And more importantly to act. And in the spirit of the movement is truly my honor and privilege to introduce the one who will bring the message to us today, one who is the epitome of grace, beauty, respect leadership, one who represents the direct lineage of the one who spoke on these very grounds, 50 years ago today, in this god ordained moment, we bought him this afternoon rev. Dr. Bernice king, who is the chief executive officer of the king center which was founded by her mother in 1968. She was appointed to this position in january 2012 by the board of trustees. Dr. King is nationally and internal ashley known as one of the most prolific, powerful, motivated and anointed our doors in todays season. She leaves audiences require you to think and process what you have heard and then stand up and do something. She challenges us to be to live by a standard and she is one who understands the power of standards and the power of the date on purpose and live out your legacy. Yes she is the legacy born the youngest daughter of the late oronas. Dot tang and the reverend doctor Martin Luther king jr. She began her oratorical journey when she spoke of her mothers stayed at her United Nations at the age of 17 and now she has spoken to audiences all over the world. And she faded and credentials she is a graduate of bellman college with a bachelor of arts in psychology and she holds a master of divinity and a doctorate of law from emory university. She is also receive a doctor degree from Wesley College and is currently a member of the state bar of georgia. Impact full and transformational, she has a strong concert of the youth of today, about our communities and family partnerships dedicated and committed and on january 30 2000, 2007 the first Year Anniversary of her mothers death, she returned to her alma mater at Spelman College to announce the establishment of a king scholarship in honor of her mother, Coretta Scott king. And in keeping with this vision in 2007, she spoke at the end not the duration of the Coretta Scott king womens leadership academy. In january of 2011, she announced the 100 days of Nonviolence Campaign to expose people to nonviolence as modeled by her father, the reverend doctor Martin Luther king junior. She is a visionary and strategic in her operation. Dr. King founded be a king, Whose Mission is to rebrand and wait in which generations of people to elevate the way they think act, live, and lead. And in september of 2007, she launched the first king summit in my camera, alabama on the campus of Alabama State university. Prolific profit whose dna is that of greatness spreadsheet is a woman of strength and courage a woman of excellence and achievement, a woman of power and determination. A woman of purpose, who lives out her daily commitment to almighty god, a woman who is transformed lives in this generation, using the precept of nonviolence. Bold, impactful, extraordinary, brilliant creative, tax evading, majestic, anointed, appointed, and highly favored, not primary let us give a warm alabama welcome to the daughter of dr. King, the reverend rev. Dr. Bernice king. Thank you very much my good friend, dr. Gwendolyn boyd. You he made harper may appear today. Governor ben lee, congresswoman and near athens senator wofford and Peggy Wallace kennedy, to all of the foot soldiers, i think you for the way in which you sacrificed your life for the leadership of my father. For all the marchers and the new generation of activists and warriors that will usher us into a new day of justice, freedom and equality to the distinguished Program Participants and to attorney thank you for speaking truth. I answer to lay honor to be with you today as the daughter of art and luther king junior and Coretta Scott king. My mother was born on the soil of alabama and alabama more specifically hybrid, alabama, and im honored as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of my fathers speech at the culmination of the historic selma to montgomery march. Fifty years ago in a state that was stubbornly transitioning from treacherous segregation to Voting Rights for long vilified people, the governor was in attendance for my fathers speech. Today not only is the Current Governor of alabama here, amid Peggy Wallace kennedy the daughter of the menu as governor in 1965, george wallace, is here today. To extend an olive branch on behalf of her late father. Fifty years ago it was malice that would not allow data to speak from the steps of this capital. Instead he spoke his powerful kindness was from a flatbed truck in the midst of a boisterous and buoyant crowd. And today i stand where he could not stand. To sympathize with our past with our present to speak the same profound words that he spoke to 50 years ago my fathers words reverberated in the atmosphere as the nation and the world grappled with the horror and inhumanity of man and im bloody sunday. Today i speak to you from the experience of walking across the Edmund Pettus bridge a few weeks ago. With nonviolent warriors from that infamous day. And with the first africanamerican president of the United States, president barack obama and his family. It is 50 years later the critical moment in history, we have made tremendous strides. Let it not be lost on us that many of my fathers were from 50 years ago still resonating today. They have the same power because we are facing similar issues with people are still subject to Police Brutality with many armed, who are unnecessarily being killed. Economic despair and poverty continue to be cool reminders of this placed national priorities. The Prison Industrial Complex with its as to prison pipeline is a attachable blight against our moral consciences. The Fair Housing Act is in jeopardy and the gutting of the Voting Rights act has opened the door for new suppression laws even in this state to disenfranchise many turn back the clock on some of the progress we have made as a nation. Therefore we as a people must demand that Congress Restore