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Were starting more than 10 minutes into the 40 minute speech because of technical problems. [applause] rank first in Mountain Region for Workforce Development and third for new business startups activity so despite the a most difficult budget year in my time in office it is forward looking. The Capital Construction project with renovating and modernizing the facility is like the one Holding State hospital and Resource Center and veterans home. Groundbreaking at the High Altitude Performance Center in Research Building last fall. The groundbreaking last spring. At the university of wyoming reopen base them facility march 2016 and the Research Facility is opening soon. We have had an Incredible Opportunity with the wealth created by many businesses and we are grateful for so many partnerships. That we have with the arapaho tribes have partners and friends to each other of afford to continue good relations. Tribal liaises here today leslie has kindly agreed to continue as a liaison in the informal capacity until a new person is chosen. That strengthens the thais and improve communication. If the tribal members would stay and we would welcome you to the state of the state. [applause] none of the prosperity we have enjoyed before only realized without the safety and security provided by Law Enforcement and first responders. What we have seen nationally is a broad brush and they are vilified. We dont do that we are extremely proud of lawenforcement and first responders. Also to thank them for their incredible work that they do [applause] we know firsthand we would not have that without the men and women serving in the guard to help the global war on terrorism with Flood Control and storm damage. Last year the evacuation emissions from afghanistan help to fight wildfires in idaho and sandbags and saratoga and stopping a wildfire in the Big Horn Mountains from becoming bigger that is what they did in one year. We are grateful for your service and oldguard members please stand to recognize. [applause] it is great to have you here. As we celebrate the guard members we are grateful for all military members for this to serve the veterans seven announced for to distinguished veterans to be here with us. The vice chairman to wyoming Veterans Commission and director both unfortunately indicated they will be read tyring early 2017. These waling natives and graduate university of wyoming in 1967 went to vietnam as the upper Infantry Battalion his list the military decorations included the distinguished service cross, a soldiers medal, superstar, a bronze star a silver star and two purple hearts in the vietnamese cross of gallantry. Nominated for the nations highest award, the medal of honor he returned from vietnam with the highly decorated vet instrumental to help reshape the Veterans Commission. And his leadership in schurz that the work is professional and relevant to previously served with day quest of life after death has been used by countless people and their families to understand how to adjust to life after combat. To beat both of the cadet of 1975 in r. O. T. C. His Service Bands more than 40 steers clear negative 40 years and then was selected for active guarded reserve program with a whale being argued be guarded and retired in 2000 and was recalled to active duty as the army guard chief of staff responsible for security in augmentation at the airports following 9 11 attacks. He retired again in 2004 and since then has worked tirelessly with the services and programs for veterans. In my budget message i a discuss the tuition waiver that suffered from the session cut year in the interim i move to many money as a shortterm fix. I favor a longterm commitment to those who do leave the guard with the promise of Tuition Assistance was in place also looking for support for new recruits. I hope you will consider the sanders matters and our state and all of those who work with the commission will miss them. We are better places because of men like them. And to step up and keep serving in a civilian capacity. With the house standing work of the wyoming legislature is recognized as one of the best dates for veterans to retire. We could not thank you if you enough for all the Service Provided to state and country please stand so we can recognize both of you. [applause] [applause] spending again and wyoming we are enriched in and read note to remain strong we need the university of wyoming to be great that starts with great leadership and we have the great leader as the 26 president started may 2016 then came at a challenging time as a University President littleknown the budget cuts and is great to have her at the helm. To strengthen the reputation we are proud of the Academic Research and achievement speaking of which have about the Cowboys Football Team . [applause] they gave us some great memories and thanks for your leadership that a critical time for thanks for being here today please stay and so we can recognize you and the university of wyoming. We are keeping that competitive is specially during the time of constrained revenue walker the the first to promote and diversified the economy we are now and shall be at a prague at state to put food on the table and open spaces we have Great Respect for the Second Amendment and when you combine these assets together a part of the history and heritage we want to keep these traditions alive and share enjoyment so i announce a new initiative of the public shooting range including with the state parks with the recreation taskforce in december providing recommendations on how to further expand the growing outdoor industry. And then the orthopedics going gangbusters and then as it continues to grow to manufacture handguns and other firearms and excess series. Recently selected by the United States marines as exclusive supplier of combat use isnt that good to supply the u. S. Marines . [applause] while there were doubters now more than ever with