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The information that facebook has on over a billion people. They know your political preference, your sexual preference, who your friends are, what you like, your dogs name, all these sorts of things. In fact, one security analyst said, if the government had asked you directly for that sort of information, it would have taken money, it would have taken lawyers, it might have even taken guns to get you to cough up the information. But we routinely do so on social networks. We also dont think about the fact that our google searches are tracked. And so i also write mystery books. Ive looked at the white house. My google searches, if the fbi chose to look at them, would be very incriminating. Im looking at different date rape drugs and things like that for my mysteriemysteries. People may sitting there with their computer think theyre engaged in some secret activity, not knowing as if theres a big eyeball on the other end keeping track of the things you do. I know who you are and saw what you did author lori andrews monday on the communicators on cspan2. All weekend long, American History tv is joining our Comcast Cable partners to showcase the history of ann arbor, michigan. To learn more about our local content vehicles, visit cspan. Org local content. In the decades before the civil war. Therefore, it was extremely important to the citizens of this state in providing a way of looking at national, state and local issues as they affected slavely ri or as slavery affected them. In 1836, men, they were all men, from across the state of michigan, which was only sparsely settled at that time, held an antislavery meeting. In an arbor, where we are. And one of their goals was to sway people to have an antislavery stance and in order to do so, they felt they should have a newspaper. Because they could disseminate information, which would convince them that slavery was a wrong and evil and it was actually hurting the country. Out of that meeting. And, remember, this is a year before michigan is actually a state. Out of that meeting came publication of a newspaper. And it was mostly led by two mean, Theodore Foster, who came from new england. His father was a u. S. Senator. And guy beckley, who came from vermont, they kept it going from 1841 to 1848. Thats amazing when you look at the history of newspapers in this country. In 1842, we still have a newspaper being published by the executive committee of the Antislavery Society. And sullivan, who was the printer out of jackson county, michigan, is still the printer. Thats going to change. And beckley and foster are going to take over within a short time of managing the newspaper. This newspaper has an article here about written, describing frederick douglass. And its actually when he was first starting to speak and what it was like to be a slave. And introduced many people who had a biased viewpoint that a slave could not necessarily be well educated, to hear these words spoken by a man who had recently been enslaved and how eloquently he spoke. We also have in this issue articles about supporting the Liberty Party. The Liberty Party would become the national party, electing people for president of the United States, the person who ran in the 1840s for president of the United States was james burny, and he lived in the state of michigan. He ran very unsuccessfully, i might add, because the Liberty Party did not have a lot of support. And the main reason for that, in the opinion of beckley, was because they only had one issue on their platform. And that was ending slavery. Another really important part of the newspaper, is this. They always had a some poetry. And this one was by whittier. John green leaf whittier. He published a number of poems that related to slavery and the sadnesses connected with those enslaved. Youll see in this issue, march 6, 1843, that now foster and, beckley are the publishers of the newspaper. They will have taken over until 1847, when beckley resigned and foster then continued for some at least another year. They generally had publishing information, begging for subscription or wood or chickens or anything they could get in exchange for the newspaper. Poetry, here is a poem, again, related to a slave by lo longfellow. They then included National News and here we the michigan temperence society. Here they have doctrines at washington. So, the National News is very important to include. And then they would sometimes follow that with discussions or alternative view points that might of an opposing view. The underground railroad had become quite effective by the 1840s, and certainly it got to be very effective in the 1850s. And it was proven not only by the northerners making claims, but by people in slaveholding states. Going to it their legislature saying help us retrieve our property, quote, property. Here we have an article about the Missouri Legislature going to congress and saying to them that under the existing laws of canada and the treaties between Great Britain and the United States, it is impossible to recover a slave who has once escaped to the canadian shore. And, of course, what is the fastest way to get across but from detroit, across the Detroit River to get to canada, which is why michigan played such an Important Role in the underground railroad. So here we have them showing themselves to this whole country, that this issue had become a serious problem and that slaves werent these contented folk, as they claimed. They were escaping permanently, from a life they no longer wanted to lead. They wanted their freedom. And they showed it to the world. So this newspaper said, look, here it is. Getting toward the end of publication. And it is 1847. At this time, beckley has bowed out of publishing. He had written personal letters where he said that it was just too great a hardship. He had many children and they were not getting enough to live on because he was putting so much money into the publication of the newspaper. Sadly, he died suddenly, very shortly after this. So Theodore Foster continued publishing. He found someone else to work with him. But this is the next to last publication that we have here. So it did not it was not able to continue without enough financial support. It was very effective in reaching thousands of people. There were at least a couple thousand, over 2,000 people at one point subscribing to this newspaper. And like other newspapers, it opened an avenue for people to lead discussions in their own communities. It also upheld the Liberty Party. And notified people where there would be Liberty Party meetings, Antislavery Society meetings. It was a way to reach people, the citizens who needed to be involved and wanted to be involved. Throughout the weekend, American History tv is featuring ann arbor, michigan, our local content vehicles recently traveled there to learn about its rich history. Learn more about ann arbor and cspans local content vehicles at cspan. Org localcontent. Youre watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend, on cspan3. Hi. Its a pleasure to be here today to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the report issued by the president ial commission on the status of women. And its an honor to be here not at the Kennedy Library but with the Kennedy Library and with its wonderful volunteers today. Beyond that for me, its an honor to have a conversation with professor black, who really knows so much about my great grandmother, eleanor roosevelt, and can tell us more of the official side of her work for women. For me, i know a little bit more of the personal side. One story id like to share with you just as an anecdote before we get into the conversation is something my aunt told me. That as a young girl growing up, grandmere, which is what we affection atly call eleanor in our family, took her aside and said to her, its really important that you are involved in public life. Its really important that you run for Political Office and that you always work to make peoples lives better. And she thought that this was something that she must be saying to all of the cousins. And only as she got older and spoke with her brothers and her

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