the Voting Rights act. A hand now is the time for the state of alabama to rise to the occasion in this jubilee year to release itself from the narrow pass up the repressive and oppressive laws to ensure laws that have equal access to voting for all of its citizens. All of this serves as a reminder to us that tomorrow is today. We must operate with an urgency of and if you are an unregistered voter, i am appealing to you and urging you to register to vote now to do not delay. We cannot let aimlessly and go go and tell our struggle is over. In the words of my mother, struggle is a neverending process. Freedom is never really won. You burn and you win it in every generation. So today you will now hear the words of the prophet king, my father still speaking to us, providing us with wisdom inspiration and instruction, and with truth and justice on our side we march on. Now i have been asked to share with you those words might then be shared with the marchers of 50 years ago today. It is not accident that one of the great marches of American History should terminate in montgomery, alabama. Just ten years ago in this very city a new philosophy was born of the negro struggle, month rate was the first city in the south south in which the entire Negro Community united and squarely faced its age old oppressive. Out of this struggle more than than desegregation was one. A new idea, more powerful than guns or clubs was bored. Negroes took it and carried it across the south in the battles that electrified the nation and the world. Strangely the climactic conference always one on the alabama sword. White america was probably around was by birmingham because it witnessed the whole community of negroes facing terror and their talent to with just the center wrote courage to and from the rails of the democratic spirit the nation finally forced congress to write legislation in the hope that it would eradicate that stain in birmingham, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave negroes somme part of their rightful dignity. With out the vote it was dignity without strength. The method of nonviolence resisted. Was unsheathed and once again an entire community was mobilized to confront the atmosphere. And again the brutality of a dying order shirks across the land. Yes selma alabama, became a shining moment in the conscience of man to the worst in American Life the bench of american instincts rose passionate from across the nation to overcome it. The confrontation of good and evil compressed in the Tiny Community of selma jenne raided the massive power to turn the whole nation to a new goal. President johnson rate the praised the courage of the negro for weakening the conscience of the nation. On our part, we must pay our town respects to the White American who cherish the democratic traditions that both of the customs and privileges of generations. And come forth boldly to join haynes with us. From mark, rate to birmingham from birmingham to selma, from selma to montgomery at 3 00 oclock and a circle award and often bloody, and it had become a highway up from darkness. Alabama has tried to newer nurture and defend evil. Evil has to death on dusty roads of this state that i stand before you this afternoon, with the conviction that segregation is on its deathbed and alabama. And the only thing uncertain about it is how costly is the sacrificial mess and wallace will make our whole campaign in alabama has been centered around the right to vote and was in the attention on the nation in the world today on the nile of the right to vote we are exposing the very origin of a racial segregation in the southland. Racial segregation as a way of life did not come about as a natural result of hatred between the races, immediately after the civil war. There were no laws segregating the races. Toward the end of the reconstruction of iraq, something significant happened. That is what was known as the populist movement. The leaders of this Movement Began awakening the poor white man. And former negro slaves to the fact that they were being by the emerging [ inaudible ]. Not only that they begin uniting the negro and white masses in a voting bloc that threatened to drive the [ inaudible ] of political power in the south. To me this threat that southern aristocracy began immediately to engineer this to fill up a segregated society. I want you to follow me through here because it is very important to see the roots of racism and the denial of the right to vote. To the control of mass media, they reside the doctor of what supremacy. They saturated the thinking of the poor white masses and with the best clouding their minds to the real issue involved in the populist movement. They been directed for placement on a books that made it a crime for negroes and whites to come together as equals at any level. Thats tripled and crippled and eventually destroy the populist movement of the 19th century. In the descent of the weapon to the worlds the need for jesus and that may be said that the reconstruction era that the southern aristocracy to the world and give the poor white man jim crow. And when he is wrinkled stomach cried out to the food that is empty pocket could not provide, he ate jim crow, a psychological bird that told him to matter how bad off he was, at least he was a white man better than the black man and when his undernourished children cried out for the necessities that low wages could not provide he showed them the jim crow signs on the and in the store said in the streets and in the public millions and children to learn to feed upon jim crow. Thus the threat of the up the balance by the negro and white masses alike, resulted in the establishment of a segregated society. They segregated southern money from the poor whites. They segregated southern mores from the rich whites. They segregated southern churches from christianity. They segregated southern mind from honest thinking. And they segregated the negro from everything. That is what