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Bradley salzman testified that a confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Forces committee. Live coverage here on cspan three. Your parents, randy and belinda salts men who are watching from home, im sure. And i know theyre very proud of her nomination. Recognizing the increasing importance of the space to maine and the growing threats to our critical space assets by china and Russia Congress established the space for us in the fiscal year, 2020 National Defense offers a shun act. The first shiva Space Operations, general raymond, then the commander of the u. S. Air force base command, was legislated to transferred in 2020 to be the chief so you are the first to be nominated in have a hearing for this position. Given that the space force is only two years old its still becoming institutionalized within the department of the fence and there are many challenges in that process. First the space force must develop its ability to train and equip guardians. Space is a remote domain at one that is now contested. Your guardians will have to have the ability to integrate digital and other advanced technologies to accomplish their mission. All on their my understanding is that space force is standing up for Space Training and Readiness Command for star calm. I will want to know your views if confirmed and how star come will train future guardians as a force in the space to maine. Second, youll have to force during a Service Culture and dramatically evolving space environment. Often called new space. We are witnessing an enormous surge in the space industry with some satellite constellations that numbered one or two dozen satellites a few years ago. Now having thousands in low earth orbit. All interconnected to provide highspeed internet anywhere on the globe. Rockets that were once disposable are now reusable. Lowering the cost of the launch to a fraction of what it used to be. The space force of today and tomorrow must adapt to this rapid change in pace of innovation and utilized to protect and defend our assets in space and on the ground. The space for us is an organization in its guardians need to reflect the strange environment. Third, in response to the growing adversarial threaten space, congress that only created the space force as a war fighting into the. It also reorganize a way we acquire Space Systems. The way we formulate space policy and the way we fight and space for the new combatant command. If confirmed, you will lead the space force and its new National Defense enterprise. I want to know what do you foresee as major issues you expect to face. And how you will answer those space force can respond to them. Most importantly, an integral part of the military service is its culture and its unity of mission. When the space force was established, most guardians necessarily transferred from other services. And thus had to adapt to a new culture. I was pleased to learn in our meeting last week that successful recruiting efforts have ensued that soon one third of the space force will never have served in another service. General, im interested in how you intend to create the unique culture with the blend of transfers in new recruits. Thank you again for your willingness to serve our nation. I look forward to your testimony. Let me now recognize Ranking Member thank you, mister chairman. I would also like to extend a welcome to the general. I appreciate the time you spent with me giving you an idea of what you have in your mind and also the fact that the of your family here today. Its very meaningful to us. We appreciate that very much. I see a lot of the our National Defense strategy is not shy about the scope and scale of the threat from china. And the speed of the advances. There is no better example of that than space. In a decade, the United States is gone from the unquestioned leader in the space to merely one of two peers in a competition. Most people dont realize that. There is a lot china and russia are doing in space. We can talk about today but even what we can talk about the public is very concerning. For years, we kept noting that everything our military does relies on space. But we never really acted like it. Space is no longer simply enabler for other functions. So we have a different environment altogether today. You are only the second one to take on this awesome responsibility. We appreciate very much the effort that youre making. And the background that you bring. Thank, you mister chairman. Thank you senator inhofe youre recognized for the Opening Statement. Could you playing brings the microphone as close as possible . Can you hear me okay . Yes, sir. Thank you, chairman reid. My Ranking Member in, huff. Distinguish move this committee. Im honored and deeply humbled by the opportunity to be with you this morning. I like to begin by shooting my family. With me today at the most important people in my life. First my wife jennifer. Im very proud now just yesterday, we celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. Jennifer has been steadfastly by my side for this entire military journey. Through 15 moves nearly 200 overnight icbm alerts, countless late nights and troops away from home. And most recently, a year supported while i deployed to the middle east. She has taken on all these challenges and target them with a smile on her face and warmth in her heart. But her most amazing accomplishment has been raising our two children and into the final to see here. Our son Jonathan Rideau social media content for a Sports Marketing firm. In our daughter sarah recently completed a masters degree in Public Administration with a perfect four point oh gpa. Jennifer and i cannot be prouder of these two. They have followed moment that all over the country and been successful at every turn. They meet challenges head on and have always shown maturity beyond their years. Optimism in a contagious wit. My home and family are my bedrock and they are clearly at the center of any career success that ive enjoyed. I owe all of that these three and ill be forever grateful for the love and support they have shown and the sacrifices theyve made. I would also like to think its a opportunity to offer a special thanks to general jay and molly raymond. The sultan and rain families go back many years. We have benefited greatly from their mentorship and friendship. They are concluding 38 years of distinguished service to our nation. But these last few years have been critical to the historic establishment of the space force their passion dedication and vision have set the space for us on a solid foundation. If i have the good fortune to be confirmed, jennifer and i will work hard to build on their successes and continue to push the space force to new heights. I would also like to express my impression to this committee for your relentless support and advocacy for our space force its guardians and their families. For the last two years about the privilege of serving with these guardians and i can attest that they are the finest men and women that america has to offer. If confirmed will be the honor of my life to lead them as the second chief of Space Operations for the United States space force. Not quite three years ago, congress established the space for us to provide freedom of operation for the United States. And from and to space. To conduct Space Operations and to protect the interests of the United States and space. In the few short years since the space force was established, the number of satellites on orbit has doubled. And the global space economy is approaching half a trillion dollars. Space is truly a critical domain for u. S. Interests. So we must be clear eyed in our understanding that our strategic competitors have invested heavily in Fielding Systems capable of disrupting degrading and even destroying our Space Capabilities. If confirmed, i will work to ensure the space forces ready to protect these vital interests from these threats. It is truly an honor to be nominated to serve as the space forces next chief Space Operations. I mix that about the opportunities ahead for the space fourth. If confirmed, i look forward to working with this committee. Other members of congress to continue to ensure the space force fulfills this mission as part of americas joint force. I look forward to your questions. Thank you, very much. Before i begin questioning here are a series of standard questions for a nominees. You can respond. Have you adhere to applicable laws governing conflicts of interests . Yes. Have you assume the duties are taken any actions that would appear to presume the outcome of the confirmation process . No. Exercising a legislative and oversight responsibilities makes it important that this committee and subcommittees another appropriate committees of congress received testimony briefings reports records in other information from the executive branch on a timely basis. Do you agree if confirmed to appear to testify before this committee when requested . Yes. Do you agree when asked before this committee to give your personal views even if your views differ from the administration . Yes. Do you agree to provide records, documents, Electronic Communications in a timely manner when requested by this committee. Subcommittees or other appropriate committees of congress into consult with the request regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing such records . Yes. Will you ensure that your staff complies with deadlines established for this committee for the production of reports workers and other information including timely responding to hearing questions for the record . Yes. Will you cooperate and providing witnesses and brief response to congressional requests . Yes. Will those witnesses in briefly be protected from reprisal for their testimony or briefings . Yes. Thank you very much, general. General, in my comments i talked about force designed that the space force must lead. The intent and congress is essentialized that forced design in space for. The Senate Version of the 2022 National Defense authorization act deemed the chief of Space Operations to be de force designed for space of the of i know different in many ways of