the robust firearms industry looking at the Technology Sector global broad band with the natural and vintages and technology continues to either merge we truly believe it to be the fourth floor just andrea must continue to build upon it. Last spring with more than three quarters of the strategy complete with those 11 new initiatives. With the endangered species act passed 1973 all the species listed just over 1 have been delisted. And then to change the dangerous species act. As you are aware of to have the same politics as a wyoming. We have put together a proposal and i am pleased to say june of last year and unanimously of the endangered species act through the National Association it is time to make improvements to the endangered species act. [applause] to continue with the strategy and day appreciate the strategy which has helped with the implementation and in terms of production. Guest to be energy in terms of innovation. Car Bin Initiative means investing in technology and innovation and this is part of the effort. It has now put together a 10 million prize is to figure out how to capture that co2 with a useful product. And around the country and the governor of montana is asking his legislature to participate and companies are coming to wyoming it is very exciting and very important to have that innovation in wyoming. But it is also part of the carbon initiative. And then to provide the seed money with Industrial Park project. Not only the industry but fostering diversification with coal. And i hope you consider the bill of further implementation that we are proud wyoming is an energy state. In 2016 to implement that when the state water strategy issued two years ago one of those initiatives is the project that seeks to build 10 New Reservoir is in 10 years. That is a vicious but we have come along way and the omnibus water bill being considered this session has for of the ted and out of 10 projects and those creek from Big Horn County and also bighorn county. They are funded separately from Government Operations with me in sitcoms from the of bonner fees that has accumulated and has the funding available. To have 31,000 acres of the most most precious Natural Resources that is water that is key to Development Industry made a priority. In 2016 the executive branch would streamline our rules to put Public Record request. To have all agencies reduce their role by 30 percent. Prayer spending less from fiscal year 2011 and in wyoming will be careful with the budget we can never forget the encounters of dollars and to be sure we must be aware of the inmate population, a disabled and the health care were providing not providing may think of our family is in the nextgeneration in sponsoring the symposium is important to talk about suicide in ways to reduce suicide. And we need to look for ways and this is now the annual symposium. And this is a longterm planning effort standing for economically needed diversification opera options for wyoming. To work for Economic Diversification but as the state would need a plan that goes beyond one governors time an office. We do not diversified but the increasing opportunities the wheat diversified we must look at that diversification back and that broad based fair tax structure are required to stabilize our revenue. But equally important when we need to diversify to young people provide more options to young people as many reasons as possible to say yes back as we can for cars will look at the population with any given time period we news 60 between the age group of 18 and 25. The future will never be as bright as it can be if we dont do all that we can to keep them home in wyoming. [applause] the energy bust and that revenue fallout reminds us why that initiative is imperative. A want to thank the president and the speaker for their leadership to move forward. In december we got great news the National Park Service Completed the purchase of the 460 either flat of trust land in the grand teton National Park. 23 million gain from the federal government and 23 million came from over 5,000 private donations to the foundation. To all the donors have made this happen in the course we remember the late senator thomas got the ball rolling on this. [applause] natalie is this good news for that but also Education Funding that has then deposited the was generating no revenue we were getting 0. Now in the trust fund after varying it is expected 1 million annually. And with those assets held by the federal government in the state of wyoming has a 640acre parcel in the park valued at 46 million we are making money on that partial to bring a whopping 2,000 per year. With the direct sale december 31st, 2016 to have the authority to have the options to the highest bidder. The authorization to the National Park service and this is something ask you to consider. And we accomplished a lot and 2016 will make remain strong and this a big achievement keeping the states strong there is a lot of credit to go around certainly the legislature the university of wyoming and community ecologists and dozens said before the people are wyomings greatest asset. To recognize they are an example of people to contribute to our state strength. Now my turn to the budget. To implement the 250 million of cuts. The executive branch operating budget, which was 2. 9 billion in 2010 is now a little over 2. 5 billion. Its down, not up. This reflected conservative, disciplined budget, the type of budgeting wyoming is known for. Tate government has shrunk, it has not grown the legislature vetted for 67. 7 million in chits know you found difficult to make. I made three and a half timed that amount of cuts in june, which, too, was very difficult. The belt tightening begun in 2013 has continue and i make only five general Fund Requests of you this session. 5 million for local governments. We have to continue to support our local governments. 2. 5 million for endow which i have spoken about. 500,000 decide of w Science Initiative. 