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Opportunity to present to you the overview of the armys 2018 budget request. More importantly, i will tell you i am even more more so pleao be able to continue to serve our great country in uniform, as an army soldier. So, thats always something that inspires me. Ill take a few minutes here in the process of providing an overview of what the army is doing today. Ill sketch out the current operating environment, what our fiscal posture has looked like over the last five to six years and how this request supports the administrations and the Army Leaderships priorities. And then of course ill spend some time to provide a biapproach ration review of some of the details of the armys request. We are increasingly more and more active in worldwide operations across the globe. I would offer to you that the current pictorial on the slide before you not only represents some of the Current Operations where army forces are heavily engaged, but it should remind us all of the velocity of instability across the world and how this same pictorial will continue to change in the years to come. This observation alone makes it increasingly clear that the ability to simultaneously conduct Decisive Action, major combat operations while maintaining our counterinsurgency for the current fight represent the most demanding challenge that the army faces. Properly resourced and trained a ready army can perform successfully across this full spectrum of operations, but it must also continue to advance its capacity and capabilities for tomorrows conflicts. Today, Ground Forces remain the most globally committed u. S. Military force with more than 180,000 u. S. Army soldiers from the active component, the National Guard and the reserve committed to combatant command missions in over 140 countries worldwide. Americas soldiers directly contribute to our nations efforts to defeat isis, support governance in afghanistan and deter conflict throughout europe, asia and the middle east. This steady demand for trained and ready army units provides our nation with the ability to defeat adversaries, assure our allies and deter potential aggressors. While this chart depicts Current Operations where Americas Army is engaged, the next fight could represent an existential strategic challenge posed by peer powers. Some with nuclear capabilities, advanced technologies and large and more sophisticated militaries. While it is difficult to define with precision, the character of future warfare, its broad outlines can be anticipated. We should plan on all domains of warfare being contested. A technologically sophisticate and numerically superior enemy that initially possesses positional advantage. These anticipated attributes of future warfare demand a continued investment not only in current competencies but the future capacity and capabilities in order to protect Americas National security interests both today and tomorrow. Conducting Current Operations sustaining front readiness and making progress towards a more modern, cape i believe and lethal future army will require consistent funding year to year. The armys fy 18 requests takes important steps to improve readiness and close vulnerability gaps a future force ready to face the changing threats of tomorrow. Its valuable to start by looking at the armys budget over time. And providing a little commentary that may inform your views of the armys current funding request. As you can see clearly from the charts the armys base budget has been on the decline since 2012 while inflation during the same time period is averaged between 1 and 2 1 2 . The recently enacted 2017 defense appropriation act and fy18 request has an up kline and starts to arrest the armys readiness decline and sets the conditions for improving the current and future readiness of the force. The base budget represented on this chart and as you know is meant to man, train and equip the nations army has been significantly impacted by this budget control act. Fortunately the army has been able to maintain with the flexibility provided through two bipartisan budget agreements and the funding provided by our government. The market decrease in our base funding level over the past few years had forced the army to mortgage longterm investments for the benefit of nearterm readiness. Like wise, in oco not fully represented on this chart, as large Contingency Operations have become smaller, the arms budget has been reduced consistent with the requirements of the Contingency Operations we are supporting. As is clearly portrayed on this chart, the funding levels of the recently enacted 17 budget and 18 base request are consistent with the administrations goals of the future. With this fy 18 president s budget submission the following are some of the main highlights of our request first and foremost, the budget has been formulated to provide the combatant commands with the best trained and ready land forces that we can generate. To do that, we must fully fund the counterterrorism and counterinsurgency necessary for the current fight while also building Decisive Action capabilities for potential major combat operations consistent with the threats that some near pure nation states may pose. That requires the army to increase its global responsiveness capabilities and support regional engagements and Partnership Activities with our allies. The budget request further sustains a force of 1 million and 18,000 soldiers across the total army with realistic and specialized training and the best maintained equipment we can provide. We were able to focus some of our resources on the armys instillations and infrastructure needs