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Questions to the Prime Minister. Mr. Speaker. I am sure members will want to join me in wishing people across the uk and around the world a happy st. Patricks day thiscoming friday. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house. I shall have future such meetings later today. Heu merriman. I welcome the announcement that well abide by the letter of the manifesto and also the spirit. Mr. Speaker, will the Prime Minister agree with me that, as we move towards balancing the books we must ensure we have a fair and Sustainable Tax system in place . I thank my honorable friend for the question. We made a commitment not to raise tax and we put our commitment into the tax law. The measures we put forward in the budget last week were consistent with those laws. As a number as a number of my parliamentary colleagues have been pointing out in recent days, there is. Order. This is intolerable. The Prime Minister i take you want the importance of hearing the questions and the answers. The Prime Minister. As a number of my parliamentary colleagues have been pointing out, the trend towards greater selfemployment does create a structural issue on the tax base on which well have to act. We want to ensure that we maintain as theyve said, fairness in the tax system. We are going to await the report from Matthew Taylor on the future of employment. Well consider the governments overall approach to Employment Status and rights to tax and entitlements. We will bring forward further proposals. But we will not bring forward increases to nix later in this parliament. Jeremy corbyn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. First of all, can i wish everyone a very happy st. Patricks day for the 17th. In my constituency, in ireland and around the world. Mr. Speaker, weve heard the Prime Minister is about to drop the National Insurance hike announced only a week ago. Seems to me like a government in a bit of chaos here. A budget that unravels in seven days, a conservative manifesto with a very pensive Prime Minister on the front page saying there would be no increase a week ago, an increase was announced. If they are to drop this increase as theyre indicating, then this is a time that she should thank the federation of Small Businesses and all of those that have pointed out just how infair thunfair this increa be and also how big business invades a not of National Insurance through bogus selfemployment. Prime minister. I have to say to the gentleman, i dont think he actually listened the answer i actually gave to my honorable friend. I normally stand here and say i wont take lectures from the gentleman. When it comes to lectures on chaos he would be the first person i would turn to. Jeremy corbyn. Mr. Speaker, i do, i think i think the Prime Minister should offer an apology for the chaos that her government has caused during the past week and the stress its caused to the 4. 8 million selfemployed people in this country. Will she offer that apology . Her friend, the member conway, said so a week ago. Its time that she joined in and said that as well. This measure, if carried through, will create a black hole in the budget. What is she going to do to fill that black hole . Prime minister. If the right honorable gentleman is to concerned about balancing the books. Why is it Labor Party Policy to bankrupt britain . Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, coming from a coming from a government that proposes to borrow more between now and 2020 than the entire borrowing of all labor governments put together, we dont need lectures from them on this. I hope that in his statement later today the chancellor will address the question of injustice of many people forced into bogus selfemployment by unscrupulous companies. Because many of them force their workers to become selfemployed, thus avoiding employers National Insurance contributions. It is a grossly unfair system where those in selfemployment pay some National Insurance, employers do not and benefit from it. That is a gross injustice that has to be addressed. Prime minister the honorable gentleman obviously hadnt noticed that one of the first things i did when i became Prime Minister was to commission Matthew Taylor from rsa to conduct a review to look at the employment market and employments rights and status precisely because we recognize that the employment market is changing. He talks about the self employed. Look at what weve done for the selfemployed. Our increase in personal allowance means they now keep more of their earnings. Theyll have access to both tax free child care and 30 hours of free child care just like employees and now they have access to the new state pension worth over 1800 pounds more a year. What we know from the labor partys policies is that their policies would bankrupt britain, put firms out of business and people out of jobs. Mr. Corbyn. We have a government uturn, no apalology and a government tt falls most heavily on those with the least broad shoulders, cuts to schools, cuts to social care and cuts to people with disabilities that is the agenda of her government. And Everybody Knows it. Prime minister. I am not sure i dont think i dont think the right honorable gentleman has quite got the hang of this. He is supposed to ask a question to me