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Host tree into a fight on cspan2 this morning at the housesenate jay Commerce Committee continues its work to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Hearing you can watch on cspan is now stretching towards the 21st i was dozens of amendments still waiting to be considered. Meanwhile, another House Panel Backs up his work on the healthh care bill after 4 00 a. M. This morning after 18 hours of work. This morning on our program we want to hear your thoughts on this Marathon Committee hearing in republican effort to overhaul health care in america. Give us a call. Though my throat being. 202 7488000. Republicans 202 7488001. Independent 202 7488002. Facebook. Com cspan. Very good thursday morning to you. The headline in the helen is paper this morning released on their website, 24 hour mark on markup and gop Obamacare Repeal bills. The house energy and Commerce Committee which again you can watch on cspan if you want to see whats happening right now. The latest countless days at least four dozen amendments waiting to be considered since midnight, half a dozen roll call vote and more boys both have happened than men. Just a moment ago, joe barton of texas, republican offered to buy the entire committee waffle house if they were able to wrap up their markup anytime soon. If you want to watch the markup, it is happening on cspan. The Gop Health Care bill did clears first hurdle early this morning in the house ways and Means Committee. Wrapping up their markup of the legislation. After that happened in a democrat on house ways and Means Committee sent a tweet to their counterparts in the energy and Commerce Committee say keep up the good work. Americans simply cant afford to pay more for less with this destructive Gop Health Care bill. We are talking about the effort to overhaul health care, to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Kevin brady, chairman of the house ways and Means Committee has a column in todays usa today talking about it as well. He writes of the American Health care act under the name of this republican repeal and replace tucker, House Republicans answer president translator election. Legislation dismantles taxes and mandate to enhance choices and control for the American People by ending Health Savings accounts and protect Health Insurance for workers who can cover through their jobs and empower states to strengthen medicaid and develop new programs to better serve that population and americans who dont get insurance through work or federal programs can only provide a tax credit to purchase coverage tailored to your needs, making his pitch for the american Health Care Bill in the pages of todays usa today. An overnight in the house ways and Means Committee hearing. We want to hear your calls this morning. Again, republicans colin at 2027488000. Democrat 2027488001. Independent 2027488002. We are taking your call for this first hour of the washington journal. Duchess county, new york on a democrat, good morning. Are you with us this morning . Caller can you hear me . Host yes, sir. Did you watch the hearings overnight . Caller a bit. They just appear to me, i thought President Trumps and an executive order canceling the mandate to buy the help insurance. To my understanding, no one is leaving obamacare. No one is running away from the Affordable Care act. I think what has happened in the past few months is that more and more have been signing that. It seems to me without imploding the system, if you just do away with the mandate, write the executive order doing away with the mandate. Which takes a lot of air out of what the republicans were upset about. If you do that, youre ahead of the game and thats my comment. Host what part of the hearings overnight were you able to catch and what was your take away from that . They were Different Things to longterm Care Coverage costs five, going up for people between the ages of faith data 64 will go up phenomenally. You know, we really ought to be bringing a more humane and mature approach to the ceo executives of Insurance Companies getting hundreds of million. They tax breaks for the Health Insurance industry is. Its a tax giveaway to the ranch on the backs of the middle class and the poor. It is just so ironic in republican and democrat poor and middleclass continue to vote against their own selfinterest. Obamacare. Trump care will hurt the poor people and the middle class more than anything. Host you talk about the individual mandate. Republicans in the just a shame trying to repeal that part of the Affordable Care act through this process. The New York Times and their breakdown of the part of obamacare that republicans are trying to keep discusses that. The republican bill would eliminate the mandate, which means people would not have to pay a penalty of a went without insurance. One possible effect is that Healthy People might be less likely to buy insurance, driving up prices for those who need it most older people in the state. The plan proposes a continuous coverage which would cause people a 30 for Health Insurance coverage. Great down different parts of the plan as we go throughout our first hour today. We want to hear from you especially if you watch overnight. Here in washington to you, good morning. Caller good morning, sir. Thank you or the program. 