Transcripts For CSPAN3 Battle Of Sailors Creek 20150409

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Okay, our next speaker should be familiar to everybody here, thats patrick schroeder. Patrick, is as you know his story, in the courthouse in National Historic park. And hes worked with me one of our other speakers, the third speaker today ron wilson, is the person who helped get this seminar together for the first time in 1999, the e 20 0. And then when ron retired patrick took over with working with longwood on this seminar. Patrick has history degrees from Shepherd College and from virginia tech. Hes worked as a Seasonal Employee and probably, as many of you know patrick has written numerous books related to that campaign and other aspects of the war. Several pamphlets. The 30 millionths about lees surrender, cemetery at aplamatics. Probably his most important work is we came to fight, a history of the fifth new york volunteer infantry. He helped finish the vortex of hell. Thats a great book to have. Both of those. Patricks book and the one he helped brian finish. Hes very heavily involved in battlefield preservation, set up the fund with the preservation trust. His talk today is the battle fury and the last to die patrick schroeder. Thavngs, david. I know youre already probably tired of seeing me. We made a high school trip i think it was 10th or 11th grade and went down to tour aplamatics and met ron at that time and i started volunteering in the park on the weekend. And then in 1985 he let me know that the fella was going back. The right of the graduation, i packed up and moved to aplamatics. And now here i am. What im going to do is try to familiarize you with the two battles of the station in the courthouse. I call it the final fury and the last to die because many people dont even know anything about these battles. Theyre often overlooked. Not many people have written about them outside of chris cawkins. But id like to show you some of the men that were involved in those battles. So if you know of any other photos, let me know. Im going to go ahead and tell you their stories. Its the two battles that are the culmination of the campaign. And this young fella here, if you dont recognize him, is George Armstrong custer in his west point class photo. Is thats how he looks in 1861. Now, last night, chris was asked to touch on a little bit. There was some devious means in this campaign. They have men known as jesse scouts or during the campaign, theyre known as major henry young scouts. These are federal soldiers that have either maybe some of them v been in the south and infiltrate during the Confederate Army during the long road and trying to delay them. They actually capture confederate general rufus rufus beringer by riding up to him. When theyre hailed riding up to them, they claim theyre members of the ninth calvary. Theyll pull out their revolvers take rufus as prisoner and ride away with him. Now, over around aplamatics on april 8th theres a sergeant with this group of scouts named Sergeant White dressed in confederate uniform. Sergeant white doesnt give anything away. Yes, general lee is in desperate need of those supplies. But then Sergeant White rides back to his commander and they go to Phil Sheridan and phil dispatches general kusers division to advance on aplamatics station on the afternoon of april 8th. Theres not been a whole lot written from the Confederate Point of view. He was a major. And he was with the 19th virginia infantry. He manages to escape. If he had to he would have ran through a tree to escape at sailors creek. And he manages to get away and make it over to aplamatics station. They are making it very difficult to go out. He and another surgeon are going out, they go off and cook it and then they come back and get some food for their horses. They had a very difficult time earlier and trying to get this food from the Quarter Master. The fellow doctor urged him to use his abilities for taylor to use his ables to get the food for the horses. So ill start in to what taylor says. He said send me your Quarter Master here. Hes gone. Captured, i expect, with the rest of the regimen. See here, he said. Im a Quarter Master myself. They do not get captured. Look for him. But i have looked for him and i cannot find him. Then, he returned, appoint another in his place and ill issue to him. Well, i will, i said. I am acting colonel acting, major, doctor, everything rank and file. And i herein appoint myself acting Quarter Master to boot. This did the work. So they were able to get some food for their horses. But you can see they were not real generous and quick and getting these supplies out. But we do find out some of them do make them back to the Confederate Army, lees army is gathering in the river valley. So, now, kuser is advancing on the southeast. Theres a brigade under william wells, alex ander pennington and henry capart. First new york first, second and second West Virginia. Now, that brigade was shorthanded that day. They start moving on the station. There are three trains loaded with supplies. About 120,000 rations medical supplies, everything lees army need. These are taken by Timothy Osullivan in the late summer of 1865. You know what he says . Hands up. And the trains are captured. Now, the federals arent going to leave the trains right there. Theyre going to try to get them down the track and the federal army is a volunteer army. Theyve had previous occupations before joining the army and many of the men, some of the men had worked on the railroad and they start to move on the trains out in that area. But then some artillery shells start to fall on the station. Theyre coming from the command of this guy here. He also had the distinction of having the best mustache and goatee in the Confederate Army. Wouldnt you adwree . That is just dandy there. Its so nice in fact, he likes to keep it in good order. Hes