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That summer and in the midst of this were electing adams versus jefferson, but theyve learned their lesson. They say well run two guys but you cant specify which is which. So when jefferson wins the election he ties his own Vice President candidate and of course burr and jefferson being tied means by the constitution the election goes to the house of representatives so the first thing we do in our new capitol is basically the house of representatives has to elect the new president and they have to vote more than 30 times before the tie can be broken so now youre saying okay. Weve learned our lesson, lets fix it. So the 12th amendment comes along to straighten out the way of electing a president. But you look back to these early days and theyre managing to find out what doesnt work which isnt much and find out that most of that constitution does, and so were able to today look at that room thats much smaller than the senate today but the senators who sat here, pretty much do the same things as the senators in washington today. American history tv airs on cspan every weekend telling the american story through visits to historic locations. American history tv is in prime time to introduces you to programs you could see every weekend on cspan 3. Our features include lectures in history, visits to College Classrooms to hear lectures by top history professors. Take a look at the treasures at Historic Sites and museums. Reel america, revealing the 20th century through films and newsreels. The civil war where you hear about the people who shape the civil war and reconstruction. And the presidency focuses on u. S. President s and first ladies. To learn about their policies and legacies. All this month in prime time and every weekend on American History tv on cspan 3. Thursday marks the 100th anniversary of the park service. Well be live in Arlington National cemetery for an event on the centennial and to look at the projects they are working on. Thats at 7 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan 3s American History tv. Next on American History tvs reel america, from 1939, a nationwide system of parks, the 16minute interior Department Film profiles the civilian concentration corps and work that was being done to develop state and National Parks during the great depression. In 1933, the chief concern of the American Government was to break the back of a bad depression. Among the conditions to be remedied were two president roosevelt recognized at once. Employment for hundreds of thousands of young men and war veterans was imperative. Soil erosion had shown the necessity of the immediate restoration, conservation and further development of the countrys Natural Resources. As one solution for both problems, the organization and work of the civilian conservation corps was undertaken. And in two years through this unique plan, both problems were well on their way towards solution as great aids to economic recovery. The saving of Natural Resources was conservation pure and simple. One important phase of the development of these resources was more than that. It was the making of a nationwide system of recreational areas, small or more numerous state parks closer to the people, more easily accessible for their use, supplementing the magnificent National Parks. Conservation work in all its many phases is being done in these state park areas from one end of the country to the other. Better facilities for forest Fire Fighting are being provided through the building of truck trails, fire lanes and observation towers and the stringing of communication lines. Speed is imperative in forest fires roads to reach the scene of action. Dead trees and tangled dry undergrowth are being cleared from the forest where necessary to prevent the starting of fires. An aggressive war is being waged on the insects which slowly but surely are destroying Natural Beauty in our wide open spaces. Tent caterpillars are a menace to our forest plans. And beautiful meadows and fields are constantly being stripped of their vegetation unless the hungry grasshoppers are fed poison bran. The value of modern tree surgery in saving our forests in special situations is being liberally tested. Planting is another important conservation measure. Seedlings literally in the millions are being set out to replace trees ruthlessly destroyed. Shrubbery is being planted on slopes and hillsides to stop soil erosion. More spectacular is the moving of matured trees for landscaping purposes. There is a world of power in this mighty movement, men and machinery, old dobbin and even his more picturesque brethren. The restoration program, which is an important part of the Park Development plan, represents another form of conservation. Historic events in the life of the nation are still marked by an old fort year and old mansion there and other material evidence is associated with things of importance that have happened. Restoration work is saving or conserving more vividly than would be possible than in any other way general knowledge of these events. Historic parks have great spiritual and patriotic recreational value. Old Fort Frederick is being restored as a center of attraction in one of marylands state parks. It is a most interesting veteran of three wars. The french and indian, the war for independence, and the war between the states. On bold banks near morehead city, north carolina, the civilian conservation corps is doing another job of repairing the ravages of time. At fort mikan, the sea and wind have been destroying one of the early masterpieces of fortification. On this site for 200 years, forts of one kind or another protected this Strategic Point from invasion from the sea. The present fort required 12 years to build. When completed, sometime after 1824, it was considered the last word in Coastal Defense and cost the then amazing sum of 463,700. An active commission during the war between the states, it was seized by the confederates in 1861 and recaptured by the union forces the following year. The walls are of brick and mortar, four feet thick, and theyre rock solid after more than 100 years. Arches, garrison rooms and ammunition magazines test the artisanship of the original builders. The civilian conservation corps under National Park Service Direction is restoring many details of the old fort. Here as in all National Park service work of this character, Exhaustive Research is done to ensure that the restoration is accurate and authentic. Not only the fort, but all the immediate surrounding property is being improved to make it more accessible and interesting to the thousands who visit it each year. An interesting state park in georgia surrounds the one time home of alexander stevens, Vice President of the confederacy. Long ago the memory of this outstanding southern statesman was honored by the erection of a statue on his state. Now the mansion with the slave quarters and outbuildings is being restored and the grounds are being made more attractive to visitors. Strict attention is being paid to details, reproductions of the hardware used are being made by conservation corps enrollees under skilled direction. Along georgias subtropical coast are many memories of a spanish civilization which mark this part of the world a century before jamestown. On the banks of the canal between savanna and brunswick, Santo Domingo state park is being developed with crumbling oyster shell walls as a center of interest. The National Park service painstaking investigation of the history of these beautiful and interesting old ruins is still in progress. Here is the first town in ohio being restored. Beautiful spring near New Philadelphia was founded in 1772, abandoned in 1777 and the site rediscovered many years later. The governments Rehabilitation Program is transferring citizens from localities in which they