60 billion tax break. We ask ourselves that is fair. Second, do we ask ourselves how many have what they call obamacare has helped. Can we think about those that will be left out . Or do we think about selfish gene, just as the obamacare. Can we say down the ability of obamacare. This is just what we have to be. This health care has here for about 40 years. They were able to get something. But cost them to sit down and say from here to here is not good for us. We get rid of what is good where are they going to be . 60 billion have the best insurance anyway. Americans, wake up. They dont know anything. He doesnt even have his own health care. He is my president. [inaudible] paul ryan doesnt know what hes doing as speaker of the house. We are going to pick up this program. Host virginia, harvey, good. Caller good morning. I got up early and watched the end of the health care debate. The whole situation, and america has to make up and realized his Health Insurance companies are nothing but a union or the professional doctors in this country. What we need is a singlepayer system. Everybody pays the missing day and everybody gets the same protection. That is the way it should go but its going to be a cold day in before that happens. The other situation is back in the late 40s, early fit these, there was a diplomat came into this country, husbandandwife and she had a baby in this country and it went all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court rules that they were citizens, therefore their child was not it is said because they went and tried to apply for dual citizenship. This is a precedent set in the Supreme Court enemies to be the gentoo because anybody in this country was not a legal citizen who has more are not descendents and neither are their children and authority does that. We are a nation of laws. We should follow the law. As he said, energy and Commerce Committee continues to mark out. You can watch that on cspan. We also want to show our viewers a little bit of whats going on. A discussion about essential help benefit. Listen in. Instead of waiting until people get thicker as thicker and the care of coors becomes more complex and costly air. Obviously, im not for what is even proposed in the bill. I dont know. It has like it then im embarrassed by it. Something like this would even be considered. We are better than this. Mr. Welch, thank you very much. There is an abstraction that is confusing this debate. But ability. This is a serious question a woman who is pregnant and for my can be denied Maternal Health benefits, but a woman in New Hampshire cant be it . We are leaving that decision up to other people as opposed to making a decision on the base is that they need. Thats essentially what we are saying. Its pick and choose. The talk about going back to the states, we are talking about human beings. By standing up there at the same in louisiana as they are in vermont. If youre pregnant women in this country, we dont want that woman to have child health. That is what we are saying with this amendment. Its really unnecessary and it host congresswoman elena issue and congressman welch making their arguments. If you want to watch the hearing in its entirety, approaching the 21st hour. Some speculation about how long it could go with dozens of amendments still yet to be considered, expect it to go 24 hours or more. If you watch the hearings overnight, give us a call. Democrats 2027488000. Independence 2027488001 im sorry, washington journal. Republicans 2027488001. If you didnt watch the hearings come as still want to hear your thoughts on the republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Robert in alabama. Democrat. Good morning. Im a democrat from alabama and i did watch the ways and Means Committee this morning and this is about 600 million billion dollars worth of taxes and money to insurance executive , not about a health care plan. Host what bachelor before 4 00 in the morning for this hearing . Caller and an elderly person and i wanted to see how this could affect everybody. Everybody could be active insurance within a matter of time. The insurance executives are going to get richer and richer. They are the ones that will benefit a mess. Host robert, how do you feel about representatives in alabama . Do you think they understand how important this is to you and your opinions . Caller done a very good job here yes, sir. Congresswoman terry school. Edith, oak hill west virginia. Good morning. Good morning to you. I want to and they at the Health System is under obamacare. Im on disability. I have Social Security and may also have supplementary humana. Every time i go to a doctor, it cost me 20. Every time you see a specialist on the cacophony 50 to any testing i have to pay. Anything that would give relief to what it was what has to be better than what it is. You know, its with them giving time to repeal and replace the brd have, anything has got to be that. Thanks for the call from west virginia. Lisa, good morning. Go ahead. Youre on the washington journal. Caller high. Im calling because i watch this overnight. I didnt know it was going to happen this. I was shocked to find out that the United Health care is being sued by our government because i was was a patient of theirs a patient of theirs and they denied everything for six months. I couldnt get diabetes pills or anything like that. To hear the figures then everything that they are getting, it is like a death sentence for people. I just cant understand how cool these republican lawmakers are and our president is just good for nothing and i dont know why he didnt just let putin come over and bomb us. Host you didnt know this is happening so soon, the urinal to catch it overnight. You think most americans know without me right now . Is this being pushed through to quit . Guest yes, you can tell everything is pushed