160,000 for tribal liaisons. These are onetime items. Automatic though the endo you initiative is envisioned for 20 years, and i hope it will continue to be funned beyond this budget cycle. My general fund sum yamal budget requests total just over 8. 6 million. And the funds are available. For new legislators to put it in perspective, supplemental budgets in recent history hey exceeded 300 million. My budget message complained the importance for these requests but today, for example, ill talk about one of them next uw Science Initiative. He have been investing in Stem University of wyoming. The assetters are critical. We need to invest in the Science Initiative, thus the supplemental request. Bus we value education and this legislature valued education so strongly every year highlighted the great talent of our teamers by recognizing the teacher of the year. This year we recognize ryan fuhrman himself grew up in casper and graded magna cum laude da. He started teaching in wyoming in 2008 and has taught signs at sheridan journal high since 2012. In addition to teaching science he is a vex robotic distributor, a camp systemic counselor, and organizer, science kid board member, and assistant basketball coach. Continued commitment to the Science Initiative uw will help prepare more science teachers like brian. Were very proud of you. Please stand so we me a recognize your extraordinary work as a teacher. [cheers and applause] we know as we consider the difficult work ahead on education that we not only have Great Teachers and great school districts, we always in wyoming have great, great students. Logan jenson is a junior at university of wyoming. I met logan when he was at boys state and i spent a day with him. Logan is double majoring in physics physics physics and aastronomy the university of wyoming. Didnt know that it was possible. Im not sure its legal. This is amazing help has taken advantage of almost all wyoming offers as undergraduate. He went fact to the infrared telescope, learning to operate a major scientific facility and acquiring the stills to analyze digital images. As a sophomore he led study the observe observatoriy site and will participate in the next solar eclipse, and wyoming is the police for a total eclipse. This is a big deal and i 1 2 my notes, in your own words, make sure Everybody Knows how valuable this is to tourism. Its a big deal. August 21. He also serves as a counselor to junior high youth tell exxonmobil science camp at uw. Done as a junior what many ph. D students would long to do. He is a bushry of uw Science Initiative. We want to encourage more students like logan to take advantage of the Science Initiative. Logan, please stand. Congratulations on the extraordinary work you have already done. [applause] in this supplemental budget youre i requested contingent Fund Offering 21 million for title 225 services, 19. 2 million to address the wyoming state penitentiary. This fundings comes from the lsra and i request the legislature cover Capitol Construction costs for the pen penitentiary. Whether you want to do bonding or take it out of savings it not go away with addressing the funding. It anyones to stay in rawlins and i believe we need to be prepare to whether it is a fix or rebuild, we need to have that dressed this session, including where the funding would come from. My Budget Proposal is bare bones and balanced. We have nearly 1. 6 billion in the Rainy Day Fund. It appears without a diversion that ive asked for, from all of you, the Rainy Day Fund will grow this session. But the hard message for the people of wyoming is we have made in excess of 300 million cuts since last session and would continue to grow the Rainy Day Fund and goes again to question, what is the Rainy Day Fund for . And what are we going to use it for . I have asked for some of that money to be diverted for my budget and to not grow the Rainy Day Fund during a time when it is raining. Now, think, and i know many of you do, think about the General Fund Budget as a separate budget from education brought. The fungs program can fund k through 12 School Operations through this i buy anum but bash buy anum. The shortfall is expect projected to be 1. 5 billion in the next six year. Scialfa silts must be underred because out not included in 1. 5 billion itch asked now as ive asked before we Work Together to discuss solutions that include the public, teachers, school boards, and patient parents parent necessary the custom we recognize one week to submit comments to the body regarding the september 28inch very thoughtle Education Funding white paper is not enough. Believe just short of 600 comments in about a week were provided. We have to make tough decisions this session, but to solve the issue completely, we need to have a broader public discussion. Many Public Comments we received in one week underscore the need nor publics participation on this issue. Starting the discussion on this occasion, i point out that the wonderful report the superintendent just rated 7th 7th best in the country. The other circumstance are on the other six are on the east coast. We are proud of that and want to be proud how we support education. By any measure wyoming has placed the highest value on education. To illustrate the point, the general funds stand government operating budget has decreased since 2011 and today the standard budget is 200 million less per biennium than the total block grant to school stricts. 200 million less. Simply stated the standard budget for all Government Operations is less than were spending on k through 12 education. This doesnt even include major sentence or School School cap con come instruction. In 2016 we cult the executive branch operating by 17 million. The total cuts the executive branch were 11 when you combine the 2016 session and my Budget Reduction last june. This School Operation budget has been growing. It was 1. 3 billion annualfully 2011 and nearly 1. 