how the chief of Naval Operations designer of the fleet of ships for our navy. The conference will require the side of the fence to designate the chief of special operations as the forces nine architect. The august 17th leathers of the committee but the secretary does indeed designate the chief of the forces an architect. Except for all of the other authorities in space resorting in the armed forces. Which are rather expensive. Do you think this is a workable designation . And it follows the intent of congress . Yes sir, i do. Ive had extensive discussions with secretary of the air force and general raymond, the current u. S. Base operations. Its my understanding that the exemptions that he mentioned really are not about authorities associate with the forces and architect. And that the authorities and responsibilities that the secretary of defense gave to general raymond as the chief of Space Operations is sufficient to accomplish the intent of congress. If confirmed, i would continue to execute those same authorities and responsibilities so that could take seriously those priorities for forced assigned to make the space force is capable as possible. Thank you. General salzman, if confirmed, your job will be 2 training and equipped forces to u. S. Space command primarily. But also you will have the duty to support other combatant command such as you comics that era. Is there any significant distinction in your mind between your responsibilities between those two or the different commands you will support . No, senator. The responsibilities of the chief has faced operations are to make sure there are ready forces that have the flexibility, the agility, the training and experience necessary to support all combatant commanders. Of note, of, course is the u. S. Space command has primary responsibilities for that space area of of responsibilities. As well as some key admissions providing capabilities for the joint force. And so while over 90 of the space for his capabilities are presented to u. S. Space command, there are critical other capabilities regional capabilities that are also presented to the other combatant commands. To fulfill their missions as well. Thank you. General salzman. The administration has sent a legislative proposal to create essentially full and parttime Space Force Military personnel. In lieu of a separate reserve and guard elements as in other services. This i think originates because the space force is relatively small. And the reserve elements would be smaller still. Do you support this proposal . Senator, the most important aspect of this is that there are critically capabilities and expertise that currently reside in the air force reserves as well as the interNational Guard. The prime responsibility of course is to make sure that we have complete access to that experience, that expertise in those capabilities. So from a readiness perspective, i can tell you as the chief of operations currently, thats high on my list to make sure that we have unfettered access to those capabilities. Were also looking at flexible and innovative ways to make sure that we have viable and flexible career pass for our guardians. Its important we retain this talent for an extended period of time to get the most out of them. And having the ability to seamlessly and have a permeable way to move between fulltime and parttime capacity inside the space for us. We think its a tremendous benefit to the guardians. And ultimately to the force to maintain the readiness. So if confirmed a so, i would certainly welcome the opportunity to continue to work with members of this committee and other stakeholders to make sure that we get the right organizational structure to take advantage of these capabilities. Thank you. Again, one of the great challenges you have facing you is creating a culture in the space for us. As a war fighting force. One thats highly technical. And one that innovates constantly. We find sometimes culture is more determine of outcomes than a lot of other factors. Thats something i think youll be working on and we hope to Work Together with you. Thank you very much. Let me recognize the Ranking Member, senator inhofe. General saltzman, can we get the two required questions of the way so now the two are what worries you the most and what do you intend to do about it . And secondly, what will be the first challenge that you go after . Two questions. Yes sir, thank you. The most immediate threat in my opinion is the pace with which our strategic challengers first and foremost the chinese are aggressively pursuing capabilities that can disrupt, the grade in ultimately even destroy our satellite capabilities and our sattar ground infrastructure. They have watched how we perform joint force operations. They know how critical the u. S. Space capabilities are to the joint force. Theyve learned from that. And they recognize that it is an asymmetric advantage there is to go after our Space Capabilities and deny them the joint force. And theyve invested heavily in demonstrated the capabilities that can deny us this. It is one of my earliest priorities to make sure that were on track to build in fields affective capabilities and untrained the guardians to operate in a contested domains that we can counter this activity by our strategic competitors. Good, thank you general salzman. Thank you, mister chairman. Thank you very much, senator thank you, congratulations, general salzman on your nomination. I hope that for your 30th anniversary, youre doing something other than just bringing your wife to this hearing. The pearls are the gift for the 30th anniversary. So i hope jennifers got that on her list. Youre getting me in trouble, maam. I appreciate that. Seriously, i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you a last week. I especially appreciate the conversation that we have about the risk thats involved with our Space Capabilities and i wonder if you could speak to how important it is to have the sbir sttr programs with our Small Businesses who are able to assume more of that risk and what would what your assessment is if those programs are discontinued because we dont get the reauthorize this year. Thank you, senator. The size of the space for, its the criticality of the missions. Means were going to have to innovate. Were going to have to do things differently in order to deliver the kinds of capabilities that the nation needs are protected space force. To protect the space movies. And protect the joint force from our adversaries. Its my opinion that when you are trying to innovate, when youre trying to be creative, the best way to do that is to open up the aperture of ideas. And i think Small Businesses have a tremendous role that they can play in helping provide some of those innovative creative capabilities. Then we can then leverage to build a full spectrum response to what our adversaries are trying to do. I firmly believe we ought to lower the fresh mold to make it easier for Small Businesses to offer the abilities for us to take into. I assume you would agreement that if we dont get those programs to reauthorize, its going to be a real loss in terms of the innovation that our Small Businesses are providing to the Space Program and also to our military. If confirmed, i am certainly committed to any authorities responsibilities that help pull the maximum number of innovators into solving problems as possible. Can you also talk about the risk issue in terms of our procurement process. I think general heighten talked about the bureaucratic hurdles that impede our ability to procure the capabilities we need. As were looking at our adversaries particularly china. They dont have to deal with that. So what do you see in terms of policy changes that we should do that would help us address the procurement issues that weve got. We have a very liberal process to make sure there were wisely zero taxpayer dollars. You bring up an excellent point that the urgency, the sense the urgency that our adversaries have imposed on us, require us to move quickly to develop these capabilities. And so im certainly committed to making sure that we streamline our processes. Congress is help with the establishment of versus an architect. In the cso. The chiefs face operations. I think streamlining the requirements innovating to pull in as many ideas as possible solves problems. Well streamline our efforts and deliver Operational Capability faster. The cultural piece of this sometimes we could focus on the fact that we need to purposefully build capability to provide Space Capabilities for the nation. Out in space is in command, theyve adopted a mantra. About explaining what we have, buying what we can and we believe we must and only having that make us to a better job. I appreciate that during our meeting you also talked about and you did in your Opening Statement the importance of the people in our space forests one of the things that i understand a space for us maybe rethinking is some of the requirements that disqualify 70 of Young Americans for military service. Can you speak to what we ought to be thinking about . Excuse, me as were thinking about how do we get more of those americans into service. We may be a small forsman but we are choir highly skilled technical experts to be brought in to do these important Critical Missions for the space force. We also have an advantage for being small that we can consider on a case by case basis first night sleep the right people, the right kinds of people with the right skill sets, the red diversity of thought. Into the space for stopped nice our capabilities. And so by being able to consider this on a case by case basis. We dont have to put blanket restrictions on types of people, on types of qualifications that bring into the space for us. We have a tremendous opportunity i think because of the numbers that we need to bring and to be more individualistic and if confirmed a so, i would want to expand that and actually broaden this out as many people as possible. Thanks very much. I look forward to that continuing that discussion. Thank, you mister chairman. Thank you senator, shaheen. Senator cotton please. General saltzman, welcome and congratulations our nomination. I would explore your