when he stands up and says lets lets lets talk okay. Order lets hear the answer. Prime minister. He talks he talks about schools. What have we done . Weve protected the core schools budget. We introduced the premium. The budget delivers money for over 100 new schools, delivering on good School Places for every child. This budget delivers on skills for young people. We want them to be equipped for the jobs of the future. The budget delivers 500 Million Pounds for Technical Education. On social care, we recognize the pressure on social care. This budget delivers 2 billion pounds more funding for social care. Funding that wouldnt be available with labors economic policies. Jeremy corbyn. Mr. Speaker, it would be a good idea if the Prime Minister listened to head teachers all over the country desperately trying to work out how to balance the books in their schools, losing teachers, losing teaching assistants, losing support for their children because the schools budgets are being cut. She knows that. We all know that. Everybody out there knows that. They also know that according to figures average working families will be 1,400 pounds worse off as a result of her budget thats been produced last week. Can she say what she is doing to help the worst off and poorest in our society rather than continuing cutting local government expenditure, schools expenditure and underfunding social care . Ill tell the right honorable gentleman what we delivered for low paid. Frozen v. A. T. , frozen fuel duty and every basic rate. Taxpayers had a cut and weve taken 3 Million People out of paying income tax altogether. Thats what weve done for the low paid. On schools we see 1. 8 more children in good or outstanding schools. I want a good school place for each child. Weve done it with free schools and academies and the changes we brought forward in education all opposed by the labor party. What do we know about the labor partys policies . Lets see what the former shadow chancellor, the member from nottingham east said. Labors policies would mean doubling National Insurance, double v. A. T. And doubling council tax as well. That wouldnt help the low paid or ordinary working families. Jeremy corbyn mr. Speaker, the difference is, we want a good school and a good place for every child in every school, in every community. Selective education, reinterdougs reintroduction of grammar schools does not achieve that. We want a staircase for all, not a ladder for the few which is what the conservative policies actually are. What she hasnt addressed also is the unfairness of a budget that cuts tax at the top end, continues to reduce corporation tax, encourages bogus selfemployment. What she has to do is address the issues of injustice and inequality in our society and a government dedicated towards widening the gap, not helping the hardup or those who are working selfemployed to try and make ends meet and not getting access to any benefits at the same time. Prime minister inequality has gone down under this government. This budget shows the top 1 of earners will be contributing 27 in terms of the income they are providing. Let me address the issue also of schools. You see, the problem with what the right honorable gentleman says is that on every single education policy that this government brought forward thats been delivering more good School Places for children, the labor party has opposed it. And they continue to oppose it because the labor partys approach is that parents shall take what theyre given, good or bad. We we believe in listening to parents. And is he if he looks ahead to what his policies would produce for this country, half a trillion pounds of borrowing. 500 billion pounds more borrowing under the labor party. More taxes, more spending, more borrowing, a bankrupt britain. That wouldnt give money for public services, it wouldnt help ordinary working families. Its the conservative party thats helping ordinary working families. The labor party is failing to address the needs of the people of this country. He is just sitting there and going on protest marches. Jeremy quin. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As the facts change, i change my question. May i congratulate my right honorable friend on proposing the most radical reform of Technical Education most radical reform of Technical Education in our generation. And also delivering fair funding for all our schools. But may i ask her, as part of that consultation, does your minimum level of appropriate funding for all schools . Thank you. Prime minister he has raised an important point. Its one of the issues weve addressed in the budget, to put more money into skills training, into further education, Technical Education for young people. I think thats one of the most important things we can do, equip young people for their futures for the jobs of the futures so they can get on in life. Investing an extra half billion pounds in englands Technical Education system to do this. He referred to the issue of a minimum funding level. My right honorable friend the education secretary confirmed the dfe heard representations on the issue and are considering these issues but on relation to the funding formula it is a complex issue, its been an issue thats been needing addressing for some time and well look at it carefully. Angus robertson. We