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Thank you very much. Indeed were going to that debate translated to english for you. Time speak and make sthur exchanges are fair. At home you will also be able to follow this subtitle on the various french channels including the sign language translation. Marie le pen. Its given the first word but before we move, we have a first question for you. After months of campaigning, were nearly four days away from the vote and 10 days away from taking office. How are you feeling . Well, i have to say that im very pleased in which the way in which this second run off vote is proceeding. Mr. Macron is the candidate of uberization, wild globalization and secure social brutality, the economic ran sacking of a Large Corporation corporations, major interests sweeping low on this run by mr. Elawn in the driving seat. I think he said yesterday vote in favor for mr. Macron. With a sense of pride of what weve accomplished to continue. So im the candidate of the people. Im the candidate of france as we love it. Its culture, civilization, its unity. Im the candidate of the nation that protects our jobs, the security of our fellow citizens, our borders, protect us against Unfair International Competition and the rise of islamic fundamentalism and of course the french people have been able to say the real macron in this second round. The benevolence has been replaced by spite. The marketing strategys beenen over by the socialist party. And the rice mile has been replaced by grin after the rallies and the rounding of elites. Mr. Macron has dropped the mask. Weve seen the choices that youve made in the second round, choices that there cynical choices. The use of campaign arguments that there shameful and that reveal perhaps the coldness of the Business Banker that youve never stopped being perhaps. So i think this actual period of clarification was profoundly useful for the french people to describe. You have shown that youre not the candidate of the spirit of finesse or the will to have balanced and open democratic debate. Thank you for this wonderful demonstration youve just given us. Im not going to say youre the real hairess. Not only of a name, of a political party, of the french extreme right, over whole system that has prospereden the anger of the french for so many years. Im not going to repeat that you claim this heritage because you have been promoting it since you took over the control of this party. And over 40 years in this country weve had le pen that have been candidates for the president ial election. Im not interested in all of that. You will continue as you do day after day. The question that our citizens have to answer today is do they want the spirit of defeatism that you promote because you expect, you explain to our fellow citizens that globalization is too tough. So were going to withdraw, get out of the euro, put the walls up. That is the spirit of defeatismal and the fight against terrorism. All developed countries are facing, all democracies are facing this war. You say were going to withdrawal, restore the borders of the past as if thats going to solve the problem. Im defending the spirit of french conquest. French has always succeeded in the world because her language is spoken on all the continents of the world. Frances civilization, its strength is that its reputation is global and today are the fifth economic power in the world. We are strong in the world and there are lot of changes that need to be done and i want to introduce changes and its the inability of governments for 30 years to do so. I have never been president or prime minister. I will do as much as i can to remedy that. But these deep changes that i want and led me to resign when i was minister, i intend to implement these reforms so the spirit of conquest will triumph. Thats the france i want. Thats the france that resembles us. We can jump right into the debate. Mrs. Pen you believe the current labor laws are holding back employment. Whereas, mr. Macron, a few minutes for you. The problem with france for 30 years has been the unemployment rate. We have had mass unemployment. Were the only country that has not succeeded inputting an end to this high youth unemployment is very high and in the face of this, we must give to our small and Medium Size Enterprises the pausesability of creating more jobs of adapting to economic sielkcycles. I want simplicity, the right to creating mistakes. Its a reform i will introduce this summer. When the Government Administration controls. It must support and explain. Small and medium size businesses are the main complexity and i want to get rid of for self employed and independent workers the social contributions. I want the labor law not to be the same determined boo ia law which is too ridged. I want a labor law that can revert at corporate level or at branch level, sector level. A kwumpany that can negotiate with the representatives of the employees to reorganizeinize will be in a better position to face the economic risks, the competition its been facing. And Large Companies are the only ones that have the ability to do that. So prag mutism for Small Enterprises and in the face of economic cycles which are shorter. So more flexibility . Yes. More agility for businesses and security for employees, workers who call for new reforms. Reform of unemployment insurance, of Vocational Training to protect people in the middle of these changes. How do you see the labor Market Going Forward . Mr. Economy minister or mr. Advisor whats your vision of the labor market . Four years you led olawns economy. If you have the recipe for unemployment. We are candidates for five years. Why didnt you allow him to benefit from your recipes . If you have no recipes because theyre in the results. Why are you standing for election thats the president . Thats the only question we need to ask because you had a free hand to implement that policy. It was catastrophic why . Because you did the only thing you know how to do is you help large businesses. The employment tax credit. You gave to Large Companies, small and medium size businesses that wanted to see a lightning of their possibilities to give them oxygen. You wanted to didnt want to scrap the posted work directive. Its 500,000 jobs and im not available to the french people because theyre filled by foreign posted workers who are frauding or not because those who do defraud are as many as those who dont. You didnt put in place a onestop shop at an administrative arrangement. Economic patriotism horrifies you. Anything that can give an advantage to French Companies because you are france that subjecs itself to the eu, Unfair International Competition. Farmers didnt see you support them against this unfair competition. A large number of corporations saw you. Who were bought out by large u. S. Corporations to the detriment of national interests. And there was a whole series of many with rather problematic conflicts of interest with them former bank in which you worked. So you dont have a national spirit, you dont think in the superior interest of the nation. Youre defending private interests. The problem is behind that. Theres a lot of hardship. There are companies that there off shoring and its not an anecdote, mr. Macron. These are companies that you sold. To your friend, mr. Dre, the head of fm. 6,000 jobs lost. A number of them have been extending and your strategy i told you everything. Whats extraordinary is that this tragedy is normal. For decades this has been going on. Your strategy is quite simply to lie a lot and to list all the difficulties and problems. But you dont propose anything. If you had observed what had happened of the chargers made by the tax credit for competitiveness benefits all companies. Thats why which are paid by small Medium Size Enterprises. I want to cut corporation tax. All Companies Including for the Large Companies whereas