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Spectrum, looks at politics and policies. 1927, within a couple of years, the regulators at the commission are renewing licenses but very carefully noting that propaganda stations will not be a allowed and in fact, early on, 1929 and that period, you had money stations if i can use that political term by the wcfl in chicago and eugene e. Debs and they wanted for Political Services for free speech and they wanted when they were renewed, they were told to be careful of expressing their opinions. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan q a a. Former president bill clinton, he spoke for healthy of america about combatting child obesity. This is about 40 minutes. [ applause ] thank you very much. [ applause ] thank you very much, i apologize for being tardy up here, i was in the back, i did not get the memo of where i can stand and listen and so i really admire doctor geller, i wish he would talk half an hour, i would learn something. I am grateful of the work that you do. I always want to say since i have been working on this obesity issue for more than a decade now. I want to thank all the private Sector Companies and i have listened backstage to remarks and i have been in the middle east in to asia to participate with artists and their efforts against merging Public Health problems there, i am grateful that there are companies that at least thats trying to work themselves out part of their jobs by giving our children a healthier future. I want to thank you Robert Wood Johnson foundations for working with us and i would say more about the president and ceo of tsa and my good friend doctor wexler. But, i am very glad that all of you are here. I am glad that of this sort of how should i say it of this unusual time. You recognize that this is no place for alternative facts. I dont need to be funny. This is still a major Public Health crisis in the lives of millions of people and of the decisions they make. Your commitment to help people with their healthiest best lives is profoundly important. I also want to say that tomorrow, you all know that you will hear from Michelle Obama, and i just want to thank her for what shes done in that position and what she did in the white house. [ applause [ applause ] i will never forget there were not many people saying we are about to have epidemic levels of type 2 diabetes and the intended consequences and heart troubles and strokes and some cancer, and amputations and explosive of heart care cost is going to be staggering. I have to say that i was amazed that i could generate more work but when she got in, she spoke a whole generation of her people and i just know, i am a white hair guy with a suit, i am quite boring. You can see the whole landscape opened up and more people willing to write about it and talk about it and talk about it and educate people about it. I am glad when she left the white house, she did not leave the cost. I will never forget when the American Heart Association asked me after i had my quadruple by pass surgery in 2004 to get involved in helping, i wanted to do it because i thought i have been given an incredible gift by dodging a massive bullet which i continue to have to bob and weave around for a while. I had two more procedures, i was the 1 of the people who had the surgery then i lost a vein which happens to a lot of people, their quadruple by pass surgeries so they went back in and took one of my arteries which they have given up for the dead because it had a double curve in it and put two cents in, i got to watch that on television, on the internet, that was a real wahoo. Doctor said, are you sure you want to watch this, you are going to live through it and i said yes. The good news is i would say my modern medicine. If i whatted thad the right sty diet over the course of my life, i would not have been. Not everybody is lucky as i was to get on the table as i am. Everybody should have access to a decent healthy diet of responsible exercise program and to fundamental check ups. Otherwise, we are going to have terrible problems. You could already see it in pats of his population. An article came out in 2016 of the first group of americans where life ex pansie peks peck peck expectancies were going down. We learned a lot. So there was a deep emotional psychological component to what was going on and their life expectancies was going down. I was doing a lot of work and another part of my life helping manners and trying to help communities deal with the opioid crisis. There is no question that there is a convergent of all of these things and rising rates of diabetes thats going to flow from it. So i said, lets try to get these people through their lives of better shape, you know something to be said for Second Chances and Public Health is about giving people Second Chances with their lives. So we did it and in march of this year, when i was 70 years, six months and one day old. I became the oldest of my generation. I come from a family where the men dont wear long and women have not either until you go back to my maternal great grandparents. They live in their mid70s. They looked like theyre straight out of the american gothics. They give out of the country and they went to bed with the sun and they ate sparingly. A little late for the rest of us in the line like that. They were wonderful but we got to do better. I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to do this work and we tried very hard to stop and reverse the time of child obesity. First time i Start Talking about this, there were two groups of people, there were those who did not realize there was a big problem so they had no clue what i was talking about and those that knew of the biggest, unrevealed Public Health crisis in america who thought i was tipsy for thinking that we can actually stop it and reverse it. A goal like lets stop and reverse child obesity for all of you working in this area know it is easy to say and hard to do. It is like changing a culture and this is about not just dieta dietary, it is about economics and food productions and c consumptions and a lot of other things. It is like turning titanic around before