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Of americas and it is an honor to be here in the franklin room that was named after one of our Founding Fathers also International Diplomacy in the United States as the chairman of the council of Americas Society and of course, then eric will be before the subcommittee tomorrow so getting a good nights sleep rebuild really you hard. [laughter] i think this is an exciting time with regard to the western hemisphere it is an opportunity of policy outside of normal conventions. Certainly since the end of cold war something that needs to be reversed because in the end of our future and securities is deeply tied to our region because we talk about the western hemisphere. We are a part of that. You know, full well culturally and socially and politically. I want to take an opportunity to share with you gather my thoughts from the senate that i am troubled by for policy in general and to be tactically as well as strategic lead proven but we spend a lot of time payment talking about tactics over sanctions or military action diplomatic engagement but if it does on have a strategy we still lots of time. I do not pretend to have the all milling strategy how to pursue the western hemisphere but i do know we have ideas we intend to share with those with my colleagues in the United States Senate Proposal these are not universally accepted i do believe they lown the delayed the groundwork that should be controversial. Lets begin the three pillars of National Security to expand Economic Prosperity and the third is defending our values they are not ordered in any particular way it is impossible to do any of the three so lets talk about how we keep american safe and that begins by the flow with as you are painfully aware of Central America the citizens of the region the cubans fleeing the island those countries and Central America and mexico as well as the u. S. Border and those microphones have created the thriving business to strengthen Border Security to enforce immigration laws to ensure we are preparing to stem the flow switch cannot be exploited by transnational groups trying to bring a listed items so what is that strategy look like quite. With mexico and guatemala. By using u. S. Canadian programs as they invite us to do so working with other partners in the region with those key transit points as well to help build capacity and revitalizing the coastguard ship building to ensure the of the coastguard cutter presence by providing greater resources by a convening discussions and it is my understanding with one such gathering of Foreign Ministers as well as other countries to discuss this and other issues to reassess the alliance for prosperity and i support to not replicating those mistakes with the controls are in place to prevent waste and corruption. Given that possible shift of the peace columbia to prior taught prioritize to encourage uh Training Exercise by focusing our assistance on the region including the court system with a special emphasis on mexico initiative. By helping countries in the region the antimoneylaundering and Asset Forfeiture law capability. And by holding countries like bolivia tool the unaccountable to not implement but by working with colombia and peru to reduce cocaine production and trafficking to work with colombia and mexico to eradicate the poppy crops to reduce air when entering United States. Including the foreign narcotics king. Focusing on global prices throughout the world is the processed attempted to gain a foothold in our hemisphere International Terrorist groups often exploited could use these networks to accessing a territory. This region between isis and other militant groups and their friends in trinidad that allowed the u. S. Adversaries sometimes those including china or iran to exploit antiamerican sentiments in the region. To counter these Disturbing Trends there are some things we should do buffers make it clear the United States does not expect other countries to trade solely with us. But we will not allow the enemies democracy in humanrights to get a foothold in the region. Responsible leaders who seek to deepen cooperation of the United States that america will not leave a vacuum in the region with that bilateral Free Trade Agreement to increase u. S. Economic engagement and where possible to bid of military sale in the region and increased the activities of the non state actors of the region with cooperation in the military relationships with key latin American Partners and to take countering outside influences seriously. By working to build the capacity of the smaller states end to prioritize the organization of american states that is the first pillar of security but not enough. The second is expanding Economic Prosperity because it is not the zero sum game greater opportunity for our neighbors only makes it less likely to come to the United States in a way that is illegal or irregular but help build the economies and in the absence of uh tee ppv to create an agenda that makes clear that china and other actors who should not be the alternative to the u. S. Market. So forging closer economic ties including those set prioritize a freemarket in tackle corruption to help partners by modernizing to be a sure that designs and the message that the United States is closed for business. The strengthening of alleged intellectual property with a nontariff barriers such as to make clear that this somehow style but to be beneficial to all three of us. Accelerate the growth in the president ial Level Initiative to show partners in the region to join the Infrastructure Bank to incentivize the measures with the production interdependent distribution of range of products and services particularly energy. Allowing those to become reliant for energy needs. Then to develop alternative sources of energy so they can reduce their reliance on the regime but the second aspect is to fight corruption for those other battling corruption the opposition leaders by publicly speaking out to the region of the exporters on a regional level to discuss Corporate Governance including countries like argentina and mexico prove the nation sat are open and looking forward to be engaged by reinvigorating these financial tools for the national noncompliance. But the other that i spend a significant amount of time on to stand up to dictators in standing up for freedom and democracy thank you for the better part of 30 or 40 years look to be another way as others took power and a bright to keep out the soviet union and the 21st century we often look away and then to be in places like nicaragua. Bolivia and cuba for 07 decades. President ial messaging and leadership is critical to reverse that perception of the United States is tougher on the allies and adversaries i am hoping in a strategic way to recalculate the dictatorship in cuba that that would begin the pressure in venezuela to hold the election respect the right of its people to assemble and it is one election away. For anybody associated with the government. [applause] i think it is important to diplomatically isolate countries as they refuse to tackle these challenges those of our building trout government with democracy in humanrights with United States for policy in this region and throughout the world to ensure the of program is reflected to engage to rescue the charter by president s of both parties to make clear to our partners that they would be expected to speak out as many are now doing brazil or peru to speak out with the neighbors are violating their rights. It is critical to reassure our allies to be neglecting our partners in the region need to fill all those deep ties like canada or mexico or columbia is perhaps the new opportunities presenting themselves in argentina and brazil to name a few end of particular can help to promote security and prosperity and democracy with partners like colombia and mexico have Great Potential to be outside of the hemisphere that is why the think we need to empower that organization as stipulated in those charters to develop the apologies with the key partners in the region in engage more frequently with regional partners with those other unrelated