to better support the operations and training of the force. With this budget, we are able to sustain the armys modernization programs and invest in programs to advance soldier and technological overmatch capabilities. We do all this while seeking to achieve the highest levels of accountability and stewardship to maximize the purchasing power of the armys budget. This budget and those that follow should provide the army the necessary resources to conduct Current Operations and improve current readiness and make progress towards a more modern, capable and lethal future army. Provided predictable and consistent funding is available in a timely manner and at a funding level commensurate with current and future demands on the force. The topical discussion that follows highlights both the priorities we use to formulate the budget and the components of this 2018 budget request to achief Senior Leader priorities and objectives to achieve the u. S. Armys ultimate goal of remaining the best led, equipped and most ready ground force in the world. The armys base budget request is 137. 2 billion and increase of almost 7 billion other the fy 17 enacted amount for the base. As you should observe with that margin of growth, there are notable increases in military pay, o m or operations and maintenance and infrastructure to support the larger end strength. This slide represents funding requirements for all three components of the army. The regular army, the National Guard and the army of reserve. And as a breakout in the aggregate across the major defense appropriations. Well talk about each appropriation in more detail and subsequent slides, however, i take this opportunity to point out at the aggregate level where much of the growth is represented. The 2017 National Defense authorization act reversed the previously planned in strength decline and authorized a total army in strength of 1 million 18,000 soldiers. A much i appreciated start that they have fully manned operation. The increase in the fy 18 request goes to covering the readiness requirements of the growth, both military pay and funding for training the force. Additionally, the army was able to leverage the growth to address reoccurring readiness short falls primarily in the o m funded operations in the areas of training and infrastructure. Only a small portion of the growth remained to apply to our future modernization accounts. I will walk you through the details in subsequent discussions. So ill start with our mail pers account. This is a clear picture of the instrength and how they remain stable. Many of you are aware that the u. S. Army instrength declined markedly in the past three years. The army accordingly had to reduce its four structures to avoid building a hollow army with the recently authorized increase to 1 million 18,000 level, the army has been able to increase personnel readiness, fill some holes in its formations and source some of the necessary structure changes. The fy 18 budget request maintains this increased instrength. The army will achieve this increase through enlisted officer recessions and attention. Funding associated with these necessary retention efforts is represented on the following slide. Military personnel for the largest portion of the armys base budget. Our request funds a multicomponent army of just over 1 million soldiers and covers pay, allowances, recruiting and retention incentives and man days for some training in the reserve components. Given our initial in strength ramp in fy 17 and subsequent reversal in full sustainment in 18 of the 1 million 18,000 force load, you can see that our request is a full 2. 8 billion higher than the fy 17 enacted amount. Both the armys increased strength and rate increases in our soldiers basic pay, Housing Allowance and subsistence account for this growth. I will now transition to the armys operations and maintenance appropriations. As i mentioned earlier, this is one area where we are requesting growth from the current years budget. Starting with the regular army, with 2018 budget request totals 38. 9 billion and seeks to resource a more balanced readiness across the force. This readiness is more than being prepared for current day Contingency Operations but includes readiness for Decisive Action missions with the capability to conduct major combat operations. This fuller spectrum of readiness is reflected in the armys 19 combat Training Center rotations for which we are seeking funding. These rotations are focussed on Decisive Action training for both regular army and reserve components. The armys request also provides for critical funding for regional engagement activities with our al lice and Strategic Partners for Training Missions such as pacific pathways of which some of you are familiar with. Many request will recover the sustainment of the armys equipment and represents a small increase in maintenance to help bring our equipment to a greater level of repair and by enhancing army stocks to improve global responsive capabilities. This request strongly supports base Operations Support requirements on the armys 74 major installations. Funding it at a 98 at 98 of the critical requirement. Fortunately we were also able to increase facility sustainment funding from 67 of the critical requirement of last year to 75 for this year. These funding levels are consistent across all three army components. While they represent an improvement over recent years we still assume risk across our instillations as a large amount of backlog maintenance still exist across the force. The armys 2018 budget request supports a 10. 