thoughts during the space force in the National Reconnaissance office. Your will suit for that. Not only the space force but having sort of the inner o. I have heard it said by some that once any athlete goes into space, it becomes strategic intelligence and therefore should fall under needs the nra. Although that would point of view would seem to conflict with the mission of space for us. So could you explain how the space for should relate to the nro, how that should look and function . Yes sir. I learn to fly satellites in the nro, i wasnt nro grounds as commander. So i speak from a personal basis from an insider if you will. That that mission, that the nro dusts are critical. Critical to the United States. There are differences in the mission that they support the requirements that they support. And the customers that they support. And although there are differences, the collaboration between the two organizations is essential for both success. As i mentioned earlier Space Systems command thinking through how do we exploit what we have, how do we by what we can and build only what we must is that mantra that underpin some of the collaboration. We will need to look as we examine where our Mission Start to overlap whether its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for some of the other protect and defend emissions. Wherever we overlap, we need to evaluate what current capabilities exist. What we need when we can buy commercially what we need to build specifically to fill the gaps. And then not walk all over each other. To not be overly redundant because we cant afford to be. And so i think through this collaboration and dnr relationship right now with solid. We do have good solid collaborations. The current analysis of alternatives proves that out. And so i think were on a good pace. I think we just need to keep it up. Are there any changes to the law that need to happen to ensure that space force can do that . Im not tracking any changes that need to occur now sir. As i get into the position, if confirmed i will welcome the opportunity to come back and evaluate any changes or making requests anybody modified. Youve said this morning, as have other, is that space is a war finding domain. Most people i think understand that our troops on the ground or on the seas are in the air use our space assets to help fight war in their domains. But do you also meet that space itself could be a war fighting domain, correct . I do. The timeless principles of war that have stood the test of time from alexander to washington to napoleon to grant would apply in space just like they applied here on earth, right . I agree. One of those principles of the priority of the offensive. Can you talk to us a bit about what offensive operations in the space would look like . When i think about space appear your d which is kind of the phrase we used to mean that we are going to contest that the main access of the capabilities. Part of that also means that were going to protect the joint force from an adversarys ability to use space to target them. I think the best way to achieve this is through the turns. Prevent a war from extending into space, denying isis capabilities. But the best way to deter is to have a resilient capability and two of offensive a defensive abilities that creates a credible force. Thats where you really get your true deterrents. Thank, you general. Thank, you senator cotton. Senator gillibrand please. Congratulations and relation to your family. The federal government has struggled to recruit cyber and Digital Service professionals both in the civilian and military service. This challenge is also seen in other high tech fields as well. To address this challenge. I work with senator rounds and senator sasse on proposing the creation of a cyber individual Service Academy. To recruit and train next generation cyberviolence of government service. Given the highly technical nature of space forces work should congress consider integrating Space Force Cadets into the Cyber Academy and using a potential cyber Digital Services and Space Academy as the Service Academy commissioning source for space for us officers and civilians . Senator theres no way the space was can be successful without capable cyber professionals. We simply rely too much on our ground networks. On the rf links that connect our satellites to our ground nodes. The distribution of data thats required to really meet our goals. All relies on highly capable highly technical cyber professionals. So in the pursuit of finding them in training them and continuing to provide advance training for them. It would be open to any institutions arguably second add to our portfolio to make sure that our cyber operators are trained and need to be the leading edge technology. If confirmed a so, this will be one of our priorities. What do you think some of the recruiting challenges, what do you think they will be for space force . And have, you have been able to recruit and retain the Technical Work that you need, where are some of your current shortfalls . Were not seeing the recruiting shortfalls, that others are seeing. Primarily because we do not require as many in the space force. We have that good fortune of being smaller, so that our critic numbers are lower. But, that small workforce, its highly skilled, highly technical and so we have to reach out and find just the right people, train them to do our specific, and sometimes military unique missions inside the domain. Which that means, its important for us to retain, them over the course of a career. So we continue to benefit, on their gathered experience. Thats going to be i think more difficult as they see opportunities, by the private sector to use the skills that we provided. My mind, this is about culture, its about giving them challenging work. Making it a place where they want to show up to work every day to protect the nation. That is what i am committed to, if i am admitted assists, to get the culture right. I listened carefully to response, to the chairmans question about the National Guard. In a written response to advance policy questions you wrote that, you are most concerned with maintaining the readiness of the space units in the Air National Guard. Ive heard some concerns, that the training pipeline, for these Air National Guard units, will be cut off. Given the transition of the active duty space mission, space for. So how will you ensure that these National Guard units are able to fully execute these missions . As i mentioned, those capabilities are critical to the success of the space force. The way i see it, they can be organized in several different ways. I think there are three options that are being considered. The key is that there are pros and cons, each of these that are slightly different. What is important, is that we take the time to evaluate all of those second and third order effects, to make sure we optimize the capabilities, optimize the long term viability, the training, the recruiting, the retention. All of that expertise. And if confirmed as the chief of Space Operations, what i would like to do is work with the committee, work with the other stakeholders, to really evaluate all of those nuances, to make sure we optimize the organizational structure. Basically, you want to use the space units that are part of the National Guard. I think those capabilities are important, to the success of the space force. Understood. I saw, that the space force direct commissioning Program Began the spring, with a cyber Constructive Service credit board, in order to acquire cyber professionals. Can you speak to what specific operational i needed . So these cyber professionals can help the . How has the process gone so far . What were recognizing is that, to get the myth of great officers, the 15year technicians, it takes 15 years to grow than if we start from scratch. If we are able to take advantage of the expertise they gain, and the private sector, and pull them, over we want to give them credit, so they can lead our organizations and not start at the bottom of the organization. And so we are seeing a lot of positive interest in that. And the Pilot Program is been successful so far. Thank you for your testimony, thank you for your service, i do hope you get to meet all the former heads of space force. Including steve corral. [laughs] thank you very much. Thank you mister chairman, congratulations. , assured access to space is an imperative. Im open to making sure that we can put any kind of, payload any type of payload into any of the orbiter acquired. Number of launch providers, a number of launch notifications to make sure we can continue that mission. Im exploring all options to make that the most flexible capability possible. If confirmed, what would you do to protect, the u. S. Contractors from intellectual property theft . Yes senator. If confirmed, again, i think about this in terms of cyber defense. A lot of times, that is how they are gaining access to our capabilities. As i mentioned, we cant do anything without our Cyber Networks, our cyber professionals, defending those networks. What i would commit to is looking at the tools they need, the training they need, the experience they need to make sure that they are the most capable forces in defending our own intellectual property, and our networks from the actions of our adversaries. What would you say our percentage of cybersecurity is in the space force . Percentage of your people . How much would that be, ten, 15, 20 . I do not think i have a specific number. We only have five officer categories. And an equal number of enlisted categories. So all of our operators, and personnel, are focused on operations. One of those subsets is cyber, im happy to take that for the record, and get back with you on a specific number. Weve previously been told that space force is not looking at any new launch requirements for phase three of the National Security space launch program. Given chinese developments, just this week, do you believe that we should explore and establish new requirements . Its my understanding that, we are still developing a phase three of the National Security space launch strategy. We are still trying to figure out to bend the