose in new mexico, youre on with hal. Caller hi, there. Stephanie hello. Caller here i am. I have a math question for you. All right. Caller 92 of the American People want effective gun control legislation. Whats congresss Approval Rating . 8 . Caller so 8 of people who think its okay to have guns and use them recklessly, those are the people that are supporting congress. Stephanie are you the smartest girl in class today. And math is hard as barbie tells us. Here is another especially when they deal with temperatures. Stephanie 80 of firearms used in crimes did not have to go through a background check. They were sold privately. Powerful stuff. If you want to know how most guns that are used in crimes are purchased, go rent taxi driver. Watch the scene where he buys guns out of a suitcase from a guy whos driving around with them in the trunk of his car. And that that guy there are gangs all over this country that they have four or five people in the gang who dont commit any crimes. Thats actually their job. They are they keep their nose clean so they can go buy guns in other states. Theyll pass a background check. They can even wait for it. But they specifically buy from private owners or gun shows shuffle them in. Theyre used in a crime and then they dump them in the lake. Thats thats been a common practice for a long time. It is gun show loophole and the private sale loophole that makes it super easy for them. They can get a gun in less than 20 minutes. That they can use in a crime and dump. Stephanie rebecca in asheville. Welcome. Caller hi, stephanie. Im a huge fan of your show. Stephanie thank you. Caller i just wanted to point out that while i was watching marco rubios speech last night, i thought the entire thing was nauseating to some degrees. My personal favorite part was at the end when he was actually, the poor, single mothers dreaming about better lives for their children and dads not around, so on and so forth. As both a Domestic Violence survivor and a single mom knowing he had just voted against the violence against women act the same day he was saying all of that, that was the part where i threw up in my lap. Stephanie yeah. It really is just the name of the bill. Really . Youre against it . Theyre actually against it the only difference between this version and the old version is that it now pertains to the lgbt community. Stephanie undocumented immigrants nativeamerican women. The bill heads to the house where g. O. P. Is resisting some of the provisions because theres too much protection. For women in there. They want to add some bitches have it coming amendments and stuff like that. Also two men together, if one beats the other one up, there shouldnt be Domestic Violence protection for that guy. Thats one of the big holdouts. Stephanie somebody please send me a picture of marco rubio with a squared squirrel in the frame so we can post it on facebook. Right back with hump days with hal on the Stephanie Miller show. Going to do the young turks. I think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Announcer Stephanie Miller. You have so many unsolvable problems. Like your mouth. It looks like somebody kicked a hole in a bag of flour. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. 34 minutes after the hour. Robin writes rubio proves you can swallow and choke at the same time. [ circus ] thats completely unfair to a member of the g. O. P. I listened to the president s entire speech and i did not hear a single new idea except the awful ones. And i also didnt hear him lead on anything except places where hes trying to shove things down our throats. I need a sip of water too. Stephanie big story. Not the state of the union or the cop killer, banana joe. A black dog with a monkeylike face became the first affenpinscher to win best in show. Thats an ape terrier. Stephanie best in show at westminster. Apparently he has a big shrontz. Stephanie he is all tiny little dog. Okay. The law giveth and the law taketh away. Sometimes just keeps on giving. Gets distracted. Left the teapot on while he was putting the magic wank making sauce on [ buzzer ] stephanie all right. Then you run over there and you come back and tiny dog should have sent a picture of his face. [ laughter ] stephanie the New York Times story reads best in show. The judge, michael says hes a fantastic of aen pincher with a fantastic face. A great body. Ive never had my hands on a better affenpinscher ever. He has the muscle tone of a big dog. Ill tell you why i cant put up with you people because youre bastard people. Stephanie seven fantastic dogs presented in the most immaculate manner. Hes never had his hands on a better affenpinscher. Get your hands off my affenpinscher. I cant wait until were having shows about children this way when were genetically modifying our kids. You take what used to be five wolflike dogs weve crowbarred into chihuahua and st. Benards. Where is the Republican Party when man wants to play god with day nines . With canines . Because theres no way bassett hounds would survive in the wild. Thundering herds of bassett hounds, never happen. They would step on their own ears. And die. Stephanie pterodactyl bait. My favorite thing was when they said ann coulter looks like something they should have left on the island. Leave her. Shes got too bitey. Thats got more of a lock thing going on. Obama we cant ask Senior Citizens and working families to shoulder the entire burden of deficit reduction while asking more from the wealthiest and the most powerful. We want to grow the middle class by shifting the cost of healthcare or college on to families that are already struggling or by forcing communities to lay off more teachers and more cops and more firefighters. Most americans democrats republicans and independents understand that we cant just cut our way to prosperity. They know that broadbased Economic Growth requires a balanced approach to deficit reduction. With spending cuts and revenue and with everybody doing their fair share. And thats the approach i offer tonight. Stephanie theta in detroit. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, i love you guys and im in love with jim ward, of course. Silkiest hair. His is so silver and mine is so gray but oh, well. Hi to chris too. What i called for is to give you, stephanie the long, suffering tv host award. Stephanie thank you. Caller i cant believe how the gun people have been hazing you. Stephanie yes. Did you hear the guy today that was mocking the green ribbons . Caller i know. A green and white ribbon. Stephanie because he said the real victims are the gun owners in america. Caller when i walk into a room where everybody is strapped, im sure im going to be like good guy no, bad guy over there. Heres a bad guy. Stephanie we just had a little story in l. A. About a good guy with a gun that turned into a bad guy with a gun. A bad guy with a lot of guns actually. Well, thats the issue. They were saying there were a lot of people at the they were affected by gun violence. I think you should include ted nugent in that even though he was stephanie i was looking at a picture of him. He has benefited. His tv cue has gone up. Hes been interviewed by cnn because of newtown. Stephanie there is a picture and he got the crappiest ever. [ applause ] top balcony in the top of a best western ballroom. His arms crossed. He did not stand up in tights with a tiny little tox tail attached to his butt and go wang dang doodlely do. Stephanie he didnt poop his pants to get out of going to war. He would if it was a threat. But hes not. Thats his biggest problem. He used to be a big threat. Rock n roll kind of bad boy. What is it . He married his cousin he was sleeping with because incest is a less of a charge than statutory rape. Something like that. Stephanie i think he adopted a teenage girl in order to never mind. Just so he could marry her. Stephanie robert in tennessee. Well look it up. Stephanie google it. Caller how are you doing this morning . Stephanie good. Go ahead. Caller i just wanted to talk a little bit about gun control. If were going to take guns away from the civilians, we should take guns away from the police. That said, the root of gun violence is rooted in a failed drug war. Stephanie wait a minute, dew point the police to have guns is what youre saying . Not if the civilians dont have weapons. So you think youre going to have to kill a cop at some point in your life. No, not at all. If you have to open on fire on someone it will be an officer. Negative. I believe in gun control. I think if i cant have weapons neither should the police. I actually i will actually agree with him on the lowlevel constable level that at a certain point if we had harsh district, gun laws that actually were reflective of the violence in this country which is almost all gunrelated then yeah. Then beat cops and traffic cops wouldnt have to carry weapons. You would have s. W. A. T. Teams for major cases or whatever. If we get to that point super. But i dont think it will happen. Tell cops in arizona that. I have some ted nugent updates for you. [ world news tonight ] in 1978, he began a relationship with a woman. Due to the age difference, they could not marry so nugent joined her parents in signing documents to make him her legal guardian, an arrangement that was ranked at number 63 of their 100 sleaziest moments in rock. Stephanie the president last night. Stockman brought him to the state of the union. Obama the greatest nation on earth cannot conducting its business from drifting from one manufacturing crisis to the next. We cant do it. [ applause ] obama lets agree right here, right now to keep the peoples government open. And pay our bills on time. And always uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of america. Stephanie what a novel idea. By the way, picture of ted nunent. There is a guy next to him with his head down. Im not sure if hes asleep or if ted shot him. Im alarmed. No one is really in danger of being shot by ted nugent. Stephanie bill in florida. Caller good morning, stephanie. How are you . Stephanie good. Go ahead. Caller i could say first off, i have an older brother who voted for your father. Thats what ive been up against all my life. Stephanie all right. Caller what i wanted to say was obama last night boehner is what you call him im disgusted with him. Im disgusted with him i dont know what stephanie in his defense he was drunk on bourbon and coke if you were watching him drink. Caller that must be nice. What i was going to say is i want 100 lesbian moms to write to boehner and to threaten him that they will or pull a Grover Norquist on him where he will not get reelected the next time i dont know whether he comes up in 2014 or not. Stephanie i dont know when the boehner pops up. House members get reelected every two years. Caller okay. So it would be 2014. So they would descend on ohio, whatever district hes from. Stephanie right. Just threaten to keep him out of office again. Stephanie you need some good lesbians to keep a boehner down. 100 lesbians . Stephanie the president last night. Urges congress to get together pursue a bipartisan marketbased solution to Climate Change. Like the one john mccain and Joe Lieberman worked together a few years ago. If Congress Wont act soon to protect future generations i will. I will direct [ applause ] i will direct my cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take in the future to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of Climate Change and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy. Stephanie you know what i said earlier . Since the republicans dont believe in Climate Change, the good news is marco rubio could be president of water world. [ circus ] give him a bottle of poland springs. A bottle of his own urine. Global warming is just never mind the fact that im growing gills as we speak. Stephanie 45 minutes. It is ugly. Ugly. Ugly. Stephanie all right. 45 minutes after the hour. Back with the remaining moments of hump days with hal sparks on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer she puts the broad back in broadcasting. Its the Stephanie Miller show. To find reelz in your area, go to reelz. Com billy zane stars in barabbas. Coming in march to reelz. To find reelz in your area, go to reelz. Com irene, drop the itch. We dropped the itch, you can too. Maximum strength scalpicinĀ® is not a shampoo so you can stop intense itch fast, wherever you are. I dropped the itch. Drop the itch with scalpicinĀ®. vo always outspoken, now unleashed. Joy behar. On my next show, fashion savant Carson Kressley goes from dancing with the stars to dishing with moi, on say anything. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Get down, boogie oogie oogie get down, boogie oogie oogie i love disco. I hear its making a comeback. Obama i propose working with states to make highquality preschool available to every single child in america. [ applause ] obama every dollar we invest in highquality Early Childhood education can save more than 7 later on. By boosting graduation rates. Reducing teen pregnancy. Even reducing violent crime. Stephanie what . No we need kids to be dumb enough to vote for republicans when they grow up. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] there is no correlation between the federal government helping anyone get an education and getting further along in life than they would have sorry. Thats not true. Paul ryan actually got Social Security benefits and used it to stephanie so did marco rubio. My bad. [ world news tonight ] stephanie by the way, it is all about money for the republicans. Heres some fun facts. A path to citizenship will lead to Economic Growth. Immigrants are essential to strengthen the economy. No more likely to participate in social programs than the native born. Legalizing undocumented immigrants would raise the nations gdp 1. 5 trillion in the next decade. Raise wages and lead to increased tax revenue. Another fun fact. Extreme weather fueled by Climate Change will cost the u. S. Trillions. Just saying. But keep in mind, rich people buy the houses that are on the hill for a reason and without major storms, whos going to wipe away all the poor peoples houses and give you a better view of the sea . Secondly yes, it will increase taxes and the gdp of the country but it will do it by inviting more brown people into the country. Stephanie hal sparks believes in science if youre lucky enough to see him do his trex bit. See himselfy liberal in chicago. Science who here, by the way built a 3d printer if youre in the room and you built a 3d printer out of hand. Stephanie popsicle sticks and string. I built a printer bot. There are kits you can build. Did you call it the hal 9,000 . Stephanie i save science facts for you. For instance, did you know that yes. Stephanie the sea slug discards its penis after sex and grows another one . Who doesnt know that . Apparently sea snakes are against highcapacity magazines. Stephanie here are more fun facts. This sea slug each slug has a penis and a vagina. Both members insert their into the others at the same time. Well, to be fair they call that space docking. You cant really tell a sea slug to [ bleep ] himself. Stephanie after copulating for about ten minutes each slug discards its peenis and grows a new one which is ready to be used in 24 hours. And you complain because i need a nap. That would be bad for gun shows and monster truck rallies. What if each one got smaller. Better make the first one count. Get a new one tomorrow. The bad news is you get a whole new the good news you is get a whole new penis tomorrow. The bad news is it will be 2 3 the size. Probably gave it to an affenpinscher. Stephanie right. Exactly. The other [ world news tonight ] obviously the president had some historic words in his inaugural about gay rights. I didnt even know this. Lgbt people can be fired for who they are in 29 states. Obama considering an executive order to protect them. He has called on congress to protect the nondiscrimination act. I would guess the 29 states youre talking about have representatives who voted against the violence against women act. They probably stack fairly high in that same crowd. Also, one of the states that lower how much women make on the job versus the rest of the country because even though the mean is 77 cents on the dollar, that means in other places, in some place, it is way lower and in other place, it is slightly higher so the mean is lowered by the same states. Stephanie we pause now to salute france who just passed gay marriage. I love when they both start talking. Ambassador. I never thought this would happen, you know. Stephanie parliament approved a sweeping bill to legalize samesex marriage and allow samesex couples to adopt children. They have bridges that work. And gays can marry. France joins britain the netherlands, belgium norway, spain as well as argentina and south africa and nine states and the district of columbia. Quickly. Stephanie what are we doing here . Thats the French National anthem. Wow, you didnt recognize it . Stephanie i do. I thought he was going into a little hugh jackman there. Les miz. Only because i have shoulder and decent upper body. Chris talked about our riffing on lindsay graham. Whats it like to meet her in person in he smells up magnolias in secret shame. Poor lindsey. Ever going to advise him. I just cannot get this off my trouser knee. The stain will not go does anyone have any shout. Stephanie katherine in california. Hello, katherine. Caller good morning, mama and the mooks. Stephanie good morning. Caller two things quickly. First of all, that was not marco rubio last night. That was mitt romney in drag. I say he really did that. The other thing talking about the disrespect, the thing i found was so telling at the very beginning when they went on the Supreme Court alito scalia and thomas were not there. And i just thought you talk about the disrespect and between not standing up for the 102yearold woman for her right to vote or the violence against women stephanie theyre like boo, boo 102yearold woman. Youre sticking around, sucking off the government tit die already. If you have any question that they didnt stamp a single point of disrespect. It is not. It is a strategy by the republicans to limit the number of people voting that has been going on since the beginning of the Heritage Foundation since paul wyrick. Look up on youtube was one of the founders of the Heritage Foundation. He actually says we want fewer people to vote. We do not want more people to vote. It is a tom hartman place the clip quite a bit. It is very, very telling. They have been playing that out as legislation ever since. It is not just a feeling they have. It is not as simple as their racism. Stephanie if more people were voting for republicans they sure as hell wouldnt want to stand in line for six hours. Exactly. Thats why the numbers are gone down. 50 republicans and 50 democrats. You look at the they con

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