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Ladies and gentlemen, the speaker of the united dates house of representatives the honorable john boehner. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, and welcome to statuary hall. This space was once the chamber of the house of representatives, where lincoln served his one term in congress, and where madison, monroe, and Andrew Jackson were sworn into office. Since the 1860s, the tradition has been for each state to send two statues here in honor of their favorite sons and daughters. Some are inventors. Some are authors. Some are veterans. Some are pioneers, and some were just great statesman. Our honoree today was all of these things and more. Today, its our privilege to dedicate a statue to the late Barry M Goldwater from the great state of arizona, and we are honored to be joined by arizona secretary of state, michelle reagan, and members of the arizona congressional delegation, and of course, members of the goldwater family. Thank you all for being here. I hope you enjoy todays programming. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the presentation of the colors by the United States armed forces color guard, the performance of the national anthem, and the retiring of the colors. [band playing the starspangled and are] the starspangled banner] ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing as a chaplain of the United States house of representatives, reverend patrick convoy, gives the invocation. Let us pray god of the universe, we give you thanks for the gift of life and for the Many Blessings that life brings. Today, we gather in this hollow temple to human freedom to honor one of arizonas most favorite sons. Senator Barry Goldwater. Few american figures have projected such a broad swath of insolence on our nature influence on our nations Political Landscape. His strong and conservative voice in his day led it to one of the great landslide losses in electoral history, yet pivotally gave way to the emergence of a new generation of Republican Leadership that in time ended decades of democrat domination of american politics. Regardless of political party, we give you thanks for Barry Goldwaters example of a long career of Public Service in the united state senate. As we remember him here, may we all be inspired to consider lives and service to others whatever our gifts and talents. In payless with your spirit to change our world for the better impale us with your spirit to change our world for the better with your greater honor and glory. Amen. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States representative from the Third District of arizona, the honorable grijalva. [applause] good afternoon and i am here today to it is an honor to be here and is sending my congratulations to the goldwater family and arizona delegation in honoring a Great American and a great person from arizona. I am cochair of the congressional caucus and i am here to honor a man who was well known as mr. Conservative. If anyone finds irony in that, then they clearly do not know the full scope of Barry Goldwaters service to this country and the commitment to principles, regardless of where they fell in the political spectrum. He was a fiscal conservative and in many ways he personified the conservatism of the 1960s and created a Political Movement that changed his party and it the Political Landscape of the nation. He was also a social libertarian that we all know. He was also a fiercely independent and honest men. And arizona in first and a politician second. Barry goldwater had that partisan divide that bonds us down too much. He worked tirelessly for the state and for his nation. And all of us from arizona growing up in the state, new of our icon and one of the great icons that we all knew about admired, it was Barry Goldwater. With all of this to say, senator goldwater defied definition. He followed his own compass and did what he felt was right regardless of the prevailing political winds. It takes guts to stand firmly with your convictions and to be the leader that creates a Political Movement and sometimes disagrees with that movement. With this statue, we celebrate the conviction of one of arizona upon proudest. With this statue, we celebrate conviction, principal, and service to this nation. I am proud to be here and proud to be part of the acknowledgment of a great arizona and american, and someone that we should and do admire. Thank you very much. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, United States senator from arizona, the honorable john mccain. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, members of the goldwater family, i am honored to join you today to dedicate this statue in honor of senator Barry Morris Goldwater of arizona. Barry goldwater will of course be remembered as the father of modern american conservatism known as mr. Conservative, barry was a trailblazer whose clear, compelling vision for freedom, liberty, and security paved the way for the presidency of ronald reagan. Take arizonans, he will always be viewed as our states favorite son, and rightly so. He earned the nickname, mr. Arizona because he had a love affair with our state. Its magnificent beauty and its freedom of loving people. Arizona back. In part because arizonans saw themselves in him. The rugged individuals of some of the west, bold and sometimes, lunch, truth telling, and a vision as true as the arizona vistas that very so dearly loved. Our state never had a better champion than very goldwater. We are so very proud of his rich legacy and it will continue to be honored here at the United States capital. As a new session of congress begins, and we commit ourselves to addressing the major challenges confronting our nation, all of us should be mindful of every goldwaters formidable Barry Goldwaters formidable example. One of freedom at home and abroad. I know that this statue will serve as a begin, beacon, reminding our nation of the timeless ideals that Barry Goldwater represented for so many years. An extraordinary life well lived in service, two causes greater than ones own self interests thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the United States air force band. [america, the beautiful playing] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the democratic leader of the United States house of representatives, the honorable nancy pelosi. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. Mr. Speaker, mr. Leader, senator mccain, how search all the counselor grijalva. It is an honor to be with each and every one of you on this special day. A special day when we gather in statuary hall to welcome to honor gary Barry Goldwater back to the capital. [applause] as our speaker said, these statues are sent from each of the 50 states. The statues in this collection are more than a catalog of people who have shaped our history. They celebrate the full breadth of ideas that have blossomed in americas democracy. Today, we honor the statue of a loving father, grandfather, and legendary dedication. We are honored to have so many of goldwaters family members here today. Thank you very much for being here. [applause] here in the heart of our democracy, we unveiled the statue of an Army Air Force pilot who served our country during world war ii. A Public Servant to serve the people of arizona and the United States senator for 30 years. An outspoken and uncompromising champion for what he believed. As a student, i had the privilege of meeting him at Trinity College here in washington. He was great. And he was funny. Whether or not you agree with him, there can be little to say that senator very goldwater was one of the most consequential political figures of the last half of the 20th century. And that is an applause line. [laughter] [applause] senator goldwaters speech in the 1964 Republican National convention in san francisco, was his bold articulation of conservatism that has ever been. Barry goldwater also defied expectations. He opposed efforts to restrict womens rights to the point where planned parenthood created an award in his name. [applause] he sought to allow gays and lesbians to join the military early. A visionary. He called for an end to discrimination against lg bt people here at home and around the globe. As he told the Washington Post in 19 the Washington Post in 1994, the big thing is to quit discriminating against people because they are gay. Barry goldwater. [applause] very goldwater received did not compromise his principles for parties or positions. He also recognize the value of open and candid discussions about the direction of our country. For instance, in his speech in san francisco, senator goldwater confirmed his respect for the disagreement of the debate that are the strength and soul of our democracy. He said, the beauty of the federal system of ours is in its reconciliation of diversity with unity. We must not seek malice and honest difference of opinion, no matter how great. Today we gather in the recognition that our democracy is precisely because we have beliefs. We stand proudly for them, just as Barry Goldwater did so well. Today, the congress probably on an honors senator goldwater with respect, admiration, and even with affection. Not only for who he was as a leader, but who he was as a person. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the assistant democratic leader of the United States senate on the honorable dick durbin. To write. Thank you. Leaders, members of congress goldwater family and friends, it is an honor to be here today to recall the proud son of arizona. Mr. Arizona, that was one of the names people called Barry Goldwater. One of the better ones. This is why. He was a true westerner. He had so many accomplishments are you have heard already that have been reference. I would like to focus on one that may not be noted. He was an accomplished photographer. Really gifted. His favorite subjects reflected the beauty of arizona. Rapids, waterfalls of the grand canyon rapids, waterfalls grand canyon, senator goldwater also brought his camera to washington. It led to an interesting story. He carried it with him when he was invited for drinks at the white house with president john kennedy. The two men had come to know each other when they serve on the labor committee. Senator goldwater snapped a photo of jfk and he liked it so much, he sent it to the president. The president sent it back to him inscribed, for Barry Goldwater, who i urge to follow the career which is shown such talent, photography. From his friend, john kennedy. Senator goldwater later recalled that photograph and gentle joke between old friends. It was one of his prized possessions. Senator goldwater was in chicago changing planes in he heard the terrible news about the assassination of his old friend. Later that day, he spoke to the press and one reporter said, and i any thoughts about kennedy question mark to reply, he was a gentleman. He was the kind of antagonist that i would that i have always enjoyed. There was never anything personal about it. That is the kind of menu respect. That is the kind of man to work with the politics. He was so shaken that he planned on dropping off of the president ial race. Eventually, he joined the request for the white house. In his memoir, senator goldwater described his 1964 president ial campaign, by trying to stand up in a hammock. His campaign would go on to reshape the party and in some ways, our nation. It was not the campaign that he really wanted to wage. In 1963, senator goldwater made an unprecedented proposal. Senator goldwater suggested that he and john Kennedy Campaign at least part of the time as a team. They would speak on the same platform as politicians should do. Standing up our issues, points and then debating each other. The lecture will be a true referendum of public policy. At a time when america was sharply divided politically and ideologically, senator goldwater thought the debates could do the country a lot of good. It would show the people that politicians can disagree civilly and that two people can have very different ideas about politics and still love this country equally. Near the end of the speech in which excepted the partys nomination for presidency, he said that he can see in the distant and recognizable picture, the outlines of the world with the dedication, are every sacrifice on the way. Let us honor the memory of this extraordinary son of verizon and this extraordinary american, Barry Goldwater. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the honorary mitch mcconnell. [applause] very goldwater was one of the most influential figures in modern american history. He was also one of the most fascinating. For a short time, i served alongside him in the senate. Probably to his own surprise barry had become an elder statesman. Free market of thinking that led to defeat during the years of war. It became an engine of landslide win. Youd think very wouldve taken a few victory laps, but he usually seemed more interested in studying the constitution. Barry had another passion, to. That was soaring above the clouds. Goldwater rose to become a Major General in the air force reserve. He would wait before dawn and fail over arizona. The land of and sail over arizona. Perhaps it was the splendid of being in the air or the perspective from looking down on every part of the world. That says a lot about this man of the west. Born in the arizona territory, barry was the son of pioneers. A woman who it come to arizona with tuberculosis with three weeks to leave to live and the power to endure many decades further. The other, son of a jewish immigrant. Barry was raised with freedom stretching in every direction. He thrived on the discipline of the military. Barry came of age in an era of new deal dominance. He ran for office as a republican. In many ways, this thinker and tinkerer, the guy who would dissect platonic to see what made them take was both straightforward and complex. As dick durbin said, running for president was like trying to stand up and hammock. But he did it anyway. He joined the senate a few years later. By the time he retired, barrys idea of the free market had gone mainstream. The actor who had called for kind for choosing on berries happen 1964, was chosen himself in 1980. It may have taken many years to count the ballots, but in the end, goldwaters push for Economic Freedom had one. Today, we dedicate a statue to this man, Barry Goldwater. One of arizona up on most famous arizonas most famous sons. [applause] the honorable john boehner. [applause] let me thank all of you once again for being here for this today. In this capital where hundreds serve and another hundred or so are immortalized, you can sometimes find yourself asking what it takes to stand apart. Well, whatever it is, every goldwater had it. People just did not find the truth of what he was saying, they found the cost. The man remains in inspiration and he does not set out to inspire. There is a story i have heard what goldwater was after. The man who ran goldwaters campaign and help with his books, stephen john, he is with us today. They were driving through some remote town on a way to their meeting with hundreds of people. Goldwater decides to turn off the main road and pull over to a small house. He goes in and sits down with the constituent. All of these people are waiting and no matter how for the brow gets, he is asking every question under theu sun. As it turns out, the woman was dying. And goldwater says he could not in this town without letting her know he had not forgotten her. That is who goldwater was as a person and as a leader. While others zigged and sazzed he kept going straight. One deed at a time, that is where he started and that is where he ended. We can always wonder how goldwater did it all. But there is no need to wonder about the statue. It is an assurance that you do what you believe is right and you put your faith in the people, and you will always stand tall. This is my happy privilege to formally accept this statute and unveil it here on behalf of the american people. Thank you, all for being here. [applause] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, secretary of state, michele reagan. [applause] thank you, speaker boehner, senator mccain. Our entire congressional delegation and to everyone who has taken the time to be part of this historic moment for the state of verizon and state of arizona. I would be remiss if i did not mention it was your state legislation that started this movement nearly seven years ago. I do believe [applause] and i do believe that your dad would be very proud of you today. [applause] i would also like to mention the local arizona artist that was chosen, deborah copenhaver. I believe she captured the essence of Barry Goldwater. Isnt he beautiful . I think that is hard to do on a 3000 pounds statue. [applause] it has been said that very goldwater fundamentally change the way we look at the american Political Landscape. Not only geographically, but in terms of values and beliefs. It is an honor, a complete honor, to be here with you today. Especially with members of the goldwater family. Including congressman goldwater junior. This must be a very special day for all of you. For many of us, it has been quite a journey to join you on this magnificent day to celebrate the achievements of truly arizonas piner, and one of arizona passed pioneer families and had senator goldwaters attorney began more than 50 years ago with his election to the Phoenix City Council and eight today with the unique honor rightly bestowed on only a handful of arizonans. His career has had remarkable impact on the Political Landscape and documented over the years. What often gets overlooked outside of arizona, the unwavering passion for the people of our state and the unique beauty of arizona. That desire to be an outspoken advocate for arizonans and the entire country, fuels his journey to where we are today. On behalf of the people of the great state of arizona, thank you for being here today to honor one of arizonas most treasured icons, Barry Goldwater. Thank you very much. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please stand as the chaplain of the United States senate, dr. Barry black gives the benediction. Let us pray. Oh, mighty creator of all things, you rule forever. We thank you for this magnificent statue and for blessing us with the gift of the exemplary life of senator Barry Morris Goldwater. May his laudable legacy challenge us to dare more boldly, to speak more honestly and to love freedom more passionately. May his courage motivate us to stand for right. May his faithfulness challenge us to be true to our duties. May his commitment inspire us to be people of integrity. Now, internal one, bless us in our going out and coming in, in our rising up and lying down, in our moments of pleasure and sorrow, in our labor and leisure, in lifes morning and evening, until we cross the bar. Four then, we shall see you, our pilot, face to face. Amen. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated and please remain in your seats for the departure of the official Party Following the departure, guess will be exported to form a line for photos for the with official statue. Thank you. Sunday at 6 30 p. M. Eastern time, espionage historian talk about the rosenbergs, who leak secrets about the atom bomb to the soviets in the 1950s. Panelists discussed devotion to the communists cause, the role of antisemitism in the prosecution and their controversial execution. Weve received more than 2200 entries from 400 schools across the country in this years competition on the themed three branches and you. Wednesday morning at 8 00 eastern, well announce the grand prize winner and show their winning documentary. Following the announcement, you can see all hundred all 150 documentaries. This year cspans touring cities across the country exploring

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