to the western hemisphere. By establishing new military engagements and expanding on the current engagement site coasta rica and uruguay and to encourage acquisition of five leave with those relationships to formalize military cooperation so to reassure the colombian people that it would be conditioned on full compliance and those that are chosen by the people of colombia that those crimes and ago on punished and finally by reassessing the program of the region to have the desired impact with those factors such as corruption so the fiscal constraint that we face here in washington in the seat to support those partners to deal with security challenges and to support the of broader issues. That is a lot to digest this sounds like a power point did it almost became one laugh laugh but i want to get on the record because of much of the things we want to do the 1. But try to make to my colleagues but more often than not in the western hemisphere that more often than not obviously the media does not cover the western hemisphere from global importance but i take the extraordinary opportunities that exist for 21st century a shared prosperity is extraordinary because the lived in miami i remember vividly the 1990s visiting relatives was out of the question and then to have at the wrong place at the wrong time to have blood in sacrifice the people of colombia went to be in the verge of a failed state to the strongest regional partner today and one of the most capable in the world. As a result of u. S. Engagement in the bulk of the responsibility fell on their leaders and it helped us to use the that every single day in south florida then theyre shipped through logistics run by colombian americans from the airport and seaport to create an extraordinary opportunity that opportunity to fly into orlando and sari columbia i apologize. The richest resource countries on the planet according to a recent report lost 19 pounds of last year the results of economic calamity and disaster. To see this tool bordering countries bad governance and bad policy of the Economic Engagement and leadership. This is important and i can tell you we live in the hemisphere with a growing middle class with those trade opportunities. With those constitutional process like argentina but with life in america be more prosperous . Every ready in the room knows the answer is it in the United States senate that we can encourage more of our colleagues on both sides of the dial to carry every level because the opportunity is truly extraordinary. And as of now . There are no partisan lines just preexisting conditions it is the blank slate that allow us to benefit america and americans in banks to highlight this and my hope is in the years to come those ideas youre producing a becoming a reality in or out there for all to see the court to continuing to here today to achieve prosperity. Thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible] think gifford that compelling a thoughtful vision of collaboration of the of western hemisphere have a few minutes for q a. Please raise your hand if you have a question. Thank you for your time to look at the relevance of cannot agree with you more. I am from mexico in definitely one of the Biggest Challenges but talking about corruption and assure you know supply and demand of how the drug is consumed as the cows from the u. S. To the border. That is a very valid point and i dont talk about it because i am limited and you are right. The first as always been true for cocaine and that remains the case but the other reality be racing many nations have become more prosperous with the problem in that regard so now were facing the soviet crisis as part of the appropriations rule funding for programs which often begins with medical prescription but the fact of the matter is that is as clear as it could beat if you are addicted to break free from that absence medical intervention is almost none and the problem is those resources dont exist. Try to go from those ground up people become addicted and wind up in the emergency room in to get back out on the street to pay them 67 times a week for overdosing so to redress that absolutely. And this is important but is an issue cutoff one substance there is an ongoing challenge moving forward but i did neglect to mention that and it is the big party that is the demand side. And now sadly as nations become more prosperous they will see the uptick consumption. You are absolutely right to point that out. So with that humanitarian disaster the unfolding of this is uncertain. Into take resources. But then to explain to my colleagues in venezuela because the traditional issue you as a government in power and Civil Society but the issue in venezuela is different with the National Assembly by the people even that is rampant fraud canceled by the people. To say im cutting off funding we will not pay salaries to have no money for pens or paper and we will ignore the National Assembly. That is the state of affairs then with those that remain we will have the reports my side and then to invite a foreign power to take over your intelligence gathering in passport operations because in some ways dont trust your own people to do that when push comes to shove. That is the situation we now face proposal those demands of that opposition is very simple under the constitution will those elections with those signatures knees to be a president ial recall and all that election and then the that is being ignored. So to see them take leadership on this one of the most uplifting experiences columbia, stanford and a groan number of nations to talk about the humanitarian crisis in with to be available in with venezuela given the disaster they face and what that means is to help the people in venezuela that will be difficult to be successful after an election or transition and that is what i wanted to be a i perfervid to be any other way. Mattis with better than venezuela at the of box. Of those not confronted that weve been treaty bin further problems so i think it has the inability to help the allies in the region. To face significant challenges in the implementation of the peace plan and all the others of the cartels have emerged of the areas of the park and a lasting brazil needs is the challenge of the migratory pressure so to authorize the money to go out and make sure it is a place. Visit is an important moment and i have been pleasantly surprised despite their political views about the current industry shin, i will say i have received multiple reports to ask about venezuela. But its good news. Beyond the white house and to the state department and National Security council to give it there regional importance that it deserves. That is what i am working on but i think the most Promising Development that i think and those to stand up and to have a greater impact from the things that we have done. One of the best ways to create stronger ties with the allies in the region is how we think together with those projects of joint interest venezuela should be one of them a promising exercise in that regard as well. [applause]. [applause] russias foreign minister and moscows controversial ambassador into the oval office for a friendly meeting to discuss improving relations between there two countries. The story is far from signs of tension in the awkward timing. Trump was seen laughing with there foreign ambassador whose contact with former National Security advisor, michael flynn, let to flynns ousting and were the subject of a dramatic hearing on capitol hill on monday. Now, a look at secretary of state Rex Tillersons meeting with russias foreign minister, sergey lavrov. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you very much. I want to welcome foreign minister lavrov to the state department and express appreciation for him making the trip to washington so we can continue our dialogue that began in moscow with the dialogue he hosted on a very broad range of topics. Thank you. Does the comey shadowing what did you say . [inaudible questions from audience] foreign minister lavrov held a News Conference following meeting with President Trump and

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