through too quickly. What they put in the paper doesnt represent what you actually see. People really, really need to watch these and see what these people are doing because its not reflecting what theyre being told. Host this outcome you mention President Trump, story in todays Washington Times about his role in the effort to stop the republican Health Care Bill. His showmanship to sell the gop helped though. The story noting that absent or in our company skewering tweets and his company is in the combative speeches. Instead trumpet is wearing conservatives in private meetings and keeping himself out of the picture Party Leaders and defend the plan. Spending time listening to critics and on the fence on the yours which is what he did when the evening with ringleaders and when senator ted cruz and his wife joined translator for dinner, white house officials talking about that dinner. The president may travel to kentucky shine a spotlight on most dedicated republicans. Senator ben paul at kentucky. Hes not touching on the legislation. Mentioning some of the leaders President Trump not let David Mcintosh of the club for growth. Jim demint at the heritage foundation. Tim phillips americans for prosperity. Ginny beth martin of tea party patriot. Washington journal viewers will recognize many of those names and organist nations. Very conservative organizations. The president trying to get on board with the bill Speaker Paul Ryan tries to get conservatives on board as well and keep some of the more moderate members of the republican conference on board with the Health Care Legislation. We want to hear about it. Lets hear from you in your thoughts on the efforts to move through congress. Democrats 2027488000. Republicans 2027488001. Independent 2027488002. Robert, waldorf, maryland. Europe next. Go ahead you caller good morning. There is no reason the United States government should be involved in anybodys health care. They are not in the business of health care. The government cant even run themselves. They are 20 trillion in debt. Where do they think they have that knowledge to be able to give us their own health care . Why dont they just repealed the Health Care Bill out there and that american citizens go out and purchase their own Health Care Like we do Everything Else. These people have no business involved in this to sit back and say this is a great bill. This is nothing. This is an amendment to obamacare. President trump i hope does not get behind this bill. They need to defend this takes repeal bills that they spent up to obama to be vetoed. They need to send one of those goes up there on the President Trumps im not about the American People by their own. These people did not understand how money works. Who are they to tell me what im going to do . Me ask you, the wall street journal takes a this question you bring up of whether they should do is stand alone repeal the fair. The Editorial Board argument in it. Lets get the benefit of the doubt and say repeal only could get democratic votes. The gop would have to have a replacement vilifies Political Capital in a threshold of 60 senate votes absent reconciliation. Good luck is what they say. You dont even want to see a replacement plan . I dont need them to run no, not at all. I had Health Insurance way before obama ever came along. He made my Health Insurance not it. Once my premium went up to 10,000 admitted to the went up to 12, i no longer had Health Insurance. The only people that had Health Insurance for people getting subsidy. Making under 25, under 30,000. Those are the only people that benefited from obamacare. Host you want to go back to the pre2010 system we had . Caller i had Health Insurance i could use. At a thousand dollars to do though. My premium was in the hundred dollars a year. Now i have basically the middle class has no Health Insurance and all the people that had Health Insurance and the people getting government subsidies. Host robber, waldorf. Good morning. Caller high, they are talking about repealing and replacing obamacare. I really dont think repealing and replacing it. I always thought repealing and replacing means you cannot do anything with the letter to replace. Right now they look like they are trying to replace an orange with a tangerine. It has the same day affair. They need to either get their stuff together or leave it alone. Host parts of the Affordable Care act that the republican care proposal would keep include coverage until age 26. Coverage for preexisting conditions. Essential help benefit at all insurers must offer 10 essential Health Benefits including Maternity Care and Preventive Services and prohibition on lifetime limit and setting a limit to how much money they have to pay to cover someone. Those are some of the things republicans are preparing to keep in their Health Care Legislation that they are moving over the marked up in the energy and Commerce Committee right now. Republican, good morning. Caller hello . Washington journal go ahead. Caller i just watched the ways and Means Committee and they are going through 400 million to give ceos for tax breaks. Why would they pass Something Like that . Im a republican. I dont unders and by then rich people with get that kind of a tax break. Do you have any answers . Host heidi thinks the koran is doing to them these things to you . How do you think President Trump and health and Human Services secretary is trying to ask ins . I think theyre going through so fast i dont think anybody understand that. They are voting on that staff in the middle of the night in days and i think its a long process. Health