2 billion dollar o m requirement for the army National Guard and the u. S. Army reserve. For the army National Guard, its 2018 o m request is also not only higher than its 2017 funding level, consistent with the regular army it seeks to restore readiness and base Operations Support as well as provide funding to continue supporting family and soldier programs that promote the well being of the armys most valuable asset, our people. For the u. S. Army reserve, their 2. 9 billion o m budget request supports brigades, its three instillations over 840 reserve centers and the professional education and specialized skills training for its 199,000 soldiers. Having spent a few minutes discussing army nearterm readiness and manning the force, lets now transition to army modernization. The armys fy 18 research, development and acquisition budget request of 26. 8 billion represents an increase of 600 million from the fy 17 enacted level. Thats an enacted level that includes a pretty sizable up tick because of the amendment that was recently included in the fy 17 appropriation act. However, i would say that the majority of this increase is more so in Research Development, testing and evaluation than it is in the procurement accounts as youll see. This budget request represents the modernization priorities we must pursue in order to advance Material Solutions and enable the army to address a broader range of potential threats. This request prioritizes the requirements necessary to deter and if required defeat peer adversaries. The army is accepting risk in developing of new capabilities in order to prioritize incremental upgrades of our ground and air systems so that with can put in the hands of our soldiers in the near term a greater and more lethal capability. In the upper right hand quadrant of the chart, youll see a list of the armys top ten modern prioritization priorities. Im going to break script here. This is a really important list here as i go through the remainder of this briefing youre going to see me kind of go in order here based upon these top ten priorities, but these are really important as you try to understand how we made some choices across our modernization portfolios. These were developed as a result of the strategic portfolio Analysis Review process to prioritize limited modernization funding in order to balance nearterm readiness requirements against longterm force development. We call this the spar. The spar process allows army leaders to review and address our most critical capability gaps in order to make informed decisions. In the next two charts, i will highlight how our budget requests supports these priorities. The lower right pie chart shows the armys 11th largest equipment portfolios. What i would ask you to take away from this is that the army requires a broad comprehensive set of the modernization efforts in order to successfully execute the diverse missions, the Combatant Commanders require. So let me transition to the procurement portion of our Research Development and acquisition or modernization portfolios. Our fy 18 request of 17. 4 billion is consistent with what we saw in 18, if not just slightly below that or 17, excuse me. As mentioned in the previous slide, in this budget request, the army has focussed its modernization efforts within the ten priority areas. These priors will ensure we allocate resources to sustain and upgrade the most important weapon systems, ammunitions and other critical equipment our units require for a near pure fight. I will now highlight i will now provide highlights for these ten priorities. Starting with air and Missile Defense. The air and Missile Defense and the long range fire represents the armys most urgent and pressing capability needs. Given the possibility of confronting a force but substantial antiaccess, the army needs to advance its short range air defense and long range fire capabilities. This budget request includes funding for several critical air and Missile Defense systems to include procurement and instillation of 131 patriot modification kits. And interim modernization plan. In the area of longrange fires to improve our ability to respond effectively to surface to surface fires for cannon and rocket artillery and missiles this budget request includes funding for three of the armys most critical fire system. The Service Life Extension of 121 expired missiles adding another ten years of service life to them. The procurement of 6,000 guided multiple launch rocket systems and the continued lowRate Initial Production of 93 Patriot Missile segment enhancements. The budget accounts for both the armys operational and training munitions requirements. Consistent with the efforts to increase our inventory of munitions in 2017, the 2018 request will help ensure the cape ability. Three years to highlight include the increased production of 88,000 hydro rockets. 480 rounds of war reserve inventory replenishment for the excalibur and modernization of ammunition Industrial Facilities to improve munition production, place depleted stocks and create capacity for increased future demand. For example the armys pursuing a multiyear effort to u improve the hol ston plant in tennessee to benefit all of the armed services. In the area of mobility, lethality and protection of our maneuver formations the army has developed a combat vehicle modernization strategy for the abrams, striker, bradley, armored multipurpose vehicle and the hol lit zer fleets. This includes upgrades to bradley and abrams and procurement 42 low Rate Initial Production amp fees. Initially for the pal let and integrated management system, full rate production of 59 sets comprised of the self propelled and tracked ammunition carrier. The request procures active protective systems for