Tv is featuring cincinnati, ohio. This date was home to seven u. S. President s including william hisy harrison, known by contemporaries as the father of the west. Our Time Warner Cable partners worked with cspans city to her staff when we traveled to cincinnati to explore the history. Learn more on American History tv. We are in georgia, ohio, and this is the boyhood home of grant. We are 40 miles east of cincinnati and 10 miles from the ohio river. He lived here and went to school here. Was thes grant commander of the union forces in the civil war, and he won the war for the north. Then he became the 18th president of the united states, three years later. Came iner and mother 1823. Georgetown was a frontier. They had just made brown county a county. That is why his father wanted to move here, because he would have a lot more business. This is going to be the county seat and there would be a lot more people moving in. His father was a painter and he made bridled and shoes. They share the house with a family name to the baileys while he started building his house. He built it right here because there was a creek on one side and a creek on the other side, and you need a lot of water for the tannery. He built two rooms. One room above the other. He could not even he did not even take time to put a stairway and he just put a hole in the ceiling. The reason was, he had to have the tannery going or they would not have any money. In hiswas her successful business, and two years later, 1825, he built a kitchen for his wife to use. Then he built a porch in 1826, and in 1828 he built the entire front of the house. Then he put windows, big windows, which was unusual back then. For heating and cooling, having big windows made it more difficult. And hewas a show of wanted big windows. And then when he put the whole front on, he put really big windows and closets, which was unusual. That much toave store so you did not worry about closets. You were taxed if you pay if you have extra closets. He made big rooms and big windows to show off that he had the money to do it. He was a very boisterous man. His personality was very outgoing. He made a lot of friends very quickly because of his is this. He also made enough friends to become the first mayor of georgetown. He did not get reelected as mayor because he was too outspoken, especially because he was an abolitionist which was very important. This is right on the border of slave and free. He made a lot of enemies. Ulysses was his older son and he worked with him in the tannery and hauling passengers and freight. Jesse influenced everybody that he was around a couple of his personality. But i know ulysses was influenced very much by what jesse believed, and there are several people that grant, when he was a young boy, called. Laves he help them escape up north. They had five children in addition to ulysses, but grant was the oldest boy so he got more things to do than the others. Because he was such a good horseman he got to go on travels and hauling passengers and freight for his father. He went as far as toledo in a , non with no maps, no roads bridges. He had a lot more privileges than the others. There is one story that is very well known that influenced that made grant the kind of person he became, i really think. E was 12 years old they were almost finished building a house and he was Walking Around and he had a rock cut that he rock wanted people to come up and put in front of his house. They looked at it and said, we cant do that, its too big. Ulysses heard that and he went down and look to the rock and came back and told him and said, i will bring it. He lasted him and said, there is no way you could do that. But grant had a plan. He took his numeral forces and a water, he down to the dug a really deep trench, back to the wagon down over it. Then he changed the ropes and works them underneath the rock. He lashed them to the bottom of the wagon and inched the horses. The rock was coming up to. He tightened up the ropes. Finally got it high enough it would not drag coming up the hill. The next day he brought it and put it in front of the house. Everyone was so amazed that this little 12yearold boy did this. In later years we had it moved to our house here. We are in the parlor of the house and this was the last part the jesse built. He built this big section of the house, double the size of the whole house. This was the parlor to use for his books. He had other business interests besides the tannery. He started the girls school, interests. He wanted a wonderful parlor and that is what he got. We had it painted in very white walls with great woodwork, no wallpaper but the historic architect started scraping on the door and underneath all that paint this was here. Feux greening it is called. They put net juice to make walnut and cherry, to put it into walnut and cherry. It is just fantastic compared to a plane pine door. We had no idea that was hiding under all that paint. There are six doors in this house that have it done. The men that did it took all the doors to columbus and worked for six months to get this achieved. That is a reproduction in the back of the door. Iny are just like the ones my house, the locks here had all been replaced. Came to my house and made reproductions just like mine, because that is what they would have had. The sofa belongs to hannah and jesse grant, and it was always here when they were a young married couple. It stayed in georgetown when they moved to berkeley. This was always part of their family. We have always had it in the ine, and they read did it original force her. Hair from england in the way they would have had it. It is not very comfortable to sit on. , but kind of bristly hair is whatrse was done. We are up in the large bedroom which would have been the parents room. Many times there would be lots of beds in here, like for safetys and just being able to get around there are not so many right now. This chair is very special. Jesse grant made it for his mother for grandmother. And he spent way more time making this chair than the other ones he made. It had the most original painting on it and it is much becauseicate and soft it was a present for his wife. So that is very special. This is another special thing we have that belonged to the grass family. It is called the winder and it is used to measure your before you miss. You need to know how much you before you get knit. Turnsomatically turns 40 and then it pops. That is where pop goes the weasel comes from. This belongs to the family. , ands his mothers cradle i am almost sure that ulysses and all the babies were rock and it. It is a big heavy one, that is