care is really complicated. We need to work on it. Host what you think the American People with if they feel like its happening too fast . I think they need to watch these and mbps and dont listen to your politicians. Watch what is going on tv and see what is actually happening. Close to george ascend mount olive, north carolina. Good morning. Europe next. Two or three years ago, Congress Passed a law for a bill that says employers do not have to provide any benefits at all to parttime employees. No help there, no retirement. They were kept as six months out of the year, usually 120 to 122 days a year. Why do they feel they can get it may pass a law that says were not entitled to it. For five years ago, washington journal had a lady telling that this congress is getting tax dollars from us. You know its more now. She said back then congress is getting over 16,000 to get these are tax dollars. Per congress person, per year to set todays health care. They may have the gall to tell us theres not enough for you to have for yourselves. Remember when hillary was president and she said as a senator should put those over that pass on a bipartisan basis that she never told us that this elsewhere. She put a bill to let that pass in a bipartisan basis and that was to allow congress to have tax Subsidized Health care for life, even a one term congressperson. This is helping me to protest about. Congress needs to live will be the vendor. I understand 20,000 a year now to subsidize the health care. If they pull the money out of the pocket, they would fix the health care problem. They would go after Insurance Companies and pharmaceuticals, but they wont do it. Thank you so much for letting me talk. Host i point out the one of our members of congress who was a guest on our program yesterday we asked about congress in their own health care plan. She explained they have to buy their plan through the Affordable Care at. If you want to go back and watch congresswoman miller yesterday, you can watch it pours the. Org. Evelyn, ferber texas. Good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Its really sad. I miss watching the congressional hearings. It is sad that mr. Barred all could not answer 99 of the question from the congress people. He just couldnt answer anything. And here, they are supposed to be debating on this health care issue. They are not getting answers to it. It is true that, you know, ryan and mccarthy are passing this quickly and behind closed doors so that the public is not aware of really what is taking place. This is corruption at its best. It is sad because the ceo of these Insurance Companies are getting 400 million in tax breaks. Its going to be on the middle class paying the subsidy. Host go ahead mr. Thought. Guest caller it is just sad. To hear the congressperson and i think she was from washing 10, but she was telling the story about a 25yearold young woman that ended up dying because she couldnt receive the medical care because she couldnt afford it. She couldnt afford to get an mri. She was complaining of a headache then she couldnt afford to go see the doctor about it. She did go see her primary care, but she couldnt get the diagnostics for her health care and she ends up dying. She thought it was just simply a headache, migraine headache but it was more than that. Its sad. This is really terrible. Host one of the issues that one brings up the speed at which republicans are moving legislation. Democrats particularly concerned is being moved about a scope called scoring with the Congressional Budget Office commend the nonpartisan agency that looks at the cost of legislation and impacts of ledges nation. Senator levin of michigan who is the Ranking Member of the ways and Means Committee was questioning the chairman of that panel about marking up the legislation overnight without the cbo scored. Here is the exchange. Host what are you afraid of . Are you afraid of the answers to the questions i proposed at the rate of uninsured will go up, that there will be of lower tax credit for numerous people, millions, that there will be disruption of the private Insurance Market, that the impact of eliminating expanded medicaid will hurt millions and millions of families and that the impact of ending her cap the medicaid on longterm care and kids who have special needs another children that impact will be sent and chilled. Why not wait for full information related to a fan instead preceding darkness . Lets not rewrite history. You claimed you had a cbo estimate. You did not. He had a letter. It was mainly based on the bill. It is based on specifications by three Committee Working Group and it turned out to be the estimates work. So if youre asking us to the democrats approach of a bad bill proceed with the bad cbo analysis, preceded by about the estimated cbo latter, we are not following that approach. We are going to allow us to be a too have a thorough, deliberate analysis of this 50 plus page edition as well as commerce. Youll have that full analysis before this bill ultimately goes to the house. Chairman kevin brady and his exchange with farmer greg remember senator levin on the ways and Means Committee. The current Ranking Member of the panel is democrat richard neil of it. Jeanie up next as he continued to discuss the marathon hearings overnight. Dover, delaware republican. Teachers get to watch any . No, i was enabled to use af in a period of time. I want to make a comment on the Health Care System. We had a broken system. It just didnt happen overnight. They passed the Democratic Party has eight years of noncompliance. They have ruined the