actually sitting on a stump and having his men give him a shave that horning when the news comes in that there are federal calvary approaching the station. Walker has with him about, well somewhere around a hundred artillery pieces, 200 baggage wagons. They send it on a northern route so it doesnt impede on the rest of the army. And it just happens on april 8th the artillery comes back in contact and are in little advance of free army. It kind of reminds me of paul revere and the british are coming. Apparently this guy was wanted to get out of the station pretty fast he jumped on his mule backwards and the men are eating. What is walker going to do . He starts to get his men into a rough semicircle and starts firing towards the station. Just about that time, a fourth train comes in from pushing more supplies in lynch burg and was pushing the trains into the station. When they see the federal calvary there they throw the engine in reverse and it breaks the couplings. But the engine makes it back to lynch burg and escapes. It is a federal artillery. Ive tried to find another battle like this in the civil war. And you cant do it. There is not a battle like this anywhere else in the american civil war. It is not a good area for fite e fighting a battle. There is some trails through the woods. Now the confederate side is hampered because this is really unexpected. They had no idea federal calvary is going to set upon them. Theres a lack of organization. Its hard for Central Command to command all of these guns. The bulk of them go north to a place called oakville. Some of his men arrive and i believe theyre dismoupted at the time. So they come up to lend support about an hour into the fight. And he hears a charge of the first new york calvary. The lincoln calvary, you can see theyre charging into the woods. Here is its caption. The death of lieutenant walter. There he is. Lieutenant walter was woubded. He says this. We found on entering the woods that the underbrush and vines were too thick for us to march through and keep our organization. We were soon advancing every man for himself. Shells came crashing through the trees overhead. Now and then, our men were up to the mouth of their guns. Were obliged to fall back. We, again, rally and advance. And we were again repulsed by rape and canisters. These cannons are acting on big shotguns. You dont necessarily have to take the calvary men out. You just have to take his horse out, right . Theyve inflicting casualties. Like i said earlier every time a brigade comes up, they advance and get repulsed. Sunset is a little after 6 00. So much of the fighting is going on afterdark. Custer is personally leading many of these charges and they are repulsed. But about 8 00 that evening he gets all of his men together as a division and makes a final forth charge. There is a flash of six bright lights. And a tornado of canister shot swept over our heads. One of the casualties here is will ard ferington. He says he did a double summer salt. He looks at his hand and says my fingers were completely knocked out and hanging over the backside of my hand, held on by a little shred of skin. He takes a canister ball on the back of his hand and is able to draw a pension on that wound. This is barnie shields who receives a medal of honor. He captures the flag of the famed washington artillery of new orleans. William daviss comrade says that he was an excellent soldier but that his life blood was spilled on that flag. He carried a bible in his breast pocket. Check that out. One of the holes was made in 1864, the second was made at the battle of aplamatics station. So that bible literally saved his life on two occasions. There are casualties in this fight, too. This is one of the men that is buried in the con fed rat cemetery. And theres a casualty. This is members of the first West Virginia calvary. And theyre kauled men in kusers division the red necktie neckties. By this time, the commander is this fella over here, major sesh howell. He must have had light blue eyes. But he is struck down in this final charge on the confederate batteries and he is later interred outside of Liberty Church and that is howles grave. Another casualty is martin sutherland. A rather nasty, nasty looking wound there. They then hit the confederate hospital trains and the confederate general is captured. Several squadrons hit the stage road and start to charge towards the village of the courthouse. In doing so they nearly round up this fella here. Is that general lee . No. That is his double. He ended up falling off and landing in some sas frasz bushes. Youve got to remember, its dark. They charged over the ridge west of town. And the men of the 15th new york cut down jesse hutchins. Jesse is with company a, fifth alabama battalion. Jesse enlisted april 15th, 1861. Hes knocked off of his horse. After he falls, the charge kind of spends itself right in front of the home of george peers. At least by one account theres North Carolinans that repulse his charge. Confederate troops that have gone into camp in the river valley behind the peers house hear this fighting. He says that they received provisions that came from somewhere. So with the surgeons counted earlier, there were supplies being taken and brought back to lees army. So the 31st georgia gets some of those rashes. Theyre cooking these rations and say before we reached the scene of engagement, it was over with. When we got into the little town, we saw a number of artillery pieces standing sigh loently without anyone near. Going back to the rations, confederates were hungry on this campaign. They couldnt get the rations. And that was grants doing. Grant understood if you wanted to feed an army you had to take away their rations, their supplies. He also understands that hes got to not follow behind lee but get to where lee wants to go. They head towards the ridge west of town. I never really understand why