5 billion now six years later. While student enrollment has increased 12 since 0506. Foundation funs haines creed. And now theres a projected shortfall of 1. 5 billion of the next six years. Its a big problem that requires very big, very difficult choices. As i did last year, i again ask we have a task force for speaker harshman Residents Committee to be formed with full participation of wyoming stakeholders to address School Funding because a year has gone by and things have not gotten better. We cannot waitth another wait another year to act. We should be planning for reductions but there is a broader discussion that we should continue to have about funding. And revenue. And it is my hope that participation with all of you and the public that we can at least by the start of next session have a plan that addresses both cuts and the funding. I do want to mention a nonbudget measure from last session, the safe to tell program, authorized by legislation bit senator coand speaker hashman. This program, which is Anonymous Tip Line is making a difference in preventing suicide and improving school safety. This session i know youll be considering numerous bills. Ill follow them as the move through the legislative process. But i can tell you here the start a few thinged am interested in. I support in concept the sales tax collection from remote sellers. Establishment of a legislative framework for endow. Improving is mission interlock caws and providing initiative in energy and Water Strategies and what has sure been a challenging financial market, were getting poor investment returns. Theres just no other way to look at it. Its a challenge in this financial market. But were also not doing well compared to other states. And yet the state of wyoming pays in excess of 70 million a year in Management Fees and consulting fees. This has to change. Has to change now more than ever, when we are budget constrained. The treasurer has worked hard in his office to make some suggestions for the legislature. Id ask you consider the suggestions because the treasurer, like me, like the slip, recognizes i want better returns returns and spend less money in getting the returns. Until we can get a broader, more comprehensive tax structure, ask you to consider continuing the manufacturing Tax Exemption which is sunsetting. Its important for the businesses that are here, its important for the businesses we are trying to recruit now. We are looking to the change of administration in d. C. And the coming weeks and hope that will provide an opportunity for wyoming to become stronger. Im heartened about the prospect of fewer fed regulation and progoing to patrol policies. I hope the new administration sees the benefits of our state and im hopeful more authority will be given to the states with respect to Natural Resources red other areas and as we face some difficult budget times we know that we are in fact better suited to address the problem than we have ever been in past. I also am confident that this group, the legislature, is the group to deal with this dish if difficult issue but s. Just about the numbers or dollars. We cannot lose the forest in trees. This session, as every session, remain obligationed to dat is best, no, not ours tower Political Parties but for the citizens of wonderful wyoming. What a privilege we have to have that as our duty. What privilege to have that opportunity. To have our job, to serve the citizens of wyoming, without regard to political party. Worth regard to without regard toy to any single issue and how to do better for the citizen ours of wyoming. We are successful for a number of reasons but a prime reason is we have Citizen Legislature to you men and women who give up your time to come here. Its an extraordinary thing. It keeps wyoming strong. But as always, we take time today to say we know were blessed to live in this state. We say to citizens of wyoming, we will continue to work hard for you and may god continue to bless wyoming, the United States, and all her people. Thank you very much. [applause] [applause] the senate finished work for a week after voting to advance the nomination of bete devos as education secretary. A final confirmation vote is on advertise. Republican senators Susan Collins and lease a murkowski are saying theyll vote against her. Live college of coverage of the senate always here on cspan2. This weekend explore the literary life and history of fresno, california, on saturday on booktv. Author Tim Hernandez about the plane crash in california that killed 32 people, including 28 migrant works. The news reports across the country, Woody Guthrie was in nuke and he heard the news reports so he wrote a poem about it. He says in his poem, goodbye omy juan, goodbye rose leta. You wont have a name when you ride the big airplane. All they will call yous diet povertyee. And then the awe of harvest sun, in his about the california central valley. Historically japanese americans had a very vibranting a actual Tyler Community bus when the immigrants fir came this was the only entry point for them in American Economy and american community. Sunday afternoon on American History tv on cspan3 the history of farming and agriculture in fresno, from Fresno County Farm Bureau Director ryan jacobson. A mediterranean climate, the only one in the United States. Well visit the kearney mansion museum. He established the california raisin growers association, you we want to get together a coop of raisin gores to control the kuwait and pricing of raisins. Sunday afternoon at 2 00 p. M. , on American History dison cspan3. The Labor Department reported the economy add 227,000 jobs in january, and the Unemployment Rate was 4. 8 . President trump discussed jobs numbers and doddfrank financial regulations at a white house meeting with Business Leaders and his Economic Advisory couple. Heres some of the meeting. Thank you, everybody, for being here this morning. This is a really World Class Group and i want to thank you

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