i give total priority to Small Businesses. Theyre the ones who create jobs. Youre making life easier for big business again. Its normal that your friends, where you have drinks. The french deserve better than this. They deserve the truth, not insinuations. You say you are very well informed. You know reality is i was not minister when it was sold and it belonged to a totally private you told that line in front of 10 Million People at the debate when that question was asked of you. Of course you were minister. You were leading all these issues. And what he refused for sfr be sold and he was replaced by you, mr. Macron and immediately you signed the deed of sale. It belonged to a private group called the vendee. We are in the estate where we respect private property. The vendee group that sold sfr. So youre making a lot of mistakes. You have been and it doesnt help the country to move on. Nobody wanted to sell sfr. When you have a private group, which is owned by private capital, look in your files. Yes. Ill find that for you immediately. January 2015 before parliament. I took the decision you said january i have the decision to allow him to take a stake in mine personally. Youre not talking about the same subject. The day after he left, you granted whereas the sale of sfr. Thats the reality. Why dont you just accept it. Accept it. Thats what you do best to break up companies and do mna. You can do that very well. Theres no difficulty. Youre reading a file that does not correspond to the case that were discussing which shows you are not well prepared. Sold against the interests of france. General electric and fought very hard. We can look at the details of the file as youre mixing the different ones up. Sfr is in tulepathy and it isnt the same sector. You can sell anything. The only problem is you can sell everything but not to the benefit of the national interests. It calls for indepth reforms. You can shake things up. Deregulation, etc. Thats what you want to do. Madam le pen does not want to talk about substntive matters. She wants to talk about the past. What we need is simplicity. I propose we need to have more prag mutism. We need to have a policy in favor of investment. This is it indispensable to fight against unemployment. There is no fatality. You are not proposing anything to fight against employment. Your knowledge is very approximative. I propose to create jobs for people and Large Companies. Would like to hear your suggestions on something very important to the working people. It seems neither of you have decided to change the 35hour working week. Youre okay . Well, i want negotiations to happen by sector. He wants them to take place by company. Its frat ruicidal. Because it caused negotiation by company is to throw compopies one against the other. Youre going to take unfair national competition. You know full well that in the sectors there will be the Large Companies that will be able to adjust the working time but not the small companies. So obviously theyll go under. Thats your plan. The big eat the small. Its the land of the fittest, the strongest. Im opposed to that. They have to be by sector, not by company. Elcomry law to the power of 10 executive order. I assume theyll be what the scrapping of indefinite Term Contract or the road map of the eu and youre taking the boxes with the it great deal of discipline. Youre very disciplined. Youre very disciplined in respect of the eu. Okay. But this outright deregulation, this break up of labor laws obviously will be a policy that create said more precariousness. Not jobs but additional unemployment as long as we dont changing the economic model defended by the system that is behind you, mr. Macron. All the senators supporting you. Mr. Casner. Im waiting for your answeren the 35hour week. Its interesting. Youre not answering the question. Youre trying to get us to forget that you were part of a government that implemented the law wunonce again that didnt create new jobs but higher unemployment since you left the government from when you joined but i see you refused to assume responsibility. Thank you for your complicit comments of me. The measures youre recommending today but words well i say obviously we must radically turn our backs on the policy and have a policy that protects jobs and that develops more businesses because theyre the ones that create jobs in our country. Mr. Macron, you are not questioning the 35hour work week . Whats extraordinary is youre always talking about the past and other people. The french people will understand you have nothing to propose. You talk about everything and about nothing. Im answering the question. Which is and i want to know what are small and Medium Enterprise asking for . They want more visibility. They want whatever their sides, the lapg groups manage competitiveness very well. From very small to very large businesses, they want more adaptation to reality. It doesnt have the same experience as the digital start up or an Automobile Company which has 500 employees. So we must give them the possibility of negotiating at corporate level. Only Large Companies can do so today in certain circumstances. The ship building yards save jobs by negotiatinnegotiating. Im sorry you sold them to the italians. I didnt sell the ship builder yard. They almost disappeared two years afwoe. They signed an agreement with a unions. It was parttime work and a good order book. They werent sold to anyone. I was in the president ial campaign that time. You can attribute all the sins the last 30 years. Ive been involved alshorter time than you monopoly you dont know the files at all. For my part i signed confracts ship toads be built in thoiz ship yards and i say quite briefly we signed those that created more flexibility and created jobs. This is what theyre asking for. Im also in favor notably for the smauls kumpany. There should be sec torrial agreements. Business with two employees dunot negotiate corporate agreements because there are no trade unions. The small retailers, the Small Business leaders are at the sec torrial level that which would aloy people to hire people more easily. Our economy makes needs to make hiring easier. We must allow the small and Large Companies to sign these a j what will revitalize our economy. Stop the destruction of jobs in 2009. Thats a strange vision. I mean its your policy. The policy of unfair competition such that the state strategist doesnt intervene. The big eat the small. Al they go off seeking work and im offering them to Tax Companies that relocate. They will no longer relocate abrud if they have no benefit to come in a country where wages are very low. And there will because therell be no financial interest in it for them. Thats the first thing. Secondly, i want to put in place a Sovereign Fund that will allow to intervene in case such as visit va that has been broken up by as a rule chur funds, the state must intervene and trust a Sovereign Fund have two qualities, the state duration and the private sector of efficiency with offering reasonable yields when you consider once again, the delore of the toughest of the strongest. Its normal that Companies Break one another up thats what you organize when youre ahead of the bank. Translator we should move forward mr. Speak mama cone. Trance theres something that the company. Translator well you see im proposing it. Its interesting because youre in greet solution translator this is the Sovereign Fund that i would entrust to Business Leaders. Translator already exist. Translator its not a bank that id want Sovereign Fund. Translator dont play with me. I see youre trying to play with me the teacher and the pupil but its not my thing. Translator the country deserves a better debate. In the place of whirlpool thats what you propose is nothing. You dont respect people. I heard the anger of people, i spent hours with the workers. You spent 15 minutes on the parking lot of whirlpool. You