requirements, to take advantage of both the established a launch service providers. But also find room for these emerging smaller launch service providers. I think, that makes creates the kind of flexibility we need. Its about getting a requirements that just right. Working with stakeholders, and make sure we get that balance just right. Our supply chain remains challenge, especially for our National Security space ecosystem. How will space force, address these new requirements in Future Systems . Can you give me your thoughts on that . What we are learning, we have to account with supply chains, the veracity, and robustness of the supply chains as we go through our acquisition process. You cannot wait until after you decide, which will, by and figure out if the supply chain works. The other providers in acquisition system, who have done a good job of characterizing, that once you characterize it effectively, you can make sure you are defending. It making sure its as flexible as possible. And thats not sensitive to problems in the supply chain. We have other areas to go, and if confirmed, i would continue to promote that. Thank. You could look. Its gonna be a tough job. But thank you for being here today, you and your family. Its quite an honor, obviously the second head coach. Basically of space force. Thank you very much. Mister chairman this is National Peanut they. Astronaut to put all these peanuts in front of the party, from alabama. Thank you sir. Thank you very much. Thank you for the peanuts. Thank you mister chairman, and thank you for the peanuts. So, thank you to one to ensure the fitness of nominees for appointments into senior positions, but then seeing any of the departments i ask, initial question of all nominees in any of the committees that i sit on, i will ask you the signage initial questions. Since became illegal adult, have you ever wanted to make a request for sexual favors, or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature . No. Have you ever faced discipline, or settlement related to the conduct . General, over the past several, years Regional Support center, has experience become more reliant on satellite communications. Has not seen corresponding man power increases to handle this additional work. With Army Satellite operations, set to be consolidated under space force, in the near future. Will you consider increases to the space forces man power levels, to ensure every unit is able to keep pace, with its Mission Requirements . I think one of the most important things the space force has done, since its inception, is to consolidate military southcom, military satellite communications, under a single service. It gives us a lot of authorities responsibilities, and opportunities to do just what you are saying. That is increase the readiness, of those units, so they can provide these critical capabilities. We are redesigning currently, how assessed, and present for readiness, all of our units. First and foremost, among, those are these new units that are coming across from other services. Short answer is, if confirmed as this is so i would take the readiness of these units very seriously and the man power element of readiness is a key concern. That sounds like a yes i met with members of hawaii National Guard to express their concerns about potential transition of Space Missions away from the Air National Guard, to the space force. These men and women have committed to the space mission, and have dedicated their time and training to building their expertise in space, electronic warfare, however remaining aside, to the air force, while carrying out space for submissions. It has resulted in budget gaps, and training delays. It is my understanding, that the space force an air force, are evaluating three potential actions to resolve this issue. Including the establishment of a space National Guard. I think that, maybe congress is expecting, or was expecting a report on, how space force was going to be constituted, in march. And we do not have that report yet. Until the decision is made, as to how the space force is going to be constituted, how will you ensure that such National Guard units, which by the way, exist in a number of states, that would be, excuse me, california, colorado, florida, ohio, guam, unalaska, how would you ensure that such National Guard units are adequately resourced, and have access to the training, required to carry out their Space Missions . I think youve characterized that just right, minutes a concern for u. S. Space command, and one is their key force providers, we were involved in those discussions. The air force, the air, guard a reserve, also provide those capabilities. Readiness again, is my primary concern. Having access to that expertise, and as a part of the department of the air force, if confirmed as cso, be in those deliberations to make sure that those forces are as ready as possible, to meet the commandoes requirements. Related to a creation of a space National Guard. Some of the concern is, creating a space National Guard is too expensive, and really setting up an entire other way to constitute space force, it could be much more expensive. Because you already have these units, and the number of the states that i mentioned. I like your commitment, that you will be, consulting with the National Guard. And then going forward. Senator, if confirmed, chief of Space Operations. I commit to collaborating with the National Guard on a host of issues, this is being one. Thank you mister chairman. Senator ralph please . Thank you mister chairman. Good morning. Thank you to you in your family for years in service. I appreciate all approach this from a different angle. We are in a classified environment. Can you china Space Capabilities, as compared to ours . We are still the greatest space faring nation on the planet. Space forces capabilities, we can provide a joint force, are extremely capable unfortunately our adversaries are investing heavily, to close that gap and supersede us. Im worried about the pace at which theyre making those changes. China first among, them russia also, committed to investing heavily, and the kinds of capabilities that will disrupt the great and destroy, our capabilities. It is that pace of change in commitment to disabling, it that is most concerning to me. If you take a look at the existing capabilities, im curious, because weve all seen whats happened in ukraine. And yet, if russia has capabilities in space, that are good, and perhaps advancing, how do we account for their repeated failures to provide timely information, to strike Ukrainian Forces on the ground . Certainly not in a position to comment on failures. I will tell you weve learned lessons watching that operations maybe a little early to say, lessons learned, their observations are important. For example, the use of commercial Space Capabilities to augment military and national decisionmaking capabilities, has proven to be effective for ukrainians. The proliferated nature of some of the constellations theyre using has shown a level of resilience to degradation attempts. That i think is noteworthy. I think, we see how important it is to defend our cybernetic works, those cybernetics create vulnerabilities if attacked, to actual Space Capabilities. When i look across what we are seeing and that ukrainian theater, i see some important lessons we should take to heart in terms of building our space force design. The new advanced Battle Management system or a b ms will be a critical piece of commanding control on the battlefield. I understand, the reasoning behind moving away from in fact i support moving away from jay stars. Due to the survivor ability to unconcerned a specific alternative that has gained support within outside the department, might not provide the same level of Situational Awareness and targeting capabilities, to our troops j star radar is able to provide. The broad picture but specifically, a need for an office to rely on good specific and very timely data. In a Close Quarter Battle situation. Do i have your commitment, that you will assure that the joint requirements oversight council, validated requirements, for the system, are met one of the important responsibilities that is given to the chief of Space Operations, is to be the d. O. D. Integrated for joint space requirements. Its just that kind of concern, which i think we take seriously by establishing that critical position. As we evaluate the requirements we have to take all the perspectives into account, that ground commander that has to make a final decision is one of those key inputs, you have my commitment if confirmed assist so that i will account for all the requirements stakeholders when we make critical decisions about whether missions should be migrated in the space or perform by other platforms and other domains. In ukraine, russia clearly has, good Space Capabilities. They are not able to, implement them, and to use them effectively. There is not, that line of command down to that local commander. The last thing we want to see, if we move, into the abe ems system, is one that gives broad informational Situational Awareness, but is not capable in providing what we do, today, with regard to jay stars, to that commander on the ground. Would you agree with that . Closing that tactical mile, making sure that right decisionmaker, its important. Thank you. Senator cain please . Thank you mister chair general, i will ask you questions about leveraging commercial space technology, to ensure u. S. Space dominance. In the runup to the russian invasion of ukraine, or i see procurement of digital satellite imagery, to help prepare and provide intel to ukrainian allies. It was also able to leverage satellites operated by virginia company, hawkeye three 60, to detect jamming efforts that were being undertaken by the Russian Military in the donbas. This is not the first time where, commercial technologies have been leveraged in effective ways. I think its hating a warp speed, in your view, how important is leveraging innovative commercial technologies, to preserve u. S. Space dominance . The idea, the mantra that we are using, to exploit what we, have get the most out of the systems that we have already paid