it hits the iceberg. Every person is a potential titanic so you have to do it over and over again. Some things work in some areas and some others. We started in the school because children spend most of their times outside the school there. A lifetime ago was launched in 2013 schools and 13 states, it is the largest efforts to prevent Childhood Obesity in schools and now, has helped to build Better School environments for more than 20 million students, more than 25,000 schools. Now, we have 2600 out of school sites in every state, the district of columbian and puerto rico. Then we start to worry about the food itself and before the new food gouidelines came into plac, we worked on replacing unhealthy food and largely contractors with different kinds of food that would be healthier. And we did this work with the industry which is now fairly well known that we met with american beverage association, coke, pepsi and doctor pepper and snapples and some other people producing processed juice. Theyre now more than 120 leading nations of so what you are doing is fairly important to me. The truth is that in the world we live in creating corporations and both living, are the best mechanism of solving complex social policy problems. Everybody who works for me, theyre all starting to laugh now because they know what i am going to say because i believe th this, i realize that a good old fashion name calling is so much more emotionally satisfying. Look, i am from the white rule working class and i am of the first person in the family to go to college, i get whats going on out there. I understand all these triablism. It is adam way to run away. It is satisfying in eating bad food and giving you a sugar high afterwards. It does not work. It works of what you are doing here. The reason people are here and what i am about to tell you, you know what the exhibit is at the clintons president ial center right now . Extreme bugs. You know what my staffs gave me last year . Two, not one, two ant farms. So i can have one at my desk at the president ial library and one at my office at home. Why . Because i am always telling them that the most important political book that nobody read, read for the political book written in the last ten years, they would have made us all healthier as citizens. Thats quite a number of ants. Why am i telling you this . Because here is the conclusion of the book, i will save you the purchase price. All the species inhabited in our earth, and we know there are hundreds of thousands of them, right . But, he says the most successful species ever lived, if you define successes, we have repeated chances to be wiped out. They failed and here we are, they are still around. Not to be the strongest. He says what do they have in common . These are all the expertise of the greatest cooperators. They find ways to Work Together to build stronger futures. Theyre great strength and we have a conscious and consciousness. We know it so it makes us air began and we think we are smarter than we are. We tend to slice and dice ourselves in the way in the end threaten our ability. To escape one more. This Climate Change things gives my a kit. No one doubt the question that more than 90 of Scientists Say this is a threat to our planet. So now the new position is i am not saying theyre wrong but they maybe wrong. I am just saying, we just had the coldest march in new york of 100 something years. I was pleading for Global Warming to come back. [ laughter ] i get it. We can make all these jokes, you name me one other threat every parent in this audience, name me one threat that you would not take seriously. There is 100 chance that your child will survive a crash unless the car completely collapses. Nobody would do that, right . Thats what we are doing on Climate Change with throwing it in the backseat. Thats what i want to say about this Public Health issues. The reason this is working is because of the cooperations of complex groups of people who were different. It is an inclusive cooperative network. I remember how he rolled his eye after he heard about our so da pop agreement. It is like i am in Public Health, do you expect me to believe that coke and pepsi and dr. Pepper and all these actually to agree to cut out all the sugar and having drinks in schools . It is an unsanitized version. You dont want these people sitting in wheelchairs with amputations in their 30s and not buying them new soft drinks. I know you dont want that. Thats a necessary conclusion of what the kids are going to School Getting their calories from heavily sugar drinks. We have to do something about it. Surely there is a way you can make money. I never ask anybody to lose money because it is not sustainable. Can you find a way to make money in a different way. Two independent surveys have concluded in the last few years that this lasts for a stronger generation reducing calories and drinks in it turns out if you really have people working in good faith and they share the same goal, we would like our children to live as long and well as possible. If you are cynical, we would like them to buy so da pop in their 30s and 40s as well as today when they have more money and by then, well solve this problem and we cannot let them dwyer be made. It just makes sense. We can do this in a big way. We are working in the beverage industry. People of all ages everywhere by 20 and 2025. We have as i have said, negotiated agreement with food manufacturi manufactures. Having in colonies of about 130 million of 7 increase of where we started. Employer insurance offering no extra costs and coverage going to the hospitals. By children covered workers who have obesity problem there are almost 3 million kids now who are covered by 50,000 networks that are able to go to the doctor and to a diation aetitia the doctors so there is a cash flow of reimbursement scheme. We made an agreement with mcdonalds to serve healthier food and there were apple juice boxes, the most important thing was awesome these other fast food, we can do it together. People thought of improving healthcare, too. This work and out of the partnership for healthier america, again, i will say both of them, show that networks of