didnt even go into the company premises. Translator where you were protected from journalist, without a journalist or your personal camera translator the employees and thats what it means to respect moment. When you were playing to the cameras i was with the representatives of the employees because i respect them and you know what they understood you dont propose anything to them. They booed you, they booed you. And they said out out. Translator because they know that i my campaign translator you didnt proposals anything to them theyre angry. You wish to community a statement proposing the nationalization of whirlpool. Translator that it be protected by the state until a vile is found. Translator some of you had problems that was a mistake made with translator and you went to see them and say globalization thats what globalization is like. Well give you some training translator im going to fight for reinvestment in their sight. Im going to fight that you have youre not credible on this do you realize that . Translator i am much more credible than you are because i am not being cynically fuelling my translator thats not what the employees say thats for sure. Translator i have had a number of victories and faders but ive always fought translator victories to protect jobs or companies that are buying each other up and scaling back. Translator we have saved a lot of companies. Translator if you please listen to us for two minutes we do have translator i have never done what you did the other day to take advantage of the distress of the workers. Translator i never went to hide in a room with tray union representatives. I go and see the workers. The workers. With the workers not to hide in a small room. Translator if you please translator thats the big difference between us. Translator we cannot dwell on this for too long. Translator we cant hear offers think any more. There will be other opportunities to come back to. Well be talking about taxes purchasing power. Many french people are expressing their frustration with the french people. Many may kon what is your opinion on this frustration . Translator what i propose is to make savings in order to cut taxes paid by households and companies. We must be clear if we dont make any savings we cant promise tax cuts, thats a promise that is not credible. Thats what Marine Le Pen does, the people arent that stupid. So the state today have a deficit which is not a good thing for us. The state and all public administrations have a deficit so i want to make 70 billion savings in order to cut taxes charges paid by companies, to produce charges paid by businesses, 6 points down and 10 points lower charges for the minimum wage and to reduce the Corporate Income tax to 25 . So i propose household to get rid of resident tax. So i cut the taxes paid by businesses, i cut also what citizens pay, residence pay and this is my fiscal melissa. If growth is better than i expect, im very cautious, i have very cautious 1. 8 growth, i hope we can go beyond that, then i will reallocate the savings to cutting income tax for the benefits of households. Translator mrs. Le pen your response to is this what youre. Translator so youre assuming responsibility translator you didnt take on the economic decisions. Very good oak you took your member of the government and generated an additional 35 billion in taxes. But its not you not you. Translator i have never been in charge of that reduce translator so you want to reduce resident tax okay im happy with that for small resident tax. 10 bel you wanted to increase the social contribution by 15 points for pension ners and workers. One of your advisers said clearly 16 of pension ners who will have to pay more. Translator i wont translator we need your response to what mr. May kon said. Translator what do i do . I cut by 3 points, the wage charges of all those who worked, why . Because today when you get your pay stubs, your gross salary, and then you have your social contributions. I will reduce those contributions by 3 points because i want to go as far as i can. I wont universal ainsurance, employment insurance so everybody can have indemnities it is they are unemployed. So i will be getting rid for all workers that employees social contribution and i replace it by an increase in c s g. All those who are craftmen, selfemployed people, retailers, civil servants, employees, they will have then in purchasing part because the rising c s g will be lower. The 40 of people who have the lowest retirement pensions and pay the low rates of chg will pay less and 60 of retirees who pay the former rate will have the 60 of the the cs h. The welfares in order to have a smarter system, there is no magic in finance translator youre four minutes ahead. Translator so i will take the four minutes. All the other retirees, this wi will be offset by getting rid of the residence tax. Translator the residence tax that youre giving with the right hand youre taking back with a left happened for a tax. But since youre a socialist youre going to say well, it cost nothing its the state that pays. Translator im not saying that let me tell you the truth. Translator your suggestion right now. Translator obviously mr. May cone sit sized for this i have very significant motions to reduce spending power through a reduction of 10 metro area of the first industry income tax back kets by increasing the benefits for widow we ares who were scrapped by the socialist because they could have done a method on that by making overtime hours free of tax. Clear measures for purchasing power, bonuses for employment below 1500 euros that i finance through imports not by taxed, reduced engine reduced Energy Prices down 5 because there have been successive heights waived on budgets of families translator no increasing the small retirement translator situation for many of them. That is really terrible, they just cant make ends meat and they continue to bear the brunt of additional measures and act fair skies. You said right housing, benefit, were not going to continue to fund 20 million of those housing benefits. If you reduce that, well, you see that there are some who will no longer be able to find a home. And for the young people under the 27s they need to have their housing benefit increased by 25 . And also thinking of families youre not really thinking much of the families. The families by restoring family benefit family allowance that was cut. The government that you remember of the socialist government reduced that to revert to universal child allowance that for the families have to bear the brunt of all the measures of the government that you took part in on the budget. Translator yes, i mean thats the principle of universe salt absolutely. So you see im the candidate of spending pow. You mr. May cone youre the candidate of the power to buy, to buy france, to break it up, but its important to know everythings for sale, everything can be bought, men can be bought and sold. And mr. Ber she one of your supporters mention, you only see human relations in terms of what it brings in, in terms of the dividends that can be from that. Its not to my vision, i believe that giving the efforts that are made by volunteers in association helpers, 8 million that ill turn to give an additional trimester, otherwise the 8 million helpers wouldnt be able to bear that cost. The volunteerry sector thats forgotten thats one of the key components, my vision mr. Macron not everything is for sale, not everything is the subject of a financial measure, financial is that statistics. Translator you are right france is some other condition. It is open to generous principles with the reverse you rep. Its not your revision of families its what your father repeated a few days ago in another way. And the battle you have fought in the European Parliament, cutting credits for Family Planning youre not in place to talk about the vision. Your vision of family is not that of the french family. I have a question to ask you, how do you finance all that . Translator well, ill find savings for you immediately, take a look the eu. 9 billion euros a year translator 6 billion. Translator you forget co customs. Translator youre not as aware of that. Translator well be going to save nystagmus a few minutes, this is about tax. Translator we have a long list of the general reform of madame le pen. How is she going to finance and fund all that . Translator its fair money giving it back to the french people. Its their money that generate translator who are you going to take the money from mrs. Le pen. Translator many of translator the European Union. 