for, then also to consider, commercial capabilities, a Broad Spectrum of commercial capabilities, can contribute to our set, to us building cheaply our systems, its a spare. Still gaps we might need to consider a specific military solution, military unique solution to that. Commercial services, commercial capabilities, are profoundly growing. We need to take advantage of it. Let me ask you about one example of, this last year space force approved experimentation, and prototyping for a new tactical space layer. That would leverage commercial satellite imagery, to provide battle space awareness, and bolster targeting capacity. What is the timeline for the development of this capacity . So our fighters might be able to use, satellitebased information in realtime, to make battlefield this issuance . I dont have a specific timeline, if its okay ill take that for the record, and get the specific timeline back to you, i will tell you its an important capability, we consider very seriously. Excellent, thank you. I will ask for the record. The increase in the number of commercial space launch providers, together with a substantial reduction, and the cost of access to space, and the proliferation of commercial constellations, could create a traffic jam for there are midatlantic space ports, in virginia, that are being used safe and if it can lead, not only by private sector, but by nasa and others. What could the potential relationship be between space force and space launch facilities mean in the future . Its a national imperative. Having flexibility, in the types of capabilities that provide its essential. That means maximizing the number of launch providers, as well as the number of launch locations that are available to the nation. Currently, our capacity on our rangers, meets the governmental needs. But with the proliferation of small satellites, that is going to change rapidly. I think the number of launches will go up dramatically. We will need to look at other opportunities. We are currently engaged in a process to look at a National Space for strategy. I think, the capabilities will naturally be a part of that. I would love to carry that discussion further. Let me ask you about one of the topic. Its one im kind of entered about. My favorite government publication is orbital degree, orbital debris its published by nasa. Its getting more and more important, because there is currently 4500 active satellites, in orbit. Spacex has deployed more than 1700 starlink broadband satellites, into low earth orbit. Matt petitions to put as many as 38,000 more broadband satellites in low earth orbit. Are you concerned about how the proliferation of commercial investments could interfere and complicate National Space needs . Do we need to look at International Rules of the road, both about commercial use of space, but also about the handling of debris, that can small amount of orbital debris, that can wreak we have gone super expensive satellites . Im not consider this point about the traffic as you mention. It i am always concerned about debris i think that will help reduce the amount of debris, associate with the launch, and other kinds of associations. Thank you very much. Thank you senator cain, senator kramer please. And cain brought up the issue of, commercial companies. I want to emphasize small commercial, because one of the things, you are in the innovation, business if anyone is in the innovation business. And someone asks, maybe three questions in one, and let you just piggybacking again on general cain, or senator cains point, maybe elaborate on the role of small commercial space companies. Thank goodness. And having access. At the same time, were coming up on october 1st, at which time as a matter of a legislative policy, Space Development agency, will move over to space force. One of the benefits i think, of Space Development agency, has been their autonomy. Theyre independents. Thats allowed that innovation to really grow. At the same time, i think they and space force, and all of this, will benefit from the discipline, the oversight, and the collective, if you will, of space, force the collective of opportunities. The strategies, if you will. That is were part of the space force. Once again, coming together of commercial, and government, it comes all the more critical. Could you maybe elaborate on the specific things, and the small sva, and autonomy, blossoming under you jurisdiction . And your role of sobering all of that . You hit on the key principle, the innovation will be critical to the success of the space force. I will start with a Small Businesses. One thing i can say for certain, is with regards to ideas, the more the better. If you can look across the broad space ecosystem, and pull in as many ideas as possible, regardless of the size of the vendor that is promoting that idea, youre gonna be more successful, at putting solid innovative ideas, on a plate. With regards to Space Development agency, i could not agree more. Their innovative business model, if you will, has been very successful, in the early efforts to associate with Missile Warning, missile, tracking space data transport layer, that general. When we come over to space for us, weve already been working with them. We want to make sure that we do not violate that secret sauce, which isnt if confirmed assist so i would be committed to making sure that we do not lose the goodness, as we bring them over. We need to integrate them and make sure they are part of the force design, that is what is going to make it an effective force. I do not want to lose that innovation engine. And, nothing requires staying at the technical forefront, then cyber. It is such a fast paced changing environment, that innovation, our ability to stay engaged, with the leading edge of technology, it would be essential. Something were called take our guardians advanced training, put it back in two units already paying off, seeing new tools being developed, on how to monitor our systems, how did you crew logging activities for example. So those are the kind of innovative ideas to stay on the forefront. Thank, you and the last minute, lets talk a little bit about my favorite space topic part. Radar as you know, space force station has that beautiful gigantic piece of concrete, that watch this space, and Missile Warning of course. It has for several decades. Modernization is important, some has taken place, already appreciate, that we put 5 million into fiscal year 23, and yay, hopefully that survives, but maybe you can just share a little bit in the closing seconds. The Missile Warning missions, and no foundation for us, missile tracking is going to be just as important, with hypersonics. With those radars provide, is not just Missile Warning, but the space domain awareness. I will certainly not be able to do my job, if confirmed a cisa the more data that we can collect from the census the better we have space thank you mister chairman. I rarely have been impressed with the witnesses situation, you grasp the issues, as youve demonstrated here this morning. Fought deeply about these issues, i want to start with a more conceptual question. Senator, its one of my primary objectives to make sure that, a does not accent in to the space. Its not a good day for United States and i believe that the best way to create a deterrent capability, to prevent that, is to have a credible force, that can both denied benefits of those, actions and impose costs were necessary. That creates doubt in our adversaries mind, it is a good idea to start attacking capabilities. The implication of what you just said is, you have to have both offensive and defensive capability in space, in order to have an effective deterrent. Is that correct . We certainly need to defend what we have, from what the adversaries have already put in space. Were gonna have to have counted capabilities. I appreciate that. As i say, this train has pretty much left the station, i want to follow up on a question and tied up in a bow. General raymond said that the joint effort unity of effort between the space for sun and, aguero has worked well. And that the two entities, should remain separate. Is that your position . I want to think, because there are two organizations, that allow them to focus on different requirements, different customer missions is get close. Making sure the right lane on the, road right authorities, were not overly redundant, that that is going to happen in detail collaboration. Make sure theres monthly meetings, communication back and forth this executives that meat routinely. The space hackers acquisition council. The Program Integration council, it gets together and talks about requirements, acquisition strategies, and make sure that we are meeting the requirements, without being overly redundant. Thank you. Youve had a lot of discussion this morning about innovation, which is, as you suggested, is absolutely critical to the mission of your agency. Perhaps more so than any other agency in our government. Weve also talked about, senator graham, or asked about smaller businesses. Weve had testimony before this committee, for innovative smaller companies, particularly in silicon valley, who basically said, weve given up responded to the pentagon, its too burdensome, the process is too lengthy, too expensive. And so, we are losing those suppliers. I would hope that you might meet with, take your 20 smallest companies, that you are working with, pull them together, and have a discussion about, how they feel about the process, are there ways that that can be improved . I am concerned, that just the nature of the Pentagon Acquisition process may itself, be an impediment, two smaller companies, even from getting on into the game. We cant afford to lose those contributions. So i can from the cso, i would definitely explore opportunities, get their feedback, and make this a better process. Final question about, you touched on this, about culture, and recruitment. You indicated that, you are not having a problem with recruitment. I guess one measure of how youre doing is, how Many Air Force academy graduates, when they leave, want to join the space force . More than we have slots for. That is a good sign. The future. A lot