happened when the negro and white man of the south threatened to unite and build the Great Society a society where none would prey upon the weakness of others, a society of plenty where greed and poverty would be done away. Of society of brotherhood for every man would respect the dignity and work of human personality. Weve come a long way since the travesty of justice was perpetrated upon the american mind. Today i want to tell the city of selma today i want to say to the state of alabama, today i want to say to the people of america and the nation of the world, that we are not about to turn around. We are on the move now. Yes, we are on the move and no wave of racism can stop us near near now. The burning of our churches will not deter us. The bombing of our homes will not dissuade us. We are on the move now. The beating and killing of our clergymen and they didnt people will not divert us. We are on the move now. Dont. The release of their known murderers will not discourage us. We are moving to the land of freedom. Let us therefore continue our triumphant march to the realization of the american dream. Let us march on segregated houses until every ghetto or social and economic suppression souls and negroes and whites live side by side and sanitary houses. Let us march on segregated schools until every of segregated and education becomes a thing of the past that and negroes and whites standing sidebyside thus socially peeling contest of the let us march on poverty until no american. Has to skip a meal so that the children make beat. March on poverty until no starved man walks the streets of our city and towns in search of jobs that do not exist. Let us march on poverty and tell them its in mississippi are filled and grow good lives are filled and soldiering ghettos are mended and and let us march on [ inaudible ] until disappears from the political arena. Let us march on ballot boxes until the wallace is the art nation trouble away in silence. Let us march on ballot boxes until we send to our City Councils state legislators and the United States congress men who will not fear to do justice love mercy and walk humbly with thy god. Much let us march on ballot boxes until brotherhood becomes more than a meaningless word in an opening prayer. The order of the day on every legislative agenda. Let us march on ballot boxes until all over alabama gods will be able to walk the earth in decency and honor. I know that there is a day of alabama, and receiving numerous editorials weigh in build Martin Luther king and all the civil right agitators and all the white clergymen and labor leaders and students and others get out of our community and the alabama return to normal. I have a message that i would like to leave with alabama. That is exactly what we dont want and we will not allow it to happen because we know it was normalcy and that led to the brutal murder of jimmy lee jackson. It was normalcy in birmingham that led to the murder on a sunday morning of four beautiful innocent girls. It was normalcy on highway 80 that led state troopers to use teargas and forces and billy clubs against unarmed human beings who were simply marching for justice to it was normalcy in a cafe in selma, alabama, that led to the brutal beating of the reverend james reese. It is normalcy all over our country which needs two leaves the negro perishing on a lonely island of poverty and a bad ocean of prosperity. It is normalcy all over alabama that prevents the negro from the coming a registered voter. No we will not allow alabama to return to normalcy. The only normalcy that we will settle for is the normalcy that recognizes the dignity and works of all of gods children. The only normalcy that we will settle for is the normalcy of brotherhood, the normalcy of true peace, the normalcy of justice. I must admit to you that there are still some difficult days ahead. Many of the black belt counties of alabama, and many areas of mississippi, many areas of louisiana i must admit to you that there are still jail cells waiting for us. If we will go on with nonviolence and its power can transform yesterday into bright tomorrow, we will be depicted change all of these conditions. You are asking today how long will it take. Somebodys asking along well prejudice line frustrated on the street in birmingham and a community from the south be let to from the and so to reign supreme among the children of men. And at how long will justice be crucified. I come to say to you this afternoon. However frustrating the hour, it will not be long because truth will rise again. How long, not long. Because no lie can live for ever. How long . Not long. Because you shall reap what you sow. How long . Not long. Truth for ever on the scaffold. Wrong forever on the throne. It is that scaffold sways the future and behind the lens a known stance got up in the shadows, keeping watch above his own. How long . Not long. Because the art of the moral universe is long it has been towards justice. How long . Not long because mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord. He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. Has this faith of lighting as his terrible swiss soared. History does berger guy. He he has founded for the trumpet that shall never call retreat. He is sifting out the hearts of men that bore his judgment day. Oh be swift to answer him. Be jubilant might be. Our god is marching on. Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory hallelujah. Glory, hallelujah. Glory, hallelujah. Glory, hallelujah. His truth is marching on. [ applause ]. Screeria nigeria. What do what the own sues them. John dean joined the white house as counsel. Next part two 0324 interview with john to you. He discusses why he began to with federal investigators and his sentencing after pleading guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obstruct justice. The Richard Nixon president ial library conducted this interview

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