the abram tank for instillation of vehicles within or Armored Brigade Combat Team in europe. On todays battlefield, the army requires a greater ability to conduct Electronic Warfare. Against this near pure adversaries and requires Electronic Warfare capability at the brigade level and below. The armys need are funded however this request does include some other procurement funding to support the integration of the profit system on striker and m. Wrap vehicles. The army is committed to eliminating Network Infrastructure capability gaps within the next 24 months and will procure new systems when possible to support network modernization. Including the joint battle platforms and war fighter information tactical to enable more secure communications from company to core level. The budget request sustains the armys Aviation Portfolio capacity and capability to address nearterm threats and improve overall aircraft survivability by procuring 864s, 60s and 47 aircraft. With 864 apache, this requests 13 new builds and also funds provides advanced procurement of 48 Unmanned Aircraft. The u 860 will procure 48 Unmanned Aircraft and request for the chinook funding will provide two new f model rebuilds. Now let me transition to our Research Development testing and evaluation appropriation for the army, is requesting 9. 4 billion request and as you can see, thats about a billion dollars above what was enacted in fy 17. This enables the army to prioritize the incremental upgrade of existing systems over new starts so that we can put technologically advanced equipment and more lethal weaponry in the hands of soldiers sooner. The fy 18 request includes 2. 4 billion for science and technology funding, for weapons ammunition advanced technology, which will demonstration a mobile, high energy, laser system to defeat multiple threats at the tactical range. It will Fund Advances in combat vehicles and Automotive Technology which will inform the next generation of combat platforms and funds aviation advanced technological advancements. Turning towards engineering, manufacturing, Development Efforts here are some important focus areas within the top ten priorities that we described. In the area of integrated air and Missile Defense, again, our number one priority for air and Missile Defense for the Tactical Forces in a contested environment. Within the portfolio we are investing in the stinger Product Improvement Program, the Patriot Product Improvement Program to continue Software Improvements and the on going Risk Reduction tests limited user tests and upgrades to existing assets to support testing at White Sands Missile range in new mexico. To advance the armys longrange fire capability, wer investing funds to increase the range, volume of fire and the precisions and guidance of our cannon and missile and gps denied environment. This includes a next generation common low drag guided hyper velocity cannon artillery projectile cape i believe of multiple missions across different artillery systems. It includes a Product Improvement Program that focuses on safety, cost reductions, reliability, deficiency corrections, standardization and new improved operational capability. To improve mobility, lethality and protection of vehicles and weapon systems, we are pursuing Cost Effective replacements of obsolete vehicles. And improvements of proven platforms. These leading efforts in this area are prototyping and system level testing of the amp v. A Third Generation forwardlooking infrared and Ammunition Data link for advanced multiple purpose rounds of abrams tank and the bradley fighting tank vehicle, excuse me. Our commercial and military global positions systems are susceptible to jamming and spoofing. The army requires both stand alone and embedded capabilities to platform, communications, Weapons Systems and munitions to combat this threat and the assured positions navigation and timing can provide these capabilities. In the area of Electronic Warfare, i covered previously when i spoke about the procurement portion of our portfolio but in the area of Electronic Warfare and in response to the u. S. Army europes operational needs, we will provide Planning Capabilities to coordinate, manage and deconflict the use of electro magnetic speck strum and synchronized spectrum operations. The newly established Rapid Capabilities office is working with Program Managers and other stake holders to rapidly deliver and integrated Electronic Warfare capability to the Tactical Force and accelerate the development of the assured pnt capabilities as well to enable ground maneuver in a gpsdenied environment. Defensive Cyber Operations enables global, regional and local cyberspace defenders to conduct Mission Planning and protection measures. In the area of the cyber, centered on the persistence cyber training Environment Program that supports cyber training ranges for initial and unit level training proficiency and certification. In this final priority category of vertical lift, we are continuing to improve the turbine engine program, the chinook Product Improvement Program and the apache Product Improvement Program that continues the development of the 864 echo capability version 6 configuratio configurations. This chart lists programs valued at greater than 200 million that represent the armys Major Investments in the top ten modernization priorities with the requested procurement quantities for each. So i wont ill leave that for your study. But just wanted to give you an appreciation for some of the procurement quantities here. So, let me transition to our facilities. One of the keys to readiness is instillation readiness and investing in the armys infrastructure. I discussed previously in the o m portion of the briefing the armys investment in the restoration of modernization of its existing facilities. The armys new construction continues to be funded at a comparatively low level although markedly more than last year. As you can see there is growth in the fy 18 level compared to fy 16 and 17, but it is still one of the smallest budgets in recent years as the army will fund 37 Construction Projects totaling 1. 