of your space capability, all based bomb Space Capabilities, gps being the best example. Do you not believe however, that we have the military to to effectively deploy that will be the first thing to go, and a conflict, i heard there teaching celestial navigation at annapolis. I want to be sure that that is the case. Because, we could be blind, and the first day of a conflict. And we need to have backup. Im a military planet heart. Our job is to prepare for the worstcase scenario. I agree with you, we need to always plan for contingencies, when things go wrong, or when things are not available to us. Thank, you mister chairman. Thank you general salzman, and your family as well, for joining you here today. Congratulations. On your nomination. Thank you for your service. I would like to go back to the deterrence discussion, the bedrock of bidens administration, their National Defense strategys socalled integrated deterrence. How does this concept account for, [inaudible] holding terrestrial targets, accountable, and at risk, to deter attack on u. S. Space assets . The idea is integrated deterrence, leverages the government approach, to imposing costs, and denying benefits, if an adversary were to think about taken actions detrimental to i think in the government approach, the military side of things, i think you look at all the domains. If there is a threat against a particular domain, particular targets, that others to impose costs or denied benefits. It is the collaboration of the joint force, that powers the full set of capabilities. Very good. Would you support revealing some of our Space Capabilities for deterrence . Demonstrating two are out of a series that, we can respond effectively, to their attacks . You bring up an important point about deterrence. Its hard to deter the problem is, if we think too much about revealing capabilities that are vulnerable, we might be jeopardizing those capabilities. It confirms this yes, so i welcome to talk about some of those tradeoffs. I would appreciate that. Going along with that, the biden administration, recently announced, unilateral moratorium, on certain anti satellite tests. Do you believe, that this self imposed restriction, will inhibit, or stop china and russia . Then from conducting anti satellite tests . I think its a commitment, to not conduct destructive missile tests, which is currently the most dangerous thing to u. S. Space capabilities. In the form of what the chinese and the russians are doing. I dont know if it is going to dictate that they will not do it. Not hopeful of that. But i do think, it shows a commitment to, either better ways to test, there are more responsible ways, and i think by demonstrating, and allowing that behavior, we dont give them much. Because we have other ways to test our capabilities. But we lead by saying, we are not gonna potentially create debris in space. I can appreciate that. I dont want to continue to set the United States, by operating from i do think it is an important thing, we can signal to adversaries that we have the capabilities of destroying satellites. Maybe we do not conduct those, but maybe in a classified setting, we can talk more about that. How can the United States, go ahead and promote, or as you said, model the norms of conduct, for space . How can we do that, and then encourage, other countries to do the same . And if they dont, then how do we impose penalties on those countries or states that are violating that . As we clearly define, what it is to be responsible i was put into greater relief, those activities, which are not responsible. I think by, building a coalition of likeminded space variations, around the set of responsible behaviors, again it will create peer pressure, if you will, for the international community, to deem certain activities, professional and responsible. That would be the focus of those tenants. Thank you very much general salzman, i look forward to supporting your confirmation, that probably the most important question, general raymond had a daughter that attended Iowa State University, did any of your children attend Iowa State University . They are proud graduates of the university of missouri. Close enough. Thank you very much. Thank you senator. Senator kelly please . Thank you, mister chairman. General welcome, very nice meeting you in your family. The administrations fiscal year, 23 budget requests, requested a growth, in space force in the strength, from 8400 to 8600. In this committees version, they support that request, and reliance global Space Operations will demand a robust force. Moving forward. But there are concerns, that budgets for the space force, are expected to flat line, in fiscal year 27. So, what type of growth do you foresee, in the space force over the next five or ten years . I would not want to comment on any particular numbers, just not have had a chance to really begin, and see what appropriate levels would be. I can tell you that, in my estimation, looking at the readiness of the force, there is substantial capabilities, in test and training infrastructure, that we need to invest in. If we have exquisite weapons systems, exquisite systems our guardians, and operators to make the most of those systems, i feel like we are not really fully combat ready. We dont have simulators that allow our operators to practice their tactics against the thinking adversary. We dont have good simulators, we dont have ranges where they can routinely practice their trade craft. We dont have the ability to link multiple units together we have been operating in a benign environment, we did not have those capabilities. I think over the next few years, we will have to look at that, and be as specific as we can, but provide that kind of training having the equipment and the capabilities is one thing. Being able to simulate operations on, range operate jointly, i imagine that something thats on the agenda. A simulator in range, is there any other infrastructure capacity, that you feel that you need . We are continuing to build, and design a more resilient defendable architecture. Weve operated four years in a benign domain. We were focused more on, the capabilities of the payloads, how long would they last on orbit, trying to get the most out of, expensive launch that put him into orbit. Launch prices are coming down. We are doing distributed architectures, we are more resilient. We are trying to think about ways to disaggregate our payload, so were not easy targets. Its all of that, that is new investment a new force design. Its going to come with a transition from a legacy capability, to these new architectures. That will be worth it, and the requirement. Face and the first design face. If confirmed, i look forward to working with the communities, get that balance, as we transition from legacy to the new architecture. Senator king asked about recruiting. You mentioned, from the air force academy, you have more volunteers. Then you have spots. In the enlisted ranks, how is recruiting there . Its very good. Despite the fact that we are looking for a highly capable highly technical skills, we have more volunteers than we have spots to fill. Again, we are lucky. We are a small force at this point, doing a very specific mission. We can handpick, we can really get solid volunteers. Its one thing, getting people. Its another thing getting the right people. Have you felt the need to do any marketing of the space force at this point . A lot of people are doing marketing. Its working out to our advantage. We are also, very active in going to specific universities. Where there are underrepresented populations, making sure that we are looking across the board, bringing the right people in. The right kinds of diversity of thought. Right backgrounds and skills, so far we have been very acts successful doing that. Senator fischer please . Thank you mister chairman, and thank you general for your willingness to step forward, to serve this country. Thanks to your family for your sacrifices. General issue is, nextgen opr Satellite Program is one of the key components of our future Missile Warning architecture, along with proliferated constellations, of smaller satellites operating in lower orbits. Your predecessor, general raman, supported this approach before this committee and. May im concerned about discussion, that involves alternative proposals, that have not been developed, with input from the commands, and would ultimately accept greater risk in the mission in the department, that the department itself describes, as no fail. I hope its something that you will take a look at, and ensure that we continue to pursue a diverse architecture, complimentary constellations, that meets the war fighter needs for capacity and schedule. Do i have your commitment on that . Yes maam. As you mentioned Missile Warning is no failed mission. Bridging that transition for new capabilities, we dont want any gaps in coverage, thats a high priority for me. Thank you. I know the space force, is in the process of designing the requirements, phase three of the National Security space launch program. Do you see phase three, as being more of an evolution of phase two . Or revolution . In terms of its structure and capabilities . I will be honest. I have not really dug into the details as to what that strategy proposes. Ive had briefings in per all of the stakeholders, so that the strategy, they did least learn the lessons of the previous phases of National Security space launch, ignore those lessons and bring it into face. Three i think keeping a fair open competition, to make sure as many providers, establish launch providers, as well as a merging launch providers, was also a key element of the strategy being devised. I think that they are on the right path, i get closer to the final position, if it plays. Out i look forward to getting input from all the committee members, as well as the other stakeholders in this Critical Mission set for the space force. There has been some criticism of the program, particularly its use certified providers, but i want you to know, this committee understands the importance of maintaining assured access to space. Especially, for the most challenging orbit. We want to make, take advantage