have been finding it difficult to make a living into more desirable surroundings. It is most vivid illustration is in the case of farmers whose lands have been destroyed by soil erosion and one crop farming. This program is pertinent to the park plan because much of the nonproductive land being abandoned is being transformed into parks and recreational areas. In the functioning of the civilian conservation corps plan, however, there is another and even more interesting form of rehabilitation. Among hundreds of thousands of young men and war veterans enrolled, there have been many unable to read or write. Others whose schooling has been interrupted were found to be slipping in the matter of education and morale. Important job of mentally rehabilitating this extremely valuable Cross Section has been entrusted to the office of Education Department to the interior. Competent instructors and conservation corps camps conduct classes in many of the educational branches. The boys are given the opportunity to go to school just as they might have done years ago. In addition, there are many practical manual training courses intended to prepare the enrollees for happier and more immune tiff work when association with the corps has ended. Many of the conservation corps camps communicate with each other over short wave radio sets for both transmission and reception which the boys themselves have made. Through the enrollees welcome these opportunities, well a field report not long ago disclosed in a single conservation corps camp within a single month, five enrollees in their joy of knowing for the first time how to use them spent a big share of their 5 cash allowances for fountain pens. Chipmunks, squirrels and all the other Little Brothers of the forest which we expect to see in our journalese outdoors have a very definite place in natures scheme of saving and rebuilding. Without them, there could be no real conservation. All too few of us are concerned about the rapidly progressing extinction of wildlife in the United States. We may know of the spectacular passing of the buffalos from our western plains, where they once provided a fresh meat supply so essential to the accomplishments of our pioneering forefathers, but we do not know that the extinction of the buffalos and little chipmunks, squirrels, beavers, skunks and snakes most maligned of all wild creatures has for a long time been making even our present day lives more difficult to live. This without mentioning the truly Heroic Service many of our native birds perform in checking the crop destroying insects. The preservation of wildlife is an important part of state park planning. In many of the conservation corps camps, great friendships have been developed between the boys and the native ofs of the areas. In the conservation Corps Development of state parks has found the perfect blending of conservation and recreation. Besides protecting and saving land and timber and wildlife, this phase of the program developed recreation areas for people who have not had them before. Many kinds of work are required to develop this recreation plan. Hundreds of dams will make lakes and regions where large natural bodies of water are unknown. Hiking and bridal trails wind through the parks. Each of these trails being constructed by the conservation corps and state parks in 42 states is carefully placed by expert park manners so the natural growth of the area will be harmed as little as possible and yet so points of interest can be reached. Splendid views few men have seen because the peaks were inaccessible now open up as the trails lead hikers to the mountaintops. Racing brooks and deep streams are spanned by rustic bridges of good design. Theyre built by Skilled Labor and conservation corps enrollees according to plans of graduate engineers and architects. Though thousands gather in the s according to architects. Those thousands gather in the parks to enjoy the new recreational facilities, the parking problem is no problem. Adequate spaces have been provided. Camping is encouraged, and every outdoor convenience is furnished. Open stoves and picnic tables are spotted through the areas. These, too, are built under the direction of Skilled Laborerors and expert designers. Any health menaces that might exist are obliterated by the construction of complete water and Waste Disposal systems to serve all developed areas. State Park Conservation Board Companies govern through all the seasons. These snug cabins in the state park in colorado are going up despite the winter snow. This one stands on the banks of the pedestrian stoll, one of south carolinas lovelyiest low country streams. In some sections, notably the southwest, Park Development runs more strongly than elsewhere to building operations. In a country as large as america, the characteristics of the various regions differ widely. Indeed, in these differences its found the nations charm. There are mountainous areas covered with fresh green trees and dripping with clear cold streams. In other sections are vast ranges and still elsewhere are the lowlands that stretch down to the sea. The natural features of the state parks vary with the regions in which they are located. In each section there is a different recreational appeal. It follows then that a Parks Development plan generally conform to the features and requirements of the surrounding country in order that the park may best serve the peculiar recreational needs of the people in it is particular locality. In texas where nature takes on a rough magnificence, many of the land is stone. This recognition and further development of the architecture, typical of the history and natural characteristics of the country is important. In Emergency Conservation work. Building trails, gutting flower lanes, and protecting and improving timber and land make the conservation work program essentially one requiring well directed mass manpower, but on the construction project Skilled Labor is necessary. Carpente carpenters, brick layers are hired within the community in which the camp is located. These men work on the park jobs with the conservation corps boys. The tools for splitting the blocks are ingenius as well as plans devised to hold the shingles during the finishing process. And almost every camp is its own village blacksmith using his still useful trade. So it is all these factors joining forces in this unique phase of the roer program. A federal aid project to save and enjoy a country, to keep nature unsullied and unspoiled wherever possible as the healing retreat from the increasing difficulties of modern life. The National Park service of the United States dew point of interior. Each week American History tv, americas artifacts visits museums and historic places. Next, we travel 15 miles northwest of washington d. C. To Great Falls Tavern Visitors Center where well take a boat ride to learn about the history of the chesapeake and ohio canal. I would like to introduce myself. My name is cassandra, and i am a seasonal park ranger here at the chesapeake and ohio canal. I think were going to cast off here shortly, but well go ahead and start and give you a brief history here on the canal. All right . It is called the chesapeake in ohio canal, but definitely doesnt reach the Chesapeake Bay or it doesnt go all the way up to the ohio river, which is our intention of the canal when we first started building it here in july 4th of 1828. We wanted to try to connect the Eastern Shore with what was considered the west back then. The west was up in ohio, pennsylvania, that area. We wanted to connect pittsburgh to the Chesapeake Bay, and so we started going on this canal. We tried earlier. It was George Washingtons dream to actually use the Potomac River and transport goods. Back then it was seen as a very reasonable thing to do, so he nt

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