corporations under taking of good faith by people who share the same goals. Well work in most places. If you have to regulate, you can regulate at the end to figure out what is the most efficient way to reach the goal is. So it is not just in this space. In coming up in the tenth year of the initiative where we are leading every year. We got an independent data finalizing all the commitment made many ten years. When we started, twothirds of them involved partnership and onethird of it going wrong. By the end, well over 90 of the commitment involved multiple partners and we found that they not only on average met their goals but exceeded their goals. I will give you two examples. So the Carnegie Foundation gave 2,000 partners and well do 20 . Well train funds and place as d teaches. That was about 2011 or 2012 last week in new york, i went to their latest meeting. There are now 280 partners and they have gotten more than 100,000 where they are trying to teach in their schools and did not cost taxpayers anything. [ applause ] when the ebola epidemic broke out, we have help and others interested in getting adequate medical supply there because of you remember seeing it and know that you have to change clothing constantly and burn it and all that. So to kick off the cbi, we had a dozen partners send 100 tons of medical equipment. It didnt cost any taxpayers anything. Within a couple of months they had sent 500 tons. Just 24 to 30odd partners that got together to say, i can do this, i can do that, i can do the other thing, all committed to the same goal. We shouldnt have to have a calamity to do the right thing. Those of you who are trying to avoid calamity and create happiness and opportunity and success should be able to get more partners to do more positive things. And i want to thank all the companies that are doing this, knowing full well that the better job they do, depending on the business area, they may cost themselves some business, and in the meanwhile they will meet nothing but skeptics who will try to find some example of where they didnt achieve what they said they were going to. And theyre doing the right thing anyway. But this is really important. This is a Major Economic issue for america. If this works, if we keep doing it, keep making more and more and more progress, we will have a healthier workforce. We will have Lower Health Care costs than would otherwise be the case. We will have higher productivity than would otherwise be the case. That will generate more profits, higher incomes, more new businesses, more hiring, more everything, by taking what is arguably from an economic point of view the biggest Public Health problem out. If we dont get ahold of the epidemic of the the Opioid Epidemic and attendant heroin and fentanyl and all that, were going to be it will be bigger. But right now, they got a long way to go to catch up to the aggregate impact of this. The concentrated impact of the Opioid Epidemic is worse because more people die quicker. But this is still the Public Health problem that affects the largest number of people. And it impairs the learning capacity, for example, and the growth capacity of the largest number of our children. So i came here more than anything else to say thanks, and to say that i believe more strongly than i did ten years ago that partnerships between diverse partners are still the best problem solvers. Several years ago, a distinguished journalist wrote a book called the wisdom of crowds in which he basically said you could fill this room with social science studies proving that diverse groups make better decisions than homogenous ones or lone geniuses. And if i could snap my fingers and instantaneously, the person in the room with the highest iq would appear, and we took this person off to a cushy suite and gave them whatever they wanted for two days and babied them and made them happy and the rest of us are stuck here drinking stale coffee and eating stale rolls, they would make better decisions. Its proved over and over and over again. So i want to encourage you to continue. And we need to develop more examples of corporate engagement. Both the alliance for Health Generation and the partnership for Healthy America are try to do tharying to do that. Our two organizations have involved 400 plus companies in making some sort of commitment to childrens health. And the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, and i want to thank them, has supported our work. They gave us a little money to figure out how we can deepen our cooperation. So we came up with this idea of a Business Fund which would give every company a chance to provide all children and families with whom its in contact, that is either as employees or customers, the chance to make choices that lead to the healthiest possible lives. Under this Business Fund, which they, the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, are going to fund i think quite generously to start out, these two organizations will develop new and Innovative Solutions to get even more kinds of partnerships with companies, and to involve nongovernmental organizations. So well have better coordination across the field. One of the things that i learned, for example, in our alliance with communities all across america through our Health Matters initiative, is that there are a lot of things that peripherally affect Childhood Obesity. Like some places have no out of school play places. One place that looks like ideal is jacksonville, florida, because its a city county government. Its the third biggest urban space geographically. But the problem is youre walking downtown one minute, and one minute youre out in the country. So somebody that should be driving 35 is all of a sudden driving 70. And they have the second or third highest pedestrian death rate in the country. If Everybody Knows that in jacksonville, that will impede people walking. And that will have an impact on this. So this idea of having communitybased Diverse Solutions is really, really important. So thats what were going to do. And thank you to the Robert Wood Johnson foundation for providing the money for them to do it. I would like to ask howard wechsler, the ceo for