once had a Prime Minister who said that the lady is not for turning. My goodness. Isnt it welcome that the Prime Minister has admitted she is for turning with her screeching, embarrassing uturning on national education. Mr. Speaker, only days only days remain until the Prime Minister is going to invoke article 50 on leaving the European Union. And last july she promised to secure a ukwide approach, an agreement between the devolved administrations of scotland, wales, Northern Ireland and the uk government before triggering article 50. So when will the Prime Minister announce the details of the agreement . Prime minister. As i said yesterday and to others asking me questions yesterday well trigger article 50 by the end of march. There will be an opportunity for further discussions with the devolved administrations over that period. When the right honorable gentleman looks at the issue of membership of the European Union and his view of scotland not being a member of the United Kingdom, he is comparing membership of an organization weve been a member of for 40 years with our country. We have been one country for over 300 years. We have fought together, weve worked together. We have achieved together. And constitutional gameplaying must not be allowed to break the deep bonds of our shared history and our future together. Angus robertson. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister can wag her finger as much as she likes. Last year she made a promise, she promised an agreement. I asked her about it yesterday. She didnt answer. I asked her about it now. She hasnt answered. When will she reach an agreement not discussions an agreement with the Scottish Government before triggering article 50 . Order. I recognize the passions. Calm yourself. I am perfectly capable of doing that without your assistance. The right honorable gentleman will be heard, however long it takes. Hell continue, yes, he will, however long it takes. Carry on. The Prime Minister promised an agreement. There is not an agreement. When will there be an agreement . Does she not understand that, if she does not secure an agreement before triggering article 50, if she is not prepared to negotiate on behalf of the Scottish Government and secure membership of the single European Market people in scotland will have a referendum, and we will have Prime Minister we have been in discussions with the Scottish Government and with the other devolved administrations about the interests that they have as we prepare, as the United Kingdom government, to negotiate a deal on behalf of the whole of the United Kingdom. A deal which will be a good deal, not just for england, wales and Northern Ireland but for the people of scotland as well. And as we go forward in negotiating that deal, i think the right honorable gentleman should remember this. Scotland will be leaving the European Union. It will leave the European Union either as a member of the United Kingdom or where it independent its clear with the borozo document it would not be a member of the European Union. What we need now is to unite, come together as a country and ensure that we can get the best deal for the whole of the United Kingdom. [ cheers ] mr. Andrew turner. Mr. Speaker, this this government is working with counsels and other partners to grow the economy, but despite being in the prosperous southeast the isle of white is 339th out of 379 in the uk competitive index. Will my right honorable friend ensure that more growth funding is targeted at rural areas like the island with many small and microbusinesses to deliver a country that works for all . Prime minister. My honorable friend speaks well on behalf of his quint constituents. He is right to do that. Hes put forward the characteristics of the isle of white. Weve supported the economy for the local growth deal of 300 Million Pounds and the rural sme program. My honorable friend particularly referred to rural funding. I want to make sure that we make the best of the diverse strengths of all britain cities, regions and islands. I am sure that on the island the Business Community and council will Work Together to create the best possible conditions for growth and competitiveness. Stephen doughty. Mr. Speaker, its our two Single Markets that are the backbone of our economy. Yet, the Prime Minister wants to rip us away from one and they want to break up the other. Can she tell me, is it really a price worth paying . The risky and reckless approach she is taking to brexit to foster the breakup of britain . Prime minister the honorable gentleman is wrong when he uses the term that i want to rip the United Kingdom away from the Single Market. What we want to do this is this is im sorry to say to honorable members on the labor benches, this is the same answer that i have given consistently in this house. We want to ensure that we get a good Free Trade Agreement which gives us the maximum possible access to the Single Market to enable us to trade with the Single Market and operate within the Single Market. Teresa villers. Would the Prime Minister agree we can give more help to Small Businesses if we secure the International Agreement we need to ensure that all big businesses pay their taxes . Prime minister. This is a very important issue. Its one on which i think this government has a record on which we can be