2 billion with this request. In the Army Family Housing account which totals 529 million, there is some growth primarily to support an additional six projects totalling 183 million at various locations. Lastly the armys fy 18 brak funding supports environmental cleanup, restoration and conveyance excess properties at previous brak locations. Within the armys budget request, several riernequiremen that are managed and funded separately. This request includes 71 million for the Arlington National cemetery. This goes to funding its day to day operations and 29 restoration modernization projects for the Arlington National cemetery. The armys also requesting 962 million for the congressionally mandated chemical demilitarization program, fy 18 funds support continued plan operations in pueblo, colorado, and bluegrass, kentucky. As many of you are aware, the army has been managing large oversea contingency budgets since 2001. This has been an account that ebbed and flowed, its Contingency Operations expand and contracted over time. The 2018 budget request represents requirements in military personnel, operations and maintenance, and Research Development and acquisition. This years multicomponent request totals 28. 9 billion dollars. The 2018 request supports operations freedom sentinel and the oar. Operation inherent resolve in iraq. The European Reassurance Initiative in europe. Request also includes 4. 9 billion for the Afghan Security force fund. And 1. 8 billion for the counterisil train, equip requirements. This is a fund that now replaces both the iraq and the syria training equip fund. The 2. 9 billion portion of this request primarily supports mobilized reserve component soldiers and maintains the current in strength levels in afghanistan and iraq. So i know there was some discussion in the previous with mr. Roth and general up here, right now this request just covers what is currently authorizing we have in theater. The operations and mants innocence portion represents almost two thirds of the armys request and supports Theater Operations and support, transportation, force protection, support contracts, mobilization requirements and resetting of equipment, returning from theater. Any smaller portion of the request in our procurement accounts is for replacement of battle losses, ammunition consumption and preposition stocks in europe. In support of eri. So i would like to take a moment because eris become such a pretty sizable portion of the oco request, so i provide you pictorial there, but this 18 request represents about 3. 2 billion to continue investing in the European Reassurance Initiative, of course, demonstrating United Statess resolve and commitment to the territorial integrity of the 28 nato member nations. The request excuse me the request increases armys presence in europe by rotating a full armor brigade combat team, combat afuation and key supporting enablers. Additionally the army is enhancing european posture by continuing preposition equipping efforts that were started in fy 17 to eventually achieve an end state of Division Headquarters and key enable equipment sets. These prepositioned equipment sets increased the armys strategic mobility and reduce u. S. Response time in the event of a contingency operation. The army is also resourcing additional european training exercises aimed at demonstrating u. S. Capabilities to deploy combat power to europe on short notice and seamless operational capabilities with our nato partners. As you can see from this request, the budget addresses a vast complexity of requirements needed to restore and rebuild Americas Army for today and tomorrows missions. It represents the balance between the size of the force the current readiness requirements and the necessary investment in modernization to ensure our army remains the premier ground force of the future, cape able of protecting the National Security interests of our country. Ladies and gentlemen, your armys fy 18 request seeks to satisfy the objectives and the themes laid out previously in this briefing and restated on this final slide. Thank you for your attention. And i welcome your questions at this time. Yes, sir. Got them. Yes, sir. You mentioned youre moving kind of towards updating legacy platforms from a way from new starts. Is that the ground mobility vehicle and mobile protected fire power vehicles . Last year were new starts that were supposed i guess priorities for infinity brigades. Are those going down . Theyre not gone. Theyre not a new start for this year. There is some funding for those. Sounds like youre focussing a bit on at least the things you mentioned updating armor brigades as opposed to anything else. Is that fair . Well, its consistent with, you know, not just min taning the counterterrorism and the counterinsurgency competencies that we have, but we really need to have a more robust capability for a major force on force combat operation with near peer competitors and those that have pretty sizable armor formations. Yes maam. Thank you, general. Aviation programs, theres a little bit of a cut in a few of the programs. Was that necessary to fund the other priorities, like air defense and munitions . So, youre absolutely right. There was a