there were so many dead horses. And then i found abaccount of a guy as they rode out of town they pulled out their revolvers and shot all the horses. Private William Smith gets up on the ridge and says we layed down on the road that night without unsaddling ready for bizz bizz. So some civil war slang for you there. The success of the troop is on the evening of april 8. The federal calvary now held lees line of retree. Now, lee is going to have to fight his way out. They had never treated so many severe cases in such a short fight. They said the wounds were made cheaply by artillery. You can imagine that. If youre going to get hit with canister, its probably not just one canister ball. They bury some artillery pieces. During the night, lee holds his last council of war. And he wants to know should he surrender . Grants already asked him to surrender a day earlier on april 8th. Or should they continue fighting . They can fight through that calvary and continue the march with general joseph johnston. So that night, general lee orders him to advance with his infantry. Hes going to be supported by the calvary and armsteads artillery. George crooks Division Takes position holding the road and it is under command of this fella here of the first main cabin. They can shoot 16 shots, but the rest of the brigade mounted rifles, 6th and 13 for ohio. They lay along a french rail that theyve built up in front of them. They have two guns of artillery su port under the sky, lieutenant james lord. Thats his west point image. They file off to the fields in the right and the left. Theyre going to do a left wheel and drive the federal calvary off of that ridge. They end up advancing until about quarter to 8 that morning. Theres john gordon for you. So the confederates do this left wheel. Theres really just too many if you count them all up. Youve got about 9,000 confederates. One soldier says we were on foot and the enemy drove us nearly a mile. Then i had to drop him and run. The enemy was so close. I was struck in the leg with a ball so he got hit with a bullet that did not penetrate the skin but made his leg go numb. Probably turned it black and blue. He said it hurt me a good deal so i seized the tail of the horse of the provost marshal. And he pulled me along until we got within our lines. Thats a desperate man trying to get away. They were under general lees eldest son, rooney lee. Roberts is under him. They leave the federals up on that ridge includeing this fella here. He takes a pistol ball in the groin. They leave behind Sergeant Charles mcintyre who is killed as is captain Edward Cooper of the 13th ohio. These were the men i was able to find photos of. Hes 24 years old. John pogue moore. Fec hes struck down during this advance. And then, when i look at it and think about it i say, my god, what this man went through, looking at his service record. sr he enlisted in the rock bridge artillery in 1861. He gets transferred to the fourth virginia infantry. Hes cantured at the battle of second monasis. Hes exchanged hes wounded. Hes woubded at spotsilvania courthouse. He has a finger shot off there. And then he is killed april 9th, 1865. Rooneys lee men stay with the wheel with the infantry. G y0 they uncover other federal calvary coming up. His men engage them. This confederate general general biel, formally of the ninth Virginia Academy is wounded in the fighting. He gets a bullet suffered on the morning of april 9. They are the furthest to the west from the confederate forces. And they end up running into these fellas. We saw this pick dhur last night. He has with him two divisions which are white troops. And two brigades2 corps, United States colored troops. They cover between 30 and 35 miles. That is an incredible field of marching. And when the confederates see this federal infantry approach fitz is aware of the infantry approaching. He does not like the idea of having his men surrounded and possibly going to prison camp and losing their horses. The bullet strikes a young staff member of his staff, lieutenant charles from richmond, his father is the episcopal minister at st. Pauls church. Thats where Jefferson Davis attends church. And they leave. Hes been knocked off of his horse. He has pap every and a pencil with him and starts writing a death letter to his mother. I find it very moving. My darling mother, i am dying. But i am falling where i have expected to fall. Our cause is defeated, but i do not live to see the end of it. I suffer agonies. My greatest regret is to leave you and the rest of the dear ones. The younger children will be more confidentble to you than i have been. But none of them will love you more. We have it on digs play. But he didnt die. He survived. How did he survive . Federal surgeon. Kfp this kind of new information joe william, curator myself, dug into this this year. We did the research and finally nailed down who dr. Carter was. He removes the bullet. You can see the bloodstain there not very far from the heart. Dr. Carter removes that bullet. And that is on display at the museum and the confederacy if youd like to see that bullet. Saves his life. Hes attending a confederate reunion. Dr. Carter ends up in new york city, as well. They have posted the list of confederate soldiers. Charles is there. They have this reunion in the 1880s. Back to the battlefield, the federal infantry is arriving. Driving it back. They get a little too aggressive against the advance of the confederate artillery. It does some serious damages and repulses the first advance. Some reinforcements come up over here and there are men of the is 11th name. I love the photo of these guys in the 1 1th main. Now, im a hockey player. I think i can take that little guy. But then i look at this guy, the hair and his eyes like that. Theyre tough. No doubt, they are tough. So is their commander. John hill. Why is this guy tough . Take a look at that image. See something . Oh, yeah he looks like napoleon. Hes got his arm in his jacket. Wheres his other arm . There aint nothing in there. Thats just a sleeve. He lost his arm at the battle of deep bop in august, 1864. He was commanding his men. He survives and theres a photo to prove that he did taken well after the war. During this fighting confederate artillery is fighting to the west. Shells are dropping down on this federal infantry. One of the shells goes through the coleman house. The federal surgeons tend to her, but shes not able to save her life. Shes kind of our jenny wade. Were going to go through some stuff fast here. Weve got five minutes left to cover quite a bit. And heres an illustration of the confederate defenders, whats called fighting against fate. Illustrating the fighting. The 24th corps pushes the infantry back. Now is the fifth corps coming up from the south. Things are not going well at this point. How bad are things if your command has been fought to a frazle. I cannot prevent these forces from coming upon my rear. What hes talking about are these guys here. They are taking confederate fire artillery fire, our shell strikes this young fella. 19 years old. Hes hit by an artillery shell. Joshua came beryl lane is leading the skirmishers. Some of that artillery fire is coming from the yard of george pierce. At the eastern edge of the village. Those batteries are members of the lich monday howlitzers. Heres an illustration of the firing of the last gun. William brown is with the salem flying artillery. And one of those shells finds this fella here. Hirem clark. Hes claimed to be the last casualty of the army of the potomac. I dont know that thats necessarily true. But it is a ralter ralter tragic story. He finds out his regimen is moving out on campaign. He finds himself from the hospital and joins his regimen. Marches all the way back, is hit by an artillery shell and killed out right. We always knew about this illustration. A couple years ago. Found a photo of him. One of the last casualties. There are 25 men in the forty and 14th North Carolina that volunteer to sacrifice them while gordons men retreat. Thoer led by this fella here. Most of them end up getting captures. Theyre forming a line of defense. Hes brought his division over for support. But what were going to look at here now real quickly is the ridge to the south. Weve turned up this photo a few years ago. Coming over this ridge, this is the federal fifth corps, about 12,0 0 men. You can see 230,000 infantry. Mainly you go there and theres trees. Must have made quite an impression on the confederate soldiers. Kuser is going down that road. This fella here is not too happy about whats going on. Custers men are advancing and a white flag is sent out. Hed rather disavow it. Makes a comment that south carolinans never surrender. Charging down the road towards custers advance. They get cut up pretty bad. That is the last fighting around the courthouse. The situation is this. Gordon, Mahone Alexander all back here in the river valley. Heres gary confederate engineers out protecting the left blank. He is about three miles away, around a place called New Hope Church facing the federal second and six corps. The federal calvary is watching them. They hit the stage road to the west and theres fighting right around the walmart. They are battling over the walmart. This is where theyre fighting. This is where the last casualty is that take place. The federal commander henry davies facing off against tom mumphers men. Captain john vantoole gets captured. Hes wounded three times in this fight. Hes a lieutenant, tent calvary. Theres confederate casualties. Men killed. William parker, second virginia calvary. Robert parker, second virginia calvary. William price, first maryland calvary confederate. They receive promotions for gal i cant. Thats captain cantz. Federal troops send out white flags to stop that fighting. But mumpher knows that hes going to meet with general grant. They disband in lynch burg. John ramsey of the 155 pennsylvania marches all the way and dies the next day, april 10th. Of diphtheria. The 61st pennsylvania is loading surrendered weapons into wagons. One of those weapons is loaded discharges into his chest. He died right there. Last soldier we know of is edward baker he died july 18, 1865. The most moving story is that of the 14th virginia calvary. He is mortally wounded on that fight on the morning of april 9. A comrade of his goes out under the battlefield. Wilson says to him momphet, it is hard to die. Put yourself in wilsons shoes. Youve been wounded so bad, you know youre not going to survive. But you also know that lee has surrendered his army. That is his situation. These are the men that are the last to die. Confederate forces make no reports of their casualties. Estimates for the fighting at the courthouse range between 700 and 800 men killed and wounded. About another thousand men are captured. Lee meeting with grant resulted in terms for the remaining soldiers. The surrender came too late. Thank you. [ applause ] join American History tv for live coverage of ceremonies marking the 150th anniversary of the surrender at appomattox. In april, 1865 confederate general robert e. Lee met yupon general grant in the village of the courthouse and surrendered his army of Northern Virginia effectively ending the civil war. Well be live from appomattox courthouse april 9th and 12th as historians refleblgtct on the last battles and explore the aftermath and legacy of appomattox. Well also bring you reenactments from some of the key moments and open this weekend on the cspan networks. On cspan2 book tv. President of americans for tax reform says that americans are tired of the irs and our tax system and sunday night at 8 00, author susan butler on Franklin Roosevelt and soviet leader joseph stalin. Saturday night at 8 00 easter

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