Health Care System and now they are putting demands on the Republican Party because they want all of this done overnight. It took eight years to ruin it and its probably going to take eight years to get it straightened out. Anytime you have floodgates open in this country about the people rushing in here to take advantage of peoples work ethics that have worked and paid in for the Health Care System, we cannot continue to help everyone that comes into this country. We already have a broken system. When they come in here and infringe off of our rights for this health care, theres no way we continue to go like we are going now. You have a broken system. It would take at least eight years to repair it. You go back to the Democratic Party. They can cry and do all they want to and not mentality has spilled over now into the Republican Party and they wanted yesterday. Nothing is free in this country. They have entitled, entitled us to death. Now, its time to pay out. We are all going pay a portion. We cant continue to allow the government to take care of us because anytime you have the government infringing on our rights, that is we are obligated to the government is done. We need to stand up and take our fair share and pay our fair share. We have a broken system. You mentioned people coming into the country and take advantage of the system youre talking about. Border security in our next hour of our program. We have two members of congress, democrat and republican firm to border districts and Border Security will be one of the topics we discussed the plan. Angela in idaho. An independent. Good morning. Good morning. So i have major can learn. When you do a pre2010, not a lot of people have coverage. The costs are outrageous. If people want to go back to that, thats horrible. Lets not do that. Im not completely for obamacare it is even worse. The only problem is obama took the subsidy is in you are able to make Health Insurance cheaper for a lot of people. Paul ryans plan wants to make it so that you pay your full premium for the entire year for 12 month if you pay up for the whole entire 12 months. At the end, after you paid all that, which is going to be back to most pre2010 model is, you look at a cut on your taxes, but you have to make this every month for the whole year. Not a fan of modest in the couldnt go back to paying full funds. To add the ridiculousness of savings account, it is absurd because honestly, Health Savings account are great and everyone should have one. If you call that insurance or if you call that coverage and health coverage, that is beyond because needless to day, but they are helping a normal person and thats great. Would have been a pure blood work shows you have cancer. I agree you cannot pay cash on savings account that 200,000 plus dollars to fix your cancer. Thats absurd to call that coverage. And then in this bill to cut ending for the nih and the cdc is beyond crazy. You are more like wait to be killed by some parasite toxin than you are to be bombed. To cut that is the same. I notice how republicans have changed the words not making Health Insurance affordable, but consider access. They want to be able to say well, weve offered you coverage now underneath their plan. Whether or not you can afford it is not our problem. You have the option to get coverage. If you can afford a company need to get rid of your iphone. Thats your problem in your familys problem. Weve given you the opportunity to get it in your chosen to decline. I think that is really a bad miss it. Host you talk about pre2010, preAffordable Care act. When i can give even the New York Times today. Some 20 Million People in america have gained insurance under obamacare. Half of those were through the medicaid engine. The New York Times today looking at republican changes to Medicaid Expansion and the impact it can have on various dates if you want to check out the story. Carol is in ohio. Good morning. Hi, yes. I had heard on television that women have to pay a higher premium and the higher deduction on this than they did on the other one. I totally agree with the people that called in and said no tax rate should even be put on this though, ashley a thousand dollars. After that they dont have to pay any tax. We need to have subsidies are just like that man said, congress could subsidies, why cant we get subsidies for people that need this health care and get subsidies here that i comment. Thank you. Host martin, good morning. Yes. Host go ahead, martin. Caller yes, how can i afford anything when they wont even allow me to have a drivers license for over 2000 in any kind of account and not account and i found a home in california and i have decided after my wife passed in order to just get disability. The income was 2 its only been that in six years. I cant get a candy bar for that much. Host martin, where did you go to get the insurance . Caller i woke up dead in a hospital out of brain aneurysms and i was put on total disability, Social Security, whatever it is. Im not allowed to work, drive, anything. Host what are you going to do in the future when it comes to insurance . Caller nothing. I barely get anything now. Just die i guess because you have to have money for aneurysms and epileptic. Host a few tweets as weve been having this secession. My limit in this morning to i dont have a problem with the Affordable Care act replacement. Its just obamacare part 2. Steve harris in right then, why do we continue to that private Insurance Companies skim millions of our Health Care System care system while denying services. Dover, delaware republican. Good