9 million in a year the immigration a colossal cost, ive only kept 50 billion per year in savings, i was reasonable in my calculations. The social fraud against you having flawed translator greater stuff over night as soon as your president and people stop cheating therell be no more to tax fraud. Over night over night wonderful, fantastic. I dont even want to try that translator ill show you what i can do translator i dont want to try and i dont think the french want to try either with you. Translator dont speak on their behalf. Translator im not speaking on their behalf. Translator you chosen by a default by a whole set of people so you need to show less arrogant before the election. Translator i take the french as adults i dont lie to them. And you lie translator lie . Translator a lot. Translator seems to me you are trying to trick the children translator you have just drawn up a full list of funds and you dont say how you fund them. The day you tally your 6 billion from the eu. Look what the u. K. Is going to have to do with brexit translator euros. Translator from the very beginning it will have to pay 60 to 80 billion euros. Leaving the eu will cost money. Translator we will talk about the euro later. Translator but you dont fund what you promise. I want our fellow citizens in regard to the list that you people who are helping others, the nonprofit organizations i will and how will i ive told you how i will finance the tax cuts and the lowering of charges. Youre going to give presents youre going to give gifts. Somebody will have to pay for your reforms. Translator gifts . Translator you dont take to how youre going to fund things. Youre project is not open to translator return money to the french people is a present . Translator when you cut taxes, when you cut taxes if you havent cut expenditure, everybody can translator yani cant understand you dont want to touch. Translator if you please well get back to this. Translator so either your going to increase deficit or increase taxes did you ever your fiveyear mandate and increase the debt and as future generations or children will pay. And translator well get back to this. Translator oh its tough really to translator i translator lets not go around in circles we will come back to this. Translator madame le pen is blaming me for everything that gone wrong over the last 20 years. Translator for the years you were start by doing that you know. Its a work of truth and honesty to assume before the french people results. Translator i assume the responsibilities for what i did as a minister. Translator youre attributing things to me to which i didnt do. Youre attributing things to me that happened before i was a minister and you are lying. You are lying. Translator thats before translator like all extremist by the way. Translator mr. Macron your forehead translator why are you insulting your opponent . Translator im not insulting you. Translator when you say i dont represent the body of a woman and you tried. Translator reproductive technology. Translator motherhood, its a lie. I have always been against moerd hood sir got motherhood. Translator thats endorsed in france, in fact youre creating such networks abroad. Its disstitch bl in terms of selling the human body translator im against sir got motherhood completely. When youre in france you chose not to recognize any rights for that child. I dont believe in that i believe in generosity. Translator rights of selling translator im against commercial lieization of im against a child being made to suffer. Translator well he can benefit from guardianship. Translator but the child will be able to die in the street because he will not have any help or she will not have any help. Translator a wonderful society. Translator le pen you have a lot of time left here. Translator lets be serious. Your product is not serious. Lets get Something Interesting to the people watching, social protection. I would like to know what advances you want to have in reimbursement by the Social Security system . Mrs. Le pen first . Translator i want to say the social system first the reality of today, this social system is in danger. You see that the goal is to seek to dismantle in some shape and form. We talk been funding, many macron you made a set of proposals and reimbursement for eye wear but you made vague, what is it the eye wear, the whole spect spect that calls, once against no savings to be made without reducing to benefits that are granted notably through progress and the use of Digital Technology with unit selling of medicines, thats not in place. That could be put in place very simply and over and above social protection does the healthcare offering. Obviously were faced with the difficulty of decertification and many of our country area, sometimes you have to travel, 50, 60 kilometers in order to find, perhaps not a gp but sometimes a special, sometimes four to six months to get an appointment. So the motions there, once again the clear measure to be put in place to increase the quarter of doctors that you didnt change when you were in we dont have enough doctors. We have to find doctors abroad by of course depriving their countries from their healthcare offering that we seek from them. We have to put in place, sixmonth Junior Doctor stays in areas that deprived. We have to cut taxes for doctors who retired to encourage them to stay on for a few years. Translator more things will be reimbursement reimbursed, you talk about hearing aid and teeth and eye care. Are you saying were beginning to get reimbursed . Translator the price of medicine drop because if we can cut the price of medicine that way more will be reimbursed. Were able to use that money to reimburse things to do that are paid by our fellow citizens and of course we need to have go headtohead with big farmers on this. I saw this wouldnt possible but i saw it was possible to cut the price of a medicine that was hugely expensive. The price was reduced almost by a third or half. At some point its about political resolve. Our political will no longer exist because were in the hands of big farmer, big finance and people with private interest behind that. You have them in your team someone with private interest who could work translator yeah well, surprise we saw mr. Macron there was a reimbursement from high Blood Pressure. Why high Blood Pressure because his selfadviser was in fact big far may farm that specialist in fighting high Blood Pressure. Translator leave toyota mr. Macron to answer first of all. Translator i share the regulations shared by mr. Le pen. 80 of drugs are produced overboard. If you want to price madam le pen there will be a tax we dont know if its 3 or 10 . Imports are going to be taxed. Translator so weve abandoned the idea of having french far may firms . Translator but were not going to do not going to cover over night the imports that you will be banning. So in the years to come, if you are elected all drugs will increase in price, all imported drugs. To show the in coherence of what you put those to the french. Next, the real problem translator its not true. Translator the real you can check this in your files. As regards to the rest, all of real problems are the medical decemb desserts where