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Fresno, california saturday at noon eastern on cspan 2s book tv and sunday afternoon at 2 00 p. M. On American History tv on cspan 3. Workingth with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. We are joined here on washington journal by diplomatic reporter for the associated bopress, matthew lee talking about Rex Tillerson and whats ahead. Good morning. Good morning. Whats first up for Rex Tillerson on a week thats obviously fairly busy with Foreign Policys news . Well, that is certainly true. Hes got quite aas task ahead o him. He hasf to deal first with his own building, shall we say, the state department, where as you probably know, there was almost 1,0000 diplomats who signed a dissent cable objecting to president trumps executive order on immigration and refugees soea theres a bit of so he has got to deal first with his own workers. But at the same time, and hes already begun his meetings with foreign officials, he has got to take on a very seriously the jo of tryingis to assure allies th the Trump Administration is not going to alter course, that they are stillin behind these allies 100 . We are seeing a little bit of that as well with the defense secretary, jamesko mattis, who in japan and south korea this week. Theres quite a lot going on on the Foreign Policy front. Mr. Tillerson has quite a large plate in front of him. You mentioned this dissent cable by some 900 state department ambassadors, employees, Foreign Service people, andnd the White House Press secretary, sean spicer, critical in a briefing the other day. How has Rex Tillerson weighed in on how he will brook dissent, how he h will tolerate dissent amongst the employees at state . Well, one of his first tasks and indeed, he mentioned this in his opening remarks too the employees, was that look, we are aa team, we all have to Work Together to achieve the same goals. He said he respected their work and that they allha had to be honest. So i think that that was reassuring to at least some state department employees. However, you know, he made clear that look, you work for the United States government turned leadership of the president and you know, he sets the policy, you implement it. So i think that while reassuring to some in terms of the idea that people wont be punished for having dissenting views, yes, but i think theres still a great deal ofte unease in the state department and elsewhere in the executive branch about what. Policies the administratin may pursue. Youef mentioned defense secretary james mattis traveling first to korea, now on to japan. Whats first up for Rex Tillerson . Any indication that he will be flying out soon to meet with ou allies . I would expect, none of this has been announced yet and i think its all still in the planning stages,g but you will see the Vice President announced yesterday he was going to europe shortly. I would expect thatt mr. Tillerson would do the same l thing, most likely attend the munich security conference, annual meeting of european and other movers and shakers in the security area, possibly a trip to brussels where the eu and nato are headquartered. That woulder be the logical pla for mr. Tillerson to begin. However, with the Vice President also going, i think its not 100 certain that that will happen. Matthew lee with the associated press, their diplomatic writer. Follow his writing on twitter. Thanks for the update this morning. Thank you. Now policy analysts talk about some of the Trump Administrations proposals for the nations infrastructure, job creation, financing, the role of the federal government and reactions from congress. Good afternoon. Welcome to the Heritage Foundation and our douglas and Sarah Allison auditorium. We of course welcome those who join us on our heritage. Org website, on all of these occasions, for our guests here in house, we do ask that cell phones and other mobile devices have been silenced or turned off as we begin. For those watching online and

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