balance and a balance that was meant to satisfy priority order those top ten priorities. So, you know, our Aviation Portfolio is one of the biggest of our entire modernization program. I think it accounts for about 25 . So, yes, when we were balancing between all of these the complexity of all these different priorities, so, there was certainly a couple of things there that we chose to fund as opposed to more aviation capabilities. What are the priorities in general . I know that the leadership always says that the size of the force is not as important as how trained and how well trained and equipped they are. So at what point do you have to stop growing the size of the army to be able to get the resources to train and equip the forces . So, i would tell you you should ask that question probably after we complete the strategic readiness review thats on going. I believe well have some better information what the true size of the force needs to be once we complete that and i understand that will be probably later in the summer when we actually have that. Yes, sir. Ill get everybody. I promise. Yes, sir. Where does the readiness money at this point get you to where to fulfill your needs . You know, i mean, obviously this readiness is not been a motif through this, its not a oneyear thing. So where does this get you to . Could more money get you somewhere else . Or is this what you can just do in a year . So, more money could do better for us. However, i would tell you its not just money. Its time. So it takes a lot of time too. Readiness is very much an accumulative dynamic, right . What we more need than anything else is to have the consistent funding from year to year at a level that is consistent with the readiness were trying to achieve. Right now if we continue to perpetuate this funding level over a continuum of time, well be able to achieve the level of readiness that were trying to get to by 2021, 22 time frame. Sir . Yes, dan parsons with defense daily. If your goal is to increase the armor capabilities of your brigades for a peer on peer fight, why the reduction in abrams mods from 16 to 20 . Is that because of availability of platforms . Or is that a true reduction . So, ill have to get back to you. But ill have to get back to you on that specific answer. Okay . Yes maam . I wanted to ask you about the total dollar amount might be for funding the two Security Force Assistance Brigades that are mentioned. I saw a line item that mentioned 848 million for combat and command support. I wonder if that might be it or where to find so thats not it. So these two are listed little over 1,000 people, so basically when you talk about an s fab brigade or two of them, youre basically just talking about the pay and entitlements of the individuals. Theres not a sizable amount of equipping or anything associated with building those s fabs right now. Do you have the total dollar amount . I do. I had it with me earlier today. Ill get it for you at the end of this briefing. Is there a plan in the potential to create more of these brigades or do you know yet . So, we had a lot of dialogue about that. I will tell you that i think once again we need to wait until the department of defense finishes its strategic readiness review before we can talk about anything beyond whats actually in the fy 18 budget request right now. Just a quick point of clarification. You had said that the iraq train and equip fund was zeroed out basically moved to counterisil training fund. Yeah, both that and the syria train and equip fund. Thats now lumped as one . Its all lumped into one. Yes, sir. Hi. The la cota attracts 100 million or so in the procurement budget. Are you able to say how many aircraft that buys . And maybe what the armys strategy is Going Forward for that Utility Helicopter Program . I can get you the exact number. The number 19 comes to mind, but im not dont take that as a bona fide certainty right now. What about the original requirement that the army originally had, so youre continuing to buy la cotas Going Forward . I think there is a move to buy more than we initially projected to acquire. Courtney had a question . Yes. Im just wondering what the rational is, bradley mod funding is there along with substantial share of the upgrades and so on. So, because our primary focus is for the brads and the abrams there in europe and building out the two aps abcts, so putting it there is probably the right place to put it because its going initially applied to those fleets. So those will be applied to aps in europe for europe . As opposed to going into units . So, i think it initially, yes, it will go towards the abcts there in europe. Ill get you probably need to look a little deeper into that before to give you a more complete answer, but right now i know thats where the priority is. So this will be your last question. Okay. Yes, sir. Could you talk a little bit about what was the bill whats the 18 budget to grow . The congress directed to grow by 50,000, i guess. 26. Whats the bill this year . And whats the bill in the fib . Dollar for dollar i mean, how much more does the army have to get to sustain the growth in this year . So to grow the army from as youre well aware, we were in a pretty well, we were going down to 450, 476 and so right now fully burden cost were projected to be about 2. 8 billion for the entire 26,000 that youre referring to. That includes the training money, the instillation support and the that was what we costed that out to be. And is that going to be annually then . So, obviously well have to have an increased or a funding level commensurate with that growth in the continued years. So, i dont see it wont grow more, but it will certainly to sustain that level we have to have that increased amount of money. Thats the bill Going Forward that youre going to have to keep youre going to have to pay for in the budget in the future year budgets that roughly 2. 