there are many county of firm where is theres a shortage of doctors and nurses. We must reorganize public and private medicine to so they can get out of hospital more quickly to have easy access to specialist in order to relieve the accident and emergency department. Im thinking of our territory overseas. There is a need to boost healthcare in particular. Almost all our overseas territory have an in adequate healthcare and lack of specialist. We spend more money on evacuating patients from our overseas territories to metropolitan france where we should have translator theres a huge problem of illegal immigration. Translator youre quite right there is immigration issues in those overseas territories but there is a healthcare problem which i wish to underscore. If we want to reduce what remains to be paid by the patient on prosthesis for hearing aids, for dental aids, were not talking about glasses im talking about the frame and the lenses, we need to clarify the relationship between Social Security, the neutral Insurance Companies and the professionals that foresee this and the doctors. The patients have to pay much too much today because we have standard contracts which cannot be modified. We must have three standard contracts for all citizens. Immediate contract an allrisk contract that cover everything and a. Minimum contract. Its difficult to do when you compare your insurance contract with your neighbors its impossible to know if you have better coverage than your neighbor. We must all come around the table. One of my priorities will be to reform and prevention i think is very important. I fully agree that we must take some years to change doctors and we in order to catch up the shortage. We must improve prevention in schools, healthcare in nursing homes, in the training of doctors, they must have one quarter dedicated to prevention. Translator speaking about prevention, it didnt bother you to see that Vocational Health is trns its call the mac roan law its not call the macron law. Translator because you didnt want to achieve it. Translator its no macron law. Translator its the macron law we see clearly in that law that healthcare protection in companies has collapsed because were drawing the means to do prevention for employees that weve cut those resources, that were cutting medical appointments, thats going to have a very serious consequence on positions that youve discussed. But plainly a natural fact you dont plan to impolicemen. Translator mr. Macron id and you to respond, at what age should employees retire . Translator 60 years when they are 40. Translator no. I commit to it about case by the end of the fiveyear term no it hasnt changed. Translator i thought you growed to do all this within two months of being elected. Translator two months . Translator listen, talk about your plans and not mind because you dont know what my project is. Translator let me tell you very clearly, the sooner the ber, the sooner the better. The idea we should always sacrifice french people by really blaming them thats your perspective objectively. If your Pension System doesnt work its their talking theyre not working long enough, theyre not working enough. Theres always sm business of blaming the french if theyre unemployed. Mr. Macron say its your fault just because youre not accepting the job offers put to you thats why you want to in fact scrap, lim Unemployment Benefits by saying that two offers, we dont know where, what job. 200 kilometers away, 300 kilometers away. And if after two job offers that i have said no, they rejected them no more unemployment benefit. That way of blaming the french peopleky no longer hack it. Translator you are quite right. Translator no reason to have that blame. Translator but they have the right not to be taken for fools. Translator talk about your project. Translator thank you. If i if the retirement system todays in great difficulty its not the french people fault of the french people its your fault. The system thats supporting you and been in place for years put in place because the only and good way of saving pensions is to create jobs. Retiring at 60 is 17 billion, reducing unemployment is 25 billion extra income for the state. You werent able to do that because this wild rampart globalization opening up against border, competition against all that leads to the mass unemployment were seeing. Today we break to break with that model. Put in place protection of globalization to rearm in the face of globalization and thereby effectively. With our economic fabrics more businesses return to the roads of job, reduce unemployment and to save this system, Pension System that were so attached to. You want a single scheme, its been in the files of the ultraliberals, the single scheme because in fact itll be across the bored cutting and of course it will be the end of additional pensions. That is, of course managers the private world. This point base of retirement system. We find that in this field thats very similar when i comes to putting ultraliberals in place such as this one. Translator with your suggestion to globalization at the system what would be the turn translator first of all mrs. Le pen refers that people should be allowed to retire at 60 and she had initially said that she this will cost us 30 billion. It cannot be funded. What was done in the early 80s when it was tried . Tet Life Expectancy was ten years lower than it was today. So ultimately there is no magic retirement pension. So i believe in the payasyou go system. Those who are actively working pay for those who are retired. So you have to increase the contributions or reduce pensions. You cannot allow everybody to go to retire at 60. Notably those who do not have physically demanding jobs who work in offices, at 60, its a generous you can retire, but you dont explain how you finance all that. Of course, the you take into account the cutting unemployment but you dont explain how you will cut unemployment. You dont propose anything. So madam lepans Retirement Plan is either increasing kon bugs or cut in pension. Lets keep the system we have by make it fairerer. Dont lie im. Translator im not proposing a single system. Translator we have 37 bachk pension schemes in this company its unacceptable. People dont accept this in equality. A retailer, farmer a craftsman no longer accepts to have to see other people with special pension regimes that are much more favorable. So for over the next five for the next mandate im not going to change the level of social contributions. All those im no going to change, im going to put in place a system which will gradually come into place, all acquired rights will be maintained requested each person will contribute a little bit more eachyear. And we will then side in a responsible way, are you partnered either to increase contributions or to retire later . It will be decided translator by the employees federation. Translator no. I have an announcement to make. Its not the plan of the employees federation. Translator think about that. Translator this maybe is an interesting question. Translator its a fascinating question to know who will be its important to know. Translator mrs. Le pen. Translator for all we know. Translator we are often accused of not going into details. Something that is of consent to the people. So the payasyou go system is trans pattern and we know how its funded. Translator under secure and terrorism this is something thats great for the french people. There are numerous terrorist attacks and two law that came into part. What are your propositions given the prior context . Mrs. Le pen. Translator security and terrorism is a major issue totally absent from your project. No proposal whatsoever. The physical security of our fellow citizen, the fight against terrorism from the mentalism you dont want to lead it. Against terrorism we have to restore National Borders neill right away and thats something