proud. There is more to do, of course. We have since 2010 in the work weve done on tackling tax evasion, avoidance and noncompliance, secured an additional 140 billion. Weve driven the global agenda nationally. Weve pushed g7 and g20 partners to establish registries of beneficial ownership. My right honorable friend is right. There is more to do. I want to see an economy that works for everyone. That means that Big Companies should be paying their tax as well as everybody. Mike weir. In answer to my honorable friend, the Prime Minister called for respect. Thats a twoway street. From the Scottish Governments compromised proposal which has just been ignored in these negotiations. Prime minister. The compromised proposal has not been ignored. Its been discussed by ministers with ministers from the Scottish Government. There are many areas within that proposal on which we agree as ive said before, such as ensuring our securities on crime and terrorism and maintaining and protecting workers rights. The hospital suffers from poor layout and patient flow. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that the 100 Million Pounds set aside for triage in the budget last week will enable hospitals like mine to address this issue and improve Patient Outcomes . Prime minister. Yes, well, my honorable friend is right to recognize and we should all recognize the hard work and dedication of our excellent staff throughout the nhs. What we are seeing in the nhs is that theyre treating more people than ever before. Were spending half a Million Pounds on the nhs during this parliament and it will increase of 10,000 pounds. There is an issue about the sometimes the configuration of a e and enabling changes to take place to help the flow and help in dealing with patients potential patients as they come in. Thats why my right honorable gentleman announced last week 425 million in new Capital Investment in nhs which helps to manage the demand on services to enable hospitals to make changes to make sure people are treated in the best way possible. Thomassymonds. Many face an uncertain future as theyve been told they have to relocate to other areas over the next few years. Does the Prime Minister realize the impact this has on staff and the local economy, and will she meet me and representatives of the work force to see what can be done to save the Pension Center . Prime minister. I recognize the concern that the honorable gentleman has raised for staff at the at that particular Pension Office in there. I recognize this as an issue. I am sure it is an issue which the secretary of state for work and pensions will look at very closely. But of course, government is looking to ensure that we both use our resources effectively but also provide the proper and appropriate service for the recipients of those particular benefits. Victoria atkins. Many people came to the races to enjoy the racing and delicious local food, including awardwinning lincolnshire sausages. As the government prepares to strike knew International Trade deals will my right honorable friend ensure the high standards that we expect of our Food Producers and farmers will be met and maintained in these deals and will this government continue to back british farming . Prime minister. I can assure my honorable friend that we will certainly do that. I remember when i visited her prior to the general election in 2015 sampling some of the excellent sausages from her coun constituency. We will maintain the uks high standards of food safety and Animal Welfare. That will be a priority for us. Any trade deals we enter into will need to be right for consumers, businesses, farmers. Theyll need to ensure our food safety and Environmental Protection and of course, the Animal Welfare standards i have referred to. We recognize the need for certainty for businesses. We have already provided guarantees on support for farmers up to 2020 and well continue to back british farmers. Callum mccaig. We have one of the worst performing currencies in the world with a huge trade deficit and a National Debt approaching 1. 7 trillion pounds. Does the Prime Minister really believe that the uk can afford to be an independent country . Prime minister. If he wants eyes in the chamber. Honorable members on the benches are a bit overexcited individuals. I want to hear the Prime Ministers reply. Lets hear the reply. If he wants to talk about figures in relation to the uk economy. The uk economy is the worlds sixth largest economy. This government has reduced the deficit by twothirds. If he cared to look at the employment figures today, employment at a record high and unemployment which hasnt been lower since 1975 [ cheers ] tim loughton. Mr. Speaker, today is the ides of march. Yet again, the opposite missed badly. Can the Prime Minister take the opportunity to stick the knife into the ridiculous European Court that ruled yesterday that employers can ban their staff from wearing, scientific, religion or political believe and reiterate that reasonable freedom of expression should not be snuffed out by political incorrectness. We have a strong tradition of freedom of expression. Its the right of all women to choose how they dress. He has raised the broader issue of symbols. There will be times when its rate for a veil to be asked to be removed such as Border Security or perhaps in courts and individual institutions can make their own policies but its not for government to tell women what they can and cannot wear. We want to continue the strong tradition of freedom of expression. Tazmina sheikh. Our minister was elected with the largest vote in permanent history. On a manifesto which stated that the Scottish Parliament the question will be heard. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Ill start again. Our first minister was elected with the largest vote in Scottish Parliamentary history on a manifesto which stated scottish farmers should have the right to an independent referendum if there is a Material Change in circumstances like scotland being taken out of the eu against our will. My question is simple. Does she agree that government should stick to their manifesto promises, and if so, she cannot object to the first minister sticking to hers. Prime minister. I of course recognize that there was a vote that took place in the Scottish Parliament and the first minister was returned as the first minister of minority government. I would i would i would refer the honorable lady to two other votes that took place. In september 2014, the scottish people were given the opportunity to vote as to whether or not they wished to remain in the United Kingdom. They chose that scotland should remain part of the United Kingdom. That was described by the right honorable gentleman as a once in a generation vote. And the other vote to take note of is on june 23rd last year the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and that is what we are going to do. Geoffrey cliftonbrown. Mr. Speaker, with 80 of smes reluctant to export, does my right honorable friend agree that the prospect of brexit gives those firms a golden opportunity to use the Great British entrepreneurial spirit to go out into the world, particularly with those firms in scotland, to go out into the world and succeed . Prime minister. My old friend is absolute ly right. Small businesses and entrepreneurs are essential for an economy thats working for everyone. The opportunity that comes from brexit is to see those firms going out across the world, exporting across the world and doing those trade deals that will be of benefit to them and of benefit to their communities and of benefit to our economy. We want to encourage more businesses to go out and export. Thats exactly what my right honorable friend the secretary for International Trade is doing. This is an important of building a stronger, fairer britain for the future. Anna barredal. Despite widespread criticism and the staff being the most engaged and productive this Prime Ministers government is determined to move jobs and the staff dont want to move and rental costs will be higher. Last week 400 jobs are set to go. Will the p. M. Change her mind on hmrc jobs in livingston and meet with me to ensure that Public Sector jobs that are vital to livingston stay in livingston. The hmrc are indeed relocating 170 outdated offices to 13 large and modern regional centers. Theyll be equipped with Digital Infrastructure and facilities needed to build a more highly skilled and Flexible Work force to enable modernization of ways of working and make tax collection more efficient and effective and bring significant improvements to hmrcs customer services. Dr. Carol iine johnson. Voted strong lu in favor of brexit. I was proud to be here in the house on monday to vote in support of the eu withdrawal bill. Could my right honorable friend the Prime Minister confirm she shares my commitment to a brexit that works in the best interests of everyone . Prime minister. I have to say, the order i say to the honorable gentleman of perth and north perthshire, order. The honorable gentleman was shouting from beyond the bar which is very disorderly. On top of the fact on top of the fact that a few moments ago order a few moments ago he was je gesticulating in a most odd manner. I am concerned. The gentleman must calm himself. My friend is absolutely right. She had a constituency that voted to leave the European Union. The people voted to leave the European Union. As we do that well be ensuring that the deal we achieve in negotiations will be the right deal for the United Kingdom. Thats the whole of the United Kingdom and the people across the uk, england, scotland, wales and Northern Ireland. Yvette cooper. The Prime Minister has just done a 2 billion pound budget uturn in the space of a week. Last year the government did a 4 billion pound uturn in the space of five days. Is that why they want to abolish Spring Budgets . Because they just keep ripping them up . Prime minister. I i welcome i welcome the measures that were in this Spring Budget to improve School Places for children in this country, to ensure that we put money order. You are other eccentric fellow shouting. You mustnt shut down your own Prime Minister. Lets hear the Prime Minister. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I welcome the measures in the Spring Budget to ensure that were putting money money into schools, into skills and into social care. And i would have thought the right honorable lady would have accepted that money into schools, skills and social care is good for this country. Rebecca pow. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Would the Prime Minister join with me in welcoming the news today that sergeant blackmans murder conviction was down graded to manslaughter in thanks to previously unheard evidence. This is fantastic news for his wife, claire, who lives in my constituency who has campaigned on this, mr. Speaker. My honorable friend, the member for south dorsett who i believe is returning for the chambers provided a very worthy advocate for this case and i commend his hard work. Would the Prime Minister agree with me that within the correct Legal Framework those who defend our peace, protect our world from evil be treated with fairness and understanding and giving the adequate resources including for Mental Health support, that they deserve. Grateful to the honorable lady. Prime minister. We respect the courts decision. The ministry of defense will be looking closely at the judgment. But i can assure the house that the ministry of defense has cooperated fully at each stage of sergeant blackmans case and they will continue to provide support to the family as they have done since the charges were first brought. What i would just say on the general point is that our Royal Marines have a worldwide reputation as one of the worlds elite fighting forces. They make an incredible contribution to our country and we should pay tribute to them all for that. Steven twigg. The Emergency Committee launched east africa crisis appeal. In that context, does the Prime Minister share my person that President Trump is considering major cuts to spending by the United States on aid . Will this government take every opportunity to press the americans to remain fully part of the global humanitarian system . Prime minister. I can assure the right honorable gentleman that we recognize the severity and urgency of the crisis in east africa. Again, it is this country that is leading the way in delivering lifesaving support. We have announced we will match pound for pound the first 5 Million Pounds donated by the public to the disasters in the east africa crisis appeal. I can assure him that we take every opportunity to ensure that countries around the world recognize the importance of international aid, the importance of supporting countries when we see terrible, terrible disasters like this coming to place. It is the uks record of what we do on this that enables us to say to others that they should do more. Henry smith. Its my honor to chair the all Party Parliamentary group on blood cancer. We launched an inquiry into greater awareness of the patient experience. Can i seek assurances that the additional 10 billion will in some way be spent on ensuring we tackle the third biggest cancer killer. My honorable friend is right to raise a subject like that which is a cancer which many people have not heard much and probably are not aware of that as a particular issue. I can assure him that what the nhs is doing, it has been in recent years, over the last few years we have seen a significant improvement in cancer survival rates, weve seen a significant improvement increase in the number of people who have been referred on because of potential cases of cancer, a number of people being treated for cancer. This is a record on which we want to build. Order. You can see Prime Ministers question time again when it reairs on sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. You can also see it anytime on our website cspann. Org. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up thursday morning, Virginia Republican congressman tom garrett discusses the house Gop Health Care bill. Then Wisconsin Democratic congressman mark pokan first vice chair of the progressive caucus, looks at the House Democratic agenda, the gop aca repeal and replace bill, and the trump budget. And reuters Howard Schneider talks about the decision by the Federal Reserve to raise the shortterm Interest Rate and how consumers could be affected by the decision. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern thursday morning. Join the discussion. Thursday, two hearings from the house judiciary committee. First the full Committee Meets on workload and challenges facing the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. Chief judge Sidney Thomas and members of the bench testify live starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Our coverage is on cspan 3. Later, a hearing on efforts to identify and prosecute crimes against children, particularly those of a sexual nature perpetrated online. Were live with the house judiciary subcommittee on crimes, terrorism, Homeland Security and investigations, 2 00 p. M. Eastern also here an cspan 3. You can also watch on our website, cspan. Org or free cspan radio app. Raise your right hand. With the confirmation hearing for neil gorsuch next week on thursday at 8 00 p. M. Well look at the confirmation hearings of all eight justices. Starting with anthony kennedy, Clarence Thomas in 1991. Ruth bader ginsburg, 1993. Stev steve briar, john roberts, sam alito, 2006, sonia sotomayor, 2009, and elena kagan in 2010. Watch thursday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2. Next, a discussion on the independent payment advisory board. The 15member agency was created by the federal Health Care Law to recommend costcutting measures for medicare. This is 50 minutes

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