8 billion. Yes. Thats a lot. On the ampv, is the plan to accelerate about 65 of those to europe as part of the european . Yeah, there is an acceleration component in this request for 18. I dont know if its exactly 65, but i think you got the number right. Can you say from x from 22 to 2019 or what the acceleration is . So let me double check. I think it was a oneyear acceleration increment, but let me double check on that for you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. If you have followup questions, please see mr. Wayne hall and he will work those to get back to general horlander. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. Former fbi director james comey makes his first congressional appearance since being fired when he testifies before the Senate Intelligence committee on thursday. You can watch live coverage of the hearing on cspan 3. In march, then director comey testified before the house Intelligence Committee about the investigation into russias influence on the u. S. President ial election. Here is one of the exchanges. It wasnt simply that the russians had a negative preference against secretary clinton. They had a positive preference for donald trump. Isnt that correct . Correct. And i want to ask you to say whether this is an accurate characterization of mr. Trump. I wont put you in that spot. But would it be logical for the kremlin to prefer a candidate that disparage nato to be president of the United States . Youre not going to put me in that spot, you said . Yes. Im happy with that. Im not going to put you in the spot of answering whether this is an accurate characterization of the mr. Trumps views, but it would be logical for the kremlin to want somebody who had a dim view of nato, is that right . All kidding aside, i dont think thats something i should be answering. Thats beyond my responsibilities. Well, what is the russian view of nato . Do they like nato . Do they want to see nato strong . Again, im sure you have already spoken to salespeople who are greater experts than i, but yeah they dont like nato. They think nato encircles them and threatens them. And would they have a preference for a candidate that expressed an openness to repelling the sanctions over ukraine . Again, i dont want to get into business of commenting on that. Then let me ask you this way, director, would they like to see the sanctions on ukraine go away . Yes. Would they have a preference for a candidate who expressed open admiration for putin . I hope youll reformulate the question, mr. Putin would like people who like him. Would they have a preference for a candidate who encouraged brexit and other departures from europe . Would they like to see more brexits . Yes. And have the russians in europe demonstrated a preference for Business People as political leaders with the hope that they can entangle them in financial interests or that they may allow their financial interests to take precedence over the interests of the countrys in europe they represent . In our joint report, we recount that the russians that president putin has expressed a preference for Business Leaders in leading other governmentings and mentions Gerhart Schroeder and im going to forget one, berly skoeny because he believes they are people that are more open to negotiation, easier to deal with. President trump fire olympiad comey last month. The former fbi director will testify thursday before the Senate Intelligence committee. Investigating russian activities during last years election. Well have live coverage here on cspan 3 of the open hearing at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. You can also watch live online at cspan. Org or listen live using the free cspan radio app for apple and android devices. Sunday night on afterwards, new America President and ceo ann marie slaughter examines global networking in the digital age in her book the chess board and the web. Strategies of connection in a networked world. Ms. Slaughter is interviewed by dennis mcdonough, former white house chief of staff in the Obama Administration from 2013 to 2016. What would strike me was that we knew there was a world of states and state threats, today if you think about north korea or iran or sometimes china and russia, that world of state to state relations is still very, very important and i think of it as the chessboard world because its the world of how do we essentially beat our adversaries. And we think about a move and we try to anticipate what move theyre going to make. And that world is there and its very important, but equally important is what i call the world of the web. That world of criminal networks, including terrorists but also arms traffickers and drug traffickers. The world of business, which increasingly big Network Supply chains, Global Corporations and the world of nongovernmental os. I think of all those actors as web actors, as increasingly important actors, but we dont have strategies for how to bring them together. Watch afterwards sunday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2s book tv. Next, a 2018 budget request for the navy. The Deputy Assistant Navy Secretary took reporters questions as Congress Makes its way through the budget process. This is about 40 minutes. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the next brief. We are admiral brian luther is the director of the department of the navys fl

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