that i will do neill after i assume power. We Must Immediately expel the foreigners on the watch list out of islamic funder richl. All the joe nationals will implement the stripper of national nalt. I know youre translator let me explain my other project. Ricket to the nationality but also be expelled. Translator youre going to terrorize people tripping people of the national nalt, this debate has already happened. The president of the republic discussed it, it didnt solve the problem. People who are terrorist these people are committing suicide. These are suicide bombers. Translator so youre waiting for the attack . Translator somebody who wants to commit suicide, stripping people, person of nationality will not present something from committing suicide. Translator so before they committed the attack, stripping their nationality expelled immediately. All those removed from france policeman can continue to keep a watch on the number because 11,000 islamic fundamentalist on watch list. 11,000, thats a record of your government, that is shameful. The day after the attack, you said and im not going to in vent a program during the night against terrorism, youre running to be president and you havent even got a program made up, a serious trps im not falling into the trap. Translator let me finish. Translator youre continually insulting youre very irritated. Im running behind let me speak. Translator talk about your project instead of saying stupid things about my project. Translator you dont have a product but youre come place sent with islamic fundamental t fundamentalist. Translator give a translator because youre interrupting me every ten seconds. I sense youre irritated. We must attack the root possible of evil, the growth of islamic fundamentalism on our soil. We must shut down expel the preachers of hatred and the associations that support you that irk ef, the Union Organizations in fran because its a isla mist organization that defend isla mist people who came to express the hatred of jews, of home sexuals of systematically engagement in hate. In favor of stoning women who hate you. Translator its important for translator plez talk about your project. Translator and when you were told did you support no problem with all those they received in their congresses and saying things that are really called for murder dont seem to upset you. I think thats extremely revealing and extremely problematic and we mustards, attack all these associations that are supported by muslim brotherhood. Stop foreign spending from countries. Because by then you maintain tax breaks for investments by these countries in france and i believe your government granted a republican accolade recently to one of its leaders. We must i eradicate the ideology of islamic fundamentalist in our country and you wont do it because youre subjected to them. Because they hold you its simple as that. Its sad to do its terrifying because it can have very onerous consequences. Clearly you were placed, you were blackmailed. Either you were an Islamic Radical or in effort for your defeat and you referred to keep that support rather than running the risk of expressing your express condemnation of these abuses that leads to deaths, that committed multiple attacks and against which nothing today has been done. Because the laws for intelligence laws for security translator its translator i am quite rightly translator its all total waffle to keep an eye on everyone, not to have to keep an eye on those who are on the watch list who are dangerous. And over and beyond that they were being soft on the league front and this daily in security today is an unbearable weight. Not just in towns by also in the country side. And so there needs to be convictions. These kwiks must be applied. We need to have 40,000 additional prison places to free up a number of places. We have to have Bilateral Agreements with countries that the foreigners come from that are imprisoned so that they serve their sentence in their country of origin. There is a plan with reimplemented intelligent system which is complete to fight against crime and terrorism and of course you will have noticed both of todays systematically clean translator mr. Macron your answ answer. Translator terrorism and terrorist threat, is the priority of the next two years. I want to be in charge of the security of france. That would be my priority. This implies reenforcing low Enforcement Forces before the attack take place. Regarding the watch list, this is intelligence. I want to strengthen the measures which have already been taken, including imprisonment, that all detention which for activities that relate to yes how dysactivities. If you meet you can be reenlisted on this watch list. Theres only a certain number of terrorist since 2012. The priority translator out rather keep them . Translator he didnt interrupt you please dont interrupt them. Translator ive always said a quarter of the terrorist were on the watch list. So we have to improve intelligence, we have to strengthen the and in some cases we have to expel people. And im in favor of more surgical interventions rather than general. I want to strengthen intelligence. So we have dismantled our domestic territorial Intelligent Service. The press covers the whole of french territory so we must focus on all parts of our territory, strengthening the links with Cyber Intelligence and to coordinate all this to prevent rather than cure, i could create a task force which would report directly to the president and not another agency that will coordinate the Intelligent Services. And then closure of borders is not a solution. There are many countries which are not part of the agreement which have had terrorist attacks despite to closing their border. So i have since november 2015, we have restored control, Border Control to fight against terrorism and over 70,000 people have been arrested. So what youre proposaling is powder in the eyes. We have to identify all of those people who are a threat. And there are people Intelligent Service we have to cooperate also with state other states. We need greater cooperation between member state of the European Union. There has been some progress. The passenger date control we can have passage information. We can now terrorist fry, many terrorist. Translator you voted against the passenger information system. Translator there have been attacks in airports. More on the borders. Translator therefore you didnt prevent it. Translator you reverted against all reforms by the European Union to fight against terrorism. Translator youre right. Pointless. Translator so you propose nothing. Translator what are you going to put on the border more guards . Are you serious. Translator im very serious. Customs officers are remarkable individuals theyre not trained to fight against terrorism its not their job. Translator they will arrest them. Translator terrorist work on the internet, other means of action. Translator we do have a question on this topic. Sorry i have a question. Mr. Macron you said france has a share of responsibility in the breeding ground of terrorism. Can you explain is that . Translator first of all im going to go against the stupid things you said earlier. I have a serious project which ive always taken my responsibilities, unlike madam le pen who is very good at talking about the fight against terrorism on the television set, but whenever there are reforms in the European Parliament she doesnt vote if favor of them. The oif, if this organization invites people or carries out activities which go against the law, i will have it banned. I dont know the leaders of this organization, the party that got them to participant in meetings was the national fund, the fund national. I have had nothing to do with those people, i dont know those people at all. Translator well ill tell you. Translator i have in relationships with them. Translator ill tell you, they support