morning. Yes, good morning. Didnt her having me here. I am calling because i listen to often is today and what i got out of this new build put in front is that before the Affordable Care act, we were supposed to it into the government. Now we have to take 30 or attacks over our premium Insurance Company. Two, with a woman who called earlier, ive been in delaware since 95. I worked in the Health Care System. Most dont build the system and two, there are medicaid. People come from new york, to delaware because they get disability and medicaid. I had a private payer insurance back in 2005. Fifty dollars at the 2800 to do the bowl. It did not cover anything. So this is just another way for the republicans to get more money into their projects. [inaudible] they should get out the bandwagon of individuals we cannot get into peoples lives and tell them what to do with their life. That is my right as they were meant to do what i want to do with my life. [inaudible] host Richard Rodgers on twitter says the aarp opposes trump care questioning about the problem for republicans. The industry opposition to this legislation is the topic of a front page story on todays wall street journal on a day when house committees to get her money debating the gop plan. The cost and opposition and the American Medical Association and the American Hospital association showed the difficult path ahead for the legislation if you want to read more on that opposition, to todays wall street journal. Chris and stats for, new york. Go ahead. Caller hi, hows it going . One thing i find this stems across not only health care, though education and has seen his name if it aint that addresses the nation is what do we do for the poor, elderly and disabled . That puts a strain on our health care, education and health and the many kinds out to whos going to pay for it. Of course, the poor cannot pay for it. And then you have either the middle class or the rich. The rich are able to afford the lawyers to get beyond tax credits and everything so they are not paying their fair share. The burden comes onto the middle class and thats where all the conflict comes from in our nation because now the middle class is feeling pressured to cut his wages and Everything Else in the higher cost of health care and education and Everything Else. That just brings more pressure. That is one subject we should address across all borders. Second of all, i thought when they passed the Affordable Care act, i thought it would decouple health care from the employer. That way you can go anywhere you want. Im in a position where it like being in a mayor. You have the choice of whether use they work well because you feel like you are being abused. But you cant go because you need health care. So again, i thought the Affordable Care act was to decouple from the employer so you can go anywhere and bringing the cost down like with the credit card Interest Rates, the one thing that brought Interest Rates is when they expanded across state lines. That rat down the interest rate. I thought that was going to be at first on the table for the Affordable Care act, but the republicans are now pushing it. So that is good of course. One last thing on health costs. I guess ill just stick with that appeared posterized this that cometh to hearings overnight last night. One ending close to 18 hours, about 17 hours and ended at about four feet teen this morning. Thats the ways and Means Committee markup of the bill. The chairman of the committee tweeting just sat there thing really is on the way. Only took 17 hours with attack historic action to repeal and replace obamacare by approving the American Health care act. Thats what republicans call for repeal and replace bill. Meanwhile, energy and Commerce Committee hearing is still going on. You can watch it on cspan in its entirety. How to show show our viewers right now, starving americans speaking in that hearing. Lets listen in. Types of new things, many of which not only can provide better care, but can also reduce costs over time. So there is a mac in his for offering the flexibility. What we are concerned about is you use the flexibility offered, a camouflage coming in with these cuts to the resources of the state need. And so, we are not against flexibility. I think we would all support flexibility and innovation. Lets not offer that to the states with one hand and then take away the kind of resources they need to do that in effect way with the other hand and not give to anybody who wants the time. And i yelled back . Gentleman feels that the time. Gentlelady from tennessee for five minutes. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, when it comes to the issue at the 11th 15 waiver system and its ability, the reason we are doing that is because our states, like my state of tennessee who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and months and months trying to get cms to it just a way of her so they can do things more effect delay, so that they can be more efficient. The delivery is better, said the access is better. I think it is so important as we look at the changes in the Delivery Systems for health care. Many, which we discussed and worked on when we get 21st century cures. As this change is, as theres new technology, as theres more opportunities that moved into delivery of health care, of course our states want to be able to provide a better quality of care, greater access and address these issues such as the opioid addiction, which affects so Many Americans did she went. But a few will not let them have that space and then they, they are not going to be able to do