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For. Congressman roger marshal, republican of kansas. This week, your first few days on the job, you have garner smed attention, you and your son, while you were getting sworn in. Yes. Did you know would he do it . Absolutely not. His mom would have had a fit and thrown him out of the room. You tweeted out after that he is grounded. How long is he grounded for . What will he be doing during that time . If anybody needs help having their snow shovel removed this weekend, please let cal know. He is still negotiating the length of his term. He is asking for a president ial pardon though after this weekend. So we will see how it goes. What was your reaction . What were you thinking when you saw what was happening . I was clueless. I really thought he was sneezing. I had no idea what he was doing. Someone mentioned the word, oh, he was dabbing. I had no idea what word meant. I guess the speaker and i learned a new term. Thats right. Tell us why you decided to run for congress. It was always a lot of reasons but we had our first grandchild about two years ago was born. My wife and i had the conversation, whats next in life . We were unfortunately convinced we werent leaving the bet country better than we found it. My grandson wouldnt have the same opportunity that i had growing pup. A free market. A chance that month matter where you are born, no matter where you are from that can you make it in america. I thought we were drowning in regulationes from the government and taxation policies and frankly our military was not as strong as i was comfortable with. National security was becoming an issue in kansas. Were in the middle of the country and housewives in kansas told me they were fearful for national security. And in this conversation my wife looked to me and said, you like to fix things. It is time for to you go to washington. So here we are. And you had what you called a surprise victory in the battle against tim huls camp. Why did you find it surprising . Well when you take on a sixyear incumbent, the person controlling the system and the party and those age eangle answers been a professional politician for 12 or 14 years in the state house. A rookie or novice in politics. Frankly, millions of dollars spent before he came out of the chute tryinging to help him out. So we knew we were take williin big beast with a lot of money behind him. You with be with no political experience, what were you doing before you decided to run for office. Im an on sbstetrician and gynecologist. What about that experience, what can you take from that, to be a member of congress . The most important clinical skill a physician has is their ability to listen. The best physicians can listen. And if you listen to patient long enough they will tell you whats wrong. More importantly they usually tell you how to fix it as well. Ive taken that same mindset, my district has traveled 30,000 miles, been to 100 different community. County visit. Listen ae listening and listening. The people most impacted with the problems usually have the solutions. Take health care for instance. I think i have listened to people with their health care issues, and people with the Affordable Health care act, not many, but some did believe this was a hope for them. We replaced Affordable Care act, i think i would have a much better idea of what to replace it with. What would work. What do you think should be kept from the Affordable Care act . I think we are very comfortable keeping kids on their family plans until age 26 of. What we have to do is help people with preexisting conditions. I think we have to supply high risk polls which most states have and the federal government will have to help fund those, keep people with preexisting conditions to keep their Health Care Cost down and not have a 12,000 deductible policy like now with the aca. What is your district like you . Said you traveled 30,000 miles around, tell our viewers what its like. Right. One of the largest district in the country. The size of south dakota, people tell me. Largest ad producing congressal in the country. Third leading producer of cattle. Largest dairy herd growing in the state as well. Very much ad dif. We are growing solar energy. Diverse portfolio of energy. More sunny days in kansas than florida. It is hard it believe that. And of course we are known for when the wind energy is it is booming there. We are an exporter and that export will grow. These industries you are talking about, were they supportive of your run for office . Very, very supportive. I start with agriculture. Kansas farm bureau, kansas live stock association, all of the other groups, corn, cheat, soy, all these people helped immensely. All these people helped us a lot with the ag community and of course when energy, very supportive as well. Yes, probably 90 of the organizations across the state supporting us. Health care associations behind your bid. You talked about health care. On other aspects policy, what kind of legislation are you looking at . Sure. We hope to get on the agriculture committee. Kansas is an ag state and we want a voice back on the ag committee. Influence the medica commune pit. Dr. Price is a very good friend. Dr. Price is a very good friend. Dr. Price is a very good friend. I support him as the hhs sebl secretary. He is one of the kindest men ive ever met. Dr. Price and i have been throwing ideas off each other for over a year. Every time i do that, he has a great answer. I want to reassure everybody that we are not pushing you off the cliff. If you like your 12,000 deductible, great, keep it. But we think and we let remarket forces move ahead we will have a better more affordable insurance policy. There are some very simple things we can do. Trance parent prices. I think if there were trance parent prices that that would drive the cost of health care down. Expand Health Care Savings accounts. Make them look like an ira. Let Health Insurance be bid across state lines. Help the people that need help. Those are simple examples but were not pushing anybody off the cliff. Talk about your pro life stance. Sure. As an obstetrician, truly i have deliver offered 5,000 babiee oo babies. V offered 5,000 babies. E offered 5,000 babies. R offered 5,000 babies. Offered 5,000 babies. Ered 5,000 babiered 5,0. Decided decades i go i would be pro life. As i was talking to a mom and she was pregnant, maybe four or five months along and she felt t hadnt felt the baby move yet. I could hear the baby moving. There was a sister beside the mom. When the sister talked, the baby would move even more. I dont know how anyone could abort a live human being. And it just always worked very hard in our clinic to help pregnant women who didnt want to have an abortion. Sing sns single moms. Working with Catholic Social Services which do a tremendous job in my community. Very committed to it. My staff is very committed to pro life. Talk about your family. Oh, wow, my wife, weve been married 33 years. The most beautiful woman ive ever met, both inside and outside. Given me four beautiful children. My daughter, gave me a grandson, apple of my wifes eye. Victor, matt and cal are three boys. Victor just finished his mba. Matt is a senior at k state beta house where ways fortunate enough to be president there. And young cal, is a 17yearold senior at great ben high school. All state football player. Straight a

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