you and you said you accepted their support. Translator either, they dont respect the laws of the repaco. In that case file a complaint and take them to court. If i am effected for the republic i will dismantle all associations. I cant do it. Translator do you accept their support as a candidate. Translator are they breaking the law . Are they breaking the law . Translator cynicism. Translator your cynical. Translator invited to the northern uif congress in 2016. Homosexual lead to the destruction of homosexual thats why they need to be condemned of death. Translator its wonderful to hear you defending homosexuals. Translator another uif in 2017, im not going back to fight this crime, the jews are users, the act torres of felonies, those people who support your and you said ill wait until im president. I hope youll never be president. Translator the wonderful merit of this debate is to listen to you expressing compassion for the jews and homosexuals of this country. Ive always protected them of course translator protected by supporting uif, islamic fundamentalist i hope youre joking. Dont joke with that. Translator i dont support the irf and i repeat translator you accepted their support. Translator all associations which which call for violence and hatred translator you supported the support of uif, you accepted the support of urif. Translator the uif have participated in your meeting not mind. Translator you said in i show i have accepted the support of uif. France has a share of responsibility. Translator who came wito a deal translator france has accepted responsible in the breeding ground of terrorism. Translator youll have an opportunity to answer that with our next question. What should we do with young radicals . Translator may i answer in a reasonable way . Because these are serious debates. We cannot only talk in insinuations. Im not uncomfortable at all. Why . The young french people are radicalalizing translator you said its because of france . Translator i didnt say that. Third lie. Once again, i said we must ask ousts when young french people, young french women born in france, grown up in france who have been educated in our country, when they follow fan nattics and they destroy our own children we must ask ourselves questions. We have a share of responsible for this. But the main calls for the terrorist and thats why i want to wage a war translator whats responsibilities . Translator may i answer . These are important questions. How can children born in the republic been e radicalize theyre mental some are mental, mentally disturbed . Psychiatric, unbalanced. Translator yes, we know there are some unbalanced people, so we need to take preventative measures. Our republic must give every individual his or her place. At the same time we must fight, have sew tolerance for terrorism outside or borders and within our borders. And make sure that every individual find his place in our republic. But today our republic does not give all young people a place in society. Through failure at school, social and economic failure so we have a share of responsible. We must examine our own conscious when our own children want to destroy our own republic. And for me this is the most important thing. As the head of the army, as head of security, i will be determined and i will fight in every way against the slimmist terror. What they expect the trap is the trap you are made to fall into, civil war. What the terrorist expect is we should divide ourselves. They want to hear hate speech. And mr. Help per a famous academic said assad in 2005 in a text is our biggest wish is that no one should come to power in japan. Theyre seeking for e rad climbization, silver war. You are promoting civil war fighting against terrorist does not mean give into their attack. Thats the risk you are running by insulting the french because of their religious and by the i will never go down that road. Never. Translator never never in all my life have i insulted anyone because of his religious or background, but thats a no litany. Young outside and old inside because your arguments are twice your age. Translator dont go on that area. Translator im defending france and well find a point of connection. I defend france, whatever happens, dont you think that you have a share of responsibility in the hatred thats growing in the number of young people in respect to france . When you go to algeria, accusing france of crime against humanity, crime against humanity thats the most serious crimes that can be. You who want to be president , you went to algeria, you went abroad to say france has committed a crime against humanity. How can you be surprised that had a younger people say since france commit a crime against humanity against us, why dont we come and make it pay for its crime . Dont you think that you have a huge responsibility when you say such things about the hatred that a number of young people have towards the country that they live in or some of the country of which they have a national . Translator what are you suggesting . That i depend on the fight of the rad ka lieization of young people. Its simple. Rad climbization must be managed by the court. One again we put an end to all the association store, cultural that have spread across or territory with the support of local elected representatives. We do the rounds translator so you have nothing to do with islam . Translator okay capping to engage in the electricalism im talking about something thats very important which is the growth of the fundamentalist ylg, ideology the in crosssuit on our members. Huge numbers of sports associations whether religious grievances that are unacceptable and everyone turns a blind eye in companies. And its somewhat thanks to you or because of you, should i say mr. Macron. Because with the as it happens, well you prevent Business Leaders from avoiding communitybased grievances and religious requirements within companies. So all those that backtrack n retrails. Those reasonable adjustments but totally unreasonable, i would say with translator radical islam were taking a price for that, were paying a heavy price for that. So its with total firmens we need to act when i hear mr. Macron go to algeria saying france has committed a crime against humanity, he accepts the support of uif, receives preachers of hatred. Justifying the stoning translator your saying stupid thing as usual. Mr. Ramadan i dont know him. Translator all those watching us will know. Translator youre lying. Translator absolutely not. Go and see. We have the screen shot, maybe you asked him to remove his tweets but that support was given. Nothing no way temporary you to condemn that. Im saying vote this very strong concern to see you elected ahead of state. Translator but the lies that you consult speculate nourish the conditions in our country on this issue. You raised the important questions about the algeria. It was dramatic. Many of our fellow citizens were affected translator who you treated as criminals. You called them criminals. Translator i met all of them and those the algeria wall divides our country. I want to go look towards the future, i dont want to wage the war of memories. Translator you reopened those wounds. Translator im not are pent requesting im not denying. There were crimes against humanity that were committed. You insulted a lot of french people when you discussed the what happened during world war ii when the French Police rounded up the jews. French Police Officers rounded up the jews in paris and that is a crime against humanity. We have to look at our past directly. We must tell the truth to all our fellow citizens to reconcile them in order to not to cultivate hay tret as youre extreme right party has been doing so for ten decades, that you have done translator mr. Macron were not going to have a illegal debut on the round up here, but i consider france was in london. That was my