it. Lets just think about the number of manhours and the amount of money that goes into applying for a waiver, working through the changes that the waiver and that could be going into patient care. Mr. Chairman, i yield back. The general video spec that her time. Host congressmen john fairbanks, son of former senator. In that ongoing hearing in the Commerce Committee, now entering the 22nd hour at this point, starting with about 10 30 yesterday. We will see how long it goes. Dozens more amendments to go through. We will give you an update as soon as we can. Did you watch this hearings overnight and what did you think of the republican effort to repeal and replace the orbital care act . Beverly california, good morning. Yes, good morning. Thanks for taking my calls and as always, thanks for cspan. I have a couple of points i wanted to raise about the health care. From what i can understand from the donald trump administration, they call it the American Health care plan. It doesnt seem like its going to make health care accessible, but it seems like if they are taking away the mandatory that everyone has to have it and mouse though no no longer have to provide it, they would have less people that are getting Health Insurance. Therefore, the older people who need the most used the most. Its going up for older people and i dont see any way around it. And then to his dad youre going to kind of parlay this back into the states, a lot of state dont have money because we have a huge addiction population. And if they have to decide health care but the older one and the addict at once, i dont think the states are going to be able to afford the health care. So i dont think to try to get it passed in such a very quick time frame to go to 163 pages. But it not really seeming to be able to provide the services that are going to be needed. If you dont take my opinion comment if you dont take the pharmacology and moneymaking aspect out of it, just turning over a Large Population of people that are going to need Higher Service is, the immediate to make money by the pharmaceutical companies and the biotech companies, people are going to be getting the services because they cant afford it. Host you are concerned about losing the sake of the individual mandate that would get people on this program to help pay for health care overall. Republicans have proposed this penalty for continuous coverage if there is a gap in continuous coverage. If you have a gap thats more than about two months on, you can be charged a penalty if you try to get back on Health Insurance. Do you think thats enough of a stink to get people into the Insurance Market . No because if you consider that, post listening, beverly. Caller what i was considering also, if a person has a can nation and they have to spend larger amounts of money they require, as youre older you acquire more or cannot health conditions. They are not creating preexisting conditions, but if you have to spend more money individually to maintain health, what are they going to do . Are they going to stop if you run out of money . I dont see how its going to be able to be payable and a lower premium. What i really think with the obamacare, i think that the Insurance Companies were not in agreement with having to now provide health care. Remember, going back to clinton and mrs. Clinton, and we had many attempts at trying to get health care and nobody really wanted to do it because the capitalism. They want to continue to make money, but at the same time, when they start cutting off and limiting you to older people in the pool, well be back where we started, people not being able to afford health care. Host a cabinet that next oklahoma republican. Heart rate, oklahoma. Good morning, kevin. Good morning comest dirt. Ive got to admit my first concern was for tax. It does appear that there is the multimillion dollars tax cut amounts overwhelmingly can turning to me. If thats true host you say that your first concern. Do you have other concerns . Guest caller yeah, yeah. We dont have it be. So i always question the knowledge that in front of me. And of course, democrats are always a tackiness, tackiness and i dont know exactly where we are. Without the cbo, i dont know exactly what true and what is not true. Where exactly are we . Host what would you need to see in that cbo scored to get behind the legislation, kevin . Caller well, i guess the demographic. Forgive me. Im lacking the vernacular. Host are you saying how many people does coverage or keep coverage . Guest yes, correct. Host disc costs matter to you . Caller yes, correct. A more comprehensive rate down to a whats taking place with this. I am extremely uncomfortable with the fact that we are going to give a big tax break to big money. Im extremely comfortable with that. Host when the cbo score comes out, it will be another data point to look at as we continued discussion. Let a in oklahoma city, oklahoma. Good morning, beverly. Caller hi, good morning. Thank you are taking my call and see if dan. Please forgive me if it only had a few hours late. I ended up watching cspan last night i should say this morning. I thought about for everybody. I fell asleep around 2 30, 3 00 in the morning watching it. I for the life of me cant screaming at the tv because i was so glad that as to the way in which the republican side was so so angry, not angry so much as very rude and very day strength when it comes to the actual information we need in order to mark up this bill. Host whats an example of that, beverly . Guest caller well, i watch so many of them just not had the information for how