Health Generation, and the ceo for partnership for a Healthy America, who just told me he was the much younger brother of a guy who was my friend in law school, and i looked at him and said, youre too young to be the brother of anybody i went to law school with. And he said they had a prolific family and they strung it out. I would like to ask them to come here so we can celebrate this. And were going to get, you know, started with a million and a half dollars and see what we can do. Thank you to the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. Thank you to the companies that will work with us. I was really glad to listen to the previous speaker from novembnovo nordisk. I really like what they do because every person who doesnt get diabetes is one less customer for them. There will be plenty of people with type i diabetes and other conditions, theyll do just fine. And theyre out there trying to save these kids lives. It means a lot to me. Ive been to the middle east and the shanghai with that company because they know that globally this threatens to gobble up the future of children by the millions. So were all going to do this together. We now have a new mission, actually. Hal and larry and our two groups, were going to involve the private sector more. Were going to come up with more projects. Were going to try to do more to empower all of you. And were going to be able to do it and afford to bring in more businesses and more ngos thanks to the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, without whom we would never have done any of the things weve done in americas schools. So thank you very much. And i would like to ask you to give hal and larry a hand and lets bring them up here for a minute. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Let me just say one final thing. Im in washington, d. C. There are still massive disparities, massive, in the impact of Childhood Obesity, type ii diabetes, and you know it. So i ask you all, dont get discouraged. The good news is, in their heart of hearts, nobody wants to see any child die or be maimed or have their future affected. Its so easy to get caught up in all the stuff thats easy to get caught up in here. Over our long married life, one of the greatest little adages hillary has burned into my brain is that life is not a dress rehearsal. And so we dont have a day to waste. Dont give somebody else a day on some unproductive thing when you can take this day. So you came to washington. Dont leave without renewed energy. When Michelle Obama asked our foundation to help with what she was doing, and i realized it was they were calling, lets move, not move away, lets move, i thought maybe we should make that the National Motto and put it on the white house. Do something. Do it. Look, i can make 50 jokes out of this, but i wont. This is a big deal. Dont ever devalue your potential to make a difference. Dont ever assume someone will not help you. And dont ever forget, we now know that inclusion, diversity, and creative cooperation lead to better results. That would be you. Make sure they know. Thank you. [ applause ] coming up tonight here on cspan3, American History tv in prime time, with a discussion on the legacy of woodrow wilson. The organization of american historians had a discussion on the 28th president at its annual meeting. You can see that tonight on cspan3 beginning at 8 00 eastern. This weekend, cspans cities tour, along with the help of our Comcast Cable partners, will explore the literary life and history of eugene, oregon. Saturday at noon eastern on book tv, go inside the university of oregons archives and special collections for a look at the life and writings of ken kesey, best noon for one flew over the cuckoos nest. A psychiatrist read the book and sent ken a fan letter. There ensued a fun correspondence between the two of them about mental institutions, psychiatry, and those kinds of details. Then mark whelan exams the culture and lives of africanamericans during world war i. When they came home, they were welcomed in their home communities. The effects of the war in terms of reforming how americans thought about race relations, i really dont think it did. It didnt have the impact that africanamericans had hoped it would. On sunday at 2 00 p. M. Herein on American History tv, the story of Abigail Scott dunaway, an oregon pioneer and womens rights activist. Abigail Scott Dunaway is an example of one of the really great diaries. She describes whats happening between the people. She describes troubles that happened. She describes the landscape and the scenery. And its clear i mean, you get a pretty good inkling here that shes a really good writer. That served her well later on as a leader in the suffrage movement. And hear about wayne morris. He was a man of high principle. If you didnt have the same levels of principle and integrity as he did, he would be vocal about that. He was very critical of other senators. He stood his ground. He wouldnt compromise sometimes. So i think that at times people were trying to move him along or became frustrated in dealing with him. But in the end, i think he is so wellknown for his integrity. Watch cspan cities tour of eugene, oregon, saturday at noon eastern on cspan2s book tv. And sunday on cspan3. Working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. It resulted in a naval victory for the u. S. Over japan, just six months after the attack on pearl harbor. Friday, American History tv will be live all day from the macarthur memorial versus center in norfolk, virginia for the anniversary of the battle of middle way. Author of the admirals, about the fivestar admirals who won the war at sea. The author of joe rocheforts war. The author of the shattered sword. And the coauthor of never call me a hero, a legendary american dive bomber pilot remembers the battle of midway. Watch the battle of midways 75th anniversary special, live from the Macarthur Memorial Visitors Center in norfolk, virginia, on friday, beginning at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Cspan. Where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Coming up next, a senate

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