of private sectors innovation, you talked about that earlier. But we are talking about, unique and very expensive pay loads. That if they are not delivered perfectly, it will result in capability gaps for a war fighter. We understand, there has to be a balanced approach, to that risk. When you say that you want to include, all stakeholders, give me examples. Certainly, all the launch service providers, certainly, the people whose payloads were putting on orbit certainly the Acquisition Community has to balance contracting when you put an Acquisition Strategy together, making sure that all those variables are accounted for. So that we can thread the needle, and get the balance that you just mentioned, right. There is really the mission, theres also cost overruns, that we want to avoid. Spending too much, for these required mission sets, its something that is on my mind. I think we need to pull as many of those key opinions, from all the stakeholders together. To make the wise decision for the strategy moving forward. How do you balance the risk . Its a challenge. Because, we have to, it has to be a nobel mission. We have to be able to put the payloads we need, and the orbits that we require, but we need flexibility, across. That it is this balance between, mission insurance, and flexibility. Which is always a conundrum for military planners. But i think the best way to do, it is just to have open deliberate debates, about what the merits are on both sides. And make sure you try to get as close to perfect as you can. Last question. Can you talk about, how the space force has made changes to deliver capabilities faster. So that, its more responsive. To the needs that we face, such as restructuring of Space Systems, command, and how you plan to build on these steps with both threats and technological changes . With the help of congress, we established the first Design Architect in the Space Operations, of the joint requirements gave us responsibilities as the d. O. D. And a greater, this is allowing us to streamline the requirements, and if we get the requirements just right, it sets us on the right path for the major acquisition programs. Were also considering exploiting what we have, and then the commercial capabilities that we can buy. As a compliment to those major acquisition programs, that we have to build from scratch. Complicated acquisition process. When you look at these reforms, what benchmarks do you look at . In order to determine success . Major success. The classic acquisition, our scheduled performance. For me its about delivering a full set, a full capability sustainability, overtime. Just because it works today, against a dynamic threat, it may not work in the future. And so im looking at, always being able to provide a capability to the president , to the cabin tint commanders, to give them flexibility an execution of their mission set. Its the readiness of the force to meet that Broad Spectrum, of anticipated threats, that im looking for as a measure of effectiveness. Thank you sir. Thank you mister chairman. Thank you chairman reid. For holding this hearing, i want to thank general saltzman for testifying for your service, and your vast knowledge. And, i want to talk a little bit about our tech and cyber challenges in space. Because a nation, of course we know, facing increasing sophisticated Cyber Security threats, from disruptive technologies. Including the threat of stealing data, jamming satellite signals, hijacking satellites, and disrupting internet services. I have kind of a multi part question. If confirmed, how are you going to work to keep our space based assets, like satellites, safe from cyberattacks . Who are you going to, are there other agencies, or departmental . Or otherwise . Do you need to coordinate, all the government approach, that you are trying to work on . And how are you using emerging technologies, and all of this . Thank you. Thats an important topic. Watching what happened in ukraine, the cyberattacks that had space effects, dismantle to some degree. It showed that there is a large concern for just what you are pointing out. That our Cyber Networks are in avenue to disrupt and degrade Space Capabilities. Its a critical issue for me as well, weve organized, one of our units. Delta, delta six. Its actually dedicated to cyber operations, and specifically, Cyber Mission defensive space force. Systems. We also leverage the authorities, the u. S. Cyber command has, to monitor, and if necessary, defend actively defend, protection of those capabilities. And you mentioned, which one of the stakeholders, who are we collaborating with . What we are doing, is training our cyber operators on our mission unique. What we call cyber terrain. They are living daytoday inside our weapons, and the networks that feed, them and make them work, and they are monitored from militias actions, and malicious behavior, they are continually updating the defensives to make sure they are i am comfortable that they are actively doing it. I want to give them, tools to do the job better. Some of the training and education that they will need, as this very dynamic feel, moves down the road. I will keep them at the forefront of that technology, to have the tools and the Monitoring Systems and the ability to defend our critical Cyber Networks. You must have read my mind, that is my next question. The former computer programmer, im excited to hear you talk about super coders. That is very exciting to me. Its so important, that we think about our stem outreach. Generally. And, like you said, space force provides an opportunity to ensure our guardians, including the space force units, stationed in Dallas Air Force base, they are fully equipped to in addressing threats in space. I hope this new branch of the military, can also play a role and what i think are exciting stem career fields. And helping to bridge the technological gaps facing military and industry. Because it is a collaboration. Its why in 2020, the promotes act, the bipartisan legislation, i edged ousts and authorize the d. O. D. To include training to junior students. It was signed into law as part of the nba, we hope that gives you a good pipeline. Considering how important it is, we spoke a little bit about this, how are you going to do things, like the stem to space initiative, outer stem, outreach programs, to try to be sure that, you are really reaching out there, and letting young folks, for anyone really, know what an exciting career feel this is . Thank you for the support. We agree that attracting the right kind of professionals about the right kind of i commend on this, for the stem field of play, its critical to our success. So, certainly we do outreach, we start in Great Schools. We send people out in Great Schools to talk about the importance of space, general raymonds always famous for dragging astronauts, that our space forest guardians along with, him to talk about how exciting the space domain is. And i think, there is a lot of excitement, a lot of buzz that that creates. Establishing University Partner program, whereby we have 14 universities, maybe 15 now, its expanding. Where we go out and try to leverage that diverse highly technical skill set, that people are seeking in those universities, and trying to attract them into the force. We establishing partnerships for research to say at the leading edge of cyber threat, the same Partnership Program and university, i think were seeing benefits that now, on daytoday basis. If confirmed isis, so i will continue to support that. Thank you. Senator scott, if you agree, you are next in order. Thanks for being here. Congratulations on your nomination. Thanks for your service, and thanks for everyone that works with you. Since the space force is relatively new, and the department is still working out its operations, can you describe the role you have been nominated for, in terms of how the space force enhances the ability to deter and defeat enemies . Especially communist china . Communist china and russia . Yes sir, thank you for that question. Its an important foundational piece, the reason there is space force, i take that very seriously. Every American Benefits from the capabilities that are inherent in space. U. S. Space capabilities. Whether it is the navigation apps on the phone, satellite communications, weather reports, digital banking, all of this are critical things. You might not see it on a daytoday basis, the space effects are critical to every american. It drives the economy, spurs technological advancements, certainly underpins the military capabilities. We just cannot live without our Space Capabilities. The american way of life right now, is linked to Space Capabilities. Its space force that has to address the emerging threats. China is that pacing challenge, russia is certainly pacing challenge. They have invested heavily, and the ability to destroy, not just destroy, or disrupt, but destroy our Space Capabilities. Space force wakes up every single, day dedicated to protecting our vital interest in space. But also, protecting the joint force from adversaries designs of space enabled and, so we are committed to developing the concepts the on orbit assets, the tactics, and trainings, to make sure we can protect that. What you just said, its what i believe also. I believe communist china and russia are out to defeat us, their governments, actually do not like our way of life. Why doesnt the public know that . What can you do in your role, or what should you, what can you do, to get people to understand, that they actually, you are trying to prevent that is what you do for a living. Certainly a matter of scale. When i talk to friends and family back home, i think theres a recognition that this world is not safe. Theres recognition that there are countries out, there that do not have the same ideas that we do. And that theyre working actively to try to deny us those interests. From the space perspective, its a little bit harder to get support around something you do not see on a daytoday basis. With the satellites, a little bit out of you, sometimes they do not make the connection that hate the satellites that theyre trying to attack. That prevents us from doing x y and z. Its