how they made it back then. And the mother considered in the chair and do her knitting and rock the baby at the same time. They had a hard time. Were grant beds family beds, but they are of that era. With straw and feathers for mattresses. Ropes, you have to tighten the ropes. The thing is the saying, sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite, the sleep tight the was you had to tighten ropes on the bed. And the bedbugs were in the straw. You could not avoid them. You think, how awful, but that was just what they had to do. You tightened the ropes about once a month. If you didnt you would end up sleeping on the floor. One lady was asking me several years ago when i had given it to her. Tour, shehad given a said, does this turn . This is to roll your bedspread. P when you are getting in bed they had no way to get things really clean, so you would roll up your blanket and bedspread, and during the night if you got till you would unroll them back on the bed. That you pullndle out at night for the little children and they can sleep on it. If they follow they do not get hurt. That is the purpose. But also during the day you slide it back and you have a lot more space. It is a really smart thing that we do not do today. We are coming into the bedroom that was the original bedroom build over the first room, and he did not even put a stairway. He had a ladder, and you can still see the cut in the floor where the latter came up. More like a loft. We havent furnished with painted walls and great woodwork which was the way it was for many years. The original floor. The people that could not afford curtains would have paper blind, and the lady that did those made them out of linen rather than paper. She said they made them out of paper and just strung them on a string and would raise it up and down. When it wore out they would put more paper on. Beds, and forhe five people would sleep in this bed, either adults or children. That way you get more people in the bed. The way they did it was their heads and shoulders were on the bed and you let your feet hangover. If you did not like that, you slept on the floor. I will get on it just to demonstrate how uncomfortable it really is. You can just barely get your body on it and then your feet hangover. If you did not like who you are sleeping with somebody would go to the floor. Not very comfortable. Another interesting thing in this room, we have plexiglass over a piece of the wall to show jesse grantsthat did. You can tell it was all cut by hand. Then they filled all the cracks with wet mud. Mudr 180 years all the wet has dried and fallen out except for that one little piece. It is really cool to see the inside of the wall that they build. Theother thing about it, plaster is over the walls and it hairorsair it has horse in it for strength. The walls made it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Story is about ulysses going up, his boyhood, childhood years. I am a teacher and i always believed that you are what you grow up to be. Your childhood is most important in your upbringing. You are what you become. Your parents, your home, your family, your community. Ofnt is a perfect example what happens when you are so influenced by your surroundings, because he is a product of so many things that were here when he was a boy, growing up. We watched the home to be a legacy for grants, but also for the way life was back then. To schoolchildren and they cannot believe that we live like this 150 years ago. He did not have electric, you did not have cell phones. It is not have heat and airconditioning. They are just amazed. They can see it when they are in a home like this. You see as you remember you understand a lot more than just reading an a book. It is a legacy of what grant had and what he did for the country. Throughout the weekend American History tv is featuring cincinnati, ohio. Our city tour staff recently traveled there to learn about its rich history. Learn more about cincinnati and other stops at cspan. Org citie stour. You are watching American History tv, all we can, every weekend, on cspan3. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Im speaking to you tonight at a very serious moment in our history. The is convening and meeting with the president. The state department and army and Navy Officials have been meeting with the president all afternoon. The japanese are talking to the president at the very time that bombingairships were our airships in hawaii and sinking one of our ships on the way to hawaii. By tomorrow morning members of congress will be ready for action. Is thenor roosevelt longestserving first lady, for an unprecedented 12 years. All the while her husband, unknown to the public, was physically limited by the effects of polio. She dedicated most of her life to political and social change, and her legacy continues today as she is discussed as a possible face for the 10 bill. Eleanor roosevelt, tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspans ,riginal series, first ladies influence and image. Examining the public and private lives of the women who filled the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency. From Martha Washington to michelle obama. Tonight at 8 p. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Tonight on cue a day q a, robert costa on the president ial campaign and the similarities between donald trump and ross perot. The themes are really overlapping. I think perot had this distinct. Ersonality the celebrity factor was not there with perot in the way it is with trump. You see people throwing themselves at trump, there is a power with his personality that perot did not have. Being outside of washington and her publican party. The republican partys relationship with trump has been rocky this year. That they called him a couple months ago and said, can you tone it down on immigration . He did not turn it down. In thats what was pledge. It is a political document. I think we could see what happened with perot happen with trump. He keeps talking about wanting to be trade fairly. Anything, unpredictable and he could easily run as an independent regardless of this pledge. Tonight at 8 00 eastern and pacific, on cspans q a. Professor anderson teaches a class at Clemson University on reconstruction and the civil war. It describes this class is about one hour and 10 minutes. Anderson we are back from spring break. When was the last time anyone looked at the syllabus . Some time ago. As it happens, i have one in front of me. You remember what course you signed up for . Do you remember what the title was . [laughter]

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