opinion. Translator leave the general out of this. Translator a whole set of people who have considered that france wasnt guilty of that terrible horror but in fact it was translator regime. Translator thats fool thats not true. Translator i mean, we dont have to share his view. Many have a legal vision thats different from the matter. Everything that lightens the responsibility or that regime is in my view unwelcomed. So once again, to make that utilization translator you try to use that you opened that topic. Translator its pretty revealing of what youve been doing for a week now. Translator and it hurts our citizens who are jews. Translator but that utilization it speaks volumes about you. Translator you talk to journalist to put the question its a julianist that you probably didnt chose translator i dont chose any journalist. You can chose them not i. Translator lets move on to security in a broader sense. Youve been saying the same thing about zero tolerance, what is zero tolerance to you . Translator zero tolerance is any time a crime is committed it should be a sanction that apply. Sentences can be replaced, and a number of measures, the bracelet to have to go see the judge from time to time. Maybe we can talk about the consequences of that lax situation. Mr. Sofi, the attack who killed usually broken his legal control. He was seen by judge and he said well thats not nice, you must not violent that, he was freed by the judge that situations unacceptable so i think. Every time an offense is committed, even if it offend that is an instable that needs to be a criminal sanction, but the judges must be involved, they must receive instructions regarding the scram. Ing of return to minimal sentences for example, all that the foreigners who are sentenced must be returned to their countries still sentence have been scramened. We have to accept on our soil those who leave prison and are foreign nationals remain in franls. These are things that are unacceptable. For those we need more judges, im very sorry thats more spending but i assume that. More judges, more registererers, more prison places because today were in a situation not only of overcrowding the prisons but a huge number of prisoners and offenders that dont go to prison translator mr. Macron what is untolerable to you . Translator first of all Police Officers across france. We need to increase the forces of our Police Officer union. Police were attacked by extremist who were seriously burn. We need to equip our laurp organizations better. These the daytoday security needs to be reenforced and i assume this adjustment. In the field on the ground, i want sew tolerance against for delinquency. Minor offenses which are not brought to justice, so i want to improve daytoday policing by policemen who know the ground, know the field. And ill give them two extra powers that dont exist, which first of all the power to impose fines for minor offenses for which there are no criminal which are not criminal. For example, shoplifting for example, shoplifting. I want Police Officers to be able to impose fines as they can already do for Truck Drivers for example. A Police Officer can impose a fine for shoplifting for example as we already do translator whos going to go and collect the fine because in other places where the fine good day would go in do you think bailiffs are going to go in order to collect the fine thats been imposed . Translator how do we handle that . Translator road traffic offenses affect the citizens who indeed pleased who are forced to pay whereas the thugs who live in other areas where fines are not checked. Thats the big in justice that exist in our country. There are milk cows that are really the drivers and others in estates under the responsibility of thugs, they can commit all possible crimes and offenses. And the sentence is never applied when its just a fine or even to repair the damage of a fine committed. Translator so after diverging and interrupting me you said something which is totally irrelevant to what i was saying. It would be possible for Police Officers to impose fines. What is unbearable for a policeman who stops a young person who owns drugs or is shoplifting . Hes taken to a magistrate after a long procedure and then hes out in the field again, and you wont solve this problem over night. And there are six months a year later the offender is called back. And in three quarters of cases, the case is dismissed. So i want the police to be able to impose fines. And if the fines arent paid then judicial action can be taken. When young people or gangs which create trouble near the station as the foot of towers who have been identified and we the only our Law Enforcement Organization Must be able, with the authorization of a magistrate, with an in citizen rated procedure, they must be banned from staying in certain places. Translator hang on mr. Macron. Youre really thats absolute rubbish. Its a civil injunction, its a sentence that can only be implied by a judge. Translator i am proposing an accelerated procedure. Translator a m very sorry its important. Translator there many other important topic we need to get to. Translator i let you finish your proposal let me finish my proposals. Translator very quickly please. Translator in addition to daytoday policing and more police new means of i want our Justice System to be more determined. So all sentences must be executed, and translator so you are willing to cancel the law. Translator madam le pen i was wrong. Translator going back. Please you wont be able to answer lets take a minute. Translator policeman is systematically attacked, we try to murder them as we saw yesterday. Translator i just talked about that myself. Translator thats why im coming back on this. So these groups that the antifa groups that break things up, up them to be dissolved . Translator im for dissension of all groups that have been identified. Translator why wasnt it done . Translator lets not go back over this again. Translator theres a big difference ks your the heiress of a system a party and a name ive participated in the government for a short period. Ive resigned from the dpoft and Civil Service so you cant continually blame me for everything that has been done over the five, ten 15 years. Im only responsible translator we must translator twice a day as well as all your minutes of france to whom youve gotten all the socialist, ministers who were your colleagues and government. Translator lets not go back to the beginning of the debate. Translator why dont you accept this legacy. We now call you hard lamb junior. Your nickname hard laum junior. Tr translator im sure everyones heard from the very beginning we dont need to go back to the beginning. Internationalist and terror please stop. Translator madam le pen, the french is not as stupid as you seem to think they are. Translator lets get on to other topics. Translator no, you left in order to organization your candidacy the system to put in place the conditions to make the french people think precisely you knew whereas the other candidates chose by the socialist and by the system to survive. Otherwise they wouldnt have been able to survive. Translator there are 30 seconds between you. Lets move on to europe. We need to talk about International Affair which i think is more important between you two. Translator yes, moving on. You have two completely opposite view on the European Union could you give each your visions . Madam le pen. Translator the European Union would lead to sovereignfree alliance, that is the prime position of europe where the people would per tan their sovereignsy that is the freedom to decide for themselves, controlling their border, deciding who comes in and who doesnt. On their territory will control their currency to adapt the currency to the economy and avoid ending up with the situation as we know as mass unemployment

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