education, its us getting, out connecting with the public and connecting through speeches and academic interactions. Make sure that those connections are clear. You think thats part of your role . Let me ask another question. Acquisition process, can you talk about how the department will use most of any readily available technologies and products . With the money we allocate to you, you will be efficient with, us and have it all accomplished . With the help of congress, the chief of Space Operations has been designated they have a further responsibility enjoyed requirements process to be the d. O. D. Integrator. This gives us an important leadership role, and setting the requirements, and im working with the Acquisition Community, to make sure we meet those requirements, based on all the capabilities that are available to us. Space system command, is convinced that if we have the ability to exploit existing capabilities, that would be great. We also have to be able to then by commercial capabilities. It might be cheaper to procure what is already available through the commercial sector. And then only build what we must. Do you feel comfortable youre doing that. I do. If you find problems, i think everybody on this committee would like to make sure that we are not creating roadblocks for your ability to use, readily available technology, to make sure our tax dollars go first. If you would let me know, and let this committee know, if theyre creating any bottlenecks, what can they do to make it easier for you to use commercially rather available, when you commit to doing that . Its a top priority, make sure we get the most out of commercial sector. Im sure senators on colorado and alabama, think its the best the space for. Do you believe that you are doing enough in florida, do you think that, if you had to wave a magic wand, you can do everything in florida . There is sir, there is no question that florida is important richest or e of space support. The space coast is vital. To our successes as a service. Now even the guard capability that vital. Florida remains an important aspect of the space force. Real quick. How is the space for us working with not just florida i know we have our National Guard is that working are you picking National Guards around the country that i like you to do everything in florida but i dont think thats realistic. Are you doing that now . We work with the guard very closely on which mission sets what we need. If confirmed, my responsibility to work very close with the guard bureau. With interNational Guard to see if there are capabilities that makes sense to go to the guard. Especially where its maybe search capability or something we dont need a daytoday basis. We work very closely in collaboration with them to get that right. Thanks. Thank you, senator. Thank you, mister chairman. General, thanks for being here. Enough like a florida. Lets talk about missouri. Did i hear you say an answer or two ago that your childrens are graduate at the end of our city of missouri . All right. Awesome, there we go, i feel a lot better now. Let me ask you about the pacing. Just a second ago. The pacing threat. The pacing scenario. The secretary of defense isnt in china as the departments facing threats. Hey calm as the pacing theater. The prairie theater in the taiwan contingency as the pacing contingency. Let me ask you first of, do you agree with those designations . I dont see any been more dangerous, more committed to attacking u. S. Interest in those areas in the and you agree that the threat of a potential chinese invasion of taiwan is something we need to be concerned about this decade the 2020 is not just 2030 and beyond . I think the observable show theres a communication that they are moving in that direction very rapidly. Let me ask you this, then. Would you commit to making it your top priority to ensure that the space force is ready to help deter china from aggression and pay calm generally and then specifically with regard to the pacing scenario taiwan, would space force be ready . Would you help them get ready to make sure were able to tour the chinese invasion of taiwan . If confirmed as a chief of Space Operations, toby no higher priority than maintaining the readiness of our force to meet all of those contingencies the chinese threat first amongst them. Thank you for that. Let me ask you a bit more specifically. What kind of space come abilities do you think would need to be prioritized in order to deter a potential chinese invasion of taiwan . Walk us through your thinking there . I look at this from two pronged approach. We have to be able to protect the keep abilities that are enabling our joint force today. Whether its navigation of timing, whether its telecommunications, Missile Warning architectural provided occasions warning attack. The structure of our joint forces build presuming we have access to those Space Capabilities. We must preserve them. That requires a shift to be more recently defendable architecture. To provide that level of Mission Resilience that we need. But its also important to realize that the joint force is under a threat umbrella by a space enabled capabilities of our adversaries. And they will not be able to meet their military objectives if we allow the chinese in particular to use the space enable targeting him abilities that they have at their disposal. So we in order to be deterrent, to prevent this from going into a war that extends into space, we will have to be resilient, we will have to have the offense and defense availability necessary to create a credible deterrent force. You mention resiliency sale times now floyds ask you what do you think that we are currently resilient enough in space and in particular resilient enough to absorb losses from china or russia in a conflict with either . I think the best way to state that is the current attacks that we are seeing are not sufficient to take out our capabilities. We are resilient on today. As soon as we go into a crisis contingency, i do not believe we have designed our systems to operate in that level of contested environment. And so we need to change to a more dependable architecture. To account for the fact that space has shifted from a benign environment to a more contested or war fighting the main. With some more defendable Architecture Look Like . We can look at some of the observations were seen ukraine that a distributed architecture where there are more satellites with proliferated missions. Thats hard to attack. Big single satellites are much easier to attack than a distributed proliferated constellation of capabilities. It becomes a tougher target. Let me ask you this. In your personal opinion, does the United States have the and i said lightweight pans that we need whether thats to deter china or russia or if necessary to defeat them should deterrence fail . I think the best way to answer that is for the current conditions, i think we have a suitable capabilities. But i think the security situation is changing dynamically. And i really appreciate the opportunity to talk with you in classified environment of the specific details. Let me ask you just more broadly. If you are confirmed what steps would you take to ensure there were doing everything that weve got to do in order to improve or Space Capabilities . Ive confirmed to see if so, i will lead on the forces and architecture role that congress has given to the chief of Space Operations. Were doing forces sign analysis. This is rigorous data analytics. That show what one consolation against a modeled threat would do. We run thousands of permutations to really see what the optimal configuration is. Im committed to continue doing that so we can not be overly redundant or have too little resilience in the face of the adversary. General, thanks for being here. Thank, you mister chairman. Thank you senator hawley. Panel, thank you for your testimony. Senator sullivan, im told is trying to get here. That will give me an opportunity to ask one more question. A navy is not here by the end my question then i will call the hearing to a close. This question has been alluded to in some cases directly posed to you throughout the hearing. What are the critical hardware and software gaps you see on the ground to effectively or in the air to effectively inhibit your mission . That analysis is ongoing but there are some initial thoughts in terms of how do we build in architecture on the ground thats resilient to attacks from russia, from china, from other malicious cyber actors. And we havent had the need to build quite the level of resiliency or didnt see on the ground in the past as we see necessary today. And so when i look at the software, the monitoring of those networks. I think there are still some gaps so we need to fill. When i think about space to mean awareness in the number of sensors worldwide that were going to need in order to effectively evaluate and determine whats on orbit and where it is and what its doing. And then the tools, the Software Tools on the ground to take all that data in and turn that data into information, the decision called information. Those are some near term issues that i think were gonna have to address from as hardwares thank you, general. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your very compelling testimony. Today. We look forward to your confirmation in the next as soon as possible. Thank your family again for the support theyve given. And a service theyve also given. With that, indication that senator so will not be joining us. I will during the hearing. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Sion providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. Officials from the food and Drug Administration assured lawmakers that food safety remained a top priority for the agency after politico published a report on how the fda had repeatedly failed to take timely action on foodborne outbreaks. They were also asked about the recent Baby Formula Shortage and other regulatory challenges facing the agency. This hearing is one hour 45 minutes. Good morning everybody, i want to welcome everyone to our hearing today. We have a distinguished panel of

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