many people are going to be covered, as to how much its going to cost. It was in discussion as to how this going to take deductibles and outofpocket. The cost of the insurance and whos going to be covered, his not going to be covered in i am appalled at the fact they were just so rude when these people have amendment, when all those representatives came forward with amendments. They kept saying keep going. Keep going, democrats because they are being put up against the wall and coming out with the most ludicrous of things or not even supporting things that i ask myself, where is the morality . Where is the sense of humanity when it comes to wanting to ensure people and not so much lookout is a big guy. I have it in letters upon letters because im a political advocate to congress, even to trump and to be honest with you, my email never did get received by the white house. They just disappeared. It could even go into my send file. I find that quite. I read just about everybody in regards to Affordable Health care. I have been since the 1980s. At two kids kids raising them aloud and my insurance were very prominent Insurance Company in hartford where i used to live in connecticut jumped 73 overnight. So dont tell me that their Insurance Companies havent taken advantage. More so than over the year. We have been with obamacare. I want to show viewers this map out today talking about the winners and losers at the obamacare subsidies to come gop tax credits. They compiled data comparing the current obamacare subsidy given to people on exchanges with the gop refundable tax credits included in this repeal and replace the belt and take this data and show how different people would fare compared to what assistance they receive now. The comparison say of a 27yearold with 50,000 in income would do much better in most of this country under the republican plan. The blue parts of this map showing where people would fare better under the gop plan. Compare that to a 60 over 50,000 of income. You can see where they are expected to fare worse under the gop plan between subsidies and obamacare and the tax credit in the republican plan. You can see those chart a different age groups and their data comparison. Lets go to cleveland, ohio. Good morning. Go ahead, rene. Caller hi, i am so glad that people are speaking out. This last eight years has been abominable. I cant believe this. Im waiting here on my couch for a mate to lead. My doctor changed by an 11 and i had to pay 300. I couldnt afford it and they wont stand it. Ive been waiting three weeks for this. I worked so hard all my life and i paid into every day. Why is everything depleting . Why is the government coming in . All the factories are gone to other countries. They gave him his a twoout base countries than money and now we are giving more to bad to make more bombs. I cant believe this. Host do you trust republicans in congress will come fix this for you . Guest at least the man is trying. They are not giving bad they are not helping them at all. Give them their idea is. Work along with them. This man was in it for eight years and craft america. Host kathy, orange virginia, go ahead. Caller im actually a democrat, but growth keep hanging up a macabre democrat line. Host we certainly dont try to hang up on people. Glad you got through. Caller im sorry. Just a couple things here and actually on medicare. When i was watching it all day yesterday, i noticed the republicans are quoting premium prices that are outrageous and they are saying about their constituents getting bronze plants. Theres a couple different plans. Im assuming they dont know how the Health Care Marketplace works. The premiums they are quoting is truly probably a premium that the Health Industry now has to pay for his people. Before they pay for the Healthy People and the state people, but now they have to pay for everybody. So when the republicans quote the premiums, that is the start premiums. When people get a subsidy, the subsidy pays for quite a substantial amount of the premium and the people are not based on their income families to pay the rest. The fact they are quoting is not correct. Thats my opinion. Host our last car in the segment of the washington journal. To his Border Security immigration and trade. First up will be joined by congressman Henry Cuellar of texas whose district lies on the u. S. Mexico border. Later well be joined by steve pearce of new mexico. While all coming up today on washington journal. He was going to follow a very cautious plan, and so he might not of been willing to have black coats implemented, for instance but he certainly wouldve been much more conciliatory to the south. The 1952 film roundtrip, usa in world trade. We take stuff from where there made and where theyre needed. Everything going to 25 different countries. Sunday on american artifacts we will tour philadelphia carpenter hall. The building served as a Meeting Place of the First Continental Congress in 1774. You all remember Patrick Henry for his give me liberty or give me death. But even more significant was his remark made here in the earlier days when he looked around the room and he said, gentlemen, we are no longer from massachusetts. We are no longer from pennsylvania. We no longer are from virginia. We are all americans. On the presidency, Ronald Reagan and the transformation of global politics. The Reagan Administration was focusing considerable attention on